revelation chapters 1-4

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  • 7/30/2019 Revelation Chapters 1-4



    Christ lifted his wrist from the cup, raised it over his head in thanks, and then passed

    it over. Drink my beloved Apostles. For this is my blood of the new covenant. Drink and

    live forever.


  • 7/30/2019 Revelation Chapters 1-4


    Kellan did you hear me dammit? Simon asked.

    Kellan Donnolly looked blankly at his fathers reflection in the window. Yeah, he

    heard. You could cut off his ears and bury him in 30 feet of lead and he would have still

    heard. He turned his eyes away from Simon and resumed staring outside, leaning his

    shoulder against the jamb to watch shiny snowflakes twirl against a back drop of

    purplish-blue dusk. He sighed. Peaceful moments like these werent commonly

    associated with his kind.

    Something whizzed by Kellans ear and hit the glass in front of him. Startled, he

    whipped around, flashing a dirty look at Simon sitting in an executive high-back chair

    behind his long cherry wood desk, wadded paper ball in hand, poised and ready to hurl.

    What? Kellan asked, as if he didnt already know. Same old shit different day.

    Different century actually.

    Simon scowled and tossed the wadded paper over his shoulder. Oh, Im sorry,

    Kellan, he said in fake sympathy. Didnt mean to interrupt. You know what. He

    narrowed his eyes and reached out to pull a Cuban out of a cigar box in front of him. He

    clipped the end and threw it in a trash can beside the desk. The Apostles and I are

    concerned with your apparent lack of interest in finding the Daughter. Remember her?

    Kellan sighed. How could he forget? It had been instilled in him for a millennia.

    His destiny as Simon called it. But it wasnt always this way. It was the year 1028 in

    Dublin, Ireland when twenty-five year old Kellan converted to a life of evil, after being

    sentenced to hang for killing the man who murdered his mother, Catherine. On the eve

    of his execution, Simon came to see him, claiming he was his father. Kellan was

    surprised. His mother never revealed the identity of his father but even more surprising

    was what Simon related next. He was the Apostle Simon, damned to live as a vampire

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    along with the other Apostles for their betrayal of Christ.

    It was Christ, Himself who had bestowed the punishment, using His own blood to

    transform them into the unspeakable monsters they had become. But as with all

    punishments, there is a price. As Simons son, Kellan was part of an ancient prophecy,

    chosen to father a child by the Daughter, a woman whose blood was imperative for their


    Simon lit the cigar and puffed, still scowling at Kellan through a haze of wispy

    smoke circling his face. Kellan, as you know, the time frame for the fulfillment of the

    prophecy draws near and yet you havent searched for her for centuries. Youre not

    living up to your obligation.

    Kellan grunted. Really? And hows that my fault? For centuries we struggled just

    to survive and finding the Daughter had to wait. Humansusedto fear us, and when

    their technology and lack of faith spread, well, protecting ourselves came first.

    Simon laid the cigar in an ashtray. No one blames you, Kellan. He stood and

    held up a hand to calm him. I know youve tried. So do the others, but, He paused for

    a moment, shoulders slumped, brows knitted in a crease like something was bothering


    It was hard to believe anything couldbother Simon. At 61, he was an

    intimidating brute with broad shoulders, long arms and legs. He clasped his meaty left

    hand over his right one, nervously wiggling the huge ruby ring nestled on the middle

    finger, a ring all the Apostles brandished as a symbol of their status.

    For a split second Kellan contemplated storming out of the room. But instead, out

    of respect he asked. But what? Geez, Dad. What do I need to do?

    Simon came to and laid his palms on top of the desk. Accept your

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    responsibilities, he said, firmly. And dont give me that Ive done everything I can

    speech. Youve done nothing but fool around for centuries. Basking in the glory of

    immortality like a spoiled brat,Isay. He waved his hand up and down at Kellans body.

    For example, just look at what the hell youre wearing.

    Kellan clenched his jaw. Simon didnt understand Kellans fascination with what

    he called a misguided sense of judgment and the two argued about it on a regular basis.

    Kellan and Simon had the same dark coloring and resembled each other somewhat, but

    Kellan was an inch taller, and his eyes were brown, not blue like his fathers. Ultimately,

    though, it was his new fad emo, a title bestowed upon the sullen and emotional (hence

    the name) youth of the day which clearly separated the two. While Kellan embraced the

    new to the point of spiking his hair, coloring it bright blue or fire-engine red, wearing

    stretch bracelets on both wrists, placing leather strap necklaces around his neck and

    piercing his bottom lip with snakebites, Simon shunned anything modern. Instead, he

    preferred a more stylish approach by keeping his hair cropped short and dressing in

    lavishly tailored three-piece suits.

    To Kellan, being immortal had its advantages and he was going to live it up.

    Human females adored his emo fashion. He read their thoughts on his nightly prowls,

    and some thought he was a dead ringer for the movie star, Bryce Devereaux. Not a bad

    comparison if anyone asked him.

    Youre changing the subject, Dad. Kellan said, smugly. This isnt about my

    clothes or my hair or,

    Or those things in your face. Simon interjected and pointed to the hoops in

    Kellans bottom lip. Gah! Why did you pierce yourface? Youre a handsome man. I

    dont understand you.

