review text film up.docx

Review text film Up Carl Fredericksen is a quiet kid friendly with Tomboy’s woman named Ellie , who turns both idolizes Charles Muntz , an explorer . Then Carl and Ellie marry . Their lives are shown without speaking scenes look very happy , with cheerful music and obsession is having their first child . After preparing everything , reality changed when Ellie declared by doctors that she can not get pregnant . Shortly music becomes slower and sad , but back into the spirit when Carl and Ellie tried to set aside their income to fly to Paradise Falls , where Charles Muntz earlier . Still, the obstacle always appeared so they always put the money from the savings earlier , until eventually they both become grandparents . Carl , who realize they have not achieved obsession bought a ticket to South America , and would like to give surprise to Ellie . However , before his dream is achieved , Ellie dies first . This leads Carl actually lost enthusiasm for life and become withdrawn and introverted. That morning , as usual Carl get up early and run its activities . He came out and sat down on a chair that had surrounded a house construction work , also hinted that his house will be evicted soon . He went to check the mailbox , and had a conversation with one of the construction workers . As I was watching TV , he met with Russell , a scout is excited and will do anything to help him . After being cheated by Carl , Russell and Carl go see his mailbox was hit by a nearly off because tronton . Carl angry and hit one of the officers , who injured his head - made him finally brought to justice and the right to the house and the land fell into the hands of the boss of a construction worker earlier . After that , it is rumored that the next morning will be picked up by the nursing home . When he would straighten his clothes , he saw the book adventures of Ellie and realizes what he did not do . Evening passed and morning came . Officers have prepared a nursing home in front of the house Carl , and Carl asked for a little time to say goodbye to his home . When the guard to the car , turned out to Carl's house has been fitted with ten thousand helium balloons , balloon pressure is very strong making cracks across the bottom of the house , and the house fly . Carl rejoice that he managed to move his house and Ellie and preparing to fly to Paradise Falls . As I was relaxing in his house , he was surprised to hear a knock at the door that when Russell arrived. He could not ignore it , but eventually he opened the door and realized that Russell was really carried away with him . And so begins their adventure , their first face a cloud of rain and lightning , which led

