revista forumul judecatorilor nr. 1-2009

EDITURA UNIVERSITARÃ Bucureºti & EU REVISTA FORUMUL JUDECÃTORILOR Uniunea Naþionalã a Judecãtorilor din România Revistã trimestrialã de atitudine ºi studii juridice Nr. 1/2009

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Documentul cuprinde primele 108 pagini.Numerele următoare vor putea fi comandate la Editură prin abonament.


Page 1: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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Page 2: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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Page 3: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor – Nr. 1/2009 3



- judecãtor Dragoº Cãlin


- judecãtor Adrian Neacºu

Redactor-ºef adjunct:

- judecãtor Ionuþ Militaru

Colegiul de redacþie:

- judecãtor Roxana Lãcãtuºu

- judecãtor Loreley Mirea

- judecãtor Angelica Cruceanu

- judecãtor Simona Kovács

- judecãtor Gabriel Caian

- judecãtor Paula Andrada Coþovanu

Colegiul ºtiinþific:- judecãtor lector univ. dr. Lavinia Lefterache- judecãtor lector univ. dr. Dana Cigan- judecãtor lector univ. dr. Cãtãlin Chiriþã- conf. univ. dr. Daniel-Mihail ªandru- Mihai Banu

Colaboratori:- profesor Mãdãlina Iulia Vîntu- judecãtor Andreea Vasile- Vito Monetti, il sustituto Procuratore

Generale della Cassazione, Italia- Judge Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the

United States Court of Appeals for theNinth Circuit

- judecãtor Miguel Carmona Ruano,Presidente de la Audiencia Provincialde Sevilla, Espana

- profesor Daniel James Beers, IndianaUniversity, U.S.A.

- Antonio Cluny, Procurador – GeralAdjunto en los Tribunales Supremo dePortugal.

Revista Forumul Judecãtorilor este editatã, pentru Uniunea Naþionalã a Judecãtorilor din România,de asociaþia profesionalã Forumul judecãtorilor din Oltenia.

Page 4: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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Page 5: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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Page 7: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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0�)�$�(�lin - Time to Act ............................ 9

Lavinia Lefterache - Brief CommentsRegarding the Impact of the CriminalProceeding Law on the Judiciary System ....... 11

���'����$u - 2009, the Year of Judges’Unionisation? .................................................. 13


��' * Militaru - Truth or Challenge: Respectingthe Independence of Justice ........................... 16

(�1��'� (��� - Current Priorities of theJudiciary System in the Context of the ReformStrategy .......................................................... 18

���'����$u - Improving the Transparencyin the High Council of Magistracy Activities. TheSolution of the Civil Society and of theProfessional Environment ............................... 32

(������0'���*� - The High Council of Magistracy– Illegal Prerogatives Concerning theMagistrates’ Ethics ......................................... 41

���'� ���$u - Full Publishment of theJudgements .................................................... 41

Adrian N��$u - Jurindex - the Index of theNational Caselaw ............................................ 58

� �# '����(�*��' 2�(������0'���* -Magistrates’ Remuneration - a Condition for theIndependence of Justice ................................. 63

0�)�$� (���'2� 3��)� #4��'� � �� - TheDiscrimination Caused by the Caselaw of theHigh Court of Cassation and Justice Concerningthe Professional Rank of the Prosecutors of theNational Anticorruption Directorate and theDirectorate for Investigation of OrganisedCrimes and Terrorism Activities ...................... 71

��5'� 4���� $ 2� ��' *� ������ -Contradictory Caselaw in Interpreting the LegalStipulations Concerning the ProbationMagistrates’ Remuneration ............................. 80

��5'� 4���� $ 2� ')����� (� ��' -Magistrates’ Recruitment - a Condition of TheirIndependence ................................................. 90

Hora*ius Dumbrav�2� 0�)�$�(���' - TheTransfer of Judges and Prosecutors to otherPublic Authorities than the Courts and to PublicInstitutions ...................................................... 105

'��'��������� 2�0�)�$�(���' - Carryingthe Same Position of Judge in another MemberState of the European Union. Compatibility ..... 110

Lord Justice Thomas – Perspectives on theCouncils for the Judiciary ................................ 112

Gabriel Caian - The Level and the Evolution ofCorruption in Romania Reflected in Official andIndependent Reports ...................................... 118

