review article a window into the brain: advances in ...mental illness may not be associated with...

Review Article A Window into the Brain: Advances in Psychiatric fMRI Xiaoyan Zhan 1 and Rongjun Yu 1,2 1 School of Psychology and Center for Studies of Psychological Application, South China Normal University, 55 West Zhongshan Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510631, China 2 School of Economics & Management and ScientiïŹc Laboratory of Economic Behaviors, South China Normal University, 55 West Zhongshan Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510631, China Correspondence should be addressed to Rongjun Yu; [email protected] Received 23 August 2014; Revised 16 December 2014; Accepted 17 December 2014 Academic Editor: Zhengchao Dong Copyright © 2015 X. Zhan and R. Yu. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) plays a key role in modern psychiatric research. It provides a means to assay diïŹ€erences in brain systems that underlie psychiatric illness, treatment response, and properties of brain structure and function that convey risk factor for mental diseases. Here we review recent advances in fMRI methods in general use and progress made in understanding the neural basis of mental illness. Drawing on concepts and ïŹndings from psychiatric fMRI, we propose that mental illness may not be associated with abnormalities in speciïŹc local regions but rather corresponds to variation in the overall organization of functional communication throughout the brain network. Future research may need to integrate neuroimaging information drawn from diïŹ€erent analysis methods and delineate spatial and temporal patterns of brain responses that are speciïŹc to certain types of psychiatric disorders. 1. Introduction e human brain is the most mysterious and vital organ. Recent neuroimaging techniques, including functional mag- netic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and magnetoencephalography (MEG), now allow us to probe the brain at unprecedentedly high temporal or spatial resolution without the use of invasive techniques. Since the ïŹrst fMRI brain scans of the 1980s, scientists have achieved great progress not only in technical procedures employed to acquire brain imaging data but also in data processing methods which subsequently reveal an inspir- ing understanding of the brain drawn from various data perspectives. fMRI has become the dominant technique in neuroimaging due to its noninvasiveness, lack of radiation exposure, a relatively good spatial and temporal resolution, and relative ease to acquire. In this paper, we will review popular data processing methods used in task-based fMRI and resting-state fMRI (see Figure 1 for a summary of mainstream fMRI methods). Some methods introduced in task-based fMRI, such as MVPA, are also applied in the case of resting-state fMRI data. DiïŹ€erent analysis methods probe speciïŹc brain activity patterns. e application of these methods to investigating psychiatric dis- orders will be discussed in great detail. We also point out here that within neuropsychology there is an ongoing paradigm shiïŹ… from identifying foci of abnormalities to delineating the functional connectivity among several brain regions, towards developing a global understanding of aberrations at the level of large-scale, whole brain networks. e advantages and disadvantages of each neuroimaging method are discussed and compared in order to help researchers select the methods most appropriate to their purposes. 2. Task-Based fMRI Due to the great sensitivity of fMRI signals to event-related changes in neuronal blood ïŹ‚ow, we can compare the BOLD signal diïŹ€erences between patients with psychiatric disorders and normal subjects when performing diïŹ€erent kinds of tasks in order to elucidate how a brain in a state of disorder func- tions diïŹ€erently from a normal one. In this section, we will introduce several methods frequently used in task-related fMRI analyses and discuss the advantages and disadvantages Hindawi Publishing Corporation BioMed Research International Volume 2015, Article ID 542467, 12 pages

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Page 1: Review Article A Window into the Brain: Advances in ...mental illness may not be associated with abnormalities in speci c local regions but rather corresponds to variation in the overall

Review ArticleA Window into the Brain: Advances in Psychiatric fMRI

Xiaoyan Zhan1 and Rongjun Yu1,2

1School of Psychology andCenter for Studies of Psychological Application, South ChinaNormal University, 55West ZhongshanAvenue,Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510631, China2School of Economics & Management and Scientific Laboratory of Economic Behaviors, South China Normal University,55 West Zhongshan Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510631, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Rongjun Yu; [email protected]

Received 23 August 2014; Revised 16 December 2014; Accepted 17 December 2014

Academic Editor: Zhengchao Dong

Copyright © 2015 X. Zhan and R. Yu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) plays a key role in modern psychiatric research. It provides a means to assaydifferences in brain systems that underlie psychiatric illness, treatment response, and properties of brain structure and functionthat convey risk factor for mental diseases. Here we review recent advances in fMRI methods in general use and progress madein understanding the neural basis of mental illness. Drawing on concepts and findings from psychiatric fMRI, we propose thatmental illness may not be associated with abnormalities in specific local regions but rather corresponds to variation in the overallorganization of functional communication throughout the brain network. Future research may need to integrate neuroimaginginformation drawn from different analysis methods and delineate spatial and temporal patterns of brain responses that are specificto certain types of psychiatric disorders.

