review iron deficiency and chlorosis in orchard and vineyard ... (3).pdfeuropean journal of...

European Journal of Agronomy 15 (2001) 71–92 Review Iron deficiency and chlorosis in orchard and vineyard ecosystems Massimo Tagliavini *, Adamo Domenico Rombola ` Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Uniersita ` degli Studi di Bologna, Via Filippo Re 6, 40126 Bologna, Italy Received 29 May 2001; received in revised form 29 August 2001; accepted 29 August 2001 Abstract Several perennial, deciduous, as well as evergreen fruit crops develop symptoms of iron deficiency — interveinal chlorosis of apical leaves — when cultivated in calcareous and alkaline soils. Under these conditions fruit yield and quality is depressed in the current year and fruit buds poorly develop for following year fruiting. This paper reviews the main fundamental and applied aspects of iron (Fe) nutrition of deciduous fruit crops and grapevine and discusses the possible development of sustainable Fe nutrition management in orchard and vineyard ecosystems. Cultivated grapevines and most deciduous fruit trees are made up of two separate genotypes the cultivar and the rootstock, providing the root system to the tree. The effect of the rootstock on scion tolerance of Fe chlorosis is discussed in terms of biochemical responses of the roots to acquire iron from the soil. Symptoms of iron chlorosis in orchards and vineyards are usually more frequent in spring when shoot growth is rapid and bicarbonate concentration in the soil solution buffers soil pH in the rhizosphere and root apoplast. Since the solubility of Fe-oxides is pH dependent, under alkaline and calcareous soils inorganic Fe availability is far below that required to satisfy plant demand, so major role on Fe nutrition of trees is likely played by the iron chelated by microbial siderophores, chelated by phytosiderophores (released into the soil by graminaceous species) and complexed by organic matter. As most fruit tree species belong to Strategy I-based plants (which do not produce phytosiderophores in their roots) Fe uptake is preceded by a reduction step from Fe 3 + to Fe 2 + . The role of ferric chelate reductase and proton pump activities in Fe uptake and the possible adoption of these measurements for screening procedure in selecting Fe chlorosis tolerant rootstocks are discussed. In a chlorotic leaf the existence of Fe pools which are somehow inactivated has been demonstrated, suggesting that part of the Fe coming from the roots does not pass the leaf plasmamembrane and may be confined to the apoplast; the reasons and the importance for inactivation of Fe in the apoplast are discussed. The use of Fe chlorosis tolerant genotypes as rootstocks in orchards and vineyards represents a reliable solution to prevent iron chlorosis; in some species, however, available Fe chlorosis resistant rootstocks are not very attractive from an agronomic point of view since they often induce excessive growth of the scion and reduce fruit yields. As most fruit tree crops and grapes are high value commodities, in many countries growers are often willing to apply synthetic Fe chelates to cure or to prevent the occurrence of Fe deficiency. The application of iron chelates does not represent a * Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-051-2091490; fax: +39-051-2091500. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Tagliavini). 1161-0301/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S1161-0301(01)00125-3

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European Journal of Agronomy 15 (2001) 71–92


Iron deficiency and chlorosis in orchard and vineyardecosystems

Massimo Tagliavini *, Adamo Domenico RombolaDipartimento di Colture Arboree, Uni�ersita degli Studi di Bologna, Via Filippo Re 6, 40126 Bologna, Italy

Received 29 May 2001; received in revised form 29 August 2001; accepted 29 August 2001


Several perennial, deciduous, as well as evergreen fruit crops develop symptoms of iron deficiency—interveinalchlorosis of apical leaves—when cultivated in calcareous and alkaline soils. Under these conditions fruit yield andquality is depressed in the current year and fruit buds poorly develop for following year fruiting. This paper reviewsthe main fundamental and applied aspects of iron (Fe) nutrition of deciduous fruit crops and grapevine and discussesthe possible development of sustainable Fe nutrition management in orchard and vineyard ecosystems. Cultivatedgrapevines and most deciduous fruit trees are made up of two separate genotypes the cultivar and the rootstock,providing the root system to the tree. The effect of the rootstock on scion tolerance of Fe chlorosis is discussed interms of biochemical responses of the roots to acquire iron from the soil. Symptoms of iron chlorosis in orchards andvineyards are usually more frequent in spring when shoot growth is rapid and bicarbonate concentration in the soilsolution buffers soil pH in the rhizosphere and root apoplast. Since the solubility of Fe-oxides is pH dependent, underalkaline and calcareous soils inorganic Fe availability is far below that required to satisfy plant demand, so major roleon Fe nutrition of trees is likely played by the iron chelated by microbial siderophores, chelated by phytosiderophores(released into the soil by graminaceous species) and complexed by organic matter. As most fruit tree species belongto Strategy I-based plants (which do not produce phytosiderophores in their roots) Fe uptake is preceded by areduction step from Fe3+ to Fe2+. The role of ferric chelate reductase and proton pump activities in Fe uptake andthe possible adoption of these measurements for screening procedure in selecting Fe chlorosis tolerant rootstocks arediscussed. In a chlorotic leaf the existence of Fe pools which are somehow inactivated has been demonstrated,suggesting that part of the Fe coming from the roots does not pass the leaf plasmamembrane and may be confinedto the apoplast; the reasons and the importance for inactivation of Fe in the apoplast are discussed. The use of Fechlorosis tolerant genotypes as rootstocks in orchards and vineyards represents a reliable solution to prevent ironchlorosis; in some species, however, available Fe chlorosis resistant rootstocks are not very attractive from anagronomic point of view since they often induce excessive growth of the scion and reduce fruit yields. As most fruittree crops and grapes are high value commodities, in many countries growers are often willing to apply synthetic Fechelates to cure or to prevent the occurrence of Fe deficiency. The application of iron chelates does not represent a

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-051-2091490; fax: +39-051-2091500.E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Tagliavini).

1161-0301/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S1161-0301(01)00125-3

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M. Taglia�ini, A.D. Rombola / Europ. J. Agronomy 15 (2001) 71–9272

sustainable way to prevent or cure iron chlorosis because of to their costs and of the environmental risks associatedwith their use. Since Fe chelates were introduced, little research on alternative means for controlling the chlorosis hasbeen performed. Sustainable management of Fe nutrition in orchards and vineyards should include all genetical andagronomical means in order to naturally enhance Fe availability in the soil and in the plant. Special attention shouldbe given to soil analysis and to prevention measures carried out before planting. Alternatives to iron chelates arebeing developed and in the future they should be included into the routine practices of managing fruit trees andgrapevine under Integrated Production and Organic Farming. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Leaf chlorosis; Fruit trees; Integrated fruit production; Iron nutrition; Grape; Rootstocks

1. Introduction and scope

Iron (Fe) is one of the most studied element inmineral nutrition of plants. Although its relativelyhigh abundance in the earth’s cultivated soils,plant Fe acquisition is often impaired, a factresulting in severe crop losses. Among the soilproperties that impair Fe nutrition problems, cal-cium carbonate (CaCO3), whose presence is wide-spread on 30% of total land area (Chen andBarak, 1982), plays a major role (Loeppert et al.,1994).

Cultivated plants differ as to their susceptibilityto Fe deficiency in calcareous soils, some beingpoorly affected while others showing severe leafchlorotic symptoms. Several perennial, deciduous,as well as evergreen fruit crops belong to thesecond category. When chlorotic symptoms inorchards and vineyards develop, fruit yield andquality can be severely depressed in the currentyear and next year fruiting as fruit buds poorlydevelop. Due to the relatively high profit obtainedwith some fruit trees and grape, because of thehigh specialisation of the cultivation techniques,which implies the development of special skills inthe growers, orchards and vineyards are also culti-vated in areas where soil conditions for Fe nutri-tion are sub-optimal, providing that the climate isfavourable for maximising fruit quality and main-taining satisfactory yields. Under these conditionsappropriate strategies, often not very friendly tothe environment are, therefore, adopted for pre-venting the Fe-deficiency symptoms. Clearly,there is a need for designing orchard and vineyardecosystems more sustainable in terms of Fenutrition.