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Review text film Up.docx


Page 1: Review text film Up.docx

Review text film Up

Carl Fredericksen is a quiet kid friendly with Tomboy’s woman named Ellie , who turns both idolizes Charles Muntz , an explorer . Then Carl and Ellie marry . Their lives are shown without speaking scenes look very happy , with cheerful music and obsession is having their first child . After preparing everything , reality changed when Ellie declared by doctors that she can not get pregnant . Shortly music becomes slower and sad , but back into the spirit when Carl and Ellie tried to set aside their income to fly to Paradise Falls , where Charles Muntz earlier . Still, the obstacle always appeared so they always put the money from the savings earlier , until eventually they both become grandparents . Carl , who realize they have not achieved obsession bought a ticket to South America , and would like to give surprise to Ellie . However , before his dream is achieved , Ellie dies first . This leads Carl actually lost enthusiasm for life and become withdrawn and introverted.That morning , as usual Carl get up early and run its activities . He came out and sat down on a chair that had surrounded a house construction work , also hinted that his house will be evicted soon . He went to check the mailbox , and had a conversation with one of the construction workers . As I was watching TV , he met with Russell , a scout is excited and will do anything to help him . After being cheated by Carl , Russell and Carl go see his mailbox was hit by a nearly off because tronton . Carl angry and hit one of the officers , who injured his head - made him finally brought to justice and the right to the house and the land fell into the hands of the boss of a construction worker earlier . After that , it is rumored that the next morning will be picked up by the nursing home . When he would straighten his clothes , he saw the book adventures of Ellie and realizes what he did not do . Evening passed and morning came .Officers have prepared a nursing home in front of the house Carl , and Carl asked for a little time to say goodbye to his home . When the guard to the car , turned out to Carl's house has been fitted with ten thousand helium balloons , balloon pressure is very strong making cracks across the bottom of the house , and the house fly . Carl rejoice that he managed to move his house and Ellie and preparing to fly to Paradise Falls . As I was relaxing in his house , he was surprised to hear a knock at the door that when Russell arrived. He could not ignore it , but eventually he opened the door and realized that Russell was really carried away with him . And so begins their adventure , their first face a cloud of rain and lightning , which led to Carl fainting . Once he knew , he knew that he had arrived at Paradise Falls , but could not get back into the house because he fell . Then he and Russell walking with the house by pulling the rope toward the middle of Paradise Falls , a place where he can see the waterfall falling significantly.In the forest , finding Kevin Russell , a giant bird that resembles an ostrich , and they became good friends because Kevin likes chocolate , and Russell had a lot of chocolate . Carl was not like Kevin , until he meets again with Doug , a dog that can talk with a collar translate . Four of them experience the adventure , while Doug have three friends ( or enemies ) dog named Alpha , Beta , and Delta . Then Carl knows that having Doug , Alpha , Beta , Delta , and other dogs is Charles Muntz , the hero of the minor . Charles Muntz is expelled by the people of the city had been considered the place of origin for spreading false news about aliens from Paradise Falls , which turned out not lie , she has the bone structure , and finally Carl realized that the bone is very similar to Kevin . When Charles Muntz know that Carl has Kevin , he sent his dogs to chase Carl and Russell and Kevin are fleeing . They could be caught , but failed due to the help of Doug caught . After being saved , Charles Muntz really cornered them and managed to get Kevin , while Carl decided not to save Kevin and stay at Paradise Falls .Carl , who found the back of Ellie's adventure book , seeing that this time he did wrong too , when he saw various pictures of her and Ellie when they were still together . Then he saw the writing Ellie " Thanks for the adventure . Got a New one ! Ellie . " and realized that he had to save Kevin . He then came out to talk with Russell that annoyed him, but it turns out Russell had gone ahead with the chase boat Muntz giant balloons from Carl's house . Carl tried to overtake Russell , who turns out there caught

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by Muntz . After rescued Russell , he saved Kevin , but fight with Muntz . After Carl Russell brought home aboard a giant place Carl , Kevin and Doug were , they were getting ready to leave , but Muntz shooting at balloons on his house with a shotgun . Carl could not move because he was holding the rope house , but after he outwit Muntz , he told Russell , Kevin and Doug to hold onto the rope which he held , while Muntz falls from a height , causing his death . They rejoice that managed to make Muntz lost , but feel sad because Carl and Ellie's house falling from the heights .Russell and Carl , back to its original place with the giant ship Muntz and those attending the ceremony that followed Russell . Carl Russell raised as a foster father , while Kevin had returned to its original place and Doug makes Carl a new owner . They eat ice cream in an ice cream parlor , while playing guess the color of the car . Doug, Carl , and Russell live happily , while his return to Paradise Falls , Carl and Ellie's house landed perfectly in Paradise Falls , exactly as they envisioned.some photos showing Carl 's life after the adventure , and Carl is now the adoptive grandfather for Russell.

The meaning of the film up The meaning of the film Up is one of those movies that have a positive impact The movie shows that keeping promises is one thing that is very important, even more promise to the beloved, in the film shows the persistence carl to keep his promise to his beloved wife, this suggests that we should keep our promises we have made with all of the abilities that we have.

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Carl Fredricksen (Edward Asner) adalah bocah pendiam yang bersahabat dengan cewek Tomboy bernama Ellie,

yang ternyata sama-sama mengidolakan Charles Muntz, seorang penjelajah. Kemudian Carl dan Ellie menikah.

