review article the spleen revisited: an overview on

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Radiology Research and Practice Volume 2013, Article ID 219297, 15 pages Review Article The Spleen Revisited: An Overview on Magnetic Resonance Imaging João Palas, António P. Matos, and Miguel Ramalho Radiology Department, Hospital Garcia de Orta, 2801-951 Almada, Portugal Correspondence should be addressed to Miguel Ramalho; [email protected] Received 2 June 2013; Revised 8 October 2013; Accepted 10 October 2013 Academic Editor: Andreas H. Mahnken Copyright © 2013 Jo˜ ao Palas et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Despite being well visualized by different cross-sectional imaging techniques, the spleen is many times overlooked during the abdominal examination. e major reason is the low frequency of splenic abnormalities, the majority consisting of incidental findings. ere has been a steady increase in the number of performed abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies; therefore, it is important to be familiar to the major MRI characteristics of disease processes involving the spleen, in order to interpret the findings correctly, reaching whenever possible the appropriate diagnosis. e spleen may be involved in several pathologic conditions like congenital diseases, trauma, inflammation, vascular disorders and hematologic disorders, benign and malignant tumors, and other disease processes that focally or diffusely affect the spleen. is paper presents a description and representative MRI images for many of these disorders. 1. Introduction Splenic disease has always been a challenge to the radiologist. Despite of being well visualized by different cross sectional imaging techniques, the spleen is many times overlooked during the abdominal examination. e major reason is the low frequency of splenic abnormalities, the majority consisting of incidental findings. ere has been a steady increase in the number of performed abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies; therefore, it is important to be familiar to the major MR imaging characteristics of disease processes involving the spleen, in order to interpret the findings correctly, reaching whenever possible the appropriate diagnosis. Nowadays, MRI permits the characterization of the most common splenic lesions, such as cysts, small hemangiomas, and hamartomas, and improvement in the detection of malignant diseases such as lymphoma and metastases [1]. e spleen may be involved by several pathologic con- ditions including congenital diseases, trauma, inflammation, vascular disorders and hematologic disorders, benign and malignant tumors, and other disease processes that focally or diffusely affects the spleen. is article presents a description and representative MRI images for many of these disorders. 2. The Normal Spleen e spleen is located in the leſt hypogastric quadrant of the abdomen and is fixed in its intraperitoneal position beneath the 9th to 11th intercostal spaces by the splenorenal, splenocolic, splenogastric, and phrenicosplenic ligaments. e configuration of the spleen is variable (typically coffee bean shaped), as well as the size, which is related with the patient’s morphological type and age [2]. e organ’s convex face lies adjacent to the diaphragm. e concave side of the spleen has contact with the stomach, leſt kidney, and colon flexure. e splenic hilum is found within this concavity and acts as an entry and exit route for the arterial, venous, and lymphatic vessels and nerves. e spleen is divided into two compartments, namely, the red and white pulp, separated by the marginal zone. e white pulp is made up of T- and B- lymphocytes and is located centrally, while the red pulp is composed of rich plexuses of tortuous venous sinuses [3]. On T1-weighted MR images, the normal signal intensity of the spleen is lower than that of hepatic tissue. Conversely, on T2-weighted images, the spleen shows higher signal intensity, appearing brighter than the liver [4](Figure 1). e distinctive microscopic anatomy of the spleen may be reflected on diffusion-weighted images (DWI) and ADC

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Page 1: Review Article The Spleen Revisited: An Overview on

Hindawi Publishing CorporationRadiology Research and PracticeVolume 2013, Article ID 219297, 15 pages

Review ArticleThe Spleen Revisited: An Overview on MagneticResonance Imaging

João Palas, António P. Matos, and Miguel Ramalho

Radiology Department, Hospital Garcia de Orta, 2801-951 Almada, Portugal

Correspondence should be addressed to Miguel Ramalho; [email protected]

Received 2 June 2013; Revised 8 October 2013; Accepted 10 October 2013

Academic Editor: Andreas H. Mahnken

Copyright © 2013 Joao Palas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Despite being well visualized by different cross-sectional imaging techniques, the spleen is many times overlooked during theabdominal examination. The major reason is the low frequency of splenic abnormalities, the majority consisting of incidentalfindings. There has been a steady increase in the number of performed abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies;therefore, it is important to be familiar to the major MRI characteristics of disease processes involving the spleen, in order tointerpret the findings correctly, reaching whenever possible the appropriate diagnosis. The spleen may be involved in severalpathologic conditions like congenital diseases, trauma, inflammation, vascular disorders and hematologic disorders, benign andmalignant tumors, and other disease processes that focally or diffusely affect the spleen. This paper presents a description andrepresentative MRI images for many of these disorders.