Several reviews on iron nutrition of higherplants are available, covering, among others, iron

availability for root uptake (Loeppert et al., 1994;Lindsay and Schwab, 1982), Fe nutrition in cal-careous soils (Chen and Barak, 1982; Mengel,1994), plant susceptibility to Fe deficiency andplant adaptation mechanisms (Marschner et al.,1986; Jolley and Brown, 1994) prevention andcorrection of chlorosis (Chen and Barak, 1982;Wallace, 1991; Tagliavini et al., 2000a). Few re-views on iron nutrition of perennial fruit crops areavailable (see Wallace and Lunt, 1960). Since thereview published by Korcak (1987), a significantamount of literature has been published and sevenInternational Symposia on Fe nutrition held; al-though a relatively limited number of publishedpapers dealt with perennial fruit crops, new scien-tific evidences on iron nutrition (e.g. underesti-mated sources of soil Fe for root uptake,adaptation strategies to Fe deficiency, leaf inacti-vation of iron) give more insights on iron nutri-tion of perennial plants.

In this review, we will concentrate on mainfundamental and applied aspects of Fe nutritionof deciduous fruit crops and grapevine; while wewill not try to be comprehensive of the wholeexisting literature we will discuss the possible de-velopment of sustainable Fe nutrition manage-ment in orchard and vineyard ecosystems.

2. Fe nutrition in orchards and vineyards

2.1. Tree physiology and iron chlorosis

Deciduous fruit species (Westwood, 1993) aregrown world-wide wherever climate soil and mois-ture conditions are suitable: temperate deciduousspecies are confined mostly to the middle latitudes30–50° in the Northern and Southern Hemi-

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spheres, and plantings of European grape (Vitis�inifera) are mostly concentrated in areas whereisotherms vary between 10 and 20 °C. In the EU,estimates indicate that around 350000 farms arespecialised in the production of fruits, of whichyields account for 80% of total fruit production,the remaining 20% being accounted for the small-family sized farms (Avermaete, 1999).

A significant part of the fruit tree industry inEurope and especially in the Mediterranean areais located on calcareous or alkaline soils, whichfavour the occurrence of Fe chlorosis. Fruit treesand grape species differ as to their susceptibilityto Fe chlorosis, but it is widely accepted thatpeach, pear, and kiwifruit are among the mostsusceptible to Fe chlorosis (Korcak, 1987). Vitisspp. also differ as to their susceptibility, somebeing very tolerant (e.g. V. �inifera and V. rupes-tris) others being susceptible (e.g. V. riparia).

Cultivated grapevines and most deciduous fruittrees are made up of two separate genotypes: thescion (cultivar), selected for its fruiting perfor-mance, and the rootstock (usually from the samespecies or of a botanically related one), of whichroot system explores the soil and provides waterand nutrient to the canopy. The effect of therootstock on scion tolerance of Fe chlorosis iswell accepted. Within a given fruit species differ-ences in Fe susceptibility among varieties exist: inpear, for example, while cvs. Abbe Fetel’ andBartlett are very susceptible, cv. Conference isquite tolerant: although such different behaviours(different Fe requirements, compatibility withquince rootstocks, different vegetative behaviour)may be explained by hypotheses, the actual causesare still unknown and the phenomenon deservesfurther studies.

Iron chlorosis is a more complex phenomenonin fruit trees than in annual crops (Tagliavini etal., 2000a). Deciduous fruit trees and grapes ex-hibit reproductive cycles starting with bud forma-tion in one year and ending with flowering, fruitset and fruit maturity the following year. Esti-mates of chlorosis severity among pear orchardsin the Po Valley (Northern Italy) (Scudellari,1999, personal communication) suggest that treesbearing a large amount of fruits in one year aremore prone to show a severe chlorosis develop-

ment the following year. This phenomenon, inaccordance with findings by Pouget (1974), hasbeen explained considering the fact that fruitsrepresent a strong sink for carbohydrates, ofwhich storage at root level might be insufficient tosustain root growth and activity during growthresumption in spring. In this context it is ofinterest that Fe is only taken up by root tips(Clarkson and Hanson, 1980) and, therefore, thenumber of root tips produced by a rootstock inspring may have an influence on Fe uptake.

Another peculiar aspect of Fe nutrition in treesis related to their size and to the fact that, afterabsorption, Fe has to be transported for a longdistance to reach the tree canopy. Problems in Fetransport through the xylem are, therefore, morelikely in mature trees. Symptoms of iron chloro-sis-typical interveinal yellowing or sometimesatypical uniform chlorosis as in pear-in orchardsand vineyards often start as soon as buds open,likely as a result of insufficient storage of Fe, ordevelop throughout the vegetative season as aconsequence of plant demand being excessive inrespect to Fe availability. In general, however,chlorosis occurs more frequently in spring whenrainfalls cause a raise in soil bicarbonate concen-tration (Boxma, 1982) in a period of intense Fedemand. If soil conditions then improve, newleaves appear green, but those previouslychlorotic unlikely re-green. Fruit yield lossescaused by leaf chlorosis also depend on the degreeand the period the chlorosis develop and, in gen-eral, critical periods coincide with blooming andfruit set: this particularly applies to fruits not easyto set, like pears (Pyrus communis) or those likekiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa), of which the finalsize strongly depends on seed number. A rela-tively low level of chlorosis is likely more accept-able at other phenological phases, especially if it isconfined to parts of the canopy where only vege-tative and not reproductive buds are present.

Chlorotic symptoms also vary from year toyear as a result of several tree and environmentalvariables, like yields, temperatures, rains. In soilswhere shallow layers are less rich in CaCO3 thandeeper layers, it is likely that trees and vinesdevelops chlorosis only when they age and rootsexplore layers with poor conditions for Fe uptake.

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Studying the characteristics of soil profile pro-vides a useful tool for understanding such prob-lems. To our experience, soils which had been formany years subjected to ploughing before theplantation may present layers of fine texture, justbelow the ploughing depth, which could be rich inCaCO3 because of leaching from more shallowlayers.

Symptoms of iron chlorosis are not alwaysuniform within a single tree, where chlorotic partsof the canopy are often present together withgreen branches. Little attention has been given toexplaining this phenomenon, but few hypothesescan be made: (1) tree root systems exploit arelatively large volume of soil with heterogeneouscharacteristics, some roots developing in mi-crosites favourable to Fe uptake while others arelocated in poor areas. Due to the poor phloemmobility of the iron absorbed by one root, redis-tribution of iron from green canopy parts tochlorotic ones is unlikely; (2) since iron is mainlytransported in a non-ionic form in the xylem(Tiffin, 1970) its transport, driven by the transpi-ration stream, is likely not uniform. It has beenreported (Tagliavini et al., 2000a) that within thesame tree or vine, leaf Fe chlorosis is often moresevere on second or third order branches than onthose directly branching off the trunk.

Problems in transport of Fe may also arisefrom the fact that in some species (e.g. pear), acertain degree of scion/rootstock (usually quince)incompatibility occurs and is sometimes desirableas it allows a control of the tree size. Graftincompatibility, however, impairs both upwardnutrient transportation through the xylem anddownward carbohydrates replenishment to theroots through the phloem (Breen, 1975). Underthese conditions, root reactions to Fe deficiency,such as the increase of Fe-reduction activity andproton extrusion (Mengel and Malissovas, 1982),may be impaired because of a lack of organiccarbon supplied from the shoots.

Iron demands by mature orchards and vine-yards are in the range of 650–1100 g Fe ha−1 peryear (Gartel, 1993): net removals are mainly ac-counted by amounts recovered in yields and prun-ing wood, if not left in the ground and chopped,while the Fe amounts in the perennial framework,

with a relatively constant biomass do not signifi-cantly vary from year to year and are, therefore,negligible. For kiwifruit, fruit Fe concentrationsof 33 �g g−1 (DW) were estimated, resulting in atotal removal of Fe in fruits of around 160 g ha−1

for a fruit production of 30 t ha−1. For severalflesh fruit crops (Tagliavini et al., 2000b) removalsare in the range of 1–10 g t−1 of harvested yield.Annual removal of Fe by pruning wood wereestimated by Abadia et al. (personal communica-tion, 2000) for peach trees in Northern Spainbeing in the order of 150 g Fe ha−1 and similarFe amounts were estimated returning to the soilthrough the leaves after their abscission.

