reset the web

reset a brief stroll into our past and our future the web

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Midway through a project, a client of ours recently said "One thing I'm learning is that it's ok to give up on the desktop experience once it stops making sense". This wasn't an isolated incident. In fact, i'm beginning to think desktop web sites stopped making sense quite a while ago. We've just had nothing viable to replace them with. Mobile apps have given us a glimpse, but I think they're merely a glimpse into something bigger.Mobile isn't merely a new stage in the evolution of the web, it's not even merely a new context, it's the very early stages of an entirely new system. A system that has already started to shape our environment, affect the way we live, how we choose to connect with others, and how we're able to spend our time. A system that is also slowly unravelling our assumptions and causing us to question the very reason we build web sites, why people visit them, and where the true value of the web actually lies.Presented by Stephanie Rieger at Breaking Development in Orlando, Florida on April 17, 2012.


  • reset the weba brief stroll into our past and our future

the web is less than 8000 days old...Hat tip to Kevin Kelly - The next 5000 days of the web it reaches 1/3* of people on our planet*2012 estimates put the population at about 7 billion inhabitants... it powers business, entertainment, learning... and soand so much more... but what is the webfor? probably not surprisingly...I found the beginning of ananswer through this man... a few years before the Macintosh 1980 Steve Jobs recountedthe following story... in the early 70s, Scientic Americandid a study on the eciency of was actually the 1970s, not 1870s ;) ...for all dierent species of things on the planet ...birds, cats, dogs goats... A B...they measured, how much energydoes it take for a goat to get from here to there... ...they then ranked them, and published a list1.23.32.18. California Condor Domestic cat British Alpine Goat Springer Spaniela lazy gliderprefers to sleepsee goatsonstu.comprefers to swim27.Red-breasted Robin faster than most8. American Saddlebred-298. Banana Slugfaster than a rock3. Cheetahcurrently missing207. Humming Bird got tired watching it.-Bumble Bee couldnt nd one183. Elephant forgot342. Bob not his nest moment 1. California Condora lazy glider of all the animals, the condor won. It tookthe least amount of energy to get from here to there... man however didnt do so well...342. Bobnot his nest moment ?man came a rather unimpressive showing... a third of the way down the list... ...but fortunately, someone was insightfulenough to test man on a bicycle... and man with a bicycle won...1. Bob on a bicycle one of his better days ...twice as good as the condor, all the way o the list.. ...what it showed was that man as a tool maker,has the ability to create tools, to amplify an inherent ability... released 1984...and thats exactly what were doing here(Steve of course was talking about Apple, and the developmentof one of the rst personal computers) Steve Jobs went on to explain that computers were just one in a long line of tools created by man... ...just as the bicycle amplied our abilityto use our muscles, tendons and brains to transport our bodies... ...just as the tools and technologiesof the industrial revolution werean amplication of human sweat... ...the computer amplied our human abilities of memory, problem-solving, calculation, projection, analysis, and so much more... Steve Jobs also realizedthat the computer was just the beginning... There is something veryspecial and historicallydierent that takes place,when you have onecomputer, for one person,rather than one for many.- Steve Jobs (as it happens) this statement is also true of the Internet... the Internets ability to amplify knowledgebegan as a purely academic and scientic tool... ...but its true potential was only revealed whenit became a ubiquitously available tool... Nobody has any ideaof what a new inventionwill really be good for.The crucial question is,what happens wheneveryone has one?- Kevin Kelly open and universally accessible ...when we connected a browser to the Internetwe couldnt have guessed what it would become... ...when we connected the Internetto a glowing rectangle, we thought we were creating a smart phone... but this is nota smartphone... its"A device toamplify curiosity"- John Seely Brown ...and while this doesnt really explainwhat the web is for, it begins to clarify its immense value to all of us... being always connected to an open platform,accessible by anyone with a browser, has forever changed the way we live... ...hold on...let melook that up...I just happen tohave the sum ofhuman knowledgein my pocket... - @fj ...the magic is in my palms, god knows what I would do without this.... Omar, 19, Hafeezpet, IndiaSource: Anthropology, development and ICTs not too shabby for 8000 days... But how did we really get here? To understand this better, lets take a step back... ...and talk a bit about plumbing.Part 2: plumbing all technological revolutionsrequire a level of plumbingor if you prefer...infrastructure plumbing providesa common frameworkor scaold on whichto innovateSource: the rise of computers, the Internet,the web and mobile have been intricately linked... the invention, implementationand market adoption of this type of plumbing... hardware 900 Microprocessor integrates CPU function onto a single chip. 800 Compaq, DEC,IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC"Moores Law" predicts the and Nortel begin 700future of integrated circuits. work on USB.millions of Internet hostsfirst 64-bit processorFirst 64-bit 600in a supercomputerprocessor in apersonalcomputer. 