response of ground beetle (carabidae) assemblages … of... · response of ground beetle...

Response of ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblages to logging history in northern hardwood–hemlock forests Erika F. Latty a,c, * , Shahla M. Werner b,d , David J. Mladenoff a , Kenneth F. Raffa b , Theodore A. Sickley a a Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1598, USA b Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 345 Russell Laboratories, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1598, USA c Biology Department, Hollins University, P.O. Box 9615, Roanoke, VA 24020, USA d Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 208 Airport Drive, 2nd Floor, Middletown, PA 17057-5027, USA Received 10 March 2005; received in revised form 7 October 2005; accepted 7 October 2005 Abstract We quantified differences in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities in relation to forest management practices and historic forest cover changes in hardwood–hemlock forests of the north central United States. Beetles were sampled with pitfall traps in 1996 and 1997 and compared among three forest types: old-growth, and post-logging uneven- and even-aged forests. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination was used to assess compositional differences among forest types for 39 carabid species (43,483 individuals), which revealed distinct differences in beetle assemblages among forest types. Coarse woody debris, snag volume, gap area, understory vegetation and forest floor depth were significantly correlated with ordination axes suggesting that these variables are critical in structuring the beetle communities. Several of the species significantly associated with old-growth forests, like Carabus sylvosus, are known to favor forest habitats, whereas species commonly found in open habitats, such as Carabus nemoralis, had stronger affiliations with managed forests. Comparisons of northern hardwood–hemlock forest distribution from pre-Euroamerican settlement with current distributions reconstructed using the Forest Inventory and Analysis database indicate that old-growth habitat has declined to <1% of its original extent in this region. At the landscape level, these data suggest that the abundance of carabid species that prefer old-growth forest conditions has undergone broad-scale decline. # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ground beetles; Northern hardwood forest; Forest management; Old-growth; Habitat heterogeneity; Forest landscape change 1. Introduction The majority of the world’s landscapes are increasingly devoted to human purposes, including agriculture, settlement and industry (Dale et al., 2000). As these landscapes are transitioning, ecologists are recognizing the significance of these changes for a variety of ecosystem parameters (Turner et al., 1990; Mladenoff and Pastor, 1993; Houghton and Hackler, 2000). Such pervasive land use change can be expected to have repercussions for the distribution and abundance of a wide array of plant and animal species (Foster, 1992; Mladenoff et al., 1997; Ribera et al., 2001). Forests have undergone particularly large changes (Houghton, 1995), and within the United States overall forested area continues to decrease despite significant reforestation in the eastern portion of the country (Smith et al., 1993; Dale et al., 2000). Detailed assessments of forest change within the Great Lakes forests indicate that this landscape previously dominated by old- growth hemlock and hardwood forests is now largely composed of early successional second-growth hardwoods, with very few small old-growth patches (Mladenoff et al., 1993). The majority of these changes in forest cover were attributable to destructive logging and fires around the turn of the 20th century (Stearns, 1990; Mladenoff and Pastor, 1993). Following broad-scale afforestation in the mid 1900s forest management has again become the driving force of landscape change. In addition to changed landscape pattern, the historical and recent logging practices have maintained younger forests, reduced conifers and simplified structure including reductions in coarse woody debris loads (Goodburn and Lorimer, 1998; Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 540 362 6415; fax: +1 540 362 6629. E-mail addresses: efl[email protected], [email protected] (E.F. Latty), [email protected], [email protected] (S.M. Werner), djmla- [email protected] (D.J. Mladenoff), [email protected] (K.F. Raffa), [email protected] (T.A. Sickley). 0378-1127/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2005.10.028

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Response of ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblages to logging

history in northern hardwood–hemlock forests

Erika F. Latty a,c,*, Shahla M. Werner b,d, David J. Mladenoff a,Kenneth F. Raffa b, Theodore A. Sickley a

a Department of Forest Ecology and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1598, USAb Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 345 Russell Laboratories, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1598, USA

c Biology Department, Hollins University, P.O. Box 9615, Roanoke, VA 24020, USAd Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 208 Airport Drive, 2nd Floor, Middletown, PA 17057-5027, USA

Received 10 March 2005; received in revised form 7 October 2005; accepted 7 October 2005

Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347


We quantified differences in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities in relation to forest management practices and historic forest

cover changes in hardwood–hemlock forests of the north central United States. Beetles were sampled with pitfall traps in 1996 and 1997 and

compared among three forest types: old-growth, and post-logging uneven- and even-aged forests. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination

was used to assess compositional differences among forest types for 39 carabid species (43,483 individuals), which revealed distinct differences in

beetle assemblages among forest types. Coarse woody debris, snag volume, gap area, understory vegetation and forest floor depth were

significantly correlated with ordination axes suggesting that these variables are critical in structuring the beetle communities. Several of the species

significantly associated with old-growth forests, like Carabus sylvosus, are known to favor forest habitats, whereas species commonly found in

open habitats, such as Carabus nemoralis, had stronger affiliations with managed forests. Comparisons of northern hardwood–hemlock forest

distribution from pre-Euroamerican settlement with current distributions reconstructed using the Forest Inventory and Analysis database indicate

that old-growth habitat has declined to <1% of its original extent in this region. At the landscape level, these data suggest that the abundance of

carabid species that prefer old-growth forest conditions has undergone broad-scale decline.

# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ground beetles; Northern hardwood forest; Forest management; Old-growth; Habitat heterogeneity; Forest landscape change

1. Introduction

The majority of the world’s landscapes are increasingly

devoted to human purposes, including agriculture, settlement

and industry (Dale et al., 2000). As these landscapes are

transitioning, ecologists are recognizing the significance of

these changes for a variety of ecosystem parameters (Turner

et al., 1990; Mladenoff and Pastor, 1993; Houghton and

Hackler, 2000). Such pervasive land use change can be

expected to have repercussions for the distribution and

abundance of a wide array of plant and animal species (Foster,

1992; Mladenoff et al., 1997; Ribera et al., 2001). Forests have

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 540 362 6415; fax: +1 540 362 6629.

