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Hassan Soubra1*, Laury Jacot1 and Steven Lemaire1

Software Functional size allows the application of engineering principles to software development,which provides an objective and quantitative base for management decisions. AutomatingFunctional size measurement (FSM) is important for organizations needing to measure a largenumber of projects in a short time. In this paper, we present related work on FSM in the contextof real-time embedded systems (RTES) with particular emphasis on works covering FSMautomation and providing case studies. Next, we present a COSMIC based FSM procedure, forRTES designed with SCADE. Finally, we manually apply the FSM procedure to an aerospacesystem; and we compare the results obtained with those produced automatically by a prototypetool developed at ESTACA. Our experimentation concluded that no difference is detected betweenthe automated and the manual measurements by comparing the results at the detailed level;however, applying FSM procedures manually is tedious, time-consuming and error-prone. Thestudy, on the one hand, addresses the lack of fully detailed illustrations of FSM applied bothautomatically and manually, on RTES software via a full case study which tackles all theintermediate measurement steps. On the other hand, it demonstrates the time efficiency ofFSM automation.

Keywords: Functional size measurement, Real-time embedded systems, SCADE, Automatedmeasurement, COSMIC-ISO 19761, Function points

*Corresponding Author: Hassan Soubra � [email protected]

1 École Supérieure Des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile - ESTACA, Rue Georges Charpak, 53061 Laval,France.

Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2015

ISSN 2319-5991

Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2015

© 2015 IJERST. All Rights Reserved

Research Paper


Functional Size Measurement (FSM) has

become an important task in software

development projects for real-time embedded

systems. Functional size can be used for a

number of purposes: to estimate development

effort, to manage project scope changes, to

measure productivity, to benchmark, and to

normalize quality and maintenance ratios. The

COSMIC ISO 1976 standard (Lesterhuis and

Symons, 2014) has been adopted in many

companies, e.g. (Renault, 2012); and has been



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the subject of many research papers, e.g. (Soubra

and Ebert, 2013).

A measurement method is a generic

description of a logical organization of operations

used in a measurement (ISO and IEC, 2007).

When it comes to applying the generic method

of measurement, as defined in a standard,

specific measurement procedures must be

defined: what type of input is measured, with what

steps, with what sizing rules, and with what level

of accuracy and verification, etc. If the same

measurement procedure is reapplied on the

same inputs, the same results should be

obtained. If no specific FSM procedures are

defined and the generic method is used, but only

as a reference, the results may be different. An

FSM procedure, or a standard operating

procedure, is, according to the International

Vocabulary of Metrology (ISO and IEC, 2007), a

detailed description of a measurement according

to one or more measurement principles and to a

given measurement method, based on a

measurement model and including any

calculation required to obtain a measurement

result. A measurement procedure is usually

documented in sufficient detail to enable an

operator to perform a measurement.

In 2008 (Marín et al., 2008) published a survey

on measurement procedures based on the

COSMIC–ISO 19761 standard. This survey

shows that most COSMIC-based FSM

procedures target the Management Information

Systems domain, while a few others cover the

real-time embedded domain. Since then, an FSM

procedure for real-time embedded software,

based on the COSMIC method, version 3.0.1, and

with requirements documented using the Simulink

model, was proposed in (Soubra et al., 2011). A

refinement of the proposed procedure was

presented in (Soubra et al., 2012). Another

procedure (Lind and Heldal, 2011) has been

proposed for real-time software size estimation

using a UML profile. Both procedures are based

on the COSMIC–ISO 19761 standard, and both

are used in the car industry context.

Function point-based measurement methods,

such as COSMIC ISO 19761, are applicable at

both the beginning of the development process,

in the requirements elicitation or specification

phase, and at the end of the project, following

implementation, for productivity and

benchmarking studies.

Nevertheless, when performed manually, FSM

still may be considered a complicated, tedious

and time-consuming task. It is complicated

because each modeling approach and

environment need specific “translations”, and, on

the other hand, insufficient data quality and

environmental constraints require experienced

counting to avoid errors. Manual application of

FSM is tedious and time-consuming because

often staff resources may not be available for

measurement purposes within the required time

frame. Automating FSM becomes feasible when

the requirements are designed using a specific

notation, and even more so when the

requirements are explicit, safely-constructed and

formal. FSM automation is especially attractive

for organizations using formal modeling tools for

documenting their software requirements.

The Safety-critical Application Development

Environment (SCADE) (http://www.esterel- is a

system design and modeling tool suite developed

in 1995 and based on the synchronous language

LUSTRE. SCADE allows the design of explicit

safely-constructed formal models, where the



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interpretation of a model designed using SCADE

is unique and reader-independent. SCADE fully

supports industrial systems engineering

processes - such as ISO 26262 (ISO/DIS 26262,

2009) - and it has a C code generator developed

in compliance with DO-178B level A (RTCA

Special Committee 167, 1992).