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    Unwittingly, Simon just opened the door for Kellan to have some fun. And he was

    going for it. Kellan crossed his arms and leaned his upper half toward Simon. You

    know. I was thinking about getting a few tattoos. He grinned when Simons face fell in

    horror. Maybe a full sleeve or my entire back. Hey, Kellan snapped his fingers. I

    could get a full body tat like the Yakuza. Boy wouldnt that be awesome? He laughed

    when Simon pursed his lips.

    You see. Simon said. This is what Im talking about. You never take anything

    seriously. Time is running out, my boy. Lucifer knows this, so youd better get your act

    together before its too late.

    So tell me. Kellan threw his hands up. What do I do?

    Grow up, for one. Simon said, sternly. If the others see youre making an effort

    itll restore their hope.

    Kellan scoffed. Okay, Dad. Say I do manage to find the Daughter. What if she

    turns out to be an eighty year old woman? He shuddered.

    Simon groaned. Kellan dont be ridiculous. The prophecy clearly states the Daughter

    will be of child bearing age.

    Fine, but heres a news flash. I lost the lineage centuries ago. Theres no

    guarantee Ill find her quickly or at all for that matter.

    Simon nodded. True. But what else can we do? You must try and Im confident,

    one way or the other, youll find her.

    Kellan let out a snort. Well, Im glad youre optimistic. Mind telling me how

    youre so sure?

    Simon smiled and winked at him. Faith, son. I have faith.

    Kellan grinned. Touch. All right, say I find her. What happens after she

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    Simon opened his mouth and a knock on the door broke the conversation. Come

    in. He said.

    Connor, their Protector and servant opened the door. Ive completed my rounds

    and the helicopter is fueled and ready. Do you need anything else? He leaned against

    the jamb. Connor looked at both of them when he asked but Kellan knew Connor didnt

    give two shits about his needs. Ever since Simon had made Connor, he and Kellan had

    maintained a sort of love/hate relationship. Connor was okay, but he was bad about

    snitching to Simon if he thought Kellan was up to something. In his mortal life, Connor

    was a powerful man used to giving orders instead of receiving them but all that changed

    with a single bite from Simon. Once a human is bitten by a vampire a metamorphic

    change occurs, extending their lives and causing them to live in a zombie-like existence.

    But it doesnt last forever. After almost 800 years of service the change was beginning to

    take its toll on Connor and soon his life would be over.

    No thank you, Connor. Simon said. He walked to the desk, sat and turned the

    chair toward the window.

    Very well. Connor said and pushed off the door jamb. He glanced at Simons

    turned back and stuck his tongue out at Kellan, grinning when Kellan mouthedasshole

    as he closed the door.

    Kellan turned and walked to Simons desk. You hungry? He asked and sat on

    the edge.

    Simon swiveled the chair around and stubbed out the smoldering cigar butt in the

    ashtray. A little, he nodded. You?

    Yes, I woke up early to watch the snow, Kellan said, motioning to the window.

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    I love this time of year.

    Simon smiled and rose from the chair. Well, where do you want to go tonight?

    Chicago? L.A.? New York? Kellan and Simon always hunted away from home; it was

    safer and Simons Bell 222 helicopter was perfect for their nightly excursions. Not too

    big and not too small. It could easily seat six but more often than not, he and Kellan

    were the only occupants. Simon was an accomplished pilot but usually Connor flew

    them out on their feedings. But not tonight. Recently, Kellan had acquired his pilots

    license and he was chomping at the bit to test his skills.

    Lets go for L.A. Kellan said.

    L.A. it is, Simon said and brushed a piece of lint off his sleeve. He held his hand in

    mid air before going for another swipe and looked at Kellan, disdainfully. You wearing

    that? he asked, raising his brows.

    Yep, sure am. Kellan said and grinned.

    Simon sighed. All right, son. Lets go. Im famished!


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    Loud buzzing roused Nicole Erwin from a deep sleep. She rolled over and mashed

    the off button on the alarm clock, flinching when a stab of pain shot through her left

    arm. She turned it over and examined it. The tattered remnants of a Band-Aid nestled

    in the crook, pinching tiny strands of hair in a ball. A painful reminder of the torturous

    ordeal of giving blood for the first time yesterday. Damn you Mia Roundtree. She

    thought. Some best friend she was. It was her bright idea to go the Blood Mobile in the

    first place. Well that wasnt exactly true.

    Money was the real motivation. Almost a year ago, she and Mia moved to New York

    City after graduating from Bradford University with degrees in elementary education,

    thinking finding full time positions would be a breeze. After all, they were in the Mecca

    of the education world, teeming with hundreds of prestigious schools hungry for new


    And sure enough, Harbor Way Orphanage, an institution with a high reputation and

    deep Catholic roots, was accepting applications but only for part-time teachers.

    Disgruntled, not deterred, the two applied, confident full time tenures were just around

    the corner. The pay was okay, but part time pay offers part time perks. So, when Mia

    flashed a flier from The National Bloodmobile promising two hundred bucks for

    donations, Nicole thought, eh.

    Her eyes wandered lower, down to the long zigzag birthmark just below her wrist.

    She rubbed it for a moment, then held her breath and ripped the Band-Aid in the crook

    of her arm free, releasing a line of white mist when she exhaled.

    Angrily, she watched the wisp float and disappear. Great, she thought to herself.

