
42 INTRODUCTION OF WORKPLACE DIVERSITY: “Diversity is all the ways in which we differ” -VR Hayles Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals

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“Diversity is all the ways in which we differ”

-VR Hayles

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an

organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group,

age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background

and more.

Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive

others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to

function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals need to deal

effectively with issues such as communication, adaptability and change.


Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful organizations

recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend resources on

managing diversity in the workplace now.

As the economy becomes increasingly global, our workforce becomes increasingly

diverse. Organizational success and competitiveness will depend on the ability to manage

diversity in the workplace effectively. Evaluate your organization's diversity policies and

plan for the future, starting today. 

Organizations have enormous power to focus efforts on collective goals, objectives,

issues, problems, and results, if they so choose. It's the power of an organization's

convergent effect people coming together in a planned way to accomplish something

mutually beneficial for all involved. That's the theory of organization.

If organizations exist to unite diverse perspectives, capabilities, and talents in pursuit of

common purposes and mutually beneficial results, why do they stifle diversity, seek

sameness, discourage individuality, promote conformance, reward uniformity, and punish

nonconformity? Because managing diversity is harder than managing uniformity --

managing diversity is more challenging, expensive, time consuming, demanding,

stressful, and prone to fail.

Managing uniformity requires little more than an authoritarian hierarchy, strict

enforcement of procedures and performance standards, command and control

management styles, and a conforming workforce -- the allure of uniformity lies in its ease

of administration, stability and predictability, efficiency of operations, low cost and on-


budget performance, minimal volatility with few surprises and quickly conforming


However, an abundance of research and experience shows that organizations and work

environments with high levels of required uniformity inevitably stifle creativity and

innovation, retard initiative-taking, prevent widespread accountability for results, limit

Freedom to expand and create value, and weaken individual motivation, commitment and


A truly diverse organization or work environment, on the other hand, unified through

common vision and purpose is healthy, strong, innovative, dynamic, and capable of

blending a multiplicity of perspectives, experiences, and abilities, and it is able to weather

significant competitive challenges.

An abundance of diversity exists in nature until it's altered. An untouched acre of ground

in Maine, for example, may contain up to 10,000 different varieties of tree and plant life.

Such diversity is not only inspiring and beautiful, but also ecologically robust. If you

were to level an unharmed acre of ground in Maine, removing all indigenous plant life

and then letting it sit untouched, new growth would bring less than 10 percent of the

former diversity in terms of tree and plant life.

The trees and plants that first gain root in the newly leveled ground would dominate the

space, preventing additional diversity from developing. Once removed, diversity rarely

returns on its own. The uniformity mandate of the dominant species makes it impossible

for diversity to flourish naturally.


The lesson for modern organizations and their management teams is obvious: Diversity

must be carefully and constantly nurtured, because creating an organization is a lot like

leveling ground. Both activities create new space where the initial staffing or first species

will attempt to dominate and control diversity. The very act of establishing and staffing

an organization begins a process of limiting diversity, unless diversity is genuinely

valued and vigilantly nurtured.

Diversity by definition is the attempt to bring together competing interests into a single

whole, without constant nourishment, vibrant and productive diversity will eventually

fade into ineffective, unfulfilling uniformity. Organizations with high levels of uniformity

are ineffective and stagnant -- ultimately producing inbred corporate cultures that lack the

new perspectives, pioneering capabilities and fresh ideas necessary to survive. That is the

curse of uniformity.

Organizations and their management teams often define diversity too narrowly by

tolerating, rather than embracing, government guidelines about inclusion of gender,

racial, and sexual diversity in the workplace; focusing on the avoidance of legal risks,

rather than the benefits of diversity; and doing the minimum necessary, rather than the

maximum, to promote diversity. In the end, they promote uniformity rather than

diversity, and understand only those customers who are most like their employees.

As you look around your office, is everyone just like you? Probably not. The

demographics of the American workforce have changed dramatically over the last 50

years. In the 1950s, more than 60% of the American workforce consisted of white males.

They were typically the sole breadwinners in the household, expected to retire by age 65


and spend their retirement years in leisure activities. Today, the American workforce is a

better reflection of the population with a significant mix of genders, race, religion, age

and other background factors.

The long-term success of any business calls for a diverse body of talent that can bring

fresh ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge that diversity poses,

therefore, is enabling your managers to capitalize on the mixture of genders, cultural

Backgrounds, ages and lifestyles to respond to business opportunities more rapidly and




Workplace diversity encompasses differences in educational level and life experience. The term

"workplace diversity" is most often used to refer to differences in race, gender and age.

However, workplace diversity actually encompasses a range of cultural differences and

dimensions, from ethnic and socioeconomic background to fundamental values and objectives.

1. Demographic:

The most basic type of workplace diversity is that of demographic background, which

encompasses age, gender and ethnicity. Demographic diversity can also include

professional degrees, work history and veteran and disability status.

2. Experiential:

Varied life experiences represent another type of workplace diversity. For example, a

military veteran or a retired athlete will have unique ideas and perspectives due to their

respective experiences, as will a homemaker, a single parent and a political refugee.


