revenue: of moats & models by jay jamison

Revenue: Of Moats & Models Jay Jamison Co-Founder & President, Moonshoot

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These are the slides that I presented on 10 January 2010 at the Founder Showcase in Santa Clara, CA.


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Revenue: Of Moats & Models

Jay JamisonCo-Founder & President,


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Co-Founder & President English learning for children

everywhere Launching 2010

About Me

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The Borat Rule of Revenue:It is Nice!

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The Beavis & Butthead Rule:Everything matters

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The Warren Buffett Rule 1:Keep It Simple

“Invest in businesses that

an idiot could run,

because at some point,

an idiot will.”

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1. Understandable business

2. Strong, passionate team

3. Defensible moats

4. Models that generate cash

Tonight’s Scope

The Warren Buffett Rule 2:Build & stick with a concrete method

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Moats & Models

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Moats (in 1610)

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Moats (in 2010)Deliver users

something they want.

Build share & leadership.

Attract second stakeholder

group to reinforce value

to users.

Improve value to users & repeat.

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Users want PCs that are cheap,

lots of apps.

Developers need audience for

their products

WinTel gains share.

Developers build for Windows.

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Apple builds Iphone.

Apple offers developers a


Users drool & buy.

Developers build for Iphone.

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Advertisers need to spend most


Google offers

outstanding search product.

Google grabs share.

Ad revenue funds

improvements in search.

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Large user base & commissions

draw best teachers.

Users are drawn to service

with best teachers

20% royalty to teachers.

Teachers create and

market great classes


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Collect data on children & learning,

reinforce value to parents,

educators, and children.

Build something

children love,

parents value

Grow share &


Reinforce core value with more

fun content, better results

to parents


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Attract another stakeholder to build on your


Build something users love

Grow shareReinforce core value Your Company

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Models—Part IBusiness Models

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Types of Business Models Figure it out later / Ads

Market maker

Freemium & Subscription

Virtual goods

Price for product or service


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Figure it out later / Ads

Examples Google; TwitterLots of others

Pros Focuses team on building awesome product

Cons Requires awesome user traction & retention.


Works well if you are “the future of x,” where ‘x’ equals something universal—e.g., communication, television, etc.

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Market Maker

Examples PayPal; Ebay

ProsYour users make money through your serviceVery powerful

Cons Need excellent positioning & differentiation

AssessmentGreat work if you can find a scalable opportunity

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Freemium & SubscriptionExamples

World of Warcraft, Club Penguin, Dropbox, Animoto,

Pros Puts value on your service. Very crisp.

Cons Conversion, pricing may lack scale.


Think very hard about whether you have a good trip wire for value. (Animoto, e.g.)

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Virtual goods

Examples Facebook apps, Habbo

ProsShockingly profitable, can always add stuff

Cons Fickle


Cool to start, but have a strategy to extend.

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Price per user or copy


Microsoft Office, Enterprise apps, Iphone Premium Apps

Pros Crisp pricing and licensing model

ConsNot free for users, slows distribution & uptakeDiscounting


Can work extremely well, esp. in B2B.

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Models—Part IIIndustry Models

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“Know Your Numbers”

Ask tons of questions, do the analysis

Connect with customers & market

Build conviction that model works

Close to pin works

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Recent Example


Estimate to VC:

“Microsoft Small

Business Server has an

Installed Base of 30M”

--Unsourced analyst

Jay’s EstimateM


Total Server shipments 8.0

X86 share @ 90% 7.2

Windows Server share 70%


33% to small business 1.6

50% is Small Biz Server


5 year avg lifespan 4m

VC emails me. Microsoft Small Business Server has an Installed Base

of around 4M

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Moats ABC: Always Be Constructing

Business Models Have a plan. You can always change it later. Monetize when it makes sense.

Industry Models Always be hungry to learn more Work to stay grounded in reality