    The radiator was out again. With a loud groan, she pushed out of the bed and ran

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    steaming cup off the kitchen table and trotted back to the bathroom. Shed just finished

    dressing and was combing her hair when the doorbell rang. Nicole sauntered down the

    hall, picking up the pace when Mias muffled voice yelled from behind the door.

    How goes it, merry sunshine? Mia teased when Nicole let her in.

    Nicole stuck out her tongue and turned, opening the flap of her tote on the kitchen


    Aw, dont be like that, Mia said, as Nicole reached elbow deep in her tote. Im

    not, Nicole said and tossed a bundle at her when she turned around.

    Mia caught it and unfolded a blood red tee shirt. It read, I saved a life today at

    the National Bloodmobile, and inserted between today and at in permanent

    marker, Nicole had scrawled and passed out in bold letters. Mia flung the shirt on the

    table and flipped the bird. Not funny, Nicole.

    Ha! Nicole laughed. Sure it is! Just thought youd like a memento to

    commemorate passing out like a puss at the Blood Mobile yesterday. Get over it. Im

    positive youre not the only person whos fainted while giving blood. Probably not the

    last either.

    Nicole crossed her arms on her chest. But you did manage to go out with a bang.

    That man on the cot beside you came to your aid like the friggin Calvary. Sheesh! You

    were batting your eyes and blubbering like a giddy school girl when you woke up. Im

    surprised you two didnt start making out right there.

    Jealous? Mia asked, grinning when Nicole gave her a go to hell look. Just

    kidding, she said and pushed her toward the door. Wed better go. Sister Francis Hell

    Cat will eat us for breakfast if were late.

    Outside, Nicole bunched her coat around her, shuffling from one foot to the other in

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    the blistering cold while Mia leaned over the sidewalk curb to hail a cab. A taxi turned

    the corner at the end of the block. Mia leaned further out, waving frantically at the

    driver. A blast of wind whipped a strand of her long blonde hair into her eyes; she

    lowered her hand and tucked it behind her ear, then cursed when the taxi rolled by

    without stopping.Nicole smiled to herself. Even when Mia was angry she was a


    The two had met their first year at Bradford and immediately hit it off. Mia, a feisty,

    outspoken city girl from Chicago, came from a well-to-do, loving family with three

    brothers and two sisters.

    Nicole, blessed with the same spunkiness was a Southern belle and grew up on a

    small farm in Coalmont, Virginia, about forty-five miles south of Richmond, the only

    child of Charles and Mary Erwin. Mary died shortly after Nicoles birth and with no

    siblings or other female influences in her life, Nicole spent most of her time alone. Her

    father, Charles didnt complain about the lack of quality time. He was odd, always sullen

    and didnt give the slightest inclination he cared for his daughter one way or the other.

    He kept no reminders of Mary. No photos or a wedding album, no clothes or family

    heirlooms, not a single imprint of her existence.But to Nicole, the absence of her

    mothers image only made her presence stronger and the vision of a beautiful woman

    with auburn hair and kind gray eyes, like hers, was permanently etched in her mind.

    Hey, wake up! Mia yelled and pulled her toward the cab.The morning commute

    was slow, coming to ten minute standstills in some places and when the cab finally

    pulled up to Harbor Way the two women scrambled inside.

    Reverend Mother Francis stood at the end of the hall, hands perched on hips, foot

    tapping and head shaking. Girls, she scolded. She straightened her wimple and tucked

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    a stray salt and pepper ringlet back underneath with a quick finger poke. How are we to

    teach our young the importance of punctuality when their teachers are tardy?

    Mia opened her mouth to say something and Nicole elbowed her in the ribs.

    Sorry, Reverend Mother, Nicole answered. Cabs were scarce this morning.

    Mother Francis deep blue eyes tapered to fine slits behind her wire-rimmed glasses.

    She pulled them down to the tip of her nose.Well, she said, burying her hands into the

    folds of her habit. There were no cabs in Jesus time, but he managed to show up and

    perform miracles.

    Yes, Reverend Mother, the two said in unison.

    Mother Francis gave a huff and a stern nod before turning on her heel and marching

    down the hall.

    I wonder if shes packing an Uzi under there, Mia said when Mother Francis was

    well out of ear shot. Nicole just chuckled and shook her head. Shed wondered that

    herself. Well, see you at lunch, Mia said, and darted to her classroom.

    At her desk, Nicole plunked her tote on the floor and sighed heavily. She was in for a

    rough week. Miss Swisher, the full-time detention monitor (warden was more like it)

    caught the flu and Mother Francis requested she take the class until Friday.

    After roll call, Nicole gave the students their assignment and took out a magazine

    from the drawer, basking in the pages of her favorite movie stars lives for the rest of the


    At lunch, she grabbed a salad and headed toward the table with the other teachers.

    Mia patted the seat next to her. I forgot to tell you, she said as Nicole scooted to the

    table. I have a date with the white knight in shining armor from the bloodmobile

    yesterday. Mia smiled, dreamily. His name is Richard, hes a lawyer and hes taking

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    me out tonight.

    Nicoles response: an annoyed sigh. Mia, you meet the weirdest men.

    Mia furrowed a brow. Wha?

    You do.

    I dont.