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (E.F. Latty),

[email protected], [email protected] (S.M. Werner), djmla-

[email protected] (D.J. Mladenoff), [email protected] (K.F. Raffa),

[email protected] (T.A. Sickley).

0378-1127/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


undergone particularly large changes (Houghton, 1995), and

within the United States overall forested area continues to

decrease despite significant reforestation in the eastern portion

of the country (Smith et al., 1993; Dale et al., 2000).

Detailed assessments of forest change within the Great Lakes

forests indicate that this landscape previously dominated by old-

growth hemlock and hardwood forests is now largely composed

of early successional second-growth hardwoods, with very few

small old-growth patches (Mladenoff et al., 1993). The majority

of these changes in forest cover were attributable to destructive

logging and fires around the turn of the 20th century (Stearns,

1990; Mladenoff and Pastor, 1993). Following broad-scale

afforestation in the mid 1900s forest management has again

become the driving force of landscape change.

In addition to changed landscape pattern, the historical and

recent logging practices have maintained younger forests,

reduced conifers and simplified structure including reductions

in coarse woody debris loads (Goodburn and Lorimer, 1998;

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347336

Duval and Grigal, 1999; Crow et al., 2002) and aboveground

living biomass (Hale et al., 1999; Ziegler, 2000). Modifications

of forest structure and vegetation are likely to have ramifica-

tions for faunal distributions (Niemela, 1997), which depend

upon key habitat features for shelter, nesting sites and foraging

areas (Harmon et al., 1986; Whittam et al., 2002). For example,

silvicultural practices have caused changes to forest inverte-

brate communities by altering microhabitat parameters like

coarse woody debris and local tree species (Niemela, 1997) and

in some cases, resulted in a loss of species diversity or altered

species composition (Niemela et al., 1993; Petterson et al.,

1995; Martikainen et al., 2000).

Developing an understanding of the collective response of

species to changing environmental conditions (Janzen, 1985;

Southwood, 1988; Ribera et al., 2001) inform conservation

practices that seek to maintain functional capabilities of

ecosystems. The composition of species that characterize a

given community is ultimately defined by more than simple

lists of species thus community studies should also incorporate

information about shared ecological characteristics (Whittaker,

1975; Cole et al., 2002). One way to detect ecological

similarities among species is to sort them into groups based on

life history attributes, requiring a broad understanding of the

ecology of the species (Ribera et al., 2001; Cole et al., 2002).

Such information exists for carabids (Lindroth, 1969, 1974;

Forsythe, 1987) whose sensitivity to environmental change is

widely recognized (Refseth, 1980; Gardner, 1991; Rieske and

Buss, 2001).

The majority of invertebrate community analyses have been

conducted in Europe (Niemela et al., 1993; Martikainen et al.,

2000; Jukes et al., 2001; Magura, 2002) where broad interest in

insect conservation exists and red lists of insects have been

created to integrate invertebrates in conservation planning

(Jonsell et al., 1998). For example, the UK Forestry

Commission’s Biodiversity Research Programme requires that

invertebrates be incorporated in land planning measures

(Hodge et al., 1998). In contrast, most conservation planning

in the United States rarely include invertebrates despite their

sensitivity to habitat changes and roles in vital ecosystem

processes like decomposition (Mattson and Addy, 1975), fire

cycles (McCullough et al., 1998), pollination (Westman, 1990)

and as a food source for other animals (Rosenberg et al., 1986).

Moreover, arthropods, most of which are insects, are the most

diverse and widespread of all animal phyla (Campbell, 1990).

The omission of insects from most United States conserva-

tion planning is likely due in part to a lack of regionally specific

insect data for all United States ecosystems. Carabids are the

third largest beetle family in North America with about 2600

species in 189 genera (Triplehorn and Johnson, 2005), making

this order an ideal focus for ecological studies. However, in

Great Lakes forests in particular, relatively few studies have

been conducted on habitat associations of carabids, and how

assemblages respond to widespread human-induced distur-

bances of the region, such as logging (but see Liebherr and

Mahar, 1979; Epstein and Kuhlman, 1990; Werner and Raffa,

2000; Vance and Nol, 2003). In addition, attempts to correlate

carabid assemblages in the greater United States with

ecologically meaningful management units, based on land-

scape scale parameters, such as climate and geological features,

have been only partially successful (Rykken et al., 1997; Moore

et al., 2004). Part of the challenge in relating invertebrate

communities to ecosystem management is attributable to the

dissimilar scales at which ecosystem processes occur and

invertebrate communities are defined. Ultimately the chosen

scale must have ecological meaning for diverse groups of taxa

in order to retain practicality for land managers. Using forest

stands, as the unit at which to implement invertebrate studies is

a reasonable spatial scale. The majority of United States forests

are managed at this scale and the management history can play

an important role in determining carabid composition (Werner

and Raffa, 2000; Jukes et al., 2001).

The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of

forest management practices on carabid assemblages of Great

Lakes forests. We addressed the following hypotheses. (1)

There are differences in communities of ground dwelling

Carabidae among old-growth, and younger uneven- and even-

aged northern hardwood–hemlock forests. (2) Differences in

beetle assemblages among forest types can be explained by

environmental variables including forest structure, vegetation

and soil characters. (3) If differences in beetle communities do

exist then changes in historical forest cover in northern

Wisconsin and Upper Michigan have resulted in a landscape

that favors carabid communities typical of younger forests.

Information gathered by this study can guide conservation

actions in terms of protecting beetle assemblages found in old-

growth forests, a rare landscape element, and by providing

necessary data for incorporation in forest management guide-

lines that currently overlook beetle communities in their


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study areas

Carabids were sampled in 22 forest sites in northern

Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, located

from 458410 to 468180 north latitude and 888590 to 898440 west

longitude (Fig. 1). This study was conducted as part of a

multidisciplinary effort examining the effects of forest

management practices on the flora, fauna and ecosystem

characteristics of the region (Bockheim, 1997; Goodburn and

Lorimer, 1998; Campbell and Gower, 2000; Werner and Raffa,

2000; Miller et al., 2002; Scheller and Mladenoff, 2002). Sites

were chosen to minimize floristic, soil and climatic variability

and most stands were located on the Winegar terminal moraine

(Goodburn and Lorimer, 1998). Average monthly temperatures

range from –12 8C (January) to 19 8C (July) and average annual

precipitation is 850 mm (Goodburn, 1996).

