restoration blues and news · 2019. 5. 28. · letter fr restoration news and blues, 2....

/ 711111110 0 7 •• The Leaders of the notorious V-8 GANG nose in front of the "hide-out" before the INVASION OF ATLANTA. Pictured from L to R aret PINKY & JACK "Killer" HENRY. with "Baby Face" CLARENCE and BETTY "The Babe" HAVEN. (See pages 4 & 5 for more photos and story.) JERRY asked members about driving in a group to the EASTERN NATIONAL MEET in CHARLOTTE, N.C., in June of next year and to the WESTERN NATIONAL MEET, July 75 in ESTES PARK, COLORADO. Many members approved this excellent idea. He also indicated that he would like to see half of next years meets devoted to activities mentioned above, and half the meets scheduled as working meets, like the REBUILDING THE V-8 DISTRIBUTOR, held at the BUBECK'S , this year which was highly successful. JERRY, along with our Founder S.R. JOES, have been setting up a perman- ent LIBRARY of old V-8 TIMES and other automotive magazines of interest to club members along with REGIONAL NEWSLETTERS from other clubs in the of- fice of JERRY'S MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP, and anyone having items to contribute, please phone JERRY at 361-3042. With this inventive and serious young man at the helm, it looks like'75 will be another GREAT year for the Ga. Regional! * * * * * * * NOTICE: PERMANENT ADDRESS FOR THE GA. REGIONAL WILL BE: 4330 JONESBORO, RD., FOREST PARK, GA. 30050. Restoration Blues and News from the GEORGIA REGIONAL e la4 ALICE KILGORE Editor CLUB OF AMERICA 719 LOOKOUT DRIVE FRANK (Don) KILGORE Sect./Treas. — PHONE 361-4795 —FOREST PARK, GA. 30050 NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 1974 OFFICERS for 75 The Georgia Regional Early Ford V/8 Club of America. installed the 1975 Officers at the annual Anniver- sary Dinner, November 2nd, in the Monaco Room of the RIVIERA HYATT HOUSE, Atlanta. Georgia, President: JERRY GRAYSON Vice Pres: JOHNNY PRITCHARD Secretary: BOB PLAXICO Treasurer: DON KILGORE Editor: ALICE KILGORE Due to the fact that two of the newly elected Members of the Board are pilots, and frequently out of town, due to flight schedules, four Members of the Board were elected this term: BOB CHAPMAN JOE PRUETT GENE TERRELL LAMAR WEST In his introductory speech, new President JERRY GRAYSON lauded past President CLARENCE HAVEN and his wife BETTY far the greatest year the Georgia Regional hes ever had. Star- ting with a low of 32 members at the begining of the year, and building to a present high of 57 members, JERRY noted that the activities plan- ned by CLARENCE & BETTY, for the 74 season was the main reason for the phenomenal growth of the club this year. The Ford V/8 Tie-Tac and ladies charm have been given by the memb- ers of the club in honor of the service given by CLARENCE & BETTY this year. JERRY also praised the 74 Off- icers & members for their partici- pation which made each and every activity an outstanding success. JERRY outlined his program for the coming year, stating that he would like to see the club join with other auto clubs in the area for an ALL FORD PICNIC, He also mentioned the possibility of con- tacting the Tennesse, Carolina, Florida and Alabama R.G.'s for the purpose of a future Southern v/8 Meet.

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Page 1: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,

/ 7111111100 7 •• •

The Leaders of the notorious V-8 GANG nose in front of the "hide-out" before the INVASION OF ATLANTA. Pictured from L to R aret PINKY & JACK "Killer" HENRY. with "Baby Face" CLARENCE and BETTY

"The Babe" HAVEN. (See pages 4 & 5 for more photos and story.)

JERRY asked members about driving in a group to the EASTERN NATIONAL MEET in CHARLOTTE, N.C., in June of next year and to the WESTERN NATIONAL MEET, July 75 in ESTES PARK, COLORADO. Many members approved this excellent idea.

