request for proposal for scanning old land records in tehsildar

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 1 Request For Proposal For Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and City Survey offices of Maharashtra

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Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 1

Request For Proposal


Scanning Old Land Records in

Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and City

Survey offices of Maharashtra

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 2


Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Tender Notice ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

Schedule .................................................................................................................................................................... 10

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

1.1. NLRMP Background .............................................................................................................................. 12

1.2. Vision towards NLRMP ......................................................................................................................... 12

1.3. NLRMP Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 12

1.4. NLRMP in Maharashtra (eMahabhoomi) ........................................................................................... 13

1.5. Modern Record Room - NLRMP Component .................................................................................... 18

1.6. Purpose of the project ............................................................................................................................ 18

1.7. Objectives of Scanning Project ............................................................................................................. 18

1.8. Stakeholders of the project.................................................................................................................... 19

2. Department Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 21

2.1. History of land Records in Maharashtra ............................................................................................. 21

2.2. Existing Status of Record Rooms ......................................................................................................... 23

2.3. Existing DSR Application ...................................................................................................................... 24

2.4. Existing Data Center Infrastructure .................................................................................................... 24

2.5. Existing Network Infrastructure .......................................................................................................... 24

2.6. Existing Client Site (Taluka level) Infrastructure .............................................................................. 25

3. Instruction to bidder ....................................................................................................................................... 26

3.1. Issuer of RFP ........................................................................................................................................... 26

3.2. Bidding schedule .................................................................................................................................... 26

3.3. General instruction to bidder ............................................................................................................... 27

3.4. Important limits and values .................................................................................................................. 28

3.5. Tender Form and Tender Fee ............................................................................................................... 29

3.6. Timely submission ................................................................................................................................. 29

3.7. Late bids .................................................................................................................................................. 29

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 3

3.8. Pre-bid Queries ....................................................................................................................................... 29

3.9. Language of the Bid ................................................................................................................................ 30

3.10. Hand written documents, Erasures or Alterations ............................................................................ 30

3.11. Bid Prices ................................................................................................................................................. 30

3.12. Firm Prices .............................................................................................................................................. 31

3.13. Amendment of RFP document ............................................................................................................. 31

3.14. Clarification of offers ............................................................................................................................. 31

3.15. Opening of bids ....................................................................................................................................... 32

3.16. Contacting SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune ........................................................................................................ 32

3.17. Bid validity .............................................................................................................................................. 32

3.18. Address for bid submission and correspondence .............................................................................. 33

3.19. Award of contract ................................................................................................................................... 33

3.20. Right to Accept any Bid and to Reject any or All Bids ....................................................................... 33

3.21. Notification of Award ............................................................................................................................. 33

3.22. Signing of Contract ................................................................................................................................. 33

3.23. Bid Security (EMD – Earnest Money Deposit) .................................................................................. 33

3.24. Performance Bank Guarantee ............................................................................................................... 34

3.25. Fraud and Corruption ........................................................................................................................... 35

3.26. Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP ................................................................ 36

4. Qualification Criteria and Bid evaluation ..................................................................................................... 37

4.1. Qualification criteria .............................................................................................................................. 37

4.2. Bid Submission ( 3 Envelope Bid System) .......................................................................................... 38

4.3. Bid evaluation ......................................................................................................................................... 40

4.4. Evaluation Committees ......................................................................................................................... 43

4.5. Rejection Criteria.................................................................................................................................... 44

4.6. Conditional offers ................................................................................................................................... 45

5. Scope of work ................................................................................................................................................... 46

5.1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 46

5.2. Geographical Scope ................................................................................................................................ 46

5.3. Volume of Work ...................................................................................................................................... 47

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 4

5.4. Scope of Services .................................................................................................................................... 47

5.5. Project Planning and Management ...................................................................................................... 48

5.6. DSR Application Study .......................................................................................................................... 50

5.7. Scanning Old Land Records .................................................................................................................. 54

5.8. External Hard Disk supply along with image and data ..................................................................... 66

5.9. Operational Support .............................................................................................................................. 67

5.10. Training and Capacity Building ............................................................................................................ 67

5.11. Project Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 68

6. Project Implementation .................................................................................................................................. 70

6.1. Project Timelines .................................................................................................................................... 70

6.2. Taluka Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 71

6.3. Contract Period ....................................................................................................................................... 72

6.4. Implementation Approach .................................................................................................................... 72

6.5. Project Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 73

6.6. Guidelines for District Metadata Center and Scanning premises .................................................... 76

7. Service level agreements ................................................................................................................................. 78

7.1. Service level objectives .......................................................................................................................... 78

7.2. Penalty Terms ......................................................................................................................................... 78

8. Terms and conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 80

8.1. Payment terms ........................................................................................................................................ 80

8.2. Termination of the Contract ................................................................................................................. 81

8.3. Risk Purchase Clause ............................................................................................................................. 82

8.4. Indemnity ................................................................................................................................................ 82

8.5. Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................................................. 82

8.6. Performance Obligations ....................................................................................................................... 82

8.7. Publicity ................................................................................................................................................... 83

8.8. Force Majeure ......................................................................................................................................... 83

8.9. Resolution of disputes ........................................................................................................................... 84

8.10. Subject Laws and Jurisdiction .............................................................................................................. 84

Annexure A. Scanning Document Types, Volume, Metadata ............................................................................ 85

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 5

Annexure B. List of offices ...................................................................................................................................... 95

Annexure C. Indicative External hard disk Specifications .............................................................................. 105

Annexure D - Pre-Qualification bid document format ..................................................................................... 106

1. Pre-Qualifcation Bid Cover Letter ................................................................................................................... 106

2. Authority Letter ................................................................................................................................................. 108

3. Particulars of the Bidder ................................................................................................................................... 109

4. Profiles of Previous Project Experience .......................................................................................................... 111

5. Pre-Qualification criteria compliance sheet ................................................................................................... 112

Annexure E - Self declaration form for not having pending cases in court of law ........................................ 115

Annexure F– Notarized Affidavit for non-blacklisting ..................................................................................... 116

Annexure G. Technical Bid Document Format .................................................................................................. 117

1. Technical Bid Covering letter ........................................................................................................................... 117

2. Authority Letter ................................................................................................................................................. 119

3. Authorization letters from OEM ...................................................................................................................... 120

4. Profile of Key People ......................................................................................................................................... 121

5. Proposed Resource Deployment ...................................................................................................................... 123

6. Project Implementation Methodology ............................................................................................................ 124

7.Hardware Specification Compliance Format .................................................................................................. 125

Annexure H – Draft Non - Disclosure Agreement ............................................................................................ 126

Annexure I – Performance Bank Guarantee Format ........................................................................................ 131

Annexure J - Commercial Bid Format ................................................................................................................ 134

1. Commercial Proposal Cover Letter .................................................................................................................. 134

2. Price Summary (Name of division) ................................................................................................................. 136

Annexure K - Format for Pre-Bid Queries .......................................................................................................... 138

Annexure L - Other Documents Checklist .......................................................................................................... 139

Annexure M - Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 140

Annexure N- Cover letter to be pasted on envelope .......................................................................................... 141

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 6


The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (hereinafter referred to

as “RFP”) or subsequently provided to bidder(s), whether verbally or in documentary or any

other form by or on behalf of the Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records

(Maharashtra State), Pune (hereinafter referred to as “SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune”), (the “Authority”)

or any of their employees or advisors, is provided to bidder(s) on the terms and conditions

set out in this RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is


The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to

them in making their financial offers pursuant to this RFP (the "Bid"). This RFP includes

statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune in relation to the project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not

purport to contain all the information that each bidder may require. This RFP may not be

appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune, its employees or

advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of

each party who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and

information contained in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct.

Each bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should

check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions,

assessments, statements and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent

advice from appropriate sources.

Information provided in this RFP to the bidder(s) is on a wide range of matters, some of which

depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of

statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative

statement of law. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or

otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein.

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune , its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and

shall have no liability to any person, including any bidder under any law, statute, rules or

regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss,

damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of

anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness,

completeness or reliability of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or

information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way in this

Bid Stage.

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 7

negligence or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any bidder upon the

statements contained in this RFP.

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to

do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions contained in

this RFP.

The issue of this RFP does not imply that SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune is bound to select a bidder or to

appoint the selected bidder, as the case may be, for providing scanning services; and

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune reserves the right to reject all or any of the bidders or bids without

assigning any reason whatsoever.

Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of

its bid including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses

associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such

costs and expenses will remain with the bidder and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune shall not be liable in

any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a

bidder in preparation for submission of the bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the

bidding process.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 8


Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State), Pune

has envisaged implementing Modern Record Room Component of National Land Records

Modernization Programme of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India in the

entire state. Scanning old land records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra for

providing citizen services and helping departmental officials is the main objective of Modern

Record Room Component of NLRMP. In order to achieve this aspect of the component,

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State), Pune proposes to

seek the services of reputed organizations/System Integrators having relevant experience in

Scanning & Document Management Services.

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State), Pune invites

proposals to provide services as per the attached RFP document. RFP includes the following


� Tender Notice

� Schedule

� Chapter 1 - Introduction

� Chapter 2 - Department Overview

� Chapter 3 - Instruction to Bidder

� Chapter 4 -Qualification Criteria and Bid evaluation

� Chapter 5 - Scope of work

� Chapter 6 - Project implementation

� Chapter 7 - Service level Agreements

� Chapter 8 - Terms and Conditions

� Annexure

Yours sincerely,


Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 9

Date: 22/07/2013

OFFICE OF THE SETTLEMENT COMMISSIONER & DIRECTOR OF LAND RECORDS (MAHARASHTRA STATE) 2nd Floor, New Administrative Building Opp. Council Hall Pune - 411001 Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State), Pune

invites proposals for the following work from firms who have similar work experience. Vendor

for each division will be selected through this tender.

Description of Work, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and Tender Fee are as under:

Sr. No.

Name of Work Division Name

Earnest Money Deposit (INR)

Tender Fee (INR)


Request for Proposal for Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Amravati 40,00,000/-


2. Aurangabad 30,00,000/-

3. Mumbai 25,00,000/-

4. Nagpur 15,00,000/-

5. Nashik 30,00,000/-

6. Pune 45,00,000/-

EMD mentioned above is per Division, if the Bidder is interested to bid for more than one

Division, then bidder has to submit separate EMD for each Division. Each bidder needs to pay

Tender Fee only once.

Bidders have to submit a non–refundable Tender Fee as mentioned above by Demand Draft

from Nationalized Bank, in the name of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land

Records, Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at Pune.

EMD should be in the form of Bank Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of

“Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

and valid for 180 days which can be extended if required.




Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records Maharashtra State, Pune

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 10


# Parameter Details

1. Tender Reference Tender No. NLRMP-2/PraKr11/Scanning/2013

2. Website for downloading tender document*


2. 3.

3. Place for submitting tender offers

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune - 411001

4. Non-refundable tender fee

Rs.25,000/- by Demand Draft from Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at Pune.

5. Earnest Money Deposit

a. Amravati

Rs. 40,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

b. Aurangabad

Rs. 30,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

c. Mumbai

Rs. 25,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

d. Nagpur

Rs. 15,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

e. Nashik

Rs. 30,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

f. Pune

Rs. 45,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

6. Pre-bid Meeting

1100 Hrs. on 02/08/2013 in the office of Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune – 411001

7. Last date and time for submission of bid proposal in the office of SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

1500 Hrs on 22/08/2013

8. Time and date of Technical bid opening

1530 Hrs on 22/08/2013 in the office of Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 11

2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune – 411001

9. Time and date of Technical presentations by the Bidders

To be declared later

10. Time and date for declaration of short-list of bidders for commercial bid

To be declared later

11. Time and Date of Opening of commercial bid To be declared later

12. Address for Communication

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune – 411001

13. Contact Telephone Numbers 020-26050006/020-26050886

14. Contact Fax Number 020-26050753

15. Contact Email id [email protected]


*RFP Document can be downloaded only from these websites. All bidders should download the

RFP document from these websites for their consideration and submit tender manually. No

hard copy will be provided in the department premises.

Bidders will be shown xerox copies of sample documents during pre-bid meeting. Bidders

should also note that they should register their names with the SC&DLR (M.S), Pune during

pre-bid meeting for viewing sample documents at selected record rooms. Department will

provide the contact details of concerned department officials of record rooms of Tehsildar

office, Dy.SLR office and CTSO. Bidders may contact these officials to view records in their

respective offices for better understanding of Scope of Work.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 12



Government of India decided to implement the Centrally-Sponsored scheme - National

Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) by merging two existing centrally

sponsored schemes: Computerization of Land Records (CLR) and Strengthening of Revenue

Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR) in the Department of Land

Resources (DoLR), Ministry of Rural Development. The integrated programme would

modernize management of land records, minimize scope of land/property disputes, enhance

transparency in the land records maintenance system, and facilitate moving eventually towards

guaranteed conclusive titles to immovable properties in the country. The major components of

the programme are computerization of all land records including mutations, establishment of

Modern Record Room, Digitization of cadastral maps & integration of textual and spatial data,

Survey/Re-survey & updation of all survey and settlement records including creation of

original cadastral records, Computerization of registration and its integration with Land

Records, Core Geospatial Information System (GIS) and Capacity Building.

Land Records Department of Maharashtra has embarked on the journey of implementing

various components of NLRMP across the state in either pilot mode or complete roll out mode.

After successful initiation and stable rollout of scanning project in Mulshi and Haveli taluka,

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune have decided to implement “Scanning Old Land Records, Digital

storage and retrieval system”, aspect of Modern Record Room component of NLRMP in

the entire state. Document Search & Retrieval (DSR) Application i.e. eRecords Application has

already been developed for state-wide rollout and now the department is looking for agencies

specialized in Scanning & Document Management System domain to provide their services and

help SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune in rolling out the project in the entire state.


“To harness technology in transforming Land Records Department into a modern and service

driven department through better collaboration, efficiency and effectiveness; and to make it a

focal point for all information on matters related to Land Records in Maharashtra”


� To develop a modern, comprehensive and transparent land records management

system in the country

� To implement the conclusive land-titling system with title guarantee, which will be based

on four basic principles

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 13

− a single window to handle land records (including the maintenance and updating of

textual records, maps, survey and settlement operations and registration of

immovable property),

− the “mirror” principle, which refers to the fact that cadastral records mirror the

ground reality,

− the “curtain” principle which indicates that the record of title is a true depiction of the

ownership status, mutation is automated and automatic following registration and the

reference to past records is not necessary, and

− title insurance, which guarantees the title for its correctness and indemnifies the title

holder against loss arising on account of any defect therein.

� To develop an institutional framework for proper and timely implementation of the land

record reforms across all states in the envisaged timelines

� To give land administrators, planning authorities, and citizens more and easier access to

land data and details

� To provide a system to have secure, authenticate and confidential land records

� To ensure self-sustainability of the system

� To provide uniformity of data and coding scheme across the country

� To enable SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune deliver services to its stakeholders in a modern, efficient

and client-service oriented manner, through the use of technology

� To equip SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune officials with the appropriate skill sets required for

delivering services in a modern, efficient and client-service oriented manner


National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP) is an integrated programme for

modernization and management of land records. It has been initiated by Department of Land

Resources (DoLR), Government of India, 'eMahabhoomi', a comprehensive land records

modernization and management programme is being implemented in Maharashtra, as a part of

NLRMP initiative. All the applications under this project are developed and maintained with

the help of NIC. Considering the importance and scale of such Mission Mode Projects,

department has setup a Programme Management Unit, in the form of Society, 'Mahabhoomi' to

look after the detailed implementation of all components of 'eMahabhoomi' in the state.

Apart from the main components of NLRMP, eMahabhoomi has also introduced 2 new projects

under its umbrella in Maharashtra state. Detailed description of the various components of

eMahabhoomi are elaborated as follows:

� eMojani : Management of measurement cases

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 14

'eMojani' application helps department officials in managing survey requests in more efficient

and effective manner. This application helps department officials to process the survey requests

accurately and provide citizens with vital information like date of survey, time of survey, name

of surveyor, value of survey fee etc. as soon as he applies. This application also helps the

department officials in generating challans of measurement cases and tracks the survey fees

collection. Online MIS generated through this application, helps the department officials in

understanding the overall status of this project like number of survey cases catered to , number

of pending cases , revenue earned etc. On an average, the application handles more than 1.75

lacs measurement requests per year. The overwhelming success of eMojani project has also

been showcased in various case studies.

In future, citizens will be provided more utilities through this web application, where citizens

can track status of their application, calculate survey fees, online application form along with e-

payment (through integration with GRAS). Many of these utilities have already been provided

to the citizens. eMojani project is rolled out in the entire state from 1st Jan 2012.

� eChawadi: Computerization of village records

At village level, various land related forms (Forms No. 1 to 21) categorized under 5 categories

namely - Land Revenue, Record of Rights, Settlement related, General administration and

Miscellaneous are maintained by Talathi (village accountant). Currently all the forms are in

physical format maintained by Talathis. It was found that maintaining all these forms is a

cumbersome activity and talathis have to spend a lot of time in updating each of these forms.

Department officials also spend a lot of time to calculate the revenue to be recovered from the

citizens under the current setup. Considering the importance of these forms and various

problems faced by revenue officials, state has decided to utilize technology to reduce such

problems by computerization of all these forms which lead to development of “eChawadi”

application. This is a web based which will benefit almost 12,600 talathis. This application will

be used from Talathis laptop will be connected to State Data Center through data card. All the

forms are interlinked to each other and any change in a one form will lead to concurrent

changes in related forms. Almost 50-60% data for this application is derived from Form

No.7/12 data created through eMutation application. This G2G service will help department

officials in maintaining village records in an efficient and easily retrievable manner.

eChawadi application is tested in one village in every district of Maharashtra and ready for

implementation in the entire state in the financial year 2013-14. The application is in its early

stage of state-wide implementation, where numerous Talathis and Circle officers (more than

8,500) have bought laptops and data cards to use the application. Also parallel activities are

done to convert data in physical format into digital format. eChawadi was launched on 10th

April,2013 during Survey Day by Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 15

� e-Mutation: Online mutation

e-Mutation application ensures that as soon as there is registration of document resulting into

change in ownership in land, process of mutation is initiated. The entire process starts at the

registration department where the citizen gets his documents registered at Sub-Registrar Office

(SRO). Once that is over, the details of registration are uploaded on the State Data Center

(SDC) from the SRO office. Department officials at Tehsildar office view such mutation request

and the mutation number is automatically given by application. Digitally signed notice No. IX is

generated in Tehsil office, which is then sent to SRO office immediately for serving to all

interested parties present in SRO office. At the same time SMS is sent to the concerned Talathi

and 15 days notice period is given to the citizens to raise objection if any. In case no objection is

received in the prescribed time period, the mutation is certified and updation is done in Record

of Rights (RoR) automatically. Along with this, the application also has provision to initiate

mutation arising due to non-registered documents. Such mutations are done at village level by

talathis, using their laptops.

Pilot project was initiated in Mulshi and Haveli taluka of Pune District. It has also been rolled

out in another 5 talukas after the success of Mulshi taluka project. The work of state-wide

implementation has already started. All related offices (more than 11oo) at taluka level and

district level have already been provided with IT Infrastructure like Computers, Printers,

Scanners, UPS etc. All the core offices are being provided with BSNL's VPNoBB/MPLS

connectivity. eMutation was launched on 10th April,2013 during Survey Day by Hon. Chief

Minister of Maharashtra. - present status

In the future, information between registration department and land records department will

be shared with each other leading to real time mutation initiation. Information being shared

with registration department will also help in the registration process. Also, with the use of

laptops by Talathis, initiating mutation process will be possible at village level for all non -

registered document.

� e-Records: Scanning of old records

Land Records Department maintains huge volume of textual records related to land as a

custodian of Land Records. These records are old mutations, old RoR, old Khata Register,

Tippan, Akarband, Akarphod patrak, Gunakar book, KJP, consolidation scheme, etc from year

1880 onwards. Over a period of time, these records have deteriorated due to various

environmental conditions and also continuous use by department officials. Also there is huge

demand for such records at taluka offices. Thus, these records need to be preserved by

converting them in digital form. This will help the department officials in drastically reducing

the citizen service time and help them to improve the service quality. Under eRecords project,

all these textual records will be scanned and preserved at taluka as well as state level. On an

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 16

average 10 lacs documents in each taluka is to be scanned. The total volume for the entire state

is about 26 crores. Development of Document Search and Retrieval application is already

completed and pilot project has completed in Mulshi and Haveli taluka in Pune district.

Approximately 40 lacs documents have already been scanned and indexed till now.

Through this tender, eRecords project will be initiated in this financial year and is planned to be

completed by FY 2014-15.

� eMaps: Digitization of maps

Land Records department is the custodian of valuable spatial Records i.e. cadastral map.

Maharashtra poses a unique combination of cadastral map sheets which range from year 1880

to till date. There are numerous types of cadastral map sheets like tippans, phalni sheets, pot

phalni sheets, gat book, village map sheets, Land Acquisition Measurement Sheets, Non

Agricultural measurement sheets etc. The cadastral maps are in different sizes ranging from A4

to A0. State has decided to scan and digitize these map sheets for archival purpose. These

digitized maps will also be used for resurvey and by department officials in their daily

operations under eMaps project.

The pilot project is started in Mulshi Taluka in September 2012. The pilot project is near

completion and the state will move towards state-wide rollout in this financial year.

� eResurvey: Resurvey with modern technology

Resurvey leads to accurate and updated records which helps to move towards conclusive titling.

From 1930 onwards, many sub-divisions have taken place leading to mismatch between Record

of Rights (maintained by revenue department) and Land Records data (maintained by Land

Records department) and ground reality. There is a huge need to make these records accurate

and match with each other. It will benefit the citizens as the citizens will get comprehensive data

which will have both land records and revenue data as per the actual field information. To

achieve the objective, state is actively considering to undertake huge task of resurvey of entire


Under this project called “eResurvey” entire state will be surveyed again by using modern

survey technologies. This will provide citizens with updated and current details of their land

parcels. Considering the huge scale of operation, it is decided to conduct resurvey in pilot 12

villages of taluka Mulshi District Pune before rolling out in the entire state. Pilot project on

resurvey is being carried by two methods i.e. (1) high resolution satellite imagery with ETS/GPS

and (2) pure ETS/GPS. Ground Control Network (GCN) is being established in pilot area in

consultation with Survey of India. This network will be part of the network for the entire state.