To speed up the measurement process and

to reduce the possibility of human error, several

attempts have been made to automate FSM

methods, initially for the first generation of these

methods, such as the IFPUG Function points

method (International Organization for

Standardization, 2009), and subsequently for the

COSMIC method, referred to as a second

generation FSM for both the Management

Information Systems domain and the real-time

domain. However, none of the proposed

procedures provides documented evidence of the

performance achieved by automation via a fully

detailed case study.

To independently illustrate the comparison

between manual and automated Functional Size

Measurement of real-time embedded aerospace

system software designed in SCADE, this paper

proposes a case study which tackle all the

intermediate measurement steps to ensure that

the whole measurement chain produced the right

measurement results at a sufficiently detailed


The paper is organized as follows: Section 2

presents the related work on COSMIC based FSM

procedures in the context of real-time embedded

systems. Section 3 presents the COSMIC based

FSM procedure proposed for real-time embedded

software requirements expressed using SCADE.

Section 4 presents the case study carried out on

the Roll Control Aerospace Real-time Embedded

System. Finally, section 5 presents our

conclusions and a discussion of future work.


The COSMIC method is referred to as a 2nd

generation FSM for both the Management

Information Systems domain and the real-time. It

has been reported (Lavazza and Morasca, 2013)

that the COSMIC method is more suitable than

FPA for measuring real-time embedded


An FSM procedure is, according to the VIM

(ISO and IEC, 2007), a detailed description of a

measurement according to one or more

measurement principles and to a given

measurement method, based on a measurement

model and including any calculation required to

obtain a measurement result. A measurement

procedure is usually documented in sufficient

detail to enable an operator to perform a


This section presents work on COSMIC based

FSM procedures in the context of Real-Time

Embedded Systems (RTES) with particular

emphasis on works covering FSM automation

and providing case studies on RTES FSM.

In Lind and Heldal (2011) , a tool based on

COSMIC is presented for measuring the

functional size of embedded automotive software

early on, using a UML profile that captures all the

information needed for functional size

measurement according to COSMIC and for

estimating Code Size (Lind and Heldal, 2009).

Nevertheless, a detailed evaluation of the FSM

tool itself is not provided.

In Ergun and Gencel, a manual application of

FSM to four projects is presented, three of which

are from the real time domain. Both the COSMIC



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FFP method and MK II FPA method are used.

The case study presented in the paper is from

the home appliances domain (with a fridge, a

heating system and a shower regulator). The FSM

results are summarized in tables without details.

It also gives the needed efforts and a comparison

with Lines Of Codes (LOC). However, the

measurement procedure is not explained in


In Soubra et al. (2011), an FSM procedure for

real time embedded software requirements

documented using the Simulink modeling tool was

proposed. This procedure is based on the

COSMIC method. The rules of this procedure and

a tool that automates the measurement

procedure are also presented. This study was

conducted using the prototype tool developed in

collaboration with the École de Technologie

Supérieure (Canada) and the University of

Versailles at St-Quentin en Yvelines (France). In

addition, an example of the measurement of a

very simple system modeled in Simulink was

described and then used in this work.

In Soubra and Chaaban (2012), the authors

presented a guideline for measuring Functional

size in accordance with the COSMIC ISO 19761

measurement method for ECU Application

Software designed following the AUTOSAR

architecture. A case study of a steer-by-wire

system is also presented. The measurement

results are summarized in a table, however, only

the measurement of a part of the system is

detailed in this paper as an example. The

performed measurement is a manual one and

no FSM procedures were provided in this study.

In Talib et al. (2007), the authors show that

different alternatives for hardware/software

allocation from their case study (steam boiler)

requirements could lead to different results offunctional size. To illustrate their results, theyapply the COSMIC-FFP method to thosealternatives proposed by the system. Eachalternative is explained by text and by sequencediagram. Moreover, the manual measurement isdetailed in tables, which contain the processdescription, data movement (description andtype) and finally, the functional size of that process.

In Diab et al. (2002), a COSMIC based toolcalled μcROSE is proposed to automate FSMapplied to RRRT models. It is based on a formalmapping between COSMIC-FFP concepts andRRRT model elements. The authors claim thatthe mapping has been validated with an expert ofCOSMIC-FFP to ensure its correctness andcompleteness. However, no detailed evaluationof the verification and the validation of the FSMtool is documented. In addition, neither a casestudy nor a comparison between the manualapplication and the automated one are providedin this paper.

In Gencel et al. (2005), the authors presentthe FSM results obtained by applying Mk II FPAand COSMIC FFP methods to a real-time system(a part of an avionics system) which have controlas well as algorithmic components. Thesemethods are detailed in a table and a diagram ofprocess of measurement is presented. Themanual measurement results are summarizedin tables with productivity rates and comparisonwith LOC. Furthermore, it has been reported thatboth methods are not very suitable whenalgorithmic components and conditionalstatements exist.