Hora*ius Dumbrav�2� 0�)�$�(���' - TheEvolution of the Judicial System in Romaniaduring the Past 60 Years ................................. 123

Marius Bulancea - Independence of Magistratesas a Guarantee to Reduce Political Corruption.Specific Case of Prosecutors in Romania ....... 132

0�)�$� (���'� #�The Independence of theMagistracy and the Fight Against Corruption .. 135

Dana Cigan - The Place and the Role of Judgesand Prosecutors in a Democratic State ........... 138

Adina Daria Lupea - U.S. Judicial System .... 141


0�)�$� (���'2 Hora*ius Dumbrav�� –Discussions about the Constitutionality of art.55 paragraph 1 and 2, Law 304/2004 ............. 144

Amalia-Cecilia Moleanu - The EvidenceConcerning the Crimes of Corruption. Theinstigation. The “Denouncing” Witness ........... 151

(������ 0'���*2� 0�)�$� (���' - JudicialConfusions between the Council of Europe andthe European Union ........................................ 168

Simona Kovács - Foreign Citizens’ Right toObtain the Property of the Lands by Means ofthe Legal Reconstitution in their Capacity ofSuccessors of the Former Owner ................... 172

0�)�$�(���'2 ��'��' ������ $ - PreliminaryOrder. The Inadmissibility of the Appeal .......... 177

(������0'���* - The “Gorbunov” Case - theSuspension of Imprisonment Enforcement ..... 179

Laura Curcio – Discriminations Caused by theDifferences of Race and Ethnic Origin ............ 186


Mihai Selegean - ;�<� )�<��� ThePreventive Detention and the Imprisonment inECHR Caselaw............................................... 190


The National Union Of the Romanian Judges 192

European Magistrates for Democracy andLiberties ........................................................ 200

The Forum of Judges from Oltenia ............. 204

Page 8: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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Drago$ C�lin – Temps d’action ...................... 9

Lavinia Lefterache - De brefs commentairessur les codes de procédure en ce qui concernele système judiciaire ....................................... 11

Adrian Neac$u – 2009, l’année de la syndicali-sation des juges?............................................ 13


Ionu* Militaru - Vérité ou provocation: lerespect de l’indépendance de la justice .......... 16

Ciprian Coad� - Les priorités actuelles dusystème judiciaire dans le cadre de la stratégiede réforme ...................................................... 18

Adrian Neac$u – L’amélioration de latransparence du Conseil Supérieur de laMagistrature. La solution de la société civile etdu milieu professionnel ................................... 32

Cristi Danile* – Le Conseil Supérieur de laMagistrature - compétences illégales dans ledomaine de l’éthique des magistrats .............. 41

Adrian Neac$u - La publication intégrale desarrêts .............................................................. 41

Adrian Neac$u - Jurindex – L’index de lajurisprudence interne ...................................... 58

Paula-Co*ovanu Andrada, Cristi Danile* –L’indemnisation des magistrats - condition del’indépendance de la magistrature .................. 63

Drago$ C�lin, Sergiu-Leon Rus - Ladiscrimination générée par la jurisprudence dela Haute Cour de Cassation et de la Justice enmatière du degré professionnel des procureurset de la Direction Nationale Anticorruption et dela Direction d’Investigation des Infractions deCriminalité Organisée et le Terrorisme............ 71

Roxana L�c�tu$u, Ionu* Militaru – Lajurisprudence non uniforme dans l’interprétationdes dispositions légales en ce qui concerne larémunération des magistrats stagiaires .......... 80

Roxana L�c�tu$u, Angelica Cruceanu - Lerecrutement des magistrats - garantie principalede leur indépendance ..................................... 90

Hora*ius Dumbrav�, Drago$ C�lin - Letransfert des juges et des procureurs à d’autresinstitutions que les tribunals et aux autoritéspubliques ........................................................ 105

Antoanela Florescu, Drago$ C�lin - L’exercicede la fonction de juge en Roumanie et d’autrespays de l’Union Européenne. Compatibilité. .... 110

Lord Justice Thomas - Perspectives sur lesconseils de la magistrature .............................. 112

Gabriel Caian - Le niveau et les tendances dela corruption en Roumanie dans les rapportsofficiels et indépendants ................................. 118

Hora*ius Dumbrav�, Drago$ C�lin -L’évolution du système judiciaire en Roumanieau cours des 60 dernières années ................. 123