3. Informational:

Informational diversity refers to differences in educational background and individual

knowledge base. For example, an individual with an MBA will have a different base of

knowledge and understanding than a high school dropout who became a self-made


4. Fundamental:

Workplace diversity also encompasses more fundamental differences of values and

objectives. Individuals often have very different fundamental beliefs and goals about the

importance, purpose and function of work, as well as the relationship between the

individual employee and the larger organization.

5. Considerations:

Some types of workplace diversity can contribute to conflict in negative ways, such as

the interpersonal conflict that may arise between individuals of diverse demographic

backgrounds. Other differences, though, can foster creative debate and innovative action,

such as individual differences in experience and information base.



The emergence of more women at work, starting in the 1990s, is one contributor to a

more diverse workforce.

Diversity in the workplace evolved as an important topic in leadership and employment

in the 1990s and into the 21st century, according to Its

emergence came about due to an increasingly diverse population and work environment.

Greater workplace diversity can be attributed to increased immigration, more women

working and retirees returning to work. Diversity management is necessary to gain value

from insights and experiences of a diverse group.


1. Select and hire the most qualified applicants.

Using a fair and balanced hiring and selection process helps you ensure that you are hiring the

best candidates to fit each job. Screening criteria and interview questions should relate directly to


well-defined job qualifications and duties. This establishes a standard of fairness in diversity

from day one for employees.

2. Make "ability to work in a diverse culture" a job requirement.

Many companies now list this in job postings and descriptions. Ask candidates to give examples

of their experience working successfully with diverse populations in interviews. Hiring

employees who are familiar with diversity and understand the importance of fairness and

equality helps you establish an appropriate work environment.

3. Communicate the value of diversity and offer training .

Companies that are the most serious about making diversity work for their benefit talk openly

about the value of diverse experiences and opinions. Offer diversity workshops or seminars as

part of new employee orientation and as an ongoing component of company and employee

educational conferences and seminars. Diversity training topics should include general cultural

awareness and sensitivity, effective workplace attitudes, cultural differences and teamwork and

diversity coaching and management, among others.

4. Establish cross-functional teams.

A diverse organization has diversity spread throughout departments within the organization.

Cross-functional teams are committees or project teams made up of member employees from all,

or many, organizational departments. Creating cross-functional teams helps encourage company-

wide collaboration, teamwork, and gives employees a more well-rounded diversity experience.

5. Evaluate diversity behavior.


Include items like cooperation, teamwork and support of diversity as evaluation criteria for

employees. Reward employees who demonstrate diversity-enriching behaviors and reprimand

those who demonstrate behaviors that are intentionally excluding or discriminatory.

6. Support diversity programs and organizations in your community.

Companies that "walk the walk" in support of organizations that promote diversity, fairness and

equality are much more credible when implementing steps toward making diversity work in their



1. Link diversity to the bottom line- When exploring ways to increase corporate profits, look

to new markets or to partnering with your clients more strategically. Consider how a diverse

workforce will enable your company to meet those goals. Think outside the box. At a

Fortune 500 manufacturing company, Hispanics purchased many of the products. When the

company hired a Director of Hispanic Markets, profits increased dramatically in less than one

year because of the targeted marketing efforts Your new customers may be people with

disabilities or people over the age of 65. How can your employees help you reach new


2. Walk the talk- If senior management advocates a diverse workforce, make diversity evident

at all organizational levels. If you don't, some employees will quickly conclude that there is

no future for them in your company. Don't be afraid to use words like black, white, gay or


lesbian. Show respect for diversity issues and promote clear and positive responses to them.

How can you demonstrate your company's commitment to diversity?

3. Broaden your efforts- Does diversity at your company refer only to race and gender? If so,

expand your definition and your diversity efforts. As baby boomers age and more minorities

enter the workplace, the shift in demographics means that managing a multi-generational and

multi-cultural workforce will become a business norm. Also, there is a wealth of specialized

equipment available to enable people with disabilities to contribute successfully to their work

environments. If your organizational environment does not support diversity broadly you risk

losing talent to your competitors. How can your recruitment efforts reach out to all qualified


4. Remove artificial barriers to success - The style of interview - behavioral or functional-

may be a disadvantage to some job candidates. Older employees, for example, are less

familiar with behavioral interviews and may not perform as well unless your recruiters

directly ask for the kind of experiences they are looking for. Employees from countries

outside the US and non-Caucasian populations may downplay their achievements or focus on

describing, "who they know" rather than "what they know" Train your recruiters to

understand the cultural components of interviews. How can your human resources processes

give equal opportunity to all people?

5. Retain diversity at all levels - The definition of diversity goes beyond race and gender to

encompass lifestyle issues. Programs that address work and family issues - alternative work


schedules and child and elder care resources and referrals - make good business sense. How

can you keep valuable employees?

6. Provide practical training - Using relevant examples to teach small groups of people how to

resolve conflicts and value diverse opinions helps companies far more than large, abstract

diversity lectures. Training needs to emphasize the importance of diverse ideas as well.