In (Ho et al.,1999), a comparison betweenCOSMIC FFP, Full Function Point and IFPUGmeasurement methods is proposed, using acomparative case study, about a WarehouseSoftware Portfolio. The case study details eachmethod. Results are summarized in tables.



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In (Azzouz and Abran, 2004), a tool for theautomation of FSM is proposed for systemsmodelled in Rational Unified Process (RUP). Adirect mapping between UML and COSMIC-FFPnotations and concepts has been used. TheCOSMIC-FFP method is detailed. An overview ofthe tool is presented: its characteristics, mainoutput screens and limitations. No case studiesare reported in the study.

In Londeix (2012), an FSM using COSMICmethod v3.0 is combined with MAN.6 ofautomotive Standardization into the automotivesoftware process (SPICE) on a Speedometercomponent. The Process Man.6 and the casestudy are well explained. A short description ofthe measurement is provided. The measurementresults are summarized in tables. This procedurewas applied manually.

In Turetken et al. (2008), the paper discusseshow the concept of entity generalization isconsidered in commonly used FSM methods (theIFPUG FPA method and the COSMIC method)and to investigate how different interpretations ofthis concept of entity generalization affect thefunctional size of the software obtained usingthese methods. The paper presents also a casestudy conducted on an innovative militarysoftware development project. The project wasmeasured by different measurers. However, theauthors deal only with the differences amongmethods in handling the entity generalization andhow these affect the measurement resultsbetween the functional size figures obtained bydifferent measurers.

In Soubra (2013), the author proposed a fastFSM procedure for safety-critical real-time

systems expressed using LUSTRE. Thisprocedure is based on the COSMIC -ISO 19761measurement method. To clarify the procedure,an example of the measurement of a simplecontrol system described in LUSTRE was

introduced and then used in this paper. It wasmanually measured.

In conclusion, only studies (Soubra et al., 2011;Diab et al., 2002; Gencel et al., 2005; Azzouz andAbran, 2004; Soubra, 2013) provide detailedmeasurement procedures for FSM of software,however, no complete and detailed illustrationsof the application of the measurements proposedare included in these studies. In addition, studies(Soubra et al., 2011; Diab et al., 2002; Azzouzand Abran, 2004) present automations toolsdeveloped to implement the proceduresproposed, however, they do not illustrate theadvantage of FSM automation compared to themanual application of the FSM proceduresproposed. Hence, the literature review clearlyshows that there is a lack of full case studiescovering illustration of RTES FSM and comparingautomated and manual measurements at thedetailed level.

For these reasons our approach addressesthe lack of fully detailed illustrations of FSMapplied, on a real-time embedded systemsoftware via a full case study and to ensure thatthe whole measurement chain produced the rightmeasurement results at a sufficiently detailedlevel, both automatically and manually. The casestudy is accompanied with screenshots and ashort video of the automation prototype tool.







A precise COSMIC size measurement is possible

only when the description of the to-be-measured

system is in sufficient detail to identify all the



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COSMIC elements. SCADE allows the design of

explicit safely constructed formal models, where

the interpretation of a model designed using

SCADE is unique and reader-independent. In

order to correctly measure the Functional size of

safety-critical real-time systems designed using

SCADE, different elements must be identified and

well defined: Functional Process, data groups

movements, etc. This section presents a set of

mapping rules, based on COSMIC -version 4.0,

to be applied to the system designed using

SCADE, in order to obtain its Functional size.

COSMIC Overview

The COSMIC method provides a standardizedmethod for measuring the Functional size ofsoftware from both the business applicationdomain (also referred to as ManagementInformation Systems or MIS) and the real-timedomain. The COSMIC method is considered asecond-generation FSM.

This method has been accepted as anInternational Standard: ISO/IEC 19761 SoftwareEngineering – COSMIC – A Functional sizemeasurement method (hereafter referred to asISO 19761). The latest version of the COSMICmanual available on the COSMIC website isversion 4.0. While this release includes a numberof refinements, the original principles of theCOSMIC method have remained unchangedsince they were first published in 1999.

The COSMIC method measures theFunctional User Requirements (or FUR) ofsoftware. The result obtained is a numerical ‘valueof a quantity’ (as defined by the ISO) representingthe Functional size of the software.

Functional sizes measured by the COSMICmethod are designed to be independent of anyimplementation decisions embedded in theoperational artifacts of the software to be

measured. This means that the FUR can beextracted not only from actual software alreadydeveloped but also from the model of the softwarebefore it is implemented.

The measurement process of the COSMICmethod, version 4.0, consists of three phases:

1. The COSMIC Software Context Model isapplied to the software to be measured. Thisis the Measurement Strategy Phase.

2. The COSMIC Generic Software Model isapplied to the software to be measured. Thisis the Mapping Phase.

3. The Measurement Phase, in which the actualsize measurement results are obtained.

The measurement result corresponds to theFunctional size of the FUR of the softwaremeasured, and is expressed in COSMIC FunctionPoints (or CFP).

