requests for admissions

Form 5.1 Requests for Admissio ns UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR A SAMPLE DISTRICT  ________________________ _______  ) Case No.:  _______________, )  Plaint iff, ) ) v. ) )  _______________, )  Defenant )  ________________________ ______) Re!"estin# Pa$t%: ______________ Res&onin# Pa$t%: ______________ REQUESTS FOR ADMISSIONS T'e Re!"estin# Pa$t% , ______________, (% an t'$o"#' its atto$ne%s, 'e$e(% $e!"ests &"$s"ant to R"le *+a) of t'e Fee$al R"les of C ivi l P$oe"$e, t'at t'e Res&onin# Pa$t%,______________, -it'in a%s f$o/ t'e $eei&t of t'is $e!"est, a/it t'e t$"t' of ea' of t'e follo-in# $e!"ests fo$ &"$&oses of t'is ation onl%, an s"(0et to all &e$tinent o(0etions as to t'e a/issi(ilit% t'e$eof t'at /a% (e inte$&ose at t$ial: Re!"est 1. +Pa$tii&ation) 2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at on t'e ______ a% of ______ , 3___ at a&&$o4i/atel%___ o5lo6 +a/7&/), %o" &e$sonall % en#a#e in ______________ +&$esent one fat &e$ $e!"est). Re!"est 3. +State/ent) 2o " a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at on t'e ______ a% of ______ , 3_ __ at a&& $o4i/at el%  ___ o5lo6 +a/7&/), ______________, -it' ___________ &$esent, %o" /ae t'e follo- in# state/ent :_________ _____. Re!"est . +O(se$vati on) 2o " a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at on t'e _____ a% of ______, 3___ at a&&$o4i/atel% ___ o5lo6 +a/7&/), %o" &e$sonall% o(se$ve ______________ +&$esent one o(se$vation &e$ $e!"est). Re!"est 8. +Ne#ative O(se$vation) 2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at as of t'is ate, afte$ a $easona(l% ili#ent sea$' an7o$ investi#ation, neit'e$ %o" no$ an% a#ents, e/&lo%ees, o$ $e&$esentatives atin# on %o"$  (e'alf a$e a-a$e of an% ______________.

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Requests for admissions; what should I ask for in admissions?


Page 1: Requests for Admissions

7/17/2019 Requests for Admissions 1/2

Form 5.1 Requests for Admissions


 _______________________________   ) Case No.: _______________, ) Plaintiff, )

)v. )

) _______________, ) Defenant ) ______________________________)

Re!"estin# Pa$t%: ______________ 

Res&onin# Pa$t%: ______________ 


T'e Re!"estin# Pa$t%, ______________, (% an t'$o"#' its atto$ne%s, 'e$e(%$e!"ests &"$s"ant to R"le *+a) of t'e Fee$al R"les of Civil P$oe"$e, t'at t'eRes&onin# Pa$t%,______________, -it'in a%s f$o/ t'e $eei&t of t'is $e!"est, a/itt'e t$"t' of ea' of t'e follo-in# $e!"ests fo$ &"$&oses of t'is ation onl%, an s"(0et toall &e$tinent o(0etions as to t'e a/issi(ilit% t'e$eof t'at /a% (e inte$&ose at t$ial:

Re!"est 1. +Pa$tii&ation)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at on t'e ______ a% of ______ , 3___ ata&&$o4i/atel%___ o5lo6 +a/7&/), %o" &e$sonall% en#a#e in ______________ +&$esentone fat &e$ $e!"est).

Re!"est 3. +State/ent)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at on t'e ______ a% of ______ , 3___ at a&&$o4i/atel% ___ o5lo6 +a/7&/), ______________, -it' ___________ &$esent, %o" /ae t'efollo-in# state/ent :______________.

Re!"est . +O(se$vation)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at on t'e _____ a% of ______, 3___ at a&&$o4i/atel% ___o5lo6 +a/7&/), %o" &e$sonall% o(se$ve ______________ +&$esent one o(se$vation &e$$e!"est).

Re!"est 8. +Ne#ative O(se$vation)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at as of t'is ate, afte$ a $easona(l% ili#ent sea$' an7o$investi#ation, neit'e$ %o" no$ an% a#ents, e/&lo%ees, o$ $e&$esentatives atin# on %o"$ (e'alf a$e a-a$e of an% ______________.

Page 2: Requests for Admissions

7/17/2019 Requests for Admissions 2/2

Re!"est 9. +Contention)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at -it' $es&et to t'is la-s"it, %o" onten an lai/ t'at ______________.

Re!"est *. +A&&l% La- to Fats)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at "ne$ t'e a&&lia(le state +o$ fee$al) la-, t'at %o" 'aveo//itte a ______________.

Re!"est . +Do"/ent ;en"ineness)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at E4'i(it <A= atta'e 'e$eto is #en"ine ______ an t'at allsi#nat"$es ontaine -it'in t'e o"/ent a$e #en"ine.

Re!"est >. +?"siness Reo$s)2o" a$e $e!"este to a/it t'at E4'i(it @A@ atta'e 'e$eto is a ________ t'at -as 6e&tin t'e o$ina$% o"$se of ("siness an t'at all of its ontents a$e a/issi(le as eviene fo$  &"$&oses of t$ial an s"//a$% is&osition /otions, if an%.

Date: __________ 

 __________________________ Si#nat"$e of Re!"estin# Atto$ne%