500 An all semiconductorIntel 32-bit 400 "Solid Circuit" isPentium demonstrated by processor Jack Kilby.Personal computers begin released. 300to appear. Resistive touchscreens are patented. Transistorized 200 ARM6 processor computersFirst human- is released. emerge.input multi-touch 100system.0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 91 93 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12chart: world Internet hosts, source: ISC - 1981-2012, other data primarily from Wikipedia network 900TCP/IP based First IPv6NSFNETFirst person todescription.established.person SMS 800sent in Finland.NTT DoCoMo TCP/IP standardised, introduces the first 700 and Internet introduced. full mobile Internetmillions of Internet hostsservice in Japan. DNS 600 invented Transition fromNTT DoCoMo ARPANET/NSFNET launches first networks to the 500 NMT launches 1Gcommercial 3G modern (commercial) networks in Denmark, network in Japan. Internet. Finland, Norway and 400 Sweden. First ARPANETFirst commercial 9 companied including IBM, 300 link established.dialup ISP in the U.S. Intel, Nokia and 295 million NTT launchesMicrosoft agreesubscribers on 200 first (1G) First GSM (2G) to Bluetooth 3G networks cellular network launches instandard.worldwide. network. Finland. Wi-fi invented 100by NCR/AT&T.0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 91 93 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12chart: world Internet hosts, source: ISC - 1981-2012, other data primarily from Wikipedia the web 900 First JPG standard.W3C founded. 800TBL makes the Web freelyavailable with no patents or Compuserve royalties. Launch of WebCrawler 700 introduces the (first full-text search engine).millions of Internet hosts GIF format. PNG 600 Debut of the Web as a format publicly availableapproved. service on the Internet. 500Mosaic HTML 4.01(first graphical recommended YouTube 400browser)WAP &XHTML MPlaunches. SGMLCHTMLreleased. 300HTMLreleasedTim Berners-Lee 2.0builds all the toolsCSS Wikipedia 200Start oflaunches. Facebook HTML5necessary for aGoogle workingworking Web (HTTP, launches.research draft.HTML, a browser 100and server) project.0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 91 93 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12chart: world Internet hosts, source: ISC - 1981-2012, other data primarily from Wikipedia with each layer of plumbing comes new innovations (which spawn or inspire more plumbing...) product innovation 900 800 Microsoft Palm Windows firstiPad Pilot 700 announced.millions of Internet hosts First person 600 to person Nokia beginsSMS sent inSymbian Ltd. First manufacturing Finland. formed byBlackBerry 500 telecommunications Ericsson, Nokia, smartphone. iPhone equipment. Motorola & Psion 400Apple NewtonFirst RIMplatformpagerlaunched.First WebKit 300Firstmobile browseriPhone 4Windows Symbian330 ppi (Nokia)95iMacdevice.display 200G3Nokia E60 Macintosh260 ppi Palm 100 Classicdisplay WebOS0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 91 93 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12chart: world Internet hosts, source: ISC - 1981-2012, other data primarily from Wikipedia The First Internet Router The BBN Interface Message Processor did the packet routing for the ARPANET in 1969, takes on average 20 years for a technology to make the transition from rst maturity (dened as becoming a $1billion industry)the mouse, for example, took 30 years. Bill Buxton, Principle researcher Microsoft during this timelack of infrastructure maycause some tofall behind... ...or sometimes leap ahead but the infrastructure of the web(the common framework on whichwe continue to innovate...) was based on mental modelsof a very dierent time ...models that may soon no longer apply2000Internet Users (MM) Estimated1500the inection point is near...1000within 2 years mobile usersare expected to exceeddesktop users 5000 2007 200820092010 2011 2012 2013 20142015 Mobile users Desktop usersSource: Morgan Stanley Associates Internet Trends 2010 (PDF) Part 3: welcome to the future a short stroll into the future... contexts will everything just in timecontent willbe varied andwill bewill replace (need to) owunpredictableconnectedjust in case like water todays digitaland connected thingsmay feel incredibly diverse... ...but they are still deeply rooted to our past a small selection of near future devices A random internet connected watch. More connected wearable devices are on the way.tinypersonal constrained largestationary public short use (sweaty) touchInternet enabled treadmill. Currently considered a luxury product (...give it 18 months). One of many Smart (internet enabled) TVs now shipping. Includes apps and a browser.Some can be paired with a smartphone or