Sites are dominated by Acer saccharum Marsh. (sugar

maple), Betula alleghaniensis Britton (yellow birch), Tsuga

canadensis Carr. (eastern hemlock) and Tilia americana L.

(basswood), and other minor tree species. Three forest types

were represented: (1) managed, uneven-aged, n = 9 sites;

(2) managed, even-aged, n = 5 sites and (3) unmanaged,

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347 337

Fig. 1. Sampling locations in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA.

old-growth, n = 8 sites. Uneven-aged sites have been managed

by individual tree selection, resulting in a variety of tree

diameters and age classes. No cutting occurred in these sites

after 1990. Even-aged stands had not been managed since being

clear-cut between 1916 and 1933, resulting in uniform tree age.

The old-growth stands are located within the Sylvania

Wilderness, a diverse landscape of over 8000 ha, the majority

of which has not been logged (Davis, 1996). A variety of soils,

landforms and forest types exist, and over 700 separate forest

patches have been mapped from aerial imagery ranging from

<1 ha to over 1000 ha (Pastor and Broschart, 1990). We have

shown that spatial autocorrelation exists only at <1000 m for

stand canopy composition (Manies and Mladenoff, 2000) and

understory at only <100 m(Scheller and Mladenoff, 2002). All

stands studied are separated by 2–5 km, thus constituting

independent replicates at the stand level.

2.2. Carabid sampling methods

In each forest stand, a 30 m � 100 m (0.3 ha) plot was

established around a randomly selected plot center located at

least 200 m from the stand edge. Barrier pitfall traps were used

to sample carabids. Four traps were placed in each corner of the

plot and consisted of two pairs of 625 mL plastic cups

connected by a meter-long barrier of garden edging to increase

trap efficiency (Luff, 1975; Durkis and Reeves, 1982; Holland

and Smith, 1999; Werner and Raffa, 2000). Four ounces of

propylene glycol (Sierra brand, Safe Brands Corp., Omaha NB,

USA)/water solution (1:1) were added to each trap. Flooding

and vertebrate predation were minimized with clear, plexiglass

roofs placed above the cups (Luff, 1975; Rykken et al., 1997).

Traps were samples approximately once every 12 days between

May and September. The 1996 and 1997 data were pooled to

reduce seasonal variation on beetle activity (Jukes et al., 2001).

Because carabids comprised 54% of the total catch (Werner and

Raffa, 2000) only this highly mobile beetle family was

considered in our analyses. Although pitfall traps are influenced

by insect size (Luff, 1975; Spence and Niemela, 1994) and

activity (Greenslade, 1964), this method has proven useful for

comparing relative abundances between sites (Lindroth, 1974;

Jukes et al., 2001). Data reported here examine only carabid

beetles (but see Werner and Raffa, 2000).

2.3. Habitat sampling methods

Species, diameter at breast height (DBH = 1.4 m), and total

height were recorded for each live tree >2 cm DBH within each

plot. Analogous information was collected for all dead trees

�10 cm DBH and >1.5 m tall. Fallen coarse woody debris

(CWD) �10 cm diameter (fallen boles, branches, natural and

cut stumps, and harvest tops) was measured in 10, 10 � 10

quadrats within a 10 m � 100 m transect centered within the

plot. CWD volume was calculated from lengths and cross-

sectional areas of each end using Smalian’s formula for cubic


All canopy openings intersecting the center 10 m � 100 m

transect were measured. Only openings wider than 3 m in two

perpendicular directions were considered gaps. Older openings

in which saplings were taller than two-thirds the average

canopy height of the stand were not included as gaps. Gap area

was estimated by measuring 8 radii oriented in the cardinal

directions from a central point to the gap edge.

The percent cover of woody and herbaceous summer ground

flora was recorded in eight 1 m � 3 m subplots systematically

placed across the 0.3 ha plot. Woody stems <0.5 m were

included as woody vegetation. The eight subplots were

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347338

averaged to determine mean cover values per plot. Vegetation

was grouped as ferns, grasses, herbs, Lycopodia, shrubs and tree

seedlings. Goodburn (1996) and Goodburn and Lorimer (1998)

provide detailed descriptions of the methodology for assessing

structural components of the forests.

Soil sampling occurred at 10 random points within each plot,

using a 20 cm diameter circular metal frame, from which the

forest floor was removed, and a 5 cm bucket auger was used to

sample the upper 30 cm of the mineral soil. Forest floor

measurements were made at separate soil pits established at one

of the 10 sampling points. Samples were processed for particle-

size distribution, sand fractionation, calcium content, organic

carbon content, nitrogen content and cation exchange capacity

(Bockheim, 1997).

2.4. Ecological groups

Each carabid species was assigned to one guild membership

within three ecological groups based on literature reviews

(Lindroth, 1969; LaRochelle, 1972; Spence, 1990; Kavanaugh,

1992; Niemela et al., 1992, 1993). The three ecological groups

were defined by habitat preferences, diet and dispersal

strategies. Habitat preferences were classified as (1) forest

specialist, (2) open habitat specialist or (3) generalist, species

with no known specific habitat requirements. Dispersal

strategies were defined by wing development and categorized

as (1) monomorphic macropterous species that disperse by

flying, (2) monomorphic brachypterous species that disperse by

walking or (3) dimorphic where macropterous and brachypter-

ous individuals exist within the same populations. Feeding

habits were categorized as (1) carnivorous or (2) omnivorous.

Each species was also identified as native or introduced.