He also indicated that he would like to see half of next years meets devoted to activities mentioned above, and half the meets scheduled as working meets, like the REBUILDING THE V-8 DISTRIBUTOR, held at the BUBECK'S, this year which was highly successful.

JERRY, along with our Founder S.R. JOES, have been setting up a perman-ent LIBRARY of old V-8 TIMES and other automotive magazines of interest to club members along with REGIONAL NEWSLETTERS from other clubs in the of-fice of JERRY'S MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP, and anyone having items to contribute, please phone JERRY at 361-3042.

With this inventive and serious young man at the helm, it looks like'75 will be another GREAT year for the Ga. Regional! * * * * * * *


Restoration Blues and News

• from the GEORGIA REGIONAL e l a 4


FRANK (Don) KILGORE Sect./Treas. — PHONE 361-4795 —FOREST PARK, GA. 30050


OFFICERS for 75 The Georgia Regional Early Ford

V/8 Club of America. installed the 1975 Officers at the annual Anniver-sary Dinner, November 2nd, in the Monaco Room of the RIVIERA HYATT HOUSE, Atlanta. Georgia,


Due to the fact that two of the newly elected Members of the Board are pilots, and frequently out of town, due to flight schedules, four Members of the Board were elected this term:


In his introductory speech, new President JERRY GRAYSON lauded past President CLARENCE HAVEN and his wife BETTY far the greatest year the Georgia Regional hes ever had. Star-ting with a low of 32 members at the begining of the year, and building

to a present high of 57 members, JERRY noted that the activities plan-ned by CLARENCE & BETTY, for the 74 season was the main reason for the phenomenal growth of the club this year.

The Ford V/8 Tie-Tac and ladies charm have been given by the memb-ers of the club in honor of the service given by CLARENCE & BETTY this year.

JERRY also praised the 74 Off-icers & members for their partici-pation which made each and every activity an outstanding success.

JERRY outlined his program for the coming year, stating that he would like to see the club join with other auto clubs in the area for an ALL FORD PICNIC, He also mentioned the possibility of con-tacting the Tennesse, Carolina, Florida and Alabama R.G.'s for the purpose of a future Southern v/8 Meet.

Page 2: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,


....from our


CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— 4 710

It's kinda sad to be writing the last column as President for this year. Thinking back over the fantas-tic meets we've shared, I want to thank each and every member for the cooperation and participation they gave. This is what made '74 such a great year.

I want to give a SPECIAL THANKS to my fa i thfu l w ife B E T T Y. With ou t h e r l o v i n g h e l p i n a n s w e r i n g t h e p hon e , ke e p ing u p w i t h t he c or re s -pondence and making f ina l arrange -ments for meets, not to mention p e r f o r m i n g h e r h o u s e h o l d d u t i e s . . . . I co u ldn ' t ha ve mad e t he y ea r .

I n h a n d i n g o v e r t h e g a v e l t o JERRY GRAYSON, I know our club is in exce l l en t hands f or t he coming year . L e t ' s a l l ge t beh ind JERRY and keep t h e ba l l ro l l i ng .

I ' d l i k e t o s e e e v e n m o r e V - 8 ' s comple ted and ro l l ing in to C har lo t te next year for the EASTERN NATIONAL MEET.

Once again, THANK YOU ALL and KEEP THOSE V-e's SHINING.......and remember....FLATHEADS FOREVER!




Last week ballots were received from National Headquarters listing the nominees running for vacancies on the NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Georgia Regional is honored to have one of their members on this ballot' JERRY GRAYSON. Unfortunate-ly his name is mis-spelled on said ballot and reads' JERRY GRESHAN???? Members are requested to vote for 4 candidates, so if JERRY GRAYSON is one of your choices, please note the error in spelling and correct it on your ballot before mailing. THANK YOU....and PLEASE mail your BALLOT no later than NOVEMBER 29, AND DON'T FORGET to put your "X" on the Yea or Nea box on the 1949-53 car Issue!