1. Introduction

The human brain is the most mysterious and vital organ.Recent neuroimaging techniques, including functional mag-netic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography(EEG), and magnetoencephalography (MEG), now allow usto probe the brain at unprecedentedly high temporal orspatial resolution without the use of invasive techniques.Since the first fMRI brain scans of the 1980s, scientists haveachieved great progress not only in technical proceduresemployed to acquire brain imaging data but also in dataprocessing methods which subsequently reveal an inspir-ing understanding of the brain drawn from various dataperspectives. fMRI has become the dominant technique inneuroimaging due to its noninvasiveness, lack of radiationexposure, a relatively good spatial and temporal resolution,and relative ease to acquire.

In this paper, we will review popular data processingmethods used in task-based fMRI and resting-state fMRI (seeFigure 1 for a summary of mainstream fMRImethods). Somemethods introduced in task-based fMRI, such as MVPA, arealso applied in the case of resting-state fMRI data. Different

analysis methods probe specific brain activity patterns. Theapplication of these methods to investigating psychiatric dis-orders will be discussed in great detail.We also point out herethat within neuropsychology there is an ongoing paradigmshift from identifying foci of abnormalities to delineating thefunctional connectivity among several brain regions, towardsdeveloping a global understanding of aberrations at the levelof large-scale, whole brain networks. The advantages anddisadvantages of each neuroimaging method are discussedand compared in order to help researchers select themethodsmost appropriate to their purposes.

2. Task-Based fMRI

Due to the great sensitivity of fMRI signals to event-relatedchanges in neuronal blood flow, we can compare the BOLDsignal differences between patients with psychiatric disordersand normal subjects when performing different kinds of tasksin order to elucidate how a brain in a state of disorder func-tions differently from a normal one. In this section, we willintroduce several methods frequently used in task-relatedfMRI analyses and discuss the advantages and disadvantages

Hindawi Publishing CorporationBioMed Research InternationalVolume 2015, Article ID 542467, 12 pages

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‱ Seed-based functional connectivity‱ ReHo (regional homogeneity)‱ ALFF (amplitude of low-frequency

fluctuations)‱ PCA (principal component analysis)

‱ Graph theory

‱ GLM (general linear model)

‱ SEM (structural equation model)‱ DCM (dynamic causal model)‱ GCM (Granger causality model)

Functional MRI

‱ MVPA (multivoxel patternanalysis)

‱ PPI (psychophysiologicalinteraction)

‱ ICA (independent componentanalysis)

Figure 1: A summary of mainstream fMRI neuroimaging methods.

of each method (see Table 1). Also note that these techniquesare not mutually exclusive, such that two or more of themmay be applied to the same dataset according to the qualityof the dataset and the purpose of the study. Of importance,we discussed how these analyses can inform each other andsome caveats in using these methods, such as choosing thefrequency bands in resting-state fMRI (R-fMRI).

2.1. Subtraction and Correlation. The general linear model(GLM) has gained growing popularity in task-related fMRIanalysis since its introduction into the neuroimaging com-munity by Friston et al. [1] in 1994, due to its easy inter-pretability and fast computability. GLM provides a frame-work for most kinds of data modeling and can minimizeconfounding factors, such as head motions or respirationfrom the subject, provided that these data are modeled. Theaim of the general linear model is to explain the variationof the time course, 𝑩

1, . . . , 𝑩

𝑖, . . . , 𝑩

𝑛, in terms of a linear

combination of explanatory variables plus a Gaussian errorterm.The general linear model in matrix form can be writtenas

𝑌 = đ‘‹đ›œ + 𝜀, (1)

where 𝑌 is the vector of observed pixel values, đ›œ is thevector of parameters, and 𝜀 is the vector of error terms. Thematrix 𝑋 is known as the design matrix (Figure 2(a)). It hasone row for every time point in the original data and onecolumn for every explanatory variable in the model. In theGLM, the columns of 𝑋 contain vectors corresponding tothe “on” and “off” elements of the stimulus presented. Byfinding the magnitude of the parameter in đ›œ correspondingto these vectors, the presence or absence of activation can bedetected. The aim of GLM analysis is to identify the brainregions that show significant signal change in response tothe experimental conditions. Each pixel is assigned a valuedependent on the likelihood of the null hypothesis beingfalse. The null hypothesis is that the observed signal changescan be explained purely by random variation in the data.

