researching genre

Researching Genre Georgia Bunce

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Researching genre

Researching Genre

Georgia Bunce

Page 2: Researching genre

Genre definition

A genre is a a style or category of art, music, or literature. For example, you favorite film genre could be horror and you favorite could be rock.

Page 3: Researching genre

What is my chosen genre?• ‘pop’ music was originally known as ‘popular’ music and is chart music. It

originated from 1950’s. • Madonna & Michael Jackson are known as King & Queen of pop. • Music of general appeal to teenagers; a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll

with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love

My chosen genre is a pop music magazine and my inspiration for the magazine is ‘we love pop’.

Page 4: Researching genre

Similarities Both front covers have the same colours; yellow, pink.

They both have bold titles and side headings to draw attention

They both have attractive young men on the front cover so it draws attention from a young audience

Both are smiling at the audience which makes readers feel welcomed

Both have a centrally framed image

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SimilaritiesBig bold headings to draw attention to the reader The layouts are very


Similar bright colours to make them stand out

Similar use of images

Similar use of bold page numbers to allow readers to quickly be able to see where certain pages are

The same usage of bands

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SimilaritiesBig images taking up a lot of the page

Both are very excitable

Similar colours e.g. pink

More of the magazine is dedicated to the image and the title rather than the contents

Use of font is very similar

Bother have bold side headings

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The repertoire of my chosen genre, pop, is; • Bright colours• Bold mast heads• Attractive pop artists• Large page numbers• Fashionable clothingIn order to confirm my genre and deliver my audience familiar pleasures I will; • Bright coloured photos• Bold titles and bright colours• Have a large and centrally framed image• Medium shots