Letter from

our Founder Letters to the Editor;

I understand that the 5th Anniversary Dinner was the greatest yet. It really makes me feel good that the turn out was so large.

I'm sorry I didn't get to attend, but due to a serious illness in the family, I was unable to make it.

I would like tc see 1975 bring a City Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs, an-other tour, a meeting with all V-8 Club Members in Alabama, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Florida and Georgia, in some centrally located city. Also would like to see our mem-bership grow to 75 members. Would like to see a membership contest, so that everybody would try hard to help our club grow more.

I feel our club is now steady in growth and our hardships are over and we are now well established.

Our new officers for the coming year will make some of the best officers around, I think, and we appreciate what the past officers and the 19'74 officers have done for the club. I give special attention to our won-derful Editor, ALICE KILGORE, for she is doing a great job, and believe me, the club could hardly get along without those good newsletters. They are just great! Keep up the good work Alice.


EDITORS_NOTE1 S.R. JONES was absent for the FIRST time in FIVE years, from our Anniversary Dinner, due to the critical illness of his wife PEARL'S mother. Members should be in-formed that S.R. had our CI.UB CARTER framed and presented it to JERRY GRAYSON to be hung in our permanent Library. Anyone wishing to see the CHARTER, please drop by Jerry's MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP at 4330 Jonesboro Rd., Forest Park, Ga. Also the copies of BONNIE & CLYDE WANTED FOSTER included in this newsletter are the compliments of S.R. JONES to all Regional Members as an early Christ-mas gift from our Founder. "Frame 'em or decoupage 'em," see he. THANK YOU ..... S.R.1!

DUES... Dues, both REGIONAL & NATIONAL are payable now. Deadline will be March 1st 1975, for both. Regional dues remain $7.00. National dues are now $10.00 due to rising costs, making a total of $17.00 for both. STILL REASONABLY CHEAP!


Page 3: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,


Vg011-z__ Courtesy of Rod Action

HOLY HOLEY! as Robin of Batman fame would say! The members are rolling in...and we LOVE IT For with each new member comes a V-8 that members can 0-0-0H and A-A-AH overt

FIRST comes CHARLIE ADAMS! Everybody knows CHARLIE! Bet you knew that CHARLIE has the BEST and ONLY Model

A Taxi in town. Bet you DIDN'T know that he has a whole fleet of V-98! Now you know!

CHARLIE ADAMS (JEANENE) P.O.- Box 657 Newnan, Ga. 30263 Phone' 253-7525 (Newnan)

761-0667 (East Point) 1936 Phaeton 1936 4-Dr. Cony. Sedan 1934 Phaeton 1934 4-Dr. Sedan 1936 4-Dr. Sedan (Parts)

NEXT comes the Hon. POPE DICKSON. Everyone knows that POPE is an Antique Affectionadol POPE owns the ONLY glass-walled, horse drawn hearse in the area. It is a beauty and in mint condition. POPE is and has been the Coroner of Clayton County for many years. And fellow V-8ers, if you want to leave this world in STYLE and CLASS, call POPE DICKSON & SON, we guarantee it will be the V-8 Funeral to end ALL Fune-rals! And POPE'S sharp little 1936 Pick-up will lead the processionl Whata way to GO!

POPE DICKSON 1210 Morrow Road Morrow, Ga. 30260 Phone' 363-1484 (Morrow)

478-7211 (Jonesboro)

1936 Ford Pick-up


THEN we have J.L. KING whose auto-body- and paint work is known to area V-8ers, antique buffs, and even rod-ders. When you see a body and paint job so slick that a fly can't stand on it without sliding off, well you know that J.L. KING did the work!

J.L. KING East Point Auto Body Shop 1962 Murphy Avenue Atlanta, Ga. 30310 Phones 758-1138 (Shop)

363 -2023 (Rome) 1936 Ford Pick-up

....And folks, we got RENEWALS! Early RENEWALS:

FIRST comes DON CARNE GIANNATTASIO, our club's very fkriF7PrOTETTT MAN! Don owns not one...but two Mercs now. Don is the Sales Manager of WPCH Radio in Atlanta. Don and his lovely wife KAREN were the proud par-ents of a beautiful baby girl early this year. Don is also the club's 1#1 BOOSTER...and we appreciate it!