The brain image containing such information for all voxelsis called a statistical parametric map [1]. One of the simplestmethods for obtaining results from an fMRI experimentis to perform a simple subtraction on two experimentalconditions. By averaging together all the images acquiredduring the “on” phase of the task and subtracting the averageof all the “off” images, brain regions that are activated duringthe “on” phase of the task can be drawn out of the data pooland identified. Using parametric design, researchers can alsoexamine parametric correlation with behavior in the brain.GLM is also the base of the majority of functional/effectiveconnectivity estimation techniques which will be introducedin the following sections.

GLM is the dominant method used in task-based fMRI.Studies on psychiatric disorders have used this method tocompare brain activities induced by certain experimentalmanipulations in the patient group and in the controlgroup. For example, Juckel et al. [2] scanned patients withschizophrenia and healthy subjects using fMRI while theyperformed a “monetary incentive delay” task, in which theyanticipated potential monetary gain, loss, or neutral out-comes. Following preprocessing, the fMRI data was modeledby GLM with three explanatory variables (“gain,” “loss,” and“neutral outcome,” indicating experimental cues) convolvedwithCohen’s gamma-function. Activations of different exper-imental conditions can be compared based on the BOLDresponse differences which can be assessed using linearcombinations of the estimated GLM parameters (đ›œ values).Within-group activation (e.g., “gain versus neutral outcome”)and intergroup differences can be compared by includingthe BOLD response variations of all subjects in each groupin a second-level random effects analysis. However, GLMhas also undergone some criticism focusing primarily onthe assumptions the model makes [3]. Greater attentionshould be paid to checking the model’s assumptions whenapplying GLM as a tool to analyze task-related fMRI data.This approach is the main method used in task-based fMRIin psychiatric research.

2.2. Psychophysiological Interaction (PPI). One importantgoal of neuroimaging research is to describe the patternof brain connectivity among different regions. Functionalconnectivity refers to undirected associations between brainregions while effective connectivity reveals a directed andcausal relationship. Psychophysiological interaction, in aclever use of the GLM,measures how functional connectivityis affected by psychological variables without specifying thedirections of such influences [4]. It examines how brainactivity can be explained by the interaction between an exper-imental variable (e.g., level of attention) and the couplingbetween signals from a particular brain area (the sourcearea) and signals from voxels in the rest of the entire brain(Figure 2(b)). A psychophysiological interaction means thatthe contribution of one area to another changes significantlywith the experimental or psychological context. In otherwords, regional responses in the source area to an exper-imental or psychological factor are modulated by signalsfrom a distal brain region. Das et al. [5] used a behavioral

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Table 1: Comparisons among different task-based fMRI analysis methods.

Methods Purposes Strengths Limitations

General linear model

Estimating to what extent eachknown predictor contributes to thevariability observed in the voxel’sBOLD signal time course

(i) Mathematically simple, easilyinterpreted, and readily available instandard packages (e.g., the SPMsoftware)(ii) Flexible to incorporate multiplequantitative and qualitativeindependent variables, such as low-frequency drifts and head motion

(i) Relies on assumptions such asappropriate repressors in the matrixand normality of the fMRI noisewhich are difficult to check


“Searching” for regions thatcorrelate differently with aparticular region under certainexperimental context

(i) Can explore the connectivity of thesource area to the rest of the brain andhow it interacts with the psychologicalvariables

(i) Only involves one region ofinterest in one model(ii) Limited in the extent to whichyou can infer a causal relationship

Structural equationmodel

Estimating the degree to which theactivity between different brainregions is connected and how thisconnectivity is affected by anexperimental variable

(i) Can examine interactions of severalregions of interest simultaneously andoffer estimations of causalrelationships(ii) Predetermined connections arebased on prior anatomical orfunctional knowledge

(i) Causality is predetermined, andthis might overlook several aspectsof neural activity(ii) Assumes the interactions arelinear (i.e., structural equationmodels are not time-series)(iii) Lacks temporal information

Dynamic causalmodel

Estimating and making inferencesabout the coupling among brainregions and how this coupling isaffected by changes in experimentalcontext at the neuronal level

(i) Biologically more accurate andrealistic than other methods becauseDCMmodels interactions at theneuronal rather than thehemodynamic level and complexconnectivity patterns between regionscan be arbitrarily postulated

(i) Prespecified models are needed(ii) Requires much longer time toestimate parameters than SEM(iii) Neurodynamics in each regionare characterized by a single statevariable (“neuronal activity”)

Granger causalitymodel

Measuring the predictability of oneneural time-series from another

(i) No a priori specification of a modelis needed. Thus this model cancomplement the hypothesis-drivenmethods and help to form directedgraph models of regions and theirinteractions

(i) The causal relationship may becaused by the differences inhemodynamic latencies in differentparts of the brain if long repetitiontimes (TR) are used

Multivoxel patternanalysis

Applying pattern- classificationalgorithms to demonstrate therelationship between measures ofbrain activity and a perceptual stateand provide aninformation-theoretic frameworkfor the isolation of regions thatuniquely represent a behavior

(i) Simultaneously examines thedisparate signals carried within a set ofvoxels rather than examiningindividual voxels in parallel(ii) Can decode more complexinformation due to improvedsensitivity and use of spatialinformation

(i) The possibility of overfittingincreases as the classifier becomesmore complex, which may result inpoor performance in tests ofgeneralization

task in which schizophrenia patients and healthy participantswere asked to identify the emotions displayed on a series offacial images presented either supraliminally or subliminallyduring scanning. Subtraction analyses of fMRI data showedthat, compared to healthy controls, schizophrenia patientsshowed reduced activity in the right amygdala and MPFCduring conscious perception of fear (relative to neutral) andalso in the bilateral amygdala and rostral ACC of the MPFCduring subliminal perception of fear. PPI analyses revealedreduced neural activity in schizophrenia patients, relativeto control subjects, in the pathway from the amygdala andits projection to the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) inresponse to fear perception. In another fMRI study, Wanget al. [6] applied PPI analysis to explore how abnormalfunctional connectivity in mPFC in schizophrenics alteredas a result of psychological context or variables. They found

that schizophrenic patients showed highermPFC-LSTG con-nectivity under self-generated conditions than under other-generated conditions.

2.3. Structural Equation Model (SEM). The structural equa-tionmodel, which was developed in the field of econometricsand first applied to neuroimaging data in 1991 [7], is anotherway to measure effective connectivity. Like PPI, SEM isalso used to describe how effective connectivity is affectedby experimental context. But, compared to PPI, SEM isbetter at identifying causal relationships and it combinescovariances in activity between different brain areas withanatomical models of these brain areas’ connections [8, 9].SEM contains a group of regions and a group of directedconnections and these connections are presumed to represent

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fMRI data Design matrixRegressor parameters










XY đ›œ







X1 X2 X3

(a) General linear model


(b) Psychophysiological interaction

Region A


Region BRegion C

Region D

(c) Structural equation model

(d) Dynamic causal model


Time-series B


(e) Granger causality model (f) Multivoxel pattern analysis

Figure 2: A summary of task-related fMRI analysis methods. (a) An example of the general linear model containing the BOLD signal time-series 𝑌 within a particular voxel, the design matrix𝑋 including three regressors of interest, the regressor parameters đ›œ, and the unexplainedresiduals 𝜀. (b) Psychophysiological interaction can identify how the connectivity between two particular brain regions is modulated by anexperimental variable or how a specified region modulates the relationship between an experimental variable and another brain region. (c)Structural equation model includes the stimulus to have an influence on all variables without input within the model. (d) An illustration ofthe dynamic causal model. (e) An illustration of the Granger causality model. Time-series A can be said to cause time-series B because thepattern of B is similar to A and A has temporal precedence. (f) An example of multivoxel pattern analysis. A specific classifier is chosen toidentify the pattern of a certain mental state, whereafter the accuracy of the classifier will be tested using a new dataset.

causal relationships (Figure 2(c)). SEM requires an a prioriassumption of causality without inference from the data andfrom this basis subsequently builds a model about how theregions are connected to each other. Free parameters in thesemodels are “path coefficients”—representing the strengthof connections. This approach offers a move from corre-lational analysis (inherently bidirectional) to unidirectionalconnections (paths) which imply causality. One well-knownstrength of SEM is the method’s ability to specify latentvariable models that provide separate estimates of relationsamong latent constructs and their manifest indicators (themeasurement model) and of the relations among constructs(the structural model) [10]. Another strength of SEM isthe availability of measures of global fit that can provide asummary evaluation of even complex models that involve alarge number of linear equations [10]. It has proved usefulin distinguishing a patient’s neural network from a normalsubject’s neural network in one fMRI simulation study [11].In another fMRI study, schizophrenic patients were scannedwhile performing a “2-back” working memory task. SEMwas used to assess effective connectivity within a cortical-subcortical-cerebellar network for mnemonic informationprocessing and comparison of group differences [12].

2.4. Dynamic Causal Model (DCM). Similar to SEM, thedynamic causal model is also an approach to estimateeffective connectivity and how this connectivity is influencedby experimental variables. However, underlying SEM andDCM are two very distinct generative models (see [10] for acomprehensive comparison of DCM and SEM). DCM treatsthe brain as a deterministic, dynamic systemwith a nonlinearand dynamic nature in which the observed BOLD signalrecorded by fMRI results from changes in neuronal activitycaused by external inputs [6, 13, 14], while SEM does notdistinguish “neuronal” levels from “hemodynamic” levels andchanges in effective connection lead directly to changes in thecovariance structure of the observed hemodynamics in thismethod. Considering changes in effective connectivity in thebrain occur at a neuronal level, DCM is a better method forfMRI analysis.

