restaurant business transformation services


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Restaurant Business Transformation services

The Restaurant industry is an important component of our nation’s economy and is growing at a rapid pace. The restaurant market in India has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years the increase in buying power of Indian consumers and urbanization is driving the growth in the foodservice sector.

The secret formula for all successful restaurants across the world has been a combination of Right Taste, Right Price, Customer Relationship management | Successful Promotions and Marketing | Food cost control | Inventory Management | Cleanliness and Food Safety Standards | Utilization of Information Technology Striking this formula at the outset for restaurateurs is not easy. A typical restaurateur would face some of the problems sated below

RestaurantBusiness Transformation services

Page 2: Restaurant Business Transformation services

• AchievementofSalesTargets/Budgets• AchievementofBreakEven/Profitability• ChairPlacementandSpaceutilization• Walk-insAssessment• AveragePerCover• CustomerServiceTime• FoodCosting&FoodWastage• Inventory&PilferageControl• StockHolding&Rotation• VendorandSupplyChainManagement• BrandvalueandCustomerSatisfaction• PerformanceManagementSystem (IncentivesManagement)• Training&DevelopmentofStaffs• MultiLocationalControl


Page 3: Restaurant Business Transformation services


Business Strategy:



People Engagement:




Process Streamlining






Management Monitoring




Page 4: Restaurant Business Transformation services

Wecanprovidetheabovesolutionatarapidpace,longtermina facilitativeapproach. Further,our teamhave theexpertise tobringchangerightfromthelowestlevelemployeesworkingverycloselywiththemandtherebyelicitexcellentresponse.Alignconsultingwithwealthofexperience(1000000hours)haveperfectedanengagementmodeltotransformyourRetailbusinessto best in class in the world. We have mastered the variousapproachesbelowtomakeourengagementmodelsuccessful.

BestPracticeAdvisory|Coaching&Benchmarking|KnowledgeSharing|Coaching|BuildingManagementFrameworks | Process Re-engineering | Technologyalignment|ERPimplementation|FacilitationSessions|StrategySupport|ResearchSupport|Workshops|Brainstormingsessions|DesignReviewsystems

Align Assoicates Pvt.Ltd.Old No,9,New No.12, 18th Avenue,Ashok Nagar Chennai - 600083, Tamil Nadu, India.P: (+91) 044 45124222, (+91) 044 65285159E: [email protected]