Kehidupan mereka yang diperlihatkan tanpa adegan berbicara terlihat sangat bahagia, dengan musik yang ceria dan

obsesi pertama mereka adalah memiliki anak. Setelah mempersiapkan segalanya, kenyataan berubah ketika Ellie

dinyatakan oleh dokter bahwa ia tidak dapat hamil. Sesaat musik menjadi lebih lambat dan sedih, namun kembali

menjadi semangat saat Carl dan Ellie berusaha menyisihkan pendapatan mereka untuk terbang ke Paradise Falls,

tempat Charles Muntz tadi. Namun, tetap saja halangan selalu muncul sehingga mereka selalu memakai uang dari

tabungan tadi, sampai akhirnya mereka berdua menjadi kakek-nenek. Carl, yang menyadari obsesi mereka belum

tercapai membeli tiket ke Amerika Selatan, dan ingin memberikan kejutan untuk Ellie. Namun, sebelum impiannya

tercapai, Ellie terlebih dahulu meninggal dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan Carl benar-benar kehilangan semangat hidup

dan menjadi pendiam dan tertutup.

Pagi itu, seperti biasanya Carl bangun pagi dan menjalankan aktivitasnya. Ia keluar, duduk di kursi rumahnya yang

telah dikelilingi sebuah pekerjaan konstruksi, mengisyaratkan bahwa rumahnya juga akan digusur sebentar lagi. Ia

pergi untuk mengecek kotak surat, dan sempat berbincang-bincang dengan salah satu pekerja konstruksi. Saat

sedang menonton TV, ia bertemu dengan Russell (Jordan Nagai), seorang pramuka yang bersemangat dan akan

membantunya melakukan apa saja. Setelah ditipu oleh Carl, Russell pergi dan Carl melihat kotak suratnya hampir

lepas karena ditabrak sebuah tronton. Carl marah dan memukul salah satu petugas, yang melukai kepalanya—

membuatnya diseret ke pengadilan dan akhirnya hak untuk rumah dan tanahnya jatuh ke tangan bos dari pekerja

konstruksi tadi. Setelah itu, ia dikabarkan bahwa besok pagi akan dijemput oleh panti jompo. Saat ia akan

membereskan pakaiannya, ia melihat buku petualangan dari Ellie dan menyadari apa yang tidak dilakukannya.

Malam berlalu dan pagi datang.

Petugas panti jompo telah siap di depan rumah Carl, dan Carl meminta sedikit waktu untuk berpamitan pada

rumahnya. Saat petugas tadi menuju mobil, ternyata rumah Carl telah dipasangi sepuluh ribu balon gas helium,

tekanan balon yang sangat kuat membuat retakan di seluruh bagian bawah rumah, dan menerbangkan rumah

tersebut. Carl bersuka cita karena ia berhasil memindahkan rumahnya dan Ellie dan bersiap untuk terbang ke

Paradise Falls. Saat sedang santai di dalam rumahnya, ia terkejut mendengar ketukan pintu yang sama saat Russell

datang tadi. Ia sempat tidak mengacuhkannya, namun akhirnya ia buka pintunya dan menyadari bahwa Russell

benar-benar terbawa bersamanya. Dan dimulailah petualangan mereka, pertama mereka menghadapi sebuah awan

hujan dan petir, yang menyebabkan Carl pingsan. Setelah ia sadar, ia tahu bahwa ia telah sampai di Paradise Falls,

namun tidak bisa kembali ke dalam rumahnya karena ia terjatuh. Lalu ia dan Russell berjalan sambil membawa

rumah tersebut dengan menariknya dengan tali menuju ke tengah-tengah Paradise Falls,tempat di mana dia dapat

melihat air terjunnya jatuh secara nyata.

