rethink innovation and transform your company!

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Join Transform or Die! A movement for the people who own the future.

Rethink Innovation and Transform Your Company

Author, speaker and strategic advisor on corporate transformation based on disruption, digitalization and innovation.

Get in touch!

[email protected]@lindegaardStefan Lindegaard

Strong organizations do four things very well:

They listen, adapt, experiment and execute better than their competitors.

Why does transformation matter? Stay relevant, survive and prosper!

#1 - Why

The word and term innovation is damaged. Tone down the use of it.


#1 - Why

The word and term innovation is damaged. Tone down the use of it.

Stop using the word and term innovation culture entirely.

#2 - Why

Disruption will hit harder and faster than ever before.

Internal setup (right conditions, frameworks, remove obstacles)Market approachOffensive as well as defensive approach

#3 - Why

Ideas are everywhere. Execution is key.

#4 - How

Focus on challenges as well as opportunities.

Use the best potentiale / least resistance perspective.

#5 - How

Work with the outside world.

What is open innovation / external collaboration?a philosophy or a mindset that they should embrace within their organization.

This mindset should enable their organization to work with external input to the business processes just as naturally as it does with internal input

Open innovation as a term will disappear in 3-7 years!

EmployeesSuppliersManagersAcademics / institutionsExecutivesVCsAlumniStartupsBusiness unit / functionUsers / consumersGovernmentCompetitorsInventors


InnoCentiveAlliances /joint venturesCampaigns(Comm / Public)EntrepreneurDayConsortia

MyStarbucksIdea.comCampaigns(Comm / Public)SupplierSummitCREDIT: OVO Innovation


#6 - How

Go all in on digital.


#7 - How

Communicate better.

If you want to change the perception inside your organization, the outside voice is the most important.

Whats the matter with Owen?

Owen is just fine. But what is going on with your company?

Traditional communication (intranets, websites, PR)Stakeholder management and networkingSocial media

#8 - How

Change your organizational structures.

#9 - Who

Identify and develop the characteristics and traits needed for your company to win.

1) Holistic point of view (intrapreneurial skills)2) Ability to constructively handle conflict3) Optimism, passion and drive4) Curiosity and belief in change5) Tolerance for / ability to deal with uncertainty6) Adaptive fast learner with sense of urgency7) Talent for networking / strategic influencing8) Communication skills


#10 - Who

Know which people to train and how to do it.

The team itself




Key external stakeholdersWho should be trained as corporate transformers and drivers of positive change?Guess what the most important group is and also the most neglected one?

#11 -Who

Build people pools to match project pools.

Discovery Incubation Acceleration: Have the right people for the right project at the right time in the right context. Build people pools, not just project pools.


Please share your key take aways.

A CFO is wary about investing in the training and education of the employees.

He asks the CEO: What happens if we invest in developing our people and then they leave the company?

The CEO is a bright person and replies: What happens if we dont and they stay?

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Join Transform or Die! A movement for the people who own the future.

Rethink Innovation and Transform Your Company

Dont talk about innovation. Focus on how you can transform your company based on values, assets, partners, threats and opportunities.

Work with the unusual suspects internally as well as externally

1. Common Language and Understanding, Motivation, Mandate and Strategic Purpose

2. Assets and Needs

3. Value Pools and Channels

4. Internal Readiness

5. External Readiness

6. New Skills and Mindset

7. Communications Strategy7 Steps for Open Innovation

External collaboration can only reach its full potential when all business functions get involved. Go beyond products and technologies; solve challenges, but dont forget to pursue opportunities.

Learn to communicate better and differently or fail!

What is communication today?

Focus on people and upgrade their mindset and skills!

People first, processes next, then ideas. The key for execution is people dont focus too much on ideas and projects.

The TBX model or why middle managers stop

T (Top Down): Get executives onboard, personally committed to innovation. Without executive support, no change occurs

B (Bottom Up): Value creation begins with people, one by one, team by team. Nothing happens unless you get employees engaged

X (Across): Middle managers get the job done (for good and bad) set the right objectives and incentives!...innovation just by doing their job!Everyone ask themselves a very simple question: Whats in it for me?- know the answer before you start your initiatives.

Chart by BusinessInsiderStrong change teams know they cant do it by themselves; they become facilitators and integrators. Education is a key objective.

The team itself




Key external stakeholdersWho should be trained as value creators and corporate transformers?Guess what the most important group is and also the most neglected one?

Follow my work on LinkedInGet in touch:[email protected]

Join Transform or Die! A movement for the people who own the future.

Rethink Innovation and Transform Your Company

Four global megatrends drive business today: Everything moves faster, everything will be connected, knowledge is transparent and disruption hits harder and faster.

#10 - Who

Missing things- metrics, behaviours, LI experiment- expontential growth