In COSMIC, a Functional Process is anelementary component of a set of FURscomprising a set of data movements that areunique, cohesive, and independently executable.A Functional Process is triggered by an ‘Entry’data movement from a Functional User (FU) thatinforms the piece of software that the Functionaluser has identified a triggering event. It iscomplete when it has executed all that is requiredin response to the triggering event. According tothe COSMIC method, software Functionality isembedded within the Functional flows of datagroups. These data flows can be characterizedby four distinct types of data movements. Twotypes of movements (E: Entries and X: Exits)between the FU and COSMIC FP, allow theexchange of data with FU across a boundary. Twotypes of movements (R: Reads and W: Writes)

between a COSMIC FP and the persistent

storage, allow the exchange of data with the

persistent storage hardware.



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Different abstractions are typically used fordifferent measurement purposes. In real-timesoftware, the users are typically the engineereddevices that interact directly with the software,that is, the users are considered the I/O hardware.

As an FSM method, COSMIC is aimed atmeasuring the size of software based onidentifiable FUR. Figure 1 shows an example ofa generic representation with two Functionalusers, FU1 and FU2. Three Functional processesare identified in this example: FP1, FP2, and FP3.The data group movements are represented bydirected arrows in Figure 1. There can only beone persistent storage logically (even though thepersistent storage can, in fact, be physicallydistributed) for a given Functional process. Thepersistent storage is represented in blue and inconformity with the ISO 5807 stored data symbol.

In FP1, 4 data group movements are identified:2E from FU1; 1X to FP2; and 1X to FP3. In FP2,6 data group movements are identified: 1W+1R(from/to persistent storage), 1E from FU1+1Efrom FP1, and 1E from FP3; in addition, 1X to

FP3. In FP3, 6 data group movements areidentified: 1W+1R (from/to persistent storage),1E from FU1, 1E from FP1 and 1E from FP2; inaddition, 1X to FP2/FU2 (Note: only 1X is identifiedhere because the same Exit Data Movement isgoing to different elements: same source (FP3)with different destinations (FP2, FU2)).

It is impossible to apply the COSMIC’sMeasurement Phase directly, because COSMICdefines generic concepts and descriptions. AnFSM procedure specific to an input type (forexample, SCADE models) should be designedfirst. It could be defined as a set of operations,described explicitly and used in the performanceof a particular measurement according to thegeneric concepts and descriptions of the method.And naturally, the purpose and scope(s) of themeasurement should be defined as well.

SCADE Overview


products/scade-system/) (Safety-Critical

Application Development Environment) is an

Figure 1: Generic flow of data groups through software from a Functionalperspective in COSMIC – ISO 19761



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industrial development tool used in many majorcompanies developing safety-critical embeddedsystems. It is based on the LUSTRE synchronouslanguage. LUSTRE (Halbwachs et al., 1991) is astrongly typed declarative data-flow synchronouslanguage having simple semantics.

Models in SCADE are built using hierarchicalblock diagrams. A system designed in SCADE isconsidered to be formal and safely-constructed.This property is particularly very interesting in thecontext of safety-critical reactive real-timesystems because it guarantees a complete andunambiguous system design.

A system described in SCADE is structuredin Nodes and/or Functions and has a cyclicbehavior. Each Node/Function contains a set ofblocks and takes at least one input and producesat least one output. SCADE Inputs and Outputsare considered as “Interface” variables; localvariables (i.e., “Locals”) can be defined in SCADEas well. Each variable denotes a flow -also calleda stream- that can be seen as a sequence ofvalues. For example, in Table 1, variable Brepresents a flow which is the sequence ofvalues: (b1, b2, b3, ..., bn-1, bn).

All input variables have the same basic clock,

which can be seen as the Boolean flow: basic =

(true, true, …, true…). All other possible clocks

are defined internally using this basic clock.

SCADE possesses a clock calculus mechanism

that ensures that any system described in

SCADE has a well-defined meaning. The

compiler of SCADE rejects a system if the

constraints on clocks are not satisfied.

SCADE supplies a set of operator blocks, such

as: arithmetic (e.g., the “Plus” block, the “Minus”

block), Boolean (e.g., the “And” block, the “Or”

block) and control operator blocks (e.g., the

“If..Then..Else” block). Furthermore, LUSTRE

provides sequential operator blocks such as: the

“Previous” operator gives access to the cyclically

previous value of its argument: for example,

“pre(B)” is the flow (nil, b1, ..., bn-1, ...), where its

first value is an undefined one (“nil” for “non-

initialized”) and its following values are equal to

the cyclically previous values of the flow of B. On

the other hand, the “Followed by” operator block

combines two flows (e.g. A->B; flows A and B),

Table 1: Example of Variables/Equations and Their Flows



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where the first value of the resulting flow is defined

using the first flow (e.g. a1), and its following

values are always equal to the second flow (e.g.:

(b2, b3, ..., bn-1, bn)).