FRED_WILLIAMSON'S 1936 "Washington Blue" Roadster has copped so many trophies this year, that we bet his wonderful wife RUTH had to call in a contractor to build an extra room to hold 'em! Fred is almost through restoring a 1935 PHAETON, and we hear it is a show stopper! Green on green? Can't wait to see it

JOE PRUETT is one busy fella. He's a pilot, is a partner in a construction firm and restores V-8s in his spare time. Didya know that JOE and his charming wife COOLIE are from Texas, and that JOE was once a TEXAS STATE TROOPER? JOE owns one of the nicest 1940 Coupes around.

Board Meeting The new 1975 Officers and Members of the Board of Directors are asked to attend an ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1974 at 2iO4p/n at the MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP, 4330 Jonesboro Road, Forest Park, Ga. If

you are unable to attend, please phone JERRY GRAYSON at 361-3042.



Page 4: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,



G A N G •


The little '36 Roadster sped up famed Peachtree Street and turned sharply into the RIVERA HYATT HOUSE Parking lot. FREDDIE "The Fox" WILL-IAMSON stepped from his "Washington Blue Beauty," and briskly "cased the joint." Reaching thru' the car win-dow, he blinked his headlights twice in signal.

"Spats" BUBECK and his elegant-ly dressed "moll", MARGE, appeared seemingly from out of no-where, the headlights of their classy '32 Pna-etbn blinking furiously in reply.

"Dashing" DON CARLE sped in next his "Gangster Walls" shining pure white under the Peachtree Street • lights.

The roar of flatheads shattered the anti-bellum silence and all heads turned as '34s, "37s,'39s and '40s arrived from all directions! THE V-8 GANG HAD INVADED ATLANTA!

Members of the GANG milled about the parking area, admiring V-8s and each other's satorially splendid out-fits. There was "Broadway" JOE PRUETT and COOLIE, whose costumes were absolutely authentic down to COOLIE'S seamed hose !!

LAMAR "Big Man" WEST with "Dance

Hall Dollie” MARGE, driving their '40 Merc just out of the shop with a paint job so new, it was still wet:

"Bad" BOB PLAXICO and "Beautiful" BARB with BOB'S hand-made machine gun case.

JOHNNY "The Cat" PRITCHARD and HELENE wearing a shimmering pink fringed dress she had made herself!

"Desperado” Don Kilgore and Fat Mama" ALICE driving a stolen '39 grey -door (courtesy JAY CLARK), with KEVIN "The Kid" KILGORE and LAURA "The Bad" WOODYARD loved up in the back seat.

Other members of the mob were: "Fearless" FRED SHERAM and KATIE; BOB "Ladies Man" ANDREWS and "Sexy" MARILYN,' "Gentleman" JERRY GRAYSON with "gorgeous" Gwen who wore her hair in a fantastic finger wave; "Ravishing" RUTH WILLIAMSON; ROSS •

"The Lion" HANSEN and JOAN; CHARLIE "Moonrunner" PHARR and PAT arriving straight from a family wedding.

Cheers went up from the GANG as our fearless leader "Baby Face" CLARENCE HAVEN and BETTY "The Babe" drove in with "Killer" JACK HENRY and PINKY. After clearing the area with a burst of machine gun fire, "Baby Face" led the GANG into the MONACO ROOM of the RIVERA to begin the festivities:

Gene "The Knight" and. Joyce Terrell with "Dolly" and "Big Man" West.

"Broadway" Joe & Coolie Pruett with "Deperade Don & Alice Kilgore.

The "ANDREWS SISTERS," Betty Haven ,

Alice Kilgore and Barbara Plaxico.

