review article the neonatal lung physiology and … article the neonatal lung – physiology and...

REVIEW ARTICLE The neonatal lung physiology and ventilation Roland P. Neumann 1 & Britta S. von Ungern-Sternberg 2,3 1 Department of Neonatal Intensive Care, Basel University Children’s Hospital (UKBB), Basel, Switzerland 2 Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, WA, Australia 3 Chair of Pediatric Anesthesia, School of Medicine and Pharmacology, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia Keywords neonate; respiratory physiology; ventilation; anesthesia Correspondence Britta S. von Ungern-Sternberg, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Roberts Road, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia Email: [email protected]. Section Editor: Andy Wolf Accepted 18 September 2013 doi:10.1111/pan.12280 Summary This review article focuses on neonatal respiratory physiology, mechanical ventilation of the neonate and changes induced by anesthesia and surgery. Optimal ventilation techniques for preterm and term neonates are discussed. In summary, neonates are at high risk for respiratory complications during anesthesia, which can be explained by their characteristic respiratory physiol- ogy. Especially the delicate balance between closing volume and functional residual capacity can be easily disturbed by anesthetic and surgical interven- tions resulting in respiratory deterioration. Ventilatory strategies should ide- ally include application of an ‘open lung strategy’ as well avoidance of inappropriately high V T and excessive oxygen administration. In critically ill and unstable neonates, for example, extremely low-birthweight infants sur- gery in the neonatal intensive care unit might be an appropriate alternative to the operating theater. Best respiratory management of neonates during anesthesia is a team effort that should involve a joint multidisciplinary approach of anesthetists, pediatric surgeons, cardiologists, and neonatologists to reduce complications and optimize outcomes in this vulnerable population. Introduction Three quarters of all critical incidents and one-third of all perioperative cardiac arrests in pediatric anes- thesia are related to the respiratory system (1,2). Pre- term and term infants are at even higher risk of anesthesia-related critical incidents than older chil- dren, which can be explained by the differences in respiratory physiology in this vulnerable population. This review article focuses on neonatal respiratory physiology, mechanical ventilation of the neonate and changes induced by anesthesia and surgery. Opti- mal ventilation techniques for preterm and term neo- nates are discussed. Respiratory physiology in neonates Lung physiology and pulmonary mechanics in neonates, especially if born preterm, are considerably different compared to older children and adults. The special characteristics of neonatal respiratory physiology need to be appreciated to ensure safe respiratory management during pediatric anesthesia. Respiratory control The development of respiratory control starts early in gestation but continues to mature for weeks or months after term birth (3). The breathing pattern of preterm and term infants is often irregular and periodic and can be associated with severe and life-threatening apneas, which reflects the immaturity of the respiratory control system (4). All levels of the respiratory control system are immature including brainstem respiratory rhythmo- genesis, peripheral and central chemoreceptor responses, and other parts of the network (3). The ventilatory response to hypercapnia and hypoxia is impaired in neonates. Whereas hypercapnia increases tidal volume and respiratory rate in term infants, children, and adults, the response seems to be attenuated in preterm neonates (5,6). Preterm infants show a biphasic response under hypoxic conditions. After an initial increase © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645

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Page 1: REVIEW ARTICLE The neonatal lung physiology and … ARTICLE The neonatal lung – physiology and ventilation Roland P. Neumann1 & Britta S. von Ungern-Sternberg2,3 1 Department of


The neonatal lung – physiology and ventilationRoland P. Neumann1 & Britta S. von Ungern-Sternberg2,3

1 Department of Neonatal Intensive Care, Basel University Children’s Hospital (UKBB), Basel, Switzerland

2 Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, WA, Australia

3 Chair of Pediatric Anesthesia, School of Medicine and Pharmacology, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia


neonate; respiratory physiology; ventilation;



Britta S. von Ungern-Sternberg, Department

of Anesthesia and Pain Management,

Princess Margaret Hospital for Children,

Roberts Road, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia

Email: [email protected].

Section Editor: Andy Wolf

Accepted 18 September 2013


SummaryThis review article focuses on neonatal respiratory physiology, mechanicalventilation of the neonate and changes induced by anesthesia and surgery.Optimal ventilation techniques for preterm and term neonates are discussed.In summary, neonates are at high risk for respiratory complications duringanesthesia, which can be explained by their characteristic respiratory physiol-ogy. Especially the delicate balance between closing volume and functionalresidual capacity can be easily disturbed by anesthetic and surgical interven-tions resulting in respiratory deterioration. Ventilatory strategies should ide-ally include application of an ‘open lung strategy’ as well avoidance ofinappropriately high VT and excessive oxygen administration. In critically illand unstable neonates, for example, extremely low-birthweight infants sur-gery in the neonatal intensive care unit might be an appropriate alternative tothe operating theater. Best respiratory management of neonates duringanesthesia is a team effort that should involve a joint multidisciplinaryapproach of anesthetists, pediatric surgeons, cardiologists, and neonatologiststo reduce complications and optimize outcomes in this vulnerable population.


