revelofnations spi abe says: atfrenitsoireecabaret, carnival and costume bai given by the washington...

SPECIAL NOTICES. THR MEMBERS «>F HQl AI. I.OIXJK. N". 17, *r». re«juc*t"*l to meet in Grand I>idgc room. I^thlan Temple. at * o'clock tliisto make arrangements for the funeral of our lata brother, oRLA.VDO A. B'XXTH. # r J. l'BCKHASr. C. C. T>. T. BROWN. K T>. A S. APPRECIATE THE WORK YOUR WIFE IS DOtu ?h*» kitchen l»y trleing ber a new onepf wbitc ?natnelo«| sink. I'>a*ed to fumlnh ?«»:i with estimate. FREDERICK STEI.ZKlt. S1?t litis f*t. n.w. Pbone Co!. Plumb nj, Tinning and Heating economically ac mplipbed. IIEKMAA BA1 SftiiKTEN COMPANY. INC.. H::i» Sicns. Odd Mass L~ Iters. TIui»-~ S'amp--. Seals. stencils. '.It- and H srp. '!»!.. M. .'lOT;. only sto.e. i PLIGHT I'IANM.S TL.NCD AM> usr.. 51 it'. OUl Reliable Expert. Drop postal. L. LAUSCN*. So. far. av®. &. Ph. L. 1G95. M: ;.\MZED TN 1S83. THE HOME BUIU»ING \ <*!arion has helped f<ou*ands to secure am] safely invest their earnings. Let * you. 1i. E. flanghton. Pres. S. Tax'or and Wrn. T. GalUher. Vice Presidents: I M. Woodward. Sec.. 723 20th st. n.w.; E. s. Wevotl, Tr»*Hs. RmYT Pcnna. ivr. n.w. Write. pi:one or call for tin.* 31st annual rop rt. RAINPROOF ROOFS. The rHiedil expert- can n>t only d-- your work qui'kly ai;.i tii<-roughly, but know h w to tnake I reasonable -barge. T|>nx 1- S!ii:i»i'./r.27 !«>::c Pi.. M. ::M. SHKRWGOb LYE WiUSKFA. MELVALE KYt W iskov. f-;"i -iuarts. cents. d'reet ' otn omlod warehouse. TOp.TAS I'.', S1I. UHl'J E >t. n.w. MONEY T<> LOAN ON IMPROVED TIE M EST ATE. SEND YOUR AFPLlt YTlON. WILL INSPE* T IMMEDIATELY* VM) GIVE PLOMIT WSWEE. <1>» W. LINK INS. 1714 PA. AYE ': TS A I.^> I 1A N S TN SI RANT E. I P. KENT-VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES: EN ire 3rd floor « f The Evening Star building: 12 communicating room*: may be arranged ;n eparatc suites < - single rooms, or as a whole. Ypply BUSINESS MA NAG Eli. The Evening Star. 11th and Penn. ave. _____ I in as Near Y'ou as Your Telephone. ROBERT WALDRON. Carpenter ami BnMder. Ph"Dc Columbia i357-.F. ~>KE: IK P.AGs l oi; $1 ALsO COAL WOOD ar-1 Ice delivered to any part of <-Itv. No .a go for putting away. .1. ,T. HCA.W, oiv 1»Pb st. sat. Phone Main 1743. WvPt' II S PTANo IlttL'SB OFFERS A LARGE -;o k of pianos for rent: rent applied if pur ha*;e»l. S'licier. Lauter. Einc.-on atid Worcb piano-players. 1110 G. Vietrolas nod records. ""PI T M I M V Th* ingenuity of tills for<*o l L^k Ai l> l-> v». ,ontributes to lowering the barge. M\riU«-F. T. Q)1 BELT. H21 V st. Ph. NT. 3016-7. VALENTINES SELECT AND WELL VARIED. Delbatc expressions of sense and sentiment. 7r".- ca^y to select from such a stock, for It's well balanced as to price and selection. t^fonsult ns al>out Stationery that is in good form."* PURSELL'TT;"::. 807 G St. WHOSOEVER WILL Can have first-c>as« guar anreod ROOF WORK at n reasonable' f>rVe b'y' call-' inz up the ROOFING EXPERTS. w Gyafton&§on,inc-> BUSY DAYS AHEAD for the wide-awake business men who employ ..laiity printing. In h biz 1<wh like this there's always w»n:ei><>dy who -^n be interested in your proposition. Let us*talk-priming 4o you? Judd <& DetweiSer, Inc., THE RIG PRINT SHOP. 420-422 11th. You Can't Beat BARKER'S Prices on MMIwork. 640 NEW YORK AVE % Vaiilierpfrirpes c.' t .«»»»v <* -r *v»* -^here it' you want best correct choice. Man v exclusive SOCIAL. . engraving novelties at all prices. Step in today. Win. Baiilantyme & Sons, Btatiosers. 14Q9 F St. Booksellers. PAEWT FOR ALL rr&i.^ i purposes To® beet Wax ard tbe best Varnish for the Floors. What to use and how? A»k ue. ANDREWS, WTXDOW finest Window Shad«f. lowest faetOTT pricee. ^TT A.;T*)'P"v Expert hanger*. * i I^ai-e Shades a sjicc-ialty. The Shade Shop, {?.?.? " ^O-f AT T F n cheap people Fay ^ * their bills promptly vrben their work is properly done. That's why we are plugging especially for th»*lr plumbing, tinning and b'atlng. 3207 14tb, opposite the Arcade. «\>1. 155. -HAVE 7T DONE RIGHT. GET CASEY." INSURANCE SERVICE. M. LeROY GOFF. H*h floor. Woodward bldg. Phone M. 8510. Remember, we have a B i g Modern Optical Factory on the Premises. We Will Make Your " Eyeglasses to Order. ',1 A fl t-'ipcp OPTICAL CO.. i-llo 4 L i. .(514 9tb st. I NEVER DISAPPOINT." Ask for More Business. Tilt MOST EFFECTIVE WAY IS To SEND OCT GOOD PRINTED MATTER-T1IE KIND WE PRODUCE. 1 ne Service bnop, BYRON S. ADAMS, COAL COAL COAL I bs*«- opened * branch real yard at Mr. B. L. Simpson's former <tand. ft4S PA. AVE. SOUTHEAST. Where I will always hav*« «»o hand a etock of the COAL A NO WOOD. ALSO BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. ! will be glad to have you call and examine my t-fk be'nre purchr»-dn*r. S. M. FRAZIER. Commercial Bodies for Ford Cars. Largest Stork. Variety of Styles. Tx>vre*t Price®. S. J MEEK*' SONS. ft23 G at. M. 21P8. VALENTINES, Dainty card* in envelopes, ranging In price from to i55<\ Also a selected line of Post Cards. National Remembrance Shop, 14n> ST. AND PA. AVE. Opposite Wlilard. RELIABLE ROOF WORK TINNING. REPAIRING. GUTTERING; fcLAG ROOFING. ROOF PAINTING. Erery >ob persona ly supervised and guaranteed TlHes & Cabinet Mantels. The beat examples to be seen. We feature Repairs. KPWXN g EUim'. llOg 9*h at Ph. N. 7328 COAL? BB>T QL' ALITY--2-TON LOTS. Red Ash $7 28 Pc« $8 40 White Aeh $7.00 Kg* $8.78 Subject ta* weather aad destination. C. M. EDWARDS, >j39 7th St. u.w. Phone North 852. THE BURNING QUESTION? We tuswrr ! rljrbt. J. M. PEAKE &. SON, MO N. Y. a**. d.w. Pb. M. 14S4. CHXJBCH NOTICES. t'.utri'oatai Church of the Nncarrae, PKNTEX'OSTAI. CHURCH OP THB ^aurem La* !AUZ*-<J It* place of Worship to f Lewi* H*l!. 15015 14th St. n.w basing i'-a»»-d r:.1* Lai! from the Gospel Tabernacle for Tuewlay nights. for Its regular service* at 7 :8Q p.a. SPIRITUALISM. ~ Mitf. J. E MAI.TBT. KEN'*IS 8LDG 11th sod G n.w.. Itoom 406. Meetings W«d. and Frl. 7:20 p.m.; a message to each. Daily iadtnsrs a.m. to 5:30 PLone M. 8648. II AVE AN INTBKVIEW WITH KKB1.BH. MOST o<>ted slate writer in th« world. Daily during February ouly. 1382 ParksrooU place. 14th st. ar. Phony Columbia 2270. 10*_ The will of Alexander Cameron, tobacco manufacturer, filed for probate at Richmond, Va.. leaves an estate appraised at $1,100,000, to be divided axnonic eight children. He left a home and $5,000 a year to his widow. REVEL OF NATIONS AT FRENIT SOIREE "Rue des Beaux Arts" a Seen of Riotous Color and Animated Life. MUSIC, DANCING AND FUN ACCOMPANY THE FEASTINI Fete to Benefit Families of Artist Who Are on the Battle Lines in Europe. A new street, one not included in tli original plan of the city, was opened i Washington last night. It is called tl' Rue des Beaux Arts," and runs th length of the large ballroom of the \Vi lard Hotel. No thoroughfare of tli National Capital, even. at. inauguratio time, ever involved, such traffic problem as faced the corps of cutlass-bearin gendarmes, or. more properly, "gardes d champetre," to whom was delegated tli task of keeping in motion the crowds tha thronged it. » . > Gendarmes? .Surely, for the street i rot "Washington, but Paris itself, trans ferred for two nights only to the usuall sedate District of Columbia. Not the Pari of the broad boulevards and imposin buildings, but the Paris of the outskirts in festal array* for high carnival. Henc the presence of the "garde de champetre, whose duty it is in France to keep kindly but restraining eye on the countr fairs. These guards svefQ the members p the committee in charge of the bi| cabaret, carnival and costume bai given by the Washington Society o Beaux Arts Architects, assisted by th other artistic organizations-of the citj for the benefit of the families of th French soldier-artists now fighting ii the trenches, and summed up uncLe the title of "une soiree artiStique." Tables Flanked "Street." Dozens