resources and equipment pp


Upload: maddiewoan

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Resources and equipment pp


Page 2: Resources and equipment pp


➤ For filming our opening sequence for our film, we will be using a panasonic HDC-TM900 full HD camcorder. we are using this specific camera, because of the good quality that the HD quality would apply to our camera shots, this will make our filming more accurate and so that the audience can see every detail in each shot. drawing them to each thing that happens in the production. However not only will the HD approve the video quality, the camera has other qualities that we can use such as white balance and iris. This will be necessary in our production because it will create the atmosphere and set the attitude. For an example the very yellow bright lighting which will be used in our bathroom scene, it sets the tense and direct lighting that we want. Furthermore the camera is lightweight and small which makes it easy to carry around from scene to scene. But we will not be using the handheld feature because it is not appropriate for our narrative, as we are using a tripod which means that our finished product will be stable and wont be shaken, this connotes stability in the character of the protagonist as the character is there for a reason. also how it will follow the conventional film structure for its genre. However the handheld approach to subgenres horrors would be best suited for films like thrillers and indie films for example like Paranormal activity.

➤ will be using a tripod because this means that it will be easier to pan around, and that our shots would not be shaky and unstable.

➤ Also another accessory that we will be using whilst filming would be a dolly, so that our filming can be smooth and stable.

➤ Furthermore also for filming our opening sequence we will be using a piece of plywood to smoothen out any tracking on the dolly. We will do this because we are filming on gravel which would make the footage bumpy and looking disarranged.

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➤ For our production of our film, as a team we will be using final cut pro X, which we are able to access through schools media department iMacs. We will be using final cut pro x because we will be including jump cuts that will connote trepidation of the characters, and create chaos of the characters and the situation with in itself. We will be also using fade in and out which will connote the time passing from the antagonist dying and the mood changing from happiness of the couple being together to now the man being at the wives funeral, and the mood changing to sadness and grief. The fade in and out will help create the mood that we want to represent in our opening scene. Furthermore the colour grading feature of final cut would be important in our scene because it can make the scene either happy with warmer contrasts of colour or by making the scene more tense and dramatic by making the scene have a darker tone which can connote sadness and grief which our characters both feel in the narrative.

Editing software

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Audio resources

For our opening scene for our film ‘unperceived’ we will be using:

➤ H4n handy portable audio recorder: for our audio footage, we will be using this particular piece of equipment because, we think that with this particular piece of equipment we will get the best possible outcome for our audio footage.

➤ Rode NTG 2 powered shot gun microphone along with Rode long reach boom pole and the Rode dead cut in order to receive the most accurate and clear audio possible which will therefore make our opening scene more dramatic and intense with using these audio resources.

➤ For our audio in our production we will be using the recording studio room where we will record a royalty free song performed by instruments such as the violin. We feel like if we use this type of audio it will create more originality to our opening scene and we can use certain audio where we think it will fit better into our scenes. Also we will be recording a score with a violin because it appeals to a more sophisticated audience. With this we are hoping to connote the sadness of the high slow notes of the violin which represents the characters feelings.

➤ Overall we will be using all these audio resources because as a group we feel like it will make the audio clearer and we will be able to focus on the particular audio that we want to hear. For our group to achieve this we will book out the equipment from the Media department.

➤ We will be following industry standard practices of ADR.

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LIGHTING RESOURCES➤ For our lighting equipment we as a

group will be using the Patterson light, which will give off a white tone to fit our scenes. The white light connotes the old soul of the antagonist that was once pure, however the use of white light can connote the coldness and unfriendliness of the antagonist haunting her partner.

➤ For our opening scene we will also be using a reflector, this is because we want to reflect the light to create more attention to our characters.

➤ We will be able to have access to these lighting resources, from the media department, where we will book out the equipment to be able use them.

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slideshare For our group we will be using slide share, to present our ideas and tasks. This is because we feel like it makes our work look more appealing to the eye . This is because that we feel like our ideas are well organised and slide share helps us perceive this.We will make a power point slide show on Microsoft power point then it will be uploaded to slide share from there it will be uploaded onto our blog. Throughout our blog we use a variety of different sources to apply our ideas, also exploiting the visual capabilities of the blog we use different ways to acknowledge our planning for our final production but in a fun and different way, for an example we use videos, writing and visual elements. In a group we have different personalities as seen on the blog as some group members use different sources to present their work. We all have our own auteur signature, for example I like to use a specific font for my work.

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Prezi➤ To present our ideas we have used Prezi, we have chosen to use prezi

because we feel as that it is a good way to present ideas in a way to catch viewers eyes. However it is similar to slide share in the idea that they both organise the work in a bright and colourful way. We will be using Prezi as a source to present our ideas, because on our blog it reflects our fun personalities in our group. And as a reader you will enjoy reading through our production process.

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➤ We chose to use emaze, because it is more attractive to look at and makes it a fun way of showing our work to readers, as there are fun shapes and sliding to each point focuses on each topic that helps distinguish each point made in our emaze’s. Again when exploiting the visual capabilities of the blog, we want to use amaze because we believe that this source makes it a fun and organised way of reading through our work which represents our group and overall makes the blog look more organised and unique. It also shows how skilful we are from using different sources to source our ideas using different skills.


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PowtoonWe chose to use powtoon because it made presenting our work fun to look at whilst people read our ideas and tasks on an animated presentation with sound that is added in the presentation, which makes it more interesting to the viewer. In addition to this when powtoon is added onto our blog, it makes it more entertaining than just having the same source to present our ideas so by adding powtoon it overall makes our blog more distinct and noticeable to viewers. Also from using a range of different sources it can document our creative process throughout our production. which can represent our creativity in our group.

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YoutubeWe also used the presentation resource of youtube because its an easy way to access and its a nice way of presenting our work through a video and so that it is more direct to the audience. This is a way of below the line marketing which is accessible for the digital natives. The viewers of the film can access it easily because of web 2.0. Furthermore the practise of using youtube gives an overall completion for our final production because of the company being a independent distribution therefore it is easy for people to access and free for viewers to go on. But however will get money because of the views that it gets.