GCN data will form the basis for carrying out detailed survey in the intended survey area.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 17

� eBhulekh : GIS interface for public

eBhulekh is one of the most unique application developed by NIC under the guidance of

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State) Pune for providing

all land records data since 1880 through one application. It combines the power of technology

and domain knowledge of department officials to create a holistic land records data

dissemination application for citizens. It will allow citizens to trace history of their land parcel

(textual as well as spatial data) and view all such records. It will also help other government

departments to access land records data for official purposes. eBhulekh will provide citizens

with all old and current land records like Form No. 7/12, Form no 8A, Mutation Register and

other textual records for their land parcels. The application will also provide spatial records like

tippans, phalni sheets, village maps etc along with RoR. All relevant historical data of a land

parcel will be available through this application. eBhulekh application will be ready in this

financial year.

� Training and Capacity building

For the success of all above eMahabhoomi initiatives, relevant training and capacity building

has to be done for all department officials on mass scale. In order to achieve this it is decided to

strengthen the land records training academy situated in Aurangabad. The academy is being

provided with state of art facilities and technological instruments to make it a premier land

records training academy in the country. Since near about 32,000 employees are required to be

trained, second academy is proposed at Mulshi taluka in Pune District where all pilot projects

are being carried out.

A comprehensive training programme on eChawadi and eMutation has been done at Land

Records Training Academy in Aurangabad since March,2013 to train master trainers, who in

turn would train revenue department officials at taluka and district level. Post training of

master trainers, district level training activities have also completed where master trainers have

trained set of individuals from district and taluka level. Training material has also been

provided to the master trainers for assistance in training.

After implementation of all components of “e-Mahabhoomi” as explained above the

Maharashtra will have robust land record management system which will provide easy

access to land records, for the citizens and for general administration for private and public

sector which will accelerate the pace of development in the State.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 18


Modern Record Room envisages conversion of land records in paper format into digital format

along with proper document management system for handling all such digital records. It also

talks about improving the record room facilities which will help in longer preservation of

physical records. Modern Record Room Component of NLRMP has primarily 3 main aspects:

• Physical Storage Area contains all the existing physical records maintained by

department. Currently all the records are mostly stored in racks. But in the future it will

primarily comprise of compactors or modern racks. Department plans to procure

compactors in the future for storing all these physical records. Also existing record rooms

will be modified in terms of better ceiling, flooring, partition, painting and other features

like Fire Alarm System and Fire Extinguisher etc.

• Electronic Storage Area will hold all the records in electronic dematerialized format. It

will comprise of Servers, computers, storage area network, printers, scanners, UPS,

biometric device. All the documents scanned through this project will be stored in servers

place in Electronic Storage Area.

• Citizen Interaction Center is a public services area for waiting/ reception etc. Citizens

will interact with the citizen delivery staff in this area to to avail various services.


Scanning Project will help to cater to following two main entities -

• Citizens

Citizens will be given required documents in digital format either through taluka office using

DSR application installed at all offices or web portal. Information in both soft copy and also in

hard copy (through department offices) will be made available to the citizens. Over a period of

time, department will also provide chronological records to citizens along with other pertinent

records linked to it. This will help citizens to trace historical records of any land parcel.

• Department officials

Digitized textual records will also help the department officials in their day to day operations. It

will drastically reduce the time taken to cater to citizen request. Along with saving time,

department will also be able to serve complete information regarding a land parcel to a citizen,

inculcating increased faith and trust in the department.


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 19

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune has decided to implement the Scanning Project in the entire state for the

following reasons:

• To archive old land records data in digital format and saving them from further


• To provide citizens with land records data as per their needs in easy and efficient manner

through eBhulekh (customized software)

• To strengthen department in handling citizen requests for land records and cater to them in

efficient and speedy manner

• To create coherency and linkage between various type of land records related information

available with the department

• To develop a modern, comprehensive and transparent land records management

system in Maharashtra


For the success of any project, it is important to identify right stakeholders and classify them

correctly. Prioritization of these stakeholders on the basis of the impact of the project on them is

an important activity at the beginning of the project. Stakeholders in this project are as follows:

� Government of Maharashtra, Revenue and Forest Department's Mahabhoomi -

Project Management Unit, National Land Records Modernization Programme (NLRMP)

� Core committees or various committees for the Project Implementation

o High Power Committee

o Project Implementation Committee

o State Level monitoring and review Committee

o District Level monitoring and review Committee

� Department of Information Technology, Government of Maharashtra

� National Informatics Center, Pune

� State Informatics Officer, NIC, Mumbai

� District Informatics Officer, NIC at districts

� Government Officials

o Divisional Commissioners

o District Collectors

o Divisional Deputy Director Land Records

o District Superintendent Land Records

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 20

o Sub-Divisional officers

o Tehsildar

o Dy. Superintendent Land Records

o City Survey Officer

o Circle Officers

o Talathi/Surveyors/Maintenance Surveyors

o Other land records and revenue department officials

� External Project Management Consultants – M/s. PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd.

� Scanning Vendors for each division

� Citizens and Businesses

o Farmers/Land holders/ Land owners

o Real Estate Developers/ Architects

o Lawyers/ Advocates

o Industrialists/ Businessmen

o Other government organizations

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 21



Land has been an important aspect of human’s life since time immemorial. The economic

importance of this form of nature has been understood by humans long back and always been

preserved. In India, the importance of maintaining records of land holding was emphasized by

the then Indian Rulers and Britishers. The state of Maharashtra in its erstwhile form was also

swept by the land administration wave started during those times.

The initial survey and settlement in the state of Maharashtra was carried out in the year 1830 to

1870. It was done using latest methods and techniques available in those times; primarily chain

and cross staff method. In this method each and every land parcel was divided into a set of

triangles and trapeziums. Areas of individual geometrical figure were derived and added to find

out the total area of a land parcel. For unique identification of each land parcel surveyed, a

unique number known as Survey Number was assigned to them. Dimensions and Area

calculation of each geometrical figure comprising survey number was maintained in Vaslevar

Book. Also the details of the land holding were noted in registers which were known by various

names across various areas within the state. In erstwhile Pune area, it was known as Kadai

(क.ड.ई.) Patrak. Along with these textual records, the map data or the spatial records were

stored in form of Tippans, but these tippans were not maintained to scale. One tippan would

be maintained for one survey number. Mostly these tippans were maintained in legal size


Each of these tippans were merged together to form the village map, but only after completing

traverse of the concerned village. This led to the formation of Village maps in terms of spatial

data whereas a new register called Village Form – 1 or Aakarbandh came into existence.

This document was primarily divided into 2 parts

• Details of all agricultural land (Pagewise details)

• Abstract - Non agricultural land like gaothan, road, river etc.

This register had details of all the land parcels which form the village. It has details like survey

no., hissa no., total area, tax payable, areas under various heads like Kharif, Rabi, Bagayat and


Over a period of time, sub division of land parcels happened in the state under various

conditions like part sale of land, inheritance etc. In around 1923, the government decided to

survey these sub-divisions. Wherever sub-division of land parcels were done, the government

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 22

surveyed them and created new records for the sub-division parcels. These new sub –divided

survey number parcels were called Hissa. To capture the spatial aspect of these Hissa, Phalni

Sheets were created. Each phalni sheet captured the sub-division done in 1 survey number.

Phalni sheets were in the scale of 1: 1000 (approx.) and were true to scale unlike tippans which

were not to scale. Most of the phalni sheets are in A1 size papers. Along with these spatial

records, textual records in the form of Gunakar Book were created. Gunakar book is of prime

importance to the department legally, as it holds the details of each sub-division along with

their signature or thumb impression of persons present at time of measurement.

This division of land into various new land parcels also had financial implications. Thus a new

register called Aakarphod Patrak was created. This register had details of the bifurcation of

Land Revenue as per the new area of each hissa.

Over a period of time, Government of India and Government of Maharashtra acquired land in

Maharashtra for various reasons like roads, dams, and various other projects. In all such cases,

land to be acquired from each land parcel was surveyed. All the acquired land parcels were

combined to form a single parcel and given a separate survey number. Details of land being

acquired from various land parcels are maintained in Kami-Jasti Patrak (क. जा.प.). The

same process is also maintained in case of Non Agricultural Measurement.KJP is

prepared in case of change in land use from agricultural to other purposes.

In the year 1956, the existing measurement units of Acre/Guntha were replaced by metric

system units. All the textual records pertaining to land were changed to decimal converted units

as per the metric system.

The period from 1960 to 1993 saw a very important scheme being implemented in Maharashtra

– Consolidation of Holdings Scheme under the Bombay prevention of the fragmentation

and consolidation of holdings act, 1947. Under this scheme sub-divided land parcels (hissa and

pot hissa) of an individual, scattered over various parts of the village were consolidated as much

as possible. Exchange of land parcels between two or more khatedars was done to achieve

consolidation of holding. The new consolidated land parcels were given gat numbers and shown

in Gat Maps. They were in the scale of 1 : 10000

After consolidation various documents like Aakarband etc. were updated with the Gat

Numbers. Also register called scheme book i.e. form 9(3),9(4) were created to maintain

records prior to consolidation and post consolidation respectively. In the same manner, spatial

data was also maintained under 9(1) and 9(2) mentioning maps prior to consolidation and

post consolidation. After consolidation the identification of individual land parcels were done

using Gat Numbers. Many villages did not go under consolidation, thus in all such villages

Survey number is still being used.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 23

In many villages, due to administrative issues, increase in habitat and various other issues, the

village was divided into 2 or more villages. Such new villages are called Wadi Gaon whereas

the parent village is called Mul Gaon. Generally the division of these villages happen on the

lines of natural demarcations like river, lake etc. After division of the old village into various

new villages, all relevant records were updated and maintained.


Record rooms are physical infrastructure to store land records and other relevant records of a

taluka. Each taluka has primarily 2 record rooms at –

1. Tehsildar Office

2. Deputy Superintendent of Land Records Office

3. City Survey Offices (wherever applicable)

These record rooms contain numerous records, but the records which are required by citizens

frequently for their use are given priority over other records. Indicative list of documents stored

at the record rooms are as follows:

Though the records are mostly same across various divisions of Maharashtra, there are some

records which are unique to each division which will also be scanned and stored under this


Records maintained in the record rooms have been categorized based on the number of years

that they need to be preserved. These records have been kept in colored sacs made of cloth. The

age of the records has been mentioned on tags on each sac. Categorization of the records is as


Tehsildar Office – Record Room

• Village forms - Form No.7/12,8A

• Ferfaar Book/Mutation Register

• Birth Certificate

• Death Certificate

• Land Acquisition Records

• Land Grant Files

• Non Agricultural Land Orders

• Tenancy Orders

• Etc.

Dy.SLR Office – Record Room

• Tippan

• Kami Jasti Patrak

• Gunakar Book

• Phalni Sheets

• Scheme Book -Form No. 9(3),


• Akarbandh

• Consolidation scheme

• Etc.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 24

a. Category A: Permanent records and is not supposed to be destroyed ever

b. Category B: Records to be destroyed after 30 years

c. Category C: Records to be destroyed after 5- 10 years

d. Category D: Records to be destroyed after 1 year

The physical infrastructure of the record rooms varies from taluka to taluka. Record rooms

which are newly constructed are in good condition while some are in old and delicate

conditions. Racks in these record rooms are mostly made up of iron or wood. Due to frequent

use and age of these racks, rack conditions have deteriorated.


During pilot implementation of Scanning Project in Mulshi and Haveli taluka, DSR Application

for the entire state has been developed, along with scanning of records of these two talukas.

DSR Application (along with source code and IPR) used for the pilot project is a property of

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune and is being maintained by NIC. The successful bidder will be provided

with this application for Scanning and DSR purpose. Details of SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune’s DSR

Application has been mentioned below:

• Name of the Application: e-Records Application

• Mode: Client Server as well Web-based

• Technology Used: Microsoft VB.Net for front end and PostGreSQL as database for client

server and IIS6.0 and for web module

• Modules: Master (Backup), User Administration, Image Processing, Metadata Transaction,

Quality Control, End User Search, Printing, File Import/Export.

Successful bidder will be provided with detailed information on each module. Detailed training

will be provided to master trainers from each successful bidder at the beginning of the project.

The master trainers of each successful bidder has to train their manpower on the application.


Maharashtra State Data Center at Mumbai will act as the Data center for any project related

requirements. Currently, all relevant records like Form No. 7/12 details, online mutation details

etc. are stored at State Data Center in the New Administrative Building, Opp. Mantralaya,



SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune has dedicated network connectivity among taluka leveloffices and State

Data Center.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 25


All taluka offices (Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTSO) in the state have been provided adequate IT

infrastructure like Computers, Printers, Scanners, UPS and Biometric Devices etc for various

other projects under NLRMP.

At present no dedicated IT Infrastructure is available for scanning project. But for providing

scanned images to the citizens as a service, department will procure all necessary IT

infrastructure in the future.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 26



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001


# Parameter Details

1. Tender Reference Tender No. NLRMP-2/PraKr11/Scanning/2013

2. Website for downloading tender document


2. 3.

3. Place for submitting tender offers

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune - 411001

4. Non-refundable tender fee

Rs. 25,000/- by Demand Draft from Nationalized Bank drawn in favor of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at Pune.

5. Earnest Money Deposit

a. Amravati

Rs. 40,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

b. Aurangabad

Rs. 30,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

c. Mumbai

Rs. 25,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

d. Nagpur

Rs. 15,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

e. Nashik

Rs. 30,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 27

f. Pune

Rs. 45,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee of Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

6. Pre-bid Meeting

1100 Hrs. on 02/08/2013 in the office of Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune – 411001

7. Last date and time for submission of bid proposal in the office of SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

1500 Hrs on 22/08/2013

8. Time and date of Technical bid opening

1530 Hrs on 22/08/2013 in the office of Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune – 411001

9. Time and date of Technical presentations by the Bidders

To be declared later

10. Time and date for declaration of short-list of bidders for commercial bid

To be declared later

11. Time and Date of Opening of commercial bid To be declared later

12. Address for Communication

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune 2nd Floor, New administrative building Opp. Council Hall Pune – 411001

13. Contact Telephone Number 020-26050006/020-26050886

14. Contact Fax Number 020-26050753

15. Contact Email id [email protected]


A. This RFP is not transferable.

B. Bidder can apply for one or more or all divisions

C. All bidders will submit one pre-qualification proposal, one technical proposal

and one tender fee irrespective of the number of divisions bidding for. But all

bidders interested to bid for more than one division, will have to submit

separate EMD and commercial proposals.

D. In case any division does not get adequate number of bid proposals, extension

may be provided for bid submission for only that division and not all other

divisions. Department's decision in this regard will be final.

E. Department reserves the right to negotiate the rates with successful bidders in

case the rates obtained are found unreasonable by the department.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 28

F. Bidders are advised to study the RFP document carefully. Submission of bid shall be

deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with

full understanding of its implications.

G. The response to this RFP should be full and complete in all respects. INCOMPLETE OR



H. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid,

including cost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the bid, if so desired by

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will in no case be responsible or liable for

those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

I. Kindly note that the bidder should take care that the costs quoted by the bidder sufficiently

covers all expenses that the bidder shall incur for the project’s scope of work which includes

activities like

a. Scanning and Metadata entry of Land Records data

b. Submission of deliverables in asked format and media

c. Operational support post completion of all scanning related activities

d. Training & Capacity building

e. Resource required for the project implementation & post implementation support

f. Project related documentation

g. Any other activities required for completion of the project

J. All communications to SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune including this RFP and bid

documents shall be signed on each page by the authorized representative of the

bidder along with the authority letter attached.


# Parameter Details

1. Tender Fee Rs. 25,000/-

2. Bid Security Amount (Earnest Money Deposit – EMD) in INR

a. Amravati 40,00,000/-

b. Aurangabad 30,00,000/-

c. Mumbai 25,00,000/-

d. Nagpur 15,00,000/-

e. Nashik 30,00,000/-

f. Pune 45,00,000/-

3. Bid Validity Period 180 days from the date of submission of bids by the bidder(s) which may be extended, if required

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 29

4. Period for furnishing Performance Bank Guarantee

Within 15 working days of the date of notice of award of the contract

5. Performance Bank Guarantee value 10% of the contract value

6. Performance Bank Guarantee validity period 3 months beyond Contract period

7. Period for signing contract Within 15 working days from date

of receipt of notification of award


The tender document can be downloaded from the following websites-




The bid proposal submitted by the bidder shall accompany Demand Draft for an amount equal

to Tender Fee drawn on any Nationalized bank in favour of “Settlement Commissioner&

Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at Pune without which

tender will be taken as incomplete and non responsive and shall not be considered. The D.D.

shall be submitted at SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune’s office along with bid security in person on or

before the last date of submission. The tender fee shall be non refundable.


Bidders are solely responsible for timely submission of the bids. Proposals received after the last

date and time of submission will not be considered.

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may, at its discretion, extend deadline for submission of bids by

amending the bid documents. In such case all rights and obligations of SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

and bidders subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.


Any bid received by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed

by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune shall be rejected.


SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will host a Pre-Bid Meeting for queries (if any) by the prospective

bidders. The meeting will be held on 02/08/2013 at 1100 hours. Venue of the meeting will

be at the address mentioned in the Bidding Schedule . Bidder's representatives may attend the

pre-bid meeting at their own cost. The purpose of pre-bid meeting is to provide a forum to the

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 30

bidders to clarify their doubts/seek clarifications or additional information, necessary for them

to submit their bid.

All enquiries from the bidders relating to this RFP must be submitted in the format specified in

Annexure K - "Format forBidder's Queries" latest by 31/07/2013, 1700 hours. These queries

should also be emailed to [email protected] with subject line - <<Name of Company>>:

Pre-bid Queries for Maharashtra Land Records Scanning RFP.

Queries submitted post the above mentioned deadline or which do not adhere to the format

provided may not be responded to.


Bids prepared by the bidder and all subsequent correspondence & documents relating to the

bids exchanged by the bidder and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune shall be written in English language.

Any printed literature furnished by the bidder, written in another language, shall be

accompanied by an accurate English translation, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of

the bid, the English translation shall govern.


Offers containing erasures or alterations will not be considered. There should be no hand-

written material, corrections or alterations in the offer. Filling up of the information using

terms such as “OK”, “noted”, “as given in brochure/manual” is not acceptable and may lead to

the disqualification of the bid.


The bidder shall indicate in the proforma prescribed, the unit rates and total bid prices for the

services, it proposes to provide under the Contract. Prices should be shown separately for each

items mentioned in the Commercial Bid Format.

The bidder shall prepare the bid based on details provided in the RFP. It must be clearly

understood that the Scope of Work is intended to give the Bidder an idea about the order and

magnitude of the work and is not in any way exhaustive and guaranteed by department. The

bidder shall carry out all the tasks in accordance with the requirement of the RFP & with due

diligence. It shall be responsibility of the bidder to fully meet all requirements of the RFP and to

meet objectives of the project.

If during the course of execution of the project any minor revisions to the work requirements

like technical specifications, equipment sizing, etc. are to be made to meet the goals of the

project, such changes shall be carried out within the proposed price. If any deviation has a

major impact on the commercials, Government of Maharashtra’s Project Implementation

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 31

Committee or the High Power Committee shall take appropriate decision and such decisions

would be binding on the vendor.


Prices quoted in the bid must be firm and final and shall not be subject to any upward

modifications, on any account whatsoever. Department reserves the right to negotiate the prices

quoted in the bid to effect downward modification. Bid prices shall be indicated in Indian

Rupees (INR) only.

Commercial bid should clearly indicate the price quoted without any ambiguity/qualifications

whatsoever and should include all applicable taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other charges as

may be applicable in relation to the activities proposed to be carried out.

Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid should not be revealed,

failing which the offer shall be liable for rejection.


At any time before the deadline for submission of bids, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may for any

reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective

bidder, modify the RFP Document by amending, modifying and/or supplementing the same.

All prospective bidders who have downloaded this RFP Document and attended pre-bid

meeting shall be notified of any amendments in writing by e-mail and will also be available on

the following websites:




All such amendments shall be binding on them without any further act or deed on SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune part. Prospective bidders are advised to periodically browse the above mentioned

websites to find out any further corrigendum/addendum/notice published with respect to this


In the event of any amendment, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune reserves the right to extend the deadline

for the submission of the bids, in order to allow prospective bidders reasonable time in which to

take the amendment into account while preparing their bids.


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To assist in the scrutiny, evaluation and comparison of offers, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may at its

own discretion, ask some or all bidders for clarification of their offer. The request for such

clarifications and the response will necessarily be in writing.


Bid proposals will be opened in presence of bidder’s representatives (if they are present, else it

will be opened in presence of the other representatives and officials present). The bids will be

opened at the address mentioned above in "Bidding Schedule".

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will open all bids as per schedule mentioned in “Bidding Schedule”

above. If all documents mentioned in each part of proposal are not found, then proposal/bid

may be summarily rejected. The bidder’s representative willing to attend the opening of the bids

shall bring authorization letter and sign the attendance register.

The bidder’s name, technical solutions given by bidder, bid prices and presence or absence of

requisite bid security and such other details, as SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune at its discretion may

consider appropriate, will be announced at the time of corresponding openings.


Dates for Technical presentation and Commercial bid opening will be communicated later .


No bidder shall contact SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune on any matter relating to its bid, after opening of

commercial bid till contract is awarded. If bidder wishes to bring additional information to the

notice of SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune, he/she can communicate in writing to address given for

correspondence. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune reserves the right for consideration of such information.

Any effort by bidder to influence SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune in its decision on bid evaluation, bid

comparison or contract award may result in disqualification of the bidders bid and forfeiture of

the bid security amount.


The proposals shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the last date for submission of the

tender. A proposal valid for a shorter period will be rejected as non-responsive. On completion

of the validity period, unless the bidder withdraws his proposal in writing, it will be deemed to

be valid until such time that the bidder formally (in writing) withdraws his proposal.

In exceptional circumstances, at its discretion, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may solicit the bidder’s

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consent for an extension of the validity period. The request and the responses thereto shall be

made in writing or by fax or email.


Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall, Pune – 411 001.


High Power Committee (HPC) of Government of Maharashtra shall finalize the successful

bidders for each division at the L1 price, discovered for the respective division. Contracts

shall be signed by the successful bidders with the concerned District Collectors, as specified

in the RFP.


SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other offer received in response to

this RFP and to annul the tendering process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of

Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to

inform the affected bidder(s) of the grounds for SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune action.


Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will notify the

successful bidder in writing or by fax or email, to be confirmed in writing by letter, that its

bid has been accepted.