Three quarters of all critical incidents and one-thirdof all perioperative cardiac arrests in pediatric anes-thesia are related to the respiratory system (1,2). Pre-term and term infants are at even higher risk ofanesthesia-related critical incidents than older chil-dren, which can be explained by the differences inrespiratory physiology in this vulnerable population.This review article focuses on neonatal respiratoryphysiology, mechanical ventilation of the neonateand changes induced by anesthesia and surgery. Opti-mal ventilation techniques for preterm and term neo-nates are discussed.

Respiratory physiology in neonates

Lung physiology and pulmonary mechanics in neonates,especially if born preterm, are considerably differentcompared to older children and adults. The specialcharacteristics of neonatal respiratory physiology need

to be appreciated to ensure safe respiratory managementduring pediatric anesthesia.

Respiratory control

The development of respiratory control starts early ingestation but continues to mature for weeks or monthsafter term birth (3). The breathing pattern of pretermand term infants is often irregular and periodic and canbe associated with severe and life-threatening apneas,which reflects the immaturity of the respiratory controlsystem (4). All levels of the respiratory control systemare immature including brainstem respiratory rhythmo-genesis, peripheral and central chemoreceptor responses,and other parts of the network (3). The ventilatoryresponse to hypercapnia and hypoxia is impaired inneonates. Whereas hypercapnia increases tidal volumeand respiratory rate in term infants, children, andadults, the response seems to be attenuated in pretermneonates (5,6). Preterm infants show a biphasic responseunder hypoxic conditions. After an initial increase

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1

Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645

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in ventilation for approximately 1 min, ventilationsubsequently decreases with the potential for apneas (7).Anesthetic drugs can further blunt the respiratorycontrol to both hypoxia and hypercapnia (8). Anotherimportant mechanism contributing to apneas inneonates is an exaggerated inhibitory response to eitheran afferent laryngeal stimulation (9,10) or an excessiveinflation of the lung (11). The latter is also known as Her-ing–Breuer inflation reflex, which is more pronounced inpreterm and term neonates (12) compared with olderchildren.

Apneic episodes are defined as absent airflow formore than 20 s and classified as either central apneasin absence of breathing efforts or obstructive apneasin the presence of breathing efforts (13). Clinically,most apneas occur as mixed apneas (14), that is, acombination of poor respiratory drive (central apnea)and failure to maintain a patent airway (obstructiveapnea). Central apneas result from a decreased respi-ratory center output due to the immaturity of therespiratory control system. Obstructive apneas mostoften occur during active sleep (i.e., rapid eye move-ment phase); the predominant site of airway obstruc-tion is the pharynx, which shows reduced muscletone during this period (4). Poor respiratory control,especially in very preterm infants, might require theuse of methylxanthines (such as theophylline of caf-feine), continuous positive airway pressure, or evenintubation and mechanical ventilation (4).

Upper and lower respiratory tract

Compared to older children and adults, there areconsiderable differences of respiratory physiology ofupper and lower airways in the neonate. Due to theanatomy and relatively large head size of infants, theanatomical dead space in infants is greater than inolder children and adults (15). The epiglottis in neo-nates is relatively large and positioned high in thepharynx and in very close proximity to the soft pal-ate. This results in a lower airflow resistance in thenasal passage and explains why neonates breathepreferentially through their nose (16). Pharynx, lar-ynx, trachea, and the bronchial tree are more compli-ant in the neonate compared with older children.This can lead to dynamic airway collapse of theupper airways during forceful inspiration. Airwaydiameters are much smaller in the neonate than inolder children or adults resulting in higher airflowresistance in infants (17) as the resistance is inverselyproportional to the fourth power of the airwayradius. Airway resistance decreases continuously inthe first year of life (18). Narrowing of the airways

due to luminal blood, secretions, or an endotrachealtube have a much greater impact on the work ofbreathing (WOB) in preterm and term infants com-pared with older patients. Additionally, conditionssuch as laryngomalacia, tracheobronchomalacia, sub-glottic or tracheal stenosis are more common in neo-nates and (ex-premature) babies and are associatedwith reduced airway diameter, which can substantiallyincrease WOB in infants (19). Highly compliant andcompressible intrathoracic airways in conditions suchas tracheobronchomalacia may result in expiratoryairway collapse due to the high intrathoracic pres-sure, which can further increase airway resistance andWOB. Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is animportant measure to stent collapsed airways open (20).

Lung and thorax

Newborn infants, especially if born premature, havefewer and larger alveoli than older children andadults (17). Alveolarization, that is, the growth anddevelopment of alveoli, continues into childhood andadolescence (21). Collateral connections between alve-oli (pores of Kohn and bronchoalveolar canals ofLambert) are not present until the first years of life(22). The absence of accessory interalveolar communi-cations in neonates increases the risk of atelectasis independent lung areas.Production of pulmonary surfactant begins by 23 to

24 weeks gestational age and reaches sufficient levelsafter about 35 weeks of gestation (23). However, surfac-tant production can be delayed under certain conditionssuch as maternal gestational diabetes or perinatalasphyxia (24). Administration of antenatal corticoster-oids to mothers in preterm labor stimulates lung matu-ration and endogenous surfactant production (25).Surfactant-deficient lungs are characterized by poorcompliance, reduced volume and widespread atelectasis,ventilation-perfusion mismatching and hypoxia (24).Endotracheal administration of exogenous surfactant aswell as application of PEEP significantly improves respi-ratory physiology and clinically relevant outcomes ofpreterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome(24,26).Term infants and especially preterm infants have

immature antioxidative systems and are at risk ofoxygen toxicity (27). High inspired oxygen (FiO2)concentrations not only cause retinopathy (28) but alsocontribute to the development of bronchopulmonarydysplasia in preterm infants (29).In the mature lung, collapse of airways is being

prevented by the elastic tissue of the surroundingalveolar septa. In neonates, due to fewer alveoli, there is