Marius Bulancea - L’indépendance desmagistrats, comme une garantie de réductionde la corruption politique. Le cas spécifique desprocureurs de Roumanie ................................ 132

Drago$ C�lin - L’Indépendance de lamagistrature et la lutte contre la corruption ..... 135

Dana Cigan - La place et le rôle des juges etdes procureurs dans un état démocratique .... 138

Adina Daria Lupea – Le système judiciairedans les Etats Unies ....................................... 141


Amalia- Cecilia Moleanu – La probation enmatière de criminalité et la corruption.Provocation. Témoin “en cachette” ................. 144

Drago$ C�lin, Hora*ius Dumbrav� -Discussions sur la constitutionnalité de l’art. 55al. 1 et 2 de la Loi no. 304/2004 ...................... 151

(������0'���*2�0�)�$ C�lin – Des confusionsjudiciaires entre le Conseil de l’Europe et l’UnionEuropéenne .................................................... 168

Simona Kovacs - Le droit des citoyensétrangers à la reconstitution du droit de propriétéd’un terrain en qualité d’héritiers de leur auteur 172

Drago$ C�lin, Alina Manuela T�ru$ – Arrêtpréliminaire. Exclusion de recours .................. 177

(������ 0'���* – L’affaire “Gorbunov” – lasuspension de l’exécution de la peine ............ 179

Laura Curcio - La discrimination déterminée pardes différences de race et d’ethnicité ............. 186


Mihai Selegean(;�<� )�<���>a détentionpréventive et l’emprisonnement dans la jurisprudencede la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme . 190


L’Union nationale des Juges de Roumanie . 192

Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie etles libertés (MEDEL) ..................................... 200

Le Forum des juges d’Olténie ..................... 204

Page 9: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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Page 14: Revista Forumul Judecatorilor Nr. 1-2009

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agenda tuturorpartidelor politice,fiind asum�� oficialinclusiv la nivel gu-vernamental. Nego-cierile purtate înjurul constituirii bu-getului de stat au���� pentru primada���������������incapabil��� rezis-te presiunii sindica-telor, cedând�������� �contribuind din

plin, prin ��������, <������������� i chiar actenormative, � ����������� ��������� a unorîntregi corpuri profesionale, ������ ca bucu-rându-se de privilegii imorale într-un moment de���������� ��� .���.

Dezbaterile publice purtate ��.��������������������� i al statutului .������������ au ����din ����� i incapacitatea corpului profesionalde a i�������� � echilibra o �������� care, în multemomente, a luat forma une��������������-(������� �� ��������� profesionale, singureleforme de asociere colec���� ale .������������ sauprocurorilor, nu ����� nici legitimitatea, niciautoritatea form�� de a interveni in ������dezbaterilor publice ori politice.

/��������� profesionale sunt, în realitate��<��������<����� �������������������� i��������6�� potrivit O.U.G. nr. 26/20005 a���������� i ����������. Acestora nu le suntrecunoscute niciun fel de drepturi de participarela procesele decizionale ale ��������ilor publice,nu au niciun rol formal în negocierea unordrepturi profesionale, economice sau sociale,putând fi � �ricând �<����� ������� ��� ��� ����n luarea deciziilor. Mai mult, ���������profesionale nu au i nu pot avea rolul dereprezentare a intereselor economice sausociale ale membrilor ���, cu atât mai ����� acorpului profesional în ansamblu, întrucât, potrivitlegii, ������ ����������� este organiza����<����� �����constituita exclusiv pentru����� intereselor profesionale ale membrilor.Potrivit art. 76 din Legea nr. 303/2004������������I.���������� ��������������� ������

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Potrivit art. 4 din legea sindicatelor, magis-tra��������������������� ���������������������������������������ii ��������������������� ������������ ��� ����������������������<����ii sindicale.

Chiar la o privire superficial� textul de legeeste v�dit neconstitu�ional.

Potrivit art. 40 alin. 1������ ������ ������������� �� ��� ���� ����� �� ������������������������<�������������� din care facparte. Pentru .��������� ����, acest drept esteabolit����<����� i art. 53 alin�+���3����������

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The rule of law is based upon the judiciary as a central element of the social stability, the consequencebeing that the equilibrium between the social structures and the bodies of the judiciary is essential.