Upon the successful Bidder's furnishing of Performance Security, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will

promptly notify each unsuccessful bidder.


After SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune notifies the successful bidder that its bid has been accepted,

District Collector of respective district shall enter into a separate contract with the successful

bidder. Terms and Conditions specified in the RFP document shall become the part and

parcel of the contract document.


i. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its pre-qualification bid, a bid security for each

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 34

division. The value of bid security should be as mentioned in the table below:

# Division Name EMD Value (INR)

a. Amravati 40,00,000/-

b. Aurangabad 30,00,000/-

c. Mumbai 25,00,000/-

d. Nagpur 15,00,000/-

e. Nashik 30,00,000/-

f. Pune 45,00,000/-

ii. The bid security is required to protect the SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune against the risk of

bidder’s conduct, which would warrant the security’s forfeiture

iii. The bid security shall be denominated in Indian Rupees, and shall be in the form of a

Bank Guarantee from a nationalized bank in favor of “Settlement Commissioner and

Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune”

iv. The Bank Guarantee should be valid for a minimum period of 180 days from the date of

submission of the tender

v. Unsuccessful Bidder’s bid security (EMD) will be discharged/ returned as promptly as

possible but not later than 60 days after the award of the contract to the successful


vi. The successful bidder’s bid security will be discharged upon the successful bidder signing

the Contract and furnishing the Performance Bank Guarantee.

vii. No interest will be payable by the SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune on the amount of the Bid


viii. The bid security may be forfeited:

a) If a Bidder withdraws his bid or increases his quoted prices during the period of bid

validity or its extended period, if any; or

b) In the case of a successful bidder, if the Bidder fails to sign the Contract or to

furnish Performance Bank Guarantee within the specified duration.

ix. Offers, made without EMD, will be treated incomplete and non responsive and the same

will not be considered.


i. The successful bidder shall at his own expense, deposit with District Collector, within 15

working days of the date of notice of award of the contract or prior to signing of the

contract whichever is earlier, an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank

Guarantee (PBG) from a Nationalized Bank, for the due performance and fulfillment of

the contract by the successful bidder.

ii. The successful bidder will submit separate performance guarantee for each district.

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iii. The performance guarantee shall be denominated in the currency of the contract and

shall be in the form of a bank guarantee.

iv. This Performance Bank Guarantee will be for an amount equivalent to 10 % of contract

value. All charges whatsoever such as premium, commission etc. with respect to the

Performance Bank Guarantee shall be borne by the successful bidder.

v. The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be valid until the end of 3 months after the

completion of the Contract with the successful bidder. Subject to the terms and

conditions in the Performance Bank Guarantee, 3 months after the contract completion,

the Performance Bank Guarantee will lapse automatically.

vi. The Performance Bank Guarantee may be discharged/ returned by District Collector

upon being satisfied that there has been due performance of the obligations of the

successful bidder under the contract. However, no interest shall be payable on the

Performance Bank Guarantee.

vii. In the event of the successful bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever

reason, District Collector would invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice

to any rights whatsoever of District Collector under the contract in the matter, the

proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to District Collector as compensation for any loss

resulting from the successful bidder’s failure to complete its obligations under the

Contract. District Collector shall notify the successful bidder in writing of the exercise of

its right to receive such compensation within 14 days from the date of notification,

indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the bidder is in default.

viii. District Collector shall also be entitled to make recoveries from the successful

bidder’s bills, performance bank guarantee, or from any other amount due to him, the

equivalent value of any payment made to him due to inadvertence, error,

collusion, misconstruction or misstatement.


SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune requires that bidders must observe the highest standards of ethics

during the entire process of tendering and during execution of the contract. In pursuance of

this policy, SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune defines, for the purpose of this provision, the terms set

forth as follows:

a. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value

to influence the action of SC&DLR(M.S.),Pune and District Collectors in contract


b. "Fraudulent practice" means a mis-presentation of facts, in order to influence

procurement process or the execution of a contract, to SC&DLR(M.S.),Pune, and includes

collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after Proposal submission) designed to

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 36

establish Proposal prices at artificially high or non-competitive levels and to deprive

SC&DLR(M.S.),Pune of the benefits of free and open competition.

c. “Unfair trade practices” means supply of services different from what is ordered on, or

change in the Scope of Work which is given in the RFP.

d. “Coercive Practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly,

persons or their property to influence their participation in the execution of contract.

SC&DLR(M.S.),Pune shall reject the bid proposal for award of contract, if it determines that

the bidder recommended for award, has been found to have been engaged in corrupt,

fraudulent or unfair trade practices. Once the contract is signed and if it is noticed that the

successful bidder has indulged into the Corrupt / Fraudulent / Unfair / Coercive practices, it

will be a sufficient ground for department for termination of the contract and initiate black-

listing of the vendor.


Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP/Contract

shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the proposal or the award, in which

event SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may outrightly reject the proposal or make the award to the next

Best Value Bidder or call for new bids.

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4.1.1. The main qualification criteria has been mentioned below:

# Qualification Criteria Documentary Evidence

1. Bidder must be a company in India, registered

under the Companies Act 1956 Copy of Certificate of Registration


Bidder should have minimum total cumulative

turnover of Rs. 300 crores from IT services for

the last 3 financial years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12,


Provide copy of the audited

Profit & Loss Statement of the

company and Certificate from the

Chartered Accountant clearly

stating the turnover from IT



Bidder should have minimum total cumulative

turnover of Rs. 10 crores from Scanning and

DMS related business for the last 3 financial

years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11)

Provide copy of the audited

Profit & Loss Statement of the

company and Certificate from the

Chartered Accountant clearly

stating the turnover from Scanning

& DMS related work


Bidder should have positive net worth for each

of the last 3 financial years (FY 2012-13, 2011-

12, 2010-11)

Provide copy of the audited balance sheet of the company and Certificate from the Chartered Accountant clearly stating the net worth.


Bidder should have implemented at least one

project for Scanning & DMS related work of a

minimum value of Rs.1 crore in last 3 financial

years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11).

Order copy and testimonial signed

by a competent authority should be


6. Bidder should have scanned atleast 3 crores documents in the last 3 financial years(FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11)

Order copy and testimonial signed

by a competent authority should be


7. Bidder should have SEI CMMi level 3 or above certification

Copy of the valid certificate


Bidder should have valid documentary proof of

Sales Tax/VAT registration number, Service

Tax Registration Number & PF registration


Provide Copy of Sales Tax/VAT

registration number, Service Tax

Registration Number and PF

Registration Number


Bidder should have valid Income tax returns for the last three financial years (2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11), issued by Income Tax Department and should have PAN Card

Provide documentary proof of Income Tax returns for the last three financial years Provide copy of PAN card


Bidder should have valid Service tax returns for

the last three financial years (2012-13, 2011-12,

2010-11), issued by Service Tax Department

Provide documentary proof of

Service Tax returns for the last three

financial years

11. OEM make proposed for the external hard disk

should be among the top 5 companies in the

Provide copy of the relevant

IDC/ Gartner/ Frost and Sullivan

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 38

India region in any of the previous two

Quarters as published in IDC/ Gartner/ Frost

and Sullivan report.


4.1.2. No consortium is allowed

4.1.3. Any organization debarred/ black listed by central/ state

government/local bodies in India, at the submission of the bid, shall not be

allowed to participate in the tender.

4.1.4. Bidder must have a project office in Pune and one in respective division of

Maharashtra (for which bidder is bidding) or should furnish an undertaking

that the same would be established within one month of signing the contract.


Bidder should submit the bid proposal in 3 parts (1 part in each envelope).Bidder should submit

only one Pre-Qualification Proposal, Technical Proposal and Tender fee and separate EMD and

Commercial Proposal for each division bidding for. The 3 envelopes are as follows:

a) Pre-Qualification Related Documentation

b) Technical Proposal

c) Commercial Proposal

Each of the 3 proposals would be placed in sealed envelopes and these three envelopes shall be

placed into an outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shall bear the submission

address, reference number and title of the RFP along with the name and address of the bidder.

The bidder should paste an undertaking on the main envelope as specified in Annexure N:

Cover Letter to be pasted on Envelope. Bidder should ensure that the undertaking is well pasted

and it should not come off from the envelope. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will not be responsible and

not consider any such envelope without such undertaking pasted. SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune shall

not be responsible for misplacement/loss of documents if the outer envelope or envelopes of

any of the three proposals are not sealed. This may also attract disqualification. If the bid

proposal is not submitted in separate sealed envelopes duly marked as indicated above, this will

constitute grounds for declaring the bid proposal non-responsive.




• Bidder’s response to the Qualification Criteria defined in Chapter 4 of

this RFP shall be placed in separate sealed envelope clearly marked

“Pre-Qualification Proposal” followed by the name and reference

number of the RFP.

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• The Pre-Qualification related documentation shall be prepared in

accordance with the requirements specified in this RFP and in the

formats prescribed in the RFP Document. Pre-Qualification Envelope

should contain all the supporting documents as mentioned in Section

4.1.1. along with required EMD (s) and Tender Fee. Formats for

relevant documents to be enclosed in this envelope have been

mentioned in Annexure D, E and F, apart from the documents

mentioned in Section 4.1.1.

• Pre-Qualification Proposal should not contain commercials

of the Project, in either explicit or implicit form.

• Entire Pre-Qualification Related documentation should be submitted

in 2 Hard Copies as well as on 2 CDs.

• Single Tender Fee should be submitted by each bidder. Separate EMD

for the number of divisions applying for should be submitted in

separate envelopes. The EMD envelope should be marked in the

following manner

o EMD - Name of Division




• Technical Proposal shall be placed in sealed envelope clearly marked “Technical Proposal” followed by the name and reference number of the RFP.

• The Technical Proposal shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements specified in this RFP and in the formats prescribed in the RFP Document (Annexure G- Technical Bid Format). Along with that bidder should also enclose all relevant documents required for technical evaluation mentioned in Technical Evaluation Framework.

• Technical Proposal should not contain commercials of the Project, in either explicit or implicit form.

• Conditional technical proposal are liable for rejection.

• Entire Technical Proposal should be submitted in 2 Hard Copies as well as on 2 CDs




• Financial Proposal shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope clearly marked “Financial Proposal” followed by the name and reference number of the RFP.

• Separate financial proposals for separate divisions should be submitted

• Forms and formats mentioned in this Annexure J in RFP document needs to be scrupulously followed. Any deviation in it (without proper

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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justification) may lead to disqualification of the bid.

• Price quotation accompanied by vague and conditional expressions such as "subject to immediate acceptance", "subject to confirmation", etc. will be treated as being at variance and shall be liable to be summarily rejected.

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will not accept submission of a proposal in any manner other than that

specified in the RFP Document. Proposals submitted in any other manner shall be treated as

defective, invalid and rejected.

Pre-Qualification Proposal, Technical and Commercial proposals should be signed by an

authorized person of the bidder. The Pre-qualification proposal should be submitted along with

a certified true copy of a board resolution/power of attorney empowering authorised signatory

to sign/act/execute documents binding the bidder organisation to the terms and conditions

detailed in this proposal.

Proposals must be direct, concise, and complete. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune will evaluate bidder’s

proposal based on its clarity and completeness of its response to the requirements of the

project as outlined in this RFP.


A tiered evaluation procedure will be adopted for evaluation of proposals, with the Pre-

Qualification, Technical evaluation being completed before the Commercial proposals are

opened and compared. Three-Bid system shall be followed for the bid evaluation. The first

stage would be Pre-Qualification evaluation against Pre-Qualification Proposal while the

second stage would be Technical Evaluation & the third stage will be Commercial evaluation.

The details of evaluation have been explained below.

a. First stage – Pre-Qualification evaluation

The first stage of evaluation would involve examination of the bid documents of each of

bidders against the “Qualification Criteria” and submission of EMD & Tender fees. All

bidders clearing this stage will be evaluated on the criteria mentioned in the “Technical

Evaluation framework”. This is to ensure that the technical skill base, experience and

financial capacity and other bidder attributes claimed therein are consistent with the needs of

this project. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may ask bidder(s) for additional information, visit to

bidders site and/or arrange discussions with their professional, technical faculty to verify

claims made in bid documentation. During pre-qualification bid preparation, the bidder is

required to strictly adhere to the pre-qualification bid format provided in this document. The

format for the same has been detailed in Annexure E – “Technical Bid Document Format”.

Bidder should also submit the other necessary documents mentioned in Section 4.1.1.

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Bidders applying for more than 1 division should submit separate EMD and Commercial

offer for each division, but a single prequalification, technical proposal and tender fee. If

any component is missing in the proposal for a division, the proposal will be rejected.

b. Second stage – Technical evaluation

During technical bid preparation, the bidder is required to strictly adhere to the technical bid

format provided in this document. The format for the same has been detailed in Annexure G

– “Technical Bid Document Format”.

Technical Evaluation Framework

Bidders who have qualified as per the Section 4.1 (Qualification Criteria) of this RFP

document shall be evaluated and scored by the Technical Evaluation Committee based on the

basis of technical evaluation criteria mentioned in table below, assessing each bidder’s ability

to satisfy the requirements set forth in the document. Minimum mark for qualification

in the Technical Evaluation is 70 out of 100 (Technical Score).

# Evaluation criteria / sub criteria Maximum Score


Turnover: Total annual turnover from Scanning and DMS related work for last 3 financial years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11) >=10 Crores but < 11 crores = 15 marks For every additional 1 Crores = 1 marks



Volume : Total Number of pages scanned in the last 3 financial years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11) >=3 crores but < 4 crores = 15 marks For every additional 1 Crore = 5 marks



Project size : Scanning & DMS related project value of more than equal to 1 crore in INR in the last 3 financial years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11) 1 project = 15 marks For every additional project = 2.5 marks


D Land Records related Project Experience Any project of any financial value where Land Records data has been scanned,


E Demonstration and Presentation w.r.t. Scope of Work mentioned in the project


E.1. Understanding of Scope of Work 10

E.2. Approach and Methodology 10

E.3. Understanding of Risks in the project and Mitigation Plan


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Total 100

Note: 1. Bidder should give presentation (approx. duration of one hour) with respect to detailed

approach and methodology at the date and time specified by the department for

technical bid presentation.

2. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune reserves right to visit bidder’s customers where such a similar

project execution has taken place.

3. Bidders will be given sample documents mentioned under the Scope of Work. All such

records will be made available to the bidders at SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune Office. Bidders

will be provided with the details for sample documents handover during pre-bid

meeting. It is to be noted that no bidders will be allowed to get access to data after the

dedicated time period is over.

c. Third Stage – Commercial Evaluation

Commercial Evaluation of only those bidders who obtain minimum 70% score in Technical

Evaluation shall be opened. Total Cost of ownership shall be calculated based on price

summary given in Annexure J – “Commercial Bid format”.

• L1 shall be the bidder, who is technically qualified and has quoted the lowest total cost for

that division.

• In case there is a tie for L1 due to same lowest total cost quoted by two or more bidders,

the bidder which has secured higher marks in the Technical Evaluation shall be

considered as L1.

• L2, L3, L4 etc. shall be selected in increasing order of total cost quoted

• All other technically qualified bidders with commercial offer in price band of 5% of L1 quote

would be invited (in sequence L2, L3, and so on) to match the L1 rates and get selected.

• L2 will be given a chance to match L1 rate. In case L2 is not interested, then L3 will be

asked to match L1 rates. Only 1 bidder at a time will be given a chance to match L1. In case

the bidder asked to match rates is not ready, then the chance will be given to the next

lowest bidder.

• In case there is no bidder within the 5% of L1 quote, or the bidders within 5% of L1 quote do

not match the L1 rates, the department reserves the right to invite the bidders outside the

5% range in sequence of their commercial offer value and get selected.

• 2nd bidder matching L1 rates will be awarded 1 district (district with the second highest

volume) out of the division and remaining all districts to L1. For. e.g. In case L2 is ready to

match L1 rates for Nagpur Division, then L2 will be allowed to do project in Wardha

district in Nagpur Division and L1 will get all the other districts in Nagpur Division.

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• In case no other bidder is ready to match L1 rates, entire division scanning work would be

issued to L1.

• In case SC&DLR (M.S.) finds any issue with L1, then the remaining districts can also be

handed over to the other vendor who has agreed to match L1. Such decision will be taken

by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune.


a. The evaluation done by the technical evaluation committee will be final and binding on

the bidders.

b. A substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to the requirements, terms,

conditions and specifications of the Request for Proposal without material deviation. A

material deviation is one which affects in any substantial way the functionality, scope,

quality, or performance of the deliverables, or which limits in any substantial way,

inconsistent with the Request for Proposal, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune rights or the Bidder's

obligations for performance of the project and the rectification of which deviation would

affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders presenting substantially

responsive Bids.

c. Technical Evaluation committee will examine the bids to determine whether they are

complete, whether any computational error have been made and whether the bids are

generally in order

d. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may conduct clarification meetings with each or any bidder to

discuss any matters, technical or otherwise

e. Bids received without tender fee and EMD shall be rejected

f. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or

irregularity in a Bid, which does not constitute a material deviation.


There are three levels at which the bid proposals will be evaluated:

1.Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) formed under the chairmanship of Settlement

Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune as per the directions of Government

of Maharashtra will open the pre-qualification and technical bids and carry out their

evaluations. TEC shall submit it's report of Technical Evaluation of bids to PIC.

2.Project Implementation Committee (PIC) of Revenue Department, Government of

Maharashtra, under the chairmanship of Hon. Additional Chief Secretary (Revenue) shall

review and approve the technical evaluation report and carry out the commercial bid


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3. High Power Committee, chaired by Hon. Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra,

shall review the report submitted by PIC and give final approval for the commercials.


Besides other conditions and terms highlighted in the RFP, bids may be rejected under

following circumstances:

General Rejection Criteria

a. Conditional Bids

b. If the information provided by the Bidder is found to be incorrect/ misleading/fraudulent at any stage / time during the Tendering Process

c. Any effort on the part of a bidder to influence the bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions

d. Bids received after the prescribed time & date for receipt of bids

e. Bids without signature of person (s) duly authorized on required pages of the bid

f. Bids without power of attorney/ board resolution

Pre-Qualification Rejection Criteria

a. Bidders not complying with the Eligibility Criteria given in this RFP

b. Pre-Qualification Envelope containing commercial details

c. Revelation of Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid

d. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP or submission of a bid not

substantially responsive to the RFP in every respect

Technical Rejection Criteria

a. Technical Bid containing commercial details

b. Revelation of Prices in any form or by any reason before opening the Commercial Bid

c. Failure to furnish all information required by the RFP or submission of a bid not

substantially responsive to the RFP in every respect

d. Bidders not quoting for the complete scope of Work as indicated in the RFP, addendum (if

any) and any subsequent information given to the bidder

e. Bidders not complying with the Technical and General Terms and conditions as stated in

the RFP

f. Bidder not confirming unconditional acceptance of full responsibility of providing services

in accordance with the Scope of work and Service Level Agreements of this RFP

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Commercial Rejection Criteria

a. Incomplete Price Bid

b. Price Bids that do not conform to the RFP’s price bid format

c. Total price quoted by the bidder does not include all statutory taxes and levies applicable

d. If there is an arithmetic discrepancy in the commercial bid calculations, the Evaluation

Committee shall rectify the same. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors,

its bid may be rejected.


The vendor should abide by all Terms and Conditions specified in the RFP Document.

Conditional offers shall be liable for disqualification.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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“SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune” means Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (MS),


“System “means application or software being currently used

“Bidder” means eligible and reputed companies providing the services as mentioned in Scope

of Work

“Successful Bidder/Vendor” means the bidder with whom District Collectors has entered

into a Contract

“Contract” means the agreement entered into between the District Collectors and the

Bidder, as recorded in the Contract form signed by the parties, including all the attachments

and appendices thereto, and all documents incorporated by reference therein

“OEM” means original equipment manufacturer

"Collector" means Collector of the District with whom the successful bidder will get into an



Scanning Project will roll out in the entire state with Division as a single unit. Vendor will be

selected for each division through this RFP. Maharashtra has 6 divisions, 35 districts and 358

talukas. Out of these 358 talukas, 2 talukas (Mulshi and Haveli) have already been covered

under pilot project. Mumbai City District is not considered for this project.

# Name of

Division Number of Districts

Number of Taluka Number of


1. Amravati 5 56 0

2. Aurangabad 8 76 1

3. Mumbai 5 50 13

4. Nagpur 6 64 3

5. Nashik 5 54 5

6. Pune 5 56* 8

Total 34 356 30

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 47

*2 out of the 58 talukas in Pune division has already been covered under pilot project. So the number of

talukas to be considered for the project in Pune division will be 56.

Detailed List of record rooms and talukas in each of the 34 districts has been mentioned in

Annexure B – “List of offices”. In each of the talukas there are primarily two record rooms – one

in Tehsildar office and the other at Dy.SLR office which will be covered through this RFP. Along

with that there is also City Survey offices which maintain their own record rooms.


• Division is the smallest unit for vendor selection. Details of the implementation approach

of the department have been mentioned in Chapter 6.2. Implementation Approach

• Collector of each district in each division will get scanning project executed in their

respective districts using the services of the scanning vendor selected for their division

• Vendor will have no right to reject/deny carrying out scanning project in any district or

taluka in any Division. Strict action will be taken against vendors for any such act of

rejection or denial.

• Mulshi and Haveli taluka in Pune district will not be considered for the project as they

have already been covered during pilot phase (i.e. actual number of talukas in Pune

division would be 57)

• Bidder should be ready to start scanning work phase-wise in all districts simultaneously,

within the division allotted


The total volume of work for all divisions is about 26 crore documents, which are stored in 356

Tehsildar Offices, 351 Dy.SLR offices and 30 City Survey Offices. This volume is a mix of A0 to

A4 documents, which has been compiled from information received from each record room

across the state. The volume mentioned in Annexure A - "Scanning Document Types, Volume,

Metadata" is a tentative volume which can increase or decrease, based on interpretation of size

of document and actual count during actual scanning work done at the record room.


This section provides detailed scope of services to be provided by the bidder in this project. The

scope of services shall comprise the following:

a. Project planning and management (Chapter 5.5.)

b. DSR Application study(Chapter 5.6.)

c. Scanning and metadata entry of land records (Chapter 5.7.)

d. External Hard Disk supply (Chapter 5.8.)

e. Operational Support for a period of 6 months post implementation of last phase talukas

(Chapter 5.9.)