Table 1 shows an example of the values of six

different flows in each cycle: variables A, B and

C -which is the sum of A and B; equations pre(B),

A->B and A->pre(B). For instance, the value of

the flow “A->B” in Cycle 2 is b2.

Functional Size of Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems Described in SCADE

FSM procedures must have a set of clear and

consistent measurement rules to be applied in

order to obtain accurate measurement results and

to facilitate the measurement process. The

number of these rules varies from one procedure

to another. For instance in (Diab et al., 2002), a

set of 14 measurement rules is presented for

measuring ROOM specifications using the

COSMIC method and (Soubra et al., 2011)

introduces a set of 19 measurement rules for

real-time embedded software requirements

documented using the Simulink modeling tool.

In this section, the main concepts defined in

COSMIC are mapped to the main concepts of

SCADE. An explanation is also given to underline

the reasons that lead to the mapping proposed in

this paper. The rules of the FSM procedure

proposed cover all the measurement rules of the

COSMIC FSM method. It has been verified and

approved by a member of the COSMIC

Measurement Practices Committee.

The Measurement Strategy Phase

Purpose: the purpose of this FSM procedure is

to measure the COSMIC Functional size of the

FUR of any real-time embedded system based

on its SCADE model. In other words, this

procedure allows obtaining COSMIC Functional

size in CFP of a system directly using its FUR

described using SCADE.

Scope of the measurement: a system in

SCADE is structured using “Nodes” and/or

“Functions”. The behavior of a system described

in SCADE, hence its Functionality in terms of

tasks, is defined using these Nodes and

Functions. The scope of this FSM procedure is

the SCADE “Nodes” and “Functions”.

Level of granularity: SCADE Nodes and

Functions encapsulate the Functionality of a

system. The level of granularity of this procedure

is therefore at the Node/Functions description

detail level of SCADE. It is at this level the

Functional requirements of the system are


Functional User: According to SCADE, a system

consists of one or more Node(s) having input and

output flows. Hence, each ‘entity’ interacting with

the system to be measured is a Functional user

of the system to be measured. These ‘entities’

are usually other real-time systems or Hardware


The Mapping Phase

Functional Process: a system in SCADE is

defined using Nodes and Functions, which can

be seen as bundles of equations. Nodes/

Functions receive, manipulate, and produce data

flows. Hence, SCADE Nodes and Functions are

COSMIC Functional Processes. They are

identified using rule 1 in Table 2.

Boundaries: the boundary lies between the

system to be measured, and its Functional


Data groups: In order to correctly identify the

movements of data groups in each Functional



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process, data groups should first be identified.

An object of interest is any element (physical or

conceptual) about which the piece of software

being measured must process or store data. A

data movement moves a single data group that

consists of one or more data elements. All

attributes in a data group describe the same one

object of interest. In SCADE, flows provide

transmission and reception of atomic data

elements. Flows consist of finite or infinite

sequences of values of some scalar type, for a

variable or an equation. Each SCADE flow

constitutes hence a COSMIC data group.

The Measurement Phase

The COSMIC triggering events in the context of

SCADE are implicit: the basic clock of a Node/

Function is defined by its input flows. It is this

basic clock that triggers the Node.

The COSMIC Entry (E) and Exit (X) data

movements are identified using the input flows,

which are sequences of data values received by

Nodes, and the output flows, which are sequences

of data values produced by Nodes.

Since SCADE allows the use, at each instant,

of past values of flows to produce other flows, no

data storage mechanisms are needed inside a

Node. SCADE manages the availability of these

values automatically. Hence, no SCADE

elements can be mapped to COSMIC Read (R)

and Write (W) data movements.

Conclusively, the only two possible types of

COSMIC data group movements in the context

of SCADE are the Entry (E) and Exit (X) data

movements. They are identified in this phase

using the mapping rules in Table 2.

Once all the data movements in a Functional

process have been identified, the standard value

of 1 CFP is assigned to each data movement.

The final step consists of aggregating the results

to obtain the Functional size of each Functional

process. The Functional sizes of the Functional

processes are next aggregated to obtain the

Functional size of the system being measured.

The rules for obtaining the Functional size of each

Node (Functional Process) and the whole system

are presented in Table 3.

The FSM Automation Prototype-Tool

Automating an FSM procedure should help in

applying it and using it. An automation tool should

implement an algorithm that must follow the FSM

Table 2: The Mapping Rules of Cosmic Data Group Movements to Scade Elements



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procedure applied manually step by step. The

number of steps to be followed varies from an

algorithm to another. For example, the automation

algorithm proposed in Soubra et al. (2011)

consists of 22 steps and sub steps.

The FSM automation prototype tool presented

in this section is freely available online on the

ESTACA’s website (

component/jdownloads/viewdownload/7/3). The

automation algorithm of the FSM procedure

proposed in this paper implements the 5 rules in

Tables 2 and 3 for obtaining the Functional size.