Folk singers. Laura Woodyard & Kevin Kilgore, singing; "The Restoration Blues" & "My Old ‘35”

Page 5: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,

Members of the staff of the

• RIVIERA HYAIT_HOUSE. judged the cost- * umes worn by members. First Places

CLARENCE & BETTY HAVEDUSecond Places JOHNNY & HELENE PRITCHARD' Third Places LAMAR & MARGARET WEST; Hon.. Mentions GENE & JOYCE TERRELL and the President's Award goes to JOE & COOLIE PRUETT for the most auth-entic costumes in every detail.

V-8 GANG....(con't from page 4.)

GENE "The Knight" TERRELL and the eye stopping JOYCE "blew in" from Newnan dressed en such great costumes, the GANG stood up and applauded!

DON CARLE started the program with the introduction of HENRY FORD alias SAM LANCASTER a member of Theater Under the Stars who played HENRY FORD in the movies "The Martha Berry Story."

Next came a swinging rendition of the "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by • the "Andrews Sisters," BETTY ALICE and BARBARA. Screams of "morel", "more!" rose from the GANG.

DON CARLE was a fantastic Master of Ceremonies! His clever humor bro-ught the house down in laughter the entire evening.

After an excellent dinner, en-tertainment was provided by LAURA WOODYARD, who wrote and sang her own original compositions "MY OLD '35:.

KEVIN KILGORE followed singing a song he wrote especially for the Ga. Regionals "THE RESTORATION BLUES." These two young people were the hit of the evening.

'74 Officers and Members of the Board were introduced and each gave a small speech. Then President CLARENCE HAVEN turned the V-8 gavel over to the new President for 1975, JERRY GRAYSON. JERRY then introduced the new officers and Members of the Board. JERRY presented a Plaque to newsletter Editor ALICE KILGORE on behalf of ALL members of the Georgia Regional for outstanding service in '74. A standing ovation was then given the Editor and she hasn't gotten over it as yet!

CLARENCE HAVEN presented a cert-ificate to DON CARLE for his parti-cipation in making the Ga. R.G. an outstanding club this year.

Photographs Courtesy s JACK HENRY


COOLIE PRUETT provided the V-B 4,Anniversary Cake which was shaped in exact detail and color of the Ga. R.G.'s name tags!

PINKY HENRY' contributed the flowers for the center pieces that were cleverly designed by MARGE BUBECK from driftwood, antique oil cans and V-8 Ford hub caps.

Hub caps provided by JERHY GRAY-SON and DON KILGORE.

This had to be the best Anniver-sary Dinner EVER! Thanks to all the members who made it so!


• •


Youse better believe...dis is CLASS!

Betty 'The Babe' and "Baby Face" Clarence, leaders of V/8 Mafia.

Helene "Pink Lady" and Johnny "The Cat" show off dere finery.

"Bad" Bob and "Beautiful" Barbara toin on da grins fer da camera.

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by Jerry Grayson

Everyone who has restored an old car, sooner or later is faced with the problem of what to do with the gas tank.

Most Early V/The have a tank made out of sheet steel of about 18 gauge. This sheet steel is plated at the factory with a lead-tin mixture, which helps with the manufacturing and keeps down rust over the years. This process is called TERN PLATING.

The problem for the restorer occurs when water rusts the inside of the tank, causing many small holes to develop along with rust scale. Moisture which is present in the air condenses in the tank over a period of time and being heavier than gasoline, settles to the bottom of the tank.

But, the V/8 owner wants to know HOW to fix the 40 year old tank since N.O.S. tanks are somewhat scarce. He also wants to repair the tank in a way that the appearance is not altered.

The first step is to remove the tank from the car and take out the sending unit. The best bet next is to take it to a de-raster, and get all rust and paint removed. If no de-rusting company is close by, take your tank to the local machine shop, and ask him to clean it in his CAKITE

VAT. When you get it back, wash it out good with water, and make sure all loose dirt, scale, gravel and rocks are removed, (Kids love to put rocks and sticks in abandoned car tanks.) Most V/8 tanks will have small pin holes in the bottom of the tank in the lowest portion. Find the holes and dent in the area about the size of a quarter around the hole. Clean the area with sand paper until bright metal is all that you see (no rust!)