Workers care more about whether or not their boss seems to value their ideas rather than if

they are part of a group of all white males or an ethnically diverse workforce. In addition,

train leaders to move beyond their own cultural frame of reference to recognize and take full

advantage of the productivity potential inherent in a diverse population. How can you

provide diversity training at your company?

7. Mentor with others at your company who you do not know well - Involve your managers

in a mentoring program to coach and provide feedback to employees who are different from

Them. Some of your most influential mentors can be people with whom you have little in

common. Find someone who doesn't look just like you. Find someone from a different

background, a different race or a different gender. Find someone who thinks differently than

you do. How can you find a mentor who is different from you?

8. Measure your results - Conduct regular organizational assessments on issues like pay,

benefits, work environment, management and promotional opportunities to assess your

progress over the long term. Keep doing what is working and stop doing what is not working.

How do you measure the impact of diversity initiatives at your organization?



To recognize and encourage diversity in the workplace requires a clearly defined strategy. An

organization must demonstrate a commitment to a diverse workplace and promote that vision to

employees and the public.

Importance of Diversity:

Diversity in the workplace allows differences to shine. Apart from the benefits that differences of

background and lifestyle bring to the workplace, diversity is also a legal issue. The US Anti-

Discrimination law prevents companies and organizations from employee discrimination based

on gender, race and religion. Diversity is also important for a company to attract top talent. If


you Google the name of a company with the word diversity, you can find out a lot about

company values and their commitment to reaching out to diverse job candidates.

Commitment to Diversity:

For a successful diversity program, an organization succeeds when it approaches a

diversity strategy much like any other business strategy. It must evaluate the business

need for diversity. It needs to understand the marketplace and demographics of its


The marketplace is full of many different ages, races, socioeconomic levels and religions.

An organization with employees that reflect these different groups will be more

successful in serving consumers because their workforce reflects the diversity of the



In developing a diversity strategy, a company should develop a unified message on

diversity, preferably from the corporate level. If different departments develop their own

diversity strategy, there will be a misconception of what the company policy really is.

Under Jack Welch, General Electric created a chief diversity officer position to oversee

the diversity strategy. Having an officer in charge of diversity ensures that there is direct

accountability and implementation of the strategy throughout the business.

What works and what doesn't:


Diversity training is a popular way to educate employees about diversity but has been met

with some skepticism. Some feel that the training is too scripted and can actually

reinforce stereotypes instead of breaking them down.

Studies show that diversity training and education are imperative but need to be done

carefully. Instead of an all-day mandated Diversity Training, consider more informal

forums or panel speakers that employees will actually enjoy.

Forums can include topics like religious diversity where leaders from religious groups

talk about ways their religion might influence religious employees at work. If there is a

central office of diversity, different departments can appoint diversity champions.

These champions can encourage diversity practices in individual departments or business

units. Some companies also have affinity groups, where members of different religions or

races can gather for informal discussions or activities. This isn't meant to isolate but

rather allow them to relate to one another.


As globalization becomes an increasingly recognized fact of life, businesses are starting

to pay greater attention to promoting diversity within the workplace. Recruiting and

retaining employees from different backgrounds, belief systems and cultures--known

popularly as workplace diversity--is becoming part of the business plan. However, these

efforts also bring challenges that firms may not understand which can derail the most

well-intentioned efforts.


An organization's success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace

diversity and realize the benefits. When organizations actively assess their handling of

workplace diversity issues, develop and implement diversity plans, multiple benefits are

reported such as: 

1-Diversity efforts make a difference:

Leveraging corporate America's formidable recruiting machinery behind the goal of

workplace diversity has, in many ways, made a real difference in people's lives.

As of 2008, minorities made up roughly 29 percent of the American labor force,

according to figures from the U.S. office of Employment posted on This statistic suggests that more businesses recognize the

advantage of a diverse workforce.

2-Productivity, efficiency go up:

Increasing efficiency and productivity is one obvious benefit when employees with a

wider range of life experiences are hired. Other cultures offer insights that their American

peers may have overlooked, or not considered.

As notes, many Chinese, Indian and European executives fare

well in corporate America, because of the international perspective that they bring.

3-Problem-solving skills improve:

Applying fresh attitudes to problem solving becomes more feasible with a strong, visible

employee diversity program.


Where Americans promote ideals of "cutting to the chase," and the pursuit of profit as the

primary goal, other cultures looks at time as a way of building relationships, particularly

before any business deal is signed, suggests.

4-Misconceptions may dog programs:

Confusing diversity programs with affirmative action programs--which aim to correct

specific historic injustices against members of minority groups--is a major problem that

can dog the best-intentioned programs, according to a paper posted on

Communicating the idea that diversity programs deal with the whole workforce, not just

segments of it, is crucial toward winning over public perception.

5-Intertia is its own reward:

Overcoming organizational inertia can be extremely difficult, Not recognizing the impact

of negative attitudes and behaviors--such as discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping--

can make employee "buy-in" difficult, or impossible.

If diversity goals are inconsistently applied, employee productivity and morale may

plummet, the paper suggests. Managers may also be hit with bias or wrongful-termination


Increased adaptability:

Organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to

problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse

backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible

in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer demands. Broader service range.


A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding)

allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis. 