It begins with identifying the Functional

processes. Next, the data movements in each

Functional Process (FP) are identified and

assigned a numerical value of 1 CFP each. Finally,

the sizes of all the identified data movements of

all the FP are aggregated into a single Functional

size value.

The prototype identifies all the packages in a

project’s ETP file. Next, for each package

identified, it opens the XSCADE file of the same

name. SCADE Nodes and Functions could be

located in different files.

The automation algorithm proposed in this

paper consists of 7 steps and sub steps:

1. Search for all the Nodes and Functions in the

XSCADE file using the “Operator tags”. Each

Node and each Function are FP.

2. For each identified FP, search all its flows:

3. For each flow, identify all elements called Input

or Hidden using the “Variable Tag”. Each Input

and each Hidden are Entry data movements


4. For each flow, identify all elements called

Output using the “Variable Tag”. Each Output

is an Exit data movement (X).

5. Assign 1 CFP value for each Data Movement


6. Aggregate the size of all the Data Movements

(i.e. the Entries, Exits identified in step 2.1 and

step 2.2) inside that FP

7. Aggregate the size of all the FP identified in

step 1.

Figure 2 shows our prototype-tool’s interface:

it has a main window with 3 tabs. In the FSM tab,

users select the file to-be-measured and the

dumping files (PDF and XML) if the “Save when

measuring” checkbox is checked. The

“Compare” is still under development and the

“About Us” tab gives information about the tool. A

“Measure” button appears so that the user

triggers the measurement process. When

Table 3: Rules For Obtaining The Size Of The Functional Processes And The Whole System



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clicked, a pop up window (see Figure 3) shows

the measurement results.

When clicked, the “Details” button shows the

sizes in CFP of each FP identified (see Figure 4)

and opens a pdf file with the details of the Data

Movements identified in the FP identified (see

Figure 5).

Figure 5 shows, as an example, a fragment of

the pdf document produced when clicking the

“Details” button. It gives the total FP number

identified, in addition to the total number of Entries,

Exits of the system. It also gives the size in CFP

of the system. Next, it shows the measurement

details per FP, Entries and the Exits Data

Movements identified with the names of their

corresponding Flows per package.

In addition to the Roll Control system

presented in section 4, the automation prototype

tool was applied on a set of 5 distinct systems

designed using SCADE: Pilot; Flight control;

Digital Stop Watch; Cruise Control and ABC_N.

For verification purposes (see Table 4), the

systems have been measured manually, using

the proposed measurement procedure (the

procedure implemented by the prototype tool).

Thus, in addition to the Functional size obtained,

all the Functional processes and data groups’

movements are identified by the manual

measurement. We have also kept track of the

time needed to manually apply the measurement

procedure and to document the measurement

results obtained using Excel sheets. The time

needed varies from 22 min to 151 min, according

Figure 2: Interface of the prototype Figure 3: Measurement Results window



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to the measured system’s size. In contrast, the

prototype tool produced the results almost

instantly, including the detailed documentation, for

all the systems measured.

In (

zsAZGHEzEOE), a short video presents how to

use the prototype on the Cruise Control example.

Figure 4: Functional size per FP identifiedFigure 5: Fragment of the pdf

details file produced

Table 4: Functional Size of The Systems Measured





In this section, the “Roll Control” example



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released into the public domain and is available

in the SCADE Suite by Esterel Technologies.

Description of the Roll Control System

The Roll Control is a simple real-time embedded

system that simulates the place roll rate control.

The system is composed of three packages

named RollControl, RollMode and RollRate (see

Figure 6). It also uses three libraries called

“libpwliear”, “libmath” and “libdigital”. The system’s

root package is called Roll Control.

The Roll Control Package

The RollControl package is composed of 1 Node:

RollControl. Figure 7 shows the RollControl Node,

which is composed of 2 Functions

(RollRateCalculate and RollRateWarning) and 1

Node: RollMode. The RisingEdge (libdigital library)

block detects the transition from a false to a true

value; the output is brought to false after the

transition clock cycle. The Abs block (libmath

library) gives the absolute value of its input.

RollControl has four inputs and four outputs:

- LeftWarning: A Boolean data type output which

inform, thanks to an alarm, that the aircraft roll

rate is upper than -15Ú/s on the left wing.

- RightWarning: A Boolean data type output

which inform, thanks to an alarm, that the

aircraft roll rate is upper than +15Ú/s on the

Figure 6: Hierarchy of theRoll Control System

- JoystickCmd: a Real data type input

expressing the joystick position.

- LeftAdverseYaw: a Real data type input

expressing the adverse due to the left wing.

- RightAdverseYaw: a Real data type input

expressing the adverse due to the right wing.

- OnOffPressed: a Boolean data type input which

depends on the status of the on/off button.

- RollRate: A Real data type output expressing

the roll rate of the aircraft.

Figure 7: The RollControl Node



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right wing.

- Mode: a TRollmode data type output that has

3 different values: off, Nominal and Failsoft.