2.2. Soil iron a�ailability

As previously described, annual removals ofiron in orchards and vineyards are relatively low.Total amounts of iron in cultivated soils, in the-ory would not justify the development of irondeficiency, which, nevertheless, often occurs as aresult of poor availability of iron for plants. Sev-eral soil-related characteristics may lead to devel-opment of iron chlorosis (Table 1).

The prediction of risks of future developmentof iron chlorosis in a plantation is of great impor-tance in fruit tree and grape industry and shouldlead to the correct choice of the rootstock to beused. Mistakes at this stage would make unlikelythe achievement of satisfactory yields withoutagronomic and chemical means for correcting thechlorosis throughout the life span of the orchardor vineyard. Due to the number of soil factorsthat impair Fe nutrition, it is not always easy topredict the possible chlorosis development of aperennial crop on the basis of a single soilparameter. Soil pH is often a useful but notsufficient parameter: it is well known that fruitcrops adapted to acidic soils quickly developchlorosis at sub-alkaline or alkaline conditions(e.g. blueberry, raspberry, kiwifruit) while othergenotypes are more able to cope with high soil pH(likely through an inherent ability to lower rootapoplastic pH), unless the soil is also calcareousand, therefore, buffered in the range of 7.5–8.5(Loeppert et al., 1994). Total lime, however, is notparticularly useful for predicting the development

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Table 1List of causes of Iron chlorosis development in orchards andvineyards

MechanismConstraint to Fe nutrition

Soil related factorsHigh soil pH Poor availability of Fe

Impairment ofFe-reductionBuffering effect onPresence of CaCO3

rhizosphere and rootapoplast pHPossible direct effects ofbicarbonate

Poor soil aeration and soil Poor root developmentcompaction and activity

Limitation of Fe uptakeLow root zone temperaturerates

Irrigation with water rich in Alkalinisation of the soilbicarbonate Increase of bicarbonate in

the rhizosphereIncrease of rhizosphereExcessive nitrate–NpHavailabilityIncrease of leaf apoplastpH in species transportingNO3 to the canopyStimulation of vegetativegrowth, increasing needsfor iron uptake

Low level of soil organic Decrease of theavailability of sources ofmatter and poor biologicalorganic-Fefertility of soils

Tree related factorsPathogen infection Impairment of

carbohydrate availabilityand root Fe uptakePossible effect ofsequestration of Fe withinthe plant bymicroorganismsPoor winter storage of CExcessive fruit yield theskeletonsprevious yearImpairment of rootdevelopment after growthresumption in springleading to poor root Feuptake

Damages to the root system Losses of potential for Feuptake(e.g. caused by soil tillage)

Unsufficient replenishmentGrafting incompatibilityof organic carbon to thebetween scion and rootstockroot system

of iron chlorosis, while the fine, clay-sized, frac-tion of CaCO3, active carbonate or active lime(Drouineau, 1942), is more reactive and, there-fore, able to build and maintain high levels ofHCO3

− in the soil solution (Inskeep and Bloom,1986), and is, therefore, often a more reliableindicator. Species are ranked according to thelevel of active lime at which they start to developchlorotic symptoms: very susceptible species orgenotypes like quinces and kiwifruit, do not toler-ate even low concentrations of active carbonate(�50 g kg−1), while many Vitis genotypes can becultivated in soils with 100–150 g kg−1 activecarbonate. Evidence obtained in grape suggeststhat a single genotype may tolerate higher levelsof active lime if the amounts of available iron inthe soil increase to a certain level. This conceptresulted in the ‘chlorotic power index’ proposedby Pouget (1974) where the amount of active limeis related to the amount of Fe extracted by am-monium oxalate. It must be stressed, however,that the determination of active lime is only anindirect estimate of the amount of fine texturedCaCO3, as it actually indicates the amount of freecalcium reacting with oxalic acid: caution, there-fore, must be taken in using such a method insoils where potential sources of carbonates otherthan CaCO3, e.g. dolomite, are present.

Iron in soil is largely present in an inorganicform, predominantly as amorphous Fe, goethite,hematite and ferrihydrite and is little available forplant uptake under aerobic conditions. Therefore,to predict soil Fe availability, a series of extrac-tion solutions of soil available iron have beenproposed (HCl, DTPA, etc.). Due to the fact thatthe solubility of Fe-oxides is pH dependent, underalkaline and calcareous soils inorganic Feavailability is far below that required to satisfyplant demand (Lindsay, 1974). One of the mainrecent experimental evidence concerning majorimpact on Fe nutrition is the key role played byforms of root available Fe other than inorganic-Fe. At least three main groups of Fe compounds,whose role for iron nutrition is likely underesti-mated in orchards and vineyards, can be listed:iron chelated by microbial siderophores, ironchelated by phytosiderophores and Fe complexedby organic matter. The role of microbial

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siderophores on iron acquisition by roots hasbeen demonstrated by studies by Crowley et al.(1991, 1992) and recently Masalha et al. (2000)have shown that destroying soil microflora bysterilisation resulted in severe impairments of Fenutrition of both strategy I (species which do notproduce phytosiderophores in their roots,Romheld and Marschner, 1986). A number ofsiderophores have been isolated (Yehuda et al.,2000; Crowley, 2001), some of them produced bymicroorganisms present in cow manure (Chen etal., 1998). Recent experimental data (Chen et al.,2000) indicate that, at least in some Strategy Ispecies, the iron chelated by siderophores (Fe-aer-obactin present in the compost) is taken up di-rectly as a complex. Although the study of therole of phytosiderophores in Fe uptake has beenalmost exclusively restricted to strategy II plants(species synthesising siderophores in their roots),some evidence indicates that they might improveiron uptake of tree roots grown in the same soilvolume (Tagliavini et al., 2000a). A third group ofnatural Fe chelates is that deriving from complex-ation of Fe by humic substances. As recentlyshown by Cesco et al. (2000), water extractablehumic substances (WEHS) are able to solubiliseFe from hydroxide and make it available for rootuptake (Pinton et al., 1999).

2.3. Iron acquisition in perennial fruit plants

Most studies on Fe acquisition mechanisms byplants have been carried out with herbaceousannual plants, whereas this topic in perennialplants has been less investigated and significantadvances came only in the last decade. The uptakeof Fe is preceded by a reduction step from Fe3+

to Fe2+ before it can cross the plasmamembraneof outer root cells (Crowley et al., 1991; Fox andGuerinot, 1998). A ferric chelate reductase (FCR)and proton pump activities, along with the releaseof reductants into the rhizosphere have long beenconsidered as the main components of the Strat-egy I-based plants (Romheld and Marschner,1986), therefore, studies on Fe acquisition mecha-nisms in perennial dicots have been focussed onthese physiological and biochemical parameters(Alcantara et al., 2000; Ao et al., 1985; Bavaresco

Table 2Effects of the presence (+Fe as Fe–EDTA at 50 �M) orabsence (−Fe) of Fe and of the presence of CaCO3 (2 g l−1)in the growing medium on root Fe-chelate reductase (FCR)activity of pear and quince genotypes

FCR (nmol Fe2+ g−1 FW min−1)

CaCO3+Fe −Fe

3.18Pear C 91 6.74 1.13Quince C

Treatment *Genotype **

*Treatment×genotypeS.E.M. 1.07

Rombola, Dallari and Tagliavini, unpublished.* , ** indicate significance at 5 and 1% levels of probability.