of tables flanked the narrow "street," and the intertwining tree overhead" tvere represented by a* 'sblii bower of greenery frqm whicl myriads of lanterns gave down mellow light. The uprights that playe* the-parts *of the slender trunks of-th' poplars of France were wound in blacl and white spirals: black 'and whit hangings draped the boxes that ran ii rows 011 each side of the room, uehim and - above* the tables. Yellow* -fror hung from branches and was pyramid ! ed on the tops of standards, and th' whole effect of black, white and sof yellow was impressive in the extreme A throng of hundreds of merrymakeri of both sexes sat at ease and ate drank and smoked or surged througl the street proper. The much-vaunte< democracy of France received a tellinj confirmation, for princes of the Jxlood churchmen, duehessev and^high official; of every period of French history ftv wYmktiit- ASmif 4f % -' ji* * 4 i w V'vi! 9 / i fraternized and frolicked with art stu dents, enlisted men, artisans am I clowns. All attendants were expected to appear in fancy dress and, with fev exceptions, did so. The majority won costumes appropriate to some perio< of France or to her dependencies, bu every nation on earth had its rep re sentatives. Scene of Riotous Color. More than 5G1 of Washington's raos prominent residents, together witl many out-of-town visitors, attended a; guests or participated in the variet "divertissements" offered. The seem from the balcony above the entrano can be described only by the won "kaleidoscopic," but that word is in adequate. It was a riot of color and ; whirl of motion. Cardinal Kichelieu hobnobbed witl Joan of Arc, and Francois Villon wa hailfellow with those nis poems na< libeled. The French costumes ran most lv to the national tricolor or the start ling black and white of the carniva characters of Harlequin, Pierrot an< Columbine, and included army officer? court ladles. Watteau shepherdesses monks, "couriers du bols," all sorts o Latin Quarter types, Algerians, cru saders. "Incroyables" of the directolre bishops, mandarins from Cochin China clowns of both sexes and dozens o Other types. Besides these, there was hardly country, a climate, warm or cold, o a period unrepresented. Cossack: Spaniards, orientals of all varieties Highlanders, sailors. Jockeys, Holland ers. red-coated British subalterns, Tyro leans and people of bygone race passed to and fro. And, in additlor there were Innumerable beautiful ef fects representing searons, flowers an inanimate objects. No one perso could be sure he or she had even see; all the costumes present, not to men tlon retaining the impression they ere ated or the details in which they wer worked out. Particularly itnpresslv were a number of Chinese garbs, in eluding one most perfect example of beautiful and stately young Manchu rian woman of high degree wit spreading headdress and harmoniou shades of blue brocades and embroid ered Chinese footgear. Another wa an ancient Egyptian lady, looking a SPI J l,_v ^ s jl I EbIK 5 _t n f73 cnr if she ipight have stepped from a Luxor s fresco. A third was that representing 3- a* Christmas- tree* w4tli glowing lights k from top of evergreen headdress to hem of skirt. Several of the medieval a garbs were not only beautiful, but hlsi torically correct to the last detail. e. All members .of- . the . committee in £ charge, as representatives of authority, wore gendarmes' cocked hats, blue n tunics, white trousers and carried cuti lasses. * * "Dispute of the Muses."* a The guests were in their places at 9:30 o'clock and supper began to 1 e g. served, .shortly. . afterward.. An hour , later the curtain rose at the stage at J the end of tli,e street for Mrs. Christian r Hemmick's classic idyll, "The Dispute ' of .the. Mjus£sj,'; presented, as in the s period of lirst empire, under the aus ' pices of the Washington Center of the ^ rag )ii:-EWZ.-. vfvflP-y v- _ AT THE SOI RE - Drama League of America. The pro1 logue was given by Mrs. Brown, forJ inerdly Miss Izetta Jewel; the scenes v were Olympus and Earth; the music * was played by a woman's orchestra in i! Greek costumes and by Miss O'Toole, 1 harpist. Scenery, costumes and inci* dental dances were alike effective, correct and harmonious. The cast was as follows: Eterpe (Muse of Lyric Song), Miss t Gretchcu Muelhausen; Juno 'Olympian Queen), Miss Hitchcock; Iris, Mrs. Arnistead Davis: Euphrosyne, Miss s Britton; Aglala, Miss O'Gorman; Thalia, * Miss Downing; Ganymedes, Miss Birch; e Clio (Muse of History), Miss C. Biddle e Porter; Exato (Muse of Love Poetry), j Mrs. Burton; Calliope (Muse of Epic Poetry», Mrs. Charles Johnson; Melpo* meue (Muse of Tragedy), Miss Juliette * Janirt; Polyhymnia (Muse of Sacred Poetry), Miss Hazel MacKaye; Urania h (Muse of Astronomy), Miss Biddle PorH ter; Thalia (Muse of Comedy), Miss ^ O'Gorman; Terpsichore (Muse of the Dance), Miss Mildred Anderson: Miner* v:t (Goddess of Wisdom), Mrs. Ward 1 Brown; Attendant. Mrs. Huntington * Jackson: Mercury (Messenger of the Gods). Highland Kuhn; Orpjieus, Mr. Drntiiarn- Pfimonft. Miss Anderson- * Pygmalion, Milton Bryan; Galatea, Miss "j Davidson; Croacale (Diana's nymph;, Miss Effie Baker; Wood Nymphs. Miss- 'i es Hotrhkiss, Hawks, Keen, Kerr and the Misses Schmidt. a. Assisting- in Production. r s, Assisting Mrs. Hemmick as stage * managers were Morven Thompson and Robert Eilmore. The dances were g planned by Miss Baker and Miss Ani, derson and the scenery and lighting - were the result of the labors of Howd ard Greenley and Ba'ssett Jones. [J Of the several airs sung by Mile. Yvonne de Treville of the Opera Com- ique, Paris, and the Theater de la Mone naie, Brussels, a "Chanson Proveneale" e met with special favor. The art ste appeared in an 1830 eosturtie, as did her a accompanist. Miss Velma Sharp. Bonis - Lombard, composer of one of the selech tions surtg, appeared at the piano on s that occasion. I- Following this act appeared exis ponents in costume of the modern 3 d^Rces. the maxixe, fox trot and Ar- -ENDOR AND GAY! mm.> ;*' *p§|Kl' 1 ,-?^Bfe-«» She! vj^t 1 ,f«*' %*i\3 pontine tango. Then came an inter- ^ mission and promenade and, during the < Last courses of the supper, the vaude- i ville and carnival surprise "divertisse- - raents" incident to "The Revels of the s Art Students," under the direction of 1 P. W. Evans and George A. Bentlev. I The street tilled up with a laughing, i I dancing mob of young men and worn- 1 en, professional and amateur, and on a platform representing the entrance c to the famous "Bal Bullier" of Paris C came a bewildering succession of cos- 3 tume dances, art competitions and solo 3 and street singing. People wandered 3 from their tables and mingled with the C performers, confetti made its inevita- 3 bio appearance, and high carnival a reigned for ihe remainder of the night. I The orchestra was transferred to the smaller ballroom arid general dating I occupied the hours until breakfast was a served. I The performances of last evening and F tonight are for the benefit of the families 1 t ARTIST I SUE- of the French artists tn recognition of a the services to American art students by the French Beaux Arts Society. George Oakley Totten, jr., is chairman of the committee in charge, other members of which are Frederick H. Brooke, J. Henri de Sibour, Edward C. Dean, Irving C. I Moller, Charles Morris, Fred V. Murphy t and Nathan C. Wyeth. They have been 11 assisted by A. L. Harris, representing * the Washington Chapter of the Ameri- | can Institute of Architects; Bedford Brown, representing the Washington Architectural Club, and Paul Bartlett, representing the Society of Washington Artists. " The effect gained for the tv/o perform- *( ances is the work of lengthy and care- 1 ful study and collaboration on the part 2 of ail. 2 The patronesses of the presentations ? of last night and the on© for tonight, } which will be as nearly identical as it is ^ possible to make it with a different list of box and table holders, are: Mrs. Larz Anderson, Mrs. Paul Bart- -j lett, Mrs. Truxton Beale, Mrs. Al-^ y exander Graham Bell, Mrs. Perry' j Belmone, Mrs. Gist Blair, Mrs. Wood- 7 bury Blair, Mrs. E. W. Bonnaffon, Mrs. 7 F. H. Brooke, Mrs. Mandeville Car- 7 lisle, Mrs. T. M. Chatard, Mrs. Richard- -:t son Clover. Mrs. Murray Cobb, Viconi- £ tesse Henri de Sibour, Mrs. William F. Draper, Mrs. Stephen B. Elfcins, Mine. Ekengren. Mrs. George Eustis, Mrs. i Thomas Ew'ng, Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock. \ Mrs. Marshall Field, Mrs. Duncan U. 3 Fletcher, Mrs. T. T. Gaif, Mrs. A. P. 3 Gardner, Mrs. Peter Gerry, Mrs. Fres- 7 ton Gibson, Mrs. John A. Gibbons. Miss Amaryllis Gillctt, Mrs. C. C. Glover. 