Next we are going to solder all the holes up. "Use a large soldering

IRON-NOT A SOLDERING Gun and NO OPEN FLAME! Use NO KARODE brand or similar paste to prepare the surface for soldering. Fill up the previously men- tioned dents with solder. Make sure you heat the tank metal enough to melt the solder in order to get a good bond. When you have all the holes soldered up, you can use a metal file to finish off the outside to a like new appearance.

Now to seal the inside of the tank, get a gallon of FULLER C' BRIEN ZINC CHROMATE FUEL TANK SLUSHING COMPOUND. Most V/8 supply houses stock this. Make some type seals to close up the neck of the tank and the fuel sender opening. Pour the gallon of compound in the tank and get a friend

to help you shake the tank for about 5 minutes in order to coat the in-side completely. Pour the remaining compound back into the can, and let the tank dry overnite. Repeat this slushing-drying operation three more times.

After you complete this operation, you ::an finish off the outside of any metal panel. Fill any dents or scratches with filler, sand and prime, then paint with black enamel.

Many hopeless tanks can be saved with this process and a good looking product will be the result.

An Editorial * __ wmurval l

It is a frightening thought: WE ARE FACING THE END OF AN ERA, the END of the AUTOMOBILE. But the signs are there...they've been there for a long time, and like the BLACKSMITH we pay no heed, keeping our heads down, looking neither left nor right....just keep on hammering away at the old "horse shoes." We must look up. Oil IS NOT FOREVER. Beloved HENRY is DEAD, and cannot come to our rescue with a fantastic V/B engine that runs off of water. So we, as a club must bear the responsibility of saving ALL the cars we can. Giant mashing mac-hines are crushing junk yards into oblivian every day. '32 or '53 models, it doesn't matter.. .after all they ARE FORDS and we must save them to show to our GRANDCHILDREN who may never see anything but a transit train or a moving side-walk.... if not for the EARLY FORD v/8 CLUB of AMERICA!

Page 7: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,

TWAS brilligh, and the members .

d r o v e , ' n e a t h s u n n y s ky s o v e r t r e e lined roads to yon TERRELL'S CASTLE.

Not only was it a beautiful drive, but the sight of the TERRELL home, setting on a lovely natural knoll, it's turrets visible thru' the tree tops , was reminiscent of an ancient Medieval oil painting.

Members were amazed that GENE & JOYCE had designed the house, picked the building site, then cleared the land themselves and built the fenc-ing. To top it off, the talented JOYCE decorated the entire house her-self

As you cross over the "draw bridge" and enter the giant double doors, the first thing you encounter is a suit of armor, direct from Spain. If you lift the face guard, hand drawn, grinning, freckled faced ALFRED E. NEUMAN of Mad Magazine fame, greets you This artistic bit was created by GENE TERRELL. (It broke ye editor up.)

GENE & JOYCE had set up tables in an area ankle deep in wild straw-berrys and surrounded by trees.

V-8 Gentleman lined their iron steeds up for show, and all that was missing were their banners.

Once again the ladies out did themselves with the food. Egad, it was a feast fit for kings.

HERB & MARGE BUBECK had come straight from the GLIDDEN TOUR and t h i s a m a z i n g c o u p l e b r o u g h t h o t food and s tor ies of the TOUR. They are t ire l e s s !

BOB & MARILYN ANDREWS along with JOE & COOLIE PRUETT, had just re-turned from the WESTERN NATIONAL MEET in SAN DIEGO and from HERSHEY, a n d f i l l e d e v e r y o n e i n o n t h e details .

BOB & BARBARA PLAXICO had also been to HERSHEY, and yes, BOB took many p ic tures . B OB i s our c lub h is -tor ian and " Keeper of the Scrap -book."