1. Introduction

Splenic disease has always been a challenge to the radiologist.Despite of being well visualized by different cross sectionalimaging techniques, the spleen is many times overlookedduring the abdominal examination. The major reason isthe low frequency of splenic abnormalities, the majorityconsisting of incidental findings.

There has been a steady increase in the number ofperformed abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)studies; therefore, it is important to be familiar to the majorMR imaging characteristics of disease processes involving thespleen, in order to interpret the findings correctly, reachingwhenever possible the appropriate diagnosis. Nowadays,MRIpermits the characterization of the most common spleniclesions, such as cysts, small hemangiomas, and hamartomas,and improvement in the detection of malignant diseases suchas lymphoma and metastases [1].

The spleen may be involved by several pathologic con-ditions including congenital diseases, trauma, inflammation,vascular disorders and hematologic disorders, benign andmalignant tumors, and other disease processes that focally ordiffusely affects the spleen. This article presents a descriptionand representative MRI images for many of these disorders.

2. The Normal Spleen

The spleen is located in the left hypogastric quadrant ofthe abdomen and is fixed in its intraperitoneal positionbeneath the 9th to 11th intercostal spaces by the splenorenal,splenocolic, splenogastric, and phrenicosplenic ligaments.The configuration of the spleen is variable (typically coffeebean shaped), as well as the size, which is related with thepatient’s morphological type and age [2]. The organ’s convexface lies adjacent to the diaphragm. The concave side of thespleen has contact with the stomach, left kidney, and colonflexure. The splenic hilum is found within this concavity andacts as an entry and exit route for the arterial, venous, andlymphatic vessels and nerves. The spleen is divided into twocompartments, namely, the red and white pulp, separated bythe marginal zone. The white pulp is made up of T- and B-lymphocytes and is located centrally, while the red pulp iscomposed of rich plexuses of tortuous venous sinuses [3].

On T1-weighted MR images, the normal signal intensityof the spleen is lower than that of hepatic tissue. Conversely,on T2-weighted images, the spleen shows higher signalintensity, appearing brighter than the liver [4] (Figure 1).The distinctive microscopic anatomy of the spleen may bereflected on diffusion-weighted images (DWI) and ADC

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(a) (b)

Figure 1: The normal spleen. Axial T2wi FSE with fat suppression (a) and axial T1wi out-of-phase GRE (b). The spleen shows the typicalcoffee bean configuration. On T1wi (b), the normal signal intensity of the spleen is lower than that of hepatic tissue. Conversely, on T2wi, thespleen shows higher signal intensity.

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Pattern of enhancement of the normal spleen. Postcontrast axial T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial (a) and venous(b) phase. The spleen shows a heterogeneous pattern enhancement immediately after contrast material administration (a), secondary todifferences in flow between the red and white pulps, becoming homogeneous in venous (b) and interstitial phases.

maps. Prior studies have shown significant differences in themean ADCs between the spleen and other abdominal organs[5, 6].

The spleen demonstrates a heterogeneous serpentine orarciform pattern enhancement immediately after contrastmaterial administration, secondary to differences in flowbetween the red and white pulps, becoming homogeneous invenous and interstitial phases [4] (Figure 2). Any heterogene-ity after this period is considered pathologic [7, 8].

3. Congenital Diseases and Normal Variants

The congenital absence of spleen is known as asplenia and thepresence of one ormore spleens is known as polysplenia. Bothare very rare and usually associated with other congenitalabnormalities.