2.5. Past and present regional land cover

We estimated the amount of hardwood–hemlock forest prior

to Euroamerican settlement (ca. 1850) and compared this to

current (ca. 1990) estimates. Historical forest cover was

reconstructed using datasets based on the General Land Office’s

Public Lands Survey (PLS) records for Upper Michigan

(Comer et al., 1995) and northern Wisconsin (Schulte et al.,

2002). To standardize the classification schemes between

states, we aggregated all land cover types into two categories,

northern hardwood–hemlock forest and other. In Wisconsin, the

northern hardwood–hemlock cover type was defined as those

cover types in which sugar maple, eastern hemlock, yellow

birch and/or American basswood composed >50% of the

relative basal area of a PLS section (2.6 km2). The historic data

from Michigan are qualitative and cover types were typically

determined based on frequency of occurrence of a given species

(Comer et al., 1995). Therefore, in Michigan, we defined

northern hardwood–hemlock as cover types containing the

same tree species mixtures as those used to define northern

hardwood–hemlocks in Wisconsin.

The reclassified data from the two states were summarized to

a common scale, that of the PLS section. The majority land

cover class, northern hardwood–hemlocks or other, was

assigned to each PLS section. To determine the overall area

dominated by northern hardwood–hemlock forests in both

states, the reclassified and rescaled data were intersected with

ecological subsections, as defined by the U.S. Forest Service

(USFS) (Keys et al., 1995; WDNR, 1999). If >50% of a USFS

subsection was classified as northern hardwood–hemlock then

the subsection was included in the study area. Ultimately the

study area consisted of 22 ecological subsections located within

the USFS Vegetation Province 212 and totaling 63,610 km2.

To determine the current extent of northern hardwood–

hemlock forests within the same study area we used the USFS

Forest Inventory and Analysis Database (FIADB) because

reliable spatial data describing detailed forest cover classes at

fine spatial scales in Wisconsin do not exist. Using the 1996

survey data in Wisconsin and those from 1993 in Michigan, we

extracted the FIADB plots that occurred within the USFS

subsections comprising the study area. In each of the extracted

FIADB plots the relative basal area of all species was calculated.

The total amount of northern hardwood–hemlock forest was

determined by summing the areas represented by each FIADB

plot classified as that land cover type within the study area.

To relate changes in forest cover to the forest types from

which the carabid data was collected, we made finer distinctions

within the northern hardwood–hemlock forest type, pertaining to

both the level of human influence in these forests and their age

structure. All historic forests were considered unmanaged and

further delineated as either mature, old-growth or younger,

regenerating forests. Data from the PLS surveys do not distin-

guish between old-growth and regenerating forests. However,

modeling exercises and disturbance chronologies developed for

Sylvania and two other preserves containing unmanaged forests

in Upper Michigan estimated that approximately 64% of the

historic northern hardwood–hemlock forests were old-growth,

where the canopy was dominated by mature and/or large trees

(Frelich and Lorimer, 1991). We used this percentage to estimate

the amount of northern hardwood–hemlock forest that was old-

growth versus those forests regenerating from a natural

disturbance, as calculated by difference.

For the purposes of this paper unmanaged forests are those

that have been continuously dominated by natural disturbance

regimes, whereas managed stands refer to forests first logged in

the early 1900s. The unmanaged portion of the present land-

scape (the portion that had not been logged) was determined

from published reports for the region (Davis, 1996). About 73%

of these forests were considered late-successional old-growth

forests with the remainder designated as regenerating forests,

those recovering from natural disturbances (Frelich and

Lorimer, 1991).

In contrast to the historical landscape, the current landscape

is also composed of managed forests, comprising all current

northern hardwood–hemlock forests that are not considered

unmanaged. To determine the area occupied by forests most

similar to the even- and uneven-aged forests used in the carabid

study a distinction was made between managed forests �60

years old and those �60 years. This age cut-off was used

because the FIADB does not distinguish among different types

of forest management, however, our field data indicated that the

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347 339

predominant age class of the even- and uneven-aged stands was

at least 60 years. Using plot-level information on the average

age of the trees in the dominant size class from the FIADB, we

calculated the area of managed forests in each of the two age


2.6. Statistical analyses

Species diversity was assessed by the Shannon (H0) and

Simpson’s (D) diversity indices per plot as calculated by a

jacknife estimator in the free software EstimateS (Colwell,

1997). Differences among forest types were assessed using

general linear model procedures (SAS, 1999). Compositional

differences in carabid communities between old-growth,

uneven-aged forests and even-aged forests were determined

by non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination, which is

well suited for non-normal data typical of species abundance

datasets (McCune and Mefford, 1999). A multi-response

permutation procedure (MRPP) was used to test for differences

in species assemblages between management histories. Species

exclusive to only one stand were removed from the analysis.

One old-growth site was removed as an outlier due to structural

evidence of a former lodge and heavy recreational activities

nearby. Sørensen’s coefficient was used to calculate the

community distance matrix for the remaining 22 sites using

PC-ORD software (McCune and Mefford, 1999). All data were

relativized by site prior to ordination analysis. Variation in

beetle assemblages was related to environmental variables and

the ordination axes using general linear models (SAS, 1999).

To find carabid indicator species and species assemblages

characteristic of each management type an Indicator Species

Analysis was performed using PC-ORD (Dufrene and

Legendre, 1997; McCune and Mefford, 1999). This method

produces indicator values for each species using information

Fig. 2. NMS ordination of carabid communities in old-growth, uneven- and even

on species abundance in a particular group and the fidelity of

species occurrence in that group. The indicator values were

tested for statistical significance using a Monte Carlo technique.