SEM=Standard error of the interaction mean (n=5).

et al., 1991; Brancadoro et al., 1995; Cinelli, 1995;Cinelli et al., 1995; De la Guardia et al., 1995;Egilla et al., 1994; Gogorcena et al., 2000; Man-they et al., 1993, 1994; Manthey and Crowley,1997; Marino et al., 2000; Romera et al., 1991a,b;Tagliavini et al., 1995a; Treeby and Uren, 1993;Vizzotto et al., 1997, 1999). Many of these studieshave indicated that, similarly to herbaceous di-cots, some woody genotypes are able to improveFe acquisition through adaptation mechanisms,like root apoplast acidification and the increase ofroot enzymatic Fe reduction, whereas the releaseof reducing compounds (e.g. caffeic acid) playsonly a minor role. In general, rootstock toleranceto Fe chlorosis was associated to the ability ofreducing external Fe3+; for example, upon induc-tion of Fe deficiency, a clear increase of the rootFe reducing capacity has been observed in toler-ant rootstocks used for citrus (Manthey et al.,1994; Treeby and Uren, 1993) and peach (Romeraet al., 1991b). On the contrary, FCR activity ofFe-chlorosis sensitive Citrus and peach rootstockswas lower in Fe deficient than in Fe sufficientplants. Even in tolerant genotypes, however, itshould be noted that the increase of FCR activityrecorded in many studies was not as great as thatfound in some annual plants. Table 2 shows FCRactivities of two genotypes used as rootstocks forpear, Cydonia oblonga and Pyrus communis, thefirst susceptible, the second tolerant to iron

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chlorosis. While Fe deficiency increased FCR ac-tivity in pear, a similar response was not found inquince plants. The presence of bicarbonate alsodifferently affected FCR activity, which was moredepressed in quinces than in pears, an effect likelydue to the higher ability of P. communis to de-crease rhizosphere pH as compared with C.oblonga (Tagliavini et al., 1995a).

The determination of the iron-reducing capacityof roots has been used as a screening techniquefor selecting Fe chlorosis tolerant rootstocks(Gogorcena et al., 2000); recent findings, however,suggest caution when using FCR activity asmarker for selecting rootstocks for iron toleranceand according to Alcantara et al. (2000) the Fe3+

root reducing activity is not always related to Fechlorosis tolerance. At least three factors shouldbe taken into account when assessing differencesamong genotypes for Fe chlorosis tolerance: (1)the time-course variation of FCR after Fe with-drawal, which depends on species (Moog andBruggemann, 1994); (2) the ability to maintain theinduction of FCR for relatively long period(Romera et al., 1991b; Rombola et al., 1998), as ithas been shown that a prolonged exposure toFe-deficiency decreases Fe reduction capacity alsoin tolerant genotypes (Tagliavini et al., 1995a); (3)some methodological issues which should betaken into account when comparing studies: asrecently shown for the peach/almond GF677 hy-brid by Alcantara et al. (2000), FCR is morelikely to be induced by very low Fe concentrationsthan by absolute Fe absence in the nutrient solu-tion, which, however, had been applied in mostpublished studies.

Iron tolerant and sensitive rootstocks for fruittrees and grape also vary as to their ability todecrease nutrient solution or the rhizosphere pH.In a study conducted with different quince andpear genotypes grown in a calcareous soil, it wasshown that the root–soil interface was more alka-line with quinces than with pear genotypes (Tagli-avini et al., 1995a). Under Fe-stress condition, M.xiaojinensis, an Fe-efficient species, decreased therhizosphere pH by around 2 U in a calcareous soil(Han et al., 1994, 1998). Data indicating higherproton extrusion in Fe chlorosis tolerant than iniron susceptible genotypes have been reported in

nutrient solution studies for Actinidia (Vizzotto etal., 1999) and blueberry (Brown and Draper,1980). The rootstock ability to release protons isalso affected by the presence of the scion. Thisphenomenon has been investigated by Mengel andMalissovas (1982) who studied in solution culturethe H+ excretion by roots of the grapevine culti-vars Huxel and Faber, both grafted on rootstockKober 5BB: Huxel showing severe Fe chlorosiswhen grown on calcareous soils while Faber ischlorosis-resistant. The latter cultivar (Faber)caused a root excretion of 406 �mol H+ per plantper 12 h compared with only 173 �mol H+ perplant per 12 h recorded when the scion wasHuxel.

Excretion of H+ by roots into the rhizosphereof calcareous soils has likely no major influenceon soil Fe dissolution (Hauter and Mengel, 1988).Even if roots were able to lower the rhizospherepH at the level of 6.0, inorganic Fe dissolution isstill so poor that by far it will not meet the plantFe demand (Lindsay, 1974). The importance ofH+ release by roots is due to depressing the pH inthe root apoplast by neutralizing HCO3

− and thusproviding better conditions for the reduction(Mengel, 1994) of iron, which in a calcareous soilis trapped in the apoplast of root epidermis(Kosegarten and Koyro, 2001).

Adaptative strategies to acquire iron is notconfined to proton extrusion and FCR; recentliterature (Abadıa et al., 2001; De Nisi and Zoc-chi, 2000; Rombola, 1998; Rombola et al., 1998)has suggested a role of the enzyme phospho-enolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) within theadaptive mechanisms to cope with Fe deficiencyin calcareous soils. Phosphoenolpyruvate car-boxylase incorporates bicarbonate, the maincausal factor of Fe chlorosis (Mengel, 1994) intophosphoenolpyruvate, generating oxalacetate,which can be easily converted into malate. Ox-aloacetate is also a precursor of citrate, whichplays an essential role in xylem Fe transport(Tiffin, 1970). In sugar beet, a species tolerant toiron chlorosis, the increase in PEPC activity was40-fold higher in root tips of plants grown with-out Fe than in the controls (Lopez-Millan et al.,2000). In Actinidia, the differential tolerance toiron chlorosis of two genotypes was associated

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with a stimulation of the enzyme PEPC in the rootsand with an upward flow of organic acids in thexylem (Rombola et al., 1998). Accumulation oforganic acids in Fe deficient plants is often reportedfor both herbaceous dicots (Abadıa et al., 2001), aswell as in woody perennials like apple (Sun et al.,1987), grapevine (Brancadoro et al., 1995), ki-wifruit (Rombola et al., 1998) and quinces (Marinoet al., 2000).

2.4. Inacti�ation of iron in the lea�es

Although, even in a calcareous soil a significantpart of total iron is located at root level, bothprecipitated outside the roots and trapped in theroot apoplast (Kosegarten and Koyro, 2001), it isstill unclear what proportion of the absorbed Fe isretained at root level and how much is transportedto the canopy where it undergoes a second reduc-tion before entering the mesophyll cells. Iron avail-ability for reduction in the leaf apoplast is a secondimportant step necessary before iron can be avail-able by leaf cells. In a chlorotic leaf, the existenceof Fe pools which are somehow inactivated hasbeen proposed by Mengel (1994) and demonstratedby several authors (Kosegarten and Englisch, 1994;Kosegarten et al., 1999a, 2001; Tagliavini et al.,1995b, 2000a), a fact suggesting that part of the Fecoming from the roots does not pass the leafplasmamembrane and may be confined to theapoplast. Reasons for inactivation of Fe in theapoplast are still being debated. To some authors(Romheld, 2000) Fe inactivation is a side (sec-ondary) effect occurring in a leaf after the occur-rence of Fe chlorosis: a high HCO3

− concentrationin the soil would lead to a decrease in the uptakeand availability of iron for canopy growth, so thehigher Fe concentration in chlorotic leaves wouldbe the final consequence of the leaf growth inhibit-ing effect of bicarbonate. Other authors consideriron inactivation of major importance for thedevelopment of iron chlorosis and have identifiedsome responsible factors. According to Mengel(1994) the poor efficiency of iron in leaf tissues isprimary related to the high pH of the leaf apoplastunder alkaline conditions that would impair Fe3+

reduction by mesophyll cells and consequentlydepress Fe transport across the plasmalemma.