    Nicole stabbed at her plate. Okay, remember the man you met on the subway

    last year, Tom whats his name. Worked in pharmaceuticals?

    Mia thought a minute and winced.

    Nicole snickered. Yeah. Turned out ol Tommy boy was a drug peddler. Oh, and

    the time you went out with Julio, the international antique dealer?

    Yeech! Mia shrilled.

    Now, what happened to Julio? Nicole asked innocently and tapped her index

    finger against her chin. Oh, she slapped her forehead. Doin 5 to 10 in Altoona for

    selling forged copies of Egyptian artifacts to the British Museum of Art. Isnt he up for

    parole this year?

    Mia puckered her face and threw her napkin on the table. So? Whats your

    point? Jesus, Nicole, at least I socialize for crying out loud. You havent had a date in a

    thousand years.

    Mias face softened at Nicoles dirty look. Sorry. That was harsh. But Im

    serious. Go out more, find a dude, get laid.

    Nicole shrugged. Yeah, yeah, but I dont have time.

    Mia laughed. Ha! I can call your apartment or show up any hour of the day, and

    youre there. Lets face it, girl, you need some spice in your salsa.

    Nicole stopped jabbing her salad and turned to Mia, eyes in a blank stare. She

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    knew when she was being set up. Okay, spill it.

    Huh? Mia asked, blinking innocently like a child caught doing something


    Nicole wasnt falling for it. Shed traveled down this road too many times with

    Mia. Dont huh me!

    Mia chewed her bottom lip and nervously picked at a potato chip on her plate.

    Okay, Richard has a friend and I told him wed double.

    Nicole jumped up and grabbed her tray, making a beeline for the trashcan at the

    end of the table.

    Mia quickly followed and planted herself on the other side of the can. Listen,

    Nicole, this guys okay. Hes a lawyer, too. Albert or Alex or something. Real sweet.

    Nicole whipped her head up. Pfffft! She sputtered. And you know this how?

    Okay, I dont know the guy, Mia confessed, But Richard says hes cool. Come

    on. What harm can it do?

    Nicole arched an eyebrow. Do you really have to ask?written all over her face.

    Mia sighed a surrendering sigh. Fine, well go to a movie, out to eat, then straight

    home. Promise.

    Nicole pursed her lips and plunked her tray on the dirty dish rack beside the


    All right, she said and turned back to Mia. This one time.

    Mia jumped up and down with excitement.

    But listen, Nicole said, poking her hard on the shoulder, If this guy is a freak

    and it turns out hes an escaped mental patient from a nut hospital, Im beating the crap

    out of you.

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    Mia crossed her heart. Thanks, itll be great, she said, grinning from ear to ear.

    Dont count on it, Nicole thought and headed back to class.


    Arius, the demon scout, watched a man named Winston Defries enter the lobby of

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    the National Blood Associations corporate office from the alley across the street. He

    smiled. Theyve found her. He turned his head slightly when something slid down the

    side of his face and landed on the ground with a dull thunk. He cast his eyes down. A

    decayed, shriveled ear lay beside his shoe. Stooping over, he picked it up and threw it in

    a nearby trashcan.

    The human whose body he had taken over was decomposing. Time to discard the

    putrid mass. The bad thing about inhabiting a human was it killed them instantly, only

    the demons presence kept them functional. Unfortunately, the new form rendered their

    powers useless and deterioration set in quickly, forcing them to find another within a

    day or two.

    Arius watched the building a few more minutes before going behind a dumpster at

    the end of the alley. He placed his fingers in the center of his eyes and pushed in,

    jamming the eyeballs back into his skull. He pulled, ripping the foul smelling carcass

    away from his body hidden underneath. He kicked the shredded remains aside and

    stood up all the way. Thin arms and legs, covered in scaly green hide, lengthened as

    they stretched to their natural shape. Long talons pushed through rough skin, sprouting

    from his hands and feet; sharp ears protruded out of an elongated skull, and orange-red

    flamed eyes blinked to adjust to the sunlight. Thin lips spread over small, jagged teeth

    in a cruel smile; bat-like wings sprung from a hunched back, kicking up clouds of dust

    when they unfurled. Arius shook his body and glanced at the building one more time

    before leaping into the sky to report his findings.


    Simon and Kellan walked the crowded streets of Wilshire Boulevard, quite full from

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    feeding on their human victims. They fed on the homeless, runaways and junkies. The

    riff-raff of society no one cared about. The father and son vampire team mixed among

    the humans unafraid, blending in with the tourists and locals who were unaware two

    blood thirsty monsters lurked in their midst.

    After a few hours of hunting, Simon waved a hand at the throngs of people

    around them. Im bored with this. I think Ill do a little shopping. He turned to

    Kellan. Meet me here in one hour, he said and disappeared into the crowd.

    Kellan ambled up the street and spotted a prostitute eying him on the corner. He

    liked prostitutes. They were easy targets. The only drawback was the bitterness of

    their drug-infused blood. It left a bad taste in his mouth, causing him to cough for

    hours afterward.

    He walked over to pitch his line when a pimp came out of the back alley behind

    her. The pimp twirled her around by the arm and slapped her across the face with an

    open hand.

