
Xuebin Wu You Can Do It You can do it My Review Contents 1. The Publications: ........................................................................................................................ 1 A. Eat well Database reports (3) (Popular foods, Main course, Dessert) ..................... 2 B. Meal Card....................................................................................................................................... 3 C. Information Card ........................................................................................................................ 5 D. Challenge Card ............................................................................................................................. 7 2. Evaluate the project as a whole ............................................................................................. 9 3. Evaluate your own performance ........................................................................................ 11 1. The Publications: A. Eat Well Database reports (3) (Popular foods Main course, Dessert) B. Meal Card C. Information Point D. Challenge Card

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Eat well Database reports (3) (Popular foods, Main course, Dessert) ..................... 2 Xuebin Wu Evaluate your own performance ........................................................................................ 11 Evaluate the project as a whole ............................................................................................. 9 You Can Do It D. A. B. C. 2. 3. 1.


Page 1: Review

Xuebin Wu You Can Do It

You can do it – My Review

Contents 1. The Publications: ........................................................................................................................ 1

A. Eat well Database reports (3) (Popular foods, Main course, Dessert) ..................... 2

B. Meal Card ....................................................................................................................................... 3

C. Information Card ........................................................................................................................ 5

D. Challenge Card ............................................................................................................................. 7

2. Evaluate the project as a whole ............................................................................................. 9

3. Evaluate your own performance ........................................................................................ 11

1. The Publications:

A. Eat Well Database reports (3) (Popular foods Main course, Dessert)

B. Meal Card

C. Information Point

D. Challenge Card

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Xuebin Wu You Can Do It

A. Eat well Database reports (3) (Popular foods, Main course,


Who was it for?

These three reports is for encourage student to improve their diet. These three reports are

from Eat well Database, I have analyzed them and make them in a new PDF version, in the three

reports, I changed the categories for three of them, for example: I changed the categories of

Portion sizes of popular food types to Food items, Group, Unit and Quantity, and in Group I

changed it to make it only show dairy, beans and pulses, vegetables.

Did I complete all the work?

Yes, I have completed all the works; I have made them all PDF version. I made all the categories

correct, I changed the types of food in group, for example: I put only beans and pulses and dairy

for some of the reports.

Did I use text and images and do they work together effectively?

I didn’t use any images in these three reports because these three reports don’t need any

images, but I have used the some texts to introduce people what the reports is about, give

people an overview about the reports so they will not confused when they see the reports.

Did I make good use of feedback? (From the Teacher and test buddy/pupils)

Yes, I did use feedback to improve my works, the feedbacks which I have used are from ongoing

plan; most of the feedbacks is from my test buddy. I used some feedbacks like add more

information to introduce people what these three reports are about.

What improvements could I make to Publication and why?

I could try to improve my writing a bit more to introduce young pupils what these three reports

are about. Make the style different and make the reports neater. Describe the reports more

effectively and explain the food items, Group etc more to show pupils this what the project is

about and prevent them from getting confused.

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Xuebin Wu You Can Do It

B. Meal Card

Who was it for?

Meal Card is for introduce pupils a healthy meal and dessert, there is information about the

ingredients for the healthy meal and dessert to show pupils. I have used Microsoft Office

Publisher to do this and this Meal Card is made on an A5 paper, it is both sided, one side is

healthy meal and other side is healthy dessert.

Did I complete all the work?

Yes, I have completed all the works; I have made the Meal Card in PDF version. I have collected

the information about the ingredients and nutrition about the healthy meal and dessert, my

own opinion about the healthy meal and dessert. I have also put a picture of the healthy food

and dessert to show pupils what the healthy food and dessert look like.

Did I use text and images and do they work together effectively?

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I did use text and images for Meal Card and it did work effectively, I have used a image of

healthy food and a image of healthy dessert, I think the images will attract more pupils to join

my project. The text is most about the healthy food and dessert.

Did I make good use of feedback? (From the Teacher and test buddy/pupils)

Yes, I did use feedback to improve my works, the feedbacks which I have used are from Ongoing

plan, it is written by my test buddy, it tells me what I need to improve for Meal Card. Most of

my feedbacks are finish my work, so I spend more time to finish it after lesson.

Did I use copyright-free material only? (Most likely not, but explain copyright issues and how

you used the sources table to keep a record of images/text)

I have used two images from website but it is for education purpose and I have record every

image I have used in Meal Card in Sources table. I have also used a primary image which has no

copyright issue because I took the picture by myself and I have also record this image in Sources


What improvements could I make to Publication and why?

I could add more information to it because I think it will be better if there is more information,

and add some more images to attract pupils, I think I can also change the background to a

image which is related to this project because I think this can show pupils straight away what

this Meal Card is about. I think I should add some more logo about small steps 4 life because

this can show to pupils that this project is about small steps 4 life.

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Xuebin Wu You Can Do It

C. Information Card Who was it for?

Information Card is for students to know about Olympics values. There are many very important

staffs like there are many challenges for pupils to do, I think these challenges are very important

because these challenges are related to the project. This PowerPoint is most for young

teenagers, it introduced most of the project.

Did I complete all the work?

Yes, I have completed all the works, I have introduced this Information Point in the first slide, I

have put challenges in each slide. I have a bit explanation about what is an Olympic value so

pupils will get an idea what it is about. I have also put a graph on each topic to present the

result of Questionnaire which is record in my Questionnaire analyze.

Did I use text and images and do they work together effectively?

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I did use text and images effectively, the images are all from different website, and it’s all for

education reasons. I record all the images into Sources table. The reason why I put so many

images in is because it is more attractive to have images and the images which I have chose are

all related to this project in some way.

Did I make good use of feedback? (From the Teacher and test buddy/pupils)

Yes, I did use feedback to improve my works and make my work more attractive by using

appropriate texts and images. I have used my test buddy’s feedback which is in Ongoing Plan to

improve my Information Point by putting more attractive images.

Did I use copyright-free material only? (Most likely not, but explain copyright issues and how

you used the sources table to keep a record of images/text)

I have used many images from website but it is for education purpose and I have recorded all

my images into the Sources table, I have written where the images are from. For some images, I

have edited it by adding a nice frame to it to make it more attractive for pupils. In the Sources

table, I have written about what is the image about and where I have used it so it will be very

clear to the pupils.

What improvements could I make to Publication and why?

I think I have done very well in this publication but there are still many things that I can improve

for it like I can add some more text to some slide to make it more clearly to pupils what each

slide is about. I can also change the background to some nice image which is related to this

publication because it will attract more pupils to look at it, and it will give pupils a point straight

away what this publication is about.

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D. Challenge Card Who was it for?

The Challenge Card was for pupils who have joined my project and want make a change to them

to complete after they have done their activities so they can record their results for themselves.

There are four weeks to complete so this means pupils will do the activities for four weeks, and

the reason why I made it four weeks is because I think pupils have to do at least four weeks or

more to achieve their target.

Did I complete all the work?

Yes, I have completed all the work. I created the boxes for pupils to fill in. I have made very

clear subtitle on top of every box so it will be very clear to pupils what to write in each box.

Did I use text and images and do they work together effectively?

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I used the images and texts, and they to work together effectively. I have put a image of

football, Olympic logo and a person ride a bike in the Challenge Card so pupils will have a idea

what this Challenge Card is about in their mind. I didn't use much text in the Challenge Card

because I don't think it needs many text, it should be a record card so I don't think I need to

write text to explain everything.

Did I make good use of feedback? (From the Teacher and test buddy/pupils)

Yes, I did use feedback to improve my works like one of my feedback is to change my

background to a clearer one because the background does not fit with the text on the Challenge

Card, so I have changed the background to blue which is fit with the text in the Challenge Card.

The feedbacks which my test buddy gave me in Ongoing Plan are very useful to me, I used lots

of the feedbacks to improve my Challenge Card to make it more detailed.

Did I use copyright-free material only? (Most likely not, but explain copyright issues and how

you used the sources table to keep a record of images/text)

I have used one image in Challenge Card, it is from website but is for education purpose. I have

recorded the image in the Sources table, I have wrote about where the image is from, which

website created it, what is the image about, is there any copyright issue. There are not text

copyright issue because all the texts are written by me, I didn't copy any words from website or

other people.

What improvements could I make to Publication and why?

I think I have done very well in this project but there are still many things that I can improve. I

could add some more boxes for pupils to fill in so they can get a better report for their activities.

I think I can add some more images to the Challenge Card to make it more attractive to pupils,

and may be I can add some more weeks for pupils to record because some pupils might think

that four weeks are not enough for them.

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Xuebin Wu You Can Do It

2. Evaluate the project as a whole

What was the project about?