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd2

Neonatal lung – physiology & ventilation R.P Neumann and B.S. von Ungern-Sternberg

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less elastic recoil and therefore an increased risk ofairway collapse mainly on expiration (30). The thorax ofneonates is highly compliant and deformable (31). Inrespiratory distress, there can be pronounced inspiratoryintercostal, sternal, and supraclavicular recessions aswell as a paradox inspiratory inward movement of thechest wall due to the high compliance of the thorax.Under these circumstances, a significant part of theenergy generated by diaphragmatic contraction iswasted on thorax distortion. Chest wall compliancedecreases rapidly in the first few years of life (31).

As in older children and adults, the diaphragm is themost important muscle during inspiration. However, inneonates, the efficiency of the intercostal muscles isreduced as the ribs are aligned more horizontally (32).Additionally, the diaphragm of preterm and terminfants as well as the intercostal muscles contains lesstype 1 muscle fibers (slow endurance) compared withchildren or adults, which explains why respiratorymuscles of neonates are more susceptible to fatigue (33).Resting lung volume or functional residual capacity(FRC) is determined by the static balance between theoutward and inward recoil pressure of the chest walland lung, respectively, and is lower in neonates than inolder subjects (30). Due to the poor elastic properties ofinfants lungs, their closing volume is greater than theirFRC, with terminal airway closure occurring duringnormal tidal ventilation (30). Infants apply severalmechanisms to maintain and dynamically increase theirFRC: (i) postinspiratory activity of intercostal anddiaphragmatic muscles (self-recruitment maneuver) (ii)high respiratory rates with short expiratory times(auto-PEEP or dynamic hyperinflation) (iii) laryngealadduction in expiration to increase expiratory airwayresistance (functional PEEP) (34–36). Main differencesbetween respiratory physiology in infants and adults aresummarized in Table 1.

Neonatal ventilation

In the past decades, significant advances in neonatalventilation were introduced in clinical practice, such aslung-protective ventilation strategies to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). VILI is an important riskfactor for the development of bronchopulmonary dys-plasia (BPD) (37). Mechanical ventilation can inflictlung trauma by several mechanisms: (i) Excessively hightidal volumes (VT) result in alveolar overdistension andinjury of the lung periphery (volutrauma); (ii) High pres-sures during ventilation have an injurious effect to thelung (barotrauma); (iii) Insufficiently opened lung areasmay be damaged by shear forces occurring during therespiratory cycle by repetitive opening and closing of

alveoli (atelectotrauma); (iv) Mechanical injury of thelung (volutrauma, barotrauma, and atelectotrauma)leads to the release of proinflammatory cytokines andan inflammatory cascade, which contributes to VILIand the development of BPD (biotrauma); and (v) Highlevels of inspired O2 cause oxidative stress and inflam-mation (O2 toxicity) (38).Consequently, lung-protective ventilation strategies

should include (i) avoiding excessively high VT (volu-trauma), (ii) excessively high airway pressures(barotrauma), (iii) applying recruitment maneuvers, ifrequired, (iv) preventing repetitive opening and closingof alveoli (atelectotrauma) by applying appropriatePEEP, and (v) avoiding high fractions of inspired O2

(FiO2) (39,40).

Oxygen toxicity

High levels of inspired O2 should be avoided in anattempt to reduce O2 toxicity. In addition to O2 toxicity,high FiO2 can promote atelectasis and decrease of FRCthrough absorption of O2 (41) as well as contribute tothe development of BPD and retinopathy of prematurity(42). FiO2 needs to be adjusted to achieve the desired tothe oxygen saturation (SaO2) or partial arterial oxygenpressure (PaO2). Results from recent large randomizedtrials suggest that a preductal SaO2 target range of 90–95% compared to 85–89% increases survival andreduces the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm

Table 1 Main differences between respiratory physiology in infants

and adults

Difference in infants Physiological background

Rapid desaturations Higher oxygen

consumption rate

Smaller oxygen reserve

relative to body size

Increased risk

of apneas

Immature respiratory control

Increased airway


Smaller airway size

Increased tendency

for airway collapse due to

increased airway compliance

Increased risk

of FRC loss

Reduced pulmonary elastic recoil

Closing pressure near

or below FRC

Dynamic, active FRC


Reduced efficiency of

respiratory muscles

Less type I (slow endurance)

muscle fibers

Higher chest wall compliance

Ribs aligned more horizontally

FRC, functional residual capacity.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3

R.P Neumann and B.S. von Ungern-Sternberg Neonatal lung – physiology & ventilation

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infants up to 36 weeks postconceptional age albeit atthe expense of an increased rate of retinopathy ofprematurity (43,44). However, the negative impact ofhigh levels of FiO2 on lung volumes can be counteractedby recruitment maneuvers and sufficient levels of PEEP(45).

Permissive hypercapnia

Retrospective observations in preterm infants showedthat low levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) <30 mmHgbefore the first dose of surfactant are associated withan increased risk of BPD (46). These findings led toa ventilation strategy allowing for mild hypercapniaof 45–55 mmHg (i.e., permissive hypercapnia) in pre-term and term neonates (47,48). Animal data (49) aswell as data from randomized controlled trials (50)and observational studies (47) in very low-birthweightinfants suggest that permissive hypercapnia is safeand may be effective to reduce pulmonary morbidityin mechanically ventilated infants (48). However,there is not enough evidence to currently support theroutine use of permissive hypercapnia in infants (51).On the contrary, hypocapnia due to hyperventilationshould definitely be avoided in neonates as it isassociated with the development of periventricularleukomalacia (52). In a retrospective study, both hyp-ocapnia and hypercapnia (<39 and >60 mmHg) aswell as great fluctuations of PaCO2 in the first 4 daysof life were associated with severe intraventricularhemorrhage in preterm infants (53).

Ventilation modes

Time-cycled pressure-limited ventilation

The most widely used mechanical ventilation mode inneonatal intensive care is the time-cycled, pressure-lim-ited ventilation mode (TCPL), which is also known asintermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). In thismode, inspiratory (Ti) and expiratory time (Te) is beingset and a limited pressure applied under conditions ofcontinuous baseline flow throughout the respiratorycycle. Disadvantages of TCPL are that the applied VT

may vary from breath to breath due to variablespontaneous breathing efforts, endotracheal tube leaks,secretions, or changes in lung compliance and/or resis-tance. Depending on the time constant of the lung, Ti

and Te might not be appropriate to achieve optimal VT

and a peak pressure plateau allowing for even ventila-tion distribution within the lungs. Pressure-controlledventilation (PCV) differs from TCPL as the inspiratory

flow is variable and decreases when the set peak pressureis being approached.

Flow-cycled ventilation

In flow-cycled ventilation, modes such as pressure-sup-port ventilation (PSV) inspiratory flow supports everyinspiratory effort and terminates inspiration once theflow drops below a certain threshold in proportion of thepeak inspiratory flow. This enables the patient to breathewith variable inspiratory times instead of synchronizingonly the onset of the inspiration. PSV may improvepatient–ventilator synchrony, reduce VILI, and facilitateweaning (54). However, evidence of clinically relevantbenefits of flow-cycled vs time-cycled ventilation andparticularly of any long-term effects is lacking (55).

Synchronized ventilation

Synchronized ventilation modes also known as patient-triggered modes are standard care in industrializedcountries. Synchronized ventilation delivers positivepressure inflations after triggering by the patient’s ownspontaneous inspiratory breathing efforts. Asynchronybetween the patient and ventilator may result in largechanges in VT. Furthermore, it can result in air trapping,blood pressure fluctuations, and poor oxygenation(56,57). A recent meta-analysis showed that synchro-nized ventilation in neonates is associated with areduced risk of air leak and a shorter duration ofmechanical ventilation (58). The most commonly usedmodes of synchronized ventilation in infants aresynchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV)and assist–control ventilation [ACV, equivalent to synchro-nized intermittent positive pressure ventilation, (SIPPV)]. InSIMV, only a predetermined respiratory rate is synchro-nized and supported by the ventilator but additional spon-taneous breaths are unsupported, whereas in ACV,every spontaneous effort of the infant is supported (59).ACV compared to SIMV showed a trend to a shorterduration of weaning of the ventilator (58).

Volume-targeted ventilation

The recognition that volutrauma rather than barotrau-ma contributes to VILI in neonates has shifted the focusof interest toward the control of VT to avoid alveolaroverdistension (60). Traditional volume-controlledventilation in neonates was abandoned due to technicaldifficulties in reliably monitoring and administeringsmall VT in the presence of leaks around uncuffedendotracheal tubes, compliant ventilator tubing, andphysiological changes in lung compliance and resistance.

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd4

Neonatal lung – physiology & ventilation R.P Neumann and B.S. von Ungern-Sternberg

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Technological advances have led to the development ofvolume-targeted ventilation (VTV). Many current neo-natal ventilators have a flow sensor placed between theY-piece of the ventilator circuit and the endotrachealtube, whereas older designs used a flow sensor that wasbuilt into the ventilator. In VTV, inspiratory peakpressure of any current breath is chosen based on pres-sure requirements over the last couple of breaths toapproach a preset target VT. Provided there is only littleendotracheal leak and an acceptable amount of trachealsecretions, such computationally intense breath-to-breath adjustment of peak inspiratory pressure leads toVT slightly undulating around preset target VT, allowingfor an automated ventilator response to changes inrespiratory mechanics. Some ventilators additionallyadjust inspiratory flow or Ti to achieve target VT. Theuse of VTV enables to reduce VT variability as com-pared to conventional TCPL (61). VTV modes can becombined with current TCPL and flow-cycled modes. Ina recent meta-analysis, the use of VTV compared topressure-limited ventilation modes resulted in a reduc-tion in the combined outcome of death or BPD, pneu-mothorax, severe cranial ultrasound abnormalities, andhypocarbia (60). Currently, VTV seems to be the onlymodern neonatal ventilation mode with evidence ofsuperiority over other ventilation modes regarding thecomposite outcome of death or BPD. The initial VT

setting in VTV largely depends on the type of ventilatorand the individual patient (e.g., commonly recommendedVT target for Draeger Babylog 8000 plusR in pretermneonates with respiratory distress: 4.0–5.0 ml!kg"1);subsequently, VT needs to be adjusted to maintain nor-mocapnia or mild hypercapnia (48,62).

High-frequency ventilation

High-frequency ventilation uses a low VT (smaller orclose to respiratory dead space) and a frequency fasterthan normal respiratory rates (63). Modes of high-fre-quency ventilation include high-frequency oscillatoryventilation (HFOV), high-frequency jet ventilation(HFJV), and high-frequency flow interrupter ventila-tion (HFFI). The most commonly used high-frequencymode in neonatal intensive care is high-frequency oscil-latory ventilation (HFOV), which is discussed in thefollowing. HFOV allows applying a higher mean air-way pressure (MAP) than under conventional mechani-cal ventilation, which prevents atelectasis and optimizeslung volume. Additionally, the risk of volutrauma isreduced by application of a very small VT making ittheoretically an optimal lung-protective ventilationmode. Unlike conventional ventilation, HFJV or HFFI,in HFOV not only the inspiratory but also the expira-

tory phase is active. As HFOV is very effective even insevere respiratory failure, it is often used as a rescuetherapy although there is evidence that it might haveadvantages using it as primary ventilation mode (64).In a recent meta-analysis, HFOV seemed equally effec-tive to conventional ventilation in preterm infants withno differences in the outcomes BPD or death, oxygendependency, and severe neurological sequelae (65).Observational studies suggest that the use of HFOV interm or near-term infants might be more effective thanconventional mechanical ventilation (66,67). However,there are no randomized controlled trials supportingthe use of HFOV in term or near-term infants withsevere respiratory failure (68).

Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist ventilation

Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is a newventilation mode, which uses the electrical activity of thediaphragm to trigger and proportionally assist mechani-cal ventilation (69). NAVA was associated with higherpatient-ventilator synchronization and lower peak air-way pressures compared to pressure-support ventilation(PSV) in preterm infants (70). However, there is insuffi-cient data to recommend routine use of NAVA in neo-natal intensive care, especially in neonates with unstablerespiratory control.

Cuffed versus noncuffed endotracheal tubes

Controversy exists on the use of cuffed endotrachealtubes in term and preterm infants. It has been standardpractice for many years to use uncuffed endotrachealtubes in children aged below 8 years following standardtextbook advice as conventional cuffed endotrachealtubes were thought to cause subglottic trauma. How-ever, with the development of improved cuffed tubes,this concern is no longer valid. A disadvantage of un-cuffed endotracheal tubes is the potential ventilatoryleak around the tube leading to inaccurate monitoringof VT and capnographic measurements (71,72). Addi-tionally, in the anesthesia setting, uncuffed tubes havebeen linked to a significantly increased risk for perioper-ative respiratory complications including postoperativestridor even when corrected for age (73,74). Recentlydeveloped high-volume, low-pressure cuffed tubes areappropriate and safe for infants ≥3 kg body weight andchildren and do not seem to be associated with anincreased risk of airway injury also during longer peri-ods of intubation of several weeks (72,75). However, itis vital to closely monitor cuff pressure (<20 cm H2O) toavoid cuff hyperinflation and therefore the potential formucosal damage due to hypoperfusion (74,76).

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Page 6: REVIEW ARTICLE The neonatal lung physiology and … ARTICLE The neonatal lung – physiology and ventilation Roland P. Neumann1 & Britta S. von Ungern-Sternberg2,3 1 Department of

Inhalative nitric oxide

Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is a therapeutic option in thetreatment of both term and preterm infants withhypoxic respiratory failure. It seems to improve out-come of hypoxemic term or near-term infants with per-sistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)in terms of reduced oxygenation indices and a decreasedincidence of the combined endpoint of death or need forextra-corporal membrane oxygenation (77). A recentmeta-analysis did not show a beneficial effect of iNO asa rescue therapy on clinically important outcomes inhypoxemic preterm infants (78). iNO does not seem toimprove outcome in infants with respiratory failure dueto congenital diaphragmatic hernia although its use isrecommended by many experts in the presence of PPHN(77,79).