The RollMode Package

The RollMode package is composed of 1 Node:

RollMode. Figure 8 shows the RollMode Node

defined as state machine, which define the state

of the output “mode” presented in the RollControl


This Node has two inputs and one output:

- AbsRollRate: A Real data type input which

inform if the roll rate is upper than 20Ú/s. It is a

safety variable.

- OnOffPressed: A Boolean data type input which

informs the system state (on or off)

- Mode: a TRollmode output type that has three

different values:

- Off: if onOffPressed is False

- Nominal: if onOffPressed is true and

absRollRate is lower than 20 o/s

The RollRate package

The RollRate package contains three Functions:

Figure 8: The RollMode Node

- Failsoft: if onOffPressed is true and

absRollRate is upper of equal to 20 o/s

Figure 9: The AdverseYaw Function

AdverseYaw (Figure 9), RollRateCalculate

(Figure 10) and RollRateWarning (Figure 11).

The AdverseYaw Function contains 1 subtract

block and 1 multiply block. It has 2 inputs and

1output as shown in Figure 5:

- LeftAdverseYaw: a Real data type input

expressing the adverse due to the left wing.

- RightAdverseYaw: a Real data type input

expressing the adverse due to the right wing.

- RollCoupling: a Real data type output which

gives the value of the Coupling of both wings

(it is obtained by subtract the rightAdverseYaw

value to the leftAdverseYaw’s, and multiply this

result by 0.1).

RollRateCalculate uses the AdverseYaw

Function. It contains three inputs and one output:

- JoystickCmd: a Real data type input

expressing the joystick position.

- LeftAdverseYaw: a Real data type input

expressing the adverse due to the left wing.

- RightAdverseYaw: a Real data type input

expressing the adverse due to the right wing.

- RollRate: a Real data type output expressing

the roll rate of the aircraft.

The block connected to the rollRate output flow

is called limiter Symmetrical. It can be found in



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Figure 11: The RollRateWarning Function

Figure 10: The RollRateCalculate Function

llCoupling (value obtained in AdverseYaw and

multiplied by 0.25) to the upper and lower

SCADE’s libpwlinear library. It compares an input

(the difference between joystrickCmd input and

rolimit. The output rollRate will be either the upper

limit if the input is higher than it, either lower limit

if the input is lower than it, or the input if it is

contained between the upper and lower limits.

RollRateWarning contains one input and two


- RollRate: A Real data type output expressing

as it is called, the roll rate of the aircraft.

- LeftWarning: A Boolean data type output which

inform, thanks to an alarm, that the aircraft roll

rate is upper than —15 o/s on the left wing.

- RightWarning: A Boolean data type output

which inform using an alarm that the aircraft

roll rate is upper than +15 o/s on the right wing.

RollRateWarning computes the left and right

warning alarms according the aircraft roll rate,

by comparing it to the kRollRateWarning value.

The TRealLeftRight block allows the segregation

of kRollRateWarning into 2 values for the right

wing and for the left one.

Functional Size of the Roll Control System

This section presents the measurement results

obtained first when applying manually the FSM

procedure proposed to the SCADE Roll Control

system; and next, using the prototype tool

presented in section 3.

Manual Application of the FSM to the RollControl System

In this section, the procedure detailed in section

3 is applied to the RollControl system presented

in section 4.

The RollControl is composed of two Nodes:



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RollControl and RollMode; and three Functions:

AdverseYaw, RollRateCalculate and RollRate

Warning. Hence, according to rule 1 of Table 1, 5

Functional Processes are identified.

The RollControl Node has 4 inputs:

joystickCmd, leftAdverseYaw, rightAdverseYaw

and onOffPressed; hence 4 Entry data group

movements are identified according to rule 2 of

Table 1. The 4 output flows of the Node

RollControl are: rollRate, leftWarning,

rightWarning and mode; in consequence 4 Exit

data group movements are identified using rule 3

of Table 1. According to rule 4 of Table 1, the total

Functional size of the Node is RollControl is 8


The RollMode Node has 2 inputs: absRollRate

and onOffPressed; hence 2 Entry data group

movements are identified according to rule 2 of

Table 1. The Node RollControl has 1 output flow:

mode; in consequence 1 Exit data group

movement is identified using rule 3 of Table 1.

According to rule 4 of Table 1, the total Functional

size of the Node is RollMode is 3 CFP. 18

The AdverseYaw Function has 2 inputs:

leftAdverseYaw and rightAdverseYaw; hence 2

Entry data group movements are identified

according to rule 2 of Table 1. The Function

AdverseYaw has 1 output flow: rollCoupling. 1 Exit

data group movement is identified following the

rule 3 of Table 1. According to rule 4 of Table I, the

Functional size of this Function is 3CFP.