More insights into apoplast pH and Fe3+ re-duction derived from studies of Kosegarten et al.(1999a) who, after developing a technique for invivo measurements, have found that alkaline apo-plast pH in different leaf portions may attainvalues (6.3–7.0) able to depress Fe3+ reduction.The relationship between chlorosis and apoplastpH is also confirmed by data of Lopez-Millan etal. (2001) who found that the pH of leaf apoplastfrom field-grown pear trees increased from 5.5–5.9 to 6.5–6.6. Kosegarten et al. (2001) suggestthat nitrate, almost the only form of nitrogenavailable for uptake in calcareous soils, plays akey role in the alkalisation of leaf apoplast. Asmany fruit trees reduce the nitrate at root leveland transport N as amino acids in the xylem sap(Faust, 1989), other processes than nitrate uptakeinto leaf cells may be involved in the apoplastalkalisation and in leaf Fe inactivation.

Optimum values of pH for Fe3+ reduction inintact leaf apoplast were obtained at apoplasticpH 5 (Kosegarten et al., 1999a,b) and in experi-ments with leaf protoplasts, which likely relates tooptimum pH at the apoplast side of the plas-mamembrane-located Fe3+ reductase, was esti-mated at approximately 5.5–6.0 (Gonzalez-Vallejo et al., 2000; Susin et al., 1996).

The theory of Fe inactivation due to alkalisa-tion of apoplast fits with experimental data ob-tained under field conditions, showing re-greeningof chlorotic leaves as a result of spraying acidicsolutions to the canopy (Sahu et al., 1987; Tagli-avini et al., 1995b). Kosegarten et al. (2001)spraying chlorotic sunflower leaves with citric acidrecovered an apoplastic pH drop from 5.5 to 5.0,and found a re-greening of leaves, whose Fe con-centration remained on the same level.

Whether bicarbonate exerts a direct effect onleaf Fe inactivation is still discussed and deservesfurther attention. Experiments by Rutland (1971)demonstrated that the presence of bicarbonate inthe medium alters the normal distribution of 59Fe,which does not reach interveinal laminar areas,while accumulates in veins and the surroundingtissues. Relatively high bicarbonate concentra-tions (up to 1.8 mM) were found in the xylem sapof woody plants like Populus deltoides (Stringerand Kimmerer, 1993). According to other au-

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thors, at standard apoplast pH values of 5.5–6.0,however, bicarbonate should not be present (Lu-cena, 2000).

During the occurrence of iron chlorosis thecitrate: Fe ratio in the leaf apoplast significantlyincreases as found in faba bean (Nikolic andRomheld, 1999) and sugar beet (Lopez-Millan etal., 2000). As FCR activity is adversely affectedby increases of citrate: Fe ratio (Lopez-Millan etal., 2000), it is likely that accumulation of Fe inthe leaf apoplast may, at least partially, derivefrom high citrate concentrations in the leaf apo-plast (Abadıa et al., 2001). At increasing pHvalues (Spiro et al., 1967) ferric citrate may formlarge citrate polymers and also could be a causefor the depressed Fe3+-citrate reduction. Onemay speculate whether the increase of citrate con-centration in the xylem sap of chlorotic plants isrelated to the uptake of HCO3

− by roots and itsreaction with phospho-enol pyruvate leading tooxaloacetate which is a precursor of citratesynthesis.

Using an ecological approach in their experi-ments, Zohlen and Tyler (2000) suggested thatcalcicole and calcifuge species have different abil-ity to use the iron taken up by roots. With someexceptions, although iron uptake by calcifuges isnot restricted even in calcareous soils, they, incontrast to calcicoles, are not able to retain the Fein a metabolically active form and leaves turnchlorotic.

3. The choice of tolerant rootstocks to preventiron chlorosis

The use of Fe chlorosis tolerant genotypes asrootstocks in orchards and vineyards represents areliable solution to prevent iron chlorosis. Thisapproach has been reviewed by Socias i Companyet al. (1995). Although genetical differences in thetolerance to iron chlorosis in fruit tree speciesresulted in the selection of rootstocks suitable foralkaline and calcareous soils, in many cases Fechlorosis resistant rootstocks are not very attrac-tive from an agronomic point of view, since theyoften induce excessive growth of the scion (e.g. P.

communis seedlings for pear varieties and ‘Fercal’for grape) and reduce fruit yield. Classical meth-ods of plant breeding and new biotechnologies arebeing adopted to incorporate traits of resistanceto lime induced iron chlorosis of wild relativesnaturally growing in calcareous soils into new,easy to propagate, rootstocks. Table 3 brieflydescribes the behaviour of the main rootstocks forfruit trees and grape in relation to iron chlorosis.More detailed information on performances ofiron chlorosis tolerant rootstocks is available inRom and Carlson (1987) for fruit trees and inCoombe and Dry (1988) for grape.

4. Agronomic and chemical means to prevent andcure Fe chlorosis

4.1. Synthetic Fe chelates

As most fruit tree crops and grapes are highvalue commodities, in many countries growers areoften willing to apply synthetic Fe chelates to cureor to prevent the occurrence of Fe deficiency. Ironchelates are still expensive, although not as muchas in the past and are not affordable for mostgrowers in developing countries. Estimates madein Southern Europe indicate that Fe chelates rep-resent up to 60% of the total fertiliser costs andoften amount to more than 250 Euros per ha peryear. Several iron chelates are available, thosemainly used being ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid(DTPA) characterised by a low stability constantand adopted for foliar applications and ethylene-diamine-di(o-hydroxy-phenylacetic) acid (ED-DHA), ethylenediamine-di(o-hydroxy-p-methyl-phenylacetic) acid (EDDHMA) and ethylenedi-amine-di(o-hydroxy-p-sulphoxyphenylacetic) acid(EDDHSA), with higher stability constants rang-ing from 35 to 39 (Lucena et al., 1996) for soilsupply. To be effective for improving Fe nutri-tion, a soil applied Fe-chelate should be stable incalcareous/alkaline soil, however, excessively highstability constants might make the iron poorlyavailable for the FCR and hence impair root Feuptake (Lucena et al., 2000).

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Table 3Susceptibility to iron chlorosis of main genotypes (rootstocks) for fruit trees and grape

Crop ReferenceRootstock species Genotype Degree ofsusceptibility

Susceptible Han et al., 1994, 1998Malus baccataAppleSocias i Company et al., 1995MM 106 Highly tolerantM. pumilaCTIFL, 1989M 9 Moderately

tolerantCTIFL, 1989M 27 Slightly

susceptibleMM 111CTIFL, 1989M 26 SusceptibleHan et al., 1994, 1998M. micromalus Moderately

tolerantHan et al., 1994, 1998SlightlyM. transitoria

susceptibleM. xiaojinensis Tolerant Han et al., 1994, 1998

Tolerant Loreti, 1994Common seedlingPrunus armeniaca (apricot)ApricotLoreti, 1994P.cerasifera (Myrobalan) Myrabolan seedling Myrabolan B TolerantMoreno et al., 1995aTolerantAdemir (Myzobolan 599 AD)Audubert et al., 1994; Loreti 1994Pixy SlightlyP. insititia (St. Julien)

susceptibleLoreti, 1994P. cerasifera×P. munsoniana (Marianna) Highly tolerantG.F. 8-1

Prunus domestica×P. spinosa Damas 1869 Highly tolerant Loreti, 1994Audubert et al., 1994G.F. 31 SlightlyP. cerasifera×P. salicina

susceptibleSusceptible Loreti, 1994IshtaraP. cerasifera X (P. cerasifera×P. persica)

P. cerasifera×P. persica Myran Susceptible Loreti, 1994P. insititia×P. domestica Loreti et al., 2000Julior SusceptibleP. salicina×P. persica Citation Susceptible Loreti et al., 2000

Loreti et al., 2000P.S.A 5P. persica (peach) SusceptibleMontclar Loreti et al., 2000Slightly


Cherry CTIFL, 1990; Loreti, 1994SlightlyPrunus a�ium (Sweet cherry) Common seedlingsusceptibleFercadeau- Mazzard

F 12/1Socias i Company et al., 1995Masto de MontananaP. cerasus (Sour cherry) Tolerant

CAB 6 P Moderately Loreti, 1994tolerantCAB 11 E

CTIFL, 1990; Loreti, 1994; Socias iTabel-Edabriz SlightlyCompany et al., 1995susceptible

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Table 3 (Continued)