The accessory spleens may be found in 10% of thepopulation [9], more frequently in women, usually with lessthan 4 cm in size and located near the splenic hilum or

near the pancreatic tail (Figure 3). More than two accessoryspleens occur in less than 5%. The presence of accessorysplenules may arise within the substance of solid organs,notably the pancreas [10]. The presence of a well-marginatedrounded mass located within 3 cm of the distal tail of thepancreas with signal intensity features of the spleen on allMRsequences suggests the diagnosis of intrapancreatic accessoryspleen (IPAS) [11]. However, other entities may mimic thesignal intensity and postgadolinium enhancement featuresof IPAS. Therefore, DWI and SPIO-enhanced MRI can beused to characterize the lesion and to establish the definitediagnosis [3].

Splenosis develops when splenic tissue is seeded withinthe abdomen or pelvis (Figure 4) following trauma [12].

The “upside-down spleen” is a normal variant due toan abnormal splenic rotation where the hilum is superiorlylocated and the convex border is medial and adjacent to theleft kidney [13] (Figure 5).

All these normal variants and congenital abnormalitiesare usually easy to recognize.

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: Accessory spleen. Axial T2wi FSE with fat suppression (a) and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppression images atthe arterial (b) and venous (c) phases. An accessory spleen is shown near the splenic hilum. Note the similar signal intensity and dynamicbehavior comparable with the splenic parenchyma.

4. Inflammatory/Infectious Diseases

4.1. Abscesses. Splenic abscess is an uncommon lesion withhigh mortality rates, because of delayed detection and treat-ment [14, 15]. The frequency of splenic abscess has recentlyincreased due to the higher number of immunocompromisedpatients, as those with hematologic disorders (e.g., leukemia),those with recreational intravenous drug abuse, and thosewith acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Theselesions may be single or multiple [7].

Splenic abscesses are hypointense on T1-weighted imagesand have a moderate to high signal intensity on T2-weightedimages, with irregular and undefined margins [8, 16]. Gasmight be seen within the abscess as signal voids in the antide-pendent position and might be recognized by the presenceof susceptibility artifact on T1-weighted in-phase and out-of-phase GRE sequences which appear greater on sequenceswith higher TE the sequence with higher TE (usually in-phase images). Following intravenous contrast administra-tion, peripheral enhancement may be seen, although it is lessoften intense compared to liver abscess, perhaps due to thefairly bright enhancement of the normal splenic parenchymain the arterial phase [8, 16] (Figure 6).

Candidiasis is the opportunistic infection that mostfrequently affects the liver and the spleen in immunocom-promised patients. MRI is superior to CT for the detectionand characterization of splenic microabscesses (<1 cm), mostcommonly secondary to candidiasis and appear as multiplehyperintense lesions in T2-weighted images with peripheralring enhancement on gadolinium-enhanced images [7, 8](Figure 7).

4.2. Histoplasmosis. Although it might be seen in patientswith competent immune systems, the prevalence of histo-plasmosis is greater in immunocompromised patients. MRimaging demonstrates the acute and subacute phases of this

disease as scattered hypointense lesions on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Old granulomas can be calcified, causingwith the characteristic signal intensity changeswith bloomingartifacts on MR images [8].

4.3. Sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous systemicdisease of unknown etiology that may involve several organsand not infrequently the spleen. Of patients with systemicsarcoidosis, 24 to 59% have biopsy-documented splenicsarcoidosis [17].

Nodular sarcoidosis has been reported to demonstratelow signal intensity in all MR sequences. The lesions aremost conspicuous on T2-weighted fat-suppressed or earlyphase contrast-enhanced images. Sarcoid lesions enhanceminimally on delayed images (Figure 8).

5. Vascular Lesions

5.1. Infarct. Splenic infarcts may result from venous orarterial blood supply interruption. The vascular occlusionscan be the result of a tromboembolic process caused by anytype of hemolytic anemia, endocartitis or chronic valvulardiseases, Gaucher disease, portal hypertension, or vascularcollagen diseases [8, 18].

The typical MR appearance of a splenic infarct is atriangular wedge-shaped area, at the periphery of the spleen,with varying signal intensity according to the age of theinfarct. It shows no enhancement after gadolinium injectionand it is better depicted in late vascular phases, when thespleen is homogeneously enhanced [7, 8] (Figure 9).