3. Results

3.1. Carabid species composition

In total, 59 species of carabids, representing 47,590

individuals were obtained. Of these, 39 commonly caught

species representing 43,483 individuals were included in the

ordination. The majority of the catch was comprised of four

dominant species, Pterostichus coracinus (21%), Synuchus

impunctans (18%), Pterostichus pensylvanicus (12%) and

Platynus decentis (10%). Carabid abundance (mean number of

individuals per plot) was similar among the three forest types

(GLM: d.f. = 2, 19, F = 1.73, P > 0.2040) with an average of

2011 individuals per stand. The Simpson’s index demonstrated

equally high diversity in old-growth (D = 8.60) and even-aged

stands (D = 8.42) and significantly lower diversity from the

uneven-aged stands (D = 8.07) (GLM: d.f. = 2, 19, F = 3.52,

P > 0.05). Similar patterns were also obtained using the

Shannon Index (GLM: d.f. = 2, 19, F = 4.07, P > 0.03).

Detailed species-level diversity analyses for these plus

additional families are reported in Werner and Raffa (2000).

There were distinct differences in the beetle communities of

old-growth and managed forests (Figs. 2 and 3). The first two

axes of the ordination explained 84% of the total variation

observed in the carabid assemblages and revealed that assemb-

lages from old-growth forests were significantly different from

those in uneven- and even-aged forests (MRPP: P = 0.0001).

However, few species were obtained exclusively from a single

forest management type. Although the ordination did not

detect significant differences between species composition in

-aged forests showing the ordination of study sites (stands) in species space.

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347340

Fig. 3. NMS ordination of carabid communities in old-growth, uneven- and

even-aged forests showing the ordination of beetle species in stand space.

Individual species are identified by the first two letters of the genus followed by

the first two letters of the species epithet.

Fig. 4. Abundance of carabids in old-growth and managed forests by guild

association for (a) habitat preferences, (b) dispersal capabilities and (c) diet


uneven- and even-aged forests, there was greater variation in

beetle composition in the even-aged forests.

3.2. Indicator species and ecological groupings

Several species were determined to be indicator species of

the old-growth and managed forests (Table 1). As the ordination

did not separate carabid assemblages in uneven-aged forests

from even-aged forests, the data from these two forest types

were pooled for the indicator species and guild analyses. The

significant indicator species of the old-growth stands were

primarily forest dwellers, with the exception of Pterostichus

adstrictus, a generalist. Forest specialists found most com-

monly in the old-growth stands were C. sylvosus, Agonum

gratiosum, Myas cyanescens and P. decentis. Two generalist

species, P. coracinus and S. impunctans, were significantly

associated with the managed forests in addition to a forest

specialist, Harpalus fulvilabris. Although there were too few

exotic beetle species in this study for statistical analysis, each of

the five introduced species was more strongly affiliated with the

managed forests than with the old-growth forests. Total exotic

abundance was highest, though not significantly, in the

managed stands, 314 versus 199 exotic individuals in the

old-growth stands (GLM: d.f. = 1, 20, F = 1.06, P > 0.31).

The communities in the different forest types can also be

characterized by the stand abundance of carabids falling within

separate ecological groups based on their habitat preferences,

diet and dispersal strategies (Fig. 4). There was a weak,

significant relationship between forest history and habitat

preferences (MANOVA: d.f. = 3, 18, F = 2.60, Wilks’ Lambda

>0.08). This relationship was driven by the greater abundance

of carabids preferring open habitats (P > 0.04) and those

classified as generalists (P > 0.07) (Fig. 4a). There was no

significant effect of forest history on dispersal strategies

(Fig. 4b) (MANOVA: d.f. = 3, 18, F = 0.47, Wilks’ >0.70) or

diet (MANOVA: d.f. = 2, 19, F = 2.35, Wilks’ Lambda >0.12).

However, omnivores were more abundant in managed stands

relative to old-growth stands (P > 0.03) (Fig. 4c).

3.3. Environmental variables

Several environmental variables were tested against axes 1

and 2 of the ordination. A subset of these variables was

significantly correlated with each axis (Table 2). Axis 1 was

most correlated with the volume of coarse woody debris

(P = 0.001) and gap size (P = 0.004), followed by fern cover

(P = 0.02), snag volume (P = 0.04) and Lycopodium cover

(P = 0.04). Axis 2 correlated with the depth of the forest floor

(P = 0.01) and percentage shrub cover (P = 0.02). On average,

old-growth sites contained the greatest volume of CWD (GLM:

d.f. = 1, 20, F = 28.96, P < 0.0001) and snags (GLM: d.f. = 1,

20, F = 13.96, P < 0. 001), the largest gaps (GLM: d.f. = 1, 20,

F = 6.02, P > 0.02) and the highest Lycopodium percent cover

(GLM: d.f. = 1, 20, F = 7.87, P > 0.01) (Fig. 5 and Table 3).

Mean shrub cover was 0 in the old-growth stands and differed

from detectable shrub cover in managed stands (GLM: d.f. = 1,

20, F = 5.96, P > 0.02). In contrast, fern cover and average

depth of the forest floor were not significantly different between

the two forest types (Table 3).

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347 341

Table 1

Ecological associations of Carabidae by affiliation with forest type as determined by indicator values