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 48

f. Training and Capacity building (Chapter 5.10.)

g. Support to 3rd party acceptance testing, audit and certification(if required)

In implementing the above, the bidder shall strictly adhere to the standards set by the



Success of any project of this magnitude lies on the success of proper project planning and

management. The successful bidder will plan the project to the minutest details on the onset of

the project. An indicative list of project management plans which the successful bidder should

make at beginning of the project is as follows:

• Project Schedule: A detailed week-wise timeline indicating various activities to be

performed along with completion dates and resources required for the same

• Manpower Deployment List: Details of all manpower that will be deployed at each record

room with the task assigned to each. Roles and Responsibilities of every type of manpower

should be mentioned.

• Resource Deployment List: List and number of all resources other than manpower like

scanners etc. that will be deployed at each record room.

• Communication Plan: Detailed communication plan indicating what form of

communication will be utilized for what kinds of meeting along with recipients and

frequency. The format will be provided by the department to the successful bidder before

start of the project.

• Progress Monitoring Plan: Detailed Daily, Weekly, Monthly Progress Report formats along

with issue escalation format. The format will be finalized by the department before start of

the project.

• Standard Operating Procedures: Detailed procedure for carrying out scanning project in a

timely and accurate manner.

• Risk Mitigation Plan: List of all possible risks and methods to mitigate them.

• Escalation Matrix: A detailed list of contact persons with contact details, issue handling

time will be submitted by the vendor for each record room.

Note: This is just an indicative list and successful bidder should suggest and incorporate more

project planning and management tools for successful execution of the project.

During project planning, vendor should do appropriate planning in terms of resources (image

capturing device, manpower, physical infrastructure etc.), for timely completion of the project.

An indicative list of resources have been provided in the section below:

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 49

IT Infrastructure

For successful and smooth execution of the project sufficient numbers of high end scanners,

book scanners, computers etc. will be required to capture images of the documents.

Inappropriate scanners may lead to unacceptable image quality, leading to penalty and rework,

thus the vendor should show quality of images captured using various devices and seek

approval prior to actual work.

Successful bidder should be ready to deploy 3-4 scanners and 10-15 computers per record room

per taluka. Along with that successful bidder should also be ready to deploy appropriate number

of computers and servers at District Metadata Center (space provided at district level for

Metadata entry), to carry out metadata entry work of required number of talukas

simultaneously. Successful Bidder should increase the number of image capturing devices,

computers and other peripherals based on the requirement, to complete the project in the

stipulated timeframe.


Successful bidders should also have a dedicated team of project managers, quality control

experts, hardware and database management experts and a huge set of Scanning Station

operators for timely completion of this project. Successful bidder should be ready to deploy 10-

15 manpower per record room per taluka and also required number of manpower at District

Metadata Center. Bidder should note that the number of manpower deployed at District

Metadata Center should be able to handle workload of required number of talukas to be

completed in a phase.

Successful Bidder should increase the number of manpower based on the requirement, to

complete the project in the stipulated timeframe.

Physical Infrastructure

� Successful bidder will be only given the DSR application, place for carrying out scanning

work at taluka premise, place for carrying out metadata activity at district level and place for

setting up electricity board at both setups

� Space will also be provided at district level for setting up District Metadata Center for

carrying out metadata and subsequent activities. Successful bidder should create high

security infrastructure in the premise provided.

� All other suitable IT infrastructure/facilities have to be established onsite by the vendor, at

the premises allocated to do the scanning and metadata work.

• Furniture for keeping hardware and chairs for project members

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• LAN required for connecting hardware items during implementation phase will be

taken care by vendor

• All DSR operators will be vendor’s responsibility and any help regarding the same

will not be entertained

• Electricity bill and expenses for setting up electricity outlets will be borne by the


• The files / documents will not be allowed to be moved from premises allocated


DSR Application will be provided to the successful bidder by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune. The

successful bidder will use this application for scanning and metadata entry purpose. The

successful bidder is expected to understand the application in detail, prior to actual scanning

work. The successful bidder will be helped by NIC officials from the respective districts and

department officials in understanding the application completely. For first level understanding

of the application, a brief note on it has been mentioned in the following section.

• Name of the Application: e-Records Application

• Mode: Client Server as well as Web-based

• Technology Used: Microsoft VB.Net for front end and PostGreSQL as database for client

server and IIS6.0 and for web module

• Modules: Master (Backup), User Administration, Image Processing, Metadata Transaction,

Quality Control, End User Search, Printing, File Import/Export.

• Salient features:

a. Scanned documents are saved in tiff format and output can be provided in pdf/a


b. Provision to add multiple metadata for a single scanned file

c. Documents are stored village-wise (census code compliant)

d. Image functionality like brightness, contrast, noise removal, despeckle features


e. Role based Access has been defined

f. Repository system database storage

g. Detailed Audit Trail for scanning, metadata entry, quality check

h. Multiple data tagging to a single scanned image is possible

i. Extensive search facility

Note: The successful bidder should understand the application and all its modules detail to

reduce operational level issues.

Important points to remember using DSR at various locations are as follows:

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 51

� Successful bidder should always remember that 'DOCUMENT SEARCH AND


mischievous activity of any sort will lead to heavy penalty, legal action under

relevant acts and also blacklisting

� Successful bidder will be provided the setup executable file for the application. Under any

circumstances, bidders will not be provided source code of the DSR application.

� Successful bidder will install the application on their computers for work and will then

uninstall the application after handing over the work. After completion of work, all

computers deployed, with uninstalled application and deleted data has to be shown to the

concerned department officials before moving them out of department premises.

� Successful bidder will have to install the DSR application along with data on the servers

supplied by department, post implementation phase.

� Successful bidder will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement as mentioned in Annexure HUser

manual and Technical Manual for e-Records application will be provided to the successful


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Workflow: A indicative schematic diagram of the workflow has been shown in the image


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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 53


This is just a schematic diagram. Successful bidder should device its own workflow for timely

and accurate completion of the project.

All activities of Part A (first diagram) will take place at Tehsildar level offices whereas all

activities of Part B (second diagram) will take place at District Metadata Center.

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 54

Network diagram


On successful completion of DSR study and installation, vendor will carry out a small demo run

of the scanning work before starting actual work. Bidders should note that before carrying out

actual work for the entire district, vendor will do a Proof of Concept by carrying out a pilot

implementation in 5 villages from the district. The activity should encompass all activities

mentioned below except pt. c, d and e of Stage III. Only after acceptance of the output of the

sample villages by the concerned department officials, actual work should start. As mentioned,

during POC successful bidder will carry out all the activities like taking and handing over

document, scanning and metadata entry, quality check of the scanned images, metadata, QC of

1% printouts. Successful bidder should also give a demo of POC to the respective District

Collector and his team.

Successful bidders will be provided complete support from the department officials in terms of

availability of space for scanning, document handover in proper format, knowledge transfer in

for documents being scanned and the metadata to be captured, quality check etc.

Broadly, there are 3 stages in the entire scanning activity namely in which the following

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 55

activities will be carried out

A. Stage I - Pre scanning

a. Document Collection

b. Document Preparation/ Repair

c. Quality Check

B. Stage II - Scanning

a. Scanning textual records

b. Quality Check of scanned images

c. Document handover

d. Metadata Entry

e. Quality Check of metadata entry

f. Quality Check of 1% printouts

C. Stage III - Post Scanning

a. Final output delivery

b. Supply of IT Infrastructure

c. Installation of DSR application and scanned data load on department provided IT


d. Backup and Data Upload

e. Maintenance and Support

f. Training and Capacity Building

Detailed activities under each phase has been mentioned in the sections below:

A. Stage I - Pre-scanning

Prior to scanning process, there are number of activities that need to be carried out so that the

documents are properly handled. Vendor should take special care to ensure that not even a

single document is lost/misplaced/damaged. The steps in this stage of the process are as


1. Document Collection

The vendor will collect all documents mentioned in the scope of work from the concerned

department official. It will maintain Log Register for documents collected and returned along

with department officials. While collection, the following details should be entered into the log


a. Name of village

b. Book type

c. No. of books

d. No. of pages (in each book)

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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e. Date of collection

f. Expected date of return

g. Actual date of return

h. Collected from and Signature

i. Collected by and Signature

j. Returned to and Signature

k. Date of return

l. Any other details will be decided with the successful bidder before start of project

Vendor should capture all the above mentioned details accurately in the inward/outward

module of eRecords application. Vendor should ensure that number of pages in each book is

accurately captured and is then cross-checked with the number of pages scanned.

To streamline and smoothen the continuous flow of documents, concerned department officials

in each record room will list the name of all villages to be scanned in a taluka. Records will be

given to the vendor of the same village in both the record rooms in the same sequence. Records

will be handed over to the vendor in sets of 5-10 villages, or as desired by the vendor. For

example, if documents of village A, B, C, D... is given in Tehsildar office, the same sequence will

be followed in Dy.SLR office.

The vendor should maintain order of the documents without disturbing chronology of the

documents and without mixing pages between different documents. In case of unavailability of

required documents or pages missing or books missing, it should be notified to the department.

Continuous assistance from the department will be given for availability of required records.

Vendor should inform department officials about illegible textual records. Department officials

will guide the vendor as to how such documents should be scanned.

2. Document Preparation/Repair

Prior to handing over the documents to the vendor, department officials will prepare the

document in the following manner:

• File dusting to remove dirt and other possible noise causing particles

• Attaching top sheet/jacket on each land records book/file with details such as

o Name of Taluka (e.g. Bhor)

o Name of Village (e.g. Sonavadi)

o Type of Document (e.g. Tippan)

o Book Number (e.g. Book No.2)

o Number of pages (e.g. 180)

o Size of the page (e.g. A4, A3 etc.)*

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o Document binding to be opened - Yes / No

• Provide a running serial number to each book/file and maintain record of the same

• Numbering each page in the file using automatic number puncher

*In case page size of a document does not fall under the standard size, department officials

will capture the nearest standard size.

Vendor on receipt of such books should prepare and repair all documents received. They should

take special care of documents that are very old and not in good physical condition. The vendor

is required to take necessary precautions while handling all documents. Vendor should also do

document preparation and repair work at their end. Activities to be undertaken during this sub-

phase are:

• Dusting the files to remove dirt and other possible noise causing particles

• Un-binding/defiling of only department approved documents (this should not lead to

further deterioration of the documents)

• Removal of stapler pins, clips etc. of only department approved documents(this should

not lead to further deterioration of the documents)

• Repair the documents for scanning using cello-tape* or enclosing the documents in

plastic pouches (depending on the importance and condition of the documents)


� *The vendor should note that cello-tape used should not lead to shining output. The cello-

tape should be such that the data underneath it is not lost and also images does not have

shine marks.

� The vendor will take guidance from the concerned department officials of the record room

on files which needs to be defiled or where stapler pins/clips should be removed, even

though it may be mentioned on the top sheet by the department. The vendor will re-bind

the documents after scanning activity is over and submit it to the concerned department

officials in acceptable manner.

3. Quality Check

The vendor should conduct thorough quality check before sending any document for scanning.

It is mostly a visual quality check of the records for visibility, readability etc.

• It should be checked that all files/books have top sheet attached to them

• It should be noted that all pages have been numbered

• It should also be checked that they are torn or ragged

• It should be checked that there are no folds

• It should be seen that they are dust free

• It should be checked that all damaged documents have been repaired and scan ready

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• It should be checked that is there any important data loss due to tight binding. In such

cases a decision on whether to open the binding should be taken at taluka level.


The vendor should be prompt in informing department officials regarding completely

destroyed documents handed over to them as soon as they receive it. In cases, where the

documents are still not in a scan-ready mode, they should be worked upon. Only documents

clearing this QC should be taken up for scanning.

B. Stage II – Scanning

1. Scanning

Records may be scanned using flat bed/sheet fed scanner/book scanner. The choice of scanner

depends completely on the condition of the document. In case the document is very torn and

cannot be fed in the sheet feeder, then flat bed scanner should be used. In case, the document

cannot be scanned using any type of scanner, book scanners can be used as image capturing


While scanning, the important parameter is DPI (dots per inch), which has to be precisely set.

In general, the following minimum specifications should be adopted while scanning:

a) 100 dpi in colour. (In case legibility of the characters is not proper, the bidder should scan at

higher dpi. No extra payment for the same shall be made)

b) Image should be stored in pdf/a.

c) Image orientation should be upright.

d) Image should be clean and free of noise.

e) Legibility features should be good.

f) Image should not be skewed or warped.



While scanning, the sheet has to be fed in straight upright position and smoothened so that no

folds are generated while scanning. In the flat-bed scanner, the document has to be laid flat on

the glass, smoothened and scanned; and bulging should be avoided.


� In case the documents are not legible, it will be the bidder’s responsibility to scan the

documents at higher resolution.

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 59

� The bidder should note very carefully that some regions in various divisions may have

problems of uninterrupted power supply due to load shedding. The bidder should be ready

to work during time period whenever electricity is available.

2. Quality Check (Scanned Images)

Quality check after scanning is of utmost importance. Images clearing this QC will lead to

movement of documents to metadata entry phase. QC activities in this stage are:

• Vendor should check that no page has been scanned twice. Payment for such extra scanning

will not be made to the vendor

• Vendor should ensure that blank pages are not scanned unless given page number by the

department officials.

• Vendor should check scanned records for DPI, Image Quality, Format, Noise removal etc.

• Vendor should do 100% on screen validation for all scanned images and submit the log for

100% QC work done along with QC certificate.

• Vendor should check for the quality of the image

o The image should not be too dark/too light

o The image should not have been captured under improper lighting

o The image should not be cropped from any side

o The orientation of the image should be right

o The image should be in correct color mode

o The color is consistent in all the images and not patchy

o The image should not be skewed

o The image should not be blurred

o The image should not have excessive noise

o There should not be any data loss due to folds

o There should not be any data loss due to tight binding and bulge at the center

o There should not be extra darkness at the edges

o There should not be unwanted black vertical lines on the scanned images

• Post 100% QC by vendor, 100% on screen QC will be done by department officials

• Images should be scrutinized by vendor in detail for any other kind of issue in the scanned


• Vendor should also check that all records obtained from the department have been scanned

and no document has been missed out

• Quality check should happen on a daily basis along with scanning

• Vendor should note that the scanned images will be printed later for serving to citizens. So

the quality of no image should be compromised and it should be exact replica in size

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 60

• Vendor will maintain a register of all the documents which have been rejected in 1st level QC

• In case there are issues with the scanned images, vendor will rescan all such documents

again and take them for 2nd level QC.

3. Handover of documents (back to department officials)

After completing quality check of scanned images, all the documents should be handed over

back to the department in their original condition. Appropriate entries should be made in the

inward/outward register (mentioned above in 5.6.A.2) in presence of the vendor representatives

and department officials.


Under no circumstances shall the documents be changed, mutilated, destroyed or replaced by

some other documents. Any damage to the documents will lead to penalty for the vendor as

per Section 7.2. Thus the vendor should take utmost care of the documents taken for scanning.

4. Metadata Entry

Metadata stores information related to the scanned images. Accurate metadata should be

captured for all scanned images, as that becomes the base for all future search and transactions.

Metadata entry is done by adding appropriate tags to each scanned document. Metadata entry

will be done through Double Blind Data Entry method i.e. two people will enter the

metadata for the same scanned image independently. The metadata entries done by these

operators will be compared by the application and those with wrong metadata entry will be

visible to the vendor's supervisor. Vendor should correct all such errors at no extra cost.

Vendors can perform metadata entry activity at the District Head Quarter in the space provided

Such space will be designated as District Metadata Center. Vendors should ensure high security

in handling data by its operators and project managers. Vendors will ensure that none of the

desktops used for scanning and metadata entry have USB ports, CD Drives or USB ports and CD

Drives are blocked. Data transfer should be allowed only from Operation Servers. All scanned

images should be transferred under the supervision of the supervisor/project manager for the

record room along with concerned department officials. No document/ scanned images should

move out of the government premises, without consent and supervision of department officials.

A tentative list of metadata along with document type has been mentioned in Annexure A. The

final list will be decided and communicated to the successful bidder before start of the project.

Vendor should capture all metadata available on the documents accurately as this forms the

base for all document searches and analysis in the future. If metadata formats for new records

needs to be incorporated, it will be finalised by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune in consultation with

concerned District Collector. Bidders should note that the records will be primarily in Marathi

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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with some data also in Gujarati / Urdu / Kannada / Modhi Lipi, etc. which are present in some

areas. Bidder should deploy adequate manpower to ensure that all non-marathi language data is

understood and correct metadata entry in Marathi is done. Language details for all such records

should be captured in language metadata tag. Vendor should capture language details of each

document type at the beginning of the entire metadata entry activity.

While performing metadata entry in UNICODE Marathi, vendor should ensure that there is no

garbage (GOLU) characters in the data fed in the application. Vendor may deploy his own tool

to ensure the same.

Indicative list of Records to be scanned at Tehsildar Office record room, Dy.SLR

Record Room are as follows (please refer Annexure A for complete list):

Division Tehsildar Office Dy.SLR Office


Old 7/12 Tippan Old mutation register Gunakar book Current khate register Akarphod K.d.e. Patrak K.J.P. Inam patrak Akarband Birth-death register Consolidation Scheme register/

shudhipatrak Consolidation jabab file Shet pustak Vasalewar book Consolidation gaon p.c. Kshetra book/field book Tabe pawati 9(1)9(2) maps of consolidation


Old 7/12 Tippan Old mutation register Gunakar book Current khate register Akarphod K.d.e. Patrak K.J.P. Inam patrak Akarband Birth-death register Consolidation Scheme register/

shudhipatrak Consolidation jabab file Shet pustak Vasalewar book Consolidation gaon p.c. Kshetra book/field book Tabe pawati 9(1) and 9(2) maps of consolidation


Old 7/12 Tippan Old mutation register Gunakar book Current khate register Akarphod K.d.e. Patrak K.J.P. Inam patrak Akarband Birth-death register Consolidation scheme register/

shudhipatrak Bot khat Consolidation jabab file Sud register Shet pustak

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Vasalewar book Consolidation gaon p.c. Kshetra book/field book Tabe pawati 9(1)9(2) maps of consolidation


Old 7/12 Tippan

Old mutation register Gunakar book

Current khate register Akarphod

K.d.e. Patrak K.J.P.

Khasara patrak Akarband

Khasara pahani patrak Consolidation Scheme register/ shudhipatrak

Jod takta A Consolidation jabab file

Shet pustak

Vasalewar book

Consolidation gaon p.c.

Kshetra book/field book

Tabe pawati

9(1)9(2) maps of consolidation


Old 7/12 Tippan

Old mutation register Gunakar book

Current khate register Akarphod

Pere patrak K.J.P.

Birth-death register Akarband

Hakka nondni register Consolidation Scheme register/ shudhipatrak

Consolidation jabab file

Shet pustak

Vasalewar book/ mojni book

Pot hissa tippan book

Pot hissa patrak

Classer register

Vajibul arja/application

Consolidation gaon p.c./gram panji

kshetra book/field book

9(1)9(2) maps of consolidation


Old 7/12 Punarmojni akarband

Old mutation register Punarmojni gunakar book

Current khate register Akarphod

Bandobast misal K.J.P.

Vajibul arja/application Consolidation Scheme register/ shudhipatrak

Nistar patrak Consolidation akarband

Shet pustak

Consolidation jabab file

Consolidation gaon p.c./gram panji

Bandobast misal

Bandobast akarband

Vajibul arja/application

Nistar patrak

Polygon patrak

Side patrak

Traverse patrak

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Tabe pawati

9(1)9(2) maps of consolidation

List of records to be scanned at CTSO is as follows: • Enquiry Register

• Property Card

• Property Register (wherever applicable)

• Field Book

• Vaslevar Book

• City Survey Gaon Dharika

• Town Planning Scheme (B - Book)

5. Metadata Quality Check

Quality check after metadata entry is very important. Images clearing this QC will lead to

submission of the documents to department for acceptance. QC activities in this stage are:

• The vendor should do 100% on screen validation and submit log for 100% QC work done

along with QC certificate

• The vendor should check the documents for the following:

o Whether all required metadata fields have been captured

o Whether the metadata captured is correct

• The vendor shall generate a report identifying mismatch between the number of documents

submitted for scanning and number of documents scanned.

• Post 100% QC by vendor, department officials will perform 100% QC on metadata

The bidder should also suggest their quality plan to the department over and above the quality

checks mentioned here. Templates for the same will be finalized with the successful bidder

before commencement of work.


• The vendor will be provided a QC module within the software for quality check

• The vendor should also install software instances on computers as desired by department

officials for quality check purpose

• The vendor will appoint skilled and qualified manpower for QC purpose. Manpower

utilized by vendor for QC and scanning & metadata entry work should be different to

ensure that one person performs scanning or metadata entry work whereas another

person performs Quality Check.

• The vendor will provide minimum two computers exclusively, with DSR application

installed to department officials during the project for QC activities of the department. The

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computers will also be loaded with the scanned images and metadata. In case 2 computers

are not enough to complete QC in the stipulated time, then vendor should provide more


• It should be noted that some documents in few offices has already been scanned earlier. In

all such cases, as per the decision of Collector, vendor will convert the scanned images

from their current format to pdf/a and perform all other activities like Metadata Entry,

Storage at Taluka level office and hosting at SDC. Vendor should only consider the

document types mentioned in this RFP.

• All records unacceptable by department (due to improper image, missing

metadata, wrong metadata) will have to be rescanned and metadata re-entry

should be done by the vendor. The vendor will not be remunerated for all such

documents re-scanned.

6. Quality Check of 1% printouts

The vendor will be required to handover 1% sample printout of each document type of

record at the end of each fortnight to the department for quality check, after completion of

QC of metadata entry. Vendor should ensure timely submission of images for QC.


• It is the absolute responsibility of the vendor to ensure that the content of scanned

documents is an exact replica in size of the original paper document.

• Printout should be provided in the same page size as that of the original document

• In case the printout is rejected, such reasons should be documented and shared with the

department officials.

• Vendor should rectify all such errors and re-submit the printouts for verification.

C. Stage III - Post Scanning

On completion of scanning activity, the vendor will perform the following activities:

1. Delivery of Final Outputs

The vendor will submit the following final deliverables to the department:

• Scanned documents along with metadata in 1 external hard disk at each record room*

• Scanned documents along with metadata in computers provided by the department

• Scanned documents along with metadata stored at State Data Center.