5.2. Hematoma. Splenic hematoma is usually secondary totrauma [18]. Like splenic infarcts, the MR appearance isvariable, depending on the age of the lesion. On acute (1 to 2days) and early subacute phase (2 to 7 days) hematomas show

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4: Pelvic splenosis. Axial (a) T2wi SSFSE, axial (b) T2 wi FSE and postcontrast axial T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial(c) and venous (d) phase. This patient with history of splenectomy following a car accident underwent pelvic MRI to clarify pelvic massesdepicted in previous CT. There are multiple nodular masses in the left hypochondrium (arrows, (a)) consistent with splenosis. There arealso multiple well-defined nodules in the pelvis demonstrating high signal intensity on T2wi (arrow, (b)), with heterogeneous enhancementimmediately after contrast material administration (c), becoming homogeneous in the venous (d) phase, consistent with splenosis.

(a) (b)

Figure 5:Upside-down spleen. Coronal postcontrast 3D-GRET1wiwith fat suppression at the arterial (a) and venous (b) phases. An abnormalsplenic rotation is seen. The hilum is superiorly located and the convex border is adjacent to the left kidney.

low signal intensity on T2-weighted images and intermediateand increasingly higher signal intensity on T1-weightedimages, respectively. On late subacute phase (7 to 14–28days), hematomas show hyperintensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images (Figure 10). After 3 weeks (chronic), the

hematoma may have a cystic appearance, regarded as ahyperintensity lesion onT2-weighted sequences with low sig-nal intensity on T1-weighted images [18]. Older hematomasappear hypointense on both T1- andT2-weighted images, dueto its fibrotic component.

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(a) (b)

Figure 6: Splenic abscess. Axial T2wi SSFSE with fat suppression (a) and postcontrast axial T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the venous(b) phase. A large subcapsular splenic abscess is depicted.This lesion is marked hyperintense on T2wi and hypointense on T1wi with irregularmargin. Note the faint enhancement of the splenic capsule (arrows, (b)).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: Microabscesses in an HIV patient with candidiasis. Axial T2wi SSFSE (a) and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppressionat the arterial (b) and venous (c) phases images. Multiple ill-defined T2w hyperintense lesions (a) with peripheral ring enhancement ongadolinium-enhanced images ((b) and (c)) are depicted, consistent with abscesses.

6. Benign Tumors

6.1. Cysts. Cysts are the most common benign focal splenicmasses. They may be separated into epithelial or true cysts(approximately 25% of splenic cysts), which are lined withepithelium, and pseudocysts that can be posttraumatic orsecondary to pancreatitis, in which the wall is fibrotic andlacks a true cellular lining (account for approximately 75% ofsplenic cysts) [1, 19].

Posttraumatic pseudocysts are thought to represent thefinal stage in evolution of a splenic hematoma, although somehave suggested that they might also be secondary to infarctor infection [16, 18]. Pancreatic pseudocysts arising in thetail of the pancreas may involve the spleen by extendingeither beneath the splenic capsule or into the proper splenicparenchyma. Patients usually have a history of acute pancre-atitis [16].

MRI shows the characteristic findings of a cyst, thatis, a well-defined round mass, with thin or imperceptible

wall, homogeneous hypointense on T1-weighted images, andhyperintense on T2-weighted images, with no enhancementon postcontrast images [18] (Figure 11).

It is often impossible to distinguish between true and falsecysts; the clinical presentation and patient history may helpto narrow the differential diagnoses. Cyst wall trabeculationor peripheral septations are much more commonly found intrue cysts [7].

6.2. Hydatid Cyst (Echinococcus granulosus). Usually involvesthe liver or lungs but occasionally may also involve thespleen. Splenic hydatid cysts are very rare even in endemicregions (less than 2%) [19]. On MRI these cysts shareimaging characteristics to those located in the liver. They arehyperintense on T2-weighted images and hypointense on T1-weighted images. They can be either unilocular or containdaughter cysts, distributed peripherally or throughout thelesion, giving a multilocular appearance. A “serpent” or

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8: Sarcoidosis. Axial T2wi FSE with fat suppression (a) and postcontrast axial T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial (b),venous (c) and interstitial phases (d). Low signal intensity nodules are depicted in the spleen on the T2wi sequences (arrows, (a)).The lesionsare most conspicuous on fat-suppressed T2wi or early phase (b) contrast-enhanced images. Note the progressive enhancement of the sarcoidlesions on venous (c) and delayed images (d).