Di hutan, Russell menemukan Kevin, seekor burung raksasa yang menyerupai burung unta, dan mereka menjadi

sahabat baik karena Kevin menyukai cokelat, dan Russell punya banyak coklat. Carl sempat tidak menyukai Kevin,

sampai ia bertemu lagi dengan Dug, seekor anjing yang dapat bicara dengan sebuah translate collar. Mereka

berempat mengalami petualangan, sementara Doug mempunyai tiga teman (atau musuh) anjing yang diberi nama

Alfa, Beta, dan Delta. Lalu Carl tahu bahwa yang mempunyai Doug, Alfa, Beta, Delta, dan anjing-anjing lainnya

adalah Charles Muntz, pahlawannya dari kecil. Charles Muntz yang diusir oleh masyarakat kota tempat asalnya

karena telah dianggap menyebarkan berita bohong tentang makhluk asing dari Paradise Falls, yang ternyata

bukannya kebohongan, ia mempunyai susunan tulang tersebut, dan akhirnya Carl menyadari bahwa tulang tersebut

sangat mirip dengan Kevin. Saat Charles Muntz tahu bahwa Carl memiliki Kevin, ia menyuruh anjing-anjingnya untuk

mengejar Carl dan Russell serta Kevin yang melarikan diri. Mereka sempat akan tertangkap, namun gagal tertangkap

karena bantuan dari Doug. Setelah sempat selamat, Charles Muntz benar-benar menyudutkan mereka dan berhasil

mendapatkan Kevin, sementara Carl memutuskan untuk tidak menyelamatkan Kevin dan tinggal di Paradise Falls.

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Carl, yang kembali menemukan buku petualangan dari Ellie, melihat bahwa kali ini yang dilakukannya juga salah,

saat ia melihat berbagai foto-fotonya dan Ellie saat mereka masih bersama. Lalu ia melihat tulisan Ellie "Thanks for

the adventure. Got a New one! Ellie." dan sadar bahwa ia harus menyelamatkan Kevin. Ia lalu keluar untuk bicara

dengan Russell yang kesal terhadapnya, namun ternyata Russell sudah pergi duluan mengejar kapal raksasa Muntz

dengan balon-balon dari rumah Carl. Carl berusaha menyusul Russell, yang ternyata di sana tertangkap oleh Muntz.

Setelah menyelamatkan Russell, ia menyelamatkan Kevin, namun bertarung dengan Muntz. Setelah Russell

membawa rumah Carl ke atas kapal raksasa tempat Carl, Kevin dan Doug berada, mereka bersiap untuk pergi,

namun Muntz menembaki balon di rumahnya dengan senapan. Carl tidak dapat bergerak karena ia menahan tali

rumah tersebut, namun setelah ia mengecoh Muntz, ia menyuruh Russell, Kevin dan Doug untuk berpegangan di tali

yang ia pegang, sementara Muntz jatuh dari ketinggian, menyebabkan kematiannya. Mereka bersuka cita karena

berhasil membuat Muntz kalah, namun Carl merasa sedih karena rumahnya dan Ellie jatuh dari ketinggian tersebut.

Russell dan Carl, pulang ke tempat asalnya dengan kapal raksasa Muntz dan mereka menghadiri upacara yang

diikuti Russell. Russell mengangkat Carl sebagai ayah angkatnya, sementara Kevin sudah pulang ke tempat asalnya

dan Dug menjadikan Carl sebagai pemilik barunya. Mereka makan es krim di kedai es krim, sambil bermain-main

menebak warna mobil. Dug, Carl, dan Russell hidup bahagia, sementara saat kembali ke Paradise Falls, rumah Carl

dan Ellie mendarat dengan sempurna di Paradise Falls, tepat seperti yang mereka impikan.

Selama kredit, beberapa foto menampilkan kehidupan Carl setelah petualangan tersebut, sebagai kakek angkat


makna dari film upMakna dari film Up adalah salah satu film yang memberikan dampak positiffilm tersebut menunjukkan bahwa menepati janji adalah satu hal yang sangat penting, terlebih lagi janji terhadap orang yang tercinta, di dalam film tersebut menunjukkan kegigihan carl untuk menepati janjinya terhadap sang istri tercinta, ini menunjukkan bahwa kita harus menepati janji yang telah kita buat dengan seluruh kemampuan yang kita miliki.