The goal ofDCM is to estimate andmake inferences aboutthe coupling among brain areas and how that coupling isinfluenced by changes in experimental context by buildinga reasonably realistic neuronal model of interacting brainregions. This model is then supplemented with a forwardmodel of how neuronal or synaptic activity is transformedinto a measured response such as the BOLD signal [13]. This

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enables estimation of the parameters of effective connectivityfrom observed data. With DCM, a causal model is built inwhich neuronal activity in a certain region causes changesin neuronal activity in other regions through interregionalconnections and self-connections that can be modulated byexperimental variables (Figure 2(d)). Effective connectivityis parameterized in terms of coupling among unobservedbrain states (e.g., neuronal activity in different regions).The objective is to estimate these parameters by perturbingthe system and measuring the response. In brief, the coreof DCM distinguished from conventional approaches suchas SEM and GCM is that it attempts to model neuronalinteractions instead of signals [15] and explore the estimationproblem according to the designed perturbations that accom-modate experimental inputs. DCM has been broadly usedin psychiatric fMRI. For example, in a stoke patient’s fMRIstudy, Grefkes et al. [14] applied DCM of a bilateral networkcomprising M1, the lateral premotor cortex, and the supple-mentary motor area (SMA) to assess changes in the endoge-nous and task-dependent effective connectivity between thecortical motor areas activated by a hand movement task atbaseline, following vertex stimulation and contralesional M1stimulation with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS). In another fMRI study, Roebroeck et al. [16] usedDCM to examine the effects of Parkinson’s disease anddopaminergic therapy and concluded that the DCM modelselection is robust and sensitive enough to study clinicalpopulations and their pharmacological treatment.

2.5. Granger CausalityModel (GCM). GCM is another popu-lar method of estimating effective connectivity [16–18], basedon the reasoning that one time-series can be considered tocause another if using the past information of the formercan help forecast the latter better than only using the pastinformation of the latter [19]. GCM can provide an estimateof connection directionality when one time-series resemblesa time-shifted version of the other, supposing that one withtemporal precedence caused the other [20] (Figure 2(e)).Thismethod does not depend upon an a priori assumption of astructural model that contains preselected ROIs and connec-tions between them, which differs from SEM with the goalof contrasting the predefined causal model with real datasets.Furthermore, GCM defines the causal relationship betweentwo stochastic time-series relying purely on temporal prece-dence in their interdependency. Demirci et al. [21] scannedschizophrenic patients and healthy subjects with fMRI whileperforming a Sternberg item recognition paradigm (SIRP)and auditory oddball (AOD) tasks. The fMRI data werethen decomposed into maximally independent spatial com-ponents and corresponding time courses by applying ICA.The time courses for each of the components that were mostrelated to the cognitive task with the most important andmeaningful activation patterns were then used as inputs toa Granger causality test that investigated group differences incausal relationships between independent components overa frequency spectrum. Granger causality can also be appliedto resting-state fMRI data to infer instantaneous correlationand causal influences. Hamilton et al. [22] measured BOLD

signals of patients suffering from major depressive disorderduring resting state and found that hippocampal and vACCactivation in depressed participants predicted subsequentdecreases in dorsal cortical activity by applying GCM.

2.6. Multivoxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA). MVPA is gainingincreasing interest in the neuroimaging community becauseit allows us to detect differences between conditions withhigher sensitivity than conventional univariate analysis byfocusing on the analysis and comparison of distributedpatterns of activity (Figure 2(f)). In such a multivariateapproach, data from individual voxels within a region arejointly analyzed. MVPA applies pattern-classification algo-rithms like support vector machines (SVM) [23–27], neuralnetworks [28–30], or linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [31,32] as classifiers to distinguish spatial patterns of differentmental states and decode the perceptual or cognitive statesof an individual. In the analysis of fMRI data, the featuresthat are descriptive of the objects are first chosen, whereaftera subset of these features to be used for classification isselected. The data is divided into two parts: a “trainingset” and a “testing set.” The pattern-classification algorithmutilizes the training set to train the classifier with the featuresand the prespecified classes of objects. The classifier thus“learns” a functional relationship between the features andthe classes. Finally, the classification algorithm is tested for itsgeneralization capabilities with the testing set.Thepercentageof correct classifications can be measured.

Like other multivariate approaches (e.g., PCA and ICA),MVPA takes into accountmultivoxel patterns of brain activityor connectivity. Information contained in these patterns canthen be decoded by applying powerful pattern-classificationalgorithms. This method thus incorporates spatially dis-tributed patterns of activity into the analysis, unlike univari-ate methods which treat every brain voxel independently.MVPA is often presented in the context of “brain reading”applications reporting that specific mental states or represen-tational content can be decoded from fMRI activity patternsafter performing a “training” or “learning phase.”

MVPA has been successfully applied to identify func-tional connectivity difference between males and females[23], patterns in perception of pain [33], moral intentions[34], consciousness [35, 36], and brain maturity [37]. Ina study on subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)conducted by Coutanche et al. [38], reliable correlationsbetween MVPA classification performance and standardizedmeasures of symptom severity that exceeded those observedusing a univariate measure were found, which indicatedMVPA had the potential to predict clinical symptom severity.

3. Resting-State fMRI Analyses

Brain regions which are active when our minds wandermay hold a key to understanding neurological disordersand even consciousness itself. Resting-state fMRI, whichmeasures spontaneous low-frequency fluctuations (<0.1Hz)in the BOLD signal, is a relatively new pathway for evaluatingregional interactions in the absence of tasks [39–41]. For a

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Table 2: Comparisons among resting-state fMRI analysis methods.

Methods Purposes Strengths Limitations

Seed-based FC analysisEstimating correlations betweenthe predefined voxel or regionsand the rest of the brain voxels

(i) Easy to calculate andunderstand

(i) Requires a priori selection of ROI,which may lead to potential biases

Regional homogeneity

Using Kendall’s coefficientconcordance to measure thesimilarity of a given voxel with itsnearest neighbors based on theBOLD time-series

(i) Easy to calculate andunderstand

(i) Potential biases attached to priorseed selection

Amplitude oflow-frequency fluctuations

Estimating the intensity ofregional spontaneous brainactivity by calculating thevoxel-wise magnitude within adefined low-frequency range

(i) Can serve as a potentialconfounding variable wheninvestigating functionalconnectivity and network

(i) Sensitive to physiological noise,which makes fractional ALFF (fALFF)approach a better choice

Principal componentanalysis

Finding spatial and temporalcomponents that capture asmuch of the variability of thedata based on decorrelation aspossible

(i) Can verify the facticity ofdifference in the activationsbetween conditions or groupswithout specifying any priorknowledge of the form of BOLDresponse or the structure of theexperimental design

(i) Based on strong assumptions likelinearity, orthogonal principalcomponents, and high signal noiseratio

Independent componentanalysis

Separating distinct resting-statenetworks that are spatially ortemporally independent of eachother and identifying noisewithin the BOLD signal

(i) Can generate spatially ortemporally distributed DMfunctional connectivity patternswith relatively few a prioriassumptions

(i) May be less sensitive tointerindividual variation in thecomposition of such networks andmay be more likely to produce errorsat the group level if a network ispresented across multiple componentsin some subjects.

Graph theory

Describing the topology of thefunctional brain networks bycalculating connectionalcharacteristics of the graphcomprised of nodes (voxels) andedges (connections betweenvoxels)

(i) Directly describes andcompares different brainnetworks utilizing topologicalparameters

(i) Difficult to interpret

long time neuroscientists have thought that the brain entersa “quiet” state while a person is not doing anything butremaining still. However, the recent studies of resting-statefMRI reveal that there is a persistent level of backgroundactivity in the brain during rest, which is called “the defaultmode” (DM) [8, 11, 41–43]. Some neuroscientists believethat the default mode network (DMN) may be critical inuncovering the neural mechanism of psychiatric disordersranging from Alzheimer’s disease to depression [44–51]. Onthe other hand, due to its capacity for exploring individualdifferences, as well as its ease of acquisition, resting-statefMRI has become one of the most popular techniques inneuroimaging. In this section we will introduce severalpopular resting-state fMRI analysis methods and comparetheir advantages and disadvantages (see Table 2).

3.1. Seed-Based FC Analysis. The seed-based approachextracts BOLD time-series data from a “seed”—a priorlyselected voxel or ROI—and assesses the correlation betweenthe average BOLD signal of the seed and the time course of allother brain voxels (Figure 3(a)). Seed-based analysis has been

applied in resting-state fMRI to explore the relationshipsbetween resting-state brain activity and motor responseregions [39], intelligence [52], descent into sleep [53],cognitive decline in normal aging [54], memory [55],task-related activation correlated with schizophrenia [56],and task-positive and task-negative networks [57]. In anfMRI study conducted by Zhou et al. [58], to investigatepatients with paranoid schizophrenia, the right dorsolateralprefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex wereselected as two seed regions. Then, the investigatorscomputed a correlation map by computing the correlationcoefficients between the reference time-series in the seedregion and the time-series from all other brain voxels fromwhich they found abnormal interregional connectivityin the intrinsic organization in patients with paranoidschizophrenia. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized bymotor symptoms resulting from the death of dopamine-generating cells. Previous studies on PD have been associatedwith abnormal task-related brain activation in sensory andmotor regions as well as reward related network. In orderto study corticostriatal skeletomotor circuit dysfunctionin Parkinson’s disease, in a recent resting-state fMRI

