richmond climax (richmond, ky. : 1897). (richmond, ky...

The Richmond Climax 1 c CHBNAULTmPresldent AD MILLEB Manager lOBT 8 CROWEmEdltor WEDNESDAY MAR 11 1903 FCBLUUXD XT CRY VTBDNK311AY BY Tho Climax Printing Co Incorporat- edDEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE HON J M BENTON Or Clark County FOR COMMON HEALTHS ATTORNEY lION B A CRUTCHER- Of Jesiamine County FOR CIRCUIT COURT CLERK ROY C WHITE- lnnounccments We are authorized to announce F J PER KINHof Baldwin a candidate for Jailer of Madison county subject to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce D C O lIQOS u a candidate for Jailer of Madison County anbject to the action of the Demo ¬ cratic party IOn COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE We are authorized to anncunce the name of Mr T T HEDGER of Scott county aa s candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture niihlect to the action of the Democratic party Primary May 9 1903 IT is well to remind all voters before a primary that the first essential to success of a party is entire harmony within the party itself Re- member ¬ the old story of the bundle of sticksas long as tle bundle remained intact it could not be broken but was destroyed immediately upon its disseverance We mutual ¬ ly agree to submit the selec ¬ tion of candidates toa primary Bafore said election we are all to do all we can in behalf of our favorites But when the see lection is made then the choice of the party becomes our choice The inclination to get sour because we did not get what we wanted is puerile and- i unworthy a true partyman Let us go into the primary in the best of spirit and comeout of it in the same spirit We are not looking for disaffec ¬ tion as the outcome of the coming election but this word is for the help of any individuals who may feel aggrieved over theconsequen cesTHE last conspicuous ape pearance of Senator Vest in the councils of the country was when in spite of pain and disease he made in the inter ¬ est of the masses of the people sin eloquent and effective plea for repeal of the coal taxes If he had done noth- ing ¬ else for the cause of Dem ¬ ocracy in his brilliant career this alone would be enough to link his name with that of the other great Missouri Demo crat and statesman Thomas II Benton His public career- i closed but he has left an example of true Democracy in the Senate which will not be lost upon those who follow mLexingtonDemocrat Fifteen of the 357 members of the lower branch of the re ¬ cent 57th Congress died dur ¬ ing their twoyear term Whether this extraordinary mortality rate was caused by overwork or underpay is one of the many things that no fellow can find out Times LI CiFiBrowerCo LEXINGTON KY Spring Specialties In Artistic- Wall Paper Effective and expensive are these charming new papers They fill every requirement of style and service New Colors in Plain Papers New Mouldings Best Workmen- Let us make an estimate of on your work C1F1BrowerCo MAIN AND BROADWAf LEXINGTON ICY- stir < r I J IN an opinion delivered last week in a suit of Lockhard against the Asher Lumber Company United States Judge Cochran declared to be void all patents on Kentucky lands which include more than two hundred acres The de ¬ cision is of much importance The patent declared void was for 40000 acres of land in Harlan county This looks like it opens the way for end ¬ less litigation Work will this week be be ¬ gun on the new Connecticut Uncle Sams biggest battle ¬ ship All the work will be done by the government and the results will be watched with unusual interest as since the days of the old wooden war vessels the work has been done by private contract DURING the two sessions of the Fiftyseventh Congress 18420 bills andresolutions were introduced in the House and 3430 of these were acted on VALLEY VIEW From the Argent Win Wilson was quito sick tho past weekW J Roberts of Frankfort was here this week Rev Saunders will fill his appoint ¬ ment at Siloam Methodist church sec ¬ ond Sunday The big tide in the river tho past week brought down several thousand more logs for the sawmills at this place Mr Elza Perkins contemplates go- ing west in the early spring provided be disposes of his farm near Baldwin Ernest Xorthcult of Nicholasville has accepted a position as salesman in tIll Kentucky River Poplar Cod store Mr and Mrs B K Jeffries ol Chi cjro were here the past week Mr Jell iue id one of the proprietors of the Kentucky River Poplar Co sawmill plant at this place There are several raftuien in town aud a great many more aro expected on the receding tide Parties from Louisville Frankfort and other down theriver points aro here to buy rafted timberThe few cases of smallpox which gave our people a scare several weeks ago and which were promptly quarantined the time are all well and the quaran- tine ¬ has been raised There was never any danger of coming in contact with the disease aud no one need fear corn ing to our tovi on account of smallpox Democratic Committee 9 The Democratic County Committee is called to meet Saturday March 21 to make arrangements for holding the primary in Madison county It is hoped if possible that the primary may be held with ¬ out cost NEWBY Miss Mabel Tudor has gone to Som erset where she will attend school Mrs James Prather and daughters Misses Bessie and Eunice of Edemon visited her daughter Mrs Elvada Tudor from Friday until Monday Miss Rose Ballard of Kingston and Miss Lucy Williams of Ruthton vis- ited ¬ Miss Sallie Whittaker last week Miss Belle Holman entertained a few friends at her home Wednesday nightMiss Elmer Million is teaching a private school at her home near this placeMrs Minnie Runyon began So select school at her home recently Mrs Elizabeth Heathman is on the sick list Mr and Mrs Elvada Tudor and daughter Miss Gertrude went to town Tuesday to see Mrs Tudors brothers who were leaving for the far west Miss Belle Holman has as her guest Miss Myrtle Williams Miss Maggie West has entered the Secrest Normal School at Kirksville The little daughter of Mr and Mrs Clinten GriggR is yery sick with fever Miss Beulah Million has returned from a moat delightful visit to relatives in Richmond KIRKS VILLE Rev C B Ratchford is on the sick listMrs D ii Willis has returned from a months visit to her daughters in North Carolina and Texas much improved