tablet remote control. largesocial stationarylow-ish ppiremote (voice, gesture, app) lean-backpowerful (enough) The new Tesla X with a internet-enabled touchscreen dashboard with apps and browser.smalltouch, voice xed (but not stationary) bandwidth constrained Quantas A380 rst class with 17 at panel display. (Tethered tablets will likely appear soon). large(r)publicxed (but not stationary)manipulation unknownbandwidth constrainedsource: PC Mag ...a companion to smartphones, tablets, PC, Macs, and adds smartcapabilities to existing displays, TVs, set top boxes and other devices.Cotton Candy a Screen independent but otherwise fullyfunctional USB sizedplug computer. ARM Cortex A9, Wi-, Android, Ubuntu, with virtualization client forWin/Lin/Macmany unknown unknowns BluetoothThe Magic Cube is an ultra-portable,productivity full-sized virtualcomputer keyboard helper-appliancewith support for Android, iOS and any device with Bluetooth HIDsupport. Shipping spring 2012 in EuropeLGs EPD is a 6-inch, 1024768 e-ink plastic screen. Its0.7mm thick, it weighs 14g, and LG claims its resistantto scratches and drops from a 1.5 meter height.small(-ish) exible constrained many unknown unknownssource: Green autoblog We think technologyshould work for youto be there when youneed it and get out ofyour way when you dont.tiny voice, gesture?personal constrainedmany unknown unknowns Google Glass Golden-i head-mounted mobile computer for industrial settings such as construction, military, and security services. Includes SVGA microdisplay, Win-CE and voice recognition. tiny voice, gesturepersonalconstrainedmany unknown unknowns these contexts may be diverse,but they still kinda t our mental modelsfor both the original thing and the web oldthing (or media,or tool)+connectivitysoftware++user interfacesmart=thing old thing (just a bit smarter) more often than not... the smart-ness has been bolted on this likely wont be the pattern going forward, heres why.... a short stroll into the future... contexts will everything just in timecontent willbe varied andwill bewill replace (need to) owunpredictableconnectedjust in case like water Moores Law is close to 50 years oldSource: Intel weve comea very long way... 1982 2007 1st gen.Osborne Executive iPhone1/100th MHz CPU1/1000th the memory100x the weight10x the costSource and photo: Wikipedia it now costs almostnothing to make something smart or connected... the new ARMCortex-M0+ uses1/3of the energy of an 8 or 16-bit processorSource: New ARM chips herald Internet of things it costs30 cents (0.20)Source: New ARM chips herald Internet of things ...and measures2 mm(0.07)Source: New ARM chips herald Internet of things yesterday: multiple chips today: one chip that does the work of threeSource: ThingM some chips are optimized for a specic unit of functionality my job is to my job is to connect to provide GPSmobile phone coordinatesnetworksSource: ThingM my job is to provide GPS coordinates Brad Frost +=WTF? At airport gate ready to head to @bdconf. Sadly the large suction cups I was going to use to scale the biodome got conscated. #bdconfThe Tweeting GeoLocationaware Toaster my job is toconnect to the Internet object oriented hardware......functionality abstracted into silicon. - Mike Kuniavsky, ThingM Source: ThingM soon... I may not evenneed batteries :-) Ambient radio waves...can already provide enough energy to substitute for AAA batteries in some calculators, temperature and humidity sensors, and clocks.... We are on the cusp of an explosion in small wireless devices...that can run on alternatives to battery power. Devices like this can live on and on.Source: The computer trend that will change everything and Bye-Bye Batteries: radio waves as a low-power source ...embedded ineverythingwill be asliver of webness - Kevin Kelly, founding editor WiredCute circuit - wearable technology the more we peer into the future,the more invisible this web-ness becomes a short stroll into the future... contexts will everything just in timecontent willbe varied andwill bewill replace (need to) owunpredictableconnectedjust in case like water mobile is dramaticallyshifting web behaviour we are accessingthe web at any timeand any place... but current behaviouris still quite implicit yesterdaytoday go to the computer open a browser (or app)to use the web/Internet to use the web/Internet ....and experiences are built accordingly todays just in case web (because you never quite know what theyll need)information shopping productssupport brandweb site infotainmentsocialtoolscorporate PRjobsinvestornews todays just in case web + apps(now with added experience)Our apps oer the best experience...(so please download, install and keepthem updated, just in case that timecomes...we promise you wont regret it) support information productsshoppingshoppingbrand infotainmentweb site native infotainment socialtoolappstoolstool corporate PR jobs investornews ...but I dont want to own your app, I want to own the possibility space of your app.Paraphrased from Mike Kuniavsky @ Webdirections South tomorrows just in time web(because everything is connected)Id like to use whatever device I haveon-hand to learn more about this thing/tool/service/place (right here and rightnow)...please show me what I can informationtoolsLike+ smart thing ...a world where our devices loadapplications opportunisticallyas we need them, in real time.The technological model for web pages. But these will be webpages with advanced functionality thatcan be accessed seamlessly fromremote or local networksand evenfrom other mobile devices.