Crop ReferenceRootstock species Genotype Degree ofsusceptibility

Highly tolerant CTIFL, 1990; Loreti, 1994; Okie, 1983;Common seedling SL 64P. mahaleb (Mahaleb)Moreno et al., 1995b, 1996Loreti, 1994Ferci-Pontaleb TolerantCTIFL, 1990; Loreti, 1994; Moreno et al.,P. a�ium×P. pseudocerasus Colt Susceptible1995a,b, 1996; Socias i Company et al.,1995

GM 8 Highly CTIFL, 1990P. pandora×P. subhirtellasusceptible

CTIFL, 1990; Socias i Company et al.,P. incisa×P. serrula GM 9 Inmil Slightly1995susceptible

Moderately CTIFL, 1990; Loreti, 1994MA×MA 14P. a�ium×P. mahalebtolerant

Loreti, 1994GM 61/1 Damil TolerantP. dawyckensisP. canescens Loreti, 1994GM 79 Camil Moderately

tolerantMoreno et al., 1995b, 1996P. cerasifera Adara Highly tolerant

Moderately Geraci, 1994; Treeby and Uren, 1993Citrus Citrus aurantium (sour orange)tolerant

C. sinensis (sweet orange) Susceptible Geraci, 1994; Treeby and Uren, 1993Moderately Geraci, 1994C. limettioides (palestine sweet lime)tolerant

C. limonia (rangpur lime) Tolerant Geraci, 1994; Manthey et al., 1994; Treebyand Uren, 1993

C.macrophylla (Alemow) Highly tolerant Geraci, 1994; Manthey et al., 1994Geraci, 1994; Manthey et al., 1994; TreebyC. jambhiri (rough lemon) High tolerantand Uren, 1993Geraci, 1994C. �olkameriana (Volkamer lemon) TolerantGeraci, 1994; Treeby and Uren, 1993C. reshni (Cleopatra mandarin) Slightly

susceptibleGeraci, 1994; Korcak, 1987; Manthey etHighlyP. trifoliata (trifoliate orange)al., 1994susceptible

P. trifoliata×C. sinensis (citrange) Geraci, 1994; Korcak, 1987; Manthey etTroyer Slightlyal., 1994; Treeby and Uren, 1993susceptible

Susceptible Geraci, 1994; Korcak, 1987; Manthey etCarrizoal., 1994; Treeby and Uren, 1993

Swingle Geraci, 1994; Manthey et al., 1994HighlyP. trifoliata×C. paradisi (Citrumelo)susceptible

Brancadoro et al., 1995Grape Vitis berlandieri TolerantChauvet and Reynier, 1979; Saracco, 1992V. berlandieri×V. riparia 420 A TolerantChauvet and Reynier, 1979; Saracco, 1992ModeratelyKober 5BB, 225 Ruggeri, SO 4


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82Table 3 (Continued)

ReferenceGenotype Degree ofRootstock speciesCropsusceptibility

Highly tolerant140 Ruggeri Chauvet and Reynier, 1979; Saracco,V. berlandieri×V. rupestris1992Chauvet and Reynier, 1979 Saracco,775 Paulsen, 1103 Paulsen, 110 Richter Moderately

tolerant 1992Saracco, 1992Tolerant779 Paulsen

V. riparia Brancadoro et al., 1995; Chauvet andHighlysusceptible Reynier, 1979; Saracco, 1992

Chauvet and Reynier, 1979; Saracco,SlightlyV. rupestris1992susceptibleBrancadoro et al., 1995V. �inifera Highly tolerantChauvet and Reynier, 1979; Saracco,V. �inifera (cv. Chasselas)×V. berlandieri 41 B Highly tolerant1992Chauvet and Reynier, 1979Highly tolerantV. berlandieri×(V. �inifera fercal×V.

berlandieri )

Actinidia deliciosa Hayward (micro-propagated) SusceptibleKiwifruit Pelliconi and Spada, 1992; Vizzotto etal., 1997

Highly Pelliconi and Spada, 1992Hayward (cuttings)susceptible

Pelliconi and Spada, 1992; Viti et al.,D1, Bruno Slightly1990susceptible

Prunus persica (peach) Almaliotis et al., 1995; Byrne et al.,Peach ID 20, Lovell, Montclar Slightlysusceptible 1990; Loreti, 1994; Rashid et al., 1990

Socias i Company et al., 1995Susceptible Byrne et al., 1990; Loreti, 1994;Seedling, GF 305, Missour, P.S. A5, P.S.

A6, P.S. B2, Siberian C Peterlunger et al., 1988; Rom, 1983;Socias i Company et al., 1995

HighlyHigama Nemared Okinawa Byrne et al., 1990; Loreti, 1994; Socias isusceptible Company et al., 1995

P.cerasifera (Myrobalan) Mr.S. 2/5, Mr.S 1/3, Mr.S 1/6, Mr.S 2/8 Tolerant Loreti, 1994Loreti and Massai, 1998Brompton Byrne et al., 1990; Socias i Company etP. domestica (European plum) Moderately

al., 1995tolerantByrne et al., 1990; Loreti, 1994; Socias iGF 43 SlightlyCompany et al., 1995susceptibleByrne et al., 1990; Moreno et al., 1995a;P. insititia (St. Julien) Adesoto 101 (Puebla de Soto AD 101) Highly tolerantSocias i Company et al., 1995Byrne et al., 1990; Loreti, 1994; Rom,GF 655/2, S. Julien A Susceptible1983

Highly tolerant Byrne et al., 1990; Loreti, 1994; Socias iDamas 1869Prunus domestica×P. spinosaCompany et al., 1995

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Table 3 (Continued)

Crop ReferenceRootstock species Genotype Degree ofsusceptibility

ModeratelyS. Julien 1, S. Julien 2 Byrne et al., 1990; Socias i Company et al.,P. insititia×P. domestica1995tolerantByrne et al., 1990; Socias i Company et al.,SusceptibleJulior1995Almaliotis et al., 1995; Byrne et al., 1990;Adafuel, Adarcias, GF 677, Hansen 536,P. persica × P. amygdalus Highly tolerantCinelli et al., 1996; Loreti, 1994; MorenoHansen 2168, Titan hybridsand Cambra, 1994; Syrgiannidis, 1985;Socias i Company et al., 1995Cinelli et al., 1996Highly tolerantI.S. 5/18, I.S. 5/29

I.S. 5/22 (Sirio) Tolerant Cinelli et al., 1996; Loreti, 1994Cinelli et al., 1996I.S. 5/31, I.S. 5/23 Moderately

tolerantAlmaliotis et al., 1995I× Ne 2 Moderately

tolerantP. persica×P. da�idiana Byrne et al., 1990; Loreti, 1994; Socias iHighlyNemaguard

Company et al., 1995susceptibleP. cerasifera×P. persica SlightlyMyran Byrne et al., 1990; Socias i Company et al.,

1995susceptibleByrne et al., 1990; Socias i Company et al.,SusceptibleIshtaraP. cerasifera X (P. cerasifera×P. persica)1995

Tolerant Bassi et al., 1994, 1998; Jacob, 2001;Fox 11 (A 28), Fox 16 (B 21), OH×F 51,Pyrus communis (pear)PearLoreti, 1994; Monney and Eveguoz, 1999;OH×F 69, OH×F 87, OH×F 333,Simard and Michelesi 2001; Socias iPyriam Pyrodwarf (Rhenus 1)Company et al., 1995; Tagliavini et al.,1993, 1992, 1995a; Lombard andWestwood, 1987

ModeratelyBartlett (ownrooted) Tagliavini et al., 1995atolerant

Tagliavini et al., 1995aSlightlyAbbe Fetel (ownrooted)susceptible

Other Pyrus speciesHighly tolerant Westwood and Lombard, 1983; LombardP. amygdaliformis, P. caucasica, P. cordata,

and Westwood, 1987; Procopiou andP. elaegrifolia, P. gharbiana, P. longipes, P.syriaca Wallace, 2000

P. regeli, P. salicifolia Tolerant Lombard and Westwood, 1987

Westwood and Lombard, 1983; LombardModeratelyP. betulaefolia, P. ni�alisand Westwood, 1987; Loreti, 1994tolerant