The judiciary systems have to adapt to the social dynamics, which tends to be more and morecomplex nowadays, the judiciary as a public service being confronted with an ever growing pressureas a consequence of the continuous accrual of the caseload, the permanent increasing in variety ofissues dealt in cases and of the need to answer promtly to the current challenges.

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A public call of the professional associations and civil society has identified since September 2007a set of 10 specific measures designed to be implemented so to lead to an increased transparency ofSuperior Council of Magistracy activities. The following paper deals with the critical issues of thetransparency in the Superior Council of Magistracy activities, including the likeliness of opaquenessfor those activities, mainly toward the judicial system, on one hand, and with discussing those 10specific measures that were proposed, on the other hand. Those may be immediately implemented,without being necessary specific human and material resources and a radical change in structures,mechanism and information channels already in place.

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The High Council of Magistracy carries out the constitutional functions of defending the independenceof the judiciary and of managing the career of the magistrates, through the competencies of recruiting,promoting into executive positions, appointing into leading positions, retiring upon the pension and bycarring the disciplinary action against the magistrates. Through internal regulations and without beingmandated by the law, the High Council of Magistracy arrogates itself the competences concerningalso the ethic and deontology of magistrates, a measure meant to infringe their independence andwhich is, in fact, an agent of pressure against them. The separation of the functions concerning thecareer of the magistrate is essential in order to assure the independence of the judiciary. But, byaggregating disciplinary competenticies (which are given by the Constitution), competenticiesconcerning the training of the magistrates (which are exercised through the power to revoke thedirector of the National Institute of Magistracy), deontological prerogatives (which were assumed onits own initiative), powers concerning the legislative initiative and the management of the Courtsbudget (as some of the members of the High Council have declared to intend to), the High Council ofMagistrates might become a super-power, without being accountable regarding the public and of themagistrates.

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The development process of the information technology in Romania. From the beginning, themajor requests of the judiciary and of society concerning an easy and complete access to the Courtscaselaw have found a rather incomplete answer in the Information Technology Strategy for the JudicialSystem. By its design, the entire system on accessing the caselaw developed starting with 2005 islimited. Except the High Court of Cassation and Justice, not any other Court does not allow a free andfull access to the judgments delivered both for the public and professionals.

The independent initiative of the Tribunal of Vrancea Country of developing the the caselaw index- JURINDEX have striven to overcome all those limits of the national programme concerning theaccess to the Courts caselaw. That facility promotes a wholly different approach concerning theaccess to the judgments, by imposing an absolutely new principle for Romania: the general,unconditioned and free access of any person to all judgments rendered by any Court, in their originalform, i.e. in the form those were delivered and without any other intervention than to remove thepersonal date, in order to comply with the relevant legislation.

The principle of the dissemination in full of the judgments promoted for the first time by the Tribunalof Vrancea Country, as a transparency standard in accordance with the necessary tehnicalarrangements, has been fully applied, so the public authorities have started applications in order theprinciple would gain a full effect in the entire judicial system. The rather complex but successful pathtowards achieving the principle of free access to the judgments has revealed the Courts might havethe power to promote public policies or technical sollutions in the public interest, as far as they areready to take enterprise, even in an environment of deep lack of decision-making autonomy, extremelybureaucratic centralism and limited financial resources.

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8. Proiectul lansat de Tribunalul Vrancea afost imediat sal����6��� ����������������6� � �� ��<�������� ��<����� ����� �������������� �����.���������;��� �����(������� ����������.����3����������-��������=<���������� �������� ��� �( �� ����������� �� ��� � ���������� ����<��� !����6�����.��������� ���

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The Tribunal of Vrancea Country (Tribunalul Vrancea) has launched in September 2008 anapplication publicly available designed to disseminate the Courts judgments in full in their originalform and without alterations, except the elimination of the personal data. Along with its absolutenovelty for the Romanian judicial system, the Jurindex application has established an improvedtransparency standard for the Courts in their relations with the litigants, professionals and the societyas a whole. On February 2009, the Tribunal of Vrancea Country has established a partnership withthe Superior Council of Magistracy in order to extend the Jurindex application, starting with thecurrent year, to all the Courts. The purpose of that project, unique by its scale and, morever, by thefact it consists in an exclusive initiative of the Courts themselves, shall consist in uploading all thejudgments rendered by the Romanian Courts on the national caselaw website (

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The delay in adopting a new law on the remuneration of the magistrates aimed at precluding thedisparities and inequities caused by the current specific legislation has led to a series of legalproceedings and actions for an enforcement order concerning the judgments delievered after theEmergency Government Ordinance No. 75/2008 (concerning the setting of measures aimed at settingcertain financial issues in the judiciary, published in the Official Gazette No. 462 of 20 June 2008)came into force. In the following we undertake an analysis of the factors that have generated thepresent crisis in the said field and also suggest the main lines of a public policy on the remunerationof the magistrates.