3 Mrs. A. L. Harris. Mrs. Christian D. Hemmick, Mrs. J. H. Henderson. Mrs. i W. B. Hibbs. Mrs. K. S. R. Mitt, Mrs. =; George Howard, Mrs. Walter Bruce 2 Howe, Mrs. Hennen Jennings.- Mrs. g Thomas Laugh! in, Mrs. Arthur Lee, r Mrs. Joseph Leiter, Mrs. J. II. Lewis, Mrs. Robert T. Lincoln, Mrs. Louis Lombard, Mrs. I. T. Mann, Mrs. Charles L. McCawley, Mrs. Robert MeCormick, Mrs. A. G. McClintock. Mrs. E. A. Mitchell. Mrs. F. P. Mitchell. Mrs. A. C. Miller, Mrs. Clarence Moore, Mrs. Irving O. Mojler, Mrs. Charles Morris, Mrs. Henry T. Oxnard, Mrs. L. Waller Page, Mrs. John Burton Payne, Mrs. Paul S. Pearsall, Mrs. H. C. Perkins, Mrs. Mahlon Pitney. Mrs. J. Henry Purdy. Mrs. Howard Reeside, ilme. do Riano, Mrs.1 ETY FEATURE AB %»r' Tr I^Pv^E.^^^7^ aitMBK..j^t .^re& *»* & ^^ H^E?**rK a- yb- ^i ^K^| *' WSER& -;: vlfll^^^^^^Bl&*i'-;; -< * ^ >RHR William A. Slater, Mrs. Henry B. Spender, Mrs. Samuel Spencer, Mrs. E. A. Swift, Mrs. Robert M. Thompson. Miss \da S. Totten, Mrs. Lawrence Town?end, Mrs. Wolcott Tuckerman. Mrs. -larold Walker. Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Mrs. Horace Westcott, Mrs. J. J. White, VIrs. John F. Wilkins, Mrs. Clarence A'ilson and Mrs. Nathan C. Wyeth. Those who entertained at boxes inluded Mrs. Thomas H. Ewing. Mrs. "larence Moore, Miss Martha Codman, Irs. James Carroll Frazer, Mrs. E. A. lansfield. Mrs. William F. Draper, Mrs. lackey Smith. Mrs. Joseph Letter. Mrs. 'harles Fowler, Miss M. C. Codman, -Irs. Clarence Moore, Mrs. J. A. Johnon. Mrs. Arrfold Hague, Mrs. Marshall Held and Mrs. Pendleton. Table holders included Mrs. Robert T. -incolp. Miss Amaryllis Gillett, Mr. ind Mrs. Nathan Wyeth, Mr. and Mrs. >ouis Lombard, Mr.- and Mrs. Paul Martlet t, Judge and Mrs. Sydney Balou, Mr. and Mrs. George X. McLana* I J 1 %*< pi if* % 7 r rheWashington-Maryland . Sanitarium Company >eslres to announce tbat they bare aecared tba eaqtlfnl Sparring estate at Silver Spring, Maryand, "aud have converted it Into a santtarium, rirb the twilight V.»he' remedies to* 'Relforfc iLCOliOL and MORPHINE ADDICTS. Sanitarium phoae, Woodsido 60S. Washington Office, 1622 H at. n.w. -Phone-Main 3660. 'i Open every clay until dark. Easy terms. Take 9th st. cars to [; 0^2 >Taylor st. n.w. Licensed >- brokers authorised to sell. % v £ Middaugh & Shannon, Inc. ^ £ "No Place Lite- Home; »Ne Home Like Our»."*j£ Delicate Children usually only need a food tonic to make them strong and healthy 00 Olive Oil JVgSSsS Emulsion containing Hypovhotphxtcs ib not only the best food tonic but is pleasant to take. Sold only by us. O'Dotnell's Drug Stores* ITISTS' BENEFIT Bfl S * raD^iP- Jijmjgj&Li £^> ?HmK^** 'ry^w^9n* ._ \ ''w4tJ&zw<k. 'jA ag^wSr is-nSaf |^BraK^^v ' '''*' y wRHEgsR*^^^ ^flr ^ ;' Hffi&v M^BB ByaHR glS Kft^flv- ^ fT han, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gibson, Lieut, and Mrs. Philip Sheridan, Capt. Theodore J. Baldwin, jr.: Gen. and Mrs. George Barnett, Miss Mary Lloyd Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hitter, Viconptesse J. Henri de Sibour, J. H. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. William Littauer, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont, Mr. and" Mrs. Beale H. Howard, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Clover, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Downing, Miss Grace Lincoln Temple, Miss Ada S. Totten, Mrs. Marshall Field, Mrs. Jarvis, Horace Westcott, James F. Kelly, Miss Elizabeth Patterson, Mrs. N. Evans, Commander C. T. Jewell, Mrs. G. F. Whiting, Mrs. H. B. Spencer, J. J. Hodgers. Miss Klbbey, Reed Johnson, Mrs. Ely, Mrs- W. A. Slater. Mrs. Dorst, Mrs. C. G. Sawtelle, Maj. J. H. Russell. Walter Tuckermann, Mrs. Alexander Graham Bell, Fred Murphy, Victor Cushman, Mrs. John Gibbons. Mrs. I. T. Mann, E. F. Andrews, Lieut. Commander J. Blair Gilmer, Lrving Moller, Fred H. Brooke, E. O. Dean, Mrs. Theodore IMT. PLEAS; | 1836, 1838 and 18' | Biggest Bargains Ever r rice, '{ Small Cash PaymentOpen, Lighted and Hez To inapect: Take auy P St. car marki Y one aquare went and one aauare nortl £ BEAUTIFUL ROCK CI £ AT YOU Houses hare beautiful colonial porch, gray finish of hardwood throughout. Hardwood fio > with window, side-oven gas ranire. hot#water h » double porches In rear. Big lots to paved air owned and for sale exclusively by % 1314 FST.N.W or jl >. .< w VW ^V\%"**VyVVVVVVVV% vvVV% V This Fine Resides | .Reduced i j Less Than Half Fir PRICE SO LOW THAT TP REALIZE A HAN Open for inspection. Do noi seeing it. Take Conn. ave. cars to I v This magnificent corner resid well known business man for his tects, builders and real estate me structed houses in the city. No. 1801 Kenyon Street N, Situated in a choice section of surrounded by attractive resident objectionable surroundings. A northwest corner, southern that a northwest corner is offeret j over and you will find few, if any, i ! ers are willing to part with. It is sunny in the winter: cool in the s The house has a frontage fac Wide porches of stone, brick A garage to accommodate twc The house contains twelve ;j room, laundry and children's play I solid oak trim and flooring throug j Three magnificent bathroom: average bathroom. i Plumbing and fixtures are jus f The house is heated by a first) ing plant; lighted with gas and elc jj! heater; metal weather strips, screi jf\ Do not fail to inspect it. To ,'j tion, beautiful situation and sple ( through it from top to bottom. I It must be disposed of. Some I STONE & FAIRFAX, 1i sSgg=Ssasa?ir ms-:^:gss=gs= J T L Vv-y ^B|M he ^ k ~Ta W. Baldwin, Edward Mitchell, L. P. Clephane, Arthur Addison, Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mrs. Reeve Lewis, C. C. Glover and Mrs. Arthur Lee. Among the artists, professional and amateur, who assisted in the long and varied program were": Roland R. Rodrick, James K. Young. J. Beaucaire S. Washburn, Miss Mabel Fairfax, Christian Roeters, Miss Ritchie McLean. Miss Edith Spoftord, Walter T. Holt, Miss Mabel E. Roberts. "Baby Ann." Miss Mabel Galleher, Miss Franc Galleher. Miss Estelle Murray, Mrs. C. R. Wentz, Miss Gretchen Hood, Geoi^ge II. O'Connor. Arthur B. Pierce, J. Frank Duggan, William A. Morsel!. Mrs. Anna Brett Suraray, Felix Mahony, Wood Cowan, Hugh Hennesy, Arthur Baer, I. Hoyt Yoemuns, James A. White, jr.; N'iles Bryant, Arthur M. McCreigh. Walter Marr, Dufour Brown, Byron Blodgett and M. E. Kahn. iThe program of performance tonight is to be an exact repetition and the time is the same, 9:30 o'clock. \NT HOMES 1 10 Mnnrnp Si. N W !' » V AIAVUB VV Al* f* * ,% Offered in This Section ! $5,350 .Balance Like Rent ;|* ited Until 9 RM. Da% ^ ppiii® I: ' < u IiSt: ij | 1 rd Mt. Pleasant to I'ark Road.Walk *f ti. or phone for our free auto service. V REEK PARK ALMOST i R DOOR :|: brick fronts, with stone trimmings. Interior j irs. tile bath, six big sunny rooms, large uantry *jj* ieat, laundry, servant's toilet, ele trie Ilg.its, V ey. Room for garage. Inspect today. Built, anATM*2 fifrl ri wwrt | 7tl>. AND H STS.N.E. % ice at a Sacrifice ill 0 $15,000 st Cost to fuilder. i:| IE PURCHASER SHOULD > DSOME PROFIT. jj t let the weather keep you from (jj (ilbourne and .Mount Pleasant sts. j' ence, built within five years by a i; home. It has been said by archi- :n that it is one of the best con- j -- ij ] W., Comer of 18th Street. j ! the northwest, west of 16th street, ( ; :es, nearly all of them new. No j ' . 