Variety of viewpoints:

A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view

provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organization can draw from that pool

to meet business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively. 

More effective execution

Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to

perform to their highest ability. Company-wide strategies can then be executed; resulting

in higher productivity, profit, and return on investment. 


Taking full advantage of the benefits of diversity in the workplace is not without its challenges.

Some of those challenges are: 


1. Communication - Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for

diversity programs to succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in

confusion, lack of teamwork, and low morale.

2. Resistance to change - There are always employees who will refuse to accept the fact that

the social and cultural makeup of their workplace is changing. The "we've always done it this

way" mentality silences new ideas and inhibits progress. 

3. Implementation of diversity in the workplace policies - This can be the overriding

challenge to all diversity advocates. Armed with the results of employee assessments and

research data, they must build and implement a customized strategy to maximize the effects

of diversity in the workplace for their particular organization. 

4. Successful management of diversity in the workplace - Diversity training alone is not

sufficient for your organization's diversity management plan. A strategy must be created and

implemented to create a culture of diversity that permeates every department and function of

the organization.





An American health insurance company hired employees from a variety of racial and

ethnic backgrounds. The variety of different native languages and cultures, however, did

not mix. Instead of making employees feel that they had a sub-group within their larger

team, it gave rise to paranoia ("They must be talking about me.") and assumptions ("They

think they are smarter than everyone else."). When the group needed to learn a new

intake system, rather than pull together, they became even more estranged and

productivity and morale plummeted.

In an American subsidiary of a global bank based in Japan, a few Japanese female

workers complained to management that their older Japanese male bosses were being

disrespectful to them. The human resources manager questioned all of the women in the

office. Every Japanese woman reported problems with the Japanese men. In contrast, the

American women reported no problems at all. Confused, the human resources manager

questioned the Japanese male managers. The answer? The Japanese men responded that

they understood American expectations related to sexual harassment, so they were careful

about what they said to the American women. They were perplexed by the responses of

the Japanese women. "What is the problem?" the Japanese men wanted to know, "They


know that we don't mean anything. Any Japanese person would understand."

Communication, which has never been straightforward and easy in the first place, is

becoming even more complicated as organizations take on global partners.

Diversity is no longer just a black/white, male/female, old/young issue. It is much more

complicated and interesting than that. In The Future of Diversity and the Work Ahead of

Us, Harris Sussman says, "Diversity is about our relatedness, our connectedness, our

interactions, where the lines cross.

Diversity is many things - a bridge between organizational life and the reality of people's

lives, building corporate capability, the framework for interrelationships between people,

a learning exchange, a strategic lens on the world."

A benefit of a diverse workforce is the ability to tap into the many talents which

employees from different backgrounds, perspectives, abilities and disabilities bring to the

workplace. An impressive example of this is found on the business cards of employees at

one Fortune 100 technology company. Employees at this company have business cards

that appear normal at first glance. On closer inspection, the raised Braille characters of

employee information are evident.

Many companies, however, still face challenges around building a diverse environment.

Part of the reason is the tendency to pigeonhole employees, placing them in a different

silo based on their diversity profile.

If an employee is male, over 50, English, and an atheist, under what diversity category

does this employee fall? Gender, generational, global or religious? In the real world,

diversity cannot be easily categorized and those organizations that respond to human


complexity by leveraging the talents of a broad workforce will be the most effective in

growing their businesses and their customer base.




1. Assessment of diversity in the workplace - Top companies make assessing and

evaluating their diversity process an integral part of their management system. A

customizable employee satisfaction survey can accomplish this assessment for your

company efficiently and conveniently. It can help your management team determine

which challenges and obstacles to diversity are present in your workplace and which

policies need to be added or eliminated. Reassessment can then determine the success of

you diversity in the workplace plan implementation. 

2. Development of diversity in the workplace plan - Choosing a survey provider that

provides comprehensive reporting is a key decision. That report will be the beginning

structure of your diversity in the workplace plan. The plan must be comprehensive,

attainable and measurable. An organization must decide what changes need to be made

and a timeline for that change to be attained. 

3. Implementation of diversity in the workplace plan - The personal commitment of

executive and managerial teams is a must. Leaders and managers within organizations

must incorporate diversity policies into every aspect of the organization's function and

purpose. Attitudes toward diversity originate at the top and filter downward. Management

cooperation and participation is required to create a culture conducive to the success of

your organization's plan. 




1. Ward off change resistance with inclusion. - Involve every employee possible in

formulating and executing diversity initiatives in your workplace. 

2. Foster an attitude of openness in your organization - Encourage employees to express

their ideas and opinions and attribute a sense of equal value to all.

3. Promote diversity in leadership positions - This practice provides visibility and realizes

the benefits of diversity in the workplace. 

4. Utilize diversity training - Use it as a tool to shape your diversity policy. 

Launch a customizable employee satisfaction survey that provides comprehensive

reporting. - Use the results to build and implement successful diversity in the workplace




Whether it is men and women working together, or people of different cultures or religions,

workplace diversity is becoming increasingly common. While some companies deal proactively

with workplace diversity, differences in the workplace can cause friction and have negative

consequences, if the issues are not addressed.