    Instantly the burn of Kellans vampire side quickened. His muscles stiffened, his

    breath shallowed, the urge to morph overpowering his rational senses. He closed his

    eyes and released a flow of positive energy, chanting a silent mantra to vanquish the

    flames. Yeah, hed make an example out of this dirt bag. Just not this way. Slowly,

    the burn eased. When he opened his eyes, he took a deep breath and sidled beside


    Kellan politely tapped the pimp on the shoulder and flashed a grin when he

    whipped his head around. Excuse me. Im trying to find Wilshire Hotel. Must have

    missed a turn somewhere.

    The pimp gripped the prostitutes arm tighter and turned all the way around. He

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    was tall, but no match for Kellan, who still had about two inches on him. Red-

    rimmed blood shot eyes, the color of muddy water, twitched and darted from side to

    side. The pimp swabbed his tongue over nicotine stained teeth, and then licked the

    corners of his mouth in jerked flicks. Curling his lips in a crooked grin, he backed up

    and opened the flap of his jacket, flashing the butt of a shiny 45 in his waistband.

    Seizing the opportunity, the prostitute wrenched from the pimps grip and ran

    down the street.

    He sneered as he watched her disappear around the corner, and then turned back

    to Kellan. Do I look like a fucking tour guide, man? he asked, stabbing a finger in

    Kellans chest.

    Kellan took a step back and looked him up and down. No, he said, crossing his

    arms on his chest and planting his feet in a firm stance. You look like a slick back

    wanna be punk ass with an IQ of a bag of shit who likes to pick on drugged up


    The pimp gritted his teeth and whipped the gun out. He shoved it under Kellans

    chin and pulled him into the alley. What did you say, asshole? He cocked the


    Kellan tilted his head back and closed his eyes, conjuring the beast within to

    awaken. When he opened them, he smiled and pulled the pimp close, staring into the

    pimps eyes.

    Immediately, the pupils hollowed and dilated, swallowing the dirt brown irises

    and coating the surface with a milky film. The pimp fluttered them for a moment,

    and then opened wide, submitting to Kellans power.

    Kellan leaned his face next to the pimps ear and whispered. Now, take that gun

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    out of my face, walk down the alley and blow your brains out.

    The pimp obediently retracted the hammer and dropped the gun to his side.

    Slowly, he turned around. After walking a few steps, he cast a puzzled glance over his

    shoulder like he wasnt sure what he was doing. With a quick nod, Kellan guided him

    down the alley toward a dumpster against a wall at the end. Mindlessly, the pimp

    headed for it. He leaned his back against the wall and slumped down.

    Kellan closed his eyes and silently commanded him. His eyes snapped open when

    he heard the hammer cock back. Standing at the entrance, Kellan released his mind

    and zoomed down the alley, placing himself in front of the pimp to watch. A stream of

    tears rolled down the pimps cheeks as he pointed the barrel toward his face, hands

    shaking as he tried to center it between his eyes. He placed a thumb in the trigger and

    started to squeeze, but hesitated. His hands were still shaking and sweat soaked his

    face and hair, but his eyes, something in those eyes suggested a force in the recesses

    of his mind was resisting. The milky film slowly began to dissipate and Kellan quickly

    regained control.

    Do it now, Kellan silently ordered and with a flash of light and loud pop, it was

    done. A smoky cloud circled around the dumpster. Kellan projected closer when it

    cleared a bit and peered at the pimps outline. A gaping black hole, the size of a

    grapefruit was all that was left of his face. Dangling out of the smoldering mess, a

    single eye hung from strips of knotted tissue, swinging back and forth. Chunks of

    brain, blood and bone sprayed the back wall in a collage of clotted gore and soupy

    feces spread out from the pimps backside, rolling on the pavement in a steady


    The shot caused a crowd to gather and Kellan quickly returned to his body as a

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    woman walked into the alley to investigate. He smiled and turned back down the

    street, then stopped, cocking his head slightly, listening for the scream he knew was

    about to ring out. A loud shrill, followed by the sound of trash cans colliding echoed

    out of the alley and into the street. Kellan chuckled and walked on, returning to

    where he and Simon parted. To his surprise, Simon was already there, tapping his

    foot impatiently and scanning the crowd.

    Where the hell where you? Simon asked, sternly when Kellan walked up. I

    called your cell and you didnt answer.

    Kellan avoided his eyes and rubbed his shoe back and forth against the sidewalk.

    I was, um, taking care of something. Whats up?

    Simon grabbed him by the arm. Weve been summoned back to the house. John

    called me. He and Adrian are there.

    Kellan made a face. He liked John, but he didnt care for his Protector, Adrian


    What is it? Kellan asked, not liking the anxiousness in Simons voice.

    Simon shrugged and pulled Kellan, guiding him down the street. I dont know,

    but John said it was urgent. Cmon.

    Simon hailed a cab and the two raced to the airport. An hour later at the chateau,

    Kellan spotted Johns Airbus A319 jet inside the open hangar behind the house when

    they landed and sighed. He hoped Simon was kidding when he said Adrian had

    tagged along. If John were alone, he would have flown his personal helicopter. But

    Adrian was spoiled. Only the bestwhen he traveled.

    Connor quickly met them at the door and took their coats. Theyre in your

    office, he said.