- Scott Jenson on Forbes: Apps are over does this mean web sites willgo away?OMG... no, probably not... ...web sites will be just one of many interfaceswe will use to interact with a service the GlowCap service Your doctor or designatedYour pharmacy family member receives is alerted when rellslight regular progress emails.are due. data data outoutdatadata in out dataserviceout wireless enabled chipEach time the cap is opened, data is transmitted to the GlowCap service.The cap lights up, Data is also transmitted,A real-time web (or app) and plays a sound each to trigger a reminder callbased progress report is time medication is due. if you miss a dose. available.Vitality GlowCaps The most profound technologies are those thatdisappear. They weave themselves into the fabric ofeveryday life until they are indistinguishable from it.- Mark Weiser (1991 chief scientist Xerox PARC) a short stroll into the future... contexts will everything just in timecontent willbe varied andwill bewill replace (need to) owunpredictableconnectedjust in case like water responsive design is really just the beginning... once we can envision this...contexts will be varied and unpredictable everything just in time will bewill replace connectedjust in case this no longer feelsthat strange... Get your content ready to go anywherebecause its going to go everywhere.- Brad Frost but if content will be like water...what kind of plumbing will we need? Part 4: re-imagining plumbing disclaimer: these ideas focus on a tiny sliver...primarily related to the browser and the web platform its easy to forget how much infrastructureweve already built into the web as a platform some of it wasnecessary structuralscaolding form elements - v.1HTML 4.01 - they havent failed us yet... some focussed on user productivity... browser productivity featurescombined search/URL bar (and/favourites favicon signpost or choice of search engine)security signpost tabs RSSextensions back buon(added in 1993!) find in browsershortcuts & bookmarks status barzoom (Opera version shown) access keys navigationrst introduced in 1999 (and not specically for mobile)1. Home2. Products3. ArticlesContact usProducts.html Home.htmlArticles.html others were a response to change... tel and SMS URI schemes introduced around 2000 via WTAI1. Home2. Products3. ArticlesContact usContact Us visual navigation aids on mobileNokia Browser for S60 circa 2005 Visual Back keyMiniMap viewport preview.preview rectangle. I really miss thisOnce focussed, feature! Muchclicking the navipad clearer and didntwould zoom the force you to reloadlayout.pages you didnt want to see again :-((Very similar toApples double-tapto zoom.) built-in reader modesReader lets you view web articles free of clutter. were entirely to blame for this bit... proxy web browserspolyll for many of our existing problemsOperaMini UCWeb Nokia Browser Amazon Silk - 20112005 2005 for S40 - 2011 on-the-y user agent switchingmost browsers now include this feature were somewhat to blame for this bit as well...Abandon hope all yewho enter hereDolphin browser for AndroidMaxthon browser for Android recent specicationscontinue to bake-in common functionality... ...ooading aspects of behaviourand rendering to the browser/platform form elements - v.2cleaner markup thanks to out of the box functionalityplaceholdervalidation HTML5 notications APIout of the box components and behaviours end result: intelligent, responsive, platform-appropriate yet adaptable default components... a robust set ofbehaviours is responsiveness is lower-level platform accessalready baked-inbaked in by default improves the user experienceend result: intelligent, responsive, platform-appropriate yet adaptable default components...aspects are future-friendlystyleable and (and gracefullyaddressable through degradable)the built-in API the loss of control is generally welcome compared to the alternative... a menu and header in a box with rounded corners before CSS3 & HTML5look divs (and semantics!) ...and after form placeholders before HTML5lots of potential issues cross browser support for entirebehaviour (e.g. populate the eldthen clear it on focus) accessibility of placeholder value 4kb uncompressed (not huge..butadds up with each new element offunctionality you build in) requires maintenance and testingfor each new browsers/versions/form factors and manipulationmodels (touch, voice etc.) after CSS3 and HTML5 and so on... ...everything you add to the page is something youretaking away from the latency prole of that page...everything you addjust as infrastructureto make things workall these things have a cost.- Alex RussellAlex Russell speaking at London JSTilt 3D add-on for Firefox in the future, it may make sense to take these approaches approach even further... a few ideas...