“snake” sign is occasionally noted representing collapsed par-asitic membranes within the cyst. Continuous and irregular,4- to 5-mm-thick, low signal intensity rim surrounding thecyst corresponding to the dense fibrous capsule encasingthe parasitic membranes is frequently seen. Typically, noenhancement is noted following IV contrast administration[18, 20] (Figure 12).

6.3. Hemangiomas. Splenic hemangiomas are the most com-mon benign solid tumor of the spleen. Their frequencyin large autopsy series is 0.03%–14%, and they are morefrequently found in males (1.4 versus 1.0) [19, 21]. Theselesions are believed to be congenital in origin, arising fromsinusoidal epithelium. Most of them are less than 2 cm indiameter; however, once large they may spontaneously rup-ture, causing intra-abdominal hemorrhage. Histologically,they are composed of endothelial-lined blood-filled spacesof varying size and can be characterized by the size of thesespaces as capillary or cavernous lesions [16].

Diffuse hemangiomatosis of the spleen is a rare benignvascular condition occurring as a manifestation of systemicangiomatosis (associations with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber,Turner, Kasabach-Merritt-like, and Beckwith-Wiedemannsyndromes have been reported) or, less commonly, confinedto the spleen [8].

Most hemangiomas are well-defined homogeneous,hypo- to isointense on T1-weighted images and mostcommonly hyperintense on T2-weighted images comparedwith splenic parenchyma [21] (Figure 13). On dynamiccontrast-enhanced studies, they usually show peripheralenhancement with centripetal, delayed progression (seeFigure 13). Uncommonly, similarly to liver hemangiomas,these lesions may undergo sclerosis and late phase imagesare important to suggest the correct diagnosis. The typicalnodular peripheral enhancement of hepatic hemangiomas isuncommonly seen in splenic hemangiomas [22].

6.4. Hamartomas. Hamartoma is an infrequently benign,usually asymptomatic tumor of the spleen, with an autopsyincidence of 0.13% and no gender predilection. Approxi-mately, one-sixth of hamartomas are found in children (<16years).They are nonneoplastic tumors composed of amixtureof normal elements of splenic red andwhite pulp components[19, 23]. They are considered to be congenital in origin, butsome theories associate it with previous trauma.

Hamartomas are a sharply defined, rounded, single solidlesion that sometimes may be multiple (Figure 14). OnMRI, they are usually isointense on T1-weighted imagesand heterogeneously hyperintense on T2-weighted images[22]. After intravenous gadolinium administration, there is

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(a) (b)

Figure 9: Splenic infarct. Axial T2wi FSE (a) and axial postcontrast fat-suppressed 3D-GRE T1wi at the venous (b) phase. A small triangularwedge-shaped area at the periphery of the spleen is noted (arrow, (a)), with hypointensity signal on both T1 and T2wi, with no enhancementon postcontrast images.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10: Hematoma. Axial (a) T2wi SSFSE and postcontrast axial T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial (b) and interstitial (c)phases. A chronic hematoma is depicted with a cystic appearance, regarded as a lesion with moderate hyperintensity on T2wi sequences (a)and hypointensity on T1wi with no perceptible enhancement ((b), (c)).

(a) (b)

Figure 11: Splenic cyst. Axial T2wi FSE with fat suppression (a) and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppression at the interstitial(b) phase. Note the thin-walled and well-defined nodule, homogeneously hyperintense on T2wi (a), with no enhancement on post contrastimage, characteristic of cysts.

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 12: Hydatid cyst. Axial T2wi SSFSE with fat suppression ((a) and (b)) and axial postcontrast T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in thevenous (c) phase. A classic hydatid cyst is visualized in the liver (b). A concomitant splenic hydatid cyst is depicted as a multilocular lesionwith moderate hyperintensity on T2wi (arrow, (a)) and hypointensity on T1wi (c). A fibrotic thickened continuous low signal intensity rimsurrounding the cyst is seen on T2wi ((a), (b)). No enhancement is noted following IV contrast administration (c).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 13: Splenic hemangioma. Axial T2wi FSE with fat suppression (a) and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppression atthe arterial (b) and interstitial (c) phases. The hemangioma is depicted as a well-defined, homogeneous, and hyperintense lesion on T2wi(arrow, (a)), with a peripheral enhancement with centripetal and delayed progression, on postcontrast images ((b) and (c)). Note the hepatichemangiomas on the same imaging plane.