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    Thank you Connor, said Simon and strode to open the door. John paced in the

    corner, his movements restless and Adrian sat in a chair on the opposite side, sipping

    a brandy by the fireplace. Kellan leaned against the door jamb and watched John

    pace. He smiled. Good old John. John was a sort of enigma with an eerie flair. He

    didnt talk much and his bright green eyes always flashed with amusement, like he

    was privy to a secret no one else knew. He was extremely handsome. His dark hair

    was still as rich as they day theyd met almost a thousand years ago, and his olive skin

    shone with the sleek brightness of youth. One would never suspect he was over two

    thousand years old. Kellan turned his eyes to Adrian and frowned. Adrian on the

    other hand.

    Adrian, with his long, white hair, pale blue eyes and colorless skin, possessed an

    irresistible charm much to Kellans chagrin, having the uncanny ability of persuasion.

    His meticulous manner, although beneficial in some ways, often came across as

    obnoxious, sticking in Kellans craw on more than one occasion.

    Simon! John greeted and walked across the room to embrace him.

    Simon returned the affection and smiled before pulling away toward Adrian.

    Hello, Adrian, he said, politely.

    Adrian tipped his brandy glass in hello and stood up, placing it on the mantle

    behind him when Kellan entered.

    Hello, Kellan, John said, crossing over to him, extending a hand.

    Kellan accepted it and smiled.

    Hi, Kellan, Adrian gushed and looked him up and down. Interesting costume,

    he added.

    Kellan just rolled his eyes.

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    We came as fast as we could, Simon said, now at the desk and lighting a cigar.

    Please, sit down, John.

    John took a seat and leaned forward. Simon, the Daughters been found in New

    York City.

    Simon gave Kellan a quick wide-eyed look and turned back to John.

    You sure?

    John nodded and Adrian answered for him. Weve double checked the data


    Simon leaned back in the chair. Go on.

    The sample was taken from one of our bloodmobiles the other day. Weve verified

    the donor, but havent located her yet. We wanted to let you know first. He glanced

    over his shoulder at Kellan.

    Yes, a wise decision, Simon said and twirled a paperweight on the desk.

    Adrian walked to the desk and planted his palms flat on top. We must act fast,

    he said.

    Simon nodded and swiveled the chair toward the window. What about the man

    who found the match?

    Adrian laughed. Winston Defries? Hes taken care of, dont worry. I sent him on

    vacation to the Caribbean. He wasnt happy, but I assure you, he wont be a


    Simon turned from the window, and then picked up the cigar and took a long

    drag. When do expect him to return?

    Six months, Adrian replied. Maybe longer, with the right persuasion. Plenty of

    time for Kellan to accomplish his mission.

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    Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Kellan cut in. What are you talking about? And

    who the hell is Winston Defries?

    John looked surprised and cast a quizzical glance at Simon. You didnt tell him?

    Simon sighed and shook his head. No. I was going to. I didnt expect wed find

    her so quickly.

    Tell me what? Kellan asked.

    Kellan, Simon began, for over twenty years, the Apostles and I have used our

    connections with The National Blood Association to find the Daughter. In 1986,

    Adrian read an article in the Medical News Journalabout Winston Defries, a young

    scientist who successfully extracted proteins from human blood and matched them to

    a genetic code.

    DNA, Kellan said.

    Simon nodded. He convinced Winston he was working on a highly secretive

    project. As you know, John collaborated with the French team of physicians in 1983

    that discovered HIV and told Winston he had a theory. That a small percentage of

    females carry a unique genetic trait, a similar protein of HIV in its pure form, causing


    Once the protein is isolated in an uninfected female a vaccine is then created,

    thus preventing the virus from mutating into AIDS. He provided Winston a bogus

    blood sample supposedly from an HIV infected individual to extract its DNA and

    compare to blood donations taken at our blood banks from uninfected donors for a

    potential match.

    Winston thoughthe extracted the DNA of HIV, but in reality, it was the

    Daughters. And thats how we found her.

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    Wait a minute, Kellan said. You saidIhad to,

    Yes, yes, I know, Kellan, but it cant be helped now. You must prepare. Are you

    ready, son? Simon asked.

    All eyes turned to Kellan. I guess so. What choice do I have? he said.

    Theres no guessing, Simon said, curtly and rose from the chair. Its your

    destiny. There can be no doubt and no remorse.

    Kellan nodded and plopped down in the chair Adrian occupied before they came.

    Kellan will need background information before he makes contact, Simon said.

    John agreed. Yes. Ive already started. By tomorrow night, I should have


    Very good. Simon turned to Kellan again. Kellan when youve studied her

    information, snoop around where she lives, find out about her social life, any friends

    or family shes in frequent contact with.

    Kellan nodded again.

    Simon turned back to John. Do you have the name with you? he asked, sitting

    back down at the desk.

    Adrian grabbed his briefcase off the credenza and placed it on top of Simons desk.

    He flipped it open, extracted a piece of paper and slid it to him.

    Simon glanced at it and placed it in a drawer. Well, gentleman, we have work to

    do, he said. Will you spend the night here?

    No, Im afraid not, John said. Ive contacted the others and theyre on their

    way to meet me in New York as we speak.

    Simon nodded. I understand. Kellan and I will leave first thing tomorrow night.

    Thank you for coming so quickly, brother, Simon said and held out his hand to John.

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    John took it and brought Simon in close for a hug.

    Adrian clicked his briefcase shut and headed for the door. Good luck, Kellan, he

    said over his shoulder and walked out of the office.

    Kellan ignored him and stared at his foot propped on his knee. John walked over

    and leaned down, leveling his face with his.

    Kellan glanced over and John gave him a wink.

    Give us a hug, Kellan, he said.

    Kellan rose and embraced him, squeezing tight when John tried to break away.

    John laughed and patted his back. Youll do fine, Kellan. Dont worry, he said

    in his ear, and then turned away toward the office door.

    Ill see you out, Simon said, leading John toward the door by the arm. Ill be

    back in a minute and well talk, he told Kellan.

    Kellan let out a long breath and slouched further in the chair. How ironic. Only a

    few hours ago, he and Simon had discussed the same subject and lo and behold.

    Shit, he said and pinched the bridge of his nose. He went to Simons desk and

    took out the piece of paper in the drawer, reading the name scrawled in Adrians

    handwriting. Nicole Erwin. 1714 Ocean Avenue Apartment 7C. Brooklyn, New


    Well, Miss Erwin. Prepare to meet the man of your dreams, he said aloud and

    put the paper back.

    Simon returned and sat on the edge of the desk. Here we go, son, he said,

    rubbing his hands together.

    Kellan playfully punched his arm. Im so ready, Dad.

    Simon snickered and buzzed Connor. Soon he was there, waiting at the door.

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    Connor, pack our things for New York. Were staying at our penthouse on Park

    Avenue for the next few weeks. Simon said. Youre coming with us so make sure the

    jet is fueled and the house is in order before we leave tomorrow night.

    Connor bowed and left.

    Simon glanced out the window at the dawn rising over the mountains. Rest

    now, he said, turning to Kellan. Starting tomorrow night, your destiny begins.

    Kellan yawned and walked toward the elevator. He stopped and turned. You


    Simon shook his head. No, he said, giving a dismissive wave. I have to make

    some calls and such. You go ahead. Ill be down shortly.

    Kellan nodded and went down to his room in the basement, throwing himself on

    the bed without undressing.

    * * * *

    That night, when he woke up, Kellan went to Simons room and knocked on the

    door. Opening it a crack, he frowned. Simons bed was undisturbed. Hed stayed up

    all day. Kellan went upstairs and Simon was on the phone, pointing him over to a

    chair when saw him.

    Yes, yes, I know, he said to the party on the other end. Look, Kellan just walked

    in. Yes, I will. He sighed loudly. I will. Well be there soon, he said and slammed

    the phone down. He stared at the receiver for a moment, looked at Kellan and shook

    his head. John, he said and sighed again.

    Everything okay? Kellan asked.

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    Why, yes, Simon said, giving an its nothingwave. Just John being John. You

    knoweverything is doom and gloom with him. Good news is were packed and ready

    to leave. The penthouse is prepared and the jet is fueled for takeoff. Simon stifled a


    Kellan scrunched his face. Dad, you didnt sleep.

    Pah! Simon thumped his knuckles on the desk. A mere inconvenience that will

    soon be remedied, he said and grabbed a cigar. Ill rest on the way to New York.

    Meanwhile, you, my boy, will have the pleasure of making sure Connor doesnt send

    us crashing to the ground in a fiery heap. He laughed. Hes not young anymore and

    his perception isnt exactly up to par.

    When are we leaving?

    As soon as Connor secures the house. Simon pulled out a piece of paper from a

    drawer and threw it at Kellan. John e-mailed this to me this morning. Take a look,

    he said and puffed on the cigar.

    Kellan reached for the paper and turned over a photo of Nicole Erwin. Short,

    angle-bobbed auburn hair outlined her face to the jaw line, framing it with delicate

    locks straightened in sleek wisps. Deep set gray eyes emanated a tough girl attitude,

    but there was something else lurking inside them, a hint of sadness not openly

    expressed. Tiny freckles dotting the bridge of her nose gave her a girlish appearance

    and a trace of a small smile tugged at full, pouting lips. Kellan looked up from the

    photo and nodded his approval.

    Simon smiled from around the cigar. You know, son, he said. If you dont want

    the job, I think I can muster enough energy to give it a shot, He waggled his eye


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    Kellan scoffed and threw the picture at him. You horny, old coot. He grinned.

    Simon just laughed.

    The door opened and Connor and popped his head in. The house is secure.

    Great! Simon stood up and stubbed the cigar. Kellan, are you ready?

    Ready as Ill ever be, Dad.

    Simon waited until Connor and Kellan were in the hall before turning out the

    lights and locking the door. Well, men, he motioned to the front door, shall we?

    And the trio headed out to board the jet to New York.

    * * *

    Four hours later, the men landed at JKF airport. John met them in the terminal

    and soon they were in his limo, driving onto the Van Wyck, crossing over to 495 to

    the Long Island Expressway through Astoria and down into Park Avenue, reaching

    the penthouse within forty-five minutes.

    The doorman greeted them when they arrived and whistled for an attendant to

    take their bags up to their apartment.

    While in the elevator, John announced a special surprise. Adrian had prowled the

    streets earlier and rustled up a few prostitutes to meet them at the penthouse later.

    Kellan sighed with relief. He was starving and didnt feel like scrounging the city for a


    Connor quickly grabbed a few bags and went to put his masters belongings in

    their rooms when Simon opened the door. A long time had passed since Kellan and

    Simon had stayed at the penthouse and hed almost forgotten how huge it was.

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    Usually, Simon didnt entertain guests there; however, he did take great care in its

    upkeep. Hed employed the best interior designers in the city and had flown out a

    Navajo artist from Arizona to consult with during the final stages of decoration. The

    lavish handmade leather and patchwork furnishings mixed with the rustic nature of

    early Native American life creating an eclectic but homey setting.

    Kellan planted himself on the sofa and propped his feet on the coffee table. Simon

    and John were nowhere in sight, so after a few moments, he went to see if Connor

    needed any help when the doorbell rang.

    Dinners here, John announced.

    Six flashy, heavily made-up females entered and John wasted no time making

    them comfortable. A case of champagne was delivered earlier and John made sure

    each girl had a glass before the men made their selections.

    John resumed the role of the good host and kept the girls champagne glasses full.

    When they were quite intoxicated, the men led their ladies to the bedrooms.

    One of Kellans passed out. He threw her over his shoulder and carefully laid her

    on the settee at the foot of the bed and the other fell to the floor, giggling. He

    removed his lip rings and placed them on the nightstand before undressing her and

    carrying her to the bed.

    The prostitute settled deeper into the mattress as Kellan delicately ran his hands

    over her. Gently, he caressed her with his lips, brushing her legs, the inside of her

    thighs, her stomach. The prostitute thrashed and let out a throaty moan.

    Her groans of pleasure awakened Kellans vampire senses. The urge to feed took

    over and his body reacted to the blood radiating from inside her. His brown irises

    faded, lightening to a pale, glowing violet; his teeth lengthened and sharpened,

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    extending over his bottom lip in two needle-like points. His breath staggered in a

    wheeze as his state of consciousness changed from rational, human to bloodthirsty

    beast. Stealthily, Kellan moved up to her neck.Go in peace my dear, he thought and


    An hour later, after helping Connor dispose of the bodies and taking a quick

    shower, Kellan walked down the hall to Simons office.

    Both Simon and John were sitting in front of the fireplace, chitchatting and

    sipping whiskey.

    John tinkled the ice in his empty glass when Kellan sat down across from them.

    Want one? he asked.

    Kellan nodded and John stood to retrieved it.

    Simon turned toward Kellan and crossed his legs. You all right? You look a little


    Yeah, Kellan said and reached for the glass John offered him. I will be. I didnt

    scan the girls before I fed. One of them had taken heroin. Caught me off guard.

    Simon snorted. Kellan you know better. You must always use the vision before

    feeding. Thats what its for. To scan blood before consumption for just this reason.

    Yeah, I know Dad. Kellan said. Save it.

    Well all right, then. Simon said curtly and settled back in his chair.

    Kellan, John said. I have something for you. He reached beside his chair,

    pulled back a large manila folder and threw it at Kellan. Look at this. Its the

    background information on the Daughter. He took another sip of whiskey and

    resumed his conversation with Simon.

    Kellan flipped it open and read.

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    When he finished, he closed the folder, noticing another photo of Nicole paper

    clipped to the back. The new photo was better, a close up of her face. He rubbed his

    index finger back and forth against it. She was kind of cute. Maybe this wont be so


    Finished, he told Simon and John.

    What do you think? Simon asked.

    Kellan put the folder in his lap. Well, shes no beauty queen, but I guess I can do


    John slapped his knee, angrily. Kellan! This isnt a joke! It doesnt matter if you

    find her attractive. Shes the Daughter! Our survival depends upon her and if you

    care more about physical attraction than saving us, well, deal with it. Ill not have our

    fate compromised because you think the Daughter is unfit. We have the hard part.

    We have to keep Lucifer at bay long enough for her to conceive and carry the child full

    term. Your role in this is nowhere near as difficult as ours, and anytime you want to

    trade places, just let me know.

    Kellan opened his mouth, shocked at Johns hostile outburst.

    John pursed his lips, and then leaned forward in the chair and touched Kellans

    knee. Kellan, do you realize how important this is? If the prophecy isnt fulfilled,

    and she doesnt bear your child, its over. Im not saying this just for me and the

    Apostles Im saying this for you as well.

    Kellan looked up and smiled. Im sorry, John.

    John patted his knee, signaling he accepted the apology. Thank you, Kellan.

    Now, tomorrow morning when she leaves, see what you can dig up in her apartment.

    Kellan sprang upright in the chair. Tomorrow?

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    Yes, John said. Kellan, time is running out.

    Kellan slumped back and looked at Simon for support.

    Simon held up his hands and gave a Youre on your own kidshrug.

    Kellan sighed and nodded.

    Good! John looked at his watch. Sleep now. The rest of the Apostles are

    meeting us here in a few hours to discuss some things. Dont worry, Kellan. I have

    the utmost confidence in you.

    Kellan went to the bedroom opposite his own, undressed and slid under the

    covers. A thought occurred to him while he lay in bed and followed a swirled pattern

    on the ceiling with his eyes. He was so caught up wondering if hed likeher, he didnt

    think she might not find him attractive. John was right. Finding out what kind of

    man turned her on and transforming himself to her liking was crucial, especially

    when the time came to approach her.

    He stretched his arms out from behind his head, then rolled over on his side,

    Nicoles face still in his mind.