report under article 14 of directive 2009/128/ec on ... · integrated pest management in accordance...


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Page 1: REPORT UNDER ARTICLE 14 OF DIRECTIVE 2009/128/EC ON ... · integrated pest management in accordance with Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC. The report on integrated pest management








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The Member States are required under paragraph 1 of Article 14 (Integrated pest

management) of Directive 2009/128/EC to take all necessary measures to promote low

pesticide-input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical

methods, so that professional users of pesticides switch to practices and products with the

lowest risk to human health and the environment among those available for the same pest

problem. Low pesticide-input pest management includes integrated pest management as

well as organic farming according to Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007

on organic production and labelling of organic products.

The Member States are required under Article 14(2) of the Directive to establish or support

the establishment of necessary conditions for the implementation of integrated pest

management. In particular, they shall ensure that professional users have at their disposal

information and tools for pest monitoring and decision making, as well as advisory services

on integrated pest management.

Article 14(3) of the Directive gives the Member States until 30 June 2013 to report to the

Commission on the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 and, in particular, whether the

necessary conditions for implementation of integrated pest management are in place.

The use of pesticides in Austria is regulated, in keeping with the provisions of the Austrian

Constitution governing powers to pass and apply implementing legislation, by the nine

provinces, which also have powers to prepare pesticide action plans. Under the Austrian

Constitution, the Federal Government has powers to issue only framework legislation on the

use of pesticides and has already passed legislation for the purpose of the report required

under Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC (Section 13(2)(2) of the Pesticides Act 2011,

Federal Law Gazette I No 10/2011). Under Section 13(2) of the Pesticides Act 2011, regional

legislation must require the provinces to file reports and forward them to the Federal

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management for the purpose of

integrated pest management in accordance with Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC.

The report on integrated pest management in Austria under Article 14 of

Directive 2009/128/EC therefore comprises the nine separate reports by the provinces.

The provinces of Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria, the Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Carinthia did

not use the form provided by the European Commission for their reports. The provinces of

Burgenland, Vienna and Salzburg used the aforementioned form for their reports.

The following sections contain the reports by the provinces in the following order:

Report by the province of Lower Austria

Report by the province of Upper Austria

Report by the province of Styria

Report by the province of the Tyrol

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Report by the province of Vorarlberg

Report by the province of Carinthia

Report by the province of Burgenland

Report by the province of Vienna

Report by the province of Salzburg

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Report by the

province of

Lower Austria

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Group: Provincial Office Directorate

Department: Provincial Office Directorate/Constitutional Services

Landhausplatz 1, 3109 St. Pölten

Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, 3109


Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,

Environment and Water Management

Stubenring 12

1010 Vienna

Enc. e-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 02742/9005-13610 Website:

Citizen Advice Centre Tel.: 02742/9005-9005 DPR: 0059986 LAD1-VD-16041/056-2013 Code (please quote on all correspondence)



Case officer

Dr Michael Hofer

(027 42) 9005




25 June 2013


Reports by the provinces under Section 13(2)(2) of the Pesticides Act 2011 for the purpose

of Article 14 (Integrated pest management) of Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use

of pesticides

Further to your letter of 28 May 2013, we have pleasure in advising you as follows:

We have not used the optional form provided by the European Commission as it is too

detailed for the specific information currently available and the Lower Austria action plan on

the sustainable use of pesticides already contains detailed information.

The Lower Austria Provincial Parliament transposed Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a

framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides and Chapter 3

(Basic Provisions) of the Pesticides Act 2011 in the Lower Austria Pesticides Act Fourth

Amending Act (Regional Law Gazette 6170-4).

Article II(4) of the Lower Austria Pesticides Act, in transposing Section 13(2)(2) of the

Pesticides Act 2011, also makes provision for reports to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture,

Forestry, Environment and Water Management for the purpose of integrated pest

management in accordance with Article 14(3) of Directive 2009/128/EC.

Under Section 3 of the Lower Austria Pesticides Act, the Provincial Government is required

to prepare an action plan for the sustainable use of pesticides by 1 April 2012. That action

plan must promote the development and introduction of integrated pest management and

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alternative methods and practices (such as organic farming and, in particular, non-chemical

pest management) and the use of beneficial organisms, in order to reduce reliance on

pesticides, taking account of the general principles of integrated pest management, the

principles of good pesticide practice and the principle of precaution.

The government of Lower Austria has already prepared that action plan, which contains the

following provision (4.7: Development and introduction of integrated pest management and

alternative methods/practices) in keeping with Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC:

‘4.7 Development and introduction of integrated pest management and alternative

methods/practices (Article 14 of the Directive)

4.7.1 Practices to promote integrated pest management and organic farming under aid


Status quo:

Integrated pest management and organic farming are promoted in Austria under the

Austrian Eco-Friendly Farming Programme (ÖPUL) 2007-2013.


The province of Lower Austria is committed to providing sufficient financial resources for a

similar environmental programme after 2013 and aid and research programmes take

account of integrated pest management and organic farming.

4.7.2 Crop- and sector-specific guidelines for integrated pest management

Status quo:

The ÖPUL includes IPM guidelines for Austria intended to motivate professional users to

take part voluntarily. A fixed amount in compensation is designed to compensate for

reduced yields expected and husbandry problems.


The province of Lower Austria is committed to continuing this programme without

compromising competitiveness (compensation for reduced yields).

The province of Lower Austria is improving current IPM guidelines for all crops together with

the other provinces and federal offices, in keeping with Annex III to the Directive.

The province of Lower Austria is committed to the development and introduction of

alternative pest management methods or practices for gardens and green spaces.

The province of Lower Austria is supporting this through further training and advice on all


4.7.3 Untreated control plots (spraying windows)

Status quo:

There is currently no general evaluation of pest management methods.

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The province of Lower Austria recommends setting up “spraying windows” when harmful

organisms appear in certain annual crops, in order to verify the pest management method

(marked as control areas).

The province of Lower Austria is using the results obtained to optimise advisory services.’

We can also report that the Lower Austria Chamber of Agriculture has been set up as an

official pest management office in keeping with Section 6 of the Lower Austria Pesticides Act

(Regional Law Gazette 6130-4). As such, it is responsible for providing information and

advice to the administrative authorities and compiling expert reports on all pest

management issues. The Lower Austria Chamber of Agriculture regularly posts up-to-date

information on efficient and sustainable pest management on its website, especially up-to-

date information on pest attacks in various crops in individual regions, together with

recommended pest control measures.

Lower Austria Provincial Government

By Order

Dr Gundacker


This letter has an electronic signature

Information is available at

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Report by the

province of

Upper Austria

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Page 1


Directorate of Constitutional Services

Landhausplatz 1, 4021 Linz


Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,

Environment and Water Management

Stubenring 12

1010 Vienna



Case officer: Mag. Dr Elisabeth Huemer LL.B.

Tel.: (+43 732) 7720 117 06

Fax: (+43 732) 7720 211 713

e-mail: [email protected]

Linz, 17 June 2013

Reports by the provinces in accordance with

Section 13(2)(2) of the Pesticides Act 2011 for

the purpose of Article 14 (Integrated pest

management) of Directive 2009/128/EC on the

sustainable use of pesticides

(Ref.: BMLFUW-LE.2.1.15/0034-III/91/2013 dated

28 May 2013)

Dear Sirs,

Further to the letter from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and

Water Management dated 28 May 2013, please find herewith the following report by the

Office of the Provincial Government of Upper Austria under Article 14(3) of Directive

2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use

of pesticides.

We have not used the optional form provided by the European Commission as it is too

detailed for the specific information currently available and the Upper Austria action plan on

the sustainable use of pesticides already contains detailed information.

The Upper Austria Provincial Parliament amended the provisions of Chapter IV of the Upper

Austria Soil Protection Act 1991 on pest management (Regional Law Gazette No 44/2012),

thereby also transposing Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community

action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides and Chapter 3 (Basic Provisions) of the

Pesticides Act 2011.

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Section 16a(2)(2) of the Upper Austria Soil Protection Act 1991 transposes Section 13(2)(2)

of the Pesticides Act 2011 by making provision for reports to the Federal Ministry of

Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management for the purpose of integrated

pest management in accordance with Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC.

Under Section 21a of the Upper Austria Soil Protection Act 1991, the provincial government

is required to prepare an action plan for the sustainable use of pesticides. That action plan

must promote the development and introduction of integrated pest management and

alternative methods and practices (such as organic farming and, in particular, non-chemical

pest management) and the use of beneficial organisms, in order to reduce reliance on

pesticides, taking account of the general principles of integrated pest management, the

principles of good pesticide practice and the principle of precaution.

The government of Upper Austria has already prepared that action plan, which contains the

following provision (4.7: Development and introduction of integrated pest management and

alternative methods/practices) in keeping with Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC:

‘4.7 Development and introduction of integrated pest management and alternative

methods/practices (Article 14 of the Directive)

4.7.1 Practices to promote integrated pest management and organic farming under aid


Status quo:

Under Section 21a(1)(2) of the Upper Austria Soil Protection Act 1991, the development and

introduction of integrated pest management and alternative methods and practices (such as

organic farming and, in particular, non-chemical pest management) and the use of beneficial

organisms must be promoted, in order to reduce reliance on pesticides.

Integrated pest management and organic farming are promoted in Austria under the

Austrian Eco-Friendly Farming Programme (ÖPUL) 2007-2013. In Upper Austria, agricultural

investment credits can be used to buy new soil-working machinery, especially for careful soil

management, and weeding machinery.


The province of Upper Austria is committed to providing sufficient financial resources for

the new programme for 2014-2020 and aid and research programmes take proper account

of integrated pest management and organic farming.

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4.7.2 Crop- and sector-specific guidelines for integrated pest management

Status quo:

The ÖPUL includes IPM guidelines for Austria intended to motivate professional users to

take part voluntarily. A fixed amount in compensation is designed to compensate for

reduced yields expected and husbandry problems.


The province of Upper Austria is committed to continuing this programme without

compromising competitiveness (compensation for reduced yields) and supports it through

further training and advice.

The province of Upper Austria is improving current IPM guidelines for all crops together

with the other provinces and federal offices, in keeping with Annex III to the Directive and,

for that purpose, keeps an up-to-date directory of the number and type of federal

government-approved pesticides for each “target organism”, the optimum method of use

and alternatives which do not use pesticides. The objective is to classify the method of use

of pesticides by risk, as the basis for integrated pest management, in order to achieve eco-

friendly use wherever possible.

4.7.3 Untreated control plots (spraying windows)

Status quo:

There is currently no general evaluation of pest management methods.


The province of Upper Austria recommends setting up “spraying windows” when harmful

organisms appear in certain crops, in order to verify the pest management method (marked

as control areas).

The province of Upper Austria is using the results obtained to optimise advisory services.’

The province of Upper Austria also promotes measures that dispense with the use of

(certain) pesticides under the Austrian Eco-Friendly Farming Programme (ÖPUL), which is

designed to achieve eco-friendly, extensive farming that protects the natural environment.

Finally, we can also report that the Upper Austria Chamber of Agriculture has been set up as

an official pest management office in keeping with the Upper Austria Pesticides Act 2002. As

such, it is responsible for providing information and advice to the administrative authorities

and compiling expert reports on all pest management issues. The Upper Austria Chamber of

Agriculture regularly posts up-to-date information on efficient and sustainable pest

management on its website, especially up-to-date information on pest attacks in various

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crops in individual regions, together with recommended pest control measures (see: or

Yours faithfully,

For the Upper Austria Provincial Government

By order

Mag. Dr Elisabeth Huemer


This document has an electronic signature. Information on how to verify electronic signatures and printouts is

available at:

All correspondence should be addressed to:

Amt der Oö. Landesregierung. Direktion Verfassungsdienst, Landeshausplatz 1, 4021 Linz

quoting the reference given on this letter.

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Report by the

province of


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of Styria Agriculture and Forestry Department 10

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,

Environment and Water Management

Department III/9 – Pesticides

Stubenring 12

1010 Vienna

by e-mail to [email protected]

Ref.: ABT 10-60C-1/1992-267

Re: Reports by the provinces in accordance with Section

13(2)(2) of the Pesticides Act 2011 for the purpose of

Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC

Report by the province of Styria

Case officer: HR Dipl.Ing Pusterhofer

Dr Günther

Tel.: (0316) 877 6601

(0316) 877 6912

Fax: (0316) 877 6900

e-mail: [email protected]

Please quote reference in all correspondence

Graz, 1 July 2013

Dear Sirs,

Further to the above letter dated 28 May 2013 on the above matter (ref. BMLFUW-

LE.2.1.15/0034-III9a/2013), please find below our report under Article 14(1), (2) and (3) of

Directive 2009/128/EC, especially on the necessary conditions for the implementation of

integrated pest management.

Directive 2009/128/EC (therefore including paragraph 1 of Article 14 (Integrated pest

management) of Directive 2009/128/EC) was transposed under the Styria Pesticides Act

2012, Section 1(2), which is intended to bring about a reduction in the risks and impact from

the use of pesticides to and on human health and the environment, promote integrated

pest management and alternative methods and practices, such as non-chemical alternatives

to pesticides and guarantee sustainable use.

The training certification system was inaugurated on 1 March 2013 and, as of

26 November 2015, only professional users in possession of a training certificate will be

allowed to use pesticides (other than pesticides for use in households and allotments).

The Styria action plan for the sustainable use of pesticides 2010-2016 contains a series of

measures to reduce additional risks from the use of chemical pesticides, especially to human

beings, animals and the environment, and to reduce the use of such pesticides to passable

levels, based on a high standard of eco-friendly pest management.

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The number of applications of chemical pesticides must, where required, be reduced to the

extent necessary within the meaning of integrated pest management and, where possible, a

large proportion of chemical pesticides must be replaced with non-chemical practices, such

as preventive, organic and mechanical pest management.


Essential measures for implementing integrated pest management are being introduced

under training/further training, advisory services, aid and experimentation:

Under Section 18 of the Styria Agricultural Aid Act, the Styria Chamber of Agriculture is

responsible for giving professional advice to agricultural and forestry holdings, including

advice on economic, ecological, technical and professional issues.

The Styria Chamber of Agriculture is also responsible under the Assignment Ordinance

(Regional Law Gazette No 76/1995, as published in Regional Law Gazette No 6/2007) for

implementing aid measures in connection with pest management, especially integrated pest


The Chamber of Agriculture has also been responsible since 1989 for providing training and

further training courses in pest management (most recently under the Styria Pesticides Act


Measures implemented by the Styria Chamber of Agriculture

Advice provided by the Styria Chamber of Agriculture generally focuses on the purpose

and objectives of integrated pest management. The various specialist departments of

the Chamber of Agriculture provide advice in the following specific areas:

Crop (arable) farming

Warning services:

A total of twelve weather stations provide reports for arable farmers.

The data from the weather stations are freely available at

The data from the weather stations are input into a proPlant model

which forecasts diseases and harmful organisms in wheat, barley, rape, potato and sugar

beet crops.

o Infestations of these crops are listed by individual region.

o New infestations, including a 3-day forecast, are available for all


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Warning service recommendations: warning service recommendations

to farmers when damage thresholds (for diseases, harmful organisms, etc.) have been


o Warning service recommendations are sent out to registered users by e-mail or

fax (as requested) an average of 10-15 times a year.

Seminars/further training:

A half-day seminar on pest management in arable farming is organised

once a year.

Maize crop and pest management days and cereal crop and

alternatives days, each including 1.5-2 hours on pest management proper.

Field visits in spring and autumn for the purpose of learning how to

recognise pathogens (harmful organisms, weeds, diseases) and estimating control

thresholds during group consultations.


One-to-one advice by telephone or on site over the entire season.


The Crop Farming Department conducts experiments throughout the year in order to

provide answers to current questions in connection with diseases, harmful organisms and

weeds from an integrated pest management perspective.


o Experiments with individual active substances/components in order to promote

the use of pesticides with fewer or smaller quantities of active substances.

o Experiments with preparations which pose less of a risk to the environment (to

replace high-risk active substances).


o Experiments with alternative (organic) control methods to replace

methods such as spraying with chemical insecticides (nematodes and fungal



o Experiments to control fusarium pathogens in order to keep crops free

of contamination from toxins.


Warning services:

Vegetable newsletter and ornamental plant newsletter: weekly

information for vegetable- and ornamental plant-growers with warnings about current

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outbreaks of disease and harmful organisms and tips on preventive pest management

(mechanical, physical or biotechnical).

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Advice on beneficial organisms for ornamental plant- and vegetable-

growers: regular (fortnightly) advice on site during the season, focussing on the use of

beneficial organisms and plant fortifiers in order to reduce the use of chemical


One-to-one advice (by telephone, on site).

Seminars/further training:

Pest management and alternative pest management methods:

o Vegetable and ornamental plant pest management days

o Beneficial organism workshop and organic pest management

o Group consultation on vegetables and ornamental plants

One-day seminars on Chinese cabbage, lettuce, horseradish, beetle

bean, pumpkin

In connection with integrated production (IP):

o Vegetable and oil pumpkin IP training


o Farm visits


Warning services:

Weather data from 22 small Adcon weather stations maintained by

fruit-growing experts.

Chamber of Agriculture warning service (Kernfax): around 25 warnings

a year sent out by fax or e-mail.


o Scab forecast: Marc Trapman (RIMpro) scab forecasting model

o Fire blight: Maryblyt

o Codling moth: heat sum model

o Harmful organism monitoring (glue panels and pheromone traps)

from eight reporting farms

o Own harmful organism monitoring on the ground (fruit-growing



Training farmers in how to recognise pests and estimate control

thresholds during group and one-to-one consultations (voluntary participation).

Seminars/further training:

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Pest management seminars:

o Discussion and explanation of pest management strategies and

objectives and content of integrated pest management plans.


Warning services:

Weather data from 3 small Adcon weather stations and four other

weather stations

VitiMeteo project:

o Link between (at present) four weather stations and online forecast

model. Information freely available at

Chamber of Agriculture warning service: approx. 8-10 warnings a year

sent out by fax, e-mail and Weinbauverband circulars


o Peronospora: forecast via VitiMeteo and weather stations

o Vine moth: 2 traps ( and harmful organism

monitoring by ten reporting farms using pheromone traps

o American grapevine leafhopper: results of monitoring by the province

of Styria

o Our monitoring of harmful organisms (by Chamber of Agriculture

viticulture experts) in local vineyards


Training to recognise pathogens and estimate control thresholds in

group and one-to-one consultation (voluntary participation)

o >80 group consultations a year arranged

Seminars/further training:

Pest management lecture at nine winter viticulture seminars:

o Discussion and explanation of pest management strategies and

objectives and tips on integrated pest management.


The Department of Viticulture conducts five experiments a year (to verify existing strategies

and their impact and try out new active substances) in order to provide answers to current

problems in connection with diseases and harmful organisms from an integrated pest

management perspective. The following experiments were arranged in 2013:

Follow-up experimental spraying for Peronospora, Oidium and Botrytis

Experiment to contain Stolbur

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Experiment to control American vine leafhopper larvae

Pest management training courses

Styria introduced regulations governing training in the use of pesticides in agriculture in


The Pest Management Manual is used as a basis for preparing lecture papers and the

chapters on ecology and integrated pest management provide comprehensive material

for use in training courses.

Training courses each lasting 20 hours are offered around six times a year for

professional users wishing to obtain a training certificate under Section 6 of the Styria

Pesticides Act 2012.

Further training courses each lasting 5 hours will be offered from 2013 onwards.

Experimentation work by the Styria Provincial Government:

Department 10 of Agriculture and Forestry takes measures to promote the implementation

of integrated pest management.

Haidegg fruit-growing and viticulture experimentation stations (examples):

Experiments with full net covers to establish if they offer an alternative form of control

against fire blight, codling moth, plum fruit moth, etc. and for regulation of fruit


Experiments with alternative pesticides and plant fortifiers in order to guarantee the

sustainable use of chemical pesticides.

Testing of various new strains of apples under sterile conditions.

Testing of various new strains of resistant apples for organic farming.

Mechanical methods of regulation of fruit development:

o have been developed and are being improved

Testing of fungus-resistant varieties of grape for viticulture in Styria

Testing of an ‘attract and kill’ method to control spotted-wing drosophilia:

o Mixture of ‘combi-protec’ bait and approved insecticides in order to reduce cost

per acre and waiting time.

Wies special experimentation station for special crops (examples):

Beneficial organisms have been used in conventional and protected organic farming for

several years in the special crops experimentation station (cooperation with Department

of Horticulture of Styria Chamber of Agriculture advisors on beneficial organisms).

Beneficial organisms used: Mesostigmata, Nematode, Chalcid Wasp, Rhyssa persuasoria

and Cecidomyiidae.

Only where the attack can no longer be controlled using beneficial organisms are (as

species-specific as possible) pesticides used.

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New methods are also elaborated during annual experimentation planning, such as the

use of plant fortifiers or testing of flower strips in protected farming.

Measures such as balanced fertilisation management, crop rotation and suitable

cultivation methods are used to prevent various diseases, harmful organisms and weeds.

Both experimentation stations are recognised as test facilities under Section 5 of the

Pesticides act 1997.


A series of measures under the ÖPUL take particular account of integrated pest

management (see ‘Organic Husbandry’, ‘Avoiding use of yield-boosting products on arable

farms’, ‘Avoiding use of yield-boosting products on forage and grasslands’, ‘Avoiding use of

fungicides on cereal crops’ and various IP measures). More detailed information on this,

such as the land and farms involved, can be found in the Federal Ministry’s annual ‘Green

Report’, which is available online.


To summarise: the conditions for the implementation of integrated pest management

within the meaning of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC have already been established in

large measure in the province of Styria and information and tools to aid monitoring of

harmful organisms and decision making and integrated pest management advisory services

are available to professional users. Integrated pest management is therefore already applied

in practice to a large extent.

Yours faithfully,

For the Styria Provincial Government

Head of Department

Filed original signed

HR Dipl.-Ing. Georg Zöhrer

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Report by the

province of

the Tyrol

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Tyrol Our Province Signed electronically SID2013071023645 Information at: [email protected]

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Department III/9, Crop Cultivation Sandra Seidl-Spreitzer by e-mail to: [email protected]

Office of the Tyrol Provincial Government

Agricultural Schooling, Hunting and Fisheries

Agricultural and Forestry Law

Mag. Gerhard Wagenhofer

Tel.: +43(0)512 508 2493

Fax: +43(0) 512 508 742545

[email protected]

DPR: 0059463

Report by the province of Tyrol under Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC on the

sustainable use of pesticides

Ref.: LWSJF-LR-6070/144-2013

Innsbruck, 03 July 2013

Dear Sirs,

Further to your letter dated 28 May 2013 (ref. BLMFUW-LE.2.1.15/0034-II/9a/2013), please

find below the report by the Tyrol Provincial Government under Article 14 of Directive

2009/128/EC in accordance with Section 27(2) of the Tyrol Pet Management Act 2012

(Federal Law Gazette No 56)

Integrated pest management is the global approach to sustainable pest management in

conventional agriculture. Even as early as 1985, the FAO Code of Conduct on the

Distribution and Use of Pesticides cited integrated pest management as a core element of

sustainable pest management. The regulations adopted by the Tyrol Provincial Government

have been based on that concept since 2006.

Integrated pest management is set up as a holistic, long-term pest management system in

the aim of taking equal account of ecological, economic and social demands by switching to

non-chemical pesticides and keeping the use of chemical pesticides to the absolute

minimum. This means that all decisions must be carefully weighed and that technical

information must be provided and used to the highest standard.

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Integrated pest management means sensibly combining all possible crop pest management

measures in the most eco-friendly way, by using all economic, technical and ecological

processes possible in a sensibly coordinated way in order to keep harmful organisms in

crops below the damage threshold and minimise unwanted side effects. Firstly, natural pest

limitation methods are exhausted, such as crop rotation, appropriate choice of crops and

varieties (for example crops that are resistant to certain harmful organisms), location

(climate, soil), optimal soil condition and, where appropriate, use of beneficial organisms

(ecological pest control). Only if that does not suffice are chemical pesticides used, but only

in the minimum quantity required and at the optimum time.

The basic principle of integrated pest management when it comes to using chemical

preparations is ‘as much as necessary, as little as possible’. Decisions are always based on

the ‘economic damage threshold/control threshold’. This means that farmers monitor

events in their crops very closely and only take action if the damage (e.g. loss of yield, loss of

quality, loss of income, etc.) is likely to be greater than the cost of treatment (cost of

pesticide and application costs).

The ‘economic damage threshold’ means the level beyond which the attack or weed

infestation cannot be tolerated, based on a close correlation established between the

density of the harmful organisms, the level of damage and the control costs. The

questionable objective of exterminating harmful organisms is replaced by a system of

regulating diseases, harmful organisms and weeds. In the case of fungal diseases and

harmful animal organisms, the ‘economic damage threshold’ is not usually reached. If mass

reproduction is to be stopped in time, epidemiological ‘control thresholds’ are applied,

which are below the ‘economic damage threshold’.

The scientific community has established economic damage thresholds for numerous

harmful organisms. The fact that the economic damage threshold has been exceeded is

usually established during visual controls (monitoring). However, visual controls are not

possible for all harmful organisms, such as fungal diseases, because the spores are too small

and infections by fungal diseases can only be recognised after the incubation period has

finished. Likewise, numerous harmful animal organisms drop or fly off when approached

and therefore cannot be closely monitored. In such cases, warning services are used

wherever possible. Again natural limitation factors (bioregulators) should be considered

before applying fungal pesticides (e.g. the codling moth lays practically no eggs below

14 oC).

Integrated pest management depends on good knowledge of all the factors involved and

intensive monitoring of crops; there are no general recipes, because each situation is

different and requires a different combination of methods.

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The most important requirement for the purpose of targeted pest management based on

the ‘economic damage or control threshold’ is to establish the precise extent of the attack

by the disease, harmful organism or weed. In addition to establishing the precise extent of

direct attacks on crops, simple aids can be used for monitoring purposes (such as yellow

traps/boards, pheromone traps, weed counting frames, etc.). A great deal of effort is being

put into giving farmers decision-making aids. These often take the form nowadays of IT-

based expert reporting and forecasting systems and pest management warning services.

1. Expansion of IT-based expert report and forecasting systems

The province of Tyrol supports the introduction and expansion of forecasting and warning

systems so that pest management can be timed precisely and thus optimised.

The Tyrol Chamber of Agriculture operates a pesticide warning system with weather

stations distributed throughout the province from the municipality of Prutz in the district of

Landeck to the municipality of Dölsach in the district of Lienz.

The data from individual stations (temperature, leaf moisture content, precipitation,

humidity, overall radiation, soil temperature and soil moisture content) are used as the

basis for various algorithms to calculate the incidence of plant diseases such as fire blight,

late blight in potatoes, apple scab and harmful organisms such as Colorado beetle. The

system also generates SMS frost warnings for fruit-growers.

For the purpose of targeted control, the timing of treatment is vital is terms of the efficacy

and economy of pest management. The data recorded by the weather stations are used for

a forecasting model. The forecasts can then be used to give farmers suitable

recommendations in terms of treatment starting dates and, later on, optimum treatment

intervals or breaks, depending on the actual attack, thereby optimising the efficacy of pest

management, reducing the risk of harmful organisms becoming resistant and, ultimately,

reducing pest management measures. For example, this system allows three fewer

fungicide applications for late blight and Colorado beetle infestations in potatoes.

Efficient pest management now and in the future means that information must be available

quickly, directly and as close to real time as possible. This depends on having up-to-date,

precise information which is as specific as possible. This includes, in particular, regional/local

weather forecasts, regional/local warnings or disease forecasts and information on

optimum use of pesticides.

In order to achieve these objectives, structures in the form of weather stations are needed

to capture, store and transmit the necessary data and parameters (metering devices, data

loggers and transmission equipment). Due to the huge importance of local weather

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conditions, the density of the weather station network must be predicated as closely as

possible on the distribution of regions with constant weather conditions within the relevant

areas for the purpose of production and advice. The local weather in the province of Tyrol is

influenced mainly by the extreme topography of the Central Alps and varying conditions in

peripheral areas such as East Tyrol. This and the very different regional weather conditions

which it causes means that more weather stations are needed than in other regions of

Austria. The 27 weather stations currently in operation provide comprehensive cover for

most of the main production areas throughout the province.

Financing has been provided for important structures to support advisory services to

optimise/reduce the use of pesticides and contain plant diseases.

2. Advice on pesticides

Advice is an important component of integrated pest management in crops and elsewhere

and advisory services are used across the board in Tyrol.

At present, the Chamber of Agriculture runs a half-day pest department which is responsible

for training/further training in pest management and maintenance of the weather stations

run by the Chamber. As part of their advisory work, specialist departments for the various

sectors (forestry, vegetables, fruit, ornamental plants, grassland and arable farming) act as

contacts for farmers, providing advice on crops and recommending appropriate pest

management measures.

The province of Tyrol supports the official advisory services provided by the Chamber of

Agriculture and is committed to improving advice which is independent of economic

interests, in order to guarantee the sustainable economic success of agricultural production,

with a sustainable security of supply with quality foodstuffs, and ecological common

grassland management.

2.1 Advisory services provided by the Tyrol Chamber of Agriculture

2.1.1 Pest management

Detailed investigation of relevant data from specialist journals and advisory papers, adapted

to regional data supplied by the weather stations, supports eco-friendly agricultural

production in terms of quality assurance and improvement through integrated pest

management. Monitoring of harmful organisms by control stations (e.g. using traps or catch

tiles in vegetable fields) is another important area in terms of eco-friendly production.

Monitoring of the fire blight pathogen and information/warnings for farmers is an important

task of the Pest Management Department. Newsletters sent to farmers and SMS warnings

make this information and the data collated accessible to farmers. Training/further training

during specialist seminars, courses, lectures, information events, specialist advice and

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project-related support guarantee that information reaches the farmers and other persons


The basis for advice on pest management has been established in all plant production

sectors. Changes to legislation at European level are transposed by amending federal and

regional laws and associated ordinances. Coordination of specialist areas and specialist

input into on-going negotiations is the responsibility of the pest management departments.

The use of pesticides as a whole is being placed on new pillars, based on new regulations

governing training in the subject of pest management. The course approved by the

Provincial Government has been put out to tender for the spring 2013 training season. On-

going training events in individual specialist areas must be coordinated and, where possible,

approved as further training events within the meaning of the Tyrol Pesticides Act 2012. The

Tyrol Chamber of Agriculture is the delegated body responsible for issuing pesticide

licences. The objective is to establish the necessary conditions for further training in the use

of pesticides and to use specialist input to make it practicable and thus guarantee eco-

friendly and proper use of pesticides. A suitable system must be established for holding and

administering the necessary courses and administering the pesticide licences issued and put

into practice. In the coming years, an estimated 3 000 licences will be issued. They will be

valid for 6 years and can be extended by visiting the licensing departments.

There is a network of 27 weather stations in Tyrol which are operated and maintained for

plant production sectors. These stations provide important data which is used for crop

advice and thus for crop and variety selection. The data are also an indispensable source of

data for continual calculation of the risk of fire blight and other diseases and harmful


For farms, weather data are vital in crop-planning. For fruit-growers in particular, spring is

critical to the blooming period. The weather stations provide vital data on the risk of frost in

orchard areas and warn farmers of any risk by SMS. Given the framework of laws in force,

the system will be an indispensable source of data in the medium term for deciding on crop

and pesticide measures. The objective is to install new, user-friendly software at the stations

and increase the use made of the data by farmers. A course on using the new software was

organised in spring 2013. Specialist articles, information events and leaflets are compiled

using data from other advisory services and information from specialist journals and are

available to farmers.

2.1.2 Fruit-growing

Viability and increasing demand will favour expansion and increased production in Tyrol in

future for most of the quality fruit marketed primarily on the domestic market. Support in

the form of advice from the Chamber of Agriculture should lead to more professional fruit

farms in Tyrol, in the aim of producing better quality fruit.

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This following measures are being used to achieve this objective:

Tyrol fruit-growing seminar, organised by the Tyrol Chamber of Agriculture and the

TirolObst association as a specialist platform for presenting new information in the

fruit-growing sector and strengthening the network between fruit-growers.

Regular newsletter by fax, e-mail and SMS for effectively bundling and transmitting

information to fruit-growers with:

o frost warnings;

o fire blight warnings;

o scab warnings;

o pest management and crop advice during the current year.

Statutory guidelines.

Developing fruit-growing and expertise.

Expanding the website and using the information service as a source of knowledge

for fruit-growers.

Investigating, evaluating and transmitting vegetative and generative parameters and

the development dynamics of pathogens as an important basis for advice and

information for various orchard areas in Tyrol.

Individual and group consultations, on-site and at the Tyrol Chamber of Agriculture,

for direct knowledge and information exchange.

Arranging specialist excursions and pome and stone fruit farm visits in the various

regions, in order to network fruit-growers and allow direct information exchange.

Cooperating with the South Tyrol network in order to exchange specialist

information and further training for advisors, thereby guaranteeing efficient

development and increased professionalism in the Tyrol fruit-growing sector.

Continuing the ObstWeb quality assurance project and modifying advice based on

experience from the first year of the project.

2.1.3 Ornamental plant-growing

Ornamental plant nurseries account for most turnover in the bedding and balcony plant

segment. This requires well-trained specialists for production and advice. The Ornamental

Plant Department supports nurseries by giving one-to-one advice and organising seminars.

In the production sector, horticulturalists can consult the national information service on

topical pest management issues. One focus of one-to-one advice is on the use of beneficial

organisms, which is in the interests of both horticulturalists and consumers. A bedding and

balcony plant seminar is also organised between departments responsible for industrial

engineering, use of inhibitors, innovations in bedding and balcony plants, marketing

instruments for nurseries and fertilisation. The end sales working party is being extended to

include ‘professionalising sales’ seminars, and excursions to the International Plant Fair in

Essen and Münster/Osnabrück are available. The core issues here are bedding and balcony

plants. Skilled labour tests for budding horticulturalists and master horticulturalist tests are

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prepared and held in liaison with the apprenticeship department and the examination

committee chaired. The national ‘Nursery School’ project is being coordinated for Tyrol.

Various ‘Tyrol Quality’ projects are being developed with Tyrol Agricultural Marketing,

including the ‘Garden Treasures’ magazine.

2.1.4 Vegetable-growing

Vegetable-growing in Tyrol has increased in recent years and has become a reliable partner

of the retail food industry. Farms have a firm handle on the various quality assurance

systems which must be implemented.

The objective is to improve the position of vegetable-growing in Tyrol, introduce new

products and production processes and further improve safety and quality. Holdings are

advised and trained for that purpose. Projects are being implemented in 2013 to:

Expand the information service for farmers (weekly e-mail sent to holdings in Tyrol),

in the aim of ensuring holdings have current information on pest management

problems, new regulations and current developments.

Provide on-going group and one-to-one consultations in the aim of improving


Train and advise participants in ÖPUL programmes and GLOBAL-GAP and other

quality assurance systems and support them prior to annual controls.

Organise field and test site visits in order to present practical examples and improve

cooperation between farmers.

Answer questions on varieties by arranging small-scale demonstrations and

publishing an annual variety advisor.

Organise special events, trials and advice to support the development of organic

vegetable-growing and increase the size of the organic segment in the long term.

Optimise fertilisation through on-going nitrate metering, regular soil sampling and

fertilisation plan preparation.

Establish the ‘Quality Assurance’ working party in order to improve security in

connection with the problem of pesticide residues, by investigating product samples

and optimising pest management strategies.

Organise lectures, information events and excursions to events and trade fairs.

Improve the department’s website as a source of advice. A section accessible to

members only includes up-to-date information on pest management and varieties.

The national newsletter issued is edited jointly by the vegetable-growing

departments and sent to subscribers once a week. Trans-regional cooperation also

allows varieties of vegetables which are less important in certain provinces to be


Develop and constantly improve software for farm records.

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Continually test new cultivation processes. For example, more fruit vegetables were

cultivated under protective roofing in 2013. Due to crop rotation and marketing

considerations, crops other than cucumbers had to be tested. Pepper and runner

bean crops are being tested in 2013 and numerous technical questions are being

addressed in this context.

Grow new crops in small-scale tests or on pilot holdings. Tests with organic

mushrooms and wasabi began in 2013.

Support the use of beneficial organisms in protected fruit vegetable crops with on-

going advice. The use of protective roofing is being tested alongside traditional

greenhouses in a bid to encourage farmers to switch to organic farming and build up

a positive product image.

2.1.5 Regional farming-related tasks

Advise the ‘Green Tyrol’ Federation of Tyrol Fruit- and Vegetable-Growers

Associations (18 200 members).

Support the Tyrol Association of Tree-keepers (430 members).

Edit the ‘Green Tyrol’ journal (circulation: 16 200).

Advise small-scale gardeners (fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants).

Train tree-keepers (certified training service).

Further train advisors to fruit and vegetable associations.

Support further training of pome fruit-growers.

Issue separate publications for the garden sector.

Arrange technical excursions.

Special projects 2013:

o Youth School Family – cooperation with schools and kindergartens to

increase awareness of the garden and the environment

o Species in our gardens – establishing wild plants and ornamental grasses

o Training of a new pome fruit group

2.1.6 Crop cultivation

Advice and production project management

May beetle monitoring in cooperation with Innsbruck University

3. Regional crop trials

Crop trials are supported in order to safeguard the standard of advice given, establish bases

for ecological farming in keeping with the principle of integrated pest management, reduce

the use of pesticides, encourage the use of lower-risk pesticides, give preference to organic

pest management methods and develop suitable risk management measures. This provides

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the basis for informed training/further training and specialist advice based on information

from crop trials tailored to regional requirements.

ARGE Agricultural Trials, a joint venture between the province of Tyrol and the Tyrol

Chamber of Agriculture, plays a key role here. It is responsible for planning and carrying out

field tests and summarising and presenting the results. The results are then used by holdings

as a basis for and aid to deciding on crop varieties, thereby supporting individual farmers in

meeting the challenges of satisfying both the market and the requirements of eco-friendly


In a province such as Tyrol, where specific climate conditions prevail (unlike in the main

production areas), selecting the right varieties is as vital as technical production measures.

Overall, there is a very broad selection, but not all are equally suited to the inner Alpine

location of Tyrol and a variety can only produce what is in its nature. Whether or not that

potential is exhausted depends primarily on the prevailing environmental conditions. That is

why the results of on-going testing of new varieties in special trials is a good aid to decision


The province of Tyrol is also committed to providing adequate financial resources for a

similar environmental programme after 2013 and to developing and introducing alternative

pest management practices and methods in the household and allotment sector, in sports

grounds and golf courses and in green spaces and takes proper account of integrated pest

management and eco-friendly agriculture in aid and research programmes.

4. Publicity work

The province of Tyrol prepares information material in cooperation with the Federal

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, the Austrian Agency

for Health and Food Safety (AGES) and other provinces, and ensures efficient dissemination

through lectures, modern media and high-profile events such as the ‘Our Country House’

open day.

Yours faithfully,

For the Tyrol Provincial Government

Mag. Gerhard Wagenhofer

cc for information:

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Office of the Tyrol Provincial Government, Department of Constitutional Services, through

ELAK to: Department of Constitutional Services

Office of the Tyrol Provincial Government, Agrar Group, through ELAK to: Gr Agrar

Tyrol Chamber of Agriculture, Production, Special Crops and Market, Ulrich Zeni, by e-mail

to: [email protected].

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Report by the

province of


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Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government

No: Va-4691 Bregenz, 26 June 2013

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Contact:

Environment and Water Management Dipl.-Ing. Tanja Pitter

Department III/9a – Pest Management, Soil Tel.: +43(0)5574 511 25115

Conservation and Fertilisation

Mrs Monika Stangl DI

Stubenring 1

1010 Vienna

SMTP: [email protected]

Re: Report by the province of Vorarlberg under Article 14 (Integrated pest management) of

Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides in accordance with Section

13(2)(2) of the Pesticides Act 2011

Ref: BMLFUW-LE.2.1.15/0034-III/9a/2013

Dear Sirs,

Further to your letter of 28 May 2013 (ref. BMLFUW-LW.2.1.15/0034-III/9a/2013), please

find below the report under Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC by the province of

Vorarlberg, as prepared by the Department of Agriculture (Va), in consultation with the

Vorarlberg Chamber of Agriculture:

1. Legal bases

Section 10(2) of the Pesticides Act (Regional Law Gazette No 58/2007), as published in

Regional Law Gazette No 62/2012, requires pesticides to be used properly within the

meaning of Article 55 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. Persons who use pesticides

professionally must also apply the general principles of integrated pest management in

accordance with Article 14 of and Annex III to Directive 2009/128/EC.

Based on Sections 9a and 9b of the Pesticides Act, the Vorarlberg Provincial Government

passed the Vorarlberg Action Plan for responsible use of pesticides at its session on 12

February 2013.

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The Provincial Action Plan contains numerous measures in various sectors to mitigate the

impact of pesticides on human beings and the environment, taking due account of the

principle of integrated pest management.

2. Specific measures to implement and promote integrated pest management

Warning services, technical information for farmers (circular):

The Chamber of Agriculture has operated a network of weather stations for many years. The

weather data collated and various forecasting models are used to prepare control

recommendations for farmers. These data are supplemented by flanking measures, such as

traps (e.g. Diabrotica monitoring at 21 locations throughout the province, three changes of

traps and weekly checks) or feedback from farmers about attacks by harmful organisms.

A warning service for diseases and harmful organisms that attack fruit was set up about 15

years ago. In 2012, a potato warning service was set up for late blight and Colorado beetle,

showing if and when control measures are required and when they are not. A forecasting

programme for downy mildew in vines is currently being tested. There is a national warning

fax service for vegetable- and ornamental plant-growers which the Chamber of Agriculture

passes on to producers in Vorarlberg. Also, circulars and warnings for berry fruit, organic

fruit, organic vegetables, etc. are forwarded to the farmers in question. In 2012, for

example, 26 fruit warnings were each sent to 90 e-mail and 13 fax recipients, 1 132 calls

were logged by call desks, 9 potato warnings were published in the Chamber of Agriculture

newspaper and the Chamber sent out 26 circulars and around 200 e-mail newsletters (news

in brief and technical information from other chambers and associations).

Technical events, group consultation, one-to-one consultation

Numerous technical events at which experts advise on practical implementation are

organised every year throughout the province for fruit, vegetables, ornamental plants, wine,

fruit processing, potatoes and forage (e.g. 28 technical events with 597 participants, 1

certification course for tree-keepers with 60 participants, 2 technical excursions with 37

participants). Specific questions on integrated pest management are discussed at these

events. Two consultation groups were organised in 2012 on berries and apples and met

several times at orchards during the season (in the presence of an external specialist

advisor). Issues included the possibility of planting new, resistant species, cultivation

processes and potential to save pesticides by optimising equipment. In 2012, around 550

one-to-one consultations were given (by telephone, e-mail, in the office and on site) in both

the professional and amateur sectors.

Lectures and other information platforms are also provided for amateur gardeners (e.g.

28 specialist lectures were given to around 1 000 amateur gardeners and an open gardens

day with 45 gardens and 15 000 visitors was organised in 2012).

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Furthermore, the Chamber of Agriculture organised specialist courses to explain integrated

pest management to pesticide users.

Brand programmes:

Ländle Qualitätsprodukte Marketing GmbH has established or developed the following

brand programmes in cooperation with the Chamber of Agriculture over recent years:

- Ländle Apples

- Ländle Vegetables

- Ländle Potatoes

- Ländle Berries

These brands are based on production guidelines which every participating farmer must

undertake to comply with in writing. These guidelines are based on the relevant IP guideline

from the ÖPUL programme. Specialist support for Ländle Apples, Ländle Vegetables, Ländle

Potatoes and Ländle Berries is provided by the Chamber of Agriculture.

In order to combat the fire blight which has taken hold throughout the country, the

province of Vorarlberg has provided funding and established the legal bases for the use of

alternative pesticides over recent years, in collaboration with the Chamber of Agriculture, in

the aim of making control measures available which are not as controversial as


Equipment testing:

The Chamber of Agriculture organised two tests for field sprays and pump sprayers in

spring 2013, based on Section 3(5) of the Pesticides Ordinance (Regional Law Gazette

No 18/2008). Density, spray function, pump performance, etc. were tested.

Measures based on Provincial Action Plan:

Measures implemented:

The Vorarlberg Provincial Government issued a decree on 16 May 2013, based on the

Provincial Action Plan, prohibiting the use of total herbicides such as Roundup in public


Measures planned:

In future, municipalities should avoid the use of pesticides. The ‘Eco-friendly green spaces’

project was started by Department IVe (Environmental Protection) in order to achieve that

objective. Around 18 municipalities have joined up to date. Further measures are due to be

agreed and implemented over coming months in order to support municipalities in avoiding

the use of pesticides (training, information material, publicity work, etc.).

Information material is to be prepared for non-professional users of pesticides.

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Measures are planned in connection with the implementation of the ‘Vorarlberg Eco-

Province – regional and fair’ agricultural strategy to:

- double the proportion of organic holdings;

- further develop a Vorarlberg quality seal based on high production standards, in the

aim of reducing the use of pesticides.

It is clear from this report that the principles of integrated pest management are already

being implemented in numerous sectors in Vorarlberg and are being constantly expanded or


Yours faithfully,

By order of the Vorarlberg Provincial


pp Mag. Katharina Feuersinger

cc for information:

Vorarlberg Chamber of Agriculture

Montfortstrasse 9-11

6900 Bregenz

SMTP: [email protected]

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Report by the

province of


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Department 10 (Competence Centre for

Agriculture and Forestry) Agricultural Law Division

Date: 25 June 2013

Ref.: 10-KLPG-8/12-2013 (Please quote on all correspondence)


Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,

Environment and Water Management

Report by the provinces under Article 14 Contact: Mag. Carmen Zraunig

of Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable

use of pesticides Tel.: 050 536 11414

Fax: 050 536 11400

e-mail: [email protected]


Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,

Environment and Water Management

Department III/9

Crop Cultivation

Stubenring 12

1010 Vienna

Further to your letter dated 28 May 2013 (ref. BMLFUW-LE.2.1.15/0034-II/9a/2013), please

find below the report by the Carinthia Provincial Government:

The province of Carinthia is establishing the necessary conditions for integrated pest control

under the following measures:

Carinthia Action Plan on the sustainable use of pesticides 2012-2016 adopted by the

Provincial Government and published in Regional Law Gazette No 38/2012 on

30 April 2012.

Regular controls of compliance with pesticide legislation by inspectors from

Department 10 (Competence Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Agricultural Division of

the Office of the Carinthia Provincial Government (notified to the Federal Ministry of

Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in our letter of 8 April 2013

ref. 10-KPLG-8/3-2013).

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Joint controls of pesticides used for non-agricultural purposes by inspectors from

Department 10 and inspectors from Department 8 (Competence Centre for

Environment, Water and Conservation).

On-going information for persons concerned during control activities.

Regular information events (including field visits) by Carinthia Chamber of Agriculture

and Forestry.

Annual testing of pesticide equipment by Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry.

Regular information for the public on current developments (print media, online).

Therefore, the conditions have been established for the application of integrated pest

management within the meaning of Article 14(1) and (2) of Directive 2009/128/EC

establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides.

For the Carinthia Provincial Government

MMag. Scherling MA


Signatory Date/time (UTC)

Province of Carinthia 2013-06-25T07:35:07Z

This document has been signed electronically. Information on verifying electronic signatures can be obtained from: The authenticity of printouts of this document may be verified with the issuing office in person, in writing or by telephone. The issuing office must be accessible at its address or on its telephone number during office hours.

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Report by the

province of


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Report on the basis of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC - Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

DG SANCO UNIT E3 has elaborated the following questionnaire on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to facilitate Member States in their Obligation to report

on the basis of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and Council establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the

sustainable use of pesticides.

Article 14 reads as follows:

1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to promote low pesticide-input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical

methods, so that professional users of pesticides switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to human health and the environment among those

available for the same pest problem. Low pesticide-input pest management includes integrated pest management as well as organic farming according to

Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products (1).

2. Member States shall establish or support the establishment of necessary conditions for the Implementation of integrated pest management. In particular,

they shall ensure that professional users have at their disposal Information and tools for pest monitoring and decision making, as well as advisory services on

integrated pest management.

3. By 30 June 2013, Member States shall report to the Commission on the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 and, in particular, whether the necessary

conditions for implementation of integrated pest management are in place.

On this basis, the use of the questionnaire is facultative. It aims to provide guidance on the minimum Information to be collated, elaborated and transmitted to

COM by 30 June 2013. In cases where Information on IPM has already been provided in the National Action Plan (NAP) at the necessary level of detail,

Member States can make reference to the NAP.

1. User data

1.1. Please choose Member State:* (compulsory)

Austria, province: Burgenland 1.2 Name of Competent Authority responsible for filling in the survey:* compulsory)

Office of the Burgenland Provincial Government

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2. Planning, governance and coordination

2.1. Have you designated Competent Authorities responsible for planning, governance and coordination of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?*


[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

2.1.1. Please specify since when.* (compulsory)

The Burgenland Pesticides Act entered into force following publication of an announcement on 18 June 2012 (Bgld. PSMG 2012, Regional Law Gazette

No 46/2012).

2.1.2. Please specify when it is planned for.* (compulsory)

2.2. Please describe briefly and/or include reference to any available documents or annexes you have already provided/are going to provide. (optional)

The Burgenland Regional Action Plan 2012 on sustainable use of pesticides (No 4a-A-8142/574 dated 18 September 2012) lays down 5-year targets for the

sustainable use of pesticides and biocides, after which an evaluation will be carried out.

2.3. Which specific programmes on IPM have you developed? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Regional level

[ ] National level

[ ] Crops/sector level (e.g. orchards)

[ ] Other non agricultural sector (e.g. parks)

2.3.1. Please describe the sectors targeted and how many (e.g. orchards) (optional)

IP Guidelines under ÖPUL 2007-2013

2.4. Which specific programmes on IPM do you plan to develop? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Regional level

[ ] National level

[x] Crops/sector level (e.g. orchards)

[x] Other non agricultural sector (e.g. parks)

[ ] None

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2.4.1. Please describe the sectors targeted and for when they are planned. (optional)

The province of Burgenland improves current IP guidelines within the meaning of Annex 3 to Directive 2009/128/EC together with the other provinces and

federal offices for all crops.

The province of Burgenland is committed to developing and introducing alternative pest management methods and practices.

2.5. In which areas have you planned research on IPM to promote its development? (more than 1 answer possible)


[ ] Pathogens epidemiological studies

[x] Low input techniques

[ ] Damage or economic thresholds setting

[ ] Socio-economic studies

[x] Pest monitoring and/or decision support Systems

[ ] Others

2.5.1. Please describe others: (compulsory)

2.5.2. If possible, please provide a Short summary of the programs (optional)

2.6. In which areas do you intend to plan research on IPM to promote its development? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Pathogens epidemiological studies

[x] Low input techniques

[ ] Damage or economic thresholds setting

[ ] Socio-economic studies

[x] Pest monitoring and/or decision support systems

[ ] None

[ ] Others

2.6.1. Please describe others.* (compulsory)

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3. Communication and certified training

3.1. Have all concerned parties been duly informed on the obligation to apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM) general principles by January 2014?


[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.1.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Publication of Bgld. PSMG 2012, public information and publication of Provincial Action Plan, numerous media reports at national and regional level.

3.1.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (compulsory)

The province of Burgenland, in liaison with the federal government and the other provinces, is in favour of establishing and maintaining an online pest

management portal which will provide users and other groups concerned with qualitatively and quantitatively relevant specialist information and

generally comprehensible information, based on existing information sources introduced, such as the AGES website, the ÖAIP website, the Chamber of

Agriculture Agrarnet, the SVB information portal, guidelines for golf courses and relevant specialist media.

3.2. Have you organised visits to IPM fields/demonstration farms/workshops specifically for farmers? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Every year, the Burgenland Pesticide Office holds comprehensive integrated pest management courses for farmers during the winter. One-to-one

follow up consultations (both over the telephone and during on-site visits) have been well received.

3.2.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

3.3. Have you organised visits to IPM managed areas/workshops specifically for non agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.3.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

In Burgenland, information and training for all non-professional users is freely available at further training seminars organised by the Burgenland Chamber

of Agriculture or other training facilities. The province of Burgenland also supports all information events and endeavours to ensure that they are accessible

to the public, in the aim of increasing expertise in the use of pesticides in the allotment and hobby sectors.

3.3.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

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3.4. Will agricultural professional users be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.4.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

At present, professional users who have completed certain vocational training or training courses are considered to have the necessary expertise. The

province is now establishing all the necessary conditions for a certification system in accordance with Directive 2009/128/EC. As of 26 November 2015, only

professional users will be able to buy and use approved pesticides. The province of Burgenland will set up facilities for users to apply for training

certification from the local authorities by January 2015.

3.4.2. If planned, please specify how and when for. (compulsory)

The province is currently establishing all the necessary conditions for a certification system in accordance with Directive 2009/128/EC. As of

26 November 2015, only professional users will be able to buy and use approved pesticides. The province of Burgenland will set up facilities for users to

apply for training certification from the local authorities by January 2015. The province of Burgenland will set up facilities for users to apply for training

certification from the local authorities by January 2015. The Provincial Government ordinance in question is currently being evaluated.

3.5. Will non-agricultural professional users be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.5.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.5.2. If planned, please specify how and when for. (compulsory)

3.6. Will distributors of Plant Protection Products (PPP) be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4. Advisory services, pest monitoring and decision making tools

4.1. Are advisory services on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) available to agricultural professional operators? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.1.1. If yes, please specify how and since when.(optional)

The province of Burgenland is committed to improving advice independent of any economic interests, which will guarantee the sustainable economic

success of agricultural production and a sustainable security of supply with quality foodstuffs.

By establishing and expanding official advice, the province of Burgenland is providing essential support for the issues addressed in the Provincial Action


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Two pesticide advisors from the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture are currently involved in giving official advice on behalf of the province. As well as

providing advice on application and prevention, they also perform training and further training tasks. In addition to training and on-site advice, online

services and a hotline are also provided.

The province of Burgenland is compiling information material in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water

Management, the AGES and the other provinces and ensures that it is efficiently disseminated using modern media.

The province of Burgenland supports pesticide experiments in order to safeguard the standard of advice, optimise the use of pesticides, use lower-risk

pesticides, give preference to organic control measures and develop appropriate risk management measures.

The province of Burgenland supports the introduction and expansion of forecasting and warning systems to ensure that pest management measures are

timed correctly.

4.1.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

4.2. Are advisory services on IPM available to non-agricultural professional operators? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

The Pesticides Office of the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture also has access to people whose main occupation is not agriculture.

4.2.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

4.3. Are advisory services in IPM trained and certified? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.3.1. If yes, please specify by whom. (optional)

Through further training and training under the ÖAIP, at AGES and in periodic pesticide seminars and workshops.

4.3.2. If planned, please specify for when and by whom. (optional)

4.3.3. If no, how do you ensure they are professionally qualified? (compulsory)

4.4. Which decision making tools are already available to advisors and/or professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Weather Early warning/diagnosis Intervention Monitoring traps, Outcome Other IT decision Others forecasting services systems thresholds test kits forecasting models support Systems

4.4.1. If other, please specify. (optional)

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4.5 Please describe the sector/territorial coverage for each of the tools selected in question 4.4 (e.g. regions). (optional)

Throughout the province.

4.6 Will decision making tools be made available to advisors and/or professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.6.1. If yes, please specify the tools and for when they are planned. (compulsory)

Farmers can access online warning services. These are based on a comprehensive system of ADCON weather stations and provide the basis for modern

pesticide forecasts. In order to ensure targeted use in keeping with environmental requirements, the current pesticide early warning system is constantly

updated and maintained at the state of the art.

4.7. Who is involved in the elaboration of data for early diagnosis systems? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[x] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[ ] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

4.7.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.8. Will there be data elaborated from early diagnosis systems? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.8.1. If yes, please specify from whom and for when it is planned. (compulsory)

The pesticide early warning system will be operated by the Pesticide Service of the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture.

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4.9. Who is involved in any update of existing models/threshold and for development of new models/thresholds (e.g. for new crop/pests combination)?

(more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[x] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[ ] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ]Others

4.9.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.10. Will models/thresholds be developed? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.10.1. If yes, please specify as appropriate from whom, which models and when. (compulsory)

Records of pesticide use will be kept within the framework of integrated production. The province of Burgenland is developing standard documentation for

pesticide records kept by professional users in liaison with other provinces. The province of Burgenland will use data collated for the purpose of evaluating

pesticide use from December 2014 onwards.

4.11. How do the advisors communicate to agricultural professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Smart phone messages

[ ] Bulletins via mail

[x] Web-sites

[ ] Bulletins available in Info points

[x] Advisors visits

[ ] Obligatory advisors written prescription

[ ] Written individual advice

[ ] Unknown

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[ ] Others

4.11.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.12. Do you plan to extend the means of communication from advisors to agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.12.1. If yes, please specify how and when they are planned for. (optional)

The province of Burgenland, in liaison with the federal government and the other provinces, is in favour of establishing and maintaining an online pest

management portal which will provide users and other groups concerned with qualitatively and quantitatively relevant speciali st information and

generally comprehensible information, based on existing information sources introduced, such as the AGES website, the ÖAIP website, the Chamber of

Agriculture Agrarnet, the SVB information portal, guidelines for golf courses and relevant specialist media.

4.13. How do the advisors communicate to non-agricultural professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Smart phone messages

[ ] Bulletins via mail

[x] Web-sites

[ ] Bulletins available in Info points

[ ] Advisors visits

[ ] Obligatory advisors written prescription

[ ] Written individual advice

[ ] Unknown

[ ] Others

4.13.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.14. Do you plan to extend the means of communication from advisors to non-agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.14.1. If yes, please specify how and when they are planned for. (optional)

The province of Burgenland, in liaison with the federal government and the other provinces, is in favour of establishing and maintaining an online

pest management portal.

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4.15. Please provide a brief description of the structure of IPM advisory services, (compulsory)

Two pesticide advisors from the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture are currently involved in giving official advice on behalf of the province. As well as

providing advice on application and prevention, they also perform training and further training tasks. In addition to training and on-site advice, online

services and a hotline are also provided.

4.16. Is the organisation of advisory services private and/or public? (compulsory)

[ ] Private [x] Public [ ] Private and Public Province of Burgenland

4.17. How are the advisory services financed? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Public financial support

[ ] Mixed public/private

[ ] Private

[ ] Public direct payment to farmers in order to make use of the services

[ ] Other

4.17.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.18. Are advisors available for agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.18.1. If yes, please specify how many. (optional)

2 persons

4.18.2. Please specify how many and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

4.19. Are advisors available for non-agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.19.1. If yes, please specify how many. (optional)

The 2 persons referred to in 4.18.1.

4.19.2. Please specify how many and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

4.20. Are advisory services connected to technical scientific infrastructures operating on IPM such as diagnosis laboratories? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

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4.20.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

The pest management advisors are permanently linked with scientific infrastructures of universities, the AGES and diagnosis laboratories via periodic pest

management conferences and workshops organised by the Chambers of Agriculture, the ÖAIP and the AGES.

4.20.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

4.21. Are research needs transmitted from fields to academia? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.21.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Via various pest management conferences, workshops, on-going contacts, etc.

4.21.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

Research required into risks and pest management measures for agricultural crops are mainly agreed within the framework of pest management

conferences organised by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and via on-going communication.

4.22.? (compulsory Is the feed-back granted from and to farmers on the Solutions achieved)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.22.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

New information from monitoring and research is continually passed on to farmers.

4.22.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

Via planned pest management website, publications in Chamber of Agriculture newsletter, current warning messages, telephone advice, on-site visits, etc.

4.23. Have you organised a demonstration farms network? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.23.1. If yes, please specify how and how many farms are involved. (optional)

4.23.2. If planned, please specify how it will be organised, how many farms will be involved and when will be implemented. (compulsory)

4.24. Have you organised any other demonstration network? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.24.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

4.24.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

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5. Guidelines and other informative technical Information

5.1. Are guidelines on general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) available? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.1.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national).(compulsory)

National IP guidelines have been issued within the framework of the ÖPUL in Austria, to encourage voluntary participation by professional users.

5.1.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available. (compulsory)

5.2. Are sector specific guidelines on general principles of IPM available? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

5.2.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national), (compulsory)

ÖPUL integrated production guidelines for certain arable crops and for vegetables, fruit, hops and wine.

5.2.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available. (compulsory)

5.3. Are IPM guidelines legally adopted? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

5.3.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national), (compulsory)

Special Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Guidelines for the Austrian Programme to promote eco-friendly

extensive farming that protects the natural environment.

5.3.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national), when it is planned for and when they will be adopted. (compulsory)

5.4. what sectors are responsible for development and updating of IPM guidelines? (more than 1 answer possible)


[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[x] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

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[ ] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

5.4.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.5. Will IPM guidelines be updated and/or further developed? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

5.5.1. If yes, please specify by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

According to the Pest Management Action Plan 2012, it will be evaluated after 5 years and, if necessary brought into line with the current state of the art.

5.6. Are crop specific guidelines available to agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.6.1. If yes, please provide detailed Information or, in case, link to national webpages. Please also specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national),


Specific IP provisions can be downloaded at

5.6.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available.(compulsory)

5.7. What sectors are involved in the distribution of guidelines to farmers and other professional users? (more than 1

answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IP advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[x] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[x] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[ ] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

5.7.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

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5.8. Will guidelines to farmers and other professional users be distributed? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

5.8.1. If yes, please specify by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

In further training events organised by the Pest Management Service of Burgenland and, in particular, guidelines for users will be passed on via planned pest

management website.

5.9. How are IPM guidelines made available to professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Handbook on IPM

[x] Internet webpages

[ ] Smart phone

[ ] Other

5.9.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.10. Will IPM guidelines be made available to professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

5.10.1. Please specify how, by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

In further training events organised by the Pest Management Service of Burgenland and, in particular, guidelines for users will be passed on via planned pest

management website.

5.11. Which incentives have been put in place to encourage agricultural professional users to implement crop or sector specific guidelines for IPM on a

voluntary basis? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Compulsory linked to financial support

[ ] IPM advisory programs/IPM support programs

[ ] Awareness raising campaigns

[ ] Food industry retailers demand

[ ] Certified production Systems

[ ] Others

5.11.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

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5.12. Will incentives be put in place to encourage agricultural professional users to implement crop or sector specific guidelines for IPM on a voluntary basis?


[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

5.12.1. If yes please specify the incentives and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

The province of Burgenland is committed to consolidating voluntary avoidance of pesticides which present a high risk to groundwater in new aid

programmes (ÖPUL, etc.). It supports the use of pesticides which protect beneficial organisms as part of integrated pest management.

5.13. Which incentives have been put in place to encourage non-agricultural professional users to implement IPM sector specific guidelines on a voluntary

basis? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Compulsory linked to financial support

[ ] IPM advisory programs/IPM support programs

[ ] Awareness raising campaigns

[ ] Others

5.13.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.14. Will incentives be put in place to encourage non-agricultural professional users to implement IPM sector specific guidelines on a voluntary

basis? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.14.1. If yes please specify the incentives and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

6. Measure the progress achieved

6.1. Have you set indicators to measure progress in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

6.1.1. If yes, please describe them briefly. (compulsory)

Records on pesticide use are kept during the course of integrated production. Under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, pesticide records have been compulsory

for professional users since 14 June 2011. The annual raw data collated by Landwirtschaftliche Buchführungsgesellschaft (LBG) for the Green Report include

expenditure on pesticides. The province of Burgenland is developing standard documentation for pesticide records kept by professional users in liaison with

other provinces. The province of Burgenland will use data collated by the LBG for the purpose of evaluating pesticide use from December 2014 onwards.

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6.1.2. Please describe them briefly and when they will be implemented. (compulsory)

6.2. Do you have other actions to measure progress? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

6.2.1. If yes, please describe them briefly. (compulsory)

The province of Burgenland recommends setting up ‘spraying windows’ when harmful organisms appear in agricultural crops in order to test pest

management measures. The province of Burgenland is using the information obtained to optimise advice.

Burgenland farmers are leaving spraying windows on 20 % of the area treated with pesticides up to December 2016 in order to test the efficacy of pesticides.

6.2.2. Please describe them briefly and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

7. Promotion of low pesticide input pest management

7.1. What are the measures put in place to prompt low pesticide-input pest management? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Information to farmers

[ ] Taxation System with low risk product advantaged

[ ] Lower fees for registration of low risk products

[ ] Simplified accelerated process of authorisation

[ ] Advisory support to companies in phase of registration

[ ] Targeted public research

[ ] Best projects awards

[ ] Best practices awards

[ ] Insurance scheme for minimising economical damage from plant diseases

[ ] Funding to support transitional phase to IPM

[ ] Organic farming subsidies

[ ] Integrated production subsidies

[ ] Direct support to farmers to by low risk PPP

[ ] Financial incentives for specific IPM equipment

[ ] Awareness raising on identified best practices to encourage development

[ ] Others

7.1.1. Please describe briefly how the measures selected in 7.1. are put in place or give reference to any document, national weblink, etc. (optional)

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7.2. Do you to plan put in place measures to prompt low pesticide-input pest management? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

7.2.1. If yes, please specify the measures and when they will be in place. (compulsory)

7.3. Is priority given to non-chemical methods? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

7.3.1. If yes, please describe or, in case, make reference to NAP chapters. (compulsory)

Further increase in organic farming under ÖPUL 2014

7.3.2. Please describe or, in case, make reference to NAP chapters and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

8. Complementary related policies

8.1. Are integrated Production certified schemes in place? (optional)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.1.1. If yes, please specify how they are managed (e.g. private/public). (optional)

For organic production.

8.1.2. Please specify for when it is planned and how they will be managed (e.g. private/public). (optional)

8.2. Is crop rotation at farm level encouraged? (optional)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Through ÖPUL guidelines, pest management regulations (e.g. rotation maize crops)

8.2.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (optional)

8.3. Are ecological infrastructures (e.g. wild flower strips, hedges, etc.) inside and outside the cultivation site encouraged? (optional)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.3.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Through ÖPUL regulations and/or cross compliance and GAEC.

8.3.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (optional)

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8.4. Are buffer zones between crop areas and sensitive off-crop areas encouraged? (optional)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.4.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Flower strips, ÖPUL, etc.

8.4.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (compulsory)

8.5. Have you identified any obstacles/diverging policies to full implementation of general principles of IPM? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x ] No [ ] N/A

8.5.1. If yes, please specify which and, if relevant, what measures have been taken to address these. (optional)

8.6. Have you identified any unintended effects (e.g. socio-economical level)? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x ] No [ ] N/A

8.6.1. If yes, please specify which and how they have been identified. (optional)

8.7. Do you have any other complementary policy you would like to mention? (optional)

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Report by the

province of


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Report on the basis of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC - Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

DG SANCO UNIT E3 has elaborated the following questionnaire on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to facilitate Member States in their Obligation to report

on the basis of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and Council establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the

sustainable use of pesticides.

Article 14 reads as follows:

1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to promote low pesticide-input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical

methods, so that professional users of pesticides switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to human health and the environment among those

available for the same pest problem. Low pesticide-input pest management includes integrated pest management as well as organic farming according to

Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products (1).

2. Member States shall establish or support the establishment of necessary conditions for the implementation of integrated pest management. In particular,

they shall ensure that professional users have at their disposal Information and tools for pest monitoring and decision making, as well as advisory services on

integrated pest management.

3. By 30 June 2013, Member States shall report to the Commission on the Implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 and, in particular, whether the necessary

conditions for implementation of integrated pest management are in place.

On this basis, the use of the questionnaire is facultative. It aims to provide guidance on the minimum Information to be collated, elaborated and transmitted to

COM by 30 June 2013. In cases where Information on IPM has already been provided in the National Action Plan (NAP) at the necessary level of detail,

Member States can make reference to the NAP.

1. User data

1.1. Please choose Member State:* (compulsory)

Austria, province: Vienna 1.2 Name of Competent Authority responsible for filling in the survey:* compulsory)

MA 42 – Wiener Stadtgärten, Pest Management Department

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2. Planning, governance and coordination

2.1. Have you designated Competent Authorities responsible for planning, governance and coordination of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?*


[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

2.1.1. Please specify since when.* (compulsory)

No such authority has been designated for Vienna.

2.1.2. Please specify when it is planned for.* (compulsory)

There are no plans.

2.2. Please describe briefly and/or include reference to any available documents or annexes you have already provided/are going to provide. (optional)

Vienna Action Plan on the sustainable use of pesticides 2012-2016.

2.3. Which specific programmes on IPM have you developed? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Regional level

[ ] National level

[ ] Crops/sector level (e.g. orchards)

[x] Other non agricultural sector (e.g. parks)

2.3.1. Please describe the sectors targeted and how many (e.g. orchards) (optional)

Ornamental plants, fruit, vegetables, viticulture, arable farming.

2.4. Which specific programmes on IPM do you plan to develop? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Regional level

[ ] National level

[ ] Crops/sector level (e.g. orchards)

[ ] Other non agricultural sector (e.g. parks)

[x] None

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2.4.1. Please describe the sectors targeted and for when they are planned. (optional)


2.5. In which areas have you planned research on IPM to promote its development? (more than 1 answer possible)


[ ] Pathogens epidemiological studies

[ ] Low input techniques

[ ] Damage or economic thresholds setting

[ ] Socio-economic studies

[ ] Pest monitoring and/or decision support Systems

[ ] Others

2.5.1. Please describe others: (compulsory)


2.5.2. If possible, please provide a short summary of the programs (optional)


2.6. In which areas do you intend to plan research on IPM to promote its development? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Pathogens epidemiological studies

[ ] Low input techniques

[ ] Damage or economic thresholds setting

[ ] Socio-economic studies

[ ] Pest monitoring and/or decision support systems

[x] None

[ ] Others

2.6.1. Please describe others.* (compulsory)


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3. Communication and certified training

3.1. Have all concerned parties been duly informed on the obligation to apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM) general principles by January 2014?


[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Planned for 2013/2014 [ ] N/A

3.1.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.1.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (compulsory)

During training/further training as professional users from winter 2013.

On Pest Management Department’s website from spring 2014.

3.2. Have you organised visits to IPM fields/demonstration farms/workshops specifically for farmers? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


3.2.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)


3.3. Have you organised visits to IPM managed areas/workshops specifically for non agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.3.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


3.3.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)


3.4. Will agricultural professional users be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.4.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

During training/further training as professional users.

3.4.2. If planned, please specify how and when for. (compulsory)


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3.5. Will non-agricultural professional users be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.5.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

During training/further training as professional users.

3.5.2. If planned, please specify how and when for. (compulsory)


3.6. Will distributors of Plant Protection Products (PPP) be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

4. Advisory services, pest monitoring and decision making tools

4.1. Are advisory services on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) available to agricultural professional operators? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.1.1. If yes, please specify how and since when.(optional)

Pest management hotline in Pest Management Department MA42.

For over 15 years.

4.1.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)


4.2. Are advisory services on IPM available to non-agricultural professional operators? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Pest management hotline in Pest Management Department MA42.

For over 15 years.

4.2.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)


4.3. Are advisory services in IPM trained and certified? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

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4.3.1. If yes, please specify by whom. (optional)

Academy for horticulturalists and florists, Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Schönbrunn.

4.3.2. If planned, please specify for when and by whom. (optional)


4.3.3. If no, how do you ensure they are professionally qualified? (compulsory)


4.4. Which decision making tools are already available to advisors and/or professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Weather Early warning/diagnosis Intervention Monitoring traps, Outcome Other IT decision Others forecasting services systems thresholds test kits forecasting models support Systems

4.4.1. If other, please specify. (optional)


4.5 Please describe the sector/territorial coverage for each of the tools selected in question 4.4 (e.g. regions). (optional)

Throughout the province of Vienna.

4.6 Will decision making tools be made available to advisors and/or professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.6.1. If yes, please specify the tools and for when they are planned. (compulsory)


4.7. Who is involved in the elaboration of data for early diagnosis systems? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[ ] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

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[x] Competent authorities at national level

[x] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

4.7.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


4.8. Will there be data elaborated from early diagnosis systems? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.8.1. If yes, please specify from whom and for when it is planned. (compulsory)


4.9. Who is involved in any update of existing models/threshold and for development of new models/thresholds (e.g. for new crop/pests combination)?

(more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[ ] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[x] Competent authorities at national level

[x] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ]Others

4.9.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


4.10. Will models/thresholds be developed? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.10.1. If yes, please specify as appropriate from whom, which models and when. (compulsory)


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4.11. How do the advisors communicate to agricultural professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Smart phone messages

[ ] Bulletins via mail

[x] Web-sites

[ ] Bulletins available in Info points

[x] Advisors visits

[x] Obligatory advisors written prescription

[x] Written individual advice

[ ] Unknown

[ ] Others

4.11.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


4.12. Do you plan to extend the means of communication from advisors to agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.12.1. If yes, please specify how and when they are planned for. (optional)


4.13. How do the advisors communicate to non-agricultural professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Smart phone messages

[ ] Bulletins via mail

[x] Web-sites

[ ] Bulletins available in Info points

[x] Advisors visits

[x] Obligatory advisors written prescription

[x] Written individual advice

[ ] Unknown

[ ] Others

4.13.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

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4.14. Do you plan to extend the means of communication from advisors to non-agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.14.1. If yes, please specify how and when they are planned for. (optional)


4.15. Please provide a brief description of the structure of IPM advisory services, (compulsory)

During office hours (07:30 to 15:30), advice will be given on a pest management hotline. Personal consultation in the office is also possible at these times.

On-site visits are possible in one-off cases.

4.16. Is the organisation of advisory services private and/or public? (compulsory)

[ ] Private [x] Public [ ] Private and Public

4.17. How are the advisory services financed? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Public financial support

[ ] Mixed public/private

[ ] Private

[ ] Public direct payment to farmers in order to make use of the services

[ ] Other

4.17.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


4.18. Are advisors available for agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.18.1. If yes, please specify how many. (optional)


4.18.2. Please specify how many and when they are planned for. (compulsory)


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4.19. Are advisors available for non-agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.19.1 If yes, please specify how many. (optional)


4.19.2. Please specify how many and when they are planned for. (compulsory)


4.20. Are advisory services connected to technical scientific infrastructures operating on IPM such as diagnosis laboratories? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.20.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


4.20.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


4.21. Are research needs transmitted from fields to academia? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

4.21.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


4.21.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


4.22.(compulsory Is the feed-back granted from and to farmers on the Solutions achieved)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

4.22.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


4.22.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


4.23. Have you organised a demonstration farms network? (compulsory)

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[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

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4.23.1. If yes, please specify how and how many farms are involved. (optional)


4.23.2. If planned, please specify how it will be organised, how many farms will be involved and when will be implemented. (compulsory)


4.24. Have you organised any other demonstration network? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.24.1 If yes, please specify how. (optional)


4.24.2 Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


5. Guidelines and other informative technical Information

5.1. Are guidelines on general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) available? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.1.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national).(compulsory)

1, province level (Vienna Pesticides Act).

1, federal level (Pesticides Act).

5.1.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available. (compulsory)


5.2. Are sector specific guidelines on general principles of IPM available? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.2.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national), (compulsory)


5.2.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available. (compulsory)


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5.3. Are IPM guidelines legally adopted? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.3.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national), (compulsory)

1, province level (Vienna Pesticides Act).

1, federal level (Pesticides Act).

5.3.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national), when it is planned for and when they will be adopted. (compulsory)


5.4. what sectors are responsible for development and updating of IPM guidelines? (more than 1 answer possible)


[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[ ] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[x] Competent authorities at national level

[x] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

5.4.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


5.5. Will IPM guidelines be updated and/or further developed? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.5.1. If yes, please specify by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


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5.6. Are crop specific guidelines available to agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.6.1. If yes, please provide detailed Information or, in case, link to national webpages. Please also specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national),



5.6.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available.(compulsory)


5.7. What sectors are involved in the distribution of guidelines to farmers and other professional users? (more than 1

answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IP advisors

[x] University, schools, research centres

[x] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[x] Competent authorities at national level

[x] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

5.7.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


5.8. Will guidelines to farmers and other professional users be distributed? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.8.1. If yes, please specify by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


5.9. How are IPM guidelines made available to professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Handbook on IPM

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[x] Internet webpages

[ ] Smart phone

[ ] Other

5.9.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


5.10. Will IPM guidelines be made available to professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.10.1. Please specify how, by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


5.11. Which incentives have been put in place to encourage agricultural professional users to implement crop or sector specific guidelines for IPM on a

voluntary basis? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Compulsory linked to financial support

[ ] IPM advisory programs/IPM support programs

[ ] Awareness raising campaigns

[ ] Food industry retailers demand

[ ] Certified production Systems

[ ] Others

5.11.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


5.12. Will incentives be put in place to encourage agricultural professional users to implement crop or sector specific guidelines for IPM on a voluntary basis?


[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.12.1. If yes please specify the incentives and when they are planned for. (compulsory)


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5.13. Which incentives have been put in place to encourage non-agricultural professional users to implement IPM sector specific guidelines on a voluntary

basis? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Compulsory linked to financial support

[ ] IPM advisory programs/IPM support programs

[ ] Awareness raising campaigns

[ ] Others

5.13.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)


5.14. Will incentives be put in place to encourage non-agricultural professional users to implement IPM sector specific guidelines on a voluntary

basis? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.14.1. If yes please specify the incentives and when they are planned for. (compulsory)


6. Measure the progress achieved

6.1. Have you set indicators to measure progress in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

6.1.1. If yes, please describe them briefly. (compulsory)

Comparison of data collated during operational controls under the Vienna Pesticides Act (pesticides found, pesticides used according to records).

6.1.2. Please describe them briefly and when they will be implemented. (compulsory)


6.2. Do you have other actions to measure progress? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

6.2.1. If yes, please describe them briefly. (compulsory)


6.2.2. Please describe them briefly and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


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7. Promotion of low pesticide input pest management

7.1. What are the measures put in place to prompt low pesticide-input pest management? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Information to farmers

[ ] Taxation System with low risk product advantaged

[ ] Lower fees for registration of low risk products

[ ] Simplified accelerated process of authorisation

[ ] Advisory support to companies in phase of registration

[ ] Targeted public research

[ ] Best projects awards

[ ] Best practices awards

[ ] Insurance scheme for minimising economical damage from plant diseases

[ ] Funding to support transitional phase to IPM

[ ] Organic farming subsidies

[ ] Integrated production subsidies

[ ] Direct support to farmers to by low risk PPP

[ ] Financial incentives for specific IPM equipment

[ ] Awareness raising on identified best practices to encourage development

[ ] Others

7.1.1. Please describe briefly how the measures selected in 7.1. are put in place or give reference to any document, national weblink, etc. (optional)

During office hours (07:30 to 15:30), advice will be given on a pest management hotline. Personal consultation in the office is also possible at these times.

On-site visits are possible in one-off cases. Advice is also given during operational controls under the Vienna Pesticides Act.

7.2. Do you to plan put in place measures to prompt low pesticide-input pest management? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

7.2.1. If yes, please specify the measures and when they will be in place. (compulsory)


7.3. Is priority given to non-chemical methods? (compulsory)

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[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

7.3.1. If yes, please describe or, in case, make reference to NAP chapters. (compulsory)

Most pesticide applications by MA 42 have been switched to organic pesticides over recent years.

7.3.2. Please describe or, in case, make reference to NAP chapters and when it is planned for. (compulsory)


8. Complementary related policies

8.1. Are integrated Production certified schemes in place? (optional)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.1.1. If yes, please specify how they are managed (e.g. private/public). (optional)


8.1.2 Please specify for when it is planned and how they will be managed (e.g. private/public). (optional)


8.2. Is crop rotation at farm level encouraged? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


8.2.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (optional)


8.3. Are ecological infrastructures (e.g. wild flower strips, hedges, etc.) inside and outside the cultivation site encouraged? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.3.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


8.3.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (optional)


8.4. Are buffer zones between crop areas and sensitive off-crop areas encouraged? (optional)

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[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

8.4.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)


8.4.2 If planned, please specify how and when. (compulsory)


8.5. Have you identified any obstacles/diverging policies to full implementation of general principles of IPM? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x ] No [ ] N/A

8.5.1. If yes, please specify which and, if relevant, what measures have been taken to address these. (optional)


8.6. Have you identified any unintended effects (e.g. socio-economical level)? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x ] No [ ] N/A

8.6.1. If yes, please specify which and how they have been identified. (optional)


8.7. Do you have any other complementary policy you would like to mention? (optional)

Some of the questions in this questionnaire do not concern the Pesticides Department and cannot therefore be answered.

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Report by the

province of


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Report on the basis of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC - Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

DG SANCO UNIT E3 has elaborated the following questionnaire on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to facilitate Member States in their Obligation to report

on the basis of Article 14 of Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and Council establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the

sustainable use of pesticides.

Article 14 reads as follows:

1. Member States shall take all necessary measures to promote low pesticide-input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical

methods, so that professional users of pesticides switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to human health and the environment among those

available for the same pest problem. Low pesticide-input pest management includes integrated pest management as well as organic farming according to

Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products (1).

2. Member States shall establish or support the establishment of necessary conditions for the implementation of integrated pest management. In particular,

they shall ensure that professional users have at their disposal Information and tools for pest monitoring and decision making, as well as advisory services on

integrated pest management.

3. By 30 June 2013, Member States shall report to the Commission on the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 and, in particular, whether the necessary

conditions for Implementation of integrated pest management are in place.

On this basis, the use of the questionnaire is facultative. It aims to provide guidance on the minimum Information to be collated, elaborated and transmitted to

COM by 30 June 2013. In cases where Information on IPM has already been provided in the National Action Plan (NAP) at the necessary level of detail,

Member States can make reference to the NAP.

1. User data

1.1. Please choose Member State:* (compulsory)

Austria, province: Salzburg 1.2 Name of Competent Authority responsible for filling in the survey:* compulsory)

For the Salzburg Provincial Government Department 4 (Quality of Life and Energy) of the Office of the Salzburg Provincial Government Fanny-von-Lehnert-Strasse 1, 5010 Salzburg

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2. Planning, governance and coordination

2.1. Have you designated Competent Authorities responsible for planning, governance and coordination of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?*


[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

2.1.1. Please specify since when.* (compulsory)

Implementation of the Salzburg Pesticides Act is the responsibility of the district authorities and, in some cases, the Provincial Government. A special pest

management office (Official Pest Management Service) has been established at the Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry under Section 6(1) of the

Salzburg Crops Act (Regional Law Gazette No 43/1949, as published in Regional Law Gazette No 46/1991). This office has existed since the Salzburg Crops

Act entered into force in 1 October 1949.

2.1.2. Please specify when it is planned for.* (compulsory)

2.2. Please describe briefly and/or include reference to any available documents or annexes you have already provided/are going to provide. (optional)

See point 2.1.1.

2.3. Which specific programmes on IPM have you developed? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Regional level

[ ] National level

[ ] Crops/sector level (e.g. orchards)

[ ] Other non agricultural sector (e.g. parks)

2.3.1. Please describe the sectors targeted and how many (e.g. orchards) (optional)

Potato crops (weather stations to optimise use of pesticides).

2.4. Which specific programmes on IPM do you plan to develop? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Regional level

[ ] National level

[ ] Crops/sector level (e.g. orchards)

[ ] Other non agricultural sector (e.g. parks)

[x] None

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2.4.1. Please describe the sectors targeted and for when they are planned. (optional)

2.5. In which areas have you planned research on IPM to promote its development? (more than 1 answer possible)


[ ] Pathogens epidemiological studies

[ ] Low input techniques

[ ] Damage or economic thresholds setting

[ ] Socio-economic studies

[ ] Pest monitoring and/or decision support Systems

[ ] Others

2.5.1. Please describe others: (compulsory)

2.5.2. If possible, please provide a short summary of the programs (optional)

2.6. In which areas do you intend to plan research on IPM to promote its development? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Pathogens epidemiological studies

[ ] Low input techniques

[ ] Damage or economic thresholds setting

[ ] Socio-economic studies

[ ] Pest monitoring and/or decision support systems

[x] None

[ ] Others

2.6.1. Please describe others.* (compulsory)

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3. Communication and certified training

3.1. Have all concerned parties been duly informed on the obligation to apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM) general principles by January 2014?


[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

3.1.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.1.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (compulsory)

3.2. Have you organised visits to IPM fields/demonstration farms/workshops specifically for farmers? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.2.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

3.3. Have you organised visits to IPM managed areas/workshops specifically for non agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.3.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.3.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

3.4. Will agricultural professional users be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.4.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.4.2. If planned, please specify how and when for. (compulsory)

Through further training events.

3.5. Will non-agricultural professional users be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Planned for [ ] N/A

3.5.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

3.5.2. If planned, please specify how and when for. (compulsory)

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Through further training events.

3.6. Will distributors of Plant Protection Products (PPP) be trained on new IPM requirements by end of 2013? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [x] N/A

NB: Sales and distribution of pesticides come under federal legislation and responsibility.

4. Advisory services, pest monitoring and decision making tools

4.1. Are advisory services on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) available to agricultural professional operators? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.1.1. If yes, please specify how and since when.(optional)

Official Pesticide Service (see point 2.1.1).

4.1.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

4.2. Are advisory services on IPM available to non-agricultural professional operators? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

4.2.2. If planned, please specify how and for when. (compulsory)

Advice over the telephone by Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture for non-professional users (National Action Plan, Section Salzburg, point 4.4.2).

4.3. Are advisory services in IPM trained and certified? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.3.1. If yes, please specify by whom. (optional)

4.3.2. If planned, please specify for when and by whom. (optional)

Participation of employees of Official Pest Management Service, as soon as suitable further training and certification are available.

4.3.3. If no, how do you ensure they are professionally qualified? (compulsory)

4.4. Which decision making tools are already available to advisors and/or professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] [x] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Weather Early warning/diagnosis Intervention Monitoring traps, Outcome Other IT decision Others

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forecasting services systems thresholds test kits forecasting models support Systems

4.4.1. If other, please specify. (optional)

4.5 Please describe the sector/territorial coverage for each of the tools selected in question 4.4 (e.g. regions). (optional)

4.6 Will decision making tools be made available to advisors and/or professional users? (compulsory)

[x Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.6.1. If yes, please specify the tools and for when they are planned. (compulsory)

Weekly newsletter to farmers.

Articles in Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture newspaper (Salzburger Bauer).

4.7. Who is involved in the elaboration of data for early diagnosis systems? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[ ] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[x] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

4.7.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.8. Will there be data elaborated from early diagnosis systems? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

4.8.1. If yes, please specify from whom and for when it is planned. (compulsory)

Weather station data has been evaluated by Official Pest Management Service for years.

4.9. Who is involved in any update of existing models/threshold and for development of new models/thresholds (e.g. for new crop/pests combination)?

(more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

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[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[ ] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[x] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ]Others

4.9.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

4.10. Will models/thresholds be developed? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.10.1. If yes, please specify as appropriate from whom, which models and when. (compulsory)

4.11. How do the advisors communicate to agricultural professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Smart phone messages

[x] Bulletins via mail

[x] Web-sites

[ ] Bulletins available in Info points

[ ] Advisors visits

[ ] Obligatory advisors written prescription

[ ] Written individual advice

[ ] Unknown

[x] Others

4.11.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

Articles in Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture newspaper (Salzburger Bauer).

4.12. Do you plan to extend the means of communication from advisors to agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

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[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.12.1. If yes, please specify how and when they are planned for. (optional)

4.13. How do the advisors communicate to non-agricultural professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Smart phone messages

[ ] Bulletins via mail

[x] Web-sites

[ ] Bulletins available in Info points

[ ] Advisors visits

[ ] Obligatory advisors written prescription

[ ] Written individual advice

[ ] Unknown

[x] Others

4.13.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

Articles in Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture newspaper (Salzburger Bauer).

4.14. Do you plan to extend the means of communication from advisors to non-agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

4.14.1. If yes, please specify how and when they are planned for. (optional)

4.15. Please provide a brief description of the structure of IPM advisory services, (compulsory)

Official Pest Management Service (see point 2.1.1).

4.16. Is the organisation of advisory services private and/or public? (compulsory)

[ ] Private [x] Public [ ] Private and Public

4.17. How are the advisory services financed? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Public financial support

[ ] Mixed public/private

[ ] Private

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[ ] Public direct payment to farmers in order to make use of the services

[x] Other

4.17.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

Fees for participation in Official Pest Control Service events.

4.18. Are advisors available for agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.18.1. If yes, please specify how many. (optional)

Five persons.

4.18.2. Please specify how many and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

4.19. Are advisors available for non-agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.19.1. If yes, please specify how many. (optional)

Five persons.

4.19.2. Please specify how many and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

4.20. Are advisory services connected to technical scientific infrastructures operating on IPM such as diagnosis laboratories? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.20.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety)

Technical support

Test analysis

4.20.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

4.21. Are research needs transmitted from fields to academia? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.21.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

4.21.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

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4.22.(compulsory Is the feed-back granted from and to farmers on the Solutions achieved)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.22.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Farmers receive an annual evaluation sheet from the Official Pest Management Service.

4.22.2. Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

4.23. Have you organised a demonstration farms network? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.23.1. If yes, please specify how and how many farms are involved. (optional)

4.23.2. If planned, please specify how it will be organised, how many farms will be involved and when will be implemented. (compulsory)

4.24. Have you organised any other demonstration network? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

4.24.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

4.24.2 Please specify how and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

5. Guidelines and other informative technical Information

5.1. Are guidelines on general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) available? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.1.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national).(compulsory)

Only the vegetable integrated production guideline (applies nationally) is relevant to the province of Salzburg.

5.1.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available. (compulsory)

5.2. Are sector specific guidelines on general principles of IPM available? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.2.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national), (compulsory)

‘Genussregion’ guideline (national level).

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5.2.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available. (compulsory)

5.3. Are IPM guidelines legally adopted? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.3.1. If yes, please specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national), (compulsory)

5.3.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national), when it is planned for and when they will be adopted. (compulsory)

5.4. what sectors are responsible for development and updating of IPM guidelines? (more than 1 answer possible)


[ ] IPM Advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[ ] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[ ] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[ ] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

5.4.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.5. Will IPM guidelines be updated and/or further developed? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] N/A

5.5.1. If yes, please specify by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

5.6. Are crop specific guidelines available to agricultural professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

5.6.1. If yes, please provide detailed Information or, in case, link to national webpages. Please also specify how many and/or at what level (regional, national),


Private firms’ guidelines (e.g. Raiffeisen).

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5.6.2. Please specify how many, at what level (regional, national) and when they will be available.(compulsory)

For all crops at national level.

5.7. What sectors are involved in the distribution of guidelines to farmers and other professional users? (more than 1

answer possible) (optional)

[ ] IP advisors

[ ] University, schools, research centres

[x] Farmers associations, Agricultural organisations

[x] Pesticide and/or bio-control industries

[ ] Non-agricultural professionals organisations

[ ] Competent authorities at national level

[ ] Competent authorities at regional level

[ ] Food industries/retailers

[ ] Others

5.7.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.8. Will guidelines to farmers and other professional users be distributed? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

5.8.1. If yes, please specify by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

5.9. How are IPM guidelines made available to professional users? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Handbook on IPM

[x] Internet webpages

[x] Smart phone

[ ] Other

5.9.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.10. Will IPM guidelines be made available to professional users? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

5.10.1. Please specify how, by whom and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

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On request (including by Chamber of Agriculture).

5.11. Which incentives have been put in place to encourage agricultural professional users to implement crop or sector specific guidelines for IPM on a

voluntary basis? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Compulsory linked to financial support

[ ] IPM advisory programs/IPM support programs

[ ] Awareness raising campaigns

[ ] Food industry retailers demand

[x] Certified production Systems

[ ] Others

5.11.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.12. Will incentives be put in place to encourage agricultural professional users to implement crop or sector specific guidelines for IPM on a voluntary basis?


[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

5.12.1. If yes please specify the incentives and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

Increase pest management advice (National Action Plan, Section Salzburg, point 4.3.2). Establish online portal (National Action Plan, Section Salzburg, point 4.4.1).

5.13. Which incentives have been put in place to encourage non-agricultural professional users to implement IPM sector specific guidelines on a voluntary

basis? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[ ] Compulsory linked to financial support

[ ] IPM advisory programs/IPM support programs

[ ] Awareness raising campaigns

[ ] Others

5.13.1. If other, please specify. (compulsory)

5.14. Will incentives be put in place to encourage non-agricultural professional users to implement IPM sector specific guidelines on a voluntary

basis? (compulsory)

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[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

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5.14.1. If yes please specify the incentives and when they are planned for. (compulsory)

Information events.

6. Measure the progress achieved

6.1. Have you set indicators to measure progress in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

6.1.1. If yes, please describe them briefly. (compulsory)

6.1.2. Please describe them briefly and when they will be implemented. (compulsory)

6.2. Do you have other actions to measure progress? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

6.2.1. If yes, please describe them briefly. (compulsory)

6.2.2. Please describe them briefly and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

7. Promotion of low pesticide input pest management

7.1. What are the measures put in place to prompt low pesticide-input pest management? (more than 1 answer possible) (optional)

[x] Information to farmers

[ ] Taxation System with low risk product advantaged

[ ] Lower fees for registration of low risk products

[ ] Simplified accelerated process of authorisation

[ ] Advisory support to companies in phase of registration

[ ] Targeted public research

[ ] Best projects awards

[ ] Best practices awards

[ ] Insurance scheme for minimising economical damage from plant diseases

[ ] Funding to support transitional phase to IPM

[x] Organic farming subsidies

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[x] Integrated production subsidies

[ ] Direct support to farmers to by low risk PPP

[ ] Financial incentives for specific IPM equipment

[x] Awareness raising on identified best practices to encourage development

[ ] Others

7.1.1. Please describe briefly how the measures selected in 7.1. are put in place or give reference to any document, national weblink, etc. (optional)

Information for farmers on Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture website and in its newspaper (Salzburger Bauer). Aid at national level (organic farming; IP vegetables). Information events.

7.2. Do you to plan put in place measures to prompt low pesticide-input pest management? (compulsory)

[ ] Yes [x] No [ ] N/A

7.2.1. If yes, please specify the measures and when they will be in place. (compulsory)

7.3. Is priority given to non-chemical methods? (compulsory)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

7.3.1. If yes, please describe or, in case, make reference to NAP chapters. (compulsory)

The use of pesticides is of secondary importance in the province of Salzburg, due to the landscape and the fact that the overwhelming majority of farmers

participate in the ÖPUL programme and avoid the use of yield-increasing chemicals (National Action Plan, Section Salzburg, point 1).

7.3.2. Please describe or, in case, make reference to NAP chapters and when it is planned for. (compulsory)

8. Complementary related policies

8.1. Are integrated Production certified schemes in place? (optional)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.1.1. If yes, please specify how they are managed (e.g. private/public). (optional)

Public: Integrated production guideline for vegetables.

8.1.2. Please specify for when it is planned and how they will be managed (e.g. private/public). (optional)

8.2. Is crop rotation at farm level encouraged? (optional)

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[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

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8.2.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Information events organised by Official Pest Management Service and articles in the Salzburg Chamber of Agriculture newspaper (Salzburger Bauer).

8.2.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (optional)

8.3. Are ecological infrastructures (e.g. wild flower strips, hedges, etc.) inside and outside the cultivation site encouraged? (optional)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.3.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Official Pest Management Service events and information.

8.3.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (optional)

8.4. Are buffer zones between crop areas and sensitive off-crop areas encouraged? (optional)

[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Planned for [ ] N/A

8.4.1. If yes, please specify how. (optional)

Buffer zones must be set up in order to qualify for aid.

8.4.2. If planned, please specify how and when. (compulsory)

8.5. Have you identified any obstacles/diverging policies to full implementation of general principles of IPM? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x ] No [ ] N/A

8.5.1. If yes, please specify which and, if relevant, what measures have been taken to address these. (optional)

8.6. Have you identified any unintended effects (e.g. socio-economical level)? (optional)

[ ] Yes [x ] No [ ] N/A

8.6.1. If yes, please specify which and how they have been identified. (optional)

8.7. Do you have any other complementary policy you would like to mention? (optional)