1 -v } j and eastern exposure. It is seldom I 1 for sale. You can look the city ( > northwest corners which the own- i s the ideal situation. Bright and J ummer. 1 ing south of over 65 feet, and cement. > touring cars. rooms, upstairs kitchen, billiard room, many closets and pantries; :hout. 3, several times larger than the t about as fine as money can buy. class, economical hot-water heatsctricity; instantaneous hot-water k.Ili» HKU Unil Iff appreciate the superior construe- j ndid arrangement, you must go one will secure a bargain. 142 New York Avenue. :TB»Masa' Abe Martin Says: You kin git ;t fair idea of how long some fellers have been in society by ther dress suits. Who remembers when we used t' go all winter without lettuce an' sody water? I Seventeen dif- j ferent varieties ( of Turkish ViiTl tobaccos are used in ing MURAD Cigarettes. ^M I Makrrr of the ffiJh J j ^£# Grade Turkish 1 0 * a Ea VP tian H Cigarette in the " I I ITortf. ill «2» ,*v | Buy a Real House. £ $ ONE WITH A BACK BUILDING, 4" T 4 rooms on first floor, with 2 «&» X bathrooms. 4. A Two (2> stairways. J* Hot-water heat. % T All hardwood trim. Hardwood -!» ¥ polished lloors over entire house. «r X 2 stories. Cellar under entire v «§» house. All this for $7,200. «r If IN THE 3100 BLOCK ON ISth ST. 2! % BETWEEN KEN YON AND «f K1LBOUKNE. X | STONE & FAIRFAX, | $ 13+2 New York Ave. V *¥-* LEGAL N0TICES~ OEO. C. CEKTMAVIItontr. SPPRBME C<"H RT i >K T1IB DISTRICT uF C*V 'unibla. Holding 1'robatu <'«Hirt.- V\ "1 tV!. Administra is :<» giv.- noti.-«*. Tbut ii» » rubsori tiers. of I ho state «»! Virginia. ha*< tained from tbo l'r«.bat«> Court of tie Hist riot of < V»luuit>ia letters <>f Hcltoiui.-*ration ou tlio <-a o of .Tames O. Uollcr, late ot i.«- 1 Met riot of <n lumhiu. dO'-eapo.i. All persons having riaijiw against tho deceased uro hereby narne<l to evhfl'it the same, with the xoiiohers thereof. b-caJi? ailtbentieatod. to tho aub>«*rther?. on .t 0 th«- tth day of February, A.l». full*.: otherwise they may by law be exelud«*d from all benefit of said I'stab". <«lvon under our hands thr« t*h day of February. 101CEO. s lt« >EI.HK. .1AMEf- M KIXCliEEOE, -are lie,,. i.;er:man. 411' *»:!> * ii.w. iSeal.1 Attest: .1 AMES TANMilt, K. glster of Wills for tho Distri-t of Columbia. Clork of the ["rotate Court. hj.KJi ~ HAHIiV F. KKAMKUY, Attorney. SITRKME CoFItT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbi Holding Probate <«»urt. N iMibRi, Administrat This is t«» give notb'« That the su'weriber. of the I »l«=Trf«-t of Columbia. i.a* oh tained from the Probate Court of the l»isiri<-r of I'oluuibia loiters of adniinis ration .»u tin- estate of Eileen i;. Hogan. xiinetimes known as H- leu II. Ilogan and Ellen Ilogan. late of the I»i*trie of Columbia. deeeased. All persons haviug «luinis against the dooens'sl :ir«* hereby warned t«» Libit the vain", with the u hers thereol. legally" authenticated. to tin' sub^.-riber. .>h or before the 11 tli day of January. .\.i». otherwise they may by law ho excluded from all benefit of sai estate. Given uu«tcr ur* haml t'.i! 4th dav of February. l?»15. HARRY F. KKVNlJiY. .ohm bian building:. ^eai.) Attest: IAUES TANNER. Hoiristor <if Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. feb.lH.'J3_ BRA\DEI BI R(. Jt BRA\DE\BtK<.. Attorney*. IN TI1E FFPRF.ME COt'KT OF TUP. DISTRICT of Columbia..v. S to t.jc use «.f T'.. I*. Sturtavant Co.. vs. .^rrhur Cowsill nv.d .'out":western Surety Insurance Oo.--.xo. 574HH Law. -Pursuaa' to the r-.(juiirnients of the « ?< Conprrpss. no tice is hereby privetj r.> all red:t«. - the <ie fendart Arthur Con-sill. ;::d'V t; extract be tween tie- T'nited S?at«-s and thsaid defendant Arthur O.w.-iil «uiui t.he e< defendant as hi- surety for work in<id-nt to furnishing and installing i'?e heating. lighting and plum. -i:ig sy-teins at tinNew Foundry l>u tiding at the Navy Yard. Wash ington. I>. c.. that the above acti-.u has \wa instituted upon the bond ..f the defendant .-on tractor, and Ms fuj ty, and t at any reditor m»y tile fate claim In c is action and be made a party herein as in said a- ts of Congress provid-d. B. the court this 4»»- day of February. I:il5. WEN DERI. I\ STAFFORD. Justice. (Seal.) A true ropv.Test: J K. Y« »I*NG. Clerk 1' FRED 0. IVCONNEI.E. Asst. Clerk. fe4-d.SA:!.-»l."lt ( ORDOA a GORDON, Attorney*. SFPREMK rOI'ET OF THE DISTRICT OP Columbia. Hold!tic Probate Court. Estate ..f Florence Ivinc. deceased. -No. lm Admin'-trut ion Docket 50. AppU atlon having be. made herein for probat of tie- -r will an! testament of said deei-ascd. and ' letters t«-tamentar on said estate, by W am Kmc. It is ordeked this I'D til day «f .'am.n.t A D. ID!5. that Ferdinand M. King. Charles Kinc. Evan Sample King:, infant, and Evan SampbKing, mother and custodian of said Infant: and any unknown heirs at law and next of kiu «>f Florence Kiug, and all othrrs .concerned, ap pear in said court on Mondry. tl:e ir»th d-<of March, A. D. 1015, at Jo o'clock a.m., to siiow cause why such application should no- on gra;jie«i. L>e: nonce uciwi jiuuii^uru m tbe Washington Law Reporter i.«l The Evening Star newspaper once iu each of three successive weeks l»efore the return day he: eh: mentioned the first publication to be not t!:.m Tiiirt' lay.- before said return day. SIPDoNS. fn.-tl.v. At:-.; .1A .' ! K.S TANNER, Itecioi.;>f Wills for the Distrlt of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. 1'» GKOBGC P. GKRTMAV Attorney. supreme r.>ri:r o" rm: district «»r «"»luin' Holding Probate \o. 21422. Ad niuibtr.ition..Tins is to git- That re subscribers. of x: slate f Maryluud. hav- «» tained from the Probate Court .r the District of Columbia letters of admlnistration on tbe estate >f Catharlue B. Mace. late of the District of » umMa. diseased. AH persons Laving claim* tjrainst tee deceased an- hcrenv warned t.> \ ilblf ti)e same, with the vouchers thereof, legally lUtli'Hjtlcated, to the subscribers. ou or lu-l'c. :he 2S:.h day of January. A.D. IWIb: ofh-'rwi-. :bey may by law be excluded fr«»iu all le-ueSt ifild estate. Clvea under <>ur t.m.Ls 1 his LM!: «l»> »f Jairtarr. HM5. I'llAN K MA«'E. Jr.; VHII.E!. i. B AN V1LI.E. Plad -nsbur-. Md. tSeai.t At e fAMF.s TANNER, ltegJst? f W ills f.u the 'i»riet of Colambi'a, Clerk of the Prolane Court. tV2.'.>. 1 PROPOSALS. NuTii't; TO <'oM R At' Aitin PRO oshIs for furnishing materials and building a ourtboase at Prince Frederick. Md.. will !»< v eived and opened l<v the buildiue committee at 2 o'clock noon on Saturday. March t>. v ertirted cheek for ?r>00. payatde to Wesley ibemwclJ. treasurer of the committee, shall be Dclosed in a sealed envelope with each hid inh sent <-r delivered to the clerk of the counfy oniuilsslooers of Calvert county at or before *00 fnrio wt«iui.itc iimrLpii "Pronosjil*, for court louse." to be by Iiim delivered to the building onimlttee at the time ^necMed. Plans and spe«-iilatlons for the buildiuj: and necessary jnformaion may be obtained fr<>in th-> architect. T. Cent Roberts. 1)24 17th street n.w.. Washington. >. C.. or front the secretary «*f the eoaitnlttee. 'rinoe Frederick. .\ld- Cheeks of uUMjeeesH'i:! fdflcrs will be returned upon the rejection ads. The successful bidder Mill lie required Ive bond and comply witli the acts of the ^lira] assembly, chapter 43»;. session 1914. 't he nimnlttee is authorised to reject any or all bid-. HOMAS PARRAN. Chairman P.uJldlng Comultiee. J. Rriscoe Buutluj, Secretary. Prince Frederick. Md. ^ feu.9.12.18-41