• Scanned documents along with metadata stored in server provided by department

• Scanned documents will be delivered in pdf/a format

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• Metadata will be submitted in database format whereas images in file structure format

Vendor will get a completion certificate from the concerned department officials from each

taluka record room and district level coordinator on submission of all deliverables, to consider

a taluka record room's scanning work to be complete.

*Vendor should note that on an average 2 TB external hard disk at Tehsildar office, 1 TB

external hard disk at Dy.SLR office and City Survey Office may be required to store the image

and metadata. But these are just indicative figures. Based on the actual size of images for a

record room , the vendor should provide adequate number of 1TB or 2 TB external HDDs. In

case, the storage is less than 1 TB, still the minimum storage capacity hard disk to be provided

by vendor would be 1 TB.

2. Installation of DSR application and data upload in department provided IT infrastructure

Post completion of all scanning work, vendor will install DSR application in the IT

infrastructure provided by the department. Vendor will also upload all the scanned images

along with metadata in department provided IT infrastructure. Vendor should also provide

training on how to use the application as per the training and capacity building plan mentioned

in Section 5.9.

3. Data upload at the State Data Center and Retrieval

The vendor shall ensure that scanned data should be uploaded at the State Data Center. The

scanning activity for a taluka will only be considered as complete when all the scanned data

along with metadata is replicated at the State Data Center. Initially all the final scanned images

and metadata will be physically uploaded by the vendor at the SDC. Data should be uploaded at

the SDC on completion of a taluka. The vendor will also showcase retrieval of uploaded

documents at SDC using e-Records application.


It will be the sole responsibility of the vendor to host the data at State Data Center. All

necessary assistance will be rendered by the department.

4. MIS Reporting

Vendor is supposed to provide weekly monitoring report to their respective Collector office and

concerned department officials, appraising them of the status of the project. Vendor will also

provide monthly monitoring reports to the respective Divisional Commissioners and Settlement

Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune. This shall include maintaining daily,

weekly, monthly and overall progress (number of images/pages scanned, percentage

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scanned etc) using tools available in the software. If provided, vendor shall upload daily MIS

data in web-based monitoring tool.

Note: The vendor should not quote loss of data due to improper backup practice as a reason for delay

of project. Any such reason will not be acceptable by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune.


The vendor will provide external hard disk (either of storage capacity 2 TB or 1 TB) at each

record room. It will supply the external hard disk as per specifications mentioned in Annexure

C - " Indicative External Hard disk Specifications". An indicative quantity of external hard disk

to be supplied by the vendor at each office record room has also been specified in Annexure C.

Bidders should note that there will be 3 set of IT infrastructure that will be used for the entire


Set 1 - Vendor's IT infrastructure used for scanning, metadata entry , quality check and all

related activities. Quantity of such set will be as per the requirement of the project. This will be

the property of the vendor and vendor will take it back on completion of the project, but the

quantity may be increased to complete department's all project related activities in the

stipulated time.

Set 2 - Vendor's IT infrastructure provided to department officials for department's quality

check purpose. This will be the property of the vendor and vendor will take it back on

completion of the project. Vendor will deploy minimum 2-4 desktops in each record room and

8-10 desktops at District Metadata Center, but the quantity may be increased to complete

department's quality check activity in the stipulated time.

Set 3 - External Hard Disk provided to department officials for image storage. THIS WILL

BE THE PROPERTY OF DEPARTMENT. Quantity of such external hard disk will be as

per the quantity mentioned in Annexure C – “Indicative External Hard disk Specifications”.

The vendor will load scanned images and metadata of the respective office record room, in the

external hard disk supplied by the vendor in that record room and at State Data Center.

Note: � The bidder should maintain the same brand of external hard disk for the entire division as

mentioned in their bid proposal.

� The successful bidder shall note that all the external hard disk shall be supplied with the

relevant interface cables.

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� SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may ask the vendor to provide a set of external hard disk being

provided at Pune for inspection purposes.


Vendor will provide operational support for a period of 6 months from the completion of last

phase of implementation in a district, to the department in post implementation phase. During

this phase, the vendor will undertake the following activities

• Install DSR application on department provided servers/computers (in case the IT

infrastructure is not provided during the implementation phase)

• Upload all scanned images and metadata in department provided servers/computers (in

case the IT infrastructure is not provided during the implementation phase)

• Provide support to DSR application installed

• Resolve issues related to external hard disk provided

• Resolve issues related to scanned images or metadata provided to the department.

The vendor will provide a mechanism to provide this support in such a way that any issue raised

by department officials is resolved within 2 working days, from the date of raising the issue.

The vendor will provide contact numbers, email ids for issue logging.


The successful bidder will provide training to the local department staff. The training would

happen in the record room/taluka office premises. The successful bidder will draw a training

schedule and communicate the same to the concerned department officials. The successful

bidder is required to train and make the staff conversant with DSR Application. The training is

to be carried out as per the timelines given in the RFP. The training shall concentrate on

• Detailed hands on training of e-Records Application

• Proper way of handling and maintaining old records

• Ways to maintain provided hardware

• Ways to serve citizens using the scanned records

• Ways to scan extra documents in the future and upload at State Data Center

• Ways to take incremental backup of the data

• Best practices on how to preserve the external storage media

• Generation of reports and interpretation of the same

The successful bidder will provide training to 4-5 people in each record room over a period of 1-

2 days to make them conversant with department's DSR application and aspects mentioned


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The successful bidder shall create and maintain all project documents and submitted to

individual District Collectors as deliverables under the agreed project timelines. The documents

created by the successful bidder will be reviewed and approved by the department. In case of

any description or deviations pointed out by the department, the successful bidder will revise

the same and submit. Project documents include but are not limited to the following:

1. Inception Report

Inception Report should include the vendor’s approach to the project including details about

methodology, resource utilization, project stakeholder’s identification, project timelines etc.

2. Detailed Project Plan

Detailed project plan should list out all activities in detail with start date, end date, duration for

completion of activity & dependencies. It is preferable that Project Plan is prepared using

project management tool.

3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

SOP should detail the execution plan of the vendor. Vendor should list out all activities with

standard operating procedures, process flow of activities and assigning responsibility for each

activity.SOP will detail out the responsibilities of Vendor & department officials.

4. Communication Plan

This plan should indicate what form of communication will be utilized for what kinds of

meeting along with recipients and frequency. Communication Plan should also include the

escalation mechanism of vendor for resolution of issues.

5. SLA and Performance Monitoring Plan

In this plan, vendor should mention how service level agreements for each item will be

monitored and adhered to. The plan should also include the methods/tools to monitor the


6. Training and Knowledge Transfer Plans

Vendor should mention the training schedule, contents for training session and the audience

that it proposes to train in this plan.

7. Issue Logs and Risk Registers

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Vendor should prepare formats for logging issues and risks by department officials as well as

internal employees.

8. Daily, Weekly and Monthly Progress reports

Vendor should prepare detailed progress reports on daily, weekly & monthly basis for capturing

details like number of pages scanned – type-wise, number of metadata entry done etc.

9. Technical Manuals

Vendor should submit all the technical manuals submitted by the external hard disks OEMs

along with the respective external hard disks item.

10. User Manuals

This should include the process/workflow for scanning activity along with metadata entry. Also

search and print facility should be included along with screen shots of the application.

The successful bidder shall prepare the formats/templates (wherever required) for each of the

deliverables upfront based upon industry standards and the same will be approved by SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune prior to its use for deliverables. All project documents are to be kept up-to-date

during the course of the project. The successful bidder shall maintain a log of the internal

review of all the deliverables submitted. The logs shall be submitted to concerned department

officials on request. All project documentation shall conform to the highest standards of


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1. Contract Signing and Work Order Issue T

2. Requirement Gathering, Project Plan Submission T + 3 weeks

3. Team Mobilization T+ 8 weeks


1.DSR Application Study and Installation T + 10 weeks

2. Completion of scanning of pilot data set of 5 villages per district* T + 12 weeks


Completion of Phase I - Completion of all activities in Scope of Work for

assigned number of talukas/tehsils in the district as per taluka schedule

( 16 weeks for completion of scanning in this phase)

T + 28 weeks


[IF REQUIRED] Completion of Phase II - Completion of all activities in

Scope of Work for assigned number of talukas/tehsils in the district as per

taluka schedule

( 16 weeks for completion of scanning in this phase)

T + 44 weeks


[IF REQUIRED] Completion of Phase III - Completion of all activities in

Scope of Work for assigned number of talukas/tehsils in the district as per

taluka schedule

( 16 weeks for completion of scanning in this phase)

T + 60 weeks


1. Submission of Training Material T+ 24 weeks

2. Commencement of Training T + 27 weeks

3. Completion of Training T + 60 weeks

G.OPERATIONAL SUPPORT POST IMPLEMENTATION 6 months from the completion of all activities for last set of

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• T – Start of the project

• Time period has been mentioned in weeks

• This is a broad level project timeline chart. Successful bidder will provide a detailed

project schedule at weekly level as a part of their project plan

• *Pilot/test villages should be chosen based on the average document in the taluka of the

District HeadQuarter. The village should be a good replica of the average village to give

the vendor a better understanding of the scope of work.

• #Bidder should provide operational support for the talukas in Phase 1 and 2 from the date

of completion of work in those talukas till 6 months post completion of work in the last set

of talukas. Thus, talukas in Phase I will get support from T+29 weeks onwards till T + 84

weeks whereas talukas in Phase II will get support from T+45 weeks till T+84 weeks.

• Payment will be made on actual basis. The volume mentioned in Annexure A – “Scanning

Document Types, Volume, Metadata” is an indicative figure.

• Vendor should start preparation for the next phase atleast 1 month prior to the actual start

of the next phase

• Vendor should finish the entire project within 3 phases by properly mobilizing teams from

district with lesser talukas to district with more talukas

• Vendor should deploy extra manpower in case the number of talukas in a particular phase

is more than that of other phase


Schedule of number of talukas to be undertaken for work during each phase has been

mentioned below:

Division Name

District Name Taluka Number

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3


Kolhapur 12 4 4 4

Pune 12 4 4 4

Sangli 10 4 4 2

Satara 11 4 4 3

Solapur 11 4 4 3

Division Total 56 20 20 16


Mumbai Suburban 3 3 - -

Thane 15 5 5 5

Ratnagiri 9 5 4 -

Raigad 15 5 5 5

Sindhudurg 8 4 4 -

Division Total 50 22 18 10

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Nashik 15 5 5 5

Ahmednagar 14 5 5 4

Jalgaon 15 5 5 5

Dhule 4 4 - -

Nandurbar 6 4 2 -

Division Total 54 23 17 14


Aurangabad 9 5 4 -

Jalna 8 4 4 -

Parbhani 9 5 4 -

Hingoli 5 5 - -

Nanded 16 6 5 5

Beed 11 4 4 3

Osmanabad 8 4 4 -

Latur 10 5 5 -

Division Total 76 38 30 8


Amravati 14 5 5 4

Akola 7 4 3 -

Buldhana 13 5 4 4

Yavatmal 16 6 5 5

Washim 6 4 2 -

Division Total 56 24 19 13


Nagpur 14 5 5 4

Wardha 8 4 4 -

Bhandara 7 4 3 -

Chandrapur 15 5 5 5

Gadchiroli 12 4 4 4

Gondiya 8 4 4 -

Division Total 64 26 25 13

Grand Total 356 152 130 74

• Bidder should note that the number of talukas to be considered in each phase has been

mentioned above.

• Talukas being selected in each phase should be adjacent to each other to help achieve better

logistical efficiency.

• Bidders should note that taluka of the district headquarter should be among one of the

taluka to be considered in the first phase.

• Bidder should fix the actual names of taluka prior to starting work in any district, in

consultation with the Collector

• Bidder should take all talukas in District Headquarters, in case there are more than 1 taluka.


The contract for individual district shall remain in force till 6 months post satisfactory

completion of all activities for the last set of talukas for the respective district.


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The success of any e-governance project beyond the pilot phase, lies in the success of a proper

implementation approach and structure in the department. SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune has always

paid great attention to this aspect of the statewide project implementation. Considering the

scope and width of project implementation in scanning project, detailed implementation

approach and structure has been mentioned in the below mentioned sections

Unit of Implementation

• 2 Vendors will be selected for each division separately. 1 Vendor will be responsible for

carrying out scanning project in all districts in that division except one district. Vendor

should be ready to carry out work in all the allocated districts in the division at the same


For e.g. if a vendor has been selected for Pune division, they should be ready to carry out

work in Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara and Solapur at the same time.

• Project will be implemented taluka wise. Each district selected for scanning project will be

divided into max 3 phases (as per the number of talukas in the district). Vendor is expected

to carry out scanning project in all those talukas simultaneously as per the timelines given in

Section 6.1 and taluka schedule given in Section 6.2.

• For all operational level activities and issue resolving, taluka will be considered as a unit.

Department will create office level (Tehsildar office, Dy.SLR office and City Survey Office)

teams in each taluka for carrying out handing and taking over of documents, quality check

and assisting vendor in operational level issues. Along with this there will be also

dedicated teams at taluka level and district level for monitoring and quality

check of the project which will be selected by concerned district collectors.

• District Collector will be the Chief Implementation Officer(CIO) for the district

• Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M,S.), Pune will give Letter of Intent

to the vendors along with Work Order.

• Contract will be signed by the individual collectors of district where scanning project is

going to start.

• All other project formalities like submission of Performance Bank Guarantee, Issue of Work

Initiation order etc. will happen at district

• Payment for scanning work done by the vendor as per the terms and conditions of the RFP,

will be made by the Collector of the respective district.


A multi level project implementation team has been designed for successful and timely

completion of this project. Each and every member of this team is an important stakeholder for

the completion of this project.

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Project Structure tree has been mentioned below for better understanding of the vendor:



Collector 2Collector 1


Nayab Tehsildar

Record keeper




DIO, NICDistrict


Land Records


Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records

(M.S.), Pune




Record keeper



Record keeper

Roles and Responsibilities of each stakeholder have been mentioned below:

1. Divisional Commissioner

a. Overall head of this project rollout in the division.

b. Head of the division level project monitoring team

c. Representative of the division for high level meetings like PIC, HPC etc.

d. Monitor the progress of the project district wise on a monthly basis

e. Grievance redressal of the vendor, in case escalated to that level

2. District Collector

a. Overall head of project implementation in district

b. Head of the district level project monitoring team

c. Perform District metadata center related activities like provisioning of space, basic

amenities etc.

d. Formation of necessary dedicated teams for project monitoring and quality check

e. Overlooking movement of all records outside Tehsildar, Dy.SLR office and City Survey

office record room to respective record rooms prior to start of scanning project

f. Contract signing with vendor for starting work in the district

g. Monitor progress of the project taluka wise on a fortnightly basis

State level

Division Level

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h. Monitor Quality Check activities on fortnightly basis

i. Understand issues with the project and help in issue resolution

j. Payment release to the vendor on successful completion of payment milestones

k. Provide phase-wise utilization certificate to SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune office

l. Grievance redressal of the vendor, in case escalated to that level

3. Tehsildar

a. Overall head of project implementation in Tehsildar office

b. Head of the tehsil office level project monitoring team

c. Provide a necessary place to the vendors for carrying out scanning activity

d. Educate department officials on importance of scanning project

e. Guide vendors on various implementation level aspects like villages to be taken first for

scanning etc.

f. Provide necessary information to the vendor on various aspects of the project

g. Provide documents to the vendor in time and as per the guidelines given to them

h. Monitor progress of the project on a weekly basis

i. Monitor and participate in the Quality Check process

j. Ensure accurate and timely progress of the project in respective office

k. Assist in removing bottlenecks hampering the timely completion of the project

l. Grievance redressal of the vendor, in case escalated to that level

4. Deputy Superintendent of Land Records

a. Overall head of project implementation in Dy.SLR office

b. Head of the Dy.SLR office level project monitoring team

c. Provide a necessary place to the vendors for carrying out scanning activity

d. Educate department officials on importance of scanning project

e. Guide vendors on various implementation level aspects like villages to be taken first for

scanning etc.

f. Provide necessary information to the vendor on various aspects of the project

g. Provide documents to the vendor in time and as per the guidelines given to them

h. Monitor progress of the project on a weekly basis

i. Monitor and participate in the Quality Check process

j. Ensure accurate and timely progress of the project in respective office

k. Assist in removing bottlenecks hampering the timely completion of the project

l. Grievance redressal of the vendor, in case escalated to that level

5. City Survey Officer

a. Overall head of project implementation in CTS offices

b. Head of the CTS office level project monitoring team

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c. Provide a necessary place to the vendors for carrying out scanning activity

d. Educate department officials on importance of scanning project

e. Guide vendors on various implementation level aspects like villages to be taken first for

scanning etc.

f. Provide necessary information to the vendor on various aspects of the project

g. Provide documents to the vendor in time and as per the guidelines given to them

h. Monitor progress of the project on a weekly basis

i. Monitor and participate in the Quality Check process

j. Ensure accurate and timely progress of the project in respective office

k. Assist in removing bottlenecks hampering the timely completion of the project

l. Grievance redressal of the vendor, in case escalated to that level

6. Record Keeper

a. Maintain records of their respective record rooms in a proper manner

b. Handover and takeover of documents to vendor

c. Maintain inward and outward register accurately

d. Monitor condition and number of documents before and after handing over to them to

the vendor

7. Department Project Team members (District Collector or head of the

Respective offices will appoint project team for district and/or taluka level))

a. Assist Tehsildar/Dy.SLR in implementation of the project in their respective office

b. Monitor progress of the project on a daily basis

c. Guide vendors on various aspects of implementation

d. Provide necessary information to the vendor on various aspects of the project

e. Conduct Quality Check activities

f. Assist vendor on day to day operational issues



In this scanning project, there are mainly 2 premises where activities are going to take place. All

the activities will be done in Government premises:

• Tehsildar/ Dy.SLR/CTSO Record Room/premises: The premises of these record rooms will

be used for scanning activities. All physical documents for scanning will be provided to the

vendor in this premise. Vendor will create document preparation and scanning setup at this


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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 77

• District Metadata Center: These are district level dedicated premises which will be used for

metadata entry work for all record rooms of all talukas in the district. Vendor has to create

separate setup within the DMC for Tehsildar office, Dy.SLR office and CTSO (wherever

applicable). Along with metadata entry, quality check of metadata entry, quality check of

printouts will also take place here. All final outputs and deliverables will be created in this

premise. All final deliverables will be hosted at SDC and also at taluka level offices.

Vendors should always adhere to the guidelines mentioned below:

• Vendor should maintain highest level security within the premises

• Vendor should always ensure that no team member has access to any kind of data beyond

the metadata center or scanning premises

• Vendor should ensure that all data which are in Work in Progress Format should be deleted

post conversion to final format and acceptance by the department. No Work in progress

format of document should be kept with the vendor at their end.

• Vendor should ensure that there should be client server model for carrying out scanning or

metadata work

• Vendor should ensure that all client machines should have USB port, CD writer deactivated

• Vendor should maintain attendance register for each team member working in the metadata

center or scanning premise. Department officials can carry out random checking any time to

check the registers.

• Vendor should ensure that no team member bring pen drives or any other external media

within the premises or leaves the premise with any such device

• Vendor should ensure that server where data is being stored is provided highest security and

nobody except project manager has access to it.

• Vendor should ensure that movement of data from scanning premise to metadata center

happens under the strict vigilance of department officials designated for these activities

• Vendor should ensure that project manager is involved during all such data movement

• Vendor should ensure that no personal cameras or image capturing devices are allowed in

the scanning premise

• Vendor should ensure that no documents are taken by their employees while leaving the


• Vendor should ensure that servers used for storing scanned images at scanning premise is

provided highest security

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The purpose of Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as SLA) is to clearly define the

levels of service to be provided by the successful bidder to the department for the duration of

this contract. SLA defines the terms of the successful bidder’s responsibility in ensuring the

timely delivery of the deliverables and the correctness of the same based on the agreed

Performance Indicators as detailed in the Agreement. This section defines various Service Level

Indicators which will be considered by the department in the Service Level Agreement with

successful bidder.

The successful bidder has to comply with all Service Level Agreements (SLAs) defined below to

ensure adherence to project timelines, quality and availability of services.

a. SLA for delay in completion of work as per the milestones mentioned in Section 6.1. - 0 days

b. SLA for resolving an issue in the post implementation phase - 2 days


During the entire contract period, District Collector may levy penalty on the vendor based on

the below mentioned penalty terms:

a. Penalty for delay in project execution

For any delay in completion of activities of the project (as mentioned in C, D and E of Section

6.1.), department will charge penalty of Rs. 5,000 per day per taluka, whereas for any delay in

completion of activities of the project as mentioned in A.3., B.2. of Section 6.1., department will

charge penalty of Rs. 5000 per day, subject to a maximum of 10% of the project value for the

district. Penalty for delay in project execution will be calculated based on the timelines for the

respective district.

b. Penalty for delay in support during operational support phase

For any delay in providing support within 2 working days of raising an issue, post submission of

deliverables and payment for a particular taluka, department will charge penalty of Rs. 2000

per day subject to a maximum of 10% of the project value for the district. Penalty for delay in

support will be calculated based on the timelines for the respective district.

c. Penalty for breaching privacy and confidentiality of department's data/application

The successful bidder will have to maintain strict privacy and confidentiality of all the data its

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staff gets access to. The successful bidder should make adequate provisions to not allow

unrestricted access to the data to people in the organization who have not signed the Non

Disclosure Agreement. The bidder cannot sell or part with any data in any form. Penalty of Rs.

10,00,000 to a summary termination of contract and forfeiture of PBG would be imposed on

the successful bidder upon default of this service condition. The exact penalty will be decided by

the department based upon severity of the default.

Successful bidder should always remember that 'Document Search and Retrieval application' is

property of SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune and mischievous activity of any sort will lead to heavy

penalty, legal action under relevant acts and also blacklisting.

d. Penalty for improper document handling

All documents taken by the bidder for scanning should be returned to the department as per the

entries made in the register mentioned in the pre-scanning phase. Under no conditions, the

documents should be missing, replaced, destroyed or mutilated by vendor during scanning

activities. As the records are precious and has legal value, any damage to the documents will

attract penalty at the rates (Rs. per document page) mentioned below:

S. No. Paper Size Rs. per document page

1. A0 paper size 20,000

2. A1 paper size 20,000

3. A2 paper size 20,000

4. A3 paper size 10,000

5. A4 paper size 10,000

The penalty shall be calculated and deducted from the immediate payment due. The maximum

penalty at any point of time and for any period should not exceed 10% of project cost for the

district as per the Commercial Bid submitted by the bidder. All the above mentioned penalties

will be exclusive to each other. If the penalty exceeds this amount, department reserves the right

to terminate the contract. The project cost for this purpose shall be the rate quoted by the

bidder per image multiplied by the estimated image volume mentioned in the RFP.

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The payment would happen upon successful completion of milestones for each district by the

Collector. The payment milestone for various cases as per the number of talukas in each district

and project completion has been mentioned below:

# Activity

Payment Milestone for districts having

Only Phase I Phase I, II Phase I, II and



Satisfactory Completion of

all activities mentioned in

scope of work in all talukas

of a district assigned for

Phase I

90% of the actual

due payment as

per actual work


75% of the actual

due payment as

per actual work


75% of the actual

due payment as

per actual work



Satisfactory Completion of

all activities mentioned in

scope of work in all talukas

of a district assigned for

Phase II


90% of the actual

due payment of

Phase II as per

actual work done

PLUS 25%


payment of Phase


75% of the actual

due payment of

Phase II as per

actual work done

PLUS 25%


payment of

Phase I


Satisfactory Completion of

all activities mentioned in

scope of work in all talukas

of a district assigned for

Phase III


90% of the actual

due payment of

Phase III as per

actual work done

PLUS 25%


payment of

Phase II

4. Satisfactory project closure 10% payment of

Phase I

10% payment of

Phase II

10% payment of

Phase III

Satisfactory completion of scanning work will mean completion of all activities mentioned in

scope of work like scanning, metadata entry, quality check, storage of final output (in external

hard disks) and hosting at SDC, training to department officials and deliverables duly verified

by concerned department officials.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 81

Satisfactory project closure will mean final acceptance by the District Collector that all the

activities for all talukas in the District are over completely.

The entire project within a district will be completed in a maximum of 3 milestones/phases.

After successful completion of each of the milestones, the bidder shall be eligible for payment as

per the volume scanned and metadata entered for the respective milestone after applicable

penalty. The QC of the scanned documents and metadata shall be done by the concerned

department officials. The documents would deem to have been verified only upon signoff by the

concerned department official.

The payment for the same shall be made as per the formula given below:

Payment = [Number of pages correctly scanned * rate per page as quoted in the

commercial bid – applicable penalty (as detailed in the SLA section)]


• Scanning of blank pages shall not be counted toward payment.

• Scanning of documents not mentioned in the Scope of Work and not approved by the

concerned higher authority shall not be counted towards payment.

• Bidder should note that it cannot scan more than 25% extra documents for the entire set

documents mentioned for a particular district before prior approval from SC&DLR (M.S.),

Pune. In case the extra volume is less 25% then appropriate approval is needed from

respective Collector. At any time no additional document type should be scanned without

prior approval from SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

• No extra payment will be made during the op0erational support period. But penalty for

any deviation from the service during this period will be deducted from the Performance

Bank Guarantee

• At the beginning of the project, size of each type of document will be measured. If the size

of the document is more than 50% of the lower size document, then payment according to

the higher size will be made or else payment will be made as per the rate for the lower size.

For. e.g. Size of X document is 50% more than A4, payment will be made as per A3. Size of

Y is less than 50% more than A4, payment will be made as per A4


District Collector reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time, after approval from

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune, if it is not satisfied with the services of the successful bidder or there is

breach of any of the condition of the Contract by the successful bidder, provided a period of 10

days has lapsed from the date of serving notice on the successful bidder requiring it to remedy

the breach and if the breach has continued up to the date of the termination. In this event, the

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 82

work done till then by the successful bidder shall be taken over by District Collector. SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune reserves the right to appoint a new bidder and hand over to him the all the

documents to complete the assignment. In such an event, the successful bidder shall not be

entitled to receive any payments upon termination of the contract. In such case, upon

termination, SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune may also impose liquidated damages. Notwithstanding

anything to the contrary contained in the Contract successful bidder’s collective liability arising

out relating to agreement shall be limited to the fees paid to the successful bidder for which

decision of the SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune in this regard shall be final and binding on the successful

bidder. The successful bidder will be required to pay any such liquidated damages to SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune within 30 days of termination date.


In case the successful bidder fails to execute the project as stipulated in the delivery schedule;

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune reserves the right to procure the similar services from alternate sources

at the risk, cost and responsibility of the successful bidder.


The successful bidder shall indemnify, protect and save SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune and respective

District Collector against all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, action suits and other

proceeding, resulting from infringement of any patent, trademarks, copyrights etc. or such

other statutory infringements in respect of all components (like system software, software tools,

server etc.) and the services rendered under this tender.


All intellectual property rights for the work performed under this RFP as far as data is

concerned lies with District Collectors and DSR application provided by SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

is concerned shall lies with SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune. This clause is applicable to all data in any

form or format procured, processed, scanned or produced under this RFP by the successful

bidder. The successful bidder shall not use such data or DSR application or any software

provided by District Collector and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune for any other purpose during and after

the term of contract. In no cases, any document provided by the department is taken out of the

space provided to the successful bidder for scanning.


While providing services as per Scope of Work, the successful bidder shall ensure that there is

no infringement of any patent or design rights or violate any intellectual property or other right

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 83

of any person or entity and shall comply with all applicable Laws, Statute, regulations and

Governmental requirements and he/she shall be solely and fully responsible for consequence /

any actions due to any such infringement.


Any publicity by Vendor regarding the project in which the name of SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune and

District Collector is to be used should be done only with the explicit written permission of the

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune.


1. Force Majeure would include natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the

expected course of events.

2. The bidder shall not be liable for penalty, liquidated damages or termination for default, if

and to the extent that, his delay in performance or other failure to perform his obligations

under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

3. For purposes of this clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the

bidder and not involving the bidder and not involving the bidder’s fault or negligence

and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, instances of, wars or

revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes which

would have an impact on District Collector and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

4. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the bidder shall promptly notify District Collector and

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise

directed by District Collector, the bidder shall seek all reasonable alternative means for

performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.

5. The Force Majeure circumstances and events shall include the following events to the

extent that such events or their consequences (it being understood that if a causing event is

within the reasonable control of the affected party, the direct consequences shall also

be deemed to be within such party's reasonable control) satisfy the appropriate definition as

per this agreement. Without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, Force Majeure

Event shall include the following classes of events and circumstances and their effects:

a. Natural events (“Natural Events”) to the extent they satisfy the foregoing

requirements including:

� Any material effect on the natural elements, including lightning, fire, earthquake,

cyclone, flood, storm, tornado, or typhoon;

� Explosion or chemical contamination (other than resulting from an act of war);

� Epidemic such as plague;

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 84

� Any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing

b. Other Events (Political Events) to the extent that they satisfy the foregoing

requirements including:

� Act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion, armed conflict or act of

foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion,

act of terrorism or sabotage;

� Strikes, work to rules, go-slows which are either widespread, nation-wide, or state-

wide and are of political nature;

� Any event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the foregoing


Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall in the first instance be dealt

with mutual negotiations.

Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties to the Contract out of or

relating to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this Agreement or the

validity of the breach thereof, which cannot be resolved through mutual negotiations, shall be

referred to Collector of the district where subject of dispute arises. In case the dispute or

difference is still not resolved then it will be taken to SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune Level. The final

arbitrator will be Secretary IT, Government of Maharashtra. The provisions of the Arbitration

and Conciliation Act, 1996 will be applicable and the award made there under shall be final and

binding upon the parties hereto, subject to legal remedies available under the law. Such

differences shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration under the Indian Arbitration and

Conciliation Act, 1996, or of any modifications, Rules or re-enactments thereof. The Arbitration

proceedings will be held at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.


The Contract shall be governed by Indian Laws and the Courts at respective districts in

Maharashtra will have jurisdiction to entertain the dispute(s).

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 85


This annexure gives a list of all documents to be scanned along with their volumes – district-wise

and division-wise and metadata formats.

A. Documents to be scanned

Tehsildar Office

• Old Mutation

• 7/12

• 8A

• Ka. Da. E. Patrak

• Ka. Da. Patrak/ Hakk Nondni Register

• Inam Patrak

• Birth Death Register

• I P Ledger Book

• Bot Khat

• Sud Register

• Khasra Patrak

• Khasra Pahani Patrak

• Jod Takta A

• Kul Register

• Old Pahani Patrak

• Pere Patrak

• Record of Rights Panji (1954-55)

• Kotwal Book Panji

• Bandobast Misal

• Wajib-ul Arj

• NistarPatrak

• Hakk Nondni Register

Dy.SLR Office

• Tippan

• Gunakar Book

• Akarphod Patrak


• Akkarband(Vadivibhajan)

• Akkarband (Gut / Consolidation)

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 86

• Akkarband (Dashman)

• Akkarband (Acre Guntha)

• Yojna Patrak/Consolidation Scheme/Durusti Scheme/Shudhi Patrak

• Consolidation Jawab

• Field Book(Original)

• Vaslevar Book

• Consolidation Village PC

• Tabe Pavti

• Consolidation Scheme 9(1) and 9(2) maps

• Kaccha Sud

• Shetwar Patrak

• Revision Book

• Fodi Tippan Book

• Pot Hissa Tippan Book

• Wajib- Ul Arj

• Resurvey Aakarband

• Resurvey Gunakar Book

• Pot Hissa Patrak

• Bandobast Misal

• Bandobast Akaraband

• Nistar Patrak

City Survey Office

• Enquiry Register

• Property Card

• Property Register

• Field Book

• Vaslevar Book

• City Survey Gaon Dharika

• Town Planning Scheme

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 87

B. Metadata Format

Metadata for each document type to be scanned at various record rooms have been mentioned


Tehsildar Office Records

Old Mutation Survey No. Hissa No., Plot Number, Gut Number, Hissa

Number, Mutation No, Year, Last Survey Number

7/12 Survey No., Gut Number, Hissa Number, Year, Last Survey


8A Survey No., Gut Number, Hissa Number, Khata Number,

Holder's Name

Ka.Da. E. Patrak Survey Number, Hissa Number, Mutation Number,


Ka. Da. Patrak/ Hakk

Nondni Register Survey Number, Hissa Number

Inam Patrak Inam Type, Survey Number, Hissa Number

Birth Death Register Year

I P Ledger Book Village Name, Caste Name

Bot Khat Survey Number, Hissa Number, Phalni Number

Sud Register Survey Number, Hissa Number

Khasra Patrak Survey Number, Hissa Number, Year

Khasra Pahani Patrak Survey Number, Hissa Number, Year

Jod Takta A Survey Number, Hissa Number, Mutation No., Year/

Tehsildar Order Year

Kul Register Survey Number, Hissa Number, Kul Name, Kul Type

Old Pahani Patrak Survey Number, Hissa Number, Year

Pere Patrak Survey Number, Hissa Number, Village Name

Record of Rights Panji

(1954-55) Survey Number, Hissa Number, Year

Kotwal Book Panji Year

Bandobast Misal Village Name, Survey Number, Khasra Number

Wajib-ul Arj Survey Number, Khasra Number

NistarPatrak Survey Number, Khasra Number

Hakk Nondni Register Plot Number, Sheet Number

Dy.SLR Office Records

Tippan Survey No., Chalta No.

Gunakar Book Survey No., Gut No., Hissa Number

Akarphod Patrak Survey No., Gut No., Hissa Number, Year

KJP Survey No., Gut No., Hissa Number, Year, KJP Type

Akkarband(Vadivibhajan) Old Survey Number, New Survey Number, Hissa Number

Akkarband (Gut /

Consolidation) Gut Number, Hissa Number

Akkarband (Dashman) Survey Number., Hissa Number

Akkarband (Acre Guntha) Survey Number. Hissa Number

Yojna Patrak/Consolidation Survey Number, Gat Number, Hissa number, Khata

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 88

Scheme/Durusti Scheme/

Shudhi Patrak

Number, Jabab Number

Consolidation Jawab Jawab Number, Jawab Date, Khata Number

Field Book(Original) Survey Number, Hissa Number

Vaslevar Book Survey Number, Chalta Number

Consolidation Village PC Village Name

Tabe Pavti Gat Number, Khata Number

Consolidation Scheme

9(1) and 9(2) maps Village Name, 9(1) Map, 9(2) Map, 9(1)(2) map

Kaccha Sud Survey Number Shetwar Patrak Survey Number, Hissa Number

Revision Book Resurvey Number, Hissa Number (if available)

Fodi Tippan Book Survey Number, Hissa Number

Pot Hissa Tippan Book Survey Number, Hissa Number

Wajib- Ul Arj Survey Number, Khasra Number

Resurvey Aakarband Survey Number, Hissa Number

Resurvey Gunakar Book Survey Number, Gat Number, Hissa Number

Pot Hissa Patrak Survey Number, Gat Number, Hissa Number

Bandobast Misal Village name, Survey Number, Khasra Number

Bandobast Akaraband Survey Number

Nistar Patrak Survey Number, Khasra Number

City Survey Office

Enquiry Register CTS Chalta Number

Property Card CTS Final Plot Number

Property Register Survey Number, C.Sa.Number, Hissa Number

Field Book Chalta Number, Sheet Number

Vaslevar Book Chalta Number, Sheet Number

City Survey Gaon Dharika Village Name

Town Planning Scheme Final Plot Number


• Bidders should also note that it may have to scan additional land records related

documents, if desired by the Collector. All such additional documents will be scanned

only post approval from SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune.

• Apart from the metadata fields mentioned above there will be common Metadata Field

like District Name, Taluka Name, Village Name

• Bidders should note that in case new documents are added, there will be corresponding

additions in the metadata. Also in some cases, new metadata may be changed/ added

for the documents mentioned above.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 89

C. Volume of Work

C.1. Volume of Documents (Tehsildar Office and Dy.SLR office)

Division Name

District Name

Tehsildar Office Dy.SLR Office

A3 A4 Legal Total A0 A3 A4 Legal Total


Kolhapur 1,822,139 10,303,010 - 12,125,149 16,184 639,874 1,071,556 154,672 1,882,286

Pune 632,637 13,815,397 - 14,448,034 1,935 578,046 1,107,644 322,028 2,009,653

Sangli 478,073 7,145,503 - 7,623,576 15,247 432,666 695,230 191,489 1,334,632

Satara 1,124,383 19,395,531 - 20,519,914 3,335 551,828 1,170,395 264,189 1,989,747

Solapur 950,660 7,774,713 - 8,725,373 1,266 376,356 683,140 155,335 1,216,097

Division Total 5,007,892

58,434,154 -




4,727,965 1,087,713



Mumbai Suburban - - - - - 1,497 24,169 17,477 43,143

Thane - - 7,268,463 7,269,463 1,013 260,429 666,274 554,244 1,481,960

Ratnagiri - 7,770,292 8,959,334 16,729,626 2,748 619,142 612,510 691,092 1,925,492

Raigad - 3,154,089 2,054,277 5,208,366 2,431 193,363 776,878 716,009 1,688,681

Sindhudurg - 7,318,130 2,502,030 9,820,160 1,642 331,694 524,575 625,605 1,483,516

Division Total - 18,242,511 20,784,104








Nashik 893,221 9,423,906 818,046 11,135,173 79 612,990 1,005,887 298,925 1,917,891

Ahmednagar 962,027 12,531,533 1,361,409 14,854,969 2,374 476,456 984,721 381,708 1,845,259

Jalgaon 322,708 15,125,579 3,365,404 18,813,691 21,599 361,337 505,317 252,745 1,140,998

Dhule 154,103 2,384,135 361,978 2,900,216 341 40,447 441,838 18,998 501,624

Nandurbar 239,090 1,695,466 660,818 2,595,374 371 84,102 154,565 11,839 250,877

Division Total 2,571,149 41,160,619 6,567,655 50,299,423



3,092,328 964,215



Aurangabad 28,903 2,446,854 430,149 2,905,906 1,233 249,545 685,193 - 935,971

Jalna 66,028 1,772,041 190,196 2,028,265 1,198 221,520 525,643 - 748,361

Parbhani 28,358 1,477,891 380,593 1,886,842 - 147,469 358,102 - 505,571

Hingoli 590 1,005,871 231,061 1,237,522 1,411 120,963 311,209 - 433,583

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 90

Nanded 33,715 2,120,379 786,273 2,940,367 35,184 194,307 573,638 - 803,129

Beed 211,380 1,579,589 2,301,258 4,092,227 1,324 427,201 1,159,836 - 1,588,361

Usmanabad 4,863 2,548,983 787,431 3,341,277 703 158,971 437,737 - 597,411

Latur 108,479 3,014,132 702,240 3,824,851 1,015 139,390 343,916 - 484,321

Division Total 482,316 15,965,740





4,395,274 -



Amravati 4,100,802 2,311,358 - 6,412,160 1,235 216,275 428,478 28,284 674,272

Akola 1,080,724 2,999,010 - 4,079,734 - 94,180 284,942 15,358 394,480

Buldhana 7,028,762 821,536 - 7,850,298 2,771 400,109 550,837 44,642 998,359

Yavatmal 5,683,713 3,631,030 - 9,314,743 41,321 189,295 533,637 33,020 797,273

Washim 2,235,042 1,983,849 - 4,218,891 575 110,313 203,484 12,893 327,265

Division Total 20,129,043 11,746,783 -


45,902 1,010,172

2,001,378 134,197



Nagpur 1,479,268 1,966,769 - 3,446,037 56,043 311,391 241,001 425,327 1,033,762

Wardha 1,305,016 1,044,294 166,693 2,516,003 909 112,225 198,397 86,499 398,030

Bhandara 758,530 404,251 - 1,162,781 1,065 239,737 140,551 280,945 662,298

Chandrapur 711,614 304,556 - 1,016,180 1,934 246,540 237,901 290,611 776,986

Gadchiroli 840,684 252,146 77,780 1,170,610 2,968 147,080 151,191 187,252 488,491

Gondiya 635,895 237,437 - 873,332 883 289,003 197,186 300,402 787,474

Division Total 5,731,007 4,209,453 244,473




1,166,227 1,571,036


Grand Total 33,921,407









Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 91

C.2.Volume of Documents (City Survey Related Records)

Division Name

District Name

City Survey Related Records

Dy.SLR Office City Survey Office Total

A3 A4 Total A3 A4 Total A3 A4 Total



146,129 471,735





166,226 807,152








184,577 205,771 491,296



102,734 413,567









154,191 323,111





166,691 745,161









171,360 460,143


Division Total







849,874 3,129,445



Mumbai Suburban




166,091 852,514









219,433 483,766









27,301 122,373



32,324 111,301

143,625 -

32,324 111,301





84,035 -

15,559 68,476


Division Total


















110,587 362,303

472,890 Ahmednagar

162,160 297,095





173,013 328,604



136,515 517,905









21,988 123,187





67,159 270,020


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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 92


33,263 100,753

134,016 -

33,263 100,753


Division Total


















48,693 192,523






24,455 123,663






34,650 128,202





108,090 17,357 90,733



94,038 284,110


94,038 284,110



77,590 227,605

305,195 77,590 227,605

305,195 Usmanabad

65,409 197,759


65,409 197,759






49,656 182,874


Division Total







411,848 1,427,469






559,019 -

71,685 487,334





181,905 -

45,026 136,879





263,259 -

83,261 179,998



51,505 165,535

217,040 -

51,505 165,535





78,756 -

21,818 56,938


Division Total



1,299,979 -












108,126 603,968



27,671 77,787

105,458 -

27,671 77,787



41,086 148,774

189,860 -

41,086 148,774


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 93






43,474 160,423





75,324 -

18,110 57,214



44,704 154,712

199,416 -

44,704 154,712


Division Total










Grand Total










C.3. Overall Volume Details

Total volume of documents in each office along with rankings based on volume of records are as follows:

Division Name

District Name Tehsildar Office

Dy.SLR Office (Survey Related Records)

Dy.SLR/City Survey Office (City Survey

Related) Total Ranking


Kolhapur 12125149 1882286 973378 14980813 3

Pune 14448034 2009653 697067 17154754 2

Sangli 7623576 1334632 765519 9723727 5

Satara 20519914 1989747 911852 23421513 1

Solapur 8725373 1216097 631503 10572973 4

Division Total 63442046 8432415 3979319 75853780


Mumbai Suburban - 43143 1018605 1061748 5

Thane 7269463 1481960 703199 9454622 3

Ratnagiri 16729626 1925492 149674 18804792 1

Raigad 5208366 1688681 143625 7040672 4

Sindhudurg 9820160 1483516 84035 11387711 2

Division Total 39027615 6622792 2099138 47749545


Nashik 11135173 1917891 472890 13525954 3

Ahmednagar 14854969 1845259 501617 17201845 2

Jalgaon 18813691 1140998 736932 20691621 1

Dhule 2900216 501624 337179 3739019 4

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 94

Nandurbar 2595374 250877 134016 2980267 5

Division Total 50299423 5656649 2182634 58138706


Aurangabad 2905906 935971 241216 4083093 6

Jalna 3465090 748361 148118 4361569 3

Parbhani 1886842 505571 162852 2555265 7

Hingoli 1237522 433583 108090 1779195 8

Nanded 2940367 803129 378148 4121644 5

Beed 4664051 1588361 305195 6557607 1

Usmanabad 3341277 597411 263168 4201856 4

Latur 3824851 484321 232530 4541702 2

Division Total 22257257 6096708 1839317 30193282


Amravati 6412160 674272 559019 7645451 3

Akola 4079734 394480 181905 4656119 4

Buldhana 7850298 998359 263259 9111916 2

Yavatmal 9314743 797273 217040 10329056 1

Washim 4218891 327265 78756 4624912 5

Division Total 31875826 3191649 1299979 36367454


Nagpur 3446037 1033762 712094 5191893 1

Wardha 2516003 398030 105458 3019491 2

Bhandara 1162781 662298 189860 2014939 3

Chandrapur 1016180 776986 203897 1997063 4

Gadchiroli 1170610 488491 75324 1734425 6

Gondiya 873332 787474 279221 1940027 5

Division Total 10184943 4147041 1486049 15818033

Grand Total 21,70,87,110 3,41,47,254 1,28,86,436 26,41,20,800

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 95



# District Name

Taluka Name

No. of Record Rooms

Tehsildar Office

Dy. SLR Office


I AKOLA 1. Akola 1 1 2 2. Barshitakli 1 1 2 3. Akot 1 1 2 4. Telahra 1 1 2 5. Balapur 1 1 2 6. Partur 1 1 2 7. Murtujapur 1 1 2

Total 7 7 14


1. Amravati 1 1 2

2. Nandgaon khandeshwar

1 1 2

3. Bhatukali 1 1 2

4. Achalpur 1 1 2

5. Chandurbazar 1 1 2

6. Moshi 1 1 2

7. Varud 1 1 2

8. Chandur railway

1 1 2

9. Tivsa 1 1 2

10. Daryapur 1 1 2

11. Anjangaon 1 1 2

12. Chikhaldara 1 1 2

13. Dharni 1 1 2

14. Dhamangaon railway

1 1 2

Total 14 14 28


1. Buldhana 1 1 2

2. Chikhli 1 1 2

3. Deulgaon raja 1 1 2

4. Malkapur 1 1 2

5. Motola 1 1 2

6. Nandura 1 1 2

7. Jalgaon 1 1 2

8. Sangrampur 1 1 2

9. Khamgaon 1 1 2

10. Shegaon 1 1 2

11. Mehkar 1 1 2

12. Sindkhed raja 1 1 2

13. Lonar 1 1 2

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 96

Total 13 13 26


1. Malegaon 1 1 2

2. Mangrul Pir 1 1 2

3. Kareja 1 1 2

4. Manora 1 1 2

5. Washim 1 1 2

6. Risod 1 1 2

Total 6 6 12


1. Ner 1 1 2

2. Babhulgaon 1 1 2

3. Kalamb 1 1 2

4. Yavatmal 1 1 2

5. Darvah 1 1 2

6. Digras 1 1 2

7. Pusad 1 1 2

8. Umarkhed 1 1 2

9. Mahagaon 1 1 2

10. Arni 1 1 2

11. Ghantji 1 1 2

12. Kelapur 1 1 2

13. Ralgaon 1 1 2

14. Maregaon 1 1 2

15. Jharijhamni 1 1 2

16. Vani 1 1 2

Total 16 16 32

Division Total 56 56 112


# District Name

Taluka Name

No. of Record Rooms

Tehsildar Office

Dy. SLR Office



1. Kannad 1 1 2

2. Shegaon 1 1 2

3. Sillod 1 1 2

4. Fulambri 1 1 2

5. Aurangabad 1 1 2

6. Khultabad 1 1 2

7. Gangapur 1 1 2

8. Paithan 1 1 2

9. Vaijapur 1 1 2

Total 9 9 18


1. Beed 1 1 2

2. Gevrai 1 1 2

3. Mazalgaon 1 1 2

4. Kej 1 1 2

5. Patoda 1 1 2

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 97

6. Aashti 1 1 2

7. Dhaur 1 1 2

8. Parli 1 1 2

9. Vadvani 1 1 2

10. Shirur Kasar 1 1 2

11. Ambejogai 1 1 2

Total 11 11 22


1. Sengaon 1 1 2

2. Hingoli 1 1 2

3. Audha Nagnath 1 1 2

4. Kalamnuri 1 1 2

5. Vasmat 1 1 2

Total 5 5 10


1. Bhokardan 1 1 2

2. Jafrabad 1 1 2

3. Jalna 1 1 2

4. Ambad 1 1 2

5. Dhansawangi 1 1 2

6. Partur 1 1 2

7. Matha 1 1 2

8. Badnapur 1 1 2

Total 8 8 16


1. Latur 1 1 2

2. Ahmedpur 1 1 2

3. Udgir 1 1 2

4. Nilanga 1 1 2

5. Ausa 1 1 2

6. Chakur 1 1 2

7. Renapur 1 1 2

8. Devagi 1 1 2

9. Shirur A. 1 1 2

10. Jalkot 1 1 2

Total 10 10 20


1. Nanded 1 1 2

2. Hadgaon 1 1 2

3. Kinvat 1 1 2

4. Bhokar 1 1 2

5. Biloli 1 1 2

6. Degalur 1 1 2

7. Mukhed 1 1 2

8. Kandhar 1 1 2

9. Loha 1 1 2

10. Ardhapur 1 1 2

11. Himayatnagar 1 1 2

12. Mahur 1 1 2

13. Umri 1 1 2

14. Dharmabad 1 1 2

15. Naygaon 1 1 2

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 98

16. Mudkhed 1 1 2

Total 16 16 32


1. Bhoom 1 1 2

2. Paranda 1 1 2

3. Vashi 1 1 2

4. Kalamb 1 1 2

5. Osmanabad 1 1 2

6. Tuljapur 1 1 2

7. Lahora 1 1 2

8. Umarga 1 1 2

Total 8 8 16


1. Setu 1 1 2

2. Jintur 1 1 2

3. Parbhani 1 1 2

4. Manvat 1 1 2

5. Pathri 1 1 2

6. Sonpeth 1 1 2

7. Gangakhed 1 1 2

8. Palam 1 1 2

9. Purna 1 1 2

Total 9 9 18

Division Total 76 76 152


# District Name

Taluka Name

No. of Record Rooms

Tehsildar Office

Dy. SLR Office



1. Kurla 1 0 1

2. Bandra 1 0 1

3. Andheri 1 1 2


5. Total 3 1 4


1. Talasari 1 1 2

2. Dahanu 1 1 2

3. Vikramgad 1 1 2

4. Jawahar 1 1 2

5. Mokhada 1 1 2

6. Vada 1 1 2

7. Palghar 1 1 2

8. Vasai 1 1 2

9. Thane 1 1 2

10. Bhiwandi 1 1 2

11. Shahapur 1 1 2

12. Kalyan 1 1 2

13. Ambernath 1 1 2

14. Murbad 1 1 2

15. Ulhas Nager 1 0 1

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 99

Total 15 14 29


1. Alibaug 1 1 2

2. Uran 1 1 2

3. Panvel 1 1 2

4. Karjat 1 1 2

5. Khalapur 1 1 2

6. Pen 1 1 2

7. Sudhagad 1 1 2

8. Roha 1 1 2

9. Mangaon 1 1 2

10. Tala 1 1 2

11. Mahad 1 1 2

12. Poladpur 1 1 2

13. Mhasala 1 1 2

14. Shrivardhan 1 1 2

15. Murud 1 1 2

Total 15 15 30


1. Ratnagiri 1 1 2

2. Guhadhar 1 1 2

3. Dopoli 1 1 2

4. Mandangad 1 1 2

5. Khed 1 1 2

6. Chiplun 1 1 2

7. Sangameshwar 1 1 2

8. Lanja 1 1 2

9. Rajapur 1 1 2

Total 9 9 18


1. Kankavili 1 1 2

2. Kudal 1 1 2

3. Sawantwadi 1 1 2

4. Doda Marg 1 1 2

5. Vengurle 1 1 2

6. Malvan 1 1 2

7. Devgad 1 1 2

8. Vaibhavwadi 1 1 2

Total 8 8 16

Division Total 50 47 97

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 100


# District Name

Taluka Name

No. of Record Rooms

Tehsildar Office

Dy. SLR Office



1. Tumsar 1 1 2

2. Mohadi 1 1 2

3. Bhandara 1 1 2

4. Sakoli 1 1 2

5. Lakhani 1 1 2

6. Pavni 1 1 2

7. Lakhandur 1 1 2

Total 7 7 14


1. Chimur 1 1 2

2. Nagbheed 1 1 2

3. Bramhapuri 1 1 2

4. Savli 1 1 2

5. Sindewahi 1 1 2

6. Chandrapur 1 1 2

7. Mul 1 1 2

8. Pombhurna 1 1 2

9. Ballarpur 1 1 2

10. Korpana 1 1 2

11. Rajura 1 1 2

12. Gondpimpari 1 1 2

13. Varora 1 1 2

14. Givti 1 1 2

15. Bhadravati 1 1 2

Total 15 15 30


1. Mulchera 1 1 2

2. Etapalli 1 1 2

3. Bhamragad 1 1 2

4. Aheri 1 1 2

5. Sironcha 1 1 2

6. Desaiganjwadsa 1 1 2

7. Aarmori 1 1 2

8. Karkheda 1 1 2

9. Korchi 1 1 2

10. Dhanora 1 1 2

11. Gadchiroli 1 1 2

12. Chamorshi 1 1 2

Total 12 12 24


1. Gondia 1 1 2

2. Goregaon 1 1 2

3. Tiroda 1 1 2

4. Arjuni mor 1 1 2

5. Devri 1 1 2

6. Sadak arjuni 1 1 2

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 101

7. Aamgaon 1 1 2

8. Saalekal 1 1 2

Total 8 8 16


1. Nagpur city 1 0 1

2. Nagpur Najhul 0 0 0

3. Nagpur rural 1 1 2

4. Kamthi 1 1 2

5. Hingna 1 1 2

6. Kotol 1 1 2

7. Narkhed 1 1 2

8. Kalameshar 1 1 2

9. Ramtek 1 1 2

10. Parasvini 1 1 2

11. Mouda 1 1 2

12. Umred 1 1 2

13. Bhivapur 1 1 2

14. Kuhi 1 1 2

Total 14 13 27


1. Ashti 1 1 2

2. Karanja 1 1 2

3. Aarvi 1 1 2

4. Selu 1 1 2

5. Wardha 1 1 2

6. Devli 1 1 2

7. Hinganghat 1 1 2

8. Samudrapur 1 1 2

Total 8 8 16

Division Total 64 63 127


# District Name

Taluka Name

No. of Record Rooms

Tehsildar Office

Dy. SLR Office



1. Ahmednagar 1 1 2

2. Rahuri 1 1 2

3. Srirampur 1 1 2

4. Rahata 1 1 2

5. Nevasa 1 1 2

6. Shevgaon 1 1 2

7. Pathrdi 1 1 2

8. Jaamkhed 1 1 2

9. Karjat 1 1 2

10. Srigonde 1 1 2

11. Parner 1 1 2

12. Akole 1 1 2

13. Sangamner 1 1 2

14. Kopergaon 1 1 2

Total 14 14 28

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 102


1. Shirpur 1 1 2

2. Sindhkhed 1 1 2

3. Sakri 1 1 2

4. Dhule 1 1 2

Total 4 4 8


1. Jalgaon 1 1 2

2. Chopda 1 1 2

3. Yaval 1 1 2

4. Raver 1 1 2

5. Muktainagar 1 1 2

6. Bhusaval 1 1 2

7. Bodwad 1 1 2

8. Jamner 1 1 2

9. Pachora 1 1 2

10 Chaalisgaon 1 1 2

11. Bhadgaon 1 1 2

12. Parola 1 1 2

13. Erandol 1 1 2

14. Dharangaon 1 1 2

15. Amalner 1 1 2

Total 15 15 30


1. Akkalkuva 1 1 2

2. Akrani 1 1 2

3. Taloda 1 1 2

4. Shahada 1 1 2

5. Nandurbar 1 1 2

6. Navapur 1 1 2

Total 6 6 12


1. Nashik 1 1 2

2. Peth 1 1 2

3. Surgana 1 1 2

4. Dindori 1 1 2

5. Kalvan 1 1 2

6. Baaglan 1 1 2

7. Malegaon 1 1 2

8. Chandwad 1 1 2

9. Nandgaon 1 1 2

10 Yevle 1 1 2

11. Nifad 1 1 2

12. Sinnar 1 1 2

13. Igatpuri 1 1 2

14. Devla 1 1 2

15. Trambakeshwar 1 1 2

Total 15 15 30

Division Total 54 54 108

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 103


# District Name

Taluka Name

No. of Record Rooms

Tehsildar Office

Dy. SLR Office



1. Pune City 1 0 1

2. Khed 1 1 2

3. Ambegaon 1 1 2

4. Junnar 1 1 2

5. Shirur 1 1 2

6. Daund 1 1 2

7. Indapur 1 1 2

8. Baramati 1 1 2

9. Purandar 1 1 2

10 Bhor 1 1 2

11. Velhe 1 1 2

12. Maval 1 1 2

Total 12 11 23


1. Satara 1 1 2

2. Vai 1 1 2

3. Khandala 1 1 2

4. Koregaon 1 1 2

5. Faltan 1 1 2

6. Maan 1 1 2

7. Khatav 1 1 2

8. Karad 1 1 2

9. Patan 1 1 2

10 Jalvi 1 1 2

11. Mahabaleshwar 1 1 2

Total 11 11 22


1. Miraj 1 1 2

2. Tasgaon 1 1 2

3. Palus 1 1 2

4. Khanapur 1 1 2

5. Aatpadi 1 1 2

6. Jat 1 1 2

7. Kavthemahakal 1 1 2

8. Valva 1 1 2

9. Shirala 1 1 2

10 Kadegaon 1 1 2

Total 10 10 20


1. Karmala 1 1 2

2. Madha 1 1 2

3. Barshi 1 1 2

4. Solapur City 1 1 2

5. Mohol 1 1 2

6. Pandharpur 1 1 2

7. Malshiras 1 1 2

8. Sangole 1 1 2

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 104

9. Mangalweda 1 1 2

10. Solapur South 1 1 2

11. Akkalkot 1 1 2

Total 11 11 22


1. Shahuvadi 1 1 2

2. Panhala 1 1 2

3. Hatkangale 1 1 2

4. Shirol 1 1 2

5. Karveer 1 1 2

6. Gaganbavda 1 1 2

7. Radhanagri 1 1 2

8. Kagal 1 1 2

9. Bhudargad 1 1 2

10 Aajra 1 1 2

11. Gadhingals 1 1 2

12. Chandragad 1 1 2

Total 12 12 24

Division Total 56 55 111

State Grand Total 358 353 711

Along with the above mentioned record rooms, there are also 30 City Survey Offices where

records are maintained:

# Division Name District Name Taluka Name CTSO #

1. Amravati - - -

2. Aurangabad Aurangabad Aurangabad 1



Mumbai Suburban Bandra, Kurla, Borivalli 10

4. Ratnagiri Ratnagiri 1

5. Thane Thane 2



Nashik Nashik 1

7. Nashik Malegaon 1

8. Dhule Dhule 1

9. Jalgaon Jalgaon 1

10 Ahmednagar Ahmednagar 1

11. Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur (Urban and Rural)




Pune Haveli 3

13. Kolhapur Karveer 1

14. Kolhapur IchalKaranji 1

15. Solapur Solapur 1

16. Sangli Miraj 1

17. Satara Satara 1

Total 30

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Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 105


Indicative Bill of Material(Approximate figures)

Sr. No.


Quantity at each taluka Total Quantity per taluka (Approx) Tehsildar

Office Dy. SLR Office

1. External HDD 1 (2 TB) 1 (1 TB) 2

Along with these offices, one 1 TB external hard disk have to be provided at City Survey offices also.

Detailed Specification of External HDD

Parameter Technical Specifications

Capacity 2 TB or 1 TB

Interface USB 3.0 and USB 2.0

Automatic Backup Yes

Password Protection/ Encryption Yes

External Power Supply No

Platform Supported PC

OS Supported Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit or higher

Form factor External

Drive Bay Width 2.5"

Warranty 1 year

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 106



(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

Ref: Request for Proposal – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and

CTS office of Maharashtra” project


Having examined the RFP, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the

undersigned, offer to provide the professional services as required and outlined in the RFP for

“Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR office and CTS office of

Maharashtra” to SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune to meet such requirements and provide such services

as required are set out in the RFP.

We attach hereto our responses to pre-qualification requirements and technical & commercial

proposals as required by the RFP. We confirm that the information contained in these responses

or any part thereof, including the exhibits, and other documents and instruments delivered or to

be delivered to SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune is true, accurate, verifiable and complete. This response

includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in

part mislead the department in its short-listing process.

We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information provided

here is found to be misleading the selection process, we are liable to be dismissed from the

selection process or termination of the contract during the project, if selected to do so.

We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP

document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a period of 180 days from the last

date of submission of the tender. We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we

shall submit the performance bank guarantee in the form prescribed the RFP.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 107

We agree that you are not bound to accept any tender response you may receive. We also agree

that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services specified

in the tender response.

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/ firm/

organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may

be required in this connection.

Dated this Day of 2013


(In the capacity of)


Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of:

(Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder

Witness Signature:

Witness Name:

Witness Address:

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 108


(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

<Bidder Representative's Name>, < Designation>, is hereby authorized to sign relevant

documents on behalf of the Company in dealing with RFP of reference <RFP No. and Date>. He

is also authorized to attend meetings and submit Technical and Commercial information as may

be required by you in the course of processing above said RFP.

Thanking you,

Authorized Signatory (Name)

Name & Signature of Authorized Person

Company’s Seal

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 109


A. Organizational Details

Details of the Organization


Nature of the legal status in India

Nature of business in India

Date of Incorporation

Date of Commencement of Business

Address of the Headquarters

Address of the Registered Office in India

Number of full time employees

(Department wise)

Other Relevant Information

Mandatory Supporting Documents:

a) Certificate of Incorporation from Registrar Of Companies( ROC)

b) Relevant sections of Memorandum of Association of the company or filings to the stock

exchanges to indicate the nature of business of the company

B. Financial Strength Details

Financial Information

FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012 -13

Revenue (in INR crores)

Profit Before Tax (in INR crores)

Other Relevant Information

Mandatory Supporting Documents:

Auditor Certified financial statements for the last three financial years; 2010-11, 2011-12 and

2012-13 (Please include only the sections on P&L, revenue and the assets, not the entire balance


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 110

C. Contact Details

Details of the Organization

Name of contact person

Contact Person’s phone number

Contact Person’s email id


Telephone Number

Fax Number

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 111


Relevant Project experience

General Information

Name of the project

Client for which the project was executed

Name and contact details of the client

Project Details

Description of the project

Scope of services

Service levels being offered/ Quality of

service (QOS)

Technologies used

Outcomes of the project

Other Details

Total cost of the project

Total cost of the services provided by the


Duration of the project (no. of months,

start date, completion date, current status)

Other Relevant Information

Mandatory Supporting Documents:

a) Letter from the client to indicate the successful completion of the projects

b) Work order

Project Capability Demonstration

Please provide complete details regarding the scope of the project to indicate the relevance to

the requested technical evaluation criterion.

Authorized Signatory (Name)

Name & Signature of Authorized Person

Company’s Seal

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 112


# Qualification Criteria Documentary Evidence Complied (Yes/No)


Bidder must be a company in India,

registered under the Companies Act


Copy of Certificate of



Bidder should have minimum total

cumulative turnover of Rs. 300 crores

from IT services for the last 3 financial

years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11)

Provide copy of the

audited Profit & Loss

Statement of the company

and Certificate from the

Chartered Accountant

clearly stating the turnover

from IT Services


Bidder should have minimum total

cumulative turnover of Rs. 10 crores

from Scanning and DMS related work

for the last 3 financial years (FY 2012-13,

2011-12, 2010-11)

Provide copy of the

audited Profit & Loss

Statement of the company

and Certificate from the

Chartered Accountant

clearly stating the turnover

from Scanning & DMS

related work


Bidder should have positive net worth

for each of the last 3 financial years (FY

2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11)

Provide copy of the audited balance sheet of the company and Certificate from the Chartered Accountant clearly stating the net worth.


Bidder should have implemented at least

one project for Scanning & DMS related

work of a minimum value of Rs.1 crore

in last 3 years (FY 2012-13, 2011-12,


Order copy and testimonial

signed by a competent

authority should be


6. Bidder should have scanned atleast 3 crores documents in the last 3 years(FY 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11)

Order copy and testimonial

signed by a competent

authority should be


7. Bidder should have SEI CMMi level 3 or above certification

Copy of the valid certificate


Bidder should have valid documentary

proof of Sales Tax/VAT registration

number, Service Tax Registration

Number & PF registration number

Provide Copy of Sales

Tax/VAT registration

number, Service Tax

Registration Number and PF

Registration Number


Bidder should have valid Income tax returns for the last three financial years (2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11), issued by Income Tax Department and should have PAN Card

Provide documentary proof of Income Tax returns for the last three financial years Provide copy of PAN card

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 113


Bidder should have valid Service tax

returns for the last three financial years

(2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11), issued by

Service Tax Department

Provide documentary proof

of Service Tax returns for the

last three financial years


OEM make proposed for the external

hard disk should be among the top 5

companies in the India region in any of

the previous two Quarters as published

in IDC/ Gartner/ Frost and Sullivan


Provide copy of the relevant

IDC/ Gartner/ Frost and

Sullivan report.

Other Items for Eligibility

Sr. No.

Item Documentary Evidence Complied (Yes/No)

1. Tender Fees

Demand Draft of Rs. 25,000/- in the name of “Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at Pune.

2. Earnest Money Deposit

a. Amravati

Rs. 40,00,000/- in the form of Bank

Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in

favour of “Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records,

Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at


b. Aurangabad

Rs. 30,00,000/- in the form of Bank

Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in

favour of “Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records,

Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at


c. Mumbai

Rs. 25,00,000/- in the form of Bank

Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in

favour of “Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records,

Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at


d. Nagpur

Rs. 15,00,000/- in the form of Bank

Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in

favour of “Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records,

Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 114

e. Nashik

Rs. 30,00,000/- in the form of Bank

Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in

favour of “Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records,

Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at


f. Pune

Rs. 45,00,000/- in the form of Bank

Guarantee from Nationalized Bank drawn in

favour of “Settlement Commissioner &

Director of Land Records,

Maharashtra State, Pune” payable at


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 115



(On stamp paper of Rs.100/-)


Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opposite Council Hall

Pune – 411 001

Dear Sir,

I hereby declare that there are no pending cases against M/s______________________

(Name & Address of Bidder) with Government of Maharashtra or any other court of law.

Signature of Bidder _____________________

Business Address _______________________



Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 116


(On stamp paper of Rs.100/-)


We M/s.___________________ (Name of the Bidder) having head office at

______________________ undertake the following:

1. We M/s___________________ (Name of the Bidder) are not blacklisted by the Central

Government, State Governments or Government Corporations in India.

2. We further undertake that our dealer(s) M/s ______________________ (Name of

dealers) having office at ________________ is/are also not blacklisted by the Central

Government, State Governments or Government Corporations in India.

Signed on behalf of M/s ________________________ (Name of Bidder)



Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 117


This Annexure details all the formats necessary for technical bid submission.


(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

Ref: Request for Proposal – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and

CTS office of Maharashtra” project

Dear Sir,

Having examined the RFP, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the

undersigned, offer to provide the professional services as required and outlined in the RFP for

“Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS office of Maharashtra”

to SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune to meet such requirements and provide such services as required are

set out in the RFP.

We attach hereto the technical response as required by the RFP, which constitutes our proposal.

We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to adhere to the implementation plan (Project

schedule) for providing Professional Services in “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR

and CTS office of Maharashtra”, put forward in RFP or such adjusted plan as may subsequently be

mutually agreed between us and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune or its appointed representatives.

If our proposal is accepted, we will obtain a Performance Bank Guarantee issued by a

nationalized bank in India, for a sum of equivalent to 10% of the contract value for the due

performance of the contract.

We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP

document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a period of 180 days from the date

of submission of the tender and it shall remain binding upon us with full force and virtue, until

within this period a formal contract is prepared and executed, this tender response, together

with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding

contract between us and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune.

We confirm that the information contained in this proposal or any part thereof, including its

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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exhibits, schedules, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune is true, accurate, and complete. This proposal includes all information

necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune as to any material fact.

We agree that you are not bound to accept any tender response you may receive. We also agree

that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services

specified in the tender response.

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/ firm/

organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents,

which may be required in this connection.




(In the capacity of )

[Seal / Stamp of bidder]

Witness Signature:

Witness Name:

Witness Address:



I__________________________, the Company Secretary of _________________,

certify that___________________________________ who signed the above Bid is

authorized to do so and bind the company by authority of its board/ governing body.



(Company Seal) (Name)

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

<Bidder Representative's Name>, < Designation>, is hereby authorized to sign relevant

documents on behalf of the Company in dealing with RFP of reference <RFP No. and Date>. He

is also authorized to attend meetings and submit Technical and Commercial information as may

be required by you in the course of processing above said RFP.

Thanking you,

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

Ref: Request for Proposal – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and

CTS office of Maharashtra” project


We _______________________________, (Name and address of the manufacturer) who

are established and reputed manufacturers/designers of

_____________________________having factories/ offices at _________________

(Addresses of locations) do hereby authorize M/s. _____________________(Name and

address of the bidder) to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract with you against the above

mentioned RFP for the above equipment/product manufactured/ designed by us.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of M/s.___________________________________________ (Name

of manufacturer)




Address __________________________________________


Note: This letter of authority should be on the letter head of the concerned OEM and should be

signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the manufacturer.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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Please attach the profiles of the key people who would be involved during the course of this

project. The profile shall necessarily include the following details in the format mentioned below

1 Name of the Staff

2 Current Designation in the Organisation

3 Proposed Role in the Project

4 Proposed Responsibilities in the Project

5 Date of Birth

6 Education Degree / Diploma, College, University, Year of Passing

7 Summary of Key Training and Certifications

8 Countries of Work Experience


Language Proficiency

Language Reading Writing Speaking


Employment Record

(For the total relevant experience)

From / To:


Position Held:

From / To:


Position Held:

From / To:


Position Held:

11 Total No. of Years of

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 122

Work Experience

12 Total No. of Years of Experience for the Role proposed

13 Highlights of relevant assignments handled and significant accomplishments (Use following format for each project)

Name of assignment or project:




Main project features:

Positions held:

Activities performed:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes

me, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described

herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.



[Signature of staff member or authorized representative of the staff]

Full name of authorized representative: _________________________________________________

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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Resource Level

Responsibility Brief Description of Qualification-Certifications, Technical, Degree/Diploma

No. of Resources deployed at the proposed


Please provide details for each Core Project Team Member in following format:

Sr. No.

Item Details

1 Name

2 Specify role to be played by him/her

3 Current job title

4 Experience in years.


Number of years with the organization


Current job responsibilities


Summary of Professional/ Domain Experience

8 Skill Sets

9 Highlights of Assignments handled and significant accomplishments

10 Educational Background, Training and Certifications

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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1. The Bidder is required to submit the proposed technical solution in detail.

Following should be captured in the explanation:

a. Approach and Methodology to implement the entire project

b. Strength of the Bidder to provide services including examples or case-studies of similar

work (scanning land records) done for other clients

c. Extent of compliance to bill of materials with their specifications mentioned in the scope of


d. Project Organization and Management Plan

e. Project Monitoring and Communication Plan – Bidder’s approach to project monitoring and

communications among stakeholders.

f. Implementation plan – Bidder’s approach to implement the project across all districts in the

division at the same time

g. Training Plan – Bidder’s approach to imparting training to department officials

h. Risk Management Plan – Bidder’s approach to identify, respond / manage and mitigate risks

i. Operational Support plan- Bidder's approach to support the project in the 6 months support


j. Quality Control plan - Bidder's approach to ensure quality of work and deliverables


a. All the pages (documentary proofs and other documents that may be attached) should

contain page numbers and would have to be uniquely serially numbered.

b. Inadequate information will lead to disqualification of the bid.

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This has to be filled for external hard disk being provided

Parameter Technical


Technical specifications proposed by the


Compliance (Yes/No)

Capacity 2 TB or 1 TB

Interface USB 3.0 and USB 2.0

Automatic Backup Yes

Password Protection/ Encryption


External Power Supply No

Platform Supported PC

OS Supported Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit or higher

Form factor External

Drive Bay Width 2.5"

Warranty 1 year

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(On stamp paper of Rs.100/-)

This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Non-Disc") is made and entered into _____ day of ______

month __________ year (effective date) by and between ___________________

("Collector") and ________________ ("Company")

Whereas, Collector and Company have entered into a Contract ("Contract") <Agreement

Reference Number> effective <from Date> for < Period>; and

Whereas, each party desires to disclose to the other party certain information in oral or written

form which is proprietary and confidential to the disclosing party, ("CONFIDENTIAL


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the covenants and agreements

contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions. As used herein:

(a) The term “Confidential Information” shall include, without limitation, all information and

materials, furnished by either Party to the other in connection with

citizen/users/persons/customers data, products and/or services, including information

transmitted in writing, orally, visually, (e.g. video terminal display) or on magnetic or optical

media, and including all proprietary information, customer & prospect lists, trade secrets, trade

names or proposed trade names, methods and procedures of operation, commercial or marketing

plans, licensed document know-how, ideas, concepts, designs, drawings, flow charts, diagrams,

quality manuals, checklists, guidelines, processes, formulae, source code materials,

specifications, programs, software packages, codes and other intellectual property relating to the

disclosing party’s data, computer database, products and/or services. Results of any tests, sample

surveys, analytics, data mining exercises or usages etc. carried out by the receiving party in

connection with the Department’s Information including citizen/users/persons/customers

personal or sensitive personal information as defined under any law for the time being in force

shall also be considered Confidential Information.

(b) The term, “Collector” shall include the officers, employees, agents, consultants, contractors

and representatives of Collector.

(c) The term, “Company” shall include the directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants,

contractors and representatives of Company, including its applicable affiliates and subsidiary


Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 127

2. Protection of Confidential Information. With respect to any Confidential Information

disclosed to it or to which it has access, Company affirms that it shall:

(a) Use the Confidential Information as necessary only in connection with Project and

in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein;

(b) Maintain the Confidential Information in strict confidence and take all reasonable

steps to enforce the confidentiality obligations imposed hereunder, but in no event

take less care with the Confidential Information that the parties take to protect the

confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential information and that of its


(c) Not to make or retain copy of any commercial or marketing plans,

citizen/users/persons/customers database, Proposals developed by or originating

from Collector or any of the prospective clients of Collector except as necessary,

under prior written intimation from Collector, in connection with the Project, and

ensure that any such copy is immediately returned to Collector even without

express demand from Collector to do so;

(d) Not disclose or in any way assist or permit the disclosure of any Confidential

Information to any other person or entity without the express written consent of

the other party; and

(e) Return to the other party, or destroy, at Collector’s discretion, any and all

Confidential Information disclosed in a printed form or other permanent record,

or in any other tangible form (including without limitation, all copies, notes,

extracts, analyses, studies, summaries, records and reproductions thereof)

immediately upon the earlier to occur of (i) expiration or termination of either

party’s engagement in the Project, or (ii) the request of the other party therefore.

(f) Not to discuss with any member of public, media, press, any or any other person

about the nature of arrangement entered between Collector and Company or the

nature of services to be provided by the Company to the Collector.

3. Onus. Company shall have the burden of proving that any disclosure or use inconsistent

with the terms and conditions hereof falls within any of the foregoing exceptions.

4. Exceptions. These restrictions as enumerated in section 1 of this Agreement shall not

apply to any Confidential Information:

(a) Which is independently developed by Company or lawfully received from another

source free of restriction and without breach of this Agreement; or

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(b) After it has become generally available to the public without breach of this

Agreement by Company; or

(c) Which at the time of disclosure to Company was known to such party free of

restriction and evidenced by documentation in such party’s possession; or

(d) Which Collector agrees in writing is free of such restrictions.

(e) Which is received from a third party not subject to the obligation of confidentiality

with respect to such Information;

5. Remedies. Company acknowledges that (a) any actual or threatened disclosure or use of

the Confidential Information by Company would be a breach of this agreement and may

cause immediate and irreparable harm to Collector; (b) Company affirms that damages

from such disclosure or use by it may be impossible to measure accurately; and (c) injury

sustained by Collector may be impossible to calculate and remedy fully. Therefore,

Company acknowledges that in the event of such a breach, Collector shall be entitled to

specific performance by Company of Company’s obligations contained in this Agreement.

In addition Company shall indemnify Collector of the actual and liquidated damages

which may be demanded by Collector. Moreover, Collector shall be entitled to recover all

costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) which it or they may incur in connection with

defending its interests and enforcement of legal rights arising due to a breach of this

agreement by Company.

6. Need to Know. Company shall restrict disclosure of such Confidential Information to its

employees and/or consultants with a need to know (and advise such employees of the

obligations assumed herein), shall use the Confidential Information only for the purposes

set forth in the Agreement, and shall not disclose such Confidential Information to any

affiliates, subsidiaries, associates and/or third party without prior written approval of the

disclosing party.

7. Intellectual Property Rights Protection. No license to a party, under any trademark,

patent, copyright, design right, mask work protection right, or any other intellectual

property right is either granted or implied by the conveying of Confidential Information to

such party.

8. No Conflict. The parties represent and warrant that the performance of its obligations

hereunder do not and shall not conflict with any other agreement or obligation of the

respective parties to which they are a party or by which the respective parties are bound.

9. Authority. The parties represent and warrant that they have all necessary authority and

power to enter into this Agreement and perform their obligations hereunder.

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10. Dispute Resolution. If any difference or dispute arises between the Collector and the

Company in connection with the validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged

breach of any provision of this Agreement, any such dispute shall be referred to the

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune.

(a) The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the (Indian)

Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 & amendments thereof.

(b) The place of arbitration shall be Pune.

(c) The arbitrator’s award shall be substantiated in writing and binding on the parties.

(d) The proceedings of arbitration shall be conducted in English language.

(e) The arbitration proceedings shall be completed within a period of 180 days from

the date of reference of the dispute to arbitration.

11. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed

by the substantive and procedural laws of India and the parties hereby consent to the

exclusive jurisdiction of Courts and/or Forums situated at Mumbai, India only.

12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and

agreement of the parties, and supersedes all previous or contemporaneous agreement or

communications, both oral and written, representations and under standings among the

parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

13. Amendments. No amendment, modification and/or discharge of this Agreement shall

be valid or binding on the parties unless made in writing and signed on behalf of each of

the parties by their respective duly authorized officers or representatives.

14. Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of

the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

15. Severability. It is the intent of the parties that in case any one or more of the provisions

contained in this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect,

such provision shall be modified to the extent necessary to render it, as modified, valid

and enforceable under applicable laws, and such invalidity or unenforceability shall not

affect the other provisions of this Agreement.

16. Waiver. If either party should waive any breach of any provision of this Agreement, it

shall not thereby be deemed to have waived any preceding or succeeding breach of the

same or any other provision hereof.

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17. Survival. Both parties agree that all of their obligations undertaken herein with respect

to Confidential Information received pursuant to this Agreement shall survive till

perpetuity even after any expiration or termination of this Agreement.

18. Non-solicitation. During the term of this Agreement and thereafter for a further period

of two (2) years Company shall not solicit or attempt to solicit Collector’s employees

and/or consultants, for the purpose of hiring/contract or to proceed to conduct

operations/business similar to Collector with any employee and/or consultant of the

Collector who has knowledge of the Confidential Information, without the prior written

consent of Collector. This section will survive irrespective of the fact whether there exists

a commercial relationship between Company and Collector.

19. Term. Subject to aforesaid section 17, this Agreement shall remain valid up to ….. years

from the “effective date”.

IN WITNESS HEREOF, and intending to be legally bound, the parties have executed this

Agreement to make it effective from the date and year first written above.

For Collector, For Company

Name: Name:

Title: Title:




Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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(On stamp paper of Rs.100/-)

Bank Guarantee No.____________________

Date: __________________________


<<Name of Collector>>

<<Name of District>>

<<Address 1>>

<<Address 2>>

Dear Sir,

Whereas <<Name of the vendor>> having its corporate office at <<Address of the vendor>>

(hereinafter called “Vendor”), has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract dated <<Date>>

(hereinafter referred to as the Contract) for project – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar,

Dy.SLR and CTS office of Maharashtra”.

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the said Contract that the Vendor shall furnish a Bank

Guarantee (“the Guarantee”) from a nationalized bank for the sum of <<Amount>> <<Amount

in words>> as security for project – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS

office of Maharashtra”.

WHEREAS <<Name of Bank branch at Name of Branch>> (Hereinafter referred to as

the “Bank” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or contrary to the meaning

thereof, include its successors and assigns) have agreed to give the <<Name of the Collector>>

(hereinafter called “Collector”) the Guarantee.

THEREFORE the Bank hereby agrees and affirms as follows:

1. The Bank hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees the payment of all sums due

and payable by the Vendor to Collector under the terms of the said Contract. Provided however

that the maximum liability of the Bank towards Collector under this Guarantee shall not, under

any circumstances, exceed <<Amount>> <<Amount in words>> in aggregate.

2. In pursuance of this Guarantee, the Bank shall, immediately upon the receipt of a written

notice received by us during normal banking hours, on or before <<Date>> from Collector in

that behalf and without delay, demur or setoff, pay to Collector any and all sums demanded

under this guarantee by Collector under the said demand notice, subject to the maximum limits

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specified in Clause 1 above. A notice from Collector to the Bank shall be sent by registered post

(acknowledgement due) at the following address, which should be received by the Bank, on or

before <<Date>>.

Name of Bank __________________

Name of Branch ________________

Address of Branch ______________

3. This Guarantee shall come into effect immediately upon execution and shall remain in force

up to <<Date>>

The Bank may at its sole discretion extend the Guarantee for a further period which may be

mutually decided by the Vendor and Collector, provided we are in receipt of a written notice

received by us during normal banking hours, on or before <<Date>>

The liability of the Bank under the terms of this Guarantee shall not, in any manner whatsoever,

be modified, discharged or otherwise affected by:

• Any change or amendment to the terms and conditions of the contract or the execution of

any further contracts.

• Any breach or non compliance by the Vendor with any of the terms and conditions of any

Contract/credit arrangement, present or future between the Vendor and the Bank,

provided that nothing herein above will enlarge or extend the liability of the Bank under

this Guarantee.

4. The Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by reason of any act of

omission or commission on the part of Collector or any other indulgence shown by Collector or

any other matter whatsoever which under the law, but for this provision, have the effect of

relieving the bank provided that nothing hereinabove will enlarge or extend the liability of the

Bank under this guarantee.

Any part payment made by the Bank under this Guarantee shall proportionately reduce the

amount outstanding under this guarantee.

5. This Guarantee will be subject to Indian law and jurisdiction of courts in Pune.

6. Notwithstanding anything contained above:

i) Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed <<Amount>> <<Amount in


ii) This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <<Date>> and

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iii) we are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this bank

guarantee only and only if we receive a written claim or demand on or before

<<Date>>. And if no such claim is received by us by the date mentioned as

aforesaid, then all rights of the Collector under this guarantee shall cease.

7. The beneficiary should seek confirmation of issuance of this guarantee from the controlling

office of the issuing branch which is Name of Branch

8. We Name of Bank lastly undertake no to revoke this guarantee during its currency except

with the previous consent of the Government in writing

Dated the ___________ day of _____________ 2013

For Name of Bank

i. Signature ______________________

ii. Name _________________________

iii. Designation _____________________

iv. GBPA No. ______________________

Guarantee Bond No.

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(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

Ref: Request for Proposal – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and

CTS offices of Maharashtra” project

Dear Sir,

Having examined the RFP Document, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the

undersigned, offer to provide the services, as required and outlined in the RFP. In order to meet

such requirements and to provide services as set out in the RFP document, following is our

quotation summarizing our Commercial Proposal.

We attach hereto the Commercial Proposal as required by the Bid document, which constitutes

our proposal.

We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to the services as put forward in the RFP or such

modified requirements as may subsequently be agreed mutually by us and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune

or its appointed representatives. If our proposal is accepted, we will obtain a Performance Bank

Guarantee issued by a nationalized bank in India, for the due performance of the contract.

We agree for unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP

document and also agree to abide by this tender response for a period of 180 days from the date

of submission of the tender and it shall remain binding upon us with full force and virtue, until

within this period a formal contract is prepared and executed, this tender response, together

with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding

contract between us and SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune.

We confirm that the information contained in this proposal or any part thereof, including its

exhibits, schedules, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 135

SC&DLR (M.S.), Pune is true, accurate, and complete. This proposal includes all information

necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead SC&DLR

(M.S.), Pune as to any material fact.

We agree that you are not bound to accept any tender response you may receive. We also agree

that you reserve the right in absolute sense to reject all or any of the products/ services

specified in the tender response.

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/ firm/

organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents,

which may be required in this connection.




(In the capacity of )

[Seal / Stamp of bidder]

Witness Signature:

Witness Name:

Witness Address:



I__________________________, the Company Secretary of _________________,

certify that___________________________________ who signed the above Bid is

authorized to do so and bind the company by authority of its board/ governing body.



(Company Seal)

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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A single quote is being asked in the commercial bid. The rate in the commercial bid would have to

be filled in the following format.

Name of the Division:

# Price Item*

Price per side of page (INR)

Volume (No. of pages)

Total Price (INR)

A B C= AxB

1. Price per side of A4 size page T ABC Rs.________ (Rs.T x ABC)

2. Price per side of Legal size page U DEF Rs._________

3. Price per side of A3 size page V GHI Rs.________

4. Price per side of A2 size page W JKL Rs.________

5. Price per side of A1 size page X MNO Rs.________

6. Price per side of A0 size page Y PQR Rs._________

Total (INR)


Total (Amount in words)


• Bidder should note that the price should take care of all activities mentioned in Scope of

Work like

� Scanning and Metadata Entry

� Submission of deliverables in external hard disks

� Data upload at State Data Center

� Required printouts for QC purpose

� Operational Support for 6 months post implementation

� Training and Capacity Building

� All remaining related activities mentioned in Scope of Work

• The bidder should fill price for all page sizes mentioned here. If price for any page size is not

mentioned then the bid will be rejected by SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune

• The bidder should note that the volume mentioned for each page type is an approximate

volume. Deviations on both sides( positive or negative) may be possible.

• The above price should be inclusive of applicable taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other

charges as may be applicable. At the beginning of the project, size of each type of document

will be measured. If the size of the document is more than 50% of the lower size document,

then payment according to the higher size will be made or else payment will be made as per

the rate for the lower size.

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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• For.Eg. Size of X document is 50% more than A4, payment will be made as per A3. Size of Y

is less than 50% more than A4, payment will be made as per A4 .

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All enquiries from the bidders relating to this RFP must be submitted in writing (along with

email mentioned in Section 3.8.) in the following format:

Name of Bidder:

Name and position of person submitting request:

Full formal address of the organization including phone, fax and email id:

Sl. No RFP Reference(s) (section number/


Content of RFP requiring Clarification

Points of clarification required






Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

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S.No. Document Yes/No

1 Power of Attorney

2 Signed copy of tender document

3 Signed copy of all corrigendum issued

4 Technical Specification of external hard disk

5 Product Brochures and leaflets for external hard disks

6 Annexure

7 Annexure D.1. - Pre-Qualification Bid Cover Letter

8 Annexure D.2. - Authority Letter

9 Annexure D.3. - Particulars of the Bidder

10 Annexure D.4. - Profile of Previous Project Experience

11 Annexure D.5. - Pre-Qualification Criteria Compliance Sheet

12 Annexure E - Self declaration form for not having pending cases in court of law

13 Annexure F– Notarized Affidavit for non-blacklisting

14 Annexure G.1. - Technical Bid Covering letter

15 Annexure G. 2. - Authority Letter

16 Annexure G. 3. - Authorization letters from OEM

17 Annexure G.4. - Profile of Key People

18 Annexure G.5. - Proposed Resource Deployment

19 Annexure G.6. - Project Implementation Methodology

20 Annexure G.7. - Hardware Specification Compliance Format

21 Annexure L - Other Documents Checklist

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 140


Sr. No.

Abbreviation Expansion

1. CLR Computerization of Land Records 2. DSR Document Search and Retrieval 3. DPI Dots per Inch 4. Dy.SLR Deputy Superintendent of Land Records 5. EMD Earnest Money Deposit 6. GIS Geographical Information System 7. IPR Intellectual Property Rights 8. IT Information Technology 9. LAN Local Area Network 10. NLRMP National Land Records Modernization Program 11. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 12. PAN Permanent Account Number 13. PBG Performance Bank Guarantee 14. POC Proof of Concept 15. PSU Public Sector Undertaking 16. RFP Request for Proposal 17. SDC State Data Center 18. SLA Service Level Agreement 19. SRA&ULR Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land

Records 20. TEC Technical Evaluation Committee

Request for Proposal: Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and CTS offices of Maharashtra

Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (M.S.), Pune | 141


(Company letterhead)



Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records (Maharashtra State)

2nd floor, New Administrative Building,

Opp. Council Hall,

Pune – 411 001

Ref: Request for Proposal – “Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR and

CTS office of Maharashtra” project


Having examined the RFP, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the

undersigned, offer to provide the professional services as required and outlined in the RFP for

“Scanning Old Land Records in Tehsildar, Dy.SLR office and CTS office of

Maharashtra” to SC&DLR(M.S.), Pune to meet such requirements and provide such services

as required are set out in the RFP for the following divisions

1. Name of Division___________ 4. Name of Division___________

2. Name of Division___________ 5. Name of Division___________

3. Name of Division___________ 6. Name of Division___________

It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/ firm/

organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may

be required in this connection.

Dated this Day of 2013


(In the capacity of)


Duly authorized to sign the Tender Response for and on behalf of:

(Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp of bidder

Witness Signature:

Witness Name: