revelation 8 - · (v10-11) – the first three trumpets have sounded, what have they...

Revelation 8 28 April 2020 Finally the lamb breaks the last seal so that the scroll is now fully open for reading; the result is silence for half an hour, and then the cycle repeats with the seven angels we named in chapter 5 being given seven trumpets. The whole cycle of six plus one, with an interlude, is repeated. Chapter 8 deals with the first four trumpets, which have parallels with the four horsemen of the apocalypse, but there are some differences in this cycle as we’ll discover. Previous Extra Homework (Chapter 7 Verse 15) Why do the elders and angels say “Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever” when God already has and has always had all of these attributes? Well it’s not for God’s benefit then, so it must be for our benefit. The heavenly hosts are reminding us again and again who’s in control and, reassuringly, what His attributes are. Reading Revelation 8 (V1) – Revision: where, in Revelation, did we first meet the Hebrew ‘six plus one’ poetic device of Proverbs 6:16? The seven-fold attributes of the Holy Spirit of Revelation 4:5 (see Isaiah 11:1-3). (V1) – Why do you think there was silence in heaven for half and hour? David Pawson notes that silence is often the prelude to a great storm. It can also be the only proper response in the immediate aftermath of something terrible (as in Lamentations 2:10 & 3:28). However for me silence indicates that the time for talking is finished. Throughout history God has been speaking, calling to the people of earth and Jesus has been reaching out to the nations (Matthew 11:16-17). Now however, as in a prelude to divorce, silence speaks and it says ‘enough is enough’. Often times when a married couple in trouble reach the end of the line, a false peace falls and the arguing stops. This however is only a prelude to one of them leaving. The bond is broken and there is nothing more to say; further pleading is pointless, a decision to divorce has been made. (V2) – Who are the seven angels? Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and their buddies. (V3-4) – What is the significance of prayers of the saints being mixed with incense (Exodus 30:7-8)? Incense has been used in the worship of God since ancient times. In Exodus 30:7-8 the burning of incense before God day and night was a perpetual ordinance. Here in Revelation that perpetual ordinance has the daily prayers of God’s people added to it. This speaks of the importance of our prayers to God. They are listened to every day and every night and they have a very really impact on the way His righteous judgements are executed (James 2:13). (V5) – What is the significance of the incense burner being filled with fire from the altar (Ezekiel 10:1-2)? The fire represents God’s coming judgement - that is the destruction of the earth - just as it was used to bring destruction to Jerusalem in Ezekiel 10. This use of the incense bowl means that God has first carefully listened to the prayers of the saints before executing His judgement. (V5) – What is the significance of the theophanies as the fire strikes earth? They remind us that God is doing this. Theophanies are always a sign of God meeting with man in power. (V6) – What is the significance of the seven angels being give trumpets (2 Chronicles 13:13-15)? Trumpets were and still are used for military signalling. In the reading from 2 Chronicles they are being used by the priest to rally Judah following an ambush by Israel. God heard Judah’s prayers and Israel’s ambush failed.

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  • Revelation 8

    28 April 2020

    Finally the lamb breaks the last seal so that the scroll is now fully open for reading; the result is silence for

    half an hour, and then the cycle repeats with the seven angels we named in chapter 5 being given seven

    trumpets. The whole cycle of six plus one, with an interlude, is repeated. Chapter 8 deals with the first four

    trumpets, which have parallels with the four horsemen of the apocalypse, but there are some differences in

    this cycle as we’ll discover.

    Previous Extra Homework

    (Chapter 7 Verse 15) Why do the elders and angels say “Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and

    honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever” when God already has and has always

    had all of these attributes?

    Well it’s not for God’s benefit then, so it must be for our benefit. The heavenly hosts are reminding us again

    and again who’s in control and, reassuringly, what His attributes are.

    Reading Revelation 8

    (V1) – Revision: where, in Revelation, did we first meet the Hebrew ‘six plus one’ poetic device of Proverbs


    The seven-fold attributes of the Holy Spirit of Revelation 4:5 (see Isaiah 11:1-3).

    (V1) – Why do you think there was silence in heaven for half and hour?

    David Pawson notes that silence is often the prelude to a great storm. It can also be the only proper

    response in the immediate aftermath of something terrible (as in Lamentations 2:10 & 3:28). However for

    me silence indicates that the time for talking is finished. Throughout history God has been speaking, calling

    to the people of earth and Jesus has been reaching out to the nations (Matthew 11:16-17). Now however,

    as in a prelude to divorce, silence speaks and it says ‘enough is enough’. Often times when a married

    couple in trouble reach the end of the line, a false peace falls and the arguing stops. This however is only a

    prelude to one of them leaving. The bond is broken and there is nothing more to say; further pleading is

    pointless, a decision to divorce has been made.

    (V2) – Who are the seven angels?

    Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and their buddies.

    (V3-4) – What is the significance of prayers of the saints being mixed with incense (Exodus 30:7-8)?

    Incense has been used in the worship of God since ancient times. In Exodus 30:7-8 the burning of incense

    before God day and night was a perpetual ordinance. Here in Revelation that perpetual ordinance has the

    daily prayers of God’s people added to it. This speaks of the importance of our prayers to God. They are

    listened to every day and every night and they have a very really impact on the way His righteous

    judgements are executed (James 2:13).

