resident evil - afterlife opening scene analysis

Resident Evil Opening Scene

Upload: manolya1

Post on 19-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Resident Evil - Afterlife Opening Scene Analysis

Resident Evil Opening Scene

Page 2: Resident Evil - Afterlife Opening Scene Analysis


Resident evil – Afterlife (Paul W.S Anderson,2010) Resident Evil is a Sci-Fi, Horror, Action and Adventure film. Alice

(main character) sets herself on a mission to find survivors and lead them to safety from the virus infection that turns victims into the undead. Still out to destroy the evil Umbrella Corporation.

She teams up with other dis-infected people to help others in need and take them to a 'safe' place called 'The Arcadia.'

Page 3: Resident Evil - Afterlife Opening Scene Analysis


There are many features of the opening scene that make this one of my favourites.

It starts off with a black screen and sinister music to tell us that somethings going to happen soon and to also build the tension up of whats going to be the first image on the screen.

The font of the movie credit is a font where the letters of the word have sharp ends which may link into the weapons that will be used in the movie. The sharpness connotes danger.

Slow motion of the women getting wet in the rain is used to also build tension that she will be the cause to something or the cause of something happening as she is the odd one out in the scene.

Page 4: Resident Evil - Afterlife Opening Scene Analysis


There is good use of clothing which links to the storyline of the film. Good location choices, (the streets), this links to where most of the virus infection started.

There is no dialogue used in the opening scene of the film to give suspense to the audience. The 'not knowing what's going to happen next' feeling.

The scene is good as it looks realistic. The use of camera shots, angles and the use of the music makes the scene look better than it actually is.

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