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4. Drepturi salariale în cadrul M.J.L.C.

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67 Articolul a fost conceput la 15 februarie 2009.68 /�����!����6���������������+"���"�����+��0

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69 A se vedea decizia nr. 109 din 16 septembrie 2008aplicabila din 1.04.2008 pentru membrii CSMdisponibila la

70 / �� ���� �� ������� �� ����� Z$ ��� � ���� ��� ��� ������������������� ��‘ din 23 ianuarie 2009al asoc������ ���������� �

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72 Normele au fost aprobate ���� ����������1������=�C����"���0838+��4����������=�1�������:����$$4���+���2�+��4� ������ ������������1������=�C����+2��838+��0���������M.Of., Partea I nr. 752din 07.11.2008

73 3������� �������� ;���������� 1 ���� ���������������� 6������>�<������8"55$�����������=�1����� 6��������� I, nr. 238 din 4 octombrie1993.

74 -���� �� ������� �� ��������� �� �� ������ �.�����������3��������-�������<������ �������3����������� 6������������������������� ������������������ ������������������������������������ �� 6�� �������� ��� "" � +� ���3����������� 6�����

75 Protocolul nr. 12 este în vigoare de la 1 aprilie 2005.

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80 -�������������� � C������������ ���� ����� ��������:�����������=<�����������"555��&�����

81 Standardele Minime de Independent� Judiciar�,adoptate de International Bar Association în 1982, laNew Delhi.

82 (1997) &+#+$+�;�%� �������� �� �/��!���>���+���+%� ���� �% � ������ /��� � � �� �+1� ��������� �a �

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83 Ibid, p. 12.84 :���� ��������3� ���������� ������ .������������

������<��� ��������Provincial Court Act �����������������������������������������.�������������������������<��������

85 Ibid.

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An unprecedented and absolutely impredictible crack in the status of the magistrates, until thatmoment fairly well coagulated and unitary, took place recently, but not as a consequence of anotherpower of the state (in fact, in spite of the clear regulations adopted by the Legislator), but of thejudiciary.

Obviously, we refer to the status of the prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Directorate andthose of the Directorate for Investigation of Organised Crimes and Terrorism Activities, that gainedsuddenly the supreme rank in magistracy, on a basis of a simple interview and of the legal proceedings,both being fairly easy to achieve.

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The purpose of the Legislator, according to the principle of nondiscrimination, was that of takinginto account the seniority as the single criterion in order to assess the remuneration due to magistrates,both definitive and junior.

The junior judges have gained a different treatment compared to the junior prosecutors concerningthe assessment of the remuneration, by taking into account, along with the seniority criterion, constantfor its assessment, a complementary and discriminatory criterion, nonexistent in the present legislation.

Besides the different law implementation by the authorities of expenditure (the Ministry of Justiceand Civil Liberties and the General Prosecutor’s Office, respectively), it must be noticed also thecontradictory caselaw of the Courts that solved the disputes forwarded by the junior judges againstthe assessment of the remunation.

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The training of a body of magistrates responding to the actual and optimum profil of the magistrateis a desideratum and its achievement is necessary in order to fulfill the actual needs of the system.

The valuation of the professional knowledges and of the competence can only be done throughthe competition which is a transparent and undiscriminating method. The lack itself of the valuation ofknowledges, together with the lack of a professional initial training, create and sustain in a major partthe unfavourable perception of the litigants about the professional competence of the magistratesand about the quality ot the act of justice.

The admission at the I.N.M. gathers the conditions of the limpid procedure and of its impartiality,also that of the existence of some admission criteria precisely regulated. The system of the selectionof the magistrates has to put the accent on the capacity of interpreting and applying the law and onthe existence of a logic, structured thinking and the initial training is imperatively necessary, irrespectiveof the chosen admission method in magistracy and of the existence or no-existence of the formerprofessional experience.

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