Westwood and Lombard, 1983; LombardP. calleriana, P. dimorphophylla, P. fauriei, SlightlyP. pashia, P. pyrifolia, P. ussuriensis and Westwood, 1987; Korcak, 1987;susceptible

Loreti, 1994

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Table 3 (Continued)

Crop ReferenceRootstock species Genotype Degree ofsusceptibility

Susceptible Korcak, 1987P. serotinaLoreti, 1994Ct.S. 212 SlightlyCydonia oblonga (quince)

susceptibleBassi et al., 1998; Marino et al., 2000;BA 29 SusceptibleMonney and Eveguoz, 1999Bassi et al., 1998; Monney and Eveguoz,Adams, EMA, EMC, Sydo Highly

susceptible 1999

Tolerant Loreti, 1994Prunus cerasifera (Myrobalan) Myrobalan seedlings, Myrobalan B,PlumMyrobalan 29 CAdemir (Myrabolan 599 AD) Tolerant Moreno et al., 1995bMr.S 2/5 Tolerant Loreti, 1994

P. cerasifera×P. munsoniana (Marianna) G.F. 8-1 Highly tolerant Loreti, 1994; Okie, 1983Loreti, 1994G.F. 31P. cerasifera×P. salicina Moderately

tolerantLoreti, 1994IshtaraP. cerasifera X (P. cerasifera×P. persica) Susceptible

P. insititia (St. Julien) Loreti, 1994ModeratelyPixytolerant

Catlin and Schreader, 1985Walnut Juglans regia (English or Persian walnut) SusceptibleCatlin and Schreader, 1985J. hindsii (Northern California black Susceptible

walnut)Paradox ModeratelyJ. hindsii×J. regia Catlin and Schreader, 1985


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Being soluble and preventing Fe from precipita-tion, soil applied Fe chelates are easily leachedout of the root zone if excessive irrigation regimesare applied or during the autumn-winter periodwhen rains overcome evaporation of water fromsoils. Iron chelates applied in one year, therefore,usually do not prevent chlorosis in the followingyear and an annual application of Fe chelates isrequired.

The fate of chelating agents and Fe chelates insoils has received only little attention, although itis likely that their leaching may rise environmen-tal problems of water pollution. An underesti-mated problem related to synthetic chelates istheir potential to bind heavy metals which may beleached out.

The question related to the quality of the Fe–EDDHA products available on the market hasraised significant attention in the recent past andis still being debated. The major point is con-nected to the technology applied for obtaining theFe chelate which may result in different concen-trations of the ortho-ortho isomer (the only formwith agronomic value) in the commercial products(Hernandez-Apolaza et al., 1997, 2000), a factthat likely explains their differential potential tosolve the chlorosis problem. Using ion pair HPLCmethod, Hernandez-Apolaza et al. (1997) re-ported that none of the tested commercial prod-ucts reached their nominal or legal compositionand several products did not meet the require-ments of the 76/116/EC directive, which fixes theparameters that Fe chelates should meet to becommercialised.

Synthetic Fe chelates are either applied to thesoil or sprayed on the canopy of the trees. Thefirst approach aims to enhancing Fe availabilityfor uptake at root level and represents an efficientmeans providing that roots are able to take it upand that Fe transport and utilisation in the leavesis efficient. Soil applied chelates are uneffectivewhen applied too early in the spring when soiltemperature is too low or when root uptake isimpaired by waterlogging. Foliar applications ofFe chelates are used as alternative to soil Fesupply or to integrate the latter to provide a morerapid leaf Fe availability during special phenolog-ical stages. Due to the fact that Fe mobility in the

phloem is quite low, during active stage of shootdevelopment, repeated leaf sprays have to bemade in order to meet the Fe requirement ofdeveloping leaves. Iron chelates are usually moreeffective for preventing than curing the chlorosis:once the leaves are already chlorotic, the Fe mayhardly pass the leaf plasmamembrane, possibly asa result of unfavourable conditions to reduceFe3+.

Significant enhancement in the efficiency of Feuptake from chelates, allowing reduction in theamounts distributed, can be achieved by improv-ing the technology related to their distributionand choosing the best application timing. Maindevelopmental stages of the reproductive cycleoccur both in summer-autumn in one year andafter growth resumption in spring the followingyear. From the previous considerations it shouldbe clear that enhancing Fe availability for uptakeduring short period after single application of Fechelates is not a guarantee for an efficient preven-tion of Fe chlorosis. Repeated additions of smallamounts of Fe chelates with the irrigation water(by drip or microsprinkler systems) maintain Feavailability in the portion of soil where most rootsare located sufficiently high to meet tree demandand avoid chlorosis. This system, besides allowinga significant reduction in the total amount ofsynthetic chelates to be distributed, is flexible, sothat rates of Fe supply can be adjusted to the cropneeds.

The relative importance of the Fe uptake dur-ing growth resumption in spring and the storageof Fe in the perennial framework during theprevious vegetative season is shown in Table 4 forActinidia deliciosa. In this experiment we havedemonstrated for two years and in two separateorchards that late summer-early fall applicationsof Fe chelates were more effective than thosecarried out before bud burst in preventing theoccurrence of Fe chlorosis during the first monthafter bud burst in spring. The reasons for such aphenomenon are not fully understood, but wemay speculate that enhancing Fe nutrition in yearone has led to more Fe to be stored in the shootsor directly in the roots (Mengel, 1994), and suc-cessively remobilised to the shoots during growthresumption in spring.

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4.2. Other iron containing compounds

Ferrous sulphate, either applied to the soil or tothe tree (leaf treatments, trunk injection), hasbeen the major therapy against Fe chlorosis fromthe first description of this nutritional disorderuntil the introduction of Fe synthetic chelates andis still widely used by fruit growers especially inthe developing countries due to its low costs. Ifsupplied alone, however, soil appliedFe(II)sulphate is of little or no agronomic value incalcareous soils where the Fe2+ is subject to rapidoxidation and insolubilisation as hydroxide. Forexample, Fe sulphate was not effective for curingFe chlorosis in A. deliciosa in a soil with a highCaCO3 content (32%), while a quite completerecovery was achieved by Fe–EDDHA (Loupas-saki et al., 1997).

The effectiveness of soil applied Fe sulfate maybe improved by combining iron sulphate withorganic substrates able to complex the Fe (e.g.animal manures, sewage sludges, compost, peat,plant residues). Canopy applied Fe sulphate alsorepresents a valuable, inexpensive, alternative tofoliar applied synthetic Fe chelates (Tagliavini etal., 2000a) to cure iron chlorosis.

Data of Del Campillo et al. (1998) and Rosadoet al. (2000) show that Fe3(PO4)2 ·8H2O, a syn-thetic iron(II)-phosphate analogous to the mineralvivianite, is a promising compound in preventingiron chlorosis in pear and olive trees grown in thefield. When compared with synthetic Fe chelates,

soil injection of vivianite was slightly less effec-tive, but showed a more lasting impact. Vivianiteapplication has the advantage of being relativelyinexpensive and is directly prepared by growerssimply mixing ferrous sulphate with di-ammo-nium (or mono-ammonium) phosphate (Rosadoet al., 2000). The effectiveness of soil applied Feamorphous minerals is presumably due to the factthat they are more easily mobilised by plants andmicroorganisms as compared with crystalline Feforms (Loeppert et al., 1994).

Blood meal is a natural Fe source containing20–30 g Fe kg−1, chelated as ferrous iron (Fe2+)by the heme group of the hemoglobin molecule.Blood meal is a by-product of industrial slaughterhouses and might represent an effective source ofFe for plants (Kalbasi and Shariatmadari, 1993).According to Mori (1999) the incorporation of Fefrom hemoglobin into the root cells may follow asimilar mechanism as the uptake of iron in animalcells (endocytosis). Under field conditions, theapplication of blood meal (70 g per tree, equiva-lent to 180 mg Fe per tree) alleviated Fe chlorosissymptoms of pear plants (Tagliavini et al., 2000a).Blood meal is one of the main fertilisers in or-ganic farming, not only as natural Fe source, butalso as slow release N fertiliser.