Species Indicator value Habitat preference Dispersal mechanism Diet Origin

Old-growth forest

Carabus sylvosus 86.7** Forest Brachypterous Carnivore Native

Agonum gratiosum 70.3* Open Brachypterous Carnivore Native

Myas cyanescens 68.4* Forest Macropterous NDa Native

Platynus decentis 67.5** Forest Brachypterous Omnivore Native

Pterostichus adstrictus 65.3* Generalist Macropterous Carnivore Native

Sphaeroderus lecontei 61.1 Forest ND Carnivore ND

Bradycellus lugubris 57.9 Generalist Macropterous Carnivore Native

Pterostichus pensylvanicus 55.7 Forest Dimorphic Carnivore Native

Calosoma frigidum 55.3 Forest Macropterous Carnivore Native

Cymindis cribicollis 51.6 Open Dimorphic Omnivore Native

Patrobus longicornis 49.9 Generalist Dimorphic Omnivore Native

Agonum melanarium 42.1 Generalist ND Carnivore Native

Loricera pilicornis 31.3 Forest Macropterous Omnivore Native

Agonum trigeminum 28.9 Open Macropterous ND Native

Platynus mannerheimii 20.5 Forest Brachypterous Carnivore Native

Elaphrus clairvillei 19.9 Forest Macropterous Carnivore Native

Amara cupreolata 19.7 Open Brachypterous Omnivore Native

Agonum placidum 15.8 Open Macropterous Omnivore Native

Harpalus laticeps 15.5 Generalist Macropterous ND Native

Managed forest

Harpalus fulvilabris 84.1*** Forest Dimorphic Carnivore Native

Carabus nemoralis 70.9 Open Brachypterous Omnivore Introduced

Pterostichus coracinus 66.9** Generalist ND Omnivore Native

Synuchus impunctatus 57.9 Generalist Dimorphic Omnivore Native

Pterostichus mutus 54.8 Generalist Macropterous Carnivore Native

Agonum retractum 54.4 Forest Dimorphic Carnivore Native

Pterostichus melanarius 54.0 Generalist Macropterous Omnivore Introduced

Pterostichus tristis 50.0 Forest ND Omnivore Native

Clivina fossor 50.1 Open Dimorphic Omnivore Introduced

Pseudamara aenaria 50.0* Forest Macropterous Carnivore Native

Calathus ingrates 49.0 Generalist Dimorphic Carnivore Native

Notiophilus aeneus 25.5 Forest ND Carnivore Native

Harpalus somnulentis 24.2 Open Macropterous Carnivore Introduced

Poecilus lucublandus 23.7 Open Brachypterous ND Native

Scaphinotus bilobus 21.4 Forest Brachypterous Carnivore Native

Harpalus herbivagous 18.5 Open Macropterous Omnivore Native

Trechus apicalis 14.7 Forest Dimorphic ND Native

Bembidion wingatei 14.4 Generalist Brachypterous ND Native

Agonum muelleri 14.3 Open Macropterous Carnivore Introduced

Harpalus affinis 14.3 Open Macropterous Omnivore Native

a ND, no data.* P < 0.05.

** P < 0.01.*** P < 0.001.

3.4. Regional land cover changes

The reconstruction of historic vegetation shows that

northern hardwood–hemlock forests were abundant in both

northern Wisconsin and western Upper Michigan (Fig. 5). This

forest cover type originally encompassed 72% of the defined

study area and now comprises 17%, more than a four-fold loss.

Although spatial data with similar resolution for current forest

cover types are not available, three areas containing major

parcels of old-growth northern hardwood–hemlock forests are

outlined (Fig. 5) to illustrate their spatial relationship to the

present landscape.

The historic landscape was dominated by unmanaged

hardwood–hemlock forests, whereas remaining northern hard-

wood–hemlock forests are mostly managed (Table 4). Approxi-

mately 24% of the historically defined northern hardwood–

hemlock forest is currently comprised of this forest type

(Table 4b). Within that 24%, most (98%) falls within the

managed forest type and over half of that is more than 60 years

old (Table 4a). The most dramatic losses have been to

unmanaged forests, with only about 0.5% remaining on the

current landscape (Table 4b).

4. Discussion

Species diversity and composition differed among forest

stand types. A possible explanation for the relatively low

species diversity of the uneven-aged stands is that these stands

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347342

Table 2

Correlations between measured environmental variables and NMS axes 1 and 2

Environmental variable Axis 1 Axis 2

Stand basal area (m2/ha) 0.019 0.149

Tree density (stems/ha) �0.155 0.274

Percent live conifers (by total live basal area) 0.079 0.209

Percent dead conifers (by total dead basal area) �0.020 �0.033

Coarse woody debris volume (m3/ha) 0.636*** �0.123

Snag volume (m3/ha) 0.437* 0.035

Gaps (#/ha) �0.116 �0.062

Gap area (m2/ha) 0.577** �0.244

Fern cover (%) �0.467** 0.197

Grass cover (%) �0.130 0.022

Herbaceous cover (%) �0.354 �0.006

Lycopodium cover (%) 0.440* 0.024

Shrub cover (%) �0.134 �0.466*

Tree seedling cover (%) 0.079 �0.398

Clay content (mg/ha) �0.156 0.172

Silt content (mg/ha) �0.176 0.244

Calcium content (kmol(+)/ha) �0.131 0.332

Organic carbon content (mg/ha) �0.325 0.129

N content (kg/ha) �0.025 �0.306

Cation exchange capacity (kmol(+)/ha) �0.175 0.137

Forest floor depth (cm) 0.350 �0.530**

Forest floor mass (kg/ha) 0.052 �0.217

* P < 0.05.** P < 0.01.

*** P < 0.001.

Table 3

Average values (�S.E.) for select vegetation cover and forest floor depth in old-

growth and managed forests

Environmental variable Old-growth forest Managed forest

Coarse woody debris (m3/ha)*** 100.7(�6.8) 49.9(�6.0)

Snags (m3/ha)*** 42.5(�9.3) 13.8(2.56)

Gap area (m2/ha)* 89.0(�23.3) 41.3(�6.6)

Fern cover (%)ns 9.6(�2.3) 13.3(�1.8)

Lycopodium cover (%)** 4.37(�1.7) 1.11(�0.30)

Shrub cover (%)* 0.06(�0.03) 4.79(�1.2)

Forest floor depth (cm)ns 7.0(�0.5) 2.1(�0.56)

ns, non-significant.* P < 0.05.