(warning: ideas presented in order of potentialdisruption to the status quo) idea #1Problem: Back to top links are useful toimprove usability of longer pages. Thanks to viewport diversity, long is a variable value. Sprinkling hard-coded anchors throughout contentisnt future friendly. Adding them dynamically (on the client or server) basedon context detection seems like needless heavy lifting.ive seen this works wellenough but isnt a long-term strategy vertical navigationshortcuts In QQs implementation, a tap scrolls the layout up or down by a (random) increment. Scrolling is accelerateddarkened for to improve the experience.demonstration purposes Can be disabled by the user. Should ideally be customizable. e.g. option to instead map controls to a full page-up/down behaviour. A nice companion to Apples tap to reveal URL bar gesture.sample implementation on Tencents QQ browser (iOS) idea #2Problem: On the web, social media sharingand discovery is currently enabled client-side,using lots of third party scripts. Scripts may not be compatible with all browsers. Interactions are rarely responsive to changes in context. Social widgets (often) cause lots of HTTP requests andhave been known to block page load. The more popular social media gets, the more widgetswe will (technically) need. they also introducea fair bit of noise :-( its not like we dont have a bit too much noise already... studies suggestsocial networks now reach close to70% of the worldwide populationbut are also unlikely to go away...Source: Social networks around the world 2010 Social media is alreadyweaving its way throughmobile platforms. Functionality is currentlylimited to glanceablehome screen widgets, andeasy in-browser sharing. but social widgetsarent content,nor are they reallychrome... Mobile is the needle, social is the thread...- Pew Internet &American Life Projectwhich means theymay just be...plumbing user congurablebake-in asocial sharing layeruser congurable: bubbles upturn it o or ll itglanceablewith your favouritesinformation (loose and clunky attempt at visualizing how this might work) idea #3Problem: There are only so many waysto re-arrange complex navigation. there will be many, devices of all shapes, sizes,capabilities and manipulation models we can only simplify sites so much...some willremain big, with a complex multi-levelarchitecture what would happenif we ooadedMENUApple Gives Share- top-level navigationholders More Input;Will Facebook Get theMessage?to the browser?By Tim CarmodyFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pm a content rstAt its annual shareholders meet-ing on Thursday, Apples man-approach to top-levelagement bowed to pressurefrom key investors and agreed toallow shareholders to elect navigation...board directors by a simple ma-jority vote.Now any new or current directorstanding for election who fails toreceive support from a majorityof shareholders must resign his item top level navigation which admittedly could use a trim MENUMENUApple Gives Share- Apple Gives Shholders More Input;holders MoreApple Gives Share-Apple Gives Share-Will Facebook Get theWill Facebookholders More Input; holders More Input; Message? Message?Will Facebook Get theHomeWill Facebook Get theHome By Tim CarmodyHome By Tim CarmodyMessage?Message?February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26By Tim CarmodyNewsBy Tim Carmody News NewsAt its annual shareholders At its annual sharehoFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pm February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmReviewsReviewsmeeting on Thursday, Reviews meeting on ThursdaAt its annual shareholders meet-At its annual shareholders meet-Apples management bowed Apples managemening on Thursday, Apples man- ing on Thursday, Apples man- to pressure from key inves- Phones to pressure from key PhotosPhotos Mobileagement bowed to pressure agement bowed to pressure tors and agreed to allow tors and agreed to afrom key investors and agreedVideotofrom key investors and agreed toshareholders to elect Tabletsboardshareholders to elec Videodirectors by a simple major- directors by a simpleallow shareholders to elect allow shareholders to electboard directors by a simple ma- board directors by a simple ma- ity vote. Gadgetsity vote. MagazineMagazinejority vote.jority vote.Now any new or currentCameras & Camcorders Now any new or cuPodcastNow any new or current director Now any new or current director Podcastdirector standing for election director standing fostanding for election who fails tostanding for election who fails toLaptopswho fails to receive support who fails to receivereceive support from a majority Topics receive support from a majority Topics from a majority of share-from a majority of shof shareholders must resign his of shareholders must resign his holders must resign his and HomeTV holders must resign huh...?what? Ive seen that look... attribute noties browser that ooading to native behaviour is permitted attribute trigger is ignored on older browsersMENUApple Gives Share-holders More Input;Will Facebook Get theMessage?By Tim Carmody

  • February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pm
  • HomeAt its annual shareholders meet- normal standardsing on Thursday, Apples man-agement bowed to pressure
  • Newscompliant markupfrom key investors and agreed toallow shareholders to elect
  • Reviewsboard directors by a simple ma-jority vote.

Now any new or current directorstanding for election who fails toreceive support from a majorityof shareholders must resign his fully styleableHTML triggerMENUMENUApple Gives Share-Apple Gives Share-holders More Input; holders More Input;Will Facebook Get theMessage?HomeWill Facebook Get theMessage? Native performance andNewsBy Tim CarmodyFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmBy Tim CarmodyFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmresponsiveness (GPU acceleration etc.)ReviewsAt its annual shareholders meet-ing on Thursday, Apples man-PhotosAt its annual shareholders meet-ing on Thursday, Apples man- Device appropriate transitionagement bowed to pressurefrom key investors and agreed to Videoagement bowed to pressurefrom key investors and agreed to (or not...entirely dependant on deviceallow shareholders to elect allow shareholders to electboard directors by a simple ma- Magazine board directors by a simple ma-capabilities)jority vote.jority vote.Now any new or current directorPodcast Now any new or current director User gets the most appropriatestanding for election who fails toTopicsreceive support from a majoritystanding for election who fails toreceive support from a majority experience for their device.of shareholders must resign his of shareholders must resign his fully styleable (ideally) tied-in to native APIsHTML triggere.g. predictive text, localization...MENUMENUApple Gives Share-holders More Input;Apple Gives Share-Apple Gives Share-Will Facebook Get theholders More Input; holders More Input; Message?Will Facebook Get theMessage?HomeWill Facebook Get theMessage? Home By Tim Carmody Menu can (in theory)February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmBy Tim CarmodyNewsBy Tim Carmody News be as long or complexAt its annual shareholdersFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pm February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmReviewsReviewsmeeting on Thursday,At its annual shareholders meet-At its annual shareholders meet-as needed.Apples management bowedto pressure from key inves- Native platform assistsing on Thursday, Apples man-Photos ing on Thursday, Apples man-Photosagement bowed to pressure agement bowed to pressure tors and agreed to allowfrom key investors and agreed tofrom key investors and agreed toshareholders to elect board Video Videoallow shareholders to electboard directors by a simple ma-allow shareholders to electboard directors by a simple ma- ity management of drilldirectors by a simple major- MagazineMagazineNow any new or down or progressivejority vote.jority vote.currentPodcastPodcastdirector standing for electionNow any new or current directorstanding for election who fails toTopicsNow any new or current directorstanding for election who fails to Topicsdisclosure.who fails to receive supportreceive support from a majority receive support from a majority from a majority of share-of shareholders must resign his of shareholders must resign his holders must resign hisdevice appropriatenativenative transitionperformancewhen scrolling fully styleablebasic component styling(ideally) tied-in to native APIsHTML trigger (e.g. logo, colour scheme,e.g. predictive text, localization... fonts) is enabled via CSSMENUMENUApple Gives Share- Apple Gives Shholders More Input;holders More IApple Gives Share-Apple Gives Share-Will Facebook Get theWill Facebookholders More Input; holders More Input; Message? Message?Will Facebook Get theHomeWill Facebook Get theHome By Tim CarmodyHome By Tim CarmodyMessage?Message?February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pBy Tim CarmodyNewsBy Tim Carmody News NewsAt its annual shareholders At its annual sharehoFebruary 24, 2012 | 4:26 pm February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmReviewsReviewsmeeting on Thursday, Reviews meeting on ThursdayAt its annual shareholders meet-At its annual shareholders meet-Apples management bowed Apples managemening on Thursday, Apples man- ing on Thursday, Apples man- to pressure from key inves- Phones to pressure from key PhotosPhotos Mobileagement bowed to pressure agement bowed to pressure tors and agreed to allow tors and agreed to alfrom key investors and agreed tofrom key investors and agreed toshareholders to elect Tabletsboardshareholders to elect Video Videodirectors by a simple major- directors by a simpleallow shareholders to elect allow shareholders to electboard directors by a simple ma- board directors by a simple ma- ity vote. Gadgetsity vote. MagazineMagazinejority vote.jority vote.Now any new or currentCameras & Camcorders Now any new or cur PodcastNow any new or current