In this project, I prepared publications to promote the Olympic values and Small Steps for Life

challenges. I created a food database, a questionnaire and carry out a survey of students, a 'try

new things' Meal Card, an Information Point about values and challenges, a Challenge Card for

students to record progress, use a spreadsheet to analyze the survey data and produce

database reports about portion sizes and ingredients, use Ongoing plan to record what I have

done every lessons, use sources table to record every picture I used in my project, a review to

evaluate the whole project and write about how I feel in each task.

Did I complete all the tasks?

Yes I did complete all the tasks, everything are finished in detail. I have put most of the

documents in PDF, I haven't put all the documents in PDF is because some of the documents

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like Information Point can't change to PDF. In E-portfolio, I have wrote an introduction for

everything I have done because this can give pupils an idea of what all my tasks are about.

Did I use my Ongoing Plan every lesson to monitor my progress?

I did not use Ongoing Plan to record my progress every lessons, this is because I don't have

enough time to do it, but I have tried to record my progress after lessons, I think is very

important to record my progress every time I have finish a task because it can show my

progress so I will know what I have done well and what I have not completed, it can also show

to me what I have to improve for my tasks.

Did I manage my time?

I managed my time very well, I have always attend ICT intervention to complete the tasks which

I have not completed. I have finished some of my work at home. I think is very important to

manage my time because it can let me complete all my tasks and show it in the best it can be.

Did I choose the right people as my test users and reviewers?

I have chose the right people as my test users and reviewers, I used Questionnaire to gather the

information of my test users so I will know what age they are and if they are suitable for my

project or not. I have present the results in Questionnaire Analyze so the reviewers can check

my test users.

What, if anything, went wrong?

Nothing big went wrong in my project because I have always followed my teacher's task, do as

much work as I can and perform my work as good as I can. If something went wrong in my

project, I will ask my test buddy for help and if she can't help me, I will ask my teacher to

explain what I have done wrong and what I can do for it.

What others had to say?

Other people had say that most of my works are very good but some of them need to make

some improvements. I think is very important to take other people's speech/advise because this

can let me know what I have to improve for my project and some of the works are very good to

me but not for others. In this project, I have asked for many people to give me comments to my

project so that I can improve it when I have time.

What improvements you would make if you had time?

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Firstly, I will check all my works, see if there are any improvements I can make. Then I will used

all the feedbacks from my test buddy which is in Ongoing Plan to improve my works. Lastly, I

will ask some professional advice from my teacher to make my work more professional.

What you would do differently if you did the project again?

I think the project which I have done this year is very good and I don't think I need to do any of

my work differently, the only thing I would do if I did the project again is to get more time to

improve my work to show my skills which I have learned in ICT and perform my work more

attractive to attract more pupils to join be my test users, and I will do some more research and

carry out them in my publications.

What feedback did you get from others?

The feedbacks from others are most good, they told what I have done well, and some of the

feedback is advice/suggestion to my work, it will tell me what to improve for my work to show

my skills and how to make the works more attractive by add some images and texts.

3. Evaluate your own performance

How well did I work during the project?

I think I worked very well during the project, I have completed all the tasks before the new

deadlines, and I have managed my time for this project and used some of my spare time to

improve my work. I have tried to attend ICT intervention so I can do more work for my project

and take professional advice from my teacher. I think I have done very well in this project, I feel

very happy for my project.

Did I keep to deadlines and targets?

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In this project, the time is always not enough, so I have created my new deadlines for some task

and it is my target to finish my task in the deadlines. I think I have achieved most of my targets

in this project.

How do I think my work on this project affected my performance in other work?

I think this work will improve and develop my skills in ICT, it is very useful in other work which

need use ICT skills. It will affected my performance in other work because I have learned many

different ICT skills in this project like I have learned how to use animation and Dream weaver,

and I think these skills will make my performance in other work more better than before.

How have I benefited from working on this project?

I have learned many things from this project, most of the things I have learned is about ICT skills.

I have learned how to use animation, Dream weaver which are all new to me. I have developed

my skills of find the correct information in the correct place, this is very important because from

this project, I have also learned about copyright issue, I now know that people can't go on the

website and just copy/use whatever they want.

What would I do differently if I did the project again?

I would carry out more research on my publications but other staffs are all very good and I don't

think I need to improve any of my other works differently, I think I have performed my ICT skills

in this project very well. The thing I would do differently is to use more of my ICT skills and show

it by using it in my project.