usually diffuse heterogeneous enhancement, which may beuseful in distinguishing this lesion from the typical peripheralenhancement noted in hemangiomas (see Figure 14). Pro-longed enhancement may be appreciated, which has beenattributed to stagnant contrast material within the sinusoidsof the red pulp of splenic tissue. Persistent areas of hypointen-sity may also be seen and correspond to areas of necrosiswithin the lesion [7, 16, 21].

6.5. Littoral Cell Angioma. Littoral cell angioma is a relativelynew clinicopathological entity of a rare benign tumor of thespleen that develops from the lining cells of the red-pulpsinuses, the so-called “littoral cells”, giving rise to littoral cellangioma [24]. It has no malignant histological features andhas a benign clinical course.

Lesions are of variable size and commonly multinodular.They are composed of anastomosing vascular channels withirregular lumina featuring cyst-like spaces and lined by tallendothelial cells.

On MRI, lesions are inhomogeneously hyperintense onT2-weighted images, with signal intensity similar to that ofhemangiomas and slightly hypointense on unenhanced T1-weighted images. Littoral cell angiomas may show low signalintensity on all sequences due to hemosiderin accumulationwithin neoplastic littoral cells [25]. Dynamic postcontrast

T1-weighted images depict delayed contrast enhancement,suggestive of a vascular lesion with contrast media pooling(Figure 15).

6.6. Lymphangioma. Lymphangioma is a rare vascularbenign lesion filled with lymph instead of red blood cells asseen in hemangioma [18]. Usually diagnosed in childhood, itmay appear as solitary or multiple splenic lesions or as a dif-fuse involvement replacing most of the splenic parenchyma,known as lymphangiomatosis [16].

Cystic lymphangioma is the most frequent type andis characterized by a honeycomb of large and small thin-walled cysts containing lymph-like clear fluid. On MRI,lymphangiomas usually present as well-defined multilocularcystic lesions, with thin septations and hyperintensity onT2-weighted sequences. However, some of the cysts maybe hyperintense on T1-weighted images, due to protein orhemorrhagic content [1, 16, 19].

7. Malignant Tumors

7.1. Lymphoma. Lymphoma is the most common splenicmalignancy. Both Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomamay present in the spleen as the primary site (less than 1%) oras part of systemic involvement [1].

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 14: Splenic hamartoma. Axial T2wi SSFSE (a), pre- (b) and postcontrast axial T1w 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial (c) andvenous (d) phase. Multiple rounded lesions are seen on T2wi (a) and T1wi (b). These lesions demonstrate hyperenhancing characteristics onthe arterial phase (c) progressing to isointensity on the venous phase (d).

Splenic involvement in lymphoma may produce homo-geneous enlargement (the most common finding, although itmay be absent in up to 30% of patients), multiple small (ormiliary) nodules, a single solitary mass, or a combination ofthese appearances [16, 19].

Immediate postcontrast MRI images surpass CT in theirevaluation; nevertheless, the role of MRI has not beenestablished yet.

Lymphomatous nodules are typically isointense to splenicparenchyma on T1- and T2-weighted images, although theymay present some hypointensity on T2-weighted images,which may help to distinguish from metastatic lesions(Figure 16). Lymphomatous lesions are usually hypovascularwith lower signal intensity relative to normal spleen onpostcontrast images, thereby increasing conspicuity [16, 23].

7.2. Metastasis. Although the spleen is the most vascularorgan in the body, it is an infrequent site for metastaticdisease. Metastatic involvement of the spleen is some-what uncommon, occurring in up to 7% of patients withwidespread malignancy. According to most series, splenicmetastases are mainly due to melanoma and breast cancersand in a less percentage from cancers of the lung, colon,stomach, ovary, endometrium, and prostate [7, 18].