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Page 1: REVELOFNATIONS SPI Abe Says: ATFRENITSOIREEcabaret, carnival and costume bai given by the Washington Society o Beaux Arts Architects, assisted by th other artistic organizations-of


*r». re«juc*t"*l to meet in Grand I>idgc room.I^thlan Temple. at * o'clock tliistomake arrangements for the funeral of our latabrother, oRLA.VDO A. B'XXTH.

# r J. l'BCKHASr. C. C.T>. T. BROWN. K T>. A S.

APPRECIATE THE WORK YOUR WIFE IS DOtu?h*» kitchen l»y trleing ber a new onepfwbitc ?natnelo«| sink. I'>a*ed to fumlnh?«»:i with estimate. FREDERICK STEI.ZKlt.S1?t litis f*t. n.w. Pbone Co!. Plumb

nj,Tinning and Heating economically acmplipbed.

IIEKMAA BA1 SftiiKTEN COMPANY. INC..H::i» Sicns. Odd Mass L~ Iters.TIui»-~ S'amp--. Seals. stencils.

'.It- and H srp. '!»!.. M. .'lOT;. only sto.e.

i PLIGHT I'IANM.S TL.NCD AM> usr.. 51 it'.OUl Reliable Expert.

Drop postal. L. LAUSCN*.So. far. av®. &. Ph. L. 1G95.

M: ;.\MZED TN 1S83. THE HOME BUIU»ING\ <*!arion has helped f<ou*ands to secure

am] safely invest their earnings. Let* you. 1i. E. flanghton. Pres. S.

Tax'or and Wrn. T. GalUher. Vice Presidents:I M. Woodward. Sec.. 723 20th st. n.w.; E.s. Wevotl, Tr»*Hs. RmYT Pcnna. ivr. n.w.Write. pi:one or call for tin.* 31st annual rop rt.

RAINPROOF ROOFS.The rHiedil expert- can n>t only d-- your work

qui'kly ai;.i tii<-roughly, but know h w to tnakeI reasonable -barge.T|>nx 1- S!ii:i»i'./r.27 !«>::c Pi.. M. ::M.

SHKRWGOb LYE WiUSKFA. MELVALE KYtW iskov. f-;"i -iuarts. cents. d'reet ' otnomlod warehouse.

TOp.TAS I'.', S1I. UHl'J E >t. n.w.



<1>» W. LINK INS. 1714 PA. AYE': TS A I.^> I 1A N S TN SI RANT E.

I P. KENT-VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES: ENire 3rd floor « f The Evening Star building:

12 communicating room*: may be arranged ;n

eparatc suites < - single rooms, or as a whole.Ypply BUSINESS MA NAG Eli. The EveningStar. 11th and Penn. ave.


I in as Near Y'ou as Your Telephone.ROBERT WALDRON.Carpenter ami BnMder.Ph"Dc Columbia i357-.F.

~>KE: IK P.AGs l oi; $1 ALsO COAL WOODar-1 Ice delivered to any part of <-Itv. No.a go for putting away. .1. ,T. HCA.W, oiv

1»Pb st. sat. Phone Main 1743.WvPt' II S PTANo IlttL'SB OFFERS A LARGE-;o k of pianos for rent: rent applied if purha*;e»l. S'licier. Lauter. Einc.-on atid Worcb

piano-players. 1110 G. Vietrolas nod records.

""PI T M I M V Th* ingenuity of tills for<*ol L^k Ai l> l-> v». ,ontributes to lowering the

barge.M\riU«-F. T. Q)1 BELT. H21 V st. Ph. NT. 3016-7.


Delbatc expressions of sense and sentiment.7r".- ca^y to select from such a stock, for It'swell balanced as to price and selection.t^fonsult ns al>out Stationery that is ingood form."*


Can have first-c>as« guaranreodROOF WORK at

n reasonable' f>rVe b'y' call-'inz up the ROOFINGEXPERTS.


Gyafton&§on,inc->BUSY DAYS AHEAD

for the wide-awake business men who employ..laiity printing. In h biz 1<wh like this there'salways w»n:ei><>dy who -^n be interested in yourproposition. Let us*talk-priming 4o you?

Judd <& DetweiSer, Inc.,THE RIG PRINT SHOP. 420-422 11th.

You Can't BeatBARKER'S

Prices on MMIwork.640 NEW YORK AVE


Vaiilierpfrirpesc.' t .«»»»v <* -r *v»*

-^here it' you want bestcorrect choice. Man v exclusiveSOCIAL..engraving novelties at all prices.

Step in today.Win. Baiilantyme & Sons,Btatiosers. 14Q9 F St. Booksellers.

PAEWT FOR ALLrr&i.^ i purposes

To® beet Wax ard tbe best Varnishfor the Floors. What to use and how?A»k ue.

ANDREWS,WTXDOW finest Window Shad«f.

lowest faetOTT pricee.^TT A.;T*)'P"v Expert hanger*.

* i I^ai-e Shades a sjicc-ialty.The Shade Shop, {?.?.? "^O-f AT T F n cheap people Fay

^ * their bills promptly vrbentheir work is properly done. That's why we are

plugging especially for th»*lr plumbing, tinningand b'atlng. 3207 14tb, opposite the Arcade.«\>1. 155.



M. LeROY GOFF.H*h floor. Woodward bldg. Phone M. 8510.

Remember, we have a

B i g Modern OpticalFactory on the Premises.

We Will Make Your" Eyeglasses to Order.

',1 A fl t-'ipcp OPTICAL CO..i-llo 4 L i. .(514 9tb st.

I NEVER DISAPPOINT."Ask for More Business.



I bs*«- opened * branch real yard at Mr. B. L.Simpson's former <tand.

ft4S PA. AVE. SOUTHEAST.Where I will always hav*« «»o hand a etock of

theCOAL ANO WOOD. ALSO BUILDING MATERIALOF ALL KINDS.! will be glad to have you call and examine my

t-fk be'nre purchr»-dn*r.S. M. FRAZIER.

Commercial Bodies forFord Cars.

Largest Stork. Variety of Styles.Tx>vre*t Price®.

S. J MEEK*' SONS. ft23 G at. M. 21P8.

VALENTINES,Dainty card* in envelopes, ranging In price fromto i55<\ Also a selected line of Post Cards.

National Remembrance Shop,14n> ST. AND PA. AVE. Opposite Wlilard.


Erery >ob persona ly supervised and guaranteed

TlHes & Cabinet Mantels.The beat examples to be seen.We feature Repairs.

KPWXN g EUim'. llOg 9*h at Ph. N. 7328


Red Ash $7 28 Pc« $8 40White Aeh $7.00 Kg* $8.78

Subject ta* weather aad destination.

C. M. EDWARDS,>j39 7th St. u.w. Phone North 852.THE BURNING QUESTION?

We tuswrr ! rljrbt.J. M. PEAKE &. SON,

MO N. Y. a**. d.w. Pb. M. 14S4.

CHXJBCH NOTICES.t'.utri'oatai Church of the Nncarrae,

PKNTEX'OSTAI. CHURCH OP THB^aurem La* !AUZ*-<J It* place of Worship tof Lewi* H*l!. 15015 14th St. n.w basingi'-a»»-d r:.1* Lai! from the Gospel Tabernaclefor Tuewlay nights. for Its regular service* at7 :8Q p.a.


Mitf. J. E MAI.TBT. KEN'*IS 8LDG 11thsod G n.w.. Itoom 406. Meetings W«d. andFrl. 7:20 p.m.; a message to each. Dailyiadtnsrs a.m. to 5:30 PLone M. 8648.

IIAVE AN INTBKVIEW WITH KKB1.BH. MOSTo<>ted slate writer in th« world. Daily duringFebruary ouly. 1382 ParksrooU place. 14th Phony Columbia 2270. 10*_The will of Alexander Cameron, tobaccomanufacturer, filed for probate

at Richmond, Va.. leaves an estate appraisedat $1,100,000, to be dividedaxnonic eight children. He left a homeand $5,000 a year to his widow.


"Rue des Beaux Arts" a Seenof Riotous Color and AnimatedLife.


Fete to Benefit Families of ArtistWho Are on the Battle

Lines in Europe.

A new street, one not included in tlioriginal plan of the city, was opened iWashington last night. It is called tl'Rue des Beaux Arts," and runs th

length of the large ballroom of the \Vilard Hotel. No thoroughfare of tliNational Capital, even. at. inauguratiotime, ever involved, such traffic problemas faced the corps of cutlass-bearingendarmes, or. more properly, "gardes dchampetre," to whom was delegated tlitask of keeping in motion the crowds thathronged it. » . >

Gendarmes? .Surely, for the street irot "Washington, but Paris itself, transferred for two nights only to the usuallsedate District of Columbia. Not the Pariof the broad boulevards and imposinbuildings, but the Paris of the outskirtsin festal array* for high carnival. Hencthe presence of the "garde de champetre,whose duty it is in France to keepkindly but restraining eye on the countrfairs.These guards svefQ the members p

the committee in charge of the bi|cabaret, carnival and costume baigiven by the Washington Society oBeaux Arts Architects, assisted by thother artistic organizations-of the citjfor the benefit of the families of thFrench soldier-artists now fighting iithe trenches, and summed up uncLethe title of "une soiree artiStique."

