response to intervention

Response to Interventio n Making it Work in Jessamine County Michelle Gadberry, Psy. S. Assistant Director of Special Programs

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Response to Intervention. Making it Work in Jessamine County Michelle Gadberry, Psy . S. Assistant Director of Special Programs. Background. 05-06 – funds allotted to purchase reading/math programs Jan 07 – I met with CRAs to introduce RTI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Response to InterventionMaking it Work in Jessamine CountyMichelle Gadberry, Psy. S.Assistant Director of Special Programs

  • Background05-06 funds allotted to purchase reading/math programsJan 07 I met with CRAs to introduce RTIMarch 07 DoSE introduced RTI to principals and secured volunteers to pilot the process in 07-08K-2 only in reading4 elementary schools involved

  • 07-08 PILOT YEARUsed DRA for universal screeningDIBELS for Progress MonitoringCurriculum Coaches and Curriculum Administrators provided school structureEach tier was outlined with suggested interventions for each level.Still used discrepancy formula for SLD identification

  • If we could do it againWe would have used district administrators to train all teachers so the message was more consistent.Would have provided more organizational structure rather than allow flexibility.Monitored interventions and process more intentionally.

  • Year Two 08-09All elementary schools involvedK-3 for ReadingTrained on DIBELS and administered 3x year as universal screeningIdentified bottom 10% district-wideAll other grades were expected to use RTI to implement interventions with at-risk students and monitor progress (Pyramid of Interventions) for reading and other areas including attendance.

  • Year TwoDeveloped district forms for monitoring implementation, documenting meetings and a rubric for level/tier changes.Provided a stipend for a coach to serve as the POI coach at each elementary.I met with RTI Coaches each month to review intervention ideas, share concerns and celebrations, and share information as needed.

  • End of the year planningAll day planning with coachesRefined district formsDeveloped plan for district Pyramid of Interventions University in August 09.

  • Year Three and onWith support of ARRA funds, each school hired an Intervention Resource Teacher (see job description.)Asst. DoSE dedicated half of her time to RTI coaching (two years only.)Currently - all schools are implementing RTI in some form or fashion. Elementary schools have the tightest program.

  • How are students selected?We use universal screening (3x a year).K-2 uses DIBELS for reading.3-11 uses PAS for reading and math.Scores are combined and sorted to determine the bottom 10% district-wide.Schools are then notified of the students in the Bottom 10%.Teachers may also refer students.

  • LevelsRefer to HandbookThree levels of increasing intensity/frequency based upon student needPyramids have been developed for reading, math, behavior and attendance

  • Progress MonitoringWe use DIBELS for reading K-5We use MBSP for math 1-5We use Aimsweb for reading/math middle schoolWe use a combination of created maze probes and PAS probes at high school.

  • SchedulesElementary all have blocks of time for students to receive intervention. Schedules vary but most have combined intervention teacher, reading teachers and assistants to cover multiple programs and multiple grade levels.Computerized programs are used to supplement also and allow flexibility.

  • SchedulesMiddle both have a 30 minutes block for enrichment/intervention. Additional intervention is provided in pockets of time including before/after school.High school both have intervention classes which provide an elective credit. One high school also provides individualized intervention (computer based) for small groups of students all day.

  • Student Monitoring MeetingsTeams meet monthly to review student progress.Decisions are based on data.Interventions are selected based on student need, not teacher convenience.Targeted Intervention Plan form is completed each month to maintain record of progress.

  • Elementary Team Meeting

  • Elementary Team Meeting

  • InterventionsLevel 1 reading and math is differentiated instruction using evidence based practices. We love the Florida Center for Reading Research activities that line up with the areas of reading.We created intervention packets from our Envisions materials.

  • InterventionsLevel Two supplemental 30 minutesInterventions vary but most school have added quite a lot over the last few yearsIn most cases the same programs can be used for Level Two and Level Three the intensity and/or frequency may vary, though.

  • InterventionsLevel Three should be 5% or less of populationIntervention should be changed if not working before referring for special education.Prior to referral must show dual discrepancy.

  • What if it doesnt work?Referral for special education is only made when you can show that:The student has received intensive evidence-based intervention geared at his/her academic deficits.The student has failed to show an adequate response (slope).The students skills remain well below that of their peers.

  • TrainingTrain, train and then train some more!POI UniversityIA UniversityDIBELS trainingsProblem Solving Process trainingsSpecific intervention trainings

  • FormsTeacher HandbookTIPLevel Change RubricImplementation DocumentationReferral Checklist

  • Success!First grade studentsMay 08 vs. May 09The percentage of students Low Risk in oral reading fluency increased from 53% to 63%!!The AVERAGE score for a 1st grader on ORF increased from 49 wpm to 63 wpm an increase of 11 words per minute!

  • QUESTIONS??Contact information:Michelle [email protected]