in health She was accompanied home by her soninlaw A B McMurray Mr McMurray left for home in North Call olina Thursday He made a flying vlsi to Stanford on his way home Mrs Joe Simmons is quite ill of pneumonia at this writing Miss Christine Bradley was the cen- ter ¬ of attraction at Shepherds hall Fri ¬ day night when she took a prominent part in The Last Loaf 1Miss Belle Burnslde Kirksvliles music teacher was at Shep ¬ herds hall Friday night Miss Bathe Ross entered the Secrett Normal College Monday last W P Prewitt our clever suction eer is quite sick and confined to his room with lagrippe The greatest attraction of the season was the delightful play The Last Loaf given by Lancaster people at Shepherds hall Friday night The crowd was good in spite of the bad weather and it was pronounced the best play given here this season The few pretty days put the farmers In the notion of gardening tint the rain has ruined the prospects for the presentLookout for the Lancaster troupe again They were EO well pleased with our magnScent ba land the audience Loafthat them repeat the performance Hews this We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can ¬ not bp cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Toledo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last IB yeais and allbuid madeby lgjli8tsToledo OhioHalls inter ¬ nally acting directly upon the blood vstemTestinonials bottte Sold by aU DfBjwwtg RllhmilyPilI re tfa feJt 1m ft HADISOITS RESOURCES Capital it Last Attracted to the Wealth of Waco Fields The great and historic county of MadleoQ is certainly destined to be the land of unbounded possibilities In the eastern end of the county embracing the entire north end of Waco voting precinct and extending between Mud ¬ dy and Drowning creeks is n wellde ¬ fined geological medley including an inexhaustible deposits of various clays ochres red yellow and brown and all kinds of sienna earth barites and what is deemed to be phosphate rock and if the alleged shale is genuine we can supply tilt United States in Portland cement Great slabs of iron ore are on the surface as large as barn doors chunks of lead have been picked up 95 per cent pure lead Alleged fluor spar exists in abundance Some of the veins of clay are forty teet thick and veins of white glass sand 100 per cent pure silica ro thick that it can be mined with the steam shovel if systematically worked Old salt wells mineral springs faults anticlines gas and oil abound There must have been a great upheaval here in the past N Salt was manufactured hero in the first part of the nineteenth century Stoneware and pottery have been man- ufactured ¬ since 181520 and the clay can hardly be missed It is a plain business proposition that there is enough of this clay and sand alone in sight if properly developed to vastly increase the wealth of this county Madison countys capital should be in ¬ vested in developing home resources from which there can he no doubt as to the returns Two or three different clays have re- cently ¬ been assayed by experts and pronounced to be worth 20 per ton in the ground This is undoubtedly the enchanted garden where two feet be ¬ low a hill of watermelons the poor huckster finds another farm worth from 3000 to 5000 per acre From time to time in the past some enter prising citizens realizing the value of these vast deposits have attempted to develop this valuable territory but after a trial would give up in despair because they mot with no encourage- ment ¬ from the landowners The last company formed to develop this territory Had fair prospects of suc ¬ cess but owing to dissensions caused by the location of a railroad then being built from Richmond to Irvine it aban- doned the project except C L Searcy who had so much faith in the future of this section that he erected a draintile and brick factory on the railroad and manufactured a superior draintile and brick He readily sold all that ho could make Two years since he began in conjunction with J E Donaldson to manufacture the Donaldson patent clay shingle or tileroofing which has proveda greater success They have covered a great many flno residences clurcbee etc in the cities and cannot begin to fill their orders now These shingles turn a beautiful red from one clay and white from another- It is only a matter of a short time when this tile roof will be universally used It is about as cheap as any roof and will last forever requiring no paint or repairs This industry alone would Justify the erection of a halfmillion dollar plant In this county and be highly profitable to the company The tile and shingle plant of Mr Searcys attracted the attention of our neighbor city of Lexington and some oi her moet enterprising business men some months since purchased the plant ond incorporated a large stock Company Alter the purchase they went quietly to work and practically own all the clay and oil land in the county by lease or purchase They have land that has a vein of block clay 10 to 40 it thick and very valuable They own a large deposit of china clay or kaolin that will make pottery or any kind of queeusware or works of art They have clay that will make sewsr pipe pressed brick vitrified brick in fact everything that can be made of clay Clay is more readily converted into value than any of natures prod ¬ ucts Tho thickness of the vein of white glass sand has never been found owing to the water rising but when properly drained this sand can be mined with ease and glass works will probably be located here Tho company owns the rightofway for a railroad from the present plant to the Kentucky river and lies the choice of two routes It is tho intention to build this road right away A large plant for manufactur jug vitrified and pressed brick will be erected this season and plans are now under way for a sewer pipe and pottery factory on the line of the proposed rail ¬ road In addition to the massive and val ¬ uable deposit of clays sands ochres umber sienna oxide of iron and what is deemed by experts to be ricn deposits of phosphate rock asphalt fluorspar barites cementrock lime lead and zinc all of which are so to speak in plain view the company owns anti controls as good oil prospects as can be found in the State Muddy creek from a point near J F Wagers land north to and including O W Hisles farm thence to the mouth of Drowning creek bounds what is known as prowen ter- ritory ¬ Every oil map in the country for years has Muddy creek marked as an oil territory Seven or eight well have ben drilled here and oil was struck every time Oil has been run ¬ thug out of the ground in twenty or more places for years It bubbles up in the streams and the rocks are satu ¬ rated with it The company recently began to drill on Jesse Cobbs farm and as soon as the weather opens the entire territory will be covered Every dollar realized from the sale of stock is to be used in developing this valable property No officer of the company receives any salary Par ¬ ties desiring to find out the status and prospects of the company with a view to investing can write cr visit lion Charles Kerr Lexington Ky the secretary of the company This coin ¬ pany hopes to add thousands of dollars countybyerectlng ploymeatto many men as well ns inaK j inh good money for all the stock hold ers We always vish any enterprising citizens success and believe this com ¬ apl1know river within a few years enormous manufactures would result We dont see anything to keep our Kentuckians back wh in they go at anything in a business way Working Overtime Eightl1ourhtwa are ignored by those NewLife night and day curing indigestion bill oneness constipation sick headache and all stomach liver and bowel troub ¬ 25o les at nlyljHJog + + + + t + + + t- tlo SPECIAL + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + ++ + Hives are a terriblo torment to the little folks and to some older ones Easily cured Doans Oiutmept never falls Instant relief permanent cure At an v drut store 50u lin D B Shaekelford < Co have con tracted with the Miller R F Co for the sale of their Ranges in Madison county tf A dose in time saves lives Dr Woods Norway Eine Syrup natures remedy for coughs colds pulmonary fii senses of every sort 1m I Estrar A black hog weight 300 penn is came to my house ono month ago Owner can have same by proving and paying charges EH Wagers Panola Ky Now Oil Company The OwsleyClay Oil Company of Madison county organized in the de ¬ partment of the Secretary of State Mon ¬ thy It has a capital stock of 25000 and Rev II G Turner Messrs BR Burnam II C II Covington A D McKinney of this city and Rev P0 Eversole ot Perryville are the incor- porators BEREA From the Citizen- J F Hawkins is enlarging his gro ¬ cery building on Depot street Prof J W Dinsmore was recently elected a director of the Berea Bank- ing ¬ Co Rev Wills of Clark county filled tho pulpit at the Baptist church of Berea morning and evening Sunday- T H Horton Chestnut street is out again after being confined to the house for two weeks with throat trouble The term just closed registered the high water mark both in attendance and in quality acd amount of work acc- omplished The registration reached 830 for the term or 50 more than any preceeding term im the history of the collegeA department social was held Tuesday night at the Parish House Besides the usual social enjoyments a firstclass literary program was ren ¬ dered which showed that tho normal department does not want for literary ability A bold attempt at robbery was made Tuesday night when thieves crushed in the front window of Preston Cos grocery in order to affect an entrance into the store Lewis Johnson who lives in the rear of the store hoard the noise surmised whit was the trouble and decided to make somebody hard to catch As he came to the front of thestore the thieves took to their heels but managed to get away withsome canned fruit syrup and a basket of ap- ples ¬ which had been placed in the window tor disp- layoii11 S al W R Logan Assignee of the Ky Citizens B k L Assn Pit against BW Turner c Dfts Notice of Sale in Equity By virtue of a Judgment and Order of Sale of the Madison Circuit Court ren- dered ¬ at the January Term thereof 1003 in the above style cause the un ¬ dersign ed will on Thursday March 26 1903 between the hours of 11 oclock a m and 12 oclock m at the Court House door in Richmond Madison county Kyproceed to expose to Pub- lic ¬ Sale to the highest and best bidder the following described property viz Onehalfof One House or the east half of a double brick house situated on the north side of Main St In Richmond Ky fronting oh Main Street S7 feet six inches to line of K Walker thence running from Main strict with Walkers lino 300 feet to alley thence with alley in u wistarly course Ol feet G inches to corner of lot lormerly owned by N B Dcatherago thence with Deathurages line to Main street the point of beginning Or a sufficient quantity thereof to produce the sum of1374 53 the amount ot money so ordered to bemade and the cost hereo- frEaMSSale will be made on a credit of six and twelve months equal- ly ¬ The purchaser will bo required to give bond with approved security for the payment of the purchase money to have the force and effect of a Judg ¬ ment bearing legal interest from day of sale with a Lien reserved upon said property until all the purchase money is paid S E SCOTT M C M C C Dmmi iDn rS al JohnPMooree Pills against V P Baxter c Dfts Notice of Sale in Equity By virtue ofa Judgment and Orderof Sale of the Madison Circuit Court ren- dered ¬ at the January Term thereof 1003 in the above style cause the un ¬ dersigned will on Monday1April 6 03 About the hour ol 1 oclock p m at the Court House door in Richmond Madison county Ky being April County Court Day proceed to expose to Public Srlc to the highest and best bidder the following described pro- perty vizAll That Certain Lot or Parcel of Land situated in Rich ¬ mond Madison county Ky at thocor ner of B and Walnut streets the same being bounded onthp north by J W Prather on the south by Walnut street on the east bylot of J H Iowelland on the west by B street and said lot being more fully described in Deed Book No 40 page 288 of the Madison County Court Clerks office to which reference Is hereby made Said lot fronts 50 feet and runs back of equal width 180 feet Or a sufficient quantity < thereof to produce the snmof 1295 43 the amount of money so ordered to be made and the costs horeo- frEBlJSSale will be made on a equally ¬ give bonds with approved security for moneytoliavc ment bearing lejrnl interest from day ol sale YiUa Lien reserved upon said neY1Is ox O is directed to the class pf Fresh and Cured Meats eirrid by the Main street butchers The mail or ¬ del business of this firm has growh to such propor ¬ tions that we are now making a specialty of our Wholesale Department Our constant endeavor is to please our patrons and to do this we slaughter only the best cattle sheep and hogs that can be pro ¬ cured Our stock of Cured Meats is purchased with lie greatest care and has always given perfect satisfaction We carry Vegetables Fishand Oys ters ii seasons We also wish to purchase your Hides Tallow Butter Eggs and other Produce and guarantee in every instance to pay the highest prices the market affords Give us a trial and we will prove our sin- cerity ¬ to serve you promptlyand reliably Douglas Culton Wholesale and Retail Butchers Richmond KyI It you love your wife buy her a gas range I Range is sold at U2 down and 1 per month till paid for Gas is cheaper than coal No dirt no heat no smoke A gas range settles the cook problem- A gas arc lamr will Rive you 700 candle power light for 2 cts per hour We will put thieVe lamps in on trial satisfaction guaranteed RICHMOND WATER If LIGHT Co A household necessity Dr Thomas Electric Oil heals hums cuts wounds of any sort cures sore throat croup catarrh asthma never fails liri We see that 1KB Shackelford Gos customers have made him put in a big stock of Millers Ranges They try to get what people will have tf Military Land Warrants 500 paid persons telling who lies one whether I buy or not R K Kelley feb ilirn Kansas City Mo Dr Hobson dentist next door to Government building v tf RichmondfKy L R Blanton has received a car load of Northern Seed Oats Stops tho Ceush ann Works off tho Ccfd Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cent PROF EDWARD L 1IIELPS M D LLD Greatest of All Physicians Eminent Discoverer of PAINES CELERY COMPOUND Prof Edward E Phelps M D LL D was born in Connecticut and graduated at Yale Ills unusual talent soon brought him reputa- tion ¬ arid prominence First he was elected to the professorship of anatomy and surgery in the Vermont University Next he was ap- pointed ¬ lecturer in Dcrtmonth College The following year he was chosen to the most important professorship in the country a he occupid when he made his worldfamed discovery of Paines Celery Com¬ poundThis infallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood has endeared the great doctor to the world = r fl DIAMOND DYES COLOR AXYTIUJTO ANY COLOR Dresses cloaks suits ribbons coats feathers stockingseverything wearable Diamond Dyes makoto look like new We bare a special depatment of advice and will answer ftpe any questions about dyeing Send eample of gouda when Direction book and 15 dyed samples free DIAMOND DraB Burlington Vt n A Brands TO CUES A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money lilt fails to cure E W Groves signature a on each box 25 cents Meat dishes 10 cents each one half gallon buckets 5 cents each coffee 10 cent per pound TEN CENT STORE Next door to Government Bldg I owe cry whole life to Blood Bitters scrofulous sores cov ered my body seemed beyond cure BUB has made me a perfectly well woman Mrs Hutton Ber ville Mich 1m Corn Wanted We wish to buy delivered at Silver Creek Ky several thousand barrels of corn BENNETT La Bno S 1S FIRM Having purchased the livery business of Lyman Parrish I will continue the business at the same stand and invite my friends and the public to call and see me when in need of anything in this line Will make a specialty of Moving PianosFurniture Etc and guarantee to please my patrons at all times Elmer ParrishSucc- essor to Lyman Parrish Cor Third k Irvine Phone 32 KY llmarSm GRIt ND C Frida AND Saturday ICiilgCole March 13 and 14 I lISTON MILL CO Merchant and Toll Mills Flour Feed and Shipstuff at the lowest prices + + + + + + + Eliston Patent Natural Product Belle of Madison Muddy Creek e French Burr Water MeaL Your Trade Solicited I Elision Mill Company WACO t KY CHOCTAW OKLAHOMA GULF RR Combines the Advantages of Eastern Service With the Opportunities of a WEjSTERNCOUNTRY MemphIS OLittle Rock Hot Springs Indian and Oklahoma Territories Texas Col ¬ orado New Mexico Arizona Old Hioxico and the Pacific Coast II J RocKlsianH System 1 nr Burdock Charles BunNAM RICHMOND WIDE VESTIBULED TRAINSII IIr I FREE RECLIMINft CHAIBJ CAni A1U = 0 1 LUGILE PETTICOATS This season we fell perfectly safe in declaring that never before have W shown such an assortment of mercerized Sateen Petticoats as we now plac h fore your critICalview It is a much larger and stronger aggregation than h geriNovelties tj ilVfTIrby same goods kETYDURWNEYES 1 BE THE JUDGE I1 I 1 OWEN McKEE Cor Main and First RICHMOND KENTUCKY IQo LADIES Made of puler yarn spendid weight fleece tape drawn neck and tied in 11il front 25 cents each Oneita glovefitting Union Suits 49 cents Childrens Misses and Boys Union Suits 25 and 49 cents Infants Vests and Wrappers 18 25 and 49 cents Childrens Casimere Hose in pink blue white and cardinal 25 cent Call in and see our extensive line of staple and fancy goods DR HOBSON For Mayor of the City of Richmond tor Rent Our Store house bulB ft rwo storys and basement 203 Main ttrees Richmond Ky Very best location in city suitable for any kind of business lately remodeled Call on or address dec lA1f John G Taylor Son OLD JOE WHISKY Hand made Sour Mash Every drop guaran 4teed to be pure It is of old style manu ¬ facture No- BETTER can be for foundI poses You want the best Furnished Strictly to Family Trade 10 vear old in jugs SiOO per gallon 10 bottles S3 5I IIjus 250 10 4 I bottles 3 2 IIjltJs S210 Orders promptly filled PropOltI lrcBraJ er novlyr Anderson county Ky UNION SUITS OWEN McKEE R H Humphreys Having bought Higgins Ellis Grocery and am put ¬ ting in a fresh stockevery day I cordially invite you to call t I SR H Humphreys PHONE NO 31 A Few Pacts I Spring is Almost Here You will want new Dress Goods If you will give us a cal we will show you the prettiest line of Shirt Waist Goods In white in black and in colors 10 Also a complete line Etamines Crepes and soft wool goods for early spring wea A gorgeous assortment of Hamburgs Swisses and Laces i Silks until tnere is no end of Silks Give us a call White < Gibson Corner Main and Second Rice Arnold Headquarters for all the new styles in Shoes Hats and Mens Furnishings Call and see our New Spring Goods

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  • The Richmond Climax

    1 c CHBNAULTmPresldentAD MILLEB ManagerlOBT 8 CROWEmEdltorWEDNESDAY MAR 11 1903


    Tho Climax Printing CoIncorporat-



    HON J M BENTONOr Clark County


    lION B A CRUTCHER-Of Jesiamine County



    lnnounccmentsWe are authorized to announce F J PER

    KINHof Baldwin a candidate for Jailer ofMadison county subject to the action of theDemocratic party

    We are authorized to announce D CO lIQOS u a candidate for Jailer of MadisonCounty anbject to the action of the Demo ¬cratic party

    IOn COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTUREWe are authorized to anncunce the name

    of Mr T T HEDGER of Scott county aa scandidate for Commissioner of Agricultureniihlect to the action of the Democratic partyPrimary May 9 1903

    IT is well to remind allvoters before a primary thatthe first essential to successof a party is entire harmonywithin the party itself Re-member


    the old story of thebundle of sticksas long astle bundle remained intact itcould not be broken but wasdestroyed immediately uponits disseverance We mutual ¬ly agree to submit the selec ¬tion of candidates toa primaryBafore said election we are allto do all we can in behalf of ourfavorites But when the seelection is made then the choiceof the party becomes ourchoice The inclination to getsour because we did not getwhat we wanted is puerile and-i unworthy a true partymanLet us go into the primary inthe best of spirit and comeoutof it in the same spirit Weare not looking for disaffec ¬tion as the outcome of thecoming election but thisword is for the help of anyindividuals who may feelaggrieved over theconsequen

    cesTHElast conspicuous ape

    pearance of Senator Vest inthe councils of the countrywas when in spite of pain anddisease he made in the inter ¬est of the masses of the peoplesin eloquent and effectiveplea for repeal of the coaltaxes If he had done noth-ing


    else for the cause of Dem ¬ocracy in his brilliant careerthis alone would be enough tolink his name with that of theother great Missouri Democrat and statesman ThomasII Benton His public career-i closed but he has left anexample of true Democracyin the Senate which will notbe lost upon those who followmLexingtonDemocrat

    Fifteen of the 357 membersof the lower branch of the re ¬cent 57th Congress died dur ¬ing their twoyear termWhether this extraordinarymortality rate was caused byoverwork or underpay is oneof the many things that nofellow can find out Times


    Spring SpecialtiesIn


    Wall PaperEffective and expensiveare these charming newpapers They fill everyrequirement of style andservice

    New Colors in PlainPapers

    New MouldingsBest Workmen-

    Let us make an estimateof on your work



    < r

    I J

    IN an opinion delivered lastweek in a suit of Lockhardagainst the Asher LumberCompany United StatesJudge Cochran declared to bevoid all patents on Kentuckylands which include more thantwo hundred acres The de ¬cision is of much importanceThe patent declared void wasfor 40000 acres of land inHarlan county This lookslike it opens the way for end ¬less litigation

    Work will this week be be ¬gun on the new ConnecticutUncle Sams biggest battle ¬ship All the work will bedone by the government andthe results will be watchedwith unusual interest as sincethe days of the old woodenwar vessels the work has beendone by private contract

    DURING the two sessions ofthe Fiftyseventh Congress18420 bills andresolutionswere introduced in the Houseand 3430 of these were actedon


    From the ArgentWin Wilson was quito sick tho past

    weekWJ Roberts of Frankfort was here

    this weekRev Saunders will fill his appoint ¬

    ment at Siloam Methodist church sec ¬ond Sunday

    The big tide in the river tho pastweek brought down several thousandmore logs for the sawmills at this place

    Mr Elza Perkins contemplates go-ing west in the early spring providedbe disposes of his farm near Baldwin

    Ernest Xorthcult of Nicholasvillehas accepted a position as salesman intIll Kentucky River Poplar Cod store

    Mr and Mrs B K Jeffries ol Chicjro were here the past week MrJell iue id one of the proprietors of theKentucky River Poplar Co sawmillplant at this place

    There are several raftuien in townaud a great many more aro expectedon the receding tide Parties fromLouisville Frankfort and other downtheriver points aro here to buy raftedtimberThe

    few cases of smallpox which gaveour people a scare several weeks agoand which were promptly quarantinedthe time are all well and the quaran-tine


    has been raised There was neverany danger of coming in contact withthe disease aud no one need fear corning to our tovi on account of smallpox

    Democratic Committee9

    The Democratic CountyCommittee is called to meetSaturday March 21 to makearrangements for holding theprimary in Madison countyIt is hoped if possible thatthe primary may be held with ¬out cost

    NEWBYMiss Mabel Tudor has gone to Som

    erset where she will attend schoolMrs James Prather and daughters

    Misses Bessie and Eunice of Edemonvisited her daughter Mrs ElvadaTudor from Friday until Monday

    Miss Rose Ballard of Kingston andMiss Lucy Williams of Ruthton vis-ited


    Miss Sallie Whittaker last weekMiss Belle Holman entertained a

    few friends at her home WednesdaynightMiss

    Elmer Million is teaching aprivate school at her home near thisplaceMrs

    Minnie Runyon began So selectschool at her home recently

    Mrs Elizabeth Heathman is on thesick list

    Mr and Mrs Elvada Tudor anddaughter Miss Gertrude went to townTuesday to see Mrs Tudors brotherswho were leaving for the far west

    Miss Belle Holman has as her guestMiss Myrtle Williams

    Miss Maggie West has entered theSecrest Normal School at Kirksville

    The little daughter of Mr and MrsClinten GriggR is yery sick with fever

    Miss Beulah Million has returnedfrom a moat delightful visit to relativesin Richmond

    KIRKS VILLERev C B Ratchford is on the sick

    listMrsD ii Willis has returned from a

    months visit to her daughters in NorthCarolina and Texas much improved inhealth She was accompanied home byher soninlaw A B McMurray MrMcMurray left for home in North Callolina Thursday He made a flying vlsito Stanford on his way home

    Mrs Joe Simmons is quite ill ofpneumonia at this writing

    Miss Christine Bradley was the cen-ter


    of attraction at Shepherds hall Fri¬day night when she took a prominentpart in The Last Loaf

    1Miss Belle Burnslde Kirksvlilesmusic teacher was at Shep ¬

    herds hall Friday nightMiss Bathe Ross entered the Secrett

    Normal College Monday lastW P Prewitt our clever suction

    eer is quite sick and confined to hisroom with lagrippe

    The greatest attraction of the seasonwas the delightful play The LastLoaf given by Lancaster people atShepherds hall Friday night Thecrowd was good in spite of the badweather and it was pronounced thebest play given here this season

    The few pretty days put the farmersIn the notion of gardening tint therain has ruined the prospects for thepresentLookout

    for the Lancaster troupeagain They were EO well pleased withour magnScent baland the audienceLoafthatthem repeat the performance

    Hews thisWe offer One Hundred Dollars Re-

    ward for any case of Catarrh that can ¬not bp cured by Halls Catarrh Cure

    F J CHENEY CO Toledo O-We the undersigned have known F

    J Cheney for the last IB yeais andallbuidmadebylgjli8tsToledoOhioHalls inter¬nally acting directly upon the blood

    vstemTestinonialsbottte Sold by aU DfBjwwtg

    RllhmilyPilI re tfa feJt 1mft


    Capital it Last Attracted to the Wealth ofWaco Fields

    The great and historic county ofMadleoQ is certainly destined to be theland of unbounded possibilities In theeastern end of the county embracingthe entire north end of Waco votingprecinct and extending between Mud ¬dy and Drowning creeks is n wellde ¬fined geological medley including aninexhaustible deposits of various claysochres red yellow and brown and allkinds of sienna earth barites and whatis deemed to be phosphate rock and ifthe alleged shale is genuine we cansupply tilt United States in Portlandcement Great slabs of iron ore are onthe surface as large as barn doorschunks of lead have been picked up 95per cent pure lead Alleged fluor sparexists in abundance Some of the veinsof clay are forty teet thick and veinsof white glass sand 100 per cent puresilica ro thick that it can be minedwith the steam shovel if systematicallyworked Old salt wells mineral springsfaults anticlines gas and oil aboundThere must have been a great upheavalhere in the past N

    Salt was manufactured hero in thefirst part of the nineteenth centuryStoneware and pottery have been man-ufactured


    since 181520 and the claycan hardly be missed It is a plainbusiness proposition that there isenough of this clay and sand alone insight if properly developed to vastlyincrease the wealth of this countyMadison countys capital should be in¬vested in developing home resourcesfrom which there can he no doubt as tothe returns

    Two or three different clays have re-cently


    been assayed by experts andpronounced to be worth 20 per ton inthe ground This is undoubtedly theenchanted garden where two feet be¬low a hill of watermelons the poorhuckster finds another farm worthfrom 3000 to 5000 per acre Fromtime to time in the past some enterprising citizens realizing the value ofthese vast deposits have attempted todevelop this valuable territory butafter a trial would give up in despairbecause they mot with no encourage-ment


    from the landownersThe last company formed to develop

    this territory Had fair prospects of suc ¬cess but owing to dissensions causedby the location of a railroad then beingbuilt from Richmond to Irvine it aban-doned the project except C L Searcywho had so much faith in the future ofthis section that he erected a draintileand brick factory on the railroad andmanufactured a superior draintile andbrick He readily sold all that hocould make Two years since he beganin conjunction with J E Donaldson tomanufacture the Donaldson patent clayshingle or tileroofing which hasproveda greater success They havecovered a great many flno residencesclurcbee etc in the cities and cannotbegin to fill their orders now Theseshingles turn a beautiful red from oneclay and white from another-

    It is only a matter of a short timewhen this tile roof will be universallyused It is about as cheap as any roofand will last forever requiring no paintor repairs This industry alone wouldJustify the erection of a halfmilliondollar plant In this county and behighly profitable to the company

    The tile and shingle plant of MrSearcys attracted the attention of ourneighbor city of Lexington and someoi her moet enterprising business mensome months since purchased theplant ond incorporated a large stockCompany Alter the purchase theywent quietly to work and practicallyown all the clay and oil land in thecounty by lease or purchase Theyhave land that has a vein of block clay10 to 40 it thick and very valuableThey own a large deposit of china clayor kaolin that will make pottery or anykind of queeusware or works of artThey have clay that will make sewsrpipe pressed brick vitrified brick infact everything that can be made ofclay Clay is more readily convertedinto value than any of natures prod ¬ucts

    Tho thickness of the vein of whiteglass sand has never been found owingto the water rising but when properlydrained this sand can be mined withease and glass works will probably belocated here Tho company owns therightofway for a railroad from thepresent plant to the Kentucky riverand lies the choice of two routes It istho intention to build this road rightaway A large plant for manufacturjug vitrified and pressed brick will beerected this season and plans are nowunder way for a sewer pipe and potteryfactory on the line of the proposed rail ¬road

    In addition to the massive and val ¬uable deposit of clays sands ochresumber sienna oxide of iron and whatis deemed by experts to be ricn depositsof phosphate rock asphalt fluorsparbarites cementrock lime lead andzinc all of which are so to speak inplain view the company owns anticontrols as good oil prospects as can befound in the State Muddy creek froma point near J F Wagers land northto and including O W Hisles farmthence to the mouth of Drowning creekbounds what is known as prowen ter-ritory


    Every oil map in the countryfor years has Muddy creek marked asan oil territory Seven or eight wellhave ben drilled here and oil wasstruck every time Oil has been run ¬thug out of the ground in twenty ormore places for years It bubbles upin the streams and the rocks are satu ¬rated with it The company recentlybegan to drill on Jesse Cobbs farmand as soon as the weather opens theentire territory will be covered

    Every dollar realized from the saleof stock is to be used in developingthis valable property No officer ofthe company receives any salary Par ¬ties desiring to find out the status andprospects of the company with a viewto investing can write cr visit lionCharles Kerr Lexington Ky thesecretary of the company This coin¬pany hopes to add thousands of dollars

    countybyerectlngploymeatto many men as well ns inaK

    j inh good money for all the stock holders

    We always vish any enterprisingcitizens success and believe this com ¬apl1knowriver within a few years enormousmanufactures would result We dontsee anything to keep our Kentuckiansback wh in they go at anything in abusiness way

    Working OvertimeEightl1ourhtwa are ignored by thoseNewLifenight and day curing indigestion bill

    oneness constipation sick headacheand all stomach liver and bowel troub¬




    ++++t+++ t-tlo SPECIAL+ ++ ++++++++ +++++ +

    Hives are a terriblo torment to thelittle folks and to some older onesEasily cured Doans Oiutmept neverfalls Instant relief permanent cureAt an v drut store 50u lin

    D B Shaekelford < Co have contracted with the Miller R F Co forthe sale of their Ranges in Madisoncounty tf

    A dose in time saves lives DrWoods Norway Eine Syrup naturesremedy for coughs colds pulmonary fiisenses of every sort 1m


    A black hog weight 300 penn is cameto my house ono month ago Ownercan have same by proving and payingcharges E H Wagers

    Panola KyNow Oil Company

    The OwsleyClay Oil Company ofMadison county organized in the de ¬partment of the Secretary of State Mon¬thy It has a capital stock of 25000and Rev II G Turner Messrs B RBurnam II C II Covington A DMcKinney of this city and Rev P 0Eversole ot Perryville are the incor-porators


    From the Citizen-J F Hawkins is enlarging his gro ¬

    cery building on Depot streetProf J W Dinsmore was recently

    elected a director of the Berea Bank-ing



    Rev Wills of Clark county filledtho pulpit at the Baptist church ofBerea morning and evening Sunday-

    T H Horton Chestnut street is outagain after being confined to the housefor two weeks with throat trouble

    The term just closed registered thehigh water mark both in attendanceand in quality acd amount of work acc-omplished The registration reached830 for the term or 50 more than anypreceeding term im the history of thecollegeA

    department social was heldTuesday night at the Parish HouseBesides the usual social enjoyments afirstclass literary program was ren¬dered which showed that tho normaldepartment does not want for literaryability

    A bold attempt at robbery was madeTuesday night when thieves crushedin the front window of Preston Cosgrocery in order to affect an entranceinto the store Lewis Johnson wholives in the rear of the store hoard thenoise surmised whit was the troubleand decided to make somebody hardto catch As he came to the front ofthestore the thieves took to their heelsbut managed to get away withsomecanned fruit syrup and a basket of ap-ples


    which had been placed in thewindow tor disp-

    layoii11 S al

    W R Logan Assignee of theKy Citizens B k L Assn Pit

    againstB W Turner c Dfts

    Notice of Sale in EquityBy virtue of a Judgment and Order of

    Sale of the Madison Circuit Court ren-dered


    at the January Term thereof1003 in the above style cause the un ¬dersign ed will on

    Thursday March 261903 between the hours of 11 oclock am and 12 oclock m at the CourtHouse door in Richmond Madisoncounty Kyproceed to expose to Pub-lic


    Sale to the highest and best bidderthe following described property viz

    Onehalfof One Houseor the east half of a double brick housesituated on the north side of Main StIn Richmond Ky fronting oh MainStreet S7 feet six inches to line of KWalker thence running from Mainstrict with Walkers lino 300 feet toalley thence with alley in u wistarlycourse Ol feet G inches to corner of lotlormerly owned by N B Dcatheragothence with Deathurages line to Mainstreet the point of beginning

    Or a sufficient quantity thereof toproduce the sum of1374 53 the amountot money so ordered to bemade andthe cost hereo-

    frEaMSSale will be made on acredit of six and twelve months equal-ly


    The purchaser will bo required togive bond with approved security forthe payment of the purchase money tohave the force and effect of a Judg ¬ment bearing legal interest from day ofsale with a Lien reserved upon saidproperty until all the purchase moneyis paid


    Dmmi iDn rS al

    JohnPMooree Pillsagainst

    V P Baxter c DftsNotice of Sale in Equity

    By virtue ofa Judgment and OrderofSale of the Madison Circuit Court ren-dered


    at the January Term thereof1003 in the above style cause the un ¬dersigned will on

    Monday1April 6 03About the hour ol 1 oclock p m atthe Court House door in RichmondMadison county Ky being AprilCounty Court Day proceed to exposeto Public Srlc to the highest and bestbidder the following described pro-perty


    That Certain Lotor Parcel of Land situated in Rich ¬mond Madison county Ky at thocorner of B and Walnut streets the samebeing bounded onthp north by J WPrather on the south by Walnut streeton the east bylot of J H Iowellandon the west by B street and said lotbeing more fully described in DeedBook No 40 page 288 of the MadisonCounty Court Clerks office to whichreference Is hereby made Said lotfronts 50 feet and runs back of equalwidth 180 feet

    Or a sufficient quantity < thereof toproduce the snmof 1295 43 the amountof money so ordered to be made andthe costs horeo-

    frEBlJSSale will be made on aequally ¬give bonds with approved security formoneytoliavcment bearing lejrnl interest from day olsale YiUa Lien reserved upon said


    ox Ois directed to the class pf Fresh and Cured Meatseirrid by the Main street butchers The mail or¬del business of this firm has growh to such propor ¬tions that we are now making a specialty of ourWholesale Department Our constant endeavor isto please our patrons and to do this we slaughteronly the best cattle sheep and hogs that can be pro ¬cured Our stock of Cured Meats is purchasedwith lie greatest care and has always given perfectsatisfaction We carry Vegetables Fishand Oysters ii seasons

    We also wish to purchase your Hides TallowButter Eggs and other Produce and guarantee inevery instance to pay the highest prices the marketaffords Give us a trial and we will prove our sin-cerity


    to serve you promptlyand reliably

    Douglas CultonWholesale and Retail Butchers Richmond KyI

    It you love your wife buy her agas range I

    Range is sold at U2 down and 1 permonth till paid for

    Gas is cheaper than coalNo dirt no heat no smokeA gas range settles the cook problem-A gas arc lamr will Rive you 700

    candle power light for 2 cts per hourWe will put thieVe lamps in on trial

    satisfaction guaranteedRICHMOND WATER If LIGHT Co

    A household necessity Dr ThomasElectric Oil heals hums cuts woundsof any sort cures sore throat croupcatarrh asthma never fails liri

    We see that 1KB ShackelfordGos customers have made him putin a big stock of Millers Ranges Theytry to get what people will have tf

    Military Land Warrants

    500 paid persons telling who liesone whether I buy or not

    R K Kelleyfeb ilirn Kansas City MoDr Hobson dentist next door

    to Government building vtf RichmondfKy

    L R Blanton has receiveda car load of Northern SeedOatsStops tho Ceush ann Works off tho

    CcfdLaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets

    cure a cold in one day No cure nopay Price 25 cent


    Greatest of All Physicians

    Eminent Discoverer of


    Prof Edward E Phelps M D LL Dwas born in Connecticut and graduated atYale

    Ills unusual talent soon brought him reputa-tion


    arid prominence First he was elected tothe professorship of anatomy and surgery inthe Vermont University Next he was ap-pointed


    lecturer in Dcrtmonth College Thefollowing year he was chosen to the mostimportant professorship in the country a

    he occupid when he made hisworldfamed discovery of Paines Celery Com¬poundThis

    infallible cure for those fearful ills thatresult from an impaired nervous system andimpure blood has endeared the great doctorto the world

    = r flDIAMOND DYES

    COLOR AXYTIUJTO ANY COLORDresses cloaks suits ribbons coatsfeathers stockingseverything wearableDiamond Dyes makoto look like newWe bare a special depatment of advice and willanswer ftpe any questions about dyeing Sendeample of gouda when

    Direction book and 15 dyed samples freeDIAMOND DraB Burlington Vt

    n A


    TO CUES A COLD IN ONE DAYTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund the money liltfails to cure E W Groves signaturea on each box 25 cents

    Meat dishes 10 cents each onehalf gallon buckets 5 cents eachcoffee 10 cent per pound

    TEN CENT STORENext door to Government Bldg

    I owe cry whole life toBlood Bitters scrofulous sores covered my body seemed beyond cureBUB has made me a perfectly wellwoman Mrs Hutton Berville Mich 1m

    Corn Wanted

    We wish to buy delivered at SilverCreek Ky several thousand barrelsof corn

    BENNETT La Bno

    S 1SFIRMHaving purchased the liverybusiness of Lyman ParrishI will continue the businessat the same stand and invitemy friends and the public tocall and see me when in needof anything in this line Willmake a specialty of


    Etcand guarantee to please mypatrons at all times

    Elmer ParrishSucc-essor to Lyman Parrish

    Cor Third k Irvine Phone 32KY





    SaturdayICiilgCole March 13 and 14


    lISTON MILL COMerchant and Toll Mills FlourFeed and Shipstuff at the lowestprices + ++ + + + +

    Eliston Patent Natural Product

    Belle of Madison Muddy Creeke

    French Burr Water MeaLYour Trade Solicited

    I Elision Mill CompanyWACOt KY

    CHOCTAW OKLAHOMA GULF RRCombines the Advantages of

    Eastern ServiceWith the Opportunities of a

    WEjSTERNCOUNTRYMemphIS OLittle Rock Hot Springs Indian

    and Oklahoma Territories Texas Col ¬orado New Mexico Arizona Old

    Hioxico and the Pacific CoastII

    J RocKlsianH








    LUGILE PETTICOATSThis season we fell perfectly safe in declaring that never before have W

    shown such an assortment of mercerized Sateen Petticoats as we now plac hfore your critICalview It is a much larger and stronger aggregation than hgeriNovelties tjilVfTIrbysame goods


    I1 I 1



    LADIESMade of puler yarn spendid weight fleece tape drawn neck and tied in 11ilfront 25 cents each

    Oneita glovefitting Union Suits 49 centsChildrens Misses and Boys Union Suits 25 and 49 centsInfants Vests and Wrappers 18 25 and 49 centsChildrens Casimere Hose in pink blue white and cardinal 25 cent

    Call in and see our extensive line of staple and fancy goods

    DR HOBSONFor Mayor of the City of

    Richmondtor Rent

    Our Store house bulB ft rwostorys and basement 203 Main ttreesRichmond Ky Very best location incity suitable for any kind of businesslately remodeled Call on or address

    dec lA1f John G Taylor Son


    Hand made Sour MashEvery drop guaran

    4teed to be pure It isof old style manu ¬facture No-

    BETTERcan be

    for foundIposes You want the

    best Furnished Strictly toFamily Trade

    10 vear old in jugs SiOO per gallon10 bottles S3

    5I IIjus 25010 4 I bottles 32 IIjltJs S210

    Orders promptly filled

    PropOltIlrcBraJ er

    novlyr Anderson county Ky



    R H Humphreys

    Having bought HigginsEllis Grocery and am put¬ting in a fresh stockeveryday I cordially invite youto call t I

    SR H HumphreysPHONE NO 31

    A Few PactsI Spring is Almost Here

    You will want new Dress Goods If you will give us a calwe will show you the prettiest line of

    Shirt Waist GoodsIn white in black and in colors 10 Also a complete lineEtamines Crepes and soft wool goods for early spring weaA gorgeous assortment of Hamburgs Swisses and Laces iSilks until tnere is no end of Silks Give us a call

    White < GibsonCorner Main and Second

    Rice ArnoldHeadquarters for all the new styles in Shoes Hats and Mens

    Furnishings Call and see our New Spring Goods