reorganization of delivery rationale –goalsgoals “reorg” details –co-teachingco-teaching...

Reorganization of Delivery Rationale Goals • “Reorg” Details Co-Teaching Lundie/504 Learning Seminars Enhanced Study • Other Classroom level interventions & EST

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST


• Special Education, 504/EST, and other regular education academic support services at South Burlington High School are being reconsidered and restructured in light of the – mission of the district and school, – shifting state and federal regulations, – current best practices, – facility use, and teaching and administrative capacity.

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST


• Increased academic aspirations, achievement and/or attainment for all students.

• Promote greater equity in learning performance, promote greater availability of resources for all, and promote a more equitable learning environment.

• Generate positive ripple effects throughout the school through increased teacher collaboration at early stages of the teaching/learning design cycle.

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST

Co-Teaching(not interdisciplinary teams)

Courses/Teams• Pre-Algebra

– Painter/D. Bennett

• US History– Moore/Donovan

• World History– Moore/Samara

• English 9– Lundie/White

• Lab Bio– Akerley/Western

• Support 2010– TLC group and grad class

option for current teams

• Support for 2011– TLC group and grad class

option for future teams

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST

Learning Seminars

• This is where I turn it over to Ms. Lundie and Ms. Akerley

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST

SBHS 504 Coordination

• New Special Education Regs– The “Spark Notes” Version

• 80/20 split • No more “bundling” of the 20%s• Time studies

– SBHS Specific• Christine Lundie is now Special Ed• 504 case management has been dispersed

– Nurse, Guidance, Special Educators

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST

OK…so what is Enrichment?

• Enrichment has always been a location– The Enrichment Center…the name of the

location has not changed– Enhanced Study

• Takes place in the Enrichment Center.• Specialized Instruction for primarily students on


– “Enrichment” is neither a class nor an intervention

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST

Classroom Level Interventions

Interventions•Different/improved use of FACE

•More support from Literacy Coach•Collaboration w/ parents

•Collaboration w/ “outside” resources•Possible diagnostic testing

•Modified instructional strategies

Educational Support Team•Referrals include data related to bulleted list on the left

High Quality Classroom Instruction•Use of Literacy Coach

•Formative assessment practices•Use of FACE time

•Direct (non-RebelNet) parent contact/support•Pro-active study hall environment


Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST







Learning Seminars

and the reconfiguration of SpEd,


•State and federal funding for Special Education has changed and this reconfiguration is necessary.

•Also just best practice.

Learning Seminar

Course designed from research in

executive functioning to help students

understand learning patterns while

developing strategies that can be used in

the classroom, independent work time, and

at home. 

Learning Seminar

Course designed from research in

executive functioning to help students

understand learning patterns while

developing strategies that can be used in

the classroom, independent work time, and

at home. 

What are Executive Functions?

Skills that are required to be academically and socially successful and increase independence. Examples of EF skills are:•Response Inhibition

•Emotional Control•Sustained Attention


•Goal Directed Persistence•Working Memory

•Task Initiation•Planning/Prioritization

•Time Management•Stress Tolerance


• Roughly forty 9th grade students on IEPs, 504s, ESTs or otherwise identified by FTMS.

• 3 sections taught by Christine Lundie and Deb Bennett in room 232 (the business computer


• Year long course: B3, B4, G4

Schedule of Learning Seminars

• 5 minutes Inner Resilience

• 30 minutes of Instruction relating to strategies, interventions, and skill development

• 5 minutes of short term goal planning

• 40 minutes for homework completion and application of skills

Additional reconfiguration impacts:

• Enrichment is a place, NOT a course. Students in the Enrichment Center will have Enhanced Study, which is instruction directed by a Special Educator. (IEP/504 plan specific)

• EST referrals will require explicit description of strategies & interventions tried by classroom teacher.

• Co-teaching: Special Educators and Content Teachers working together to teach a course.

• Stronger and more purposeful FACETIME utilization to help students who struggle.

• Study hall teachers encouraged to build relationships with students.

Supports for Teachers:• Special Educators in departments• Co-teacher teams• Learning Seminar Resource Fusion Page• BRIEF (Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive

Functioning) via EST referrals• Literacy Coach- Alysia Backman• All the work done in TLCs relating to formative

assessment, instruction, and the work for NEASC accreditation

Questions?For more information about:

• Executive Functions see Pat Messerli

• Learning Seminars see Christine Lundie, Deb Bennett, or Theresa Akerley

• Special Ed Reconfiguration/Funding/Time Studies see Stephanie Auge

• If you have concerns or seriously need to vent- see an administrator!

Reorganization of Delivery

• Rationale– Goals

• “Reorg” Details– Co-Teaching– Lundie/504– Learning Seminars – Enhanced Study

• Other– Classroom level interventions & EST