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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CHIMBORAZO Escuela de idiomas Grammar V Names: Darío Amancha Patricio castillo Elvis guaranga 5th Semester

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  1. 1. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CHIMBORAZO Escuela de idiomas Grammar V Names: Daro Amancha Patricio castillo Elvis guaranga 5th Semester
  2. 2. REPEATING COMPARATIVES Usually with the present continuous. When we want to express continuous (separated by and.) Examples: My uncle grew fatter and fatter over the years. As Microsoft grew, Bill Gates got richer and richer. The balloon got bigger and bigger and then burst.
  3. 3. MORE AND MORE FOR LONGER COMPARATIVES We dont repeat comparative adjectives that are used with more. Examples: Things are getting more and more expensive. This book gets more and more interesting with every chapter. He spoke for over an hour and his explanation got more and more complicated.
  4. 4. DROP To indicate that something decreases Examples: uncountable As you get older, you become less and less flexible. She needs less and less money every day. I have less and less time to cook countable She needs less and less money every day. Fewer and fewer people get married now There are fewer and fewer fish in the sea
  5. 5. COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES Comparative adjectives We use comparative adjectives to do a comparison between two objects. Noun + verb + (more) comparative adjective + than + noun (object). Superlative adjectives We use superlative adjectives to compare one object from a group. Noun + verb + the (most) + superlative adjective + noun (object).
  6. 6. COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE? We use comparatives to compare people and thing with other people and things Examples: Peter is younger than his father. Rose is taller than Mary. Jane is the fastest girl. Cris is the slowest girl.
  7. 7. THANK