Splenic metastatic lesions may be solitary, multiple, ordiffuse and differ in number and size from a few millimeters

to several centimeters. At MR imaging, metastases typicallyappear as hyperintense masses on T2-weighted images andhypo- to isointensemasses on T1-weighted images with inho-mogeneous contrast enhancement, usually with peripheralring-like pattern [19, 23, 26] (Figure 17). Central tumor necro-sis is seen as regions of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images[27]. The presence of blood products from hemorrhageor other paramagnetic substances, such as melanin frommelanocytic melanomas, may result in high signal intensityon T1-weighted images [18].

7.3. Perisplenic Neoplasms Infiltrating the Spleen. Implantson the serosal surface of the spleen are seen in patientswith peritoneal carcinomatosis, commonly from ovarianor gastrointestinal primary neoplasms. These implants maycause indentation and scalloping of the surface of the spleen.Direct tumor invasion of the spleen is uncommon, but can beseen in tumors originating from the pancreas, stomach, colonor left kidney, and retroperitoneum (Figure 18) [28].

7.4. Angiosarcoma. Angiosarcoma is exceedingly rare, yet itis the most common primarymalignant nonlymphoid tumorof the spleen [29]. These tumors are highly aggressive (nearly80% of patients die 6 months after the diagnosis) and usuallymanifest as widespread metastatic disease or splenic rupture[7, 8, 16]. Association with thoratrast has been reported.

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 15: Littoral cell angioma. Axial T2wi FSE with fat suppression (a), pre- (b) and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppression atthe venous phase (c) and after 10 minutes of contrast injection (d). A hypointense nodular lesion is depicted on T2wi (arrow, (a)), with areasof magnetic susceptibility artifact, and hypovascular nodules that show subtle peripheral enhancement with progressive slow centripetalaccumulation of contrast (arrow, (d)). This mass was thought to represent a sclerosed splenic hemangioma. This heterogeneous splenicappearance is also possible with angiosarcoma and in cases of splenic hemangiomatosis. Note the anteriorly adjacent splenic cyst.

Angiosarcoma typically appears as multiple nodular het-erogeneous masses, with variable signal intensity on T1-weighted and T2-weighted images, due to the presence ofhemorrhage with different ages, siderotic nodules, and areasof necrosis. Following the intravenous administration ofgadolinium, the lesion demonstrates heterogeneous enhance-ment. MRI seems to be more precise than CT in the overallassessment and staging of this type of tumor and is ofparticular value for timely diagnosis [30].

There are other extremely rare primary malignantsplenic tumors including malignant fibrous histiocytoma,leiomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, malignant teratoma, andKaposi sarcoma, all of which arewith nonspecific appearance.

8. Diffuse Diseases

8.1. Splenomegaly. Splenomegaly is a radiologic and clinicalsign, classically described when the craniocaudal splenic

length is more than 12 cm (Figure 19). This may result fromcongestion (portal hypertension, splenic vein occlusion, orthrombosis), infiltrative disease (Gaucher disease or histio-cytosis), hematologic disorders (polycythemia vera, myelofi-brosis), inflammatory’s/infectious diseases (HIV, mononu-cleosis, amyloidosis, Feltys syndrome, ormycobacterial infec-tion), cysts, or tumors (leukemia, lymphoma, or metastases)[7, 10, 23].

8.2. Siderotic Nodules. Foci of hemosiderin deposition areseen in about 9%–12% of patients with portal hypertensionand are the so-called Gamma-Gandy bodies (Figure 20).These foci of hemosiderin have low signal intensity on allpulse sequences and exhibit “blooming” artifact on gradientecho sequences, secondary to iron deposition [8, 23].

8.3. Gaucher Disease. Gaucher disease is an autosomal reces-sive lysosomal disorder secondary to lack of the enzyme

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(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

Figure 16: Lymphoma. Axial T2wi SSFSE (a), axial pre- (b) and postcontrast T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial (c) and venous(d) phase. Coronal fat-suppressed T1wi 3D-GRE in the interstitial phase (e). The spleen is enlarged. Lymphomatous nodules are isointenseto splenic parenchyma on T1wi (b) and T2wi (a). One nodule is moderately hypointense T2wi (arrow, (a)). This feature aids in distinctionagainst metastatic lesions, which are commonly hyperintense. Lymphomatous lesions demonstrate hypovascular nature with lower signalintensity relative to normal spleen on postcontrast images ((c), (d) (e)), thereby increasing conspicuity.

glucocerebrosidase, leading to the accumulation of gluco-cerebrosides in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system,causing hepatosplenomegaly. Splenic infarcts and fibrosisassociated with Gaucher disease may exhibit a multifocalpattern [8].