director Now any new or current director Podcastdirector standing for election director standing forstanding for election who fails tostanding for election who fails toLaptopswho fails to receive support who fails to receive sTopicsreceive support from a majority receive support from a majority Topics from a majority of share-from a majority of shof shareholders must resign his of shareholders must resign his holders must resign his and HomeTV holders must resign hdevice appropriatenativenative transitionperformancewhen scrolling in wouldnt matter what device youre using... Apple Gives Share-Apple Gives Shareholders More Input; holders More Input; Will Facebook Get theHome Facebook Get the Message? WillHome Message?Home By Tim Carmody NewsNewsHome February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmBy Tim Carmody February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pmNewsNews At its annual shareholders ReviewsReviewsReviewsmeeting on Thursday,At its annual shareholders meeting on Thursday,ReviewsPhotosPhotos Apples management bowed to pressure from key inves- tors and agreed to allowPhotos management bowed to pressure from key in-Photos ApplesHome vestors and agreed to allow shareholders to electVideoshareholders to elect board directors by a simple major-VideoVideo board directors by a simple majority vote. News ity vote.MagazineMagazineMagazinePodcast Now any new or currentPodcastPodcast new or current director standing for electionReviews Now anyPhotos director standing for election who fails to receive supportTopics from a majority of share-Topics fails to receive support from a majority of share- whoTopics holders must resign his holders must resign his his or her position. At next year MENU it would also t in nicelywith the basic premisearound thisCSS Pagination Template Module and maybe even thisWeb Components Explained idea #4Problem: Our media formats arentadaptive enough An image or media item that is suitable for onecontext may not be for another. Many parameters will determine which media itemyou serve. These are the ones we know of TODAY. screen and/or viewport size pixel density support-level for the media format available bandwidth user choicewhy do we keep ignoring this bit? the current (early) proposalmedia query enables moreproposed new picture elementcontrol over criteria parameters could eventually beextended for added context e.g. connection speedfallback image whenunsupportedmodelled after the video element media query support here is still poor Source: Responsive images- how they almost worked and what we need will a new (much smarter) element be enoughgiven all the diversity that is on the way? why not a new, and natively adaptiveimage media container format?Hat tip to Christopher Schmitt example wired media container format Apple circa 2000with built inprogress meter poster Built-in content negotiation. image Default negotiation based on Hi-rez connection speed but could also be 50MBMid-rez 20MBtriggered by the developer (using thewired media API). Low-rez A Optional, out-of-the-box native 1MBcomponent and behaviour to promptLow-rez B1MB user for connection speedhighly compressed e.g. 28.8, 56, ISDN (how retro!) initial download package contains 2-20kb references to content(of almost any leformat) on server/CDNQuickTime reference movies please dont be distractedby the word links - this is all out of @bryanriegers head from back in 2000 Combine a smarter image format with some upcoming CSS specication drafts(and experiments) and we can begin to imagine truly responsive media combiningcontent negotiation with sophisticated client-side adaptationan image with grayscale pixelshader applieda list element (e.g. ul, li)wrapped in a vertex shader CSS Exclusions & Shapes CSS Shadersimage compositingAdobe, Microsoft: Editors Draft 2 Adobe, Apple, Opera: Editors Draft with CSS blend modesAdobe - early conceptAdobe web platform blog and CSS bleeding edge features these are of course just ideas.... the reality is, we haveno idea what will happen next... (when I was a kid, they kept telling us we would have jetpacks by now...) Technological revolutions haveseveral interesting properties.First, we tend to overestimatethe immediate impact andunderestimate the long-termimpact.Second, we tend to place theemphasis on the technologiesthemselves, when it is really thesocial impact and cultural changethat will be most dramatic. Don Norman, Drop everything youre doing The future is a process, not a destination. - Bruce Sterling heres to the next 8000 days! @yiibu scontact uat [email protected] thank you many thanks to the amazing photographers on