Respiratory problems induced by anesthesia andsurgery

Choice of operating site

Intrahospital transport of ventilated infants from theneonatal intensive care unit (NICU), for example, to theoperating theater is associated with an increased risk ofrespiratory complications (80). Typical respiratory com-plications include accidental extubation, ventilatory cir-cuit disconnection, or other equipment failure duringtransport associated with potential loss of FRC, respira-tory decline, hypoxemia, and cardiac arrest. Surgery ofcritically ill neonates in the NICU is feasible and mighttherefore be the preferred option in selected cases toreduce transfer-associated complications (81,82). Therelative risks of surgery in the NICU need to be bal-anced with those of transporting a sick neonate to theoperating theater (83). Especially preterm infants weigh-ing <1500 g are at increased risk of deterioration ofphysiological parameters associated with the transfer tothe operating theater for laparotomy compared to surgi-cal intervention in the NICU (84). Beneficial effects ofsurgery in the NICU versus operating theater mayinclude better temperature control, maintenance of fluidand inotropic therapy and optimized mechanical venti-lation. Especially in preterm infant or small terminfants, adequate minute ventilation might be bettermaintained by use of the established NICU ventilatorreducing the risk of VILI by excessive VT application(85). Additionally, disconnection from mechanical venti-lation on NICU, manual ventilation on transfer, andreconnection to an anesthesia ventilator may lead toderecruitment episodes which might have associatedcomplications, for example higher FiO2 requirements,

escalation of ventilatory support. HFOV, extra-corpo-real membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or iNO-adminis-tration to critically ill neonates might preclude patientsfrom transport to the operating theater (83). There areseveral disadvantages of surgery on NICU. Firstly, lackof space to fit the surgical and anesthesia team includingall their equipment in a full NICU cubicle is a majorissue in many hospitals. Additionally, surgeons andanesthetists have to work outside their comfort zone inan environment, which is not their usual work place. Itis not as well equipped for their particular needs andextra equipment required in the event of an unantici-pated emergency, for example, for difficult intubation isoften not as readily available as it is in the theater set-ting. In theater, the anesthetist, the anesthetic nurses/technicians, the surgeon, and the operating room nursesare a team, which is used to work closely together andwhich uses in general a common terminology. Workingoutside the theater environment particularly on complexcases involving other hospital teams (e.g., neonatologistsand neonatal nurses) might therefore also be compli-cated by lack of experience of the NICU team with thetheater environment resulting in problems such as com-munication issues, sterility, and equipment. When oper-ating on NICU, it is often beneficial to include theneonatal team closely with the procedure to avoid issueswith equipment, which the team might not be as familiarwith (e.g., HFOV or neonatal ventilators).

Influence of anesthetic drugs on neonatal lung function

Based on age-dependant differences of lung physiology,anesthetic drugs have different effects in neonates com-pared to older children or adults. Various anestheticdrugs have shown to affect FRC and ventilation homo-geneity in neonates. Neuromuscular blocking agentsdecrease FRC and ventilation homogeneity in infantsand preschool children (86). This effect is more pro-nounced in infants and can be restored by application ofPEEP (87). Similarly, propofol given for proceduralsedation in preschool children caused a dose-dependentdecrease in FRC (88). Alike, the administration ofmidazolam as a premedication resulted in a milddecrease in FRC and ventilation homogeneity (89). Thisdecrease in FRC can be attributed to the muscle relaxingproperties of propofol and midazolam (90,91). Inhaledanesthetics such as halothane, isoflurane, or sevofluraneare associated with changes of VT, minute ventilationand respiratory rate in spontaneously breathing infantsand young children (92,93). Ventilatory drive is sup-pressed which leads to a dose-dependent decrease in VT

and blunted response to CO2 (93). Inhaled anestheticshave an inhibitory effect on respiratory muscle activity

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(94). The inhibitory effect of halothane seems topreferentially affect the intercostal muscles and less thediaphragm resulting in paradoxical respiratorymovements of chest and abdomen during induction ofanesthesia (94,95). Desflurane can increase airwayresistance and is associated with an increased risk forrespiratory complications (e.g., laryngospasm, broncho-spasm) in children (96). Opioids such as morphine andfentanyl increase the risk of respiratory depression ininfants similarly as in children and adults with reducedVT and respiratory rate (97,98). Another potential sideeffect of fentanyl and other opioids can be a short termchest wall rigidity even when administered at low doses,which can severely compromise respiratory function andmight require the administration of neuromuscularblocking agents (99).

Abdominal surgery

Laparoscopic surgery

Technical advances as well as growing surgical andanesthesiologic experience have led to an increased useof laparoscopic surgery also in neonates (100). Laparo-scopic surgery confers several advantages for thepatients including smaller incision sites, shortened hos-pital stay, reduced postoperative pain, and shorter timeto full oral intake after surgery (101,102). However, it isassociated with certain physiological changes of the car-diorespiratory system during anesthesia. CO2 insuffla-tion during laparoscopic surgery affects respiratoryfunction and pulmonary mechanics due to increasedintraabdominal pressure. The diaphragmatic muscle isbeing pushed cephalad, which reduces respiratory sys-tem compliance (mainly due to a reduction of chest wallcompliance) and FRC (103,104). This can lead to atelec-tasis potentially resulting in hypoxemia with neonatesbeing particularly prone to these complications due totheir specific lung physiology (e.g., low closing volume).The loss of FRC is aggravated by head-down tilt posi-tioning of the patient during a surgical intervention(105). CO2 has become the routine gas in laparoscopicsurgery, as it is noncombustible, inexpensive and highlysoluble. Due to its high solubility, CO2 is absorbed bythe peritoneum and leads to an increased PaCO2 andendtidal CO2, which is proportionally higher than inolder children (106). Laparoscopy is also associated withdecreased cardiac function as well as changes inpulmonary and systemic vascular resistance (107) whichmight further deteriorate V/Q mismatch in unstablepatients. Strategies to attenuate physiological changesinduced by laparoscopy include the limitation of theapplied pressures for the laparoscopy [ideally not

exceeding 6 mmHg in neonates (100)], application of anappropriate PEEP to prevent FRC loss, atelectasis, andV/Q mismatch. Endtidal CO2 should be closely observedand minute ventilation increased if required to off-loadany increased CO2 load. Volume-targeted ventilationmodes can be useful as they adjust ventilatory require-ments automatically, resulting in stable minute ventila-tion and tidal volumes (VT).


Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) affects almost exclu-sively premature infants, and its clinical presentation isoften associated with multiorgan dysfunction includingcardiovascular and respiratory failure due to increasedintraabdominal pressure (108). Although NEC can betreated medically, advanced stages of disease (i.e., intes-tinal perforation) often require surgery. Primary perito-neal drainage has been shown to considerably improverespiratory function and reduce ventilatory requirements(109). After surgical closure of abdominal wall defectssuch as gastroschisis and omphalocele, respiratory insuf-ficiency due to increased intraabdominal pressure mayoccur (110). Delayed closure and the use of silo bag canimprove outcome and respiratory function (111). Moni-toring of the intraabdominal pressure can be helpful inthe surgical management to avoid abdominal compart-ment syndrome and respiratory failure after closure ofabdominal wall defects (112–114). Sufficient levels ofPEEP are of particular importance in these children. Ifventilation is an issue due to raised intraabdominal pres-sure, it is prudent to observe the patient for a while intheater before taking the patient back to NICU. Addi-tionally, neuromuscular blocking agents are often usedin the immediate postoperative period to improve venti-lation particularly while there is intraabdominal edemafurther increasing the intraabdominal pressure.

Thoracic surgery

Common indications for thoracic surgery in neonatesare tracheal, esophageal, and pulmonary malformations,vascular rings, patent ductus arteriosus, and congenitaldiaphragmatic hernia. Anesthetic techniques for tho-racic surgery in neonates include conventional anesthe-sia and single lung ventilation (SLV), the latteroptimizing often surgical access (115,116). FRC seemsto rise after change from supine to lateral decubitusposition but decreases markedly during thoracic surgery(117). Loss of FRC induced by anesthesia, surgicalretraction, and SLV as well as the higher oxygen con-sumption of neonates compared to older children oradults increases the risk of desaturations during the

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procedure. Contrary to improved V/Q matching ofadults in the lateral decubitus position, oxygenation isworse in infants in the lateral decubitus position com-pared to supine position (118). Double-lumen tubes andUniventTM tubes are not appropriate for neonates due totheir small airway size. Different techniques in neonatalanesthesia to selectively intubate a single lung or toinsert an endotracheal blocker under fiberoptic guidancehave been described (116,119). Equipment dead spacecan be significantly increased by the use of a specificsetup such as multiport adapters resulting in the need ofincreased minute ventilation for maintenance of normo-capnia. High-frequency ventilation might be useful tooptimize oxygenation and to control PaCO2. HFJV hasbeen reported in term infants undergoing thoracotomyfor Blalock–Taussig shunt placement to improve oxy-genation and to lower PaCO2 compared to conventionalventilation (120). Impact of anesthesia and surgery onneonatal lung function is summarized in Table 2.

Ventilatory strategies during neonatal anesthesia

In contrast to older children, neonates are criticallydependent on dynamically elevated FRC to maintaintheir lung volume above closing volume during tidalbreathing (30). Thus, general anesthesia and surgeryimpose a considerable risk of atelectasis and V/Q mis-match as several active mechanisms of FRC preserva-

tion are blocked and/or unavailable. The above outlinedprinciples of lung-protective ventilation on the basis ofthe open lung strategy are therefore of special impor-tance during neonatal anesthesia and not only forventilatory management in the NICU. Diligent and con-tinuous PEEP application of a minimum of 5 cmH2O isrecommended to maintain FRC and prevent atelectasisduring anesthesia (87) although higher PEEP levelsmight be necessary under special circumstances. The useof a noninvasive airway with a laryngeal mask airway isrecommended in neonates for minor cases as it has beenshown to be associated with fewer respiratory complica-tions than the use of an endotracheal tube and a reducedrisk of postoperative ventilation in the NICU (73). Asneuromuscular blocking agents are administered lessand less during pediatric anesthesia, synchronized venti-lation modes have gained more widespread use in the in-traoperative care and are beneficial to counteract thedetrimental effects of anesthesia on lung function as thechild is breathing spontaneously. Synchronized ventila-

Table 2 Impact of anesthesia and surgery on neonatal lung function

Component of


Impact on neonatal

lung function

Opioid High risk for apneas,

thorax rigidity

Sedation Reduced FRC, risk for apneas

Inhaled anesthetics Reduced FRC, VT and minute

ventilation, risk for apneas

Increased airway resistance and

increased risk for respiratory

complications (e.g., laryngospasm,

bronchospasm) with desflurane

Muscle relaxation Reduced FRC, apneas

Raised intraabdominal


(e.g., by laparoscopy,

abdominal surgery)


Reduced ‘chest wall’ compliance

Loss of FRC

Hypercarbia and need for higher

minute volume

Airway management

(endotracheal tube,

laryngeal mask airway)

Increased airway resistance

Potential for airway damage

and mucosal swelling

Increased risk for respiratory

complications (e.g., bronchospasm,


FRC, functional residual capacity; VT, tidal volume.

Table 3 One approach to optimize neonatal ventilator settings

Aim Means

1. Maintain normal FRC # Use positive end-expiratory

pressure of 4–6 cmH2O

and adjust as needed

2. Optimize VT # Ideally use VTV mode to avoid

overdistension or underinflation

of alveoli (set target VT as

recommended by ventilator


# Otherwise adjust VT by

adjusting PIP

3. Maintain normocapnia

to mild hypercapnia

(35–55 mmHg)

# Adjust VT within recommended


# Adjust respiratory rate

between 30 and 60 breaths/min

# Control Ti and Te to avoid

underinflation and inadvertent


4. Optimize oxygenation # Use SaO2 monitoring to

adjust FiO2 (avoid hypoxemia

and hyperoxemia)

(Preterm infants: target 90–95%

with O2 supplementation,

90–100% without

O2 supplementation;

Term infants: 94–98%

with O2 supplementation,

94–100% without

O2 supplementation)

VT, tidal volume; PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; VTV, volume-tar-

geted ventilation; Ti, inspiratory time; Te, expiratory time; PEEP,

positive end-expiratory pressure; SaO2, saturation of arterial oxygen;

FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen.

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tion modes in neonates have been shown to reduce therisk of air leak and to facilitate weaning from mechani-cal ventilation (58). Although PSV has become popularin pediatric anesthesia and offers various theoreticaladvantages, there is currently no evidence showing thatit is superior to other synchronized ventilation modessuch as SIMV or ACV in neonates (55). Currently, VTVseems to be the only modern ventilation mode in neo-nates with evidence of superiority over other ventilationmodes regarding the composite outcome of death orBPD, and its use is therefore strongly recommended(60). For infants, who are already ventilated prior to thesurgical intervention, NICU ventilator settings can beused as guidance for ventilatory management duringanesthesia. Use of a NICU ventilator in the operatingtheater might be extremely useful in very low-birth-weight infants, and other critically ill neonates as NICUventilators might be more appropriate in delivering andmonitoring required VT and minute ventilation.

To illustrate an approach to neonatal ventilatory set-tings during anesthesia, please refer to the followingexample and Table 3: a preterm infant of 28 weeks ges-tational age, 1.1 kg body weight would be continued onsimilar settings as in the NICU. Initially ventilated onACV mode, target VT 5 ml!kg"1 that is, 5.5 ml, respira-tory rate 30 min"1, PEEP 5 cmH2O, Pmax 20 cmH2O.After induction and due to lack of spontaneous breath-ing efforts, it is often necessary to increase the back-uprate to about 40–60 min"1 to maintain adequate minuteventilation and achieve normocapnia/mild permissivehypercapnia. Adjust FiO2 to achieve target SaO2 duringmaintenance of anesthesia. Higher FiO2 might berequired during induction and toward the end of anes-thesia. The goal is to balance perioperative safety andavoid severe oxygen desaturations on the one side andpotential oxygen toxicity on the other (121). Recruit-ment maneuvers appear to be useful in infants and chil-dren to prevent atelectasis, but currently no generalrecommendations for safe application of recruitmentmaneuvers in neonates can be given (122). Dependingon the preanesthetic requirements, early extubation forminor cases of surgery is aspired. CPAP or nasal inter-mittent positive pressure ventilation might be postopera-tively helpful to overcome obstructive apneas and

respiratory distress by decreasing WOB, stenting air-ways open and maintaining FRC. Slightly delayed extu-bation on NICU might be beneficial in other casesallowing safe transport from the operating theater to theNICU.


Neonates are at high risk for respiratory complicationsduring anesthesia, which can be explained by their char-acteristic respiratory physiology. Especially the delicatebalance between closing volume and FRC can be easilydisturbed by anesthetic and surgical interventions result-ing in respiratory deterioration. Ventilatory strategiesshould ideally include application of an ‘open lung strat-egy’ as well avoidance of inappropriately high VT andexcessive oxygen administration. In critically ill andunstable neonates, for example, extremely low-birth-weight infants surgery in the NICU might be an appro-priate alternative to the operating theater. Bestrespiratory management of neonates during anesthesiais a team effort that should involve a joint multidisci-plinary approach of anesthetists, pediatric surgeons, car-diologists, and neonatologists to reduce complicationsand optimize outcomes in this vulnerable population.


The authors thank Prof. Sven Schulzke, Head ofDepartment Neonatal Intensive Care, University Hospi-tal Basel, Switzerland and A/Prof. Adrian Regli, Con-sultant, Intensive Care Unit, Fremantle Hospital, Perth,Australia for their input and assistance with this article.


Britta von Ungern-Sternberg is partly funded by thePrincess Margaret Hospital Foundation as well asWoolworths Australia.

Conflict of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


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R.P Neumann and B.S. von Ungern-Sternberg Neonatal lung – physiology & ventilation

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© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd12

Neonatal lung – physiology & ventilation R.P Neumann and B.S. von Ungern-Sternberg