Tables Flanked "Street."Dozens of tables flanked the narrow

"street," and the intertwining treeoverhead" tvere represented by a* 'sbliibower of greenery frqm whiclmyriads of lanterns gave downmellow light. The uprights that playe*the-parts *of the slender trunks of-th'poplars of France were wound in blacland white spirals: black 'and whithangings draped the boxes that ran iirows 011 each side of the room, uehimand - above* the tables. Yellow* -frorhung from branches and was pyramid! ed on the tops of standards, and th'whole effect of black, white and sofyellow was impressive in the extremeA throng of hundreds of merrymakeri

of both sexes sat at ease and atedrank and smoked or surged througlthe street proper. The much-vaunte<democracy of France received a tellinjconfirmation, for princes of the Jxloodchurchmen, duehessev and^high official;of every period of French history

ftv wYmktiit- ASmif

4f % -' ji* * 4 iw V'vi!

9 /


fraternized and frolicked with art students, enlisted men, artisans am

I clowns. All attendants were expectedto appear in fancy dress and, with fevexceptions, did so. The majority woncostumes appropriate to some perio<of France or to her dependencies, buevery nation on earth had its representatives.

Scene of Riotous Color.More than 5G1 of Washington's raos

prominent residents, together witlmany out-of-town visitors, attended a;

guests or participated in the variet"divertissements" offered. The seemfrom the balcony above the entranocan be described only by the won

"kaleidoscopic," but that word is inadequate. It was a riot of color and ;

whirl of motion.Cardinal Kichelieu hobnobbed witl

Joan of Arc, and Francois Villon wa

hailfellow with those nis poems na<libeled. The French costumes ran mostlv to the national tricolor or the startling black and white of the carnivacharacters of Harlequin, Pierrot an<Columbine, and included army officer?court ladles. Watteau shepherdessesmonks, "couriers du bols," all sorts oLatin Quarter types, Algerians, crusaders. "Incroyables" of the directolrebishops, mandarins from Cochin Chinaclowns of both sexes and dozens oOther types.

Besides these, there was hardlycountry, a climate, warm or cold, oa period unrepresented. Cossack:Spaniards, orientals of all varietiesHighlanders, sailors. Jockeys, Hollanders. red-coated British subalterns, Tyroleans and people of bygone racepassed to and fro. And, in additlorthere were Innumerable beautiful effects representing searons, flowers aninanimate objects. No one persocould be sure he or she had even see;all the costumes present, not to mentlon retaining the impression they ereated or the details in which they werworked out. Particularly itnpresslvwere a number of Chinese garbs, ineluding one most perfect example ofbeautiful and stately young Manchurian woman of high degree witspreading headdress and harmonioushades of blue brocades and embroidered Chinese footgear. Another waan ancient Egyptian lady, looking a

SPIJ l,_v


s jl

I EbIK5 _tn f73cnr

if she ipight have stepped from a Luxors fresco. A third was that representing3- a* Christmas- tree* w4tli glowing lightsk from top of evergreen headdress to

hem of skirt. Several of the medievala garbs were not only beautiful, but hlsitorically correct to the last detail.e. All members .of- . the . committee in£ charge, as representatives of authority,

wore gendarmes' cocked hats, bluen tunics, white trousers and carried cutilasses. *

* "Dispute of the Muses."*a The guests were in their places at

9:30 o'clock and supper began to 1 e

g. served, .shortly. . afterward.. An hour, later the curtain rose at the stage at

J the end of tli,e street for Mrs. Christianr Hemmick's classic idyll, "The Dispute' of .the. Mjus£sj,'; presented, as in thes period of lirst empire, under the aus

'pices of the Washington Center of the

^ rag)ii:-EWZ.-. vfvflP-y v- _


- Drama League of America. The pro1logue was given by Mrs. Brown, forJinerdly Miss Izetta Jewel; the scenesv were Olympus and Earth; the music* was played by a woman's orchestra ini! Greek costumes and by Miss O'Toole,1 harpist. Scenery, costumes and inci*dental dances were alike effective,

correct and harmonious.The cast was as follows:Eterpe (Muse of Lyric Song), Miss

t Gretchcu Muelhausen; Juno 'OlympianQueen), Miss Hitchcock; Iris, Mrs.Arnistead Davis: Euphrosyne, Miss

s Britton; Aglala, Miss O'Gorman; Thalia,* Miss Downing; Ganymedes, Miss Birch;e Clio (Muse of History), Miss C. Biddlee Porter; Exato (Muse of Love Poetry),j Mrs. Burton; Calliope (Muse of Epic

Poetry», Mrs. Charles Johnson; Melpo*meue (Muse of Tragedy), Miss Juliette

* Janirt; Polyhymnia (Muse of SacredPoetry), Miss Hazel MacKaye; Urania

h (Muse of Astronomy), Miss Biddle PorHter; Thalia (Muse of Comedy), Miss^ O'Gorman; Terpsichore (Muse of the

Dance), Miss Mildred Anderson: Miner*v:t (Goddess of Wisdom), Mrs. Ward1 Brown; Attendant. Mrs. Huntington* Jackson: Mercury (Messenger of the5» Gods). Highland Kuhn; Orpjieus, Mr.)» Drntiiarn- Pfimonft. Miss Anderson-* Pygmalion, Milton Bryan; Galatea, Miss"j Davidson; Croacale (Diana's nymph;,

Miss Effie Baker; Wood Nymphs. Miss-'i es Hotrhkiss, Hawks, Keen, Kerr and

the Misses Schmidt.

a. Assisting- in, Assisting Mrs. Hemmick as stage* managers were Morven Thompson and

Robert Eilmore. The dances were

g planned by Miss Baker and Miss Ani,derson and the scenery and lighting- were the result of the labors of Howdard Greenley and Ba'ssett Jones.

[J Of the several airs sung by Mile.Yvonne de Treville of the Opera Com-ique, Paris, and the Theater de la Monenaie, Brussels, a "Chanson Proveneale"

e met with special favor. The art steappeared in an 1830 eosturtie, as did her

a accompanist. Miss Velma Sharp. Bonis- Lombard, composer of one of the selechtions surtg, appeared at the piano ons that occasion.I- Following this act appeared exisponents in costume of the modern3 d^Rces. the maxixe, fox trot and Ar-



;*' *p§|Kl' 1 ,-?^Bfe-«» She!

vj^t 1

,f«*' %*i\3

pontine tango. Then came an inter- ^mission and promenade and, during the <Last courses of the supper, the vaude- iville and carnival surprise "divertisse- -

raents" incident to "The Revels of the sArt Students," under the direction of 1P. W. Evans and George A. Bentlev. IThe street tilled up with a laughing, i Idancing mob of young men and worn- 1

en, professional and amateur, and ona platform representing the entrance cto the famous "Bal Bullier" of Paris Ccame a bewildering succession of cos- 3tume dances, art competitions and solo 3and street singing. People wandered 3from their tables and mingled with the Cperformers, confetti made its inevita- 3bio appearance, and high carnival areigned for ihe remainder of the night. IThe orchestra was transferred to thesmaller ballroom arid general dating Ioccupied the hours until breakfast was a

served. IThe performances of last evening and F

tonight are for the benefit of the families 1

t ARTIST I SUE-of the French artists tn recognition of athe services to American art students bythe French Beaux Arts Society. GeorgeOakley Totten, jr., is chairman of thecommittee in charge, other members ofwhich are Frederick H. Brooke, J. Henride Sibour, Edward C. Dean, Irving C. IMoller, Charles Morris, Fred V. Murphy tand Nathan C. Wyeth. They have been 11assisted by A. L. Harris, representing *

the Washington Chapter of the Ameri- |can Institute of Architects; BedfordBrown, representing the WashingtonArchitectural Club, and Paul Bartlett,representing the Society of WashingtonArtists. "

The effect gained for the tv/o perform- *(ances is the work of lengthy and care- 1ful study and collaboration on the part 2of ail. 2The patronesses of the presentations ?

of last night and the on© for tonight, }which will be as nearly identical as it is ^possible to make it with a different listof box and table holders, are:Mrs. Larz Anderson, Mrs. Paul Bart- -jlett, Mrs. Truxton Beale, Mrs. Al-^ yexander Graham Bell, Mrs. Perry' jBelmone, Mrs. Gist Blair, Mrs. Wood- 7

bury Blair, Mrs. E. W. Bonnaffon, Mrs. 7F. H. Brooke, Mrs. Mandeville Car- 7lisle, Mrs. T. M. Chatard, Mrs. Richard- -:tson Clover. Mrs. Murray Cobb, Viconi- £tesse Henri de Sibour, Mrs. William F.Draper, Mrs. Stephen B. Elfcins, Mine.Ekengren. Mrs. George Eustis, Mrs. iThomas Ew'ng, Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock. \Mrs. Marshall Field, Mrs. Duncan U. 3Fletcher, Mrs. T. T. Gaif, Mrs. A. P. 3Gardner, Mrs. Peter Gerry, Mrs. Fres- 7ton Gibson, Mrs. John A. Gibbons. MissAmaryllis Gillctt, Mrs. C. C. Glover. 3Mrs. A. L. Harris. Mrs. Christian D.Hemmick, Mrs. J. H. Henderson. Mrs. iW. B. Hibbs. Mrs. K. S. R. Mitt, Mrs. =;George Howard, Mrs. Walter Bruce 2Howe, Mrs. Hennen Jennings.- Mrs. gThomas Laugh!in, Mrs. Arthur Lee, r