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(a) Seed-based FC analysis (b) Regional homogeneity


(c) Amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations

(d) Principal componentanalysis

(e) Independent compo-nent analysis

(f) Graph theory

Figure 3: A summary of research analysis methods applied to resting-state functional MRI. (a) With seed-based functional connectivityanalysis, a voxel or region is predefined and correlations are estimated between the selected “seed” and the remaining brain voxels. (b) Anillustration of regional homogeneity (ReHo). (c) An illustration of amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF). (d) Principal componentanalysis (PCA) transforms the original data into a new coordinate system where orthogonal variables are identified while retaining most oftheir variance. (e) Independent component analysis (ICA) is useful for searching a set of underlying sources of resting-state signals that aremaximally independent of each other which can explain the resting-state patterns. (f) Graph theory views ROIs as nodes and correlationsbetween them as the connectivity of the edges and then computes the connectional features of the graph.

study, the putamen and supplementary motor area (SMA)were selected as seed regions due to their roles in rewardprocessing andmotor control [59]. Enhanced putamen-SMAfunctional connectivity was also found in the PD group.Similarly, the periaqueductal gray (PAG) plays a key rolein the descending modulation of pain and its functionalconnectivity has been intensively examined in chronicpain patients [60]. While seed-based FC analysis has theadvantage of statistical transparency and comprehensibleresults, seed-based analysis also suffers from the potentialbiases attached to prior seed selection. For example, toexamine the default network, researchers have used a varietyof seeds and generated different versions of the default modenetwork [61].

3.2. Regional Homogeneity (ReHo). ReHo is another straight-forward technique that uses Kendall’s coefficient concor-dance (KCC) to measure the similarity of a given voxelwith its nearest neighbors based on the BOLD time-series[62] (Figure 3(b)). Multiple studies which applied ReHo toresting-state fMRI data processing have shown diminishedReHo of specific regions in heavymale smokers [63], patientswith Alzheimer’s disease [64], patients with depression [65,66], patients with schizophrenia [67], patients with Parkin-son’s disease [68], children with ASD [69, 70], adults withADHD [49], and normal aging people [68]. On the contrary,a positive correlation has also been found between ReHo ofcertain regions and intelligence [71], early blindness [72], andinternet addiction disorder [73]. ReHo is very useful in iden-tifying regional abnormality in psychiatric disorders, whichmay guide further network based analysis. For example,

a recent study found that ReHo changes in schizophrenia arewidespread [74], leading to brain-wide network analysis inschizophrenia [75, 76].

3.3. Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations (ALFF). ALFFis an index that reflects the intensity of regional spontaneousbrain activity by calculating the voxel-wise magnitude withina defined low-frequency range (Figure 3(c)). In order toreduce ALFF’s sensitivity to physiological noise, Zou et al.[77] proposed a fractional ALFF (fALFF) approach calcu-lating the ratio of power spectrum of low-frequency (0.01–0.08Hz) to that of the entire frequency range. A numberof resting-state fMRI studies have observed higher ALFF inthe DMN areas than other areas [77–79]. Applications ofALFF in studies of conditions like depression [80], ADHD[81], PTSD [82], normal aging [83], and schizophrenia [84]have also revealed some exciting findings. Recently, bydecomposing R-fMRI low-frequency (typically 0.01–0.1Hz)oscillations (LFOs) into two distinct frequency bands [slow-5(0.01–0.027Hz), slow-4 (0.027–0.073Hz)], researchers foundthat LFO amplitudes in the slow-4 band were higher thanthose in the slow-5 in many brain regions [85, 86]. Yu et al.(2014) further demonstrated that the abnormalities of LFOsin schizophrenia are dependent on the frequency band andsuggest that future studies should take the different frequencybands into account when measuring intrinsic brain activity[85].

3.4. Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA is a data-driven method that does not require the input of any prior

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information about the connectivity pattern. It has been founduseful in estimating whether there are functional regionswith correlated signal responses in human brain mapping[87]. It was first formulated by Pearson [88] and then devel-oped as a useful technique for reducing the dimensionalityof complex data sets and for extracting new orthogonalvariables identified as principal components [89]. The basicidea of PCA is to find a set of orthogonal bases that canmaximize the variance of data and to separate out the mostmeaningful information from the noise so as to uncoverthe hidden structure (Figure 3(d)). For fMRI data, PCA hasthe advantage of verifying the facticity of differences in theactivations between conditions or groups without specifyingany prior knowledge of the form of BOLD response or thestructure of the experimental design [90]. It is often appliedin psychiatric fMRI analysis combined with other techniquessuch as ICA andMVPA. For example, Shen et al. [91] aimed atclassifying individuals into schizophrenic and healthy controlgroups by a quantitative method. They collected fMRI datafrom patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects andreduced the data size by using PCAdecomposition.Then ICAwas employed to extract data on the functionally connectednetworks in the brain, yielding less noisy components, whichwould be used as input to the classifier algorithm. However,the effectiveness of PCA is based on strong assumptions likelinearity, orthogonal principal components, and high signalnoise ratio (SNR) [92]. Sometimes data sets cannot be said tofit within these assumptions.

3.5. Independent Component Analysis (ICA). As an extensionof PCA, ICA is likewise a data-driven method that has beensuccessfully used in describing fMRI data [93–96]. With theidentical goal of finding a new set of variables with lesserredundancy that would provide the best possible represen-tation of observed phenomena, ICA measures redundancyby the much richer concept of independence (Figure 3(e))and only requires relatively weak assumptions about theindependence of source signals compared with PCA, whichextracts interested variables based on decorrelation andrequires some stringent assumptions [97]. The independentcomponents are assumed statistically independent in ICA.One of the most useful applications of ICA is reducing thenegative effects of artifacts for standard GLM-based analysisby using decomposition information [98, 99]. Another usefulapplication of ICA is in detecting the resting-state functionalconnectivity and identifying RSNs (resting-state networks)[39, 94, 96, 100, 101]. Besides, ICA is also used in task-related fMRI group analysis called FENICA [102]. ICA hasbeen widely applied to the study of brain diseases, such asAlzheimer’s disease [20, 44], schizophrenia [21, 22], bipolardisorder [2, 103], and epilepsy [2].

3.6. GraphTheory. A hot recent method used in resting-statefMRI is graph theory. Graph theory is a mathematical theoryand approach to studying graphs made up of nodes andedges and how these nodes connected by edges interact witheach other [58, 104] (Figure 3(f)). The brain network can bedescribed as being analogous to a graph in which voxels can

be viewed as nodes and connections between voxels as edges[105]. In fMRI studies, graph theory has been used by someambitious researchers seeking to present a comprehensivemap of how the brain is organized. The unique character-istic of graph theory compared with the more traditionalunivariate fMRI methods is that graph theory can serveas a tool to directly describe and compare different brainnetworks utilizing topological parameters such as clustering-coefficient, characteristic path length, degree of connectivity,centrality, and modularity [106]. Evidence from graph theoryin fMRI studies has shown that the brain is structured in ahighly efficient organization with both a small-world topol-ogy achieved through the presence of hubs and a scale-freetopology [107, 108]. Graph theory has been applied not onlyto resting-state fMRI and task-based fMRI so as to analyzethe topology of functional brain networks [105, 109] but alsoto studies of cortical thickness [110, 111], surface area, anddiffusion weighted imaging data [91, 112, 113] so as to analyzethe topology of structural brain networks. These studieshave illustrated an alteration of arrangements in structuraland functional brain networks associated with normal aging[114, 115], multiple sclerosis [116, 117], Alzheimer’s disease[118–120], schizophrenia [121–123], depression [124, 125], andepilepsy [110, 126].

4. Conclusion

Over the past decades, the development of fMRI tech-niques has made great contributions to our understandingof the neural mechanism underlying psychiatric disorder.In the present review, we summarize several major MRImethods widely used in psychiatric neuroimaging. Somemethods such as ReHo and VBM focus on regional changes,whereas others take a systematic approach and emphasizethe whole brain network. These methods together can revealthe abnormalities in brain structures and functions in psy-chiatric disorders. However, the functional significance ofmany measures such as ReHo and ALFF is still not wellunderstood. Psychiatric disorders may be associated withvery subtle changes in the brain. One single method may notbe enough to fully capture the nature of such alternations.A systematic approach using multimodal neuroimaging anda variety of analysis methods has the potential to identifyreliable biomarkers for specific psychiatric disorders. Withongoing progress being made in neuroimaging methods,neuroimaging holds clear promise in helping to diagnose andquantify psychiatric diseases.


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Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.

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The authors acknowledge the Foundation for High-LevelTalents in Higher Education of Guangdong (no. C10454)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no.31371128) for financial support.


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