8.4. Hemosiderosis and Sickle Cell Disease. Hemosiderosis,with splenic involvement, shows diffuse diminished signalintensity of the organ on both T1- and T2-weighted imagesrelative to musculature as a result of hemosiderin deposition[1] (Figure 21).

Sickle cell disease is common in the Afro-descendentpopulation with a prevalence of 0.2% (homozygous form)

and 8%–10% (heterozygous form). The spleen is the mostcommonly organ involved. In patients with sickle cell disease,the spleen appears as a nearly signal void area due to irondeposition from blood transfusion. Autosplenectomy is oftenfound in patients with homozygous sickle cell disease [7, 8](Figure 22).

8.5. Extramedullary Hematopoiesis. Extramedullary hemato-poiesis is a compensatory response to failure of the bonemarrow cells. A focal mass-like involvement of the liverand spleen, which are the main affected organs, may bepresent. On MRI, the appearance of the nodular lesionsdepends on the evolution of the hematopoiesis. Active lesions

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 17: Splenic metastasis on a patient with a small-cell lung carcinoma. Axial T2wi SSFSE (a) and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi withfat suppression at the arterial (b) and venous (c) phases. Note the nodular lesion depicted as a hyperintense nodule on T2wi with peripheralring-like enhancement.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 18: Pancreatic tail clear cell renal cell carcinomametastases with infiltration of the spleen through the splenic hilum. Axial T2wi SSFSEwithout (a) and with (b) fat suppression and axial postcontrast T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the arterial (c) and venous (d) phase. Alarge heterogeneous mass is seen in the pancreatic tail infiltrating the spleen.

reveal intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images,high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, and moderateenhancement after administration of intravenous gadolin-ium. Older lesions are hypointense on T1- and T2-weightedimages and do not show any enhancement. These lesionsusually demonstrate low signal intensity on in-phase T1-weighted GRE images compared with that on out-of phaseimages due to the presence of iron [8].

9. Conclusion

Focal and diffuse lesions of the spleen are uncommon andusually discovered incidentally on cross-sectional imagingstudies. Due to the widespread of MRI there has been anincrease in the detection of diseases involving the spleen. Byvirtue of its excellent contrast resolution and the possibility oftissue characterization through the use of different sequences,

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(a) (b)

Figure 19: Splenomegaly. Coronal T2wi SSFSE (a) and postcontrast axial T1wi 3D-GRE with fat suppression in the interstitial phase (b). Ahomogeneous splenomegaly resulting from congestion (portal hypertension) is easily seen.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 20: Siderotic splenic nodules (Gamma-Gandy bodies). Axial T2∗ (a), axial 2D-GRET1w in-phase (b) and out-of-phase (c), and pre (d)and postcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppression at the arterial phase (e). Note the splenomegaly with multiple foci of hemosiderinwith low signal intensity on all pulse sequences and exhibiting the “blooming” artifact on in-phase (longer TE) GRE sequences, secondary toiron deposition. No enhancement is depicted.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 21: Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Coronal (a) and axial (b) T2wi SSFSE and axial T2∗ (c) images. This patient withparoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria shows diffuse diminished signal intensity of the liver and spleen on T2wi as a result of hemosiderindeposition. Notice the iron accumulation on the renal cortex (a).

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 22: Autosplenectomy is found in a patient with homozygous sickle cell disease. Axial T2wi SSFSE (a), coronal SSFP (b), andpostcontrast axial 3D-GRE T1wi with fat suppression at the arterial phase (c). Note the small remnant of spleen and the diffuse diminishedsignal intensity of the hepatic parenchyma on both T1wi and T2wi as a result of iron deposition.

MRI provides an excellent tool for the evaluation and charac-terization of various splenic lesions.

Awareness of the MRI appearance of the most commonsplenic disease processes is important for the radiologist tointerpret the findings correctly, reaching whenever possiblethe appropriate diagnosis.


This paper was presented in part at the 25th EuropeanCongress of Radiology, 2013.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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