retirement planning solutions == how to retire early

• It is never too early to be thinking about retirement planning... • earlier the better! • increasing life expectancies • retirement is now much longer than ever

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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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Confused by the variety of retirement options? Want to retire early? Want to retire abroad? You’ll find all the answers at Retirement Planning Solutions (for UK and overseas)...


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• It is never too early to be thinking about retirement planning... • earlier the better! • increasing life expectancies • retirement is now much longer than ever

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• a state pension is unlikely to see you through retirement • people are living longer • this will drain state pension funds• who knows what will be left when you retire?

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• Don't fancy retiring in your 70s or 80s?• retirement ages increasing from 60 for women to 65 for both men and women • government plans to scale these up for both men and women to 68

• for younger generations this could increase to 70 and beyond

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• If you start planning now you could retire early!• who should think about retirement planning?• anyone of working age who can commit resources• the earlier you invest, the longer it will have to grow

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Questions you may have:

• At what age will I be able to retire?• Will I be able to afford to retire?• What sort of income will I have when I retire?• How can I increase my pension?• How much tax will I pay in retirement?• I know my pension fund is worth £x, but what will that translate to in monthly income?

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• Fancy retiring in the sun?• maybe Spain, Australia or Canada?• what tax issues do you need to think about?• better to take your investments with you or leave some in UK?

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• Want to make your investments work harder?• stocks, shares, ISAs, financial assets• did you know these can be made more income-efficient?

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Summary• you are responsible for your financial security• plan proactively• complement the unpredictable state pension

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