Mrs. Joseph Leiter, Mrs. J. II. Lewis,Mrs. Robert T. Lincoln, Mrs. LouisLombard, Mrs. I. T. Mann, Mrs. CharlesL. McCawley, Mrs. Robert MeCormick,Mrs. A. G. McClintock. Mrs. E. A.Mitchell. Mrs. F. P. Mitchell. Mrs. A. C.Miller, Mrs. Clarence Moore, Mrs. IrvingO. Mojler, Mrs. Charles Morris, Mrs.Henry T. Oxnard, Mrs. L. Waller Page,Mrs. John Burton Payne, Mrs. Paul S.Pearsall, Mrs. H. C. Perkins, Mrs. MahlonPitney. Mrs. J. Henry Purdy. Mrs.Howard Reeside, ilme. do Riano, Mrs.1


%»r' Tr

I^Pv^E.^^^7^ aitMBK..j^t .^re&*»* & ^^ H^E?**rK

a- yb-^i ^K^|

*' WSER&-;: vlfll^^^^^^Bl&*i'-;; -< *^>RHR

William A. Slater, Mrs. Henry B. Spender,Mrs. Samuel Spencer, Mrs. E. A.Swift, Mrs. Robert M. Thompson. Miss\da S. Totten, Mrs. Lawrence Town?end,Mrs. Wolcott Tuckerman. Mrs.-larold Walker. Mrs. Thomas Walsh,Mrs. Horace Westcott, Mrs. J. J. White,VIrs. John F. Wilkins, Mrs. ClarenceA'ilson and Mrs. Nathan C. Wyeth.Those who entertained at boxes inludedMrs. Thomas H. Ewing. Mrs."larence Moore, Miss Martha Codman,Irs. James Carroll Frazer, Mrs. E. A.lansfield. Mrs. William F. Draper, Mrs.lackey Smith. Mrs. Joseph Letter. Mrs.'harles Fowler, Miss M. C. Codman,-Irs. Clarence Moore, Mrs. J. A. Johnon.Mrs. Arrfold Hague, Mrs. MarshallHeld and Mrs. Pendleton.Table holders included Mrs. Robert T.-incolp. Miss Amaryllis Gillett, Mr.ind Mrs. Nathan Wyeth, Mr. and Mrs.>ouis Lombard, Mr.- and Mrs. PaulMartlet t, Judge and Mrs. Sydney Balou,Mr. and Mrs. George X. McLana*

IJ 1

%*<pi if*


7 r

rheWashington-Maryland. Sanitarium Company>eslres to announce tbat they bare aecared tbaeaqtlfnl Sparring estate at Silver Spring, Maryand,"aud have converted it Into a santtarium,rirb the twilight V.»he' remedies to* 'RelforfciLCOliOL and MORPHINE ADDICTS.

Sanitarium phoae, Woodsido 60S.Washington Office, 1622 H at. n.w.

-Phone-Main 3660.

'i Open every clay until dark.;« Easy terms. Take 9th st. cars to[; 0^2 >Taylor st. n.w. Licensed>- brokers authorised to sell. %

v£ Middaugh & Shannon, Inc. ^£ "No Place Lite- Home; »Ne Home Like Our»."*j£

Delicate Childrenusually only need a food tonic to makethem strong and healthy

00 Olive OilJVgSSsS Emulsioncontaining Hypovhotphxtcs

ib not only the best food tonic but ispleasant to take. Sold only by us.

O'Dotnell's Drug Stores*


S *

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|^BraK^^v ' '''*' ywRHEgsR*^^^ ^flr ^ ;'

Hffi&v M^BB ByaHR glS Kft^flv- ^


han, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gibson,Lieut, and Mrs. Philip Sheridan, Capt.Theodore J. Baldwin, jr.: Gen. and Mrs.George Barnett, Miss Mary Lloyd Andrews,Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hitter,Viconptesse J. Henri de Sibour, J. H.Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. William Littauer,Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. andMrs. Perry Belmont, Mr. and" Mrs.Beale H. Howard, Rear Admiral andMrs. Clover, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Downing,Miss Grace Lincoln Temple,Miss Ada S. Totten, Mrs. MarshallField, Mrs. Jarvis, Horace Westcott,James F. Kelly, Miss ElizabethPatterson, Mrs. N. Evans, CommanderC. T. Jewell, Mrs. G. F. Whiting,Mrs. H. B. Spencer, J. J. Hodgers.Miss Klbbey, Reed Johnson, Mrs. Ely,Mrs- W. A. Slater. Mrs. Dorst, Mrs. C.G. Sawtelle, Maj. J. H. Russell. WalterTuckermann, Mrs. Alexander GrahamBell, Fred Murphy, Victor Cushman,Mrs. John Gibbons. Mrs. I. T.Mann, E. F. Andrews, Lieut. CommanderJ. Blair Gilmer, Lrving Moller, FredH. Brooke, E. O. Dean, Mrs. Theodore

IMT. PLEAS;| 1836, 1838 and 18'| Biggest Bargains Ever

rrice,'{ Small Cash PaymentOpen,Lighted and Hez

To inapect: Take auy P St. car markiY one aquare went and one aauare nortl


Houses hare beautiful colonial porch, grayfinish of hardwood throughout. Hardwood fio

> with window, side-oven gas ranire. hot#water h» double porches In rear. Big lots to paved air

owned and for sale exclusively by

% 1314 FST.N.W orjl >. .<wVW^V\%"**VyVVVVVVVV% vvVV% V

This Fine Resides| .Reduced i

j Less Than Half FirPRICE SO LOW THAT TP

REALIZE A HANOpen for inspection. Do noi

seeing it. Take Conn. ave. cars to Iv This magnificent corner resid

well known business man for histects, builders and real estate mestructed houses in the city.

No. 1801 Kenyon Street N,Situated in a choice section of

surrounded by attractive residentobjectionable surroundings.

A northwest corner, southernthat a northwest corner is offeret

j over and you will find few, if any, i! ers are willing to part with. It is

sunny in the winter: cool in the sThe house has a frontage facWide porches of stone, brickA garage to accommodate twcThe house contains twelve

;j room, laundry and children's playI solid oak trim and flooring througj Three magnificent bathroom:

average bathroom.i Plumbing and fixtures are jusf The house is heated by a first)ing plant; lighted with gas and elcjj! heater; metal weather strips, screi

jf\ Do not fail to inspect it. To,'j tion, beautiful situation and sple

( through it from top to bottom.I It must be disposed of. Some

I STONE & FAIRFAX, 1isSgg=Ssasa?ir ms-:^:gss=gs=


L Vv-y ^B|M he ^k


W. Baldwin, Edward Mitchell, L. P.Clephane, Arthur Addison, Mrs. HennenJennings, Mrs. Reeve Lewis, C. C.Glover and Mrs. Arthur Lee.Among the artists, professional and

amateur, who assisted in the long andvaried program were": Roland R. Rodrick,James K. Young. J. Beaucaire S.Washburn, Miss Mabel Fairfax, ChristianRoeters, Miss Ritchie McLean. MissEdith Spoftord, Walter T. Holt, MissMabel E. Roberts. "Baby Ann." MissMabel Galleher, Miss Franc Galleher.Miss Estelle Murray, Mrs. C. R. Wentz,Miss Gretchen Hood, Geoi^ge II. O'Connor.Arthur B. Pierce, J. Frank Duggan,William A. Morsel!. Mrs. AnnaBrett Suraray, Felix Mahony, WoodCowan, Hugh Hennesy, Arthur Baer,I. Hoyt Yoemuns, James A. White, jr.;N'iles Bryant, Arthur M. McCreigh. WalterMarr, Dufour Brown, Byron Blodgettand M. E. Kahn.iThe program of performance tonightis to be an exact repetition and thetime is the same, 9:30 o'clock.

\NT HOMES 110 Mnnrnp Si. N W !'» V AIAVUB VV Al* f* * ,%

Offered in This Section !