PINKY & JACK HENRY showed up in matching farmer-type overalls . They w e r e t h e h i t o f t h e m e e t ,

A n o ld f r i end of many V/8ers , CHARLIE ADAMS, (who happens to live £n Newnan too) , dropped in and join ed the c lubs I t ' s an honor and a p leasure to have C HARL IE in the club.

I t w a s q u i t e a s i g h t t o s e e "Bear-Wolf", the TERRELL'S giant " cas t le dog" . . .par t St . Bernard and part Shepherd, run round and round MAR CAST &_LAMAR WEST'S car, trying to f ind w here the bar king w as com -ing from LAMAR has an amplif ied s p e a k e r c o n c e a l e d o n h i s c a r , a n d was "barking" into the microphone.


JOHNNY & HELENE PRITCHARD came from an a l l n ight party and members accused JOHNNY of having h is l i t t le ' 4 0 co upe lo ad ed w i th b oo ze , a s the r e a r e n d w a s s i t t i n g s u s p i c i o u s l y near the ground . I t w as loaded w i th b ag s o f f er t i l i z er ! D R A T !

BOB & ALICE CHAPMAN drove down; CLARENCE & BETTY HAVEN arrived in 1 1 7 6 i t . 7 f r i r E -u p ; F RE D & KATIE SHERAM drove their '34 Roadsters and I believe that was a '36 Phaeton CHARLIE ADAMS was in??

Thany you TERRELL'S for sharing your beautiful LABOR CF LOVE with t h e V / 8 C l u b . T h i s h a d t o b e o n e o f t h e b e e t m e e t s o f t h e y e a r s


T h e G e o r g i a R e g i o n a l f i n a l l y r e c e i ved their MALL INSURANCE CERTIFICATE from Mr. EDWAED BRUERER of California. Mr. BRUERER apologised for the mix up in our receipt of the certificate, stating that he had accidently sent it to the National Headquarters in-stead of to the Regional. He assured us that we were fully covered during the show.

We apologize to Mr. Bruerer for our end of the mix-up, as when we tele-phoned, we did not leave the message for him to return the call collect. THANKS TO MR, BRUERER FOR HIS PROMPT ACTION IN THIS MATTER.

A D V E R T I S I N G This service FREE to members. AaS MUST relate to Ford V/8 hobby. Mail or phone ads to: FRANK KILGORE, 719 Lookout Dr., Forest Park, Ga. 300 50 P H O N E ; ) 6 1 - 4 7 9 5


1940 Ford Pick-up Truck. Call; MR. FALLIS - 432-0447


Manifold heater for 40 Ford; Inner & Cuter Beauty Rings, 40 Ford;

Radio for 51 and 54 Ford; Radio for 37 or 38 Chevy; Chrome for 51 Cres-tliner Ford; other 40 Ford Parts. Phone' S,R., JONES - 996-0552


Center manifold for twin carb' set-up, for Flathead. Phone: S.R. JONES - 996-0552


'40 Ford Deluxe Radio. Zenith of Philco.

Phone: CHARLES PHARR - 926-2284


LITERATURE on Columbia 2-speed rear axles for '46 - '48 Fords. Phone: FRED AUSTIN at 461-7787

Page 8: Restoration Blues and News · 2019. 5. 28. · Letter fr RESTORATION NEWS AND BLUES,....PAGE 2. •....from our President CLARENCE HAVEN 4 61— Wide Meeting with ALL Auto Clubs,


" t i r e efamis CARS





Auto-Coat, Inc. PA • TOOLS & 'BODY SUPPLIES,


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JOHN W tui7Gir.,INtS

P.-es 404-361-8366

Arri t r ica ' 0 - ,y Cams is Lw.1Nobropk

of Ex.deks:ve Auto MufPer SAOP,


4330 JONESBORO RD + FOREST P4 , GA 30050 • 361 -3042


Specializing in Antique Restoration of Auto Parts





Piaein 9 , I l l a w r c y j n r

Al i n P at -Ave-.... ie..



2228 Stewart Avenue, S.W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30315