The Roll Rate Calculate Function has 3 inputs:

joystick Cmd, left Adverse Yaw and right Adverse

Yaw. Following the rule 2 of Table 1, 3 Entry data

group movements are identified. The Function

Roll Rate Calculate has 1 output, rollRate, in

consequence 1 exit data group movement is

identified using rule 3 of Table 1. According to rule

4 of Table 1, the total Functional size of the

Function rollRateCalculate is 4 CFP.

Finally, the RollRateWarning Function has 1

input: rollRate, which allows to identify thanks to

the rule 2 of Table 1, 1 Entry date group movement.

In the same way, the RollRateWarning has 2

output: leftWarning and rightWarning. In this case,

2 Exit date movements are identified according

to rule 3 of Table 1. The RollRateWarning

Function Functional size is 3 CFP, following the

rule 4 of Table 1.

To obtain the Functional size of the whole

system, the size of all the Functional processes

of the system are aggregated (rule 5): Size (Roll

Control System) = Size (RollControl) + Size

(RollMode) + Size (AdverseYaw) + Size

(RollRateCalculate) + Size (RollRateWarning) =

21 CFP.

The Functional sizes of all the Functional

processes identified in the Roll Control system

are presented in Table 5.

Measuring the Roll Control System using theprototype tool

Figure 12 shows the measurement result of theRoll Control System obtained with the proposedprototype tool. The prototype tool for automatingthe FSM identified 5 Functional processes:RollControl, RollMode, AdverseYaw, RollRateCalculate and RollRateWarning, for a totalFunctional size of 21 CFP:

1. In the Functional process of RollControl, itidentified 8 data movements: 4 Entry datamovements and 4 Exit data movements (Sub-total = 8 CFP).

2. In the Functional process of RollMode, itidentified 3 data movements: 2 Entry datamovements and 1 Exit data movement (Sub-total = 3 CFP).



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Table 5: Functional Size of The Roll Control System

3. In the Functional process of AdverseYaw, it

identified 3 data movements: 2 Entry data

movements and 1 Exit data movement (Sub-

total = 3 CFP).

4. In the Functional process of RollRate

Calculate, it identified 4 data movements: 3

Entry data movements and 1 Exit data

movement (Sub-total = 4 CFP).



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Figure 12: Measurement results using theprototype tool

5. In the Functional process of RollRateWarning,

it identified 3 data movements: 1 Entry data

movements and 2 Exit data movement (Sub-

total = 3 CFP).


To correctly measure the functional size of real-

time embedded systems requirements

documented and modeled using commercials

tools, FSM procedures must be designed and well

defined. This paper has proposed a Functional

Size Measurement (FSM) procedure for real time

embedded software requirements documented

using the SCADE modeling tool. This procedure

is based on the newest version of the COSMIC

measurement method, version 4.0, which is

designed, unlike the other traditional FSM

methods, to measure both real time and

management information systems.

FSM may be considered a time-consuming

task when performed manually and also because

staff resources may not be available for

measurement purposes within the required time

frame. The rules of the procedure presented in

this paper can be considered as a set of rules

that allow mapping the SCADE conceptual

elements to the COSMIC concepts. FSM

procedures must have a set of clear and

consistent measurement rules to be applied; in

order to obtain accurate measurement results,to facilitate the measurement process, and topermit automation of the procedures. The numberof these rules varies from one procedure toanother. The measurement procedure presentedintroduces 5 measurement rules to be applied inorder to obtain the functional size of safety-criticalreal-time systems described using SCADE. Thisis rather a small number of rules, compared toother the FSM procedure, because of theadvantages that SCADE provide over othercommercial modeling tools in terms of structure,unambiguity and completeness.

However, the manual application of ourprocedure to a set of large systems still takestime and requires specialized expertise especiallywhen these requirements are also complex.

Measurement with automated tools eliminatespossible measurement variances caused bydifferent measurers, which may lead to differentmeasurement results for the same set of



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requirements. That is why a tool that automatesthe measurement procedure while ensuring theaccuracy of the measurement results is useful,and can benefit organizations in terms of reducingthe workload of measurement specialists, as wellas eliminating measurement delays. This workalso provides a basis for the development of othertypes of automated measurement tools.

We also presented overviews on the SCADEmodel and the COSMIC method, and explainedhow to map the COSMIC method to the SCADEmodel. To clarify the rules, an example of themeasurement of the Roll Control real-timeembedded system modeled in SCADE wasdescribed and then used in this work as a detailedcase study. The Roll Control system has beenmeasured both manually and using theautomation prototype tool proposed in this paper.The results of our experimentations showed nodifference exists between the automated andmanual measurements by comparing the resultsat the detailed level; however, applying FSMprocedures manually is tedious, time-consumingand error-prone.

As an open question, one can discuss theimpact of this premise: if SCADE had not beenused but another modeling tool had been usedinstead to express the FUR of a system, wouldthe same FSM size in CFP come up? The answerto this open question is currently being understudy along with translation mechanisms toensure the accuracy and precision andequivalence between different measurementprocedures applied to the same FUR but whichare documented and modeled using differentcommercials tools.


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