$5,350.Balance Like Rent ;|*ited Until 9 RM. Da% ^

ppiii® I:'

< u

IiSt: ij |1rd Mt. Pleasant to I'ark Road.Walk *f

ti. or phone for our free auto service. VREEK PARK ALMOST iR DOOR :|:brick fronts, with stone trimmings. Interior j

irs. tile bath, six big sunny rooms, large uantry *jj*ieat, laundry, servant's toilet, ele trie Ilg.its, Vey. Room for garage. Inspect today. Built,

anATM*2fifrlri wwrt |7tl>.AND H STS.N.E. %

ice at a Sacrifice ill0 $15,000st Cost to fuilder. i:|IE PURCHASER SHOULD >

DSOME PROFIT. jjt let the weather keep you from (jj(ilbourne and .Mount Pleasant sts. j'ence, built within five years by a i;home. It has been said by archi-:n that it is one of the best con- j

-- ij ]W., Comer of 18th Street. j !the northwest, west of 16th street, ( ;

:es, nearly all of them new. No j '

. 1 -v } jand eastern exposure. It is seldom I1 for sale. You can look the city ( >

northwest corners which the own- is the ideal situation. Bright and Jummer. 1

ing south of over 65 feet,and cement.> touring cars.rooms, upstairs kitchen, billiardroom, many closets and pantries;:hout.3, several times larger than the

t about as fine as money can buy.class, economical hot-water heatsctricity;instantaneous hot-waterk.Ili» HKU UnilIff

appreciate the superior construe- jndid arrangement, you must go

one will secure a bargain.

142 New York Avenue.:TB»Masa'

Abe Martin Says:

You kin git ;t fair idea of howlong some fellers have been in societyby ther dress suits.Who remembers when we used

t' go all winter without lettucean' sody water?

I Seventeen dif- jferent varieties (of Turkish ViiTltobaccos areused ining MURADCigarettes. ^M I

Makrrr of the ffiJh J j^£# Grade Turkish 10 * a Ea VP tian

H Cigarette in the"

I IITortf. ill

«2» ,*v

| Buy a Real House. £$ ONE WITH A BACK BUILDING, 4"T 4 rooms on first floor, with 2 «&»X bathrooms. 4.A Two (2> stairways.J* Hot-water heat. %T All hardwood trim. Hardwood -!»¥ polished lloors over entire house. «rX 2 stories. Cellar under entire v«§» house. All this for $7,200. «r




SPPRBME C<"H RT i >K T1IB DISTRICT uF C*V'unibla. Holding 1'robatu <'«Hirt.- V\ "1 tV!. Administration..Thl*is :<» giv.- noti.-«*. Tbut ii» »

rubsori tiers. of I ho state «»! Virginia. ha*< *»tained from tbo l'r«.bat«> Court of tie Hist riot of< V»luuit>ia letters <>f Hcltoiui.-*ration ou tlio <-a o

of .Tames O. Uollcr, late ot i.«- 1 Met riot of <nlumhiu. dO'-eapo.i. All persons having riaijiwagainst tho deceased uro hereby narne<l to evhfl'itthe same, with the xoiiohers thereof. b-caJi?ailtbentieatod. to tho aub>«*rther?. on .t 0th«- tth day of February, A.l». full*.: otherwisethey may by law be exelud«*d from all benefit ofsaid I'stab". <«lvon under our hands thr« t*h dayof February. 101CEO. s lt« >EI.HK. .1AMEf- MKIXCliEEOE, -are lie,,. i.;er:man. 411' *»:!> *ii.w. iSeal.1 Attest: .1AMES TANMilt, K. glsterof Wills for tho Distri-t of Columbia. Clork ofthe ["rotate Court. hj.KJi~

HAHIiV F. KKAMKUY, Attorney.

SITRKME CoFItT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia.Holding Probate <«»urt. N iMibRi, Administration.This is t«» give notb'« That thesu'weriber. of the I »l«=Trf«-t of Columbia. i.a* ohtained from the Probate Court of the l»isiri<-r ofI'oluuibia loiters of adniinis ration .»u tin- estateof Eileen i;. Hogan. xiinetimes known as H- leuII. Ilogan and Ellen Ilogan. late of the I»i*trieof Columbia. deeeased. All persons haviug «luinisagainst the dooens'sl :ir«* hereby warned t«»Libit the vain", with the u hers thereol. legally"authenticated. to tin' sub^.-riber. .>h or before the11 tli day of January. .\.i». otherwise theymay by law ho excluded from all benefit of saiestate. Given uu«tcr ur* haml t'.i! 4th dav ofFebruary. l?»15. HARRY F. KKVNlJiY. .ohmbian building:. ^eai.) Attest: IAUES TANNER.Hoiristor <if Wills for the District of Columbia.Clerk of the Probate Court. feb.lH.'J3_BRA\DEI BI R(. Jt BRA\DE\BtK<..


IN TI1E FFPRF.ME COt'KT OF TUP. DISTRICTof Columbia..v. S to t.jc use «.f T'.. I*. SturtavantCo.. vs. .^rrhur Cowsill nv.d .'out":western

Surety Insurance Oo.--.xo. 574HH Law. -Pursuaa'to the r-.(juiirnients of the « ?< Conprrpss. notice is hereby privetj r.> all red:t«. - the <iefendart Arthur Con-sill. ;::d'V t; extract between tie- T'nited S?at«-s and thsaid defendantArthur O.w.-iil «uiui t.he e< defendant as hi- suretyfor work in<id-nt to furnishing and installing i'?eheating. lighting and plum. -i:ig sy-teins at tinNewFoundry l>u tiding at the Navy Yard. Washington. I>. c.. that the above acti-.u has \wainstituted upon the bond ..f the defendant .-on

tractor, and Ms fuj ty, and t at any reditor m»ytile fate claim In c is action and be made a partyherein as in said a- ts of Congress provid-d. B.the court this 4»»- day of February. I:il5. WENDERI. I\ STAFFORD. Justice. (Seal.) A true

ropv.Test: J K. Y« »I*NG. Clerk 1' FRED 0.IVCONNEI.E. Asst. Clerk. fe4-d.SA:!.-»l."lt

( ORDOA a GORDON, Attorney*.

SFPREMK rOI'ET OF THE DISTRICT OPColumbia. Hold!tic Probate Court. Estate ..f

Florence Ivinc. deceased. -No. lm Admin'-trution Docket 50. AppU atlon having be.made herein for probat of tie- -r will an!testament of said deei-ascd. and ' letters t«-tamentaryon said estate, by W am Kmc. Itis ordeked this I'D til day «f .'am.n.t A D.ID!5. that Ferdinand M. King. Charles Kinc.Evan Sample King:, infant, and Evan SampbKing,mother and custodian of said Infant: andany unknown heirs at law and next of kiu «>fFlorence Kiug, and all othrrs .concerned, appear in said court on Mondry. tl:e ir»th d-<ofMarch, A. D. 1015, at Jo o'clock a.m., tosiiow cause why such application should no-on gra;jie«i. L>e: nonce uciwi jiuuii^uru m

tbe Washington Law Reporter i.«l The EveningStar newspaper once iu each of three successiveweeks l»efore the return day he: eh: mentionedthe first publication to be not >» t!:.m Tiiirt'lay.- before said return day. SIPDoNS.fn.-tl.v. At:-.; .1A .' ! K.S TANNER, Itecioi.;>fWills for the Distrlt of Columbia, Clerk ofthe Probate Court. 1'»


supreme r.>ri:r o" rm: district «»r «"»luin'd::.Holding Probate \o. 21422. Adniuibtr.ition..Tins is to git- That resubscribers. of x: slate f Maryluud. hav- «»

tained from the Probate Court .r the District ofColumbia letters of admlnistration on tbe estate>f Catharlue B. Mace. late of the District of »

umMa. diseased. AH persons Laving claim*tjrainst tee deceased an- hcrenv warned t.> \

ilblf ti)e same, with the vouchers thereof, legallylUtli'Hjtlcated, to the subscribers. ou or lu-l'c.:he 2S:.h day of January. A.D. IWIb: ofh-'rwi-.:bey may by law be excluded fr«»iu all le-ueStifild estate. Clvea under <>ur t.m.Ls 1 his LM!: «l»>»f Jairtarr. HM5. I'llANK MA«'E. Jr.; VHII.E!.i. B AN V1LI.E. Plad -nsbur-. Md. tSeai.t At e

fAMF.s TANNER, ltegJst? f W ills f.u the 'i»rietof Colambi'a, Clerk of the Prolane Court.tV2.'.>. 1

PROPOSALS.NuTii't; TO <'oM R At' PROoshIs for furnishing materials and building a

ourtboase at Prince Frederick. Md.. will !»< v

eived and opened l<v the buildiue committee at2 o'clock noon on Saturday. March t>. vertirted cheek for ?r>00. payatde to WesleyibemwclJ. treasurer of the committee, shall beDclosed in a sealed envelope with each hidinh sent <-r delivered to the clerk of the counfyoniuilsslooers of Calvert county at or before *00fnrio wt«iui.itc iimrLpii "Pronosjil*, for courtlouse." to be by Iiim delivered to the buildingonimlttee at the time ^necMed. Plans and spe«-iilatlonsfor the buildiuj: and necessary jnformaionmay be obtained fr<>in th-> architect. T.Cent Roberts. 1)24 17th street n.w.. Washington.>. C.. or front the secretary «*f the eoaitnlttee.'rinoe Frederick. .\ld- Cheeks of uUMjeeesH'i:!fdflcrs will be returned upon the rejectionads. The successful bidder Mill lie requiredIve bond and comply witli the acts of the ^lira]assembly, chapter 43»;. session 1914. 't henimnlttee is authorised to reject any or all bid-.HOMAS PARRAN. Chairman P.uJldlng Comultiee.J. Rriscoe Buutluj, Secretary. PrinceFrederick. Md. ^ feu.9.12.18-41