report tangible heritage in cahul

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1. Introduction.Republic of Moldova and Cahul district tangible heritage       3 

2. Tangible cultural heritage‐ evolution of concepts            3 

3. Legislative background for tangible heritage protection in Republic of Moldova     4 

4. Cahul district and project area tangible cultural heritage character        5 

5 Territory sustainable development through tangible and intangible heritage      6 

6. A model of minor historic rural center revival and management        6 

    Tangible and intangible heritage of Rimetea (Alba County, Romania) 

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Context and state of art of Tangible heritage in Cahul district, Republic of Moldova 


1. Introduction.Republic of Moldova and Cahul district tangible heritage 

Located  in  the  southern  part  of  the  Republic  of Moldova,having  a  surface  of  448200  ha,  Cahul district is composed of plains and hilly areas, with over 11% forests occupieing the district land and an  important  natural  scentific  Reserve,  between  Prut  river  and  the  Danube,“The Lower Prut” natural reserve, formed of meadows, ponds and natural lakes.Landscape represents the integrator factor that embraces a small size localities system, formed of one town- Cahul- and 55 localities, of which 37 communes and 18 villages.

It’s geographical position and the history of this region shaped a multicultural environment, present in the cultural life of the villages and also in their tangible and intangible heritage.

Tangible and intangible heritage are interrelated by a dynamic link, as tangible values -built, natural or artefacts-protection is significant for communities identity in the future and enable them to develop in a sustainable way, based on their heritage and cultural values, they become aware of.

Although in terms of figures, tangible heritage recorded in the oficial Register for Monuments in the Cahul district is not significant, cultural spaces(linked to a site, landscape or to a building) as a market place or a village square are part of the local identity, being both a site and socio-cultural place, due to their significance for the community or inhabitants.

2. Tangible cultural heritage‐ evolution of concepts 

Approaching  international  definition  of  tangible  heritage  in  charters  or  resolutions  at  European level, the change of the concept can be seen as an evolution from specific categories (emblematic monument buildings or archeological remains) to a larger array‐ groups of less important buildings, man‐made sites, artifacts and landscapes‐ including natural features, geological and physiographical formations, natural landscapes but also cultural/man‐made ones.  

The conservation of  tangible heritage as well as  safeguarding and  transmitting cultural practices, traditional knowledge and skills calls  for putting tangible heritage  in  its wider context  ‐ relating  it 

more closely to the concerned communities ‐“translate”  intangible heritage to“tangible forms “of heritage, as  inventories,  records, exhibitions/ museums and  support  the practitioners  for  the 

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transmission of skills; meaning that intangible heritage should support tangible heritage values and be included in tangible manifestations, in order to become a visible sign of local history and culture. 

This  integrated  way  of  dealing  with  heritage,  encompassing  tangible  and  intangible,  must  be sustained also by a new way of acting at local and at the same time at territorial level, in restoring these values, revitalizing and enhancing them in a coherent and inclusive approach. 


3. Legislative background for tangible heritage protection in the Republic of Moldova 

As a  country  in a process of  transition, Republic of Moldova  faces  several  issues  concerning  the recognition and the protection of some heritage values considered  in European  legislation on the same  level of  importance as emblematic architectural or archaeological values‐ rural settlements, vernacular architecture, urban fabric or cultural landscapes. 

The policy concerning heritage preservation  is formed of several  laws, starting June 22, 1993‐Law regarding the protection of historical monuments(with subsequent modifications‐2012), followed in 27 may 1999 by the Law on culture and in 2002 by the ratification of the Convention on protection of World cultural and natural heritage (UNESCO, Paris 1972). 

In order to be protected, an objective‐(site, monument of architecture or art) ‐has to be inscribed in the  Register  of  Monuments  Protected  by  the  State(RMPS)  or  in  the  Register  of  Monuments Protected  by  Local  Authorities(RMPLA)‐  corresponding  to  the  national  or  local  value  of  the objectives. 

The  National  Agency  on Monuments,  Inspection  and  Restoration,  as  professional  and  scientific body in the heritage field, was founded in 2006; consequently the RMPS was published only 4 years later, in February 2010, the protection of monuments coming into force then. 

Protected areas are defined in the Regulations for Protected Natural and Built areas (Governmental resolution  1009/2000)  which  provide  protection  to  heritage  (urban,  architectural  and archaeological values) only in a limited area, concerning the surroundings that include objectives on the RMPS. 

In  figures, out of 15,000 cultural  sites  representing Republic of Moldova cultural heritage, only a number of 5206 are included in RMPS‐ 4086 of national importance and 1120 of local importance. 

Unfortunately, for monuments of local importance‐ that generally form the historical background of a  locality,  including minor historic centers  ‐  few districts benefit of the RMPLA‐ and Cahul district has not yet completed  it,  in order to enable a better protection policy and the  implementation of sustainable development processes and programs based on tangible heritage enhancement. 

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4. Cahul district and project area tangible cultural heritage character 

The  importance  of  cultural  heritage  for  cities  or  villages  resides  both  in  historical meanings  or significant    images as  in  the  intangible values  incorporated  in buildings and places,  the “spirit of place” that adds quality  to  the community  life of a  territory:  traditions,  skills and habits, music, 

dance, folklore. 

Sustainable development of  the district by  joining heritage  to economic and  social development proves to be a challenge for today strategies and programs, as out of 5206 objectives  included on the RMPS, the South region of Moldova is represented only by a number of 20 objective‐ this small number having a low impact on the territorial development from a cultural point of view. 

The  project  area‐  including  the  town  of  Cahul  and  Borceag,  Colibasi,  Valeni  and  Slobozia Mare villages‐  is  represented  by  some  monuments  of  architecture  and  art  ‐6  orthodox  churches,  1 memorial house,  10 monuments of  art  and  1  park.  These  are not  reflecting  the  richness of  the 

territory,  as  local  ethnographical  museums,  public  traditional  places  (“hora” squares)  or traditional  craftsman workshops,  cultural  landscapes or  even  traditional/vernacular  architecture, are not  taken  into  consideration  to be  listed  at  local or national  level  and  therefore  to have  an important part to play in a strategy of sustainable development adapted to local context, capable of producing synergies of the economy with social and cultural life in the area. 

The  analysis  of  the  territory  heritage  values  puts  into  light  a  specificity  in  villages morphology, adapted  to  the relief and natural  landscape, where  local communities have practiced agriculture, vine  and  fruit  tree  growing,  shaping  the  land  into  cultural  landscapes,  thus producing  a  specific architecture for living or storing their products (houses, caves), developing skills in crafts with local materials  (wood,  earth,  reed,  straw).  Historical  valuable  landmarks  as  roman  wall  remains‐ archeology that  links trans  frontier territories  ‐Romania‐ Moldova and Ukraine, can also be taken into account  in  the development of a competitive cultural  tourism of  the area  through a cultural networks. 

Tangible natural environment has undeniable value for an important part of the territory (Colibasi, 

Valeni,Slobozia Mare villages) as a scientific natural reserve ‐“the Lower Prut Reserve”since 1991 and being naturally connected, a relict of the old Danube banks, to the UNESCO Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve(RO).

In terms of heritage, the character of Cahul district and specifically the project area is a symbiotic relationship between nature and culture, between tangible and intangible- cultural landscape being the best definition for all values incorporated in the territory.

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5. Territorial sustainable development through tangible and intangible heritage 

The  vision  over  the  territorial  development  is  based  on  a  system  of  objectives‐heritage rehabilitation and valorization (natural, tangible and intangible) being among the priorities to be considered (both from authorities point of view as from stakeholders’). 

How has each village or each town to act in order to preserve its identity and authenticity but at the same time to develop in a balanced way, to ensure a more qualitative life for its inhabitants and an attractive surrounding for tourism adapted to this territorial scale‐mainly rural‐cultural tourism? 

A  starting  point  should  be  the  understanding  and  value  of  tangible  heritage  (starting  with  a scientific evaluation of all  tangible assets  in  the area,  implementing a  larger vision  for  the actual 

national  concept  of  “monuments” , by including historic urban public spaces, vernacular architecture, traditional industries and cultural landscapes).Following steps regard a coherent view of territorial development, including all facets of heritage‐ natural, tangible and intangible. 

Finally,  the  territorial  strategy of development will connect  these  localities  in a cultural network, each settlement enhancing its identity   but benefiting as a whole from the diverse heritage of the other localities. This cultural territorial system is valuable also in terms of community development as  inhabitants will be  involved along with  local authorities  in the upgrading of their environment, raising  the  quality  of  life  by  preserving  and  revitalizing  the  valuable  assets  of  their  territory  in heritage based projects. 


6. A model of minor historic rural center revival and management 

Tangible and intangible heritage of Rimetea village, Alba county, Romania 

Attested since the XIII th century, the village of Rimetea was known for processing iron and mining by German miners, is situated in Transylvania historical region of Romania, in a valley surrounded by rocky mountains. Natural and built architectural landscape form an unique environment which was threatened by neglect or by improper, ” unsympathetic”-as defined by Transylvania Trust Foundation professionals- interventions on historical buildings.

The best stage of the settlement development was during the XVIIIth century- architectural ensembles from XVIII-XIXth centuries being preserved and enhanced through this heritage conservation and development project.

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Initiated by professionals and NGOs, financially and scientifically supported by international bodies (as the Vth district of Budapest and former vice president of ICOMOS), a grant system was implemented and coordinated by Transylvania Trust Foundation since 1996, during 10 years being offered to130-140 building owners grants to preserve and have a pro-active attitude towards conservation of the area values (buildings and plots as well).

The project developed also an educational tool for students (1996-1998 an architectural survey was in place) and most important for local community economic and social life-employment for craftsmen and possibility in learning traditional skills related to old buildings rehabilitation.

Recognized as a best practice for vernacular heritage, Rimetea village heritage project was awarded by the European Union the prize for Cultural heritage- Europa Nostra award 1999.

As a long term objective, by rural and cultural tourism this area was brought to a new life, tangible heritage, intangible heritage and nature sustaining development adapted to the local context, the importance of protecting tangible and intangible heritage being significant not only for reflecting on and better understand the past but also to maintain the identity and pride of their inheritance, for local communities in the future.