    (V5) – What is the significance of the incense burner being filled with fire from the altar (Ezekiel 10:1-2)?

    The fire represents God’s coming judgement - that is the destruction of the earth - just as it was used to

    bring destruction to Jerusalem in Ezekiel 10. This use of the incense bowl means that God has first

    carefully listened to the prayers of the saints before executing His judgement.

    (V5) – What is the significance of the theophanies as the fire strikes earth?

    They remind us that God is doing this. Theophanies are always a sign of God meeting with man in power.

    (V6) – What is the significance of the seven angels being give trumpets (2 Chronicles 13:13-15)?

    Trumpets were and still are used for military signalling. In the reading from 2 Chronicles they are being

    used by the priest to rally Judah following an ambush by Israel. God heard Judah’s prayers and Israel’s

    ambush failed.

  • (V6) – Compare the trumpets here with the seals in chapter 6 – how many intermediaries are there

    between God and the object of His judgements?

    Chapter 6: God-Cherubim-Horsemen-warriors-victims = 3 intermediaries.

    Chapter 8: God-angels-cosmic_forces-victims = 2 intermediaries.

    God’s judgements are getting more direct, more comprehensive and reaching more targets. We’ll see this

    get even more direct with the seven-bowls judgements of revelation 15.

    (V7) – Compare V9 with Revelation 6:8 – are the torments increasing or decreasing?

    Increasing: from affecting one forth of humanity to affecting one third of all the earth.

    (V8-9) – What plague does the sea turning to blood remind you of?

    The first of the ten plagues on Egypt in Exodus 7.

    (V10-11) – The first three trumpets have sounded, what have they affected?

    They have affected the earth (dry ground), sea and rivers. One third of sea, earth and its rivers have been

    destroyed or polluted. They are no longer useful for agriculture. People have also died as a result of these


    (V7-11) What parallels can we draw between these judgements on land and sea and the damage to the

    environment, land, sea and rivers of our own time?

    We are polluting the sea, ravaging fish stocks, damaging the land and rivers with fertilisers and pesticides

    in a manner strikingly reminiscent of these three trumpets. People have died and are dying as a result of

    this pollution of land see and air. When John wrote the revelation such widespread damage by mankind

    was inconceivable; now we see it coming to pass (see the ‘Wormwood’ pictures below).

    (V12) – What is the significance of the sun, moon and stars being darkened by this judgement?

    Large scale volcanic activity or even a major meteor strike could cause the same effect of making the sky

    go dark blocking out sun, moon and stars. Even manmade air pollution can have a similar affect. Electric

    light pollution makes everything but the brightest stars vanish from the sky. The effect of this judgement on

    agriculture is similar to the other three judgements: it reduces the earth’s ability to feed its peoples. We

    understand these things, but to those of John’s generation they would have been inconceivable on the

    scale we now see them. We will see this combination of God authored theophanies with the destructive

    unintended consequences of man’s civilisation again in Revelation.

    (V13) – Why has an eagle been dispatched to give this message?

    The message is a warning to the ungodly, but a comfort to the godly. We know that we are signed, sealed

    and delivered by our God (Revelation 7). The eagle’s message tells us that the end, and therefore our

    redemption draws near (Luke 21:28). In Jesus’ little apocalypse (Matthew 24:29) the darkening of sun,

    moon and stars is foretold as immediately preceding the trumpet call that announces the rapture of God’s

    elect (Matthew 24:31).

    NOTE: God doesn’t sit about planning the evil that mankind suffers like some maniacal, malevolent despot. No these

    judgements are only those that man chose by default when Adam and Eve gave control to Satan; the same

    consequences that we deserve as befit our sins. All God has to do is relax his restraining grip on Satan for these

    things to happen. We should consider God’s mercifulness that He hasn’t given Satan full reign from the day Eve

    sinned, but has instead chosen to restrain the devil and bless mankind for the many thousands of years that He has


    Extra Homework:

    Why is the star falling from heaven and making one third of the rivers bitter called Wormwood? Compare

    with Deuteronomy 29:18 (see AKJV or NKJV because other translations remove the name Wormwood)

    does this reading give us an insight into the reason for this third-trumpet judgement?

  • Wormwood

    The Aral sea in Kazakhstan was once a thriving inland fresh-water sea. Now it is a toxic dustbowl since its

    waters have been diverted for growing cotton in Uzbekistan.

    1989 2014

    Aral Sea from space 1997

    Trawlers at anchor in harbour - Aral sea

    Toxic dust storm

    The Salton Sea in California was once a beautiful fresh-water lake and resort. Now it’s a toxic soup of salt and pesticides. Much of it has evaporated leaving toxic dust that makes the remaining local residents sick.

    Early sixties postcard

    The resort today

  • Salton Sea is now toxic for fish

    Pesticide and chemical residues flowing in

    The vast natural wetlands of the everglades in

    Florida now dead due to drainage for agriculture

    A freshwater lake ?

  • River Ganges is India’s sacred river and it’s a killer

    Ritual bathing in the Ganges

    Dead body in the Ganges

    Further Research Links:
