reproducing reality: 6% epitaph · 2018. 1. 16. · “white mythology” is the title of chapter...


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Page 1: Reproducing Reality: 6% Epitaph · 2018. 1. 16. · “White Mythology” is the title of Chapter V. Scientists and anthropologists feel the urgent need to create a White global identity
Page 2: Reproducing Reality: 6% Epitaph · 2018. 1. 16. · “White Mythology” is the title of Chapter V. Scientists and anthropologists feel the urgent need to create a White global identity

Reproducing Reality: 6% Epitaph



Marsha Stewart

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or

otherwise, without written permission from the author.

Copyright 2018 ©

Published by OSRW

Southfield, MI 48075

ISBN 978-1-387-48855-1

Page 3: Reproducing Reality: 6% Epitaph · 2018. 1. 16. · “White Mythology” is the title of Chapter V. Scientists and anthropologists feel the urgent need to create a White global identity




CHAPTER I: Preserve the Status Quo……………………………………………

CHAPTER II: The 6% Occidentals………………………………………………...

CHAPTER III: Population Decline in Europe……………………………………..

CHAPTER IV: White World Division Against Itself………………………………

CHAPTER V: Creating a White Global Identity…………………………………..


CHAPTER VI: Producers of the Psychological Dominance Center……………

CHAPTER VII: The Dixiecrats Who Control Congress (Southern Strategy)….

CHAPTER VIII: Fallacies and Mythological Pre-History………………………...

CHAPTER IX: Dracula and the Blood Sucker Concept…………………………



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Opening ___________________________________________________________

Choosing to make selective choices among competing evidence and

highlighting results that support a given position is the practice known as "cherry

picking". The symbol of pseudo-science means to ignore or dismiss findings that do

not support the evidence. The "Out of Africa Thesis”, for example, states that Homo

sapiens emerged in Africa. Modern humans are considered a new species with little

gene-flow between the migrating African people and archaic groups before Homo

sapiens. Africans are the ancestors of all living humans, but Western science has

concocted that European clusters descended exclusively from archaic groups before

Homo sapiens. Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans are descended from

ancient human Homo heidelbergensis. Research shows that all living Homo sapiens

share the DNA of Neanderthals originating first in Africa and then Asia and Europe.

In this book, findings support the evidence. Chapter I defines Self-Preservation

as the first Law of Nature, and the major threat of protection to self and family generally

jeopardized by fear. Everything we see visually (spatial), hear auditorily, and verbal

(linguistically) is how we ingest things mentally. In turn, this is what spews from our

mouths. America’s Founding Fathers talked and wrote of liberty and equality, but at

the same time enslaved hundreds of thousands of Native Americans before the

African Slave trade started. Slavery was the 13 Colonies’ chief cornerstone as the

Nation’s Founders touted slavery as a moral evil but justified bondage biblically.

Chapter II is titled “The 6% Occidentals” which discusses the disappearance of

the European (Scandinavian/Nordic) Race/Ethnic group of people. Go to the

Population Reference Bureau Website and add the figures together with the numbers

given for Europe, North America and Australia and divide by the numbers given for

Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania to calculate the percentages. White people

amount to 10% of the global population currently. By 2050, the percentages will be

between 5 - 8%.

Chapter III states why it is the European populations who are experiencing

more deaths than births annually, a phenomenon that is not occurring in any other

global region. Ukraine and Russia have the largest gaps between birth and death

rates. The population of Ukraine is losing about 340,000 people each year. More

deaths than births occur. The population of Russia is losing 950,000 people annually.

To avert the decline, the term “race” is no longer being used by anthropologists, and

the move is on to re-classify how people identify themselves.

Chapter IV is titled “White World Divided Against Itself” authored by the

American historian Lothrop Stoddard. In 1920, Stoddard’s book predicted a fall of the

Western world which was 32% White (drop of 12% in less than 100 years), and the

upsurge of “Colored Races”. Whites were considered the slowest breeders in 1914.

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A hundred years later, less than 2% of White women are of breeding age. Currently,

European countries are below replacement levels for White children. World War I

(1914) was primarily a struggle between White people who bore the brunt of the

conflict and suffered most of the losses. Nine million (9,000,000) people died.

“White Mythology” is the title of Chapter V. Scientists and anthropologists feel

the urgent need to create a White global identity within the heterogeneous Black and

Brown—planet Earth. Euro-American physical anthropologists are reclassifying,

racially cleansing and then recapturing Caucasian through artificial means. Imagined

is artificial—or is a form of being brainwashed?

“Producers of the Psychological Dominance Center” is the title of Chapter VI.

The name-calling technique (code words) links a person, or idea to an American

transpired negative symbol: “Black, Colored, Negro and Nigger.” The propagandist

uses the technique hoping the audience will reject the person or the idea based on

the negative symbol after looking at the ingrained negative evidence made available

by him—the signifier.

Chapter VII drafts the “Dixiecrats who Control Congress”. The Republican Party

today is not the same Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln’s Administration even

though we know that Lincoln DID NOT believe in racial equality. The States' Rights

Democratic Party was a short-lived segregationist political party in the US originating

in 1948 as a breakaway faction of the Democratic Party determined to protect states'

rights to legislate racial segregation. Supporters assumed control of the state

Democratic parties in several Southern states. The party opposed racial integration

and wanted to retain Jim Crow Laws. Its members were referred to as "Dixiecrats",

referring to the Southern United States and "Democrat".

Chapter VIII is titled “Fallacies and Mythological Pre-History”. European

scientists felt the need to “invent” race because of an obvious difference in “skin” color.

If other cultures identified themselves by culture, it would show that Caucasians were

the ones who were different or out-of-place. Europeans are a minority “culture” and

wanted to create a relatedness by taunting others' cultural traits. Racial classifications

mean race was the concept, perception or idea.

Chapter IX is titled “Dracula and the Bloodsucker Concept”. Bloodletting is part

of a schematic blueprint devised to keep “people of color” downtrodden, accepting,

and shuffling along to the “Tune of Desperation” under the auspices of a Count

Dracula controlled Republican Congress. The Dracula Congress feels the need to

continue the leeching as a means for domination.

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CHAPTER I: Preserve the Status Quo ___________________________________________________________

Chapter I defines Self-Preservation which is the first Law of Nature and a major

threat to protection of self and family. The main thing that jeopardizes preservation is

fear. Self-preservation started the evolvement of changing history first and images

second when this country was founded. Western scientists systematically favor

European genes for reproduction and replacement while touting “Depopulation”, a

general theme to reduce global population and promote secret eugenics plans to

cover-up and eradicate labeled “undesirables”. The elite consequently kill off the

"useless eaters" as the “hand-picked” survive and maintain the ethnic group of people

deemed “naturally superior” under the guise of “scientific racism”.

Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution states that all species of organisms

ascend and develop through “natural selection” of small inherited variations. This

increases the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce which is opposite

of the “Genocidal Depopulation Plan” perpetrated on people who have no idea they

are part of a devised plan to poison and sterilize. War abroad has been very effective

for population control. Other nefarious schemes occurred with vaccines, covert geo-

engineering systems and genetically modified food. Variants of the theory include

those incorporating schemed theories regarding Planned Parenthood, incarceration

and AIDS.

The US, for example, holds patents for the AIDS, Zika, and Ebola Viruses some

would say suspiciously concocted in a laboratory (Eugenics). The viruses have been

used globally for reducing population. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) owns

patents for the diseases but claim the patents are for development and cure which do

not capitalize profits if there is a potential cure. The US Government also holds patents

for weather modification.

The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Directive 15, designates

racial and ethnic categories used in the US Census and in other innumerable public

and private research projects. According to a statement released by the American

Anthropological Association (AAA), the US Government should phase out the term

"race" in collecting Federal data because the concept of race has no scientific

justification in human biology.

Self-preservation is a behavior ensuring survival of the individual physical

structure lifeform against any perceived threat to achieve a higher global standing. By

examining the substratum motives behind American foreign policy, we see the most

basic and human instincts. The desire to preserve oneself and ultimately desire more

can explain many foreign policy decisions the US has made in the past. This self-

preservation proclamation sustains itself throughout the nation’s military and

diplomatic events.

Page 7: Reproducing Reality: 6% Epitaph · 2018. 1. 16. · “White Mythology” is the title of Chapter V. Scientists and anthropologists feel the urgent need to create a White global identity

During the eighteenth century, Spain, France and Britain controlled land in

North America. Spain controlled Florida. France was powerful in the northern and

central areas. Britain controlled the east. The three nations knew they could not exist

together peacefully in North America. The Revolutionary War brought independence

insuring self-preservation to the United States just as the Holy Wars brought

preservation to the Church in Europe.

The Religious wars of Europe (1524 to 1649) were a series of wars waged in

Central, Western and Northern Europe following the onset of the Protestant

Reformation in Europe. The conflicts ended with the Peace of Westphalia recognizing

three separate Christian traditions in the Holy Roman Empire: Roman Catholicism,

Lutheranism, and Calvinism, otherwise known as the Reformed tradition. America was

founded on Biblical principles; therefore, it makes sense the Bible would give the first

account of the origin of mankind. America’s founders believed that humans are

created in the image of God.

Preserving the “status quo” starts with federal regulations imposed by leaders

of a country passing legislation to decrease funding and change laws. One of

President Donald Trump’s main campaign promises was to build a wall to keep out

illegal immigrants. It seems as if the President was told by his allies and followers the

end is coming. He and his cronies seem to be milking the last reserves from American

coffers and implemented a new tax code—throw out the present Affordable Care Act

(ACA)—and inactivity with the children’s insurance program (CHIP). The US is

heading in the direction of past histories like Rhodesia where 1% of the population

ruled 99% of the country colonized by England in 1923. Whites owned most of the

fertile land while many Blacks were crowded on barren land following forced evictions

or clearances by the colonial authorities.

Self-preservation at inception of this country started the evolvement of

changing history first and images second. Everything we see visually (spatial), hear

auditorily, and verbal (linguistic) is how we ingest things mentally. In turn, this is what

spews from our mouths after being conditioned from what we learn. America’s

Founding Fathers talked of liberty and equality, but at the same time enslaved

hundreds of thousands of Native Americans which later involved importing African

slaves. Some believe the Founders bear most of the blame for the evils of slavery.

The chief corner-stone within the 13 colonies was slavery and justified biblically.

A “picture is worth a thousand words” is the old saying. A complex idea can be

conveyed with a single still-image or an image of the subject at hand conveys its

meaning more effectively than a description. If the setting of the Bible was about 6,000

years ago, and Rome invaded Egypt in 333 BCE, who were the people living in Egypt

5,500 years before the invasion? Where did the whole science of Egyptology

originate? Who were the characters in the Old Testament? Look at Narmer, the first

pharaoh of Egypt.

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Egyptology is the study of Pharaonic Egypt, spanning 4500 BCE to CE 641.

The science started when the scholars accompanying Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion

of Egypt (1798–1801 CE) published Description de l'Égypte (1809–28), which made

large quantities of source material about ancient Egypt available to Europeans. Since

that time, the quest has been to reclassify ancient Egypt as a country of White people.

Faultless ignorance of the past holds academia hostage. Both Black and White

people believe Black History started with US slavery. After working in the public-school

system for 40 years in a Detroit area, it was not uncommon for today’s students to

think or say that Martin Luther King freed the slaves. The past statement is about as

puzzling as people making the statement that most Egyptian statues have missing

noses and lips because of weathering. It is almost laughable that people believe the

400 - 500 Black Madonna and Jesus statues in Europe, Mexico and South America

are Black because of coal burning furnaces which caused soot to drop on the statues

and turn the figurines black.

People oftentimes have difficulty to believe what they undoubtedly see. One

time in a teacher’s meeting, a question came up about class lists and student

registrations. The White teachers directed their questions to the White counselor with

the Black Director of the Guidance Department sitting in the same room. It was as if

the department head was either invisible or not a credible source in what she sent to

the staff earlier in the day. It took the White counselor in the meeting to verify the

information the department head compiled.

Neither Greeks nor Romans attached a special stigma to skin color 6000 years

ago. Western PUSHERS are like drug dealers pushing their own agenda. How could

this agenda be pushed when Europe was brown 6000 years ago? Western historians

have the tendency to read and write modern racial concepts into ancient documents

and see color prejudice where NONE existed. A failure to consider relevant research

to the origin and nature of color prejudice exists, but “relevant research” either is non-

existent, contrived, revised, or squelched. Think about authors like Cheikh Anta Diop,

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Chancellor Williams, Ivan Van Sertima and George G M James. Diop’s book published

in 1954 was banned in the US. Black authors are MEASURED on the same level of

which academia perceives all people of “color.” It takes a White scientist/historian to

verify what was said to make the information believable.

In 1492, no distinction existed between the Native American slave and African

slave because both groups were one of the same. The Natives living on the east coast

of the US were products of the second migration of Africans to the Americas. Maybe

there was no distinction between Greeks, Romans and Africans because they were

indistinguishable—one of the same. Maybe that explains Western civilization and

history. If there was no color prejudice of the day, that explains a lot.

We know Greek Mythology and the biblical stories are similar. We know African

history was distorted and revised. We know maps were re-drawn throughout history.

We know Egyptian busts were disfigured (missing lips and noses for White like poses).

World history has been revised because countries with the biggest guns write the

history. Maybe no prejudice existed because everybody looked the same? The same

argument existed with Baby Moses in the bushes. The Pharaoh’s daughter who saved

the Hebrew Israelite Moses floating in a basket did not look different, or she would

have drowned him or let him continue to float down the river.

The Bible, for example, refers to UNNAMED Pharaohs. Scholarly consensus

perceives Moses as a legendary figure and not a historical person, but he still plays a

big part in Sunday School classes. Was this willingly translated from Egyptian text to

disguise who the real Egyptian Pharaohs really were? Not enough noses and lips can

be knocked off to hide ancestry. The hair locks are another giveaway. After looking at

years of dynasties and reigns, Thutmose was the Biblical Moses from the Eighteenth

Dynasty. If you look at busts of Thutmose, you readily see the Africanism of the

Eighteenth Dynasty. Wasn’t Prophet Moses the deliverer of Israel”? Maybe that is

why Pharaoh’s names were not translated or printed the Bible. Examples follow:

• Jacob: 1758 – 1611 BC, King Yakubher reign: 1655 – 1646 BC

• King David: 1012 – 962 BC, Psusennes reign: 1039-991 BC

• Moses: 1527 – 1407 BC, Thutmose the third reign: (1479 - 1425 BC

• Abraham: 2055 – 1880 BC, Amenemhet the first reign: 1991 – 1962 BC

• King Solomon reign: 970 – 931 BC, Siamun reign: 978 – 959 BC

Peer reviewed is another good example when fellow researchers (experts in

the field) about the same subject get together to legitimize what is written. A group of

people with the equivalent backgrounds and mindset say academic material is

reviewed and fit for publication. Everybody ends up with the matching approach being

published. As noted by Howard University Research Library Dr. Frank M. Snowden,

Jr., The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality included a nineteenth century

description of what took place 2000 years before in Diop’s book in which fellow

researchers did not agree. He noted that (1) A tendency exists to read modern racial

concepts into ancient documents and to see color prejudice where none existed; and

Page 10: Reproducing Reality: 6% Epitaph · 2018. 1. 16. · “White Mythology” is the title of Chapter V. Scientists and anthropologists feel the urgent need to create a White global identity

(2) A failure to consider relevant research in the social sciences pertaining to the origin

and nature of color prejudice.

Maybe it is a lot like President Donald Trump’s comments (failure to consider)

about Haiti and Nigeria reported by the New York Times in 2017. He said that when

Nigerians see America and all its glory, they would never go back to their HUTS in

Africa. One fourth of Nigerians who come to America have bachelor degrees.

The only huts we see in the US are cardboard boxes and tents where the

554,000 million homeless people live (Wall Street Journal and Huffington Post).

During Hurricane Katrina (2005), African countries wanted to donate to hurricane

relief. Africans were shocked to see the way Black Americans lived in New Orleans

and made the comment, “We had no idea that Black Americans were worse off than

we were.”

“The baton of pre-eminence was passed to the US from the British Empire after

World War II.” From 1946 to the present, power and greed has its hold on this country

and economy. The evidence of confusion was seen just recently to defeat the

Affordable Care Act (ACA). People sat-in, marched, picketed, and showed such unity

against the abolishment of the insurance program that Congressmen representing

constituents in those districts could not return to Washington to abolish the ACA and

approve Trump Care. Power does not sustain itself when initially grounded on a slave

based economy whose capital equipment involved humans. Europe’s colonization

and Apartheid spurred its economy. The English offered college degrees in how to run

colonies. The demise of Europe came with a debt crisis and the fall of the “European

Union”. The US Financial Crisis of 2008 can attest to the overwhelming international

decline pertaining to its own economy because of a debt crisis after 17 years of

unfunded wars.

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Europe created a White Global Identity

Photo Credits: Images are from the Public Domain, Pinterest, are

free of Copyright or labeled “Courtesy of” if used from another


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Epilogue ______________________________________________________

In Reproducing Reality, we see that great strides are taken to preserve the

status quo. That is normal human behavior. Reasons exist for its necessity. The

Western world has a population decline; therefore, a global identity was and still is

being repeatedly and psychologically developed using blood sucker concepts to

superimpose mythological histories. Mythological histories were created to generate

a foundation of certainty with a desired outcome. This is seen every day because of

constant finagling within the US Congress where there is now a person in office who

will carry out Congressional programs with the vision to “Make America White Again”!

We are defined by heritage and ancestry according to history recorded at the

inception of this country. Some people live under the cloak of revised, squelched or

erased antiquity because the biggest guns draw down and cock written words. The

philosophy of “Let’s Make America Great Again” was coined by Ronald Reagan and

is quite the philosophy used admirably to honor the party of Abraham Lincoln, although

Lincoln’s party no longer exists because the Dixiecrats (Chapter VII) have tweaked

the AMERICAN ideals and are now IN CHARGE. Quite surprising is the philosophy

used when we all thought America was the greatest country on Earth. Maybe the

President meant “Make America White again”?

Reagan remains one of the Republican Party heroes. Reagan’s idea to break

up unions in the US, for example, is a forerunner to the “right-to-work” legislation

passed by many states. At-will employees can be fired without a hearing. These laws

make it harder for working people to form unions and collectively bargain for better

wages, benefits and working conditions. Higher poverty rates exist in right-to-work

states compared to 12.8% in non-right-to-work states. Its purpose is to destroy labor

unions and collective bargaining. Right-to-work started the movement for REALLY

BIGGLY corporate profits. Conglomerates with non-union workers no longer have to

pay benefits or living wages. Right-to-work means workers’ pay for their own

healthcare and pensions. The Revenue Act of 1978 started the deferred

compensation (401Ks). This also meant no negotiations for viable wages.

Right-to-work meant right-to-make-minimum wages. Ronald Reagan was one

of the most anti-labor presidents in US History and challenged organized labor's legal

standing, gained through Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt was

president who started Social Security in 1935. Reagan eased America into what we

know as “Let’s Make America Great Again”. The GOP touts: "We are here for

America!" What happened when Americans were "here for themselves" and had a

voice? Remember in the 1970s when American workers had "living wages," health

insurance, and defined pensions paid for by the companies for which they worked?

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Remember when Henry Ford paid workers enough to buy the cars they built on the

assembly lines?

Reagan waged unceasing war against organized labor starting in 1981, after

he fired 11,000 striking air traffic controllers and dismantled their union. In 1976 while

campaigning, Reagan coined the infamous term “welfare queen”. Twenty-seven

(27%) of the photos accompanying stories about poverty featured Black subjects; the

following year, it rose to 49%. A year later 72% of photos accompanying stories about

poverty featured Black Americans as he called for welfare reform. Now almost 40

years later, Americans were shocked to see majority White protesters as President

Trump tried to repeal ACA. The American public thought most people on Medicaid

were Black.

The philosophy makes sure to return the country to its former glory days of free

slave labor, allowing immigrants only from Northern Europe (those from Eastern and

Southern Europe with African ancestry) to pass by the Statue of Liberty, who was a

Black woman--"Egypt Bringing Light to Asia” with African features showing the broken

chains at her feet and in her left hand. Discriminatory immigration policies aimed at

southern and eastern Europeans figured into the quota-based policies of the 1920s.

“Reinstate the Courageous” are the words with no history back-up but maybe the

money of the 99% Oligarchy who back the system.

In 1492, no distinction existed between the Native American slave and African

slave because both groups were one of the same. The Natives living on the east coast

of the US were products of the second migration to the Americas. Maybe there was

no distinction between Greeks, Romans and Africans because they were

indistinguishable—one of the same. Maybe that explains Western civilization and

history. If there was no color prejudice of the day, that explains a lot.

We know Greek Mythology and the biblical stories are similar. We know African

history was distorted and revised. We know maps were re-drawn throughout history.

We know Egyptian busts were disfigured (missing lips and noses for White like poses).

World history has been revised because countries with the biggest guns write their

own history. Maybe no prejudice existed because everybody looked the same? The

same argument existed with Baby Moses. The Pharaoh’s daughter who saved the

Hebrew Israelite Moses floating in a basket did not look different, or she would have

drowned him or let him continue to float down the river.

“Race” is a social construct initiated by Europeans. Phenotype itself is real, and

physical appearance is a reality. Four hundred years ago there were noticeable polar

extremes of people—Black and White. Today the agglomeration is less noticeable.

One hundred years ago the agglomeration was titled “Colored.” I guess Charles

Darwin’s “Survival of the Fittest Theory” is coming to light. What group has turned out

to be the “super?” His-Story is the lie agreed upon.

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The Euro-American community is no longer homogeneously White. Society as

we know it should be titled White Mythology. Scientists find themselves in a quandary

and must be weary after creating daily visionaries of Whites by Whites for media

display. The United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia are still predominantly

White—a legacy from their squatters. Those parts of the globe provide a nostalgic

longing by Whites for a White homogeneous global world—for Whites by Whites.

Homo (man) Occidentals (European or Western Hemisphere) are being

threatened as a biological identity. Fertility rates are well below replacement levels in

Europe and the United States, but cries ring out from my country tis a fee sweet land

of liberty to control population growth in countries outside of Europe and North

America--disappearance through infertility.

The American Aboriginal believe Christopher Columbus and Adolf Hitler are

synonymous—flip the script synchronization of thinking. White Supremacy breaks

down the indigenous structure to push an agenda hyped as ACCEPTED. Black minds

are psychoanalyzed to the point of making sure certain thought patterns, actions, and

feelings are fashioned to synchronize and spout the American WAY.

The US Government has classified Hispanics as Caucasian, even though there

were three-quarters more Native American and African slaves taken to the Caribbean

and South America than to the United States. The Hispanic population was not

officially counted in the USA until 1980. Ninety percent (90%) checked the box "White"

in the last US Census. The US has classified people from the Middle East and

Northern Africa—including Ethiopians Caucasian. The US has classified American

Indians Caucasian. The US has classified Jews Caucasian. The US has classified

Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Asian Indians Caucasian. The US has classified

Polynesians, Hawaiians and Australian Aborigines Caucasian. Psychological White

slip-ups occur globally by Caucasian anthropologists and other Whites amounting to

a continual survival measure to avoid being eradicated!

Black people are the BESTEST tools White men have in their possession. Non-

Whites who are Spanish speaking, Middle Eastern, South American and of Indian and

Asian origin have assimilated into the accepted “Pseudo White Identity” Realm. Black

folks imitate everybody but their own Black selves. Case in point: count the number

of blonde hair weaves walking down the street and the number of storefront churches

and liquor stores in every BIG City USA where planting the seed to CLAIM legacy and

civilization exist. On day we will wake up to the new phonotype (Race) classification

“White Negroes”! We will wake up and be WHITE!

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References __________________________________________________________


Brahic, Catherine. (3 Feb. 2014). Humanity’s forgotten return to Africa revealed in DNA. New Scientist. Retrieved from

National Geographic. (2017). Why Am I Neanderthal? Retrieved from

Chapter I

Abels, Richard, Dr. (2009). Timeline for the Crusades and Christian Holy War to c.1350 Retrieved from

Benson, Keith. (2007). Ambition and Self Preservation. Retrieved from

Finkelstein, Israel and Silberman, Neil Asher. (2001). The Bible Unearthed. Retrieved from

Hall, Mark, David. (2011). Did America Have a Christian Founding? The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from

Kreis, Steven. (2002). Lecture 6: Europe in the Age of Religious Wars, 1560-1715. The History Guide. Retrieved from

Lazo, Alejandro. (6 Dec. 2017). The Number of Homeless People Rises on American Streets. Retrieved from

Marcin, Tim. (23 Dec 2017). Trump Said Haitians Have Aids, Nigerians Live in Huts in Oval Office Meeting, New York Times Reports. Retrieved from

Murry, Douglas. (2016). The Strange Death of Europe: Europe’s Decline is a Choice. The Federalist. Retrieved from

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Neiditch, Daniel. (3 Nov. 2017). How Bad is Homelessness in America?

Snowden, Frank M. Jr. (1970). Blacks in the Ancient Greek and Roman World. Harvard University Press. Retrieved from

Chapter II

Gordimer, Nadine. Jump and Other Stories Reviewed by Nicholas Southey,

Kurth, Joel and Wilkinson, Mike. (02 May 2017). Interactive Map: Detroit water shutoffs by neighborhood:

Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad., “Second Essay: One Out of Many,”

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Townsend, Mary Evelyn. “European Colonial Expansion Since 1871,” Chicago: J.P. Lippincott Company, 1941. 19.

Walcott, Derek. “A Far Cry from Africa,” Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Chapter III

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Gibbons, Ann. (2007). European Skin Turned Pale Only Recently, Gene Suggests. Retrieved from

Chapter IV

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Walsh, Susan. (2014). 4 Ways privatization is ruining our education system. Salon.

Chapter V

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Chapter VI

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Gray, Heather. (2004). How the South Became Republican: It’s About Race. Retrieved from.

Chapter VII

Anderson, James. Riddles of Prehistoric Times (1911). P 57-8

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Diop, Cheikh Anta. (1989). The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality. Lawrence Hill Books.

Imhotep, David. (2011). The First Americans Were Africans. Author House Books.

Van Sertima, Ivan. (2003). They Came Before Columbus. Random House.

Chapter VIII & IX

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