rfrs: lessons of the unscrupulous

8/3/2019 RFRS: Lessons of the Unscrupulous http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/rfrs-lessons-of-the-unscrupulous 1/20 RFRS: Lessons of the Unscrupulous 2010 v1.0 1 | Page http://IsleSanctuary.com Lessons of the Unscrupulous Conflict: Past vs Present vs Future Dramatis Personae: Galen Marek clone 1  – Human male, Sith Xopisa Kas <Clone 1> Lord, married to Yemaja Lah, Force Sensitive Galen Marek clone 2 – Human male, Sith Xopisa Du <Clone 2> Lord, Force Sensitive Aayla Secura  – Twi’lek female, Clone Jedi, Force Sensitive Yemaja Lah – ½ Human ½ Yuuzhan Vong female daughter of Commander Zhat Lah and Auset Lah, Force Sensitive, Puppet Senator of Haruun Kal Juno Eclipse – Human female, Imperial Pilot and agent for the Rebel Alliance, has partial knowledge of the Yuuzhan Vong immigration Auset Lah – Human female, mother of Yemaja Lah, padawan level Jedi, Yuuzhan Vong biot shaped Assassin, Force Sensitive Osun’oya Lah (Windu) - ¾ Human ¼ Yuuzhan Vong female daughter of Mace Windu and Yemaja Lah, Force Sensitive, Yu’shaa JEEDAI, (Name Only)  Mallie Marek – ¾ Human ¼ Yuuzhan Vong female, daughter of Galen Marek clone 1 and Yemaja Lah, Force Sensitive (name only) Mace Windu – Human male, Korun Jedi Master, clandestine relationship to Yemaja Lah, father of Osun’oya Lah, Force Sensitive (Name Only)  Quinlan Vos  – Kiffar male, Jedi Master, friend of Yemaja Lah during early Senator years of the Clone Wars, keeper of personal secrets, Force Sensitive (Name Only) Plot: Jedi Master Quinlan Vos survived Order 66 and Operation Knightfall. He and his family relocated to safety and lived in obscurity until he sensed huge changes in the Force. Seeking what those changes were, he discovered that Senator Yemaja Lah was alive, and being held at the Imperial Corellian Compound under the new Sith Lord class Jen’ari, Galen Marek Starkiller Xopisa Kas <Clone 1>. Master Vos’ prejudice against clones made a strong desire to remove Senator Yemaja from her situation. Then when she confided in him that Starkiller was abusing her he wanted to assuage her fears, but instead, he took advantage of her. However as a change she had never done before, Yemaja found her voice and stopped his unwelcomed advances. But what voice did she find? Settings: Comms/Villip A three way call between Corulag, Corellia and Sembla

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1 | P a g e h t t p : / / I s l e S a n c t u a r y . c o m 

Lessons of the Unscrupulous

Conflict: Past vs Present vs Future

Dramatis Personae:

Galen Marek clone 1 – Human male, Sith Xopisa Kas <Clone 1> Lord, married to Yemaja Lah,

Force Sensitive

Galen Marek clone 2 – Human male, Sith Xopisa Du <Clone 2> Lord, Force Sensitive

Aayla Secura – Twi’lek female, Clone Jedi, Force Sensitive 

Yemaja Lah – ½ Human ½ Yuuzhan Vong female daughter of Commander Zhat Lah and

Auset Lah, Force Sensitive, Puppet Senator of Haruun Kal

Juno Eclipse – Human female, Imperial Pilot and agent for the Rebel Alliance, has partial

knowledge of the Yuuzhan Vong immigration

Auset Lah – Human female, mother of Yemaja Lah, padawan level Jedi, Yuuzhan Vong biot

shaped Assassin, Force Sensitive

Osun’oya Lah (Windu) - ¾ Human ¼ Yuuzhan Vong female daughter of Mace Windu and

Yemaja Lah, Force Sensitive, Yu’shaa JEEDAI, (Name Only) 

Mallie Marek – ¾ Human ¼ Yuuzhan Vong female, daughter of Galen Marek clone 1 and

Yemaja Lah, Force Sensitive (name only)

Mace Windu – Human male, Korun Jedi Master, clandestine relationship to Yemaja Lah,

father of Osun’oya Lah, Force Sensitive (Name Only) 

Quinlan Vos  – Kiffar male, Jedi Master, friend of Yemaja Lah during early Senator years of 

the Clone Wars, keeper of personal secrets, Force Sensitive (Name Only)

Plot: Jedi Master Quinlan Vos survived Order 66 and Operation Knightfall. He and his family

relocated to safety and lived in obscurity until he sensed huge changes in the Force. Seeking

what those changes were, he discovered that Senator Yemaja Lah was alive, and being held at

the Imperial Corellian Compound under the new Sith Lord class Jen’ari, Galen Marek Starkiller

Xopisa Kas <Clone 1>. Master Vos’ prejudice against clones made a strong desire to remove

Senator Yemaja from her situation. Then when she confided in him that Starkiller was abusing

her he wanted to assuage her fears, but instead, he took advantage of her. However as a

change she had never done before, Yemaja found her voice and stopped his unwelcomed

advances. But what voice did she find?

Settings: Comms/Villip A three way call between Corulag, Corellia and Sembla

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The Force Bond Love

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja Where is my lovely wife? -smiles-

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *walks in the door carrying more holo docs* My


Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -grabs her kissing her neck all over around her

body- I missed you...

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller My Lord...I apologize, but I have legislation

critical to keeping the Galaxy intact...*squeals* That tickles...

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -wisps of breath around her neck then behind her

and gently Force pushes her to their bed- Yeah...why would I not?

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *eyes jump as she smiles stops before falling intothe bed turning looking at him kissing swirling to finding his tongue*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -hands move down her face cupping her plump

cinnamon breasts moving down her dark silky caramel skin kissing her-

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *Her skin warms as he slides his chopped hands

over her quaking body* Mmmhmm my Lord...It has been a long time...*smiles*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -smiles glowering in her eyes that start to glisten

and change in color, whispers- Babydoll...Let us do this...please...

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Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *knowing the implications gently kisses him

pressing on his soft lips as made moist by her juices, stares at him fearfully*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Sends Force Calm- It hurts when you fear me...I

promise...Izai...This will be better, easier...Safer -kisses her soft lips-

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *Closes eyes slowly and knows that if this

happens, it will surely kill her. Through the Force* My Lord...I want to see @Mallie_Marek 

grow up

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Puts his head to her slowly moving down her

back squeezing her butt. Force Dominant Mind- You want me to protect you?

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *Intoxicated she is complies* Dwi...I love

you...*Delirious closes eyelids drawn to removing his clothes, loosens his belts*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Smiles in Force Dominant Mind- You know I love

you, too...I have been Faithful to you...My powers -flexes- will fill you...

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *Drunken through the Force coerced to follow his

commands discrepant with the pleasurable actions* Dwi… *moans kissing him*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Quickly lifts her to the bed and tears off her

gown exposing her body and slobbers down each part with a sly grin-

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *Inside thighs wraps around his naked torso as he

lifts up on her doing a push up down to her, groans whispering* Yeeaaahhh

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Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Removes trousers fully awake, widens her and

through the Force throws off her gown that is still on taping her filled lips. He slides down

into her and moans- It is so tight… 

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *arches her back as his thrust inches down to her

Yonic arch, breaks her entrancement, exclaims* MY LORD! VILLIP OFF?

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Biceps flex grinds hips slowly from right deep to

left lifts slightly as eyelids shut then thrusts as he realizes- Uh comm off!

Infidelity Discovered 

THE_STARKILLA *Sits in his apartment watching the holo while drinking an ale*

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA In whose apartment?

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Mine… 

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA I thought you got married to All Wa's daughter...

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller NO. I was just on an "extended sleepover"

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA Bantha twat!

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THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller You know I am a “playah”. I do not want get


Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA Yeah, because I was about to DQ you for the

HAYLE of it! All up under one chick...She must have done the spin move on you...

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Nope. I stuffed her before she shot the ball

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA You took it to the house? -laughs- Aiight mang! So

What the Kark are we going to do about these hater Jedi?

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Bitchslap them. It is inferred that they are gonna

get their asses kicked the second they begin to comm me

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA -frowns- They have been on your comm? ASILAS!


THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Eh only Anakin did… 

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA -frowns- Who? Psycho Anakin that asked Th'Brolin

to kill each other? Never been to Korriban Academy Anakin? Punk Vader?

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Yep the psycho one… 

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA How our Original Template took off his dome and

got killed in TFU Ultimate #Sith Edition is...GAH! That is why no one likes him!

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THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Hahahahah either that or it is his time of the

month…Butenji <Exactly>. We just fry the Jedi

Aayla_Secura @THE_STARKILLA OH!!! Hello? I am Jedi! And so is your girrrrrrrrrrl


THE_STARKILLA @Aayla_Secura Then you are fried and so is she –winks-

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA With electrical storms...-sly smile- So what do we

need to do with these twisted bastard pedophiles? Because I sense one of them was fresh

with Yemmy !

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller Then we need to show him some REAL shock

value #killapuns 

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA Yeah...I do not like when these men--especially

Jidai hit on my wife...

THE_STARKILLA @Lord_Starkiller They need to be hit back

Lord_Starkiller @THE_STARKILLA Yeah...Yemmy will not tell me what happened and

I even deep probe her mind...Nothing...I suspect she has been talking to them…You know, I

cannot kill @Aayla_Secura...I sense her biots...That is that dayum Vong poodoo and well...

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Hahaha sukers!!!!!!! Besides, why would you want

to kill me?

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Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura Well as long as you are not flirting with Yemmy, we

are good...But some Dayum Jedi is flirting with her for sure!

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Haha that is not me

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura GoooOoOOOooodD...-chuckles- Naw, seriously, -

eyes narrow- Who were your Jedi Masters?

@Lord_Starkiller Volfe Karkko and Tholme

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura Anyone else??? Think Aayla on my daughter's life!!!

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Quinlan Vos

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura -steps back a bit angered- Who?

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Master Quinlan Vos

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura -goes outside of compound enraged-

RRRRAAAWWWRRRRR!!!! AASSSILLLAASS!!! DAMMIT!!! –calms down- I am sorry...

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller You might want to see this holo, then:


Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura -Force crushes it and disintegrates it- I KNEW IT!!! I

KNEW IT!!! DAMMIT!!! I will kill her! I swear! I will… AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

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Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller *looks at him* It is...Alright

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura -flatly- No, it's not... He has been "in love" with her

for a LONG TIME!

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Oh? Ohhh...

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura @Master_Vos is a MARRIED MAN to

@KhaleenHentz, yet he hits on my WIFE @Senator_Yemaja even before we met!

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Oh, he used to be my master…  

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura Dare I say he has been into my wife since she was

with that asshole Mace Windu...@Osunoya_Lah's father...GAH!

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Haha! Mace is a bit of a twat… 

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura -falls saddened- I cannot LOSE HER! Especially not to

them! They HURT HER! The Jedi abandoned her...like they did...-pauses-

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller *raises eyebrow* They what?

Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura Nevermind… 

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Okay

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Lord_Starkiller @Aayla_Secura Speak of this to no one...Because if I see your

@Master_Vos...I will kill him!

Aayla_Secura @Lord_Starkiller Yes....


Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah Hey...Auset...How long have you known that

Yemmy was seeing that fuxin @Master_Vos?

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Well Gadma Dar Galen...INFIDEL! Master who???

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah @Master_Vos...How long?

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller *brushes it off* Oh since she was sworn in as a


Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah What? -enraged- How long?

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Galen...Why is this important? I know

@Master_Vos...He is uh..."special" being so close to Master Windu and all...

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -eyes narrow- What are you say, witch?

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GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Young man, do not get all pissy on me! Now I am

sure that @Senator_Yemaja was quite open with you and I know you “invade her mind”

through the Force!

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -coolly- That is not me...Her past lovers invaded

her mind… The Mindwalkers in the Maw invaded her mind...

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Now you know that is NOT Zhaelor! Where are

your SONS Galen? Do you even know?

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah  –angered- GAH! What was he to MY WIFE,

Auset...I must know? NOW!!!

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller With that attitude Galen...I will tell you nothing!

You do not deserve to know!

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -eyes narrow- YOU VONG BITCH! Tell me what I

need to know about @Master_Vos and @Senator_Yemaja or I will blow up every planet you

resided starting with the one you are on now!

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Oh no he did not!!! With that SACRELIGIOUS

UNLIVE METAL PERVERSION called the DEATH STAR? Oh I do not think so Kane a bar SEETH!

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah GAH!!! -enraged shoots Force Lightening into the


GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller I wish you would bring your slime and destroy

the Isle Sanctuary on Haruun Kal...Do it and the GRUTCHINS will make it painful!

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Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -rolls eyes- I do not care about a bug hunt! -

pauses- You know he tried to have his way with @Senator_Yemaja...-sly and manipulative-

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Bos? No he did not! @Master_Vos would never

harm her...EVER! You are lying...

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah Yes...He did... -transmits holo to her

http://bit.ly/aVCpbG - He is unsavory these days almost Sith material...  –chuckles-

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller *reviews silly holo on villip as her eyes widen*

Quinlan (@Master_Vos)...My YUN'O! He's turned to the Dark Side! His Izai to Mace is


Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -evil chuckle- What is it you think I should do...-

mocks- Mother...-sly-

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller He is an INFIDEL SEETH...What is it that you all

do with trash like that? His wife will be livid!

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah Well...-cavalierly- We have been interested in

some "recycling" programs...Have any suggestions than a dump!

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Other than the maw luur? No...Wait...For his

wife, I would shape him...But we would need @Meezhan_Kwaad or Kae Kwaad

(@ _ONIMI_) 

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah Who? -literally does not remember that memory

was erased about @Meezhan_Kwaad- I do not know any Kae Kwaad?

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GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller *smiles* {Thinks: His Qah cell transplant still is

intact...Zhaetor Zhae! Ai'Tanna @Meezhan_Kwaad!} Well...@Master_Vos is… 

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah Is what? He is an ASILAS for vowing -senses- He

was suppose to be @Osunoya_Lah's Godfather? -surprised- WHAT?

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Dwi...Your sense serve you well, Infidel

SEETH...He refused to even see O'O, too...But he said he would check in after you know who


Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah After what? The defenestration of Master

Windu...-chuckles- Typical Jidai always denying their kids! -wonders about Anakin


GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller It was not like that...and you are wrong,

Galen...But life moves on...Zhaelor...Yemaja's life is for the Gods as well as mine

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah But you saw this holo! He will come back and

Yemmy cannot...-grabs head as images flash from past- AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Hrosha Gul...

Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -falls down as his head feels like splitting open-

Yemmy cannot fight back...She is more unstable! I am doing all I can to keep her alive!!!

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller Then you bring her to us...We will deal with

her...You go and do what INFIDEL SEETH do! Destroy!

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Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah -regains clarity- NO! I will finish this mission…

Then I will find who stole the Aurodium from Mygeeto! You would not know anything about

that would you?

GoddessAST_Lah @Lord_Starkiller What is Aurodium, Galen? *aloof* What is this


Lord_Starkiller @GoddessAST_Lah Nevermind...-chuckles- And Auset...The Empire

appreciates your assistance for catching a known terrorist (@Master_Vos)

 A Warning by the Imperial Fleet 

Senator_Yemaja #Maaha!

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja Heloo beautiful

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *blushes* #Aloha Juno...

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja Well, I hope that your husband is treating you

exquisitely! Otherwise I will find a way to blast him!

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Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse Galen *pauses * treats me well, I guess… Did you

saw the recent holos of him and you with your past? How you got caught by that bounty

hunter and ransomed to the escaped cloned Galen?

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja Yes, I have! I do not like those holos at all! It was

cute after the first idiotic clone showed up on my doorstep, but after twentieth! Please!

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *looks down* Did-did another one show up on

your doorstep--so to speak?

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja  –clears throat- Actually no...I have done a life

review and a few of my preferences have been “tweaked” -grins- Like what I see before

me... –bits lip gazing at her-

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *blushes* You are too kind, but you know...I

am…*nods slowly*

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja  –smiles- I-I know, MiLady...One question for you...

Who is Vos?

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *surprised* Quinlan Vos? An old friend...I met him

at the same time I met O'O's father, Mace...Why-why do you ask?

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Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja Lovely -sighs- I just saw a holoTMZtabloid on you

and him at the Imperial Corellian Compound... Was he caressing and kissing you? The

Imperials are wondering why you would associate with a known “terrorist” under Lord

Starkiller’s security detail? 

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *looks down mumbles* I asked him to leave...I told

him “no”...That holo probably did not reflect that *tears fearful* Do you think he knows???

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja If I know Galen, he already has a plan...-crosses

arms- You need to leave Yemaja...You need to get out of there and take @ Mallie_Marek 

with you!

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse Where am I going to go? I am disowned and

excommunicated from the Domain Lah...The safest place would be a Koros Stronha since he

cannot gain access to one...

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja I do not know, beautiful, but that man will KILL YOU

even if you said "NO"! There are no safe-zones but your Kors-Kors —Worldships

GoddessAST_Lah *Villip opens* @Juno_Eclipse I sensed you were there and I must

intervene as Yemaja’s mother, we at the Isle Sanctuary renewal can protect her so much on

Sembla, but going against the Empire without Yuuzhan Vong support (@Senator_Yemaja)

Juno_Eclipse @GoddessAST_Lah -nods- I understand Ms Auset, I will try on my end

to suppress this report from the Imperial end...  –bows- And @Senator_Yemaja you are

amazing...Remember that!

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GoddessAST_Lah @Juno_Eclipse We will be forever grateful for your kindness

regarding this new Domain effort...

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *blushes modesty* Mahalo Juno...And thank you

for asking than assuming...I did not throw myself upon him...He intruded upon me…  

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja -sighs- So did Galen, but you married him...

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse I-I was ordered Juno...It was not supposed to

happen this way. But it did...Do you still love him?

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja The man I loved is dead…-sighs- There might be a

place in my heart for these clones in a girlish sort of way, but now I am a woman! And your

Galen hurts you, which is repulsive to me!

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse Hrosha Gul! <Price of Pain!> Juno...It is a part of my

culture to hold our own pain and I must relish in it. *sighs* Most pain is mental...

Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja Perhaps, but what you have endured is maybe one

step above enslavement, if that… I am sorry Yemaja, but I care for you too much to see you


Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *looks down and nods* Dwi...Thank you, but I

made a vow to my husband and we Yuuzhan Vong take our Izais <promises> seriously! I love

Galen! I must Zhaelor <trust> my husband…  

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Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja -stops- I understand, MiLady...And know that you

are loved and when you change your mind, I will support your decision...

Senator_Yemaja @Juno_Eclipse *slight smile* Mahalo for your kindness...I am


Juno_Eclipse @Senator_Yemaja MiLady...I must bid you adieu! –bows as she fades-

Senator_Yemaja What am I going to do? I was being polite...I never thought

*worried & frantic* It's on those crazy holo tabloid shows? *Sighs* Another scandal...How

much more can I lose? It is my entire fault...What is it worth? *Hears a murmur from

@Mallie_Marek's room. Checks her and she is fine sleeping. Smiles* Why do I always fall in

love with the wrong man? And why is it always at the WRONG TIME? It is like I have "IDIOT"

stamped on my forehead!

Yemaja tells Galen What Happened 

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja  -grabs her- I think you have something to tell


Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *drops Holo docs* Tell-tell you what, My Lord


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Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja Do not lie to me...What happened when I was

gone? Who visited and why?

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *saddened* My Lord...Please do not beat me...I-I

was going to tell you...But it was a shock to me, too...I did not ask for it

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja So it is true? @Master_Vos was here and you

allowed him to kiss you...GAH! Yemmy, why must you be so nice to them? To those what

want nothing for you! A better life, I have given you the BEST accommodations!

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *tears rolling down her eyes* I said "NO" my

Lord... I did not initiate anything...He took advantage of me...

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -eyes narrow as Force Lightening flashes,

enraged- AAARRRGGHHH! HE DID WHAT? TO YOU? DAMMIT!!! -burns holes into the walls-

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *cries* He did stop when I said "No" my

Lord...But I did not ask for it. I did not beg him. I was polite to him...

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Angrily panting as he Force grips her to the

Embrace of Pain and throws her in there ripping off his and her clothes through the Force,

growling- GRRRR!

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *Falls back into Embrace of Pain* Noo noo...Puul

Puul Please my Lord...I wanted only...UUGGGH!!! *caves into the Embrace while being

stung* OOOWWW!

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Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -Evil grin kissing her while placing Force

Lightening along her naked wet nubile body as he jerks into place* COMM OFF!!

Lord_Starkiller -strolls out the "chamber" relaxed after "meditating" leaving

@Senator_Yemaja in "it"- Ahhhh...-evil grin- That was invigorating!

 After Her Punishment in the Embrace of Pain

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja Babydoll...-presses nerve bundle to release her

and catches her- Do not do that to me ever again...

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *looks down* Dwi, my Lord...

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -picks her up and carries her to their room. Force

floats a towel wiping off the mucus from the Embrace of Pain- See there...

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *says nothing*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -caresses her cheek then kisses her plump lips- I

am sorry, but when you let a known terrorist touch you like that...

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Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller *murmurs* I said "No", my Lord...*tears run

down her cheeks*

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja Yeah…-looks away then to her- I sensed that

much...But you still need to be punished for speaking to him...-gets up-

Senator_Yemaja @Lord_Starkiller Dwi, my Lord...*wipes tears with her dry hand* I-I

am sorry...I would never mean to hurt you...or this family...

Lord_Starkiller @Senator_Yemaja -glares then surprise #Forcebitchslaps  her- You

hurt me again! And I will kill you...This-this terrorist I will kill him! -leaves-

Senator_Yemaja *feels the burning of @Lord_Starkiller's hit across her face,

mutters* Hrosha Gul...<Price of Pain> *carefully lifting herself to refresher*