** P < 0.01.*** P < 0.001.

have been harvested the most recently, and therefore not yet

accumulated the full suite of carabid species expected. In

contrast, the even-aged stands have had over 60 years and the

old-growth stands more than 100 years in which to accrue

species. Despite differences in species diversity few species

were exclusive to any forest type. Moreover, the ordination

demonstrated that the carabid communities in the old-growth

and managed stands were unique but those in the even- and

uneven-aged stand were not (Fig. 2). These results suggest that

both historical and more recent logging activities influence

Table 4

(a) Past and current acreage of northern hardwood–hemlock forests within the study

select forest cover types

Forest cover type Presettlement landscape (k

Northern hardwood–hemlock 45,934

Unmanaged 45,934

Old-growth 29,168

Regenerating 16,766

Managed 0

�60 years 0

<60 years 0

Forest cover type Proportion on presettleme

Northern hardwood–hemlock 100

Unmanaged 100

Old-growth 63

Regenerating 37

Managed 0

�60 years 0

<60 years 0

carabid community makeup. Thus, landscape-level losses of

both northern hardwood–hemlock forests and the diversity of

age-classes associated with such forests (Table 4) have resulted

in regional decreases of carabid diversity (gamma diversity;

Whittaker, 1972).

Baseline data describing the structure of forests and the

biological communities that inhabit them is necessary to

understand how anthropogenic activities effect forested ecosys-

tems. However, baseline data is often difficult to obtain given the

ubiquitous nature of human behavior. We used data from the old-

growth stands of the Sylvania Wilderness Area to approximate

forests with the least human impact because this area is

sufficiently large enough to allow natural disturbances, such as

windthrow, to be the dominant disturbance regime. Although our

analyses of old-growth sites were restricted to one geographic

region due to the paucity of large parcels of old-growth forests,

the results are meaningful because our plots were located>2 km

away from one another and spatial autocorrelation of forest

structural variables was exhibited at distances less than 1 km

(Manies and Mladenoff, 2000; Scheller and Mladenoff, 2002).

Thus, it is likely that both the current management and past

area; (b) proportion of original northern hardwood–hemlock forests occupied by

m2) Current landscape (km2)








nt landscape (%) Proportion on current landscape (%)








E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347 343

Fig. 5. Spatial extent of the study area in northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula, Michigan and the portion defined as northern hardwood–hemlock forests prior

to Euroamerican settlement. Public lands containing the largest old-growth parcels are shown in thick, black outline (1) Porcupine Wilderness State Park, (2) The

Huron Mountain Reserve Area and (3) The Sylvania Wilderness Area.

history of these stands have influenced the present carabid

communities. Similar differences in community assemblages

have been detected at equivalent spatial scales in Canada and

may reflect stand-level parameters like the amount of large

diameter woody material (Hammond et al., 2004) and understory

plant cover (Niemela and Spence, 1994).

Compositional differences in carabid assemblages in the

present study were most strongly correlated with variables

related to forest structure and groundlayer vegetation. Beetle

assemblages were related to coarse woody debris (Table 1),

which varied significantly among forest types (Table 3). Carabid

assemblages have been related to the presence of woody debris in

a variety of habitats, including Canadian pine and aspen forests

(Carcamo and Parkinson, 1999; Hammond et al., 2004), boreal

forests of Finland (Martikainen et al., 2000; Sippola et al., 2002),

Norway (Økland et al., 1996; Sverdrup-Thygeson, 2001) and

Australian hardwood forests (Oliver et al., 2000). Aside from

providing physical habitat, downed woody debris also influences

microhabitat parameters like soil moisture and local soil nutrient

content (Harmon et al., 1986) that in turn affect the abundance

and diversity of beetle species. Woody debris also augments

temporal and spatial habitat heterogeneity because dead wood

offers varied substrates to invertebrates, which change over time

as the wood decays. For example, the diversity of dead tree parts

and the presence of large diameter dead wood can increase the

abundance of many saproxylic (insects inhabiting dead wood)

beetle species (Økland et al., 1996). Therefore stands>100 years

old should be retained in order to conserve entire saproxylic

communities (Hammond et al., 2004). The characteristic carabid

assemblages of old-growth forests in this study were associated

with the highest amounts of woody debris (Table 3). Collectively,

these observations suggest that long-term reductions in the

quantity of coarse woody debris due to forest management may

have detrimental consequences for invertebrate communities,

particularly rare and saproxylic species (Sippola et al., 2002).

Understory vegetation structure, particularly Lycopodium,

fern and shrub cover, also influenced beetle assemblages

(Table 3). Several studies have linked vegetation structure with

carabid distribution (Niemela et al., 1992; Verschoor and

Krebs, 1995; Butterfield, 1997), although few have found

species-specific effects of plants on the beetle communities.

The structural characteristics of plant cover are likely to have

the greatest influence on both stand-level and microhabitat

features, and thus exert greater control over carabid distribution

than plant identity (Spence et al., 1996). The old-growth sites

were characterized by the highest percentage of Lycopodium

cover and the lowest shrub cover, creating a patchy understory

environment. The even-aged sites, in particular, had relatively

homogenous understory structure characterized by uniformly

dense fern cover and small amounts of dead wood.

With the exception of forest floor depth, we did not detect

significant correlations between soil parameters and beetle

distributions. Other studies have correlated soil characters like

organic matter content (Ings and Hartley, 1999), pH and

calcium availability (Carcamo and Parkinson, 1999) with the

composition of carabid communities when such data were

analyzed at fine spatial scales (1–100 m2). Although local

variation in soil characters is likely to influence beetle

assemblages at fine scales, we propose that at the stand-level,

structural characteristics of the forest are more likely to

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347344

influence beetle assemblages because these variables are

relatively consistent within stands yet exhibit moderate

amounts of stand-to-stand variation. We focused on stand-

level interactions of habitat variables and carabid assemblages

because this is the scale at which forest management generally


Beetle communities were further characterized by groups of

indicator species. Several species had significant affiliations with

the old-growth forests including, C. sylvosus, A. gratiosum, M.

cyanescens and P. decentis. All Harpalus species and Synuchus

impunctatus were most strongly associated with the younger,

managed forests, similar to the findings of other studies (Niemela

et al., 1993; Werner and Raffa, 2000; Moore et al., 2004). The

large bodied Calosoma frigida was most strongly associated with

the late-successional, old-growth stands (IV = 55.3, Table 1).

This result is in keeping with a Canadian study that found the

greatest abundance of C. frigida in older stands than in those that

had been recently logged (Vance and Nol, 2003). In addition to

specific indicator species, carabids most strongly affiliated with

either old-growth or managed forests were marked by different

habitat preferences and diets. The managed forests supported

relatively high numbers of generalists and open habitat

specialists (Fig. 4a). More omnivores were also characteristic

of managed stands (Fig. 4b) and may reflect less specialized diet

preferences or requirements of species that have generalist

habitat affiliations.

In contrast, predominant modes of dispersal did not appear

to be related to the management history of the forest. According

to the habitat templet theory (Southwood, 1977, 1988),

dispersal capabilities should correlate with site disturbance,

such that species with poor dispersal abilities (e.g., brachypter-

ous species) should be more common in constant environments

than in disturbed environments. The opposite also holds and

high dispersal power is expected in populations living in highly

stochastic environments. Given this theory we expected

brachypterous species to dominate in the least disturbed

forests, the old-growth forests and macropterous species to be

more common in the post-logging forests. However, high

dispersal power also may be selected for in suitable but too

small environments (Den Boer, 1990). The remaining old-

growth forest in this region is highly fragmented and the parcels

that do exist are quite small relative to the entire landscape

(Fig. 5; Mladenoff et al., 1993). Moreover, there is some

evidence from other studies that carabids from heterogeneous

habitats have higher dispersal abilities than those from more

homogenous habitats (Den Boer, 1990; De Vries et al., 1996).

Thus conflicting selective forces, forces that favor both high

and low dispersal abilities, may be at work within forest types

thereby explaining the lack of differences in dispersal power

between old-growth and managed forests. Alternatively, the

selective forces influencing dispersal ability may be stronger

between land cover types, such as croplands versus forests, than

between different forest cover types.

Few introduced species were collected in this study,

however, those that were had stronger affiliations with managed

than old-growth forests (Table 1). Although introduced species

occurred with low frequency in this region, these data suggest

that old-growth forests may be one of the few places where

studies of relatively intact native beetle communities may still

be conducted. Our data do not indicate if this is due to habitat

characteristics or reflect that fact that old-growth stands are

generally less accessible than managed stands, and therefore

less likely to be invaded by non-indigenous species. Although

data from remaining old-growth forests are not likely to be

exact descriptions of carabid assemblages in presettlement

forests, they can inform conservation goals that seek to restore

species assemblages typical of the least human-disturbed


At a regional scale, our data suggest that the influence of past

and present forest management practices on beetle community

composition and ecological groups have had consequences for

their overall abundance and distribution. Under historic

conditions most northern hardwood–hemlock forests were in

a mature, old-growth state (Table 4). Approximately

45,934 km2 were potential habitat for carabid assemblages

characteristic of old-growth forests as opposed to 226 km2 that

exist currently. Post-logging forests have supplanted the

structurally diverse, old-growth forests of the historical

landscape and now constitute the dominant landscape matrix

of this region (Table 4, Mladenoff et al., 1993). Maturing

second-growth forests (>60 years old) are particularly common

and a significantly greater number of open habitat specialists

and more exotics reside in these managed forests, suggesting

that at the landscape level, there is a dramatically higher

proportion of species preferring open habitats than prior to

1850. This combined with the fact that those species most

closely affiliated with the old-growth forests were forest

specialists implies that conservation guidelines for this region

should emphasize the creation of old-growth characters in

remaining forests to insure forest structural diversity, and

therefore a greater diversity of insect fauna.

4.1. Implications for conservation and management

Data presented here suggest that forest management has

influenced the composition of beetle communities at the stand

and landscape scales and the abundance of species sharing

common ecological traits at the landscape scale. Despite

community level differences, of the 39 most commonly caught

carabid species, none were exclusive to a forest type. Thus, we

agree with other researchers that the use of single carabid

species as bioindicators of forest disturbance is of limited value

(Rykken et al., 1997), particularly at large geographic scales

that contain many forest types (Moore et al., 2004). The relative

abundances of groups of species proved most sensitive to past

forest management practices.

The beetle assemblages in each forest type shared some

ecological traits such as a greater number of forest specialists in

the old-growth stands. By necessity we limited our assessment

of the ecological associations of carabids to those for which we

could assemble reliable information. It is likely that other

important ecological groups may show affiliations with forests

of varying histories and future research should be directed

toward developing both a more comprehensive understanding

E.F. Latty et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 222 (2006) 335–347 345

of invertebrate ecology and how it is affected by human-

induced habitat changes. In particular, habitat heterogeneity

appears critical in structuring the composition of beetle

communities. The environmental variables most correlated

with beetle assemblages added habitat complexity in time and

space and have been shown to be systematically affected by

forest management practices (Goodburn and Lorimer, 1998;

Scheller and Mladenoff, 2002). Overall increases in land cover

types in the study region also yields a certain amount of

landscape heterogeneity that likely helps to maintain beetle

species diversity within the larger region (Niemela et al., 1996;

Romero-Alcaraz and Avila, 2000). However, given forest

reduction at the landscape-scale and the nearly 100% loss of

old-growth forest we suggest that the conservation of carabid

diversity is dependent on maintaining forests in a variety of age-

classes including late-successional stages.

The important role of old-growth forests in maintaining

specific carabid assemblages requires more investigation into

how old-growth character development may be accelerated

through management prescriptions. Such stands are not easily

created and require time to mature. Longer rotation times may

hasten this process but management plans should also

incorporate other techniques, such as retaining key structural

features during harvesting (Franklin et al., 1997) that maintain

habitat heterogeneity. This is also important because composi-

tional and structural characteristics may persist for several 100

years in managed forest landscapes (He and Mladenoff, 1999).

The links between beetle communities, environmental characters

and forest management suggest that old-growth forest provide a

useful surrogate for historical data describing carabid commu-

nities and may be used to inform current conservation practices.


We thank John Goodburn and James Bockheim for their data

on forest structure, vegetation cover and soil characters in the

sampled stands. This project was funded by the Wisconsin

Department of Natural Resources. We also thank two

anonymous reviewers for providing critical comments on the



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