1-Failure to respect others:

Diversity in the workplace can uncover a latent lack of respect in some employees. While

some people are open to different cultures, religions and ways of living, others prefer

their own methods, religion and culture.

The inability to show respect toward those who are different can cause unnecessary

tension and inhibit communication in the workplace. This can essentially divide the

workplace into groups, resulting in tension or hostility.

2-Competition rather than teamwork:

Diversity can cause competition among workers. If workers are not open to accepting

others for whom and what they are, they may become competitors rather than members

of a team. This can have negative consequences, as projects take longer to complete when

people are not working together.


3-Failure to utilize differences:

An office full of competitors means an inherent inability to recognize opportunities and

use differences to advantage. A diverse team can benefit the company in terms of

reaching a broader client base. An inability to recognize the potential advantages of

diversity hurts not only the workers, but the business in the long run.



A diverse workplace includes all types of employees such as those of various races, genders,

sexual orientations, ages, disabilities, with various religious and political beliefs. Employees in a

diverse workplace must learn to work with other employees who are not the same. When

diversity is not present in the workplace, issues arise around discrimination, fair pay and

affirmative action. To prevent diversity issues in the workplace, diversity training and seminars

can be given to employees.

1. Negative attitudes:

Negative attitudes in the workplace are a big diversity issue. When employees of other

races, ethnicities and backgrounds work together, prejudice and stereotyping can occur.

This form of discrimination should never be used by management or human resources

when dealing with an employee in the hiring or firing stage.

When negative attitudes occur for these reasons, the employer should resolve the issues

between employees to rectify the situation or the employer will have an intense working

environment, a high turnover rate or civil law suits being filed.

2. Equal pay:

Men and women working in the same company doing the same job should be paid the

same pay, according to the Equal Pay Act. There are some qualifications such as

education and job experience that play a factor when it comes to employees being paid on

a different pay scale for the same position.


However, when both employees have equivalent education and job skills, the pay should

be equal or diversity issues could arise.

3. Religious and political beliefs:

The religious and political beliefs of employers and employees can be a diversity issue in

the workplace. Employers, employees and others in the working environment are entitled

to their own religious and political beliefs.

To keep discrimination from occurring, an employer needs to mandate that employees

cannot force their political choices and religious faiths onto other employees. An

employee that is Catholic can work with a Baptist Christian because the two should do

the work of the company and leave religious faiths outside of the workplace.

4. Affirmative action:

Affirmative action is looked upon as a diversity issue in the workplace. Some employers

hire employees that are from minority groups to satisfy affirmative action. However, if

every employee was looked at for the qualifications he has, affirmative action would not

be necessary.

Some employees feel that they are being passed up for a promotion or position because of

affirmative action. This could be an issue in a workplace that is not diversified for the

right reasons.


5. Sexual harassment:

Sexism in the workplace is a form of harassment that can be a diversity issue. Female

employees, for example, should not be hired for the workplace as eye candy for men but

because of the skills and talent they possess.

If a woman is capable of a promotion but overlooked because she is a woman, this is a

diversity issue. All qualified candidates have to be given an equal opportunity when

applying or being hired for a position.




The workplace needs to have a positive approach to diversity.

All employers need to be aware of the legislation regarding discrimination. The Civil

Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991 and other legislation preventing discrimination on the

grounds of disability, race or sex need to be incorporated into all stages of the

employment process. But attitudes and policies need to move from a series of actions that

are forbidden to a more positive mindset, where diversity is encouraged and valued in the



1. Ensure that all managers are aware of equal opportunities legislation and policies. Make

sure that grievance policies take diversity and discrimination into account. Develop clear

policies on issues such as sexual harassment and pregnancy. These are areas where

complaints frequently occur.

2. Adopt a policy of open communication between layers of management. Problems can

escalate where a culture of fear exists in the workplace. Incorporate diversity into all

training days. Have themed days, when, for example, different ethnic foods are served in

the staff canteen. Beware of tokenism, where the company's approach to diversity is

merely a gesture.

3. Institute a top-down approach to welcoming diversity. If managers see the benefits of

employing someone from a different ethnic background from the majority, it can have


more of an impact than going through the motions. Everyone might benefit from learning

about a different work practice that this employee brings from her background


4. Insist on respect for all religious celebrations and practices. Encourage movement within

the company, as cliques can sometimes become insular and resistant to new experiences

and new people.



How to encourage diversity in the workplace:


1. Encourage managers to take a leadership role in embracing diversity in the

workplace. Get a company membership in the American Institute for Managing

Diversity (AIMD) that allows key personnel to attend conferences, workshops and

other educational events.

2. Set up a continuing education program for your managers. Make sure you address

specific diversity issues your company grapples with on a day-to-day basis. Make the

events as pleasant as possible to encourage participation.

3. Offer bonuses and incentives for encouraging diversity in the workplace. Let both

management and staff know your diversity initiative goals. Offer resources for

creatively integrating employees from different backgrounds.

4. Develop a mentor program that pairs white employees with nonwhites. Mentorship

arrangements should be based on skills. Your employees get to know each other on a

personal level and help expand each other's capabilities.

5. Create a committee involving all levels of staff. Encourage employees who are

dedicated to diversity in the workplace to take a leadership role in fostering tolerance

throughout your company.


6. Establish volunteer programs where employees get to assist people from diverse

backgrounds in learning about the problems they deal with firsthand. Offer

recognition to those who participate.

7. Introduce your staff to different cultures to encourage tolerance in the workplace.

Display paintings from nonwhite artists in your lobby. Offer free lectures on the

history and lifestyle of different cultures.



Diversity training can begin long before entering the professional world.

Workplace diversity is both an enriching and challenging area for businesses. Many

companies and government offices encourage employee programs dealing with diversity

awareness and activities. Some suitable activities related to workplace diversity include

training programs, luncheons with diversity focus groups, diversity-related contests and

diversity days.

1. Diversity Training:

An excellent workplace diversity activity is an established routine of ongoing training on

diversity issues. A good workplace diversity training program can include classroom

seminars and online training.


A good place for managers to start implementing such programs is through a company's

human resources, or HR, and/or equal employment opportunity, or EEO, professionals.

HR and EEO professionals often have established diversity programs and presentations


2. Diversity luncheons with focus groups:

Hosting diversity luncheons that incorporate focus groups is another good workplace

diversity activity. A luncheon setting allows employees to get together in a more relaxed

setting than a classroom to consider diversity issues.

A focus group might examine what diversity means to the employees in a particular

organization, team, work group or department.

3. Diversity awareness contest:

Running a diversity knowledge contest is a good way to proactively involve employees in

exploring diversity, what it means to the organization and how diversity can enrich the

workplace environment.

Groups can explore questions like how diverse teams and work groups can contribute to

productivity or fulfilling an organization's mission statement. As with diversity training, a

good place to seek assistance in developing such a contest is with an organization's HR

and EEO professionals.

4- ) Disability education/contest:


Another diversity activity suitable for workplace use, especially with disabilities being

one arena of diversity, is a contest providing a list of individuals and asking work group

members to identify the named individuals they believe have or had a disability.

One such contest asked whether these individuals had a disability: military hero George

Patton, actor Tom Cruise, genius Albert Einstein and theme-park icon Walt Disney. The

correct answer to this particular question was "all of them."

One can follow up this by having employees come up with additional examples of

famous people with disabilities.

5- ) Workplace diversity day:

Some organizations set aside a specific diversity day annually, offering varying

programs. One organization held a day one year where each team in the organization

chose a country or a culture.

In preparation for the diversity day, the teams each researched the adopted country or

culture. Individuals prepared presentations on the culture, brought in artifacts related to

the country (such as native dress, books on the country or culture, stuffed or inflatable

animals related to the country or culture) and brought in indigenous foods. Throughout

the day, the employees could examine the displays and sample the foods at their




Addressing workplace diversity can be an intimidating task. Employers are careful not to exclude

or offend any group of people. However, discussion of diversity should be encouraged in the

workplace. Disabilities, ethnicity, age and gender differences are what make a rich and assorted

office environment. Encourage exploration of these differences with diversity awareness


1- ) Diversity questions:

Gather the group of workers and line them up across the room. Instruct participants to

keep their eyes closed as the series of question are read.

Ask questions that promote diversity such as; were you born in another country? Do you

speak more than one language? The workers must take one-step forward if the answer to

the question is affirmative. This exercise is done in silence so participants have time to

think and reflect on the questions.


After all of the questions are read, instruct the workers to open their eyes. They will be

able to see the varying positions of everyone in the group. Discuss how diversity makes

everyone unique yet equally important. Go through the questions again and let

participants answer aloud and explain their diverse lives.

2- ) Resources:

Separate the workers into groups. Give each group a large poster board and a brown bag

of supplies. Include colored pencils, crayons, scissors, ribbon, paper, glue and rulers in

each bag. Instruct the workers to design a holiday themed advertisement on their poster.

They can choose any holiday to depict. They are only allowed to use the items in the

brown paper bag to decorate their poster board. Separate the teams so they cannot see

each other's work. Give the groups 10 minutes to accomplish the task.

At the end of the allotted time, have each group present their poster. Talk about how each

group had the same materials, but came up with a different use for each item. Discuss

how diverse lifestyles and worldviews cause us to think differently. No one's poster is

wrong, but created out of a diverse group of people.

3-) Group membership:

Create a large circle with all participants facing each other. The instructor calls out names

of groups and those who identify with that group step into the circle. They return to their


previous position in the large circle for the next group called. Begin with low-risk group

names such as, brown hair, middle child or mothers.

This will help to break the ice before calling more controversial group names. Call

groups like African-American, homosexual or high-income. These will require more

insight into what makes everyone different. Discuss if anyone's view of his or her

coworkers has changed. Talk about how the ability to perform at work has nothing to do

with the membership groups.


Globalization has become a very important and popular trend in today’s business world.

For some organizations, globalization represents an opportunity to expand and grow their

business. For others, globalization is a means to relocate sections of the business to save

money. In either scenario, globalization provides opportunities to connect with other

countries and cultures through business. Most important, globalization creates

opportunities for businesses to integrate diversity.

In doing so, globalization brings forward challenges like technology and communication;

multicultural values and customs; employment practices and laws; sexual harassment,

employee safety, and organizational infrastructure (Meisinger, 2005, p. 11). The purpose

of this paper is to analyze the effects of globalization on diversity at Pizza Hut Inc. It

will provide a background of the organization; will discuss present diversity issues and

recommendations for meeting diversity needs and addressing globalization issues.


A business Case: PIZZA HUT

Pizza Hut Inc. based in Dallas, Texas, “is the world’s largest pizza restaurant company with

more than 7,500 restaurants in the United States and over 5,600 restaurants in 97 countries and

territories around the world (Pizza Hut Inc., 2009, 3).” Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by two

brothers who at the time borrowed $600 from their mother to open the first pizza parlor in

Wichita, Kansas. In 1997 Pizza Hut along with KFC and Taco Bell became subsidiaries of Yum

Brands Inc. Today, Yum Brands is the number one restaurant company in the world (Pizza Hut

Inc., 2009). “At Pizza Hut, diversity is not a target; it is a way of life and a way of doing

business. The company’s strategic diversity vision is to grow leadership, franchisee, and

supplier pipelines that increasingly reflect their diverse customer and investor base (Yum!


Every employee is capable of making a difference in the organization. Diversity,

inclusion, and engagement are part of their core values. One of their operating principles

is to believe in all people. “This principle gives emphasis to the importance of actively

seeking diversity in others; believing everyone has the potential to make a difference; and

coaching and supporting every individual to grow to their full capacity (Yum! Brands,

2009, 1).” Pizza Hut has found that a diverse team makes for better problem solvers,

services all customers more effectively, and creates a positive culture for every employee

to enjoy (Yum! Brands, 2009)

Pizza Hut is recognized as a Fortune 500 company. Their commitment to diversity,

inclusion, and engagement is evident in everything they do to operate the business. Much

improvement has been made, especially in the past 20 years. Every year the company


implements tactics focused to increase the hiring, development, and promotion of women

and other minorities.

Additionally, Pizza Hut has implemented programs like the language reimbursement

program. This program offers employees up to $1,000 per calendar year toward job-

related language training, including English as a Second Language classes, books, and

other training aids (Pizza Hut Inc., 2008). The training has enabled employees to learn

new skills, increase their productivity, and has even made several of them eligible for

Promotions; however, the program is underleveraged. Managers do not have enough

information about this program to inform and motivate their employees. Improving the

communication of this program could increase participation, lower costs for the program,

and develop a pool of qualified diverse candidates for various management level


Lastly, one of the biggest challenges continues to be increasing the representation of

minorities among the key talent decision makers, and growing the pipeline of diversity in

the mid-level and upper-level manager ranks (Yum! Brands, 2009). Consequently,

diversity weakens as the job levels increase. Approximately 10 years ago Pizza Hut

discovered the Women’s Foodservice Forum and begun leveraging this organization to

develop, empower, and promote more women into leadership positions across the


Every year Pizza Hut sponsors approximately 50 women to attend this conference.

Given the size of the organization, the company should increase participation and

mentorship programs led by women in leadership positions around the globe. Moreover,


this conference should be extended to men with the goal to increase their knowledge and

commitment to this organization and to the development of women.

As a global company with a diverse and ever-changing workforce, Pizza Hut faces

significant challenges; for example, the rapid growth in emerging markets like India and

Russia requires them to adapt their policies and procedures to these markets, and to learn

from their new partners (Yum! Brands, 2009). Issues in technology, cultural values, and

employment practices have challenged the organization to develop diverse solutions to

the needs of such markets. Building a diverse foundation gives Pizza Hut a competitive

edge and helps them operate as a local business in international markets. Part of their

growth strategy is to ensure that the leadership team, company workforce, and culture are

as diverse as the customers around the world. Making progress in diversity is a business

priority and the work of everyone in the system.

This commitment is reflected in the annual business goals of every leader, starting with

the company’s president. The company is so committed to the successful operation of

their international business; they established Yum Restaurants International (YRI), which

is a subsidiary of Yum Brands, to lead and meet the diverse needs of the Pizza Hut, KFC,

and Taco Bell restaurants around the globe. In addition, the company has also appointed

global diversity and inclusion officers who guide the strategy and a number of initiatives

that enhance diversity in the workplace (Yum! Brands, 2009).

A final recommendation for meeting diversity needs and addressing globalization issues

would be the creation of experiences such as temporary assignments in foreign cultures

for more leaders across the organization. The company has found that U.S. based


employees who do not have the development experience of an international market

struggle significantly or fail. Multicultural differences present the biggest challenge for

employees and their families. Temporary assignment and mentorship programs with

leaders across the globe would reduce the unsuccessful transitions of employees who

accept an international position.

Globalization is a growing trend in today’s business world. Organizations seek global

business opportunities to grow, expand, or relocate their business. In most cases this

Transition opens doors, creates employment opportunities, and forces organizations to

increase their diversity efforts. Globalization impacts a business in many aspects, but the

impact on the employees and diversity is by far the most vital. Organizations must be

equipped to address multicultural differences and challenges in technology, safety,

security, and employment practices.

Implementing and sustaining diversity is essential to the success of any business, but

concerning globalization, diversity becomes an integral part of a successful and long-term

transition. Fortune 500 organizations like Yum Brands have established subsidiary

support centers and imperative leadership roles to lead and meet the needs of their

restaurants around the globe.





Research objective:

I. To explore the concept the concept of Workplace Diversity.

II. To study the Challenges of Workplace Diversity.

III. To study the process for successful implementation of Workplace Diversity.

IV. To find out the ways for improving diversity in the workplace.




The research methodology that has been adopted is an Exploratory study undertaken to A

study on workplace diversity: A new perspective for a changing workplace in specific Area

of study .

Data collection method:

In this study both the (1) Secondary methods of collection of data are used.

Secondary Sources: The secondary data for this study was collected from Books,

Magazines, Internet , and other literatures.



The following are the findings from the research analysis:

1. Companies and human resources departments have access to a wider talent pool if there

is no discrimination in hiring policies and employees of all races, creeds and cultures are


2. Employees can share cultural traits, market demographics; socioeconomic trends of

countries of their origin and help companies develop robust knowledge management and

market intelligence systems.

3. Employees have the chance to imbibe the best work traits of other cultures and races,

learn new languages and, in the bargain, endeavor to become well-rounded and efficient


4. Processing and harnessing of varied skills, competencies, capabilities of employees of

multiple races and cultures by an organization leads to enhanced productivity.


5. Co-mingling, interaction and engagement among employees of all races, creeds and

cultures fosters a sense of camaraderie and humanitarianism spirit and shapes better

global citizens

6. Regular interaction, celebration of various cultural festivals and sharing of common

egalitarian ideals reduces prejudices and workplace discriminations of earlier eras.


Creating a more diverse workforce in your small business is important not only for compliance

with anti-discrimination laws, but it can also benefit your company from a productivity

standpoint. Diversifying your workforce can be tricky, as some employees may not relate well to

people from different cultures or backgrounds. Some recommendations can help you not in the

recruitment of a more diverse workforce,

1. Widen Your Recruiting Base:

If you restrict your recruiting to your immediate geographic area, you may be missing an

opportunity to develop a diverse workforce. Use other recruiting vehicles to expand your

base, including online job boards, which anyone with Internet access can view. Also,

advertise your openings in publications that appeal to minorities.

2. Offer Language Training:

According to the Workforce Diversity Network website, the Society for Human Resource

Management says that providing or paying for training in English as a second language is

a way to improve diversity. Having this type of program allows you to recruit from a


wider base of candidates, as it removes language barriers as a reason for not considering a

qualified applicant.

3. Create an Evaluation Form:

According to the Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and

Excellence program that Northeastern University implemented, developing a

standardized form to evaluate candidates helps prevent discriminatory hiring practices. A

form allows you to use the same evaluation criteria for all candidates, which reduces the

possibility of interjecting personal prejudices.

4. Make Use of Current Staff:

Use existing members of your staff to help recruit employees. For example, if you

already have quality employees who are minorities, let them know about job openings to

see if they know others who may be qualified or interested. This helps to create a flow of

diverse candidates, and can also reduce your recruiting expenses.

5. Clarify the Benefits:

Emphasize to your employees how diversity benefits the company, and how that

ultimately benefits each employee. For example, if you hire a Latino sales representative,

point out that this can help the company expand into the Latino marketplace, creating

growth and more opportunities for everyone at the firm.



In this section we would point out the main limitation of this project work, time was a big

limiting factor due to which a wider sample could not be studied and a wider geographical

area could not be accessed.

Two months is very short span of time during which a management student can become

expertly proficient in his area of interest, so this span of time may be extended further so as

to allow to student to have proficiency in his area discipline.

Research can provide number of facts but it does not provide actionable results.

It cannot provide the answer to any problem but can only provide a set of guidelines.

The whole project is based on the secondary data no any primary data is used.



Understanding the dimensions of diversity help organizations become aware of, appreciate, and

value diversity. The diversity dimensions which are most significant in an Indian organization

are language, regional origin, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, and food habits.

Human resource professionals need to deal effectively with issues such as communication,

adaptability and change. Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful

organizations recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend

resources on managing diversity in the workplace now.

Any organization which truly understands the importance of diversity in its workforce

can adopt any of the models to understand the dimensions. Most importantly, in order to build a

culture of diversity, the key is to respect the sensitivities of local tradition and norms, understand

the ‘hidden’ dimensions, and combine them with global organizational values.




I. H.R.M- V. S. P. Rao (Second Edition Excel Books)

II. H.R.M- K. Aswathappa (5th Edition – the mcgraw Hill Companies)

III. R.M- C.R. Kothari (2nd Edition – New Age International Publishers)






IV.  Negative Factors About Diversity in the Workplace |


V. : Advantages & Disadvantages of Diversity in the Workplace |


VI. : Recognizing Diversity in the Workplace |


VII. Types of Workplace Diversity |


VIII. How do I Deal With Diversity in the Workplace? |