Injection of Fe salts (mainly Fe2+ sulphate andFe ammonium citrate) in liquid form into xylemvessels has been reported to alleviate Fe chlorosissymptoms in several woody plants like apple,pear, peach, kiwifruit, olive (Wallace and Wallace,

Table 4Effect of timing of Fe chelate application on shoot Fe concentration and leaf chlorophyll content in Actinidia deliciosa in calcareoussoils as determined in spring

Treatment Orchard number 2Orchard number 1

Leaf chlorophyll content Leaf chlorophyll contentShoot Fe concentrationShoot Fe concentration(�g cm−2) (�g g−1 DW) (�g cm−2)(�g g−1 DW)

Control (no Fe 27 b70 ba 14 b 50 csupply)

86 a 19 aAutumn supply 31 a65 a29 abLate winter 70 b 13 b 56 b

supply*** *Significance *** **

a Means within columns followed by different letters are significantly different (LSD test at P=0.05 level of probability); *, **,*** P�0.05, 0.01 and 0.001, respectively.

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1986; Wallace, 1991; Fernandez-Escobar et al.,1993). In spite of the prompt re-greening andlong-lasting effect (2–3 years), this technique isseen as an emergency procedure for curingseverely chlorotic trees (Wallace, 1991) and maybe only feasible for low density planting systems.Main difficulties of the practise are related to therisk of causing phytotoxicity on leaves when Feconcentration and time injection are not properlychosen. Iron containing compounds in the formof bullets to be inserted in holes made in the trunkhave been successfully applied to control ironchlorosis in orchards of Spain.

4.3. The role of organic matter

It is accepted that enhancing soil organic mattercontent greatly reduces the risk of Fe chlorosis.Animal manure, particularly from cow, have beentraditionally used to enhance soil organic mattercontent and fertility in fruit trees and grapevineecosystems. The beneficial effect of organic matteron Fe chlorosis prevention does not depend solelyon the direct Fe chelating ability of the humic andfulvic substances, but it is also related to thestimulation exerted by organic components onsoil microbial activities. Manured fields, for exam-ple, are excellent substrates for bacteria (e.g. Cit-robacter di�ersus) producing powerful Fesiderophores (Chen et al., 2000). In addition, or-ganic matter improves soil aeration and may pre-vent the re-crystallisation of ferrihydrite to morecrystalline oxides under alkaline conditions(Schwertmann, 1966). Noteworthy, organic ma-trix components can be taken up by the roots andmay stimulate root activity (e.g. proton ATPase)and growth (Pinton et al., 1999). Although or-ganic components of animal manures, sewagesludges, compost, peat, etc. are able of dissolvingsoil insoluble Fe compounds, their efficiency islikely improved by incubation with Fe salts beforeapplication (Tagliavini et al., 2000a).

4.4. Management of the rhizosphere and soil pH

Although alleviating chlorosis by acidificationof the entire root zone is impractical (Wallace,1991), lowering the soil pH in small spots might

be feasible by either removing part of the originalcalcareous soil and replace it with acidified peat(Sommer, 1993) or by the addition of acidifiers tobring about complete neutralisation of the soil inthe treated spot (Kalbasi et al., 1986; Wallace,1991). In calcareous soil, however, long lastingdecrease of pH is difficult to achieve by the addi-tion of strong acids to the soil which may raisesalinity problems to the roots (Tagliavini et al.,2000a). Although its efficiency has to be provedyet, in the field practice the localised addition ofstrong acids to drip irrigation water is sometimesadopted by fruit growers to cure iron chlorosis inthe Mediterranean areas.

Removing part of the calcareous soil in the rootzone and replacing it by a new substrate of aci-dified peat, supplemented with Fe and ammoniumsulphate and other micronutrients, has been pro-posed to prevent the iron chlorosis in orchardsand was developed as ‘Cultan’ System (Sommer,1993). It is quite feasible that roots growing in theacidified peat face low rhizosphere and apoplastpH due to the ammonium nutrition (Kosegartenet al., 1999b). Since a significant amount of soil isremoved by this technique, its adoption should beconsidered mainly before orchard planting.

Some examples in the literature showed abeneficial effect of an enhanced potassium nutri-tion on Fe uptake (Barak and Chen, 1984). Thisbeneficial K effect is presumably related to thestimulating impact of K+ on the root plasmamembrane ATPase (Mengel and Schubert, 1985).A still open question is how rapidly such pHchanges in the rizosphere are buffered by bicar-bonate in calcareous soils. Since nitrogen nutri-tion in calcareous soils is predominantly based onnitrate, regardless the type of N fertiliser applied(Mengel, 1994), lowering rhizosphere pH by Nnutrition can only be achieved by the simulta-neous use of ammonium and nitrification in-hibitors. This, however, may lead to ammoniatoxicity and ammonia loss by volatilisation.

4.5. Management of orchard floor

In orchard and vineyard ecosystems, tree rootsystem shares the soil environment with roots of

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grasses either naturally present or artificially in-troduced. Grass sward covers (on the whole soilsurface or restricted in the orchard alleys) are awidespread technique largely adopted when wa-ter is not a limiting factor, bringing several ad-vantages in the ecosystem mainly linked to soilfertility improvement (lowering soil density, en-hancing porosity, organic matter content, waterinfiltration of soils, etc.). Due to a more shallowroot system and less aggressive behaviour, gram-inaceous species are often preferred to dicots.While grasses may compete with the trees forwater and nutrients, frequently slowing downthe shoot growth rate—a desired effect for re-ducing vigour and enhancing fruiting—grassesmay positively interact with tree or grape rootsby enhancing their Fe nutrition. This has beenshown by Kamal et al. (2000) who reported Fechlorosis symptoms of guava seedlings grown incalcareous soils being reduced by intercroppingthe trees with sorghum or maize, and by Tagli-avini et al. (2000a) who showed a promisingprevention of Fe chlorosis in a pear orchardunder field conditions, by the presence of Poaspp., Lolium spp. and Festuca spp. in the or-chard floor along the tree row.

4.6. Foliar applications

Since the existence of inactivated Fe pools inchlorotic leaves has been proposed (Mengel,1994), the possibility of inducing leaf re-greeningunder field conditions without applying exoge-nous Fe (Aly and Soliman, 1998; Tagliavini etal., 1995b), by spraying acidic solutions (e.g. cit-ric, sulphuric, ascorbic acids) has been studied.Recently Kosegarten et al. (2001) have reportedthat spraying citric and sulphuric acid resultedin a decrease of apoplastic pH followed by leafre-greening. Although re-greening of leaves hasoften been obtained, especially in kiwifruit andpeach, the magnitude of chlorophyll increasesfollowing acidic sprays was not so satisfactoryfor justifying the practical adoption of thismeans to cure iron chlorosis (Tagliavini et al.,2000a).

5. Conclusions

The knowledge of Fe acquisition mechanisms infruit tree and grapevine has significantly improvedin the last decades and led to advances at both thephysiological and practical level. Additional infor-mation are needed in order to orienting screeningprograms for Fe-efficiency. In this respect plas-malemma ATPase activity and regulation mayplay a major role as they provide favourableapoplastic pH levels and thus improve the FCRactivity.

The application of iron chelates does not repre-sent a sustainable way to prevent or cure ironchlorosis because of their costs and of the envi-ronmental risks associated with their use. Since Fechelates were introduced, little research on alter-native means for controlling the chlorosis hasbeen performed. Sustainable management of Fenutrition in orchards and vineyards should in-clude all genetical and agronomical means in or-der to naturally enhance Fe availability in the soiland in the plant. Special attention should be givento soil analysis and to prevention measures car-ried out before planting. Alternatives to ironchelates are being developed and in the futurethey should be included into the routine practicesof managing fruit trees and grapevine under Inte-grated Production and Organic Farming.


We like to thank G. Sorrenti and S. Dallari fortheir technical assistance. This study was sup-ported by the MURST ‘ex quota 40% e.f. 2000Cofin’. D.C.A. publication no. 1680.


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