rem sleep-active pedunculopontine tegmental …

REM SLEEP-ACTIVE PEDUNCULOPONTINE TEGMENTAL NEURONS SUPRESSES REM SLEEP EXPRESSION AND RESPIRATORY NETWORK ACTIVITY by Kevin Patrick Grace A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master’s of Science Department of Physiology University of Toronto © Copyright by Kevin Patrick Grace 2010

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Kevin Patrick Grace

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master’s of Science

Department of Physiology University of Toronto

© Copyright by Kevin Patrick Grace 2010



REM Sleep-Active Pedunculopontine Tegmental Neurons

Suppresses REM Sleep Expression and Respiratory Network


Kevin Grace

Master’s of Science

Department of Physiology

University of Toronto



The mechanisms underlying the generation of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep are poorly

understood. Despite a lack of direct support, neurons maximally active during REM sleep (REM

sleep-active) located in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTn) are hypothesized to

generate this state and its component phenomenology. This hypothesis has never been directly

tested, since the results of selectively inhibiting this cell-group have never been determined.

Using microdialysis, electrophysiology, histochemical and pharmacological methods in freely-

behaving rats (n=22) instrumented for sleep-wake state and respiratory muscle recordings, I

selectively inhibited REM sleep-active PPTn neurons. Contrary to the prevailing hypothesis, I

showed that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons suppress REM sleep by limiting the frequency of

its onset. These neurons also shape the impact of REM sleep on breathing. REM sleep-active

PPTn neurons restrain behavioural activation of upper-airway musculature during REM sleep,

while depressing breathing rate and respiratory activation of the upper-airway musculature across





This work was supported by funds from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR,

Grant MT-15563) and from a graduate studentship awarded to me on behalf of the Ontario

Thoracic Society. Special thanks go to Richard Horner, PhD, for his indispensible mentorship,

Mrs Hattie Liu for her technical support, Gaspard Montandon, PhD, for his thoughtful advice,

and Ralph Lydic, PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, for assistance on histology.



Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Preface p.1

1.2 Criteria for determining the functional role of a neuronal group

In the control of REM sleep p.2

1.3 Conceptual developments in sleep neurobiology p.6

1.4 REM sleep p.12

1.5 The pedunculopontine tegemental nucleus p.18

1.6 The impact of sleep on breathing p.22

1.7 Summary and hypotheses p.23

Chapter 2: Methods

2.1 Animal care p.27

2.2Anesthesia and surgical procedures p.27

2.3 Habituation p.31

2.4 Microdialysis p.32

2.5 Protocol p.33

2.6 Recording procedures p.38

2.7 Data analysis p.38

Chapter 3: Results

3.1 Effects of bilateral delivery of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on sleep

architecture in freely behaving rats p.45

3.2 Effects of bilateral delivery of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on

sleep micro-architecture in freely behaving rats p.52

3.3 Effects of bilateral perfusion of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn

on the drive threshold for REM sleep induction p.55



3.4 Effects of bilateral delivery of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on

phenomenology within sleep-wake states. p.60

Chapter 4: Discussion

4.1 REM sleep-active PPTn neurons suppress REM sleep p.73

4.2 mechanism of REM sleep suppression by

PPTn REM sleep-active neurons p.74

4.3 connections of PPTn REM sleep-active neurons possibly

mediating REM sleep suppression p.76

4.4 PPTn REM sleep-active neurons suppress upper-airway

muscle activity during REM sleep p.84

4.5 PPTn REM sleep-active neurons depress breathing

across sleep-wake states p.85

4.6 Future directions p.86



List of Tables

Table 1 p.51



List of Figures

Figure 1 p.8

Figure 2 p.15

Figure 3 p.29

Figure 4 p.36

Figure 5 p.46

Figure 6 p.48

Figure 7 p.53

Figure 8 p.56

Figure 9 p.58

Figure 10 p.61

Figure 11 p.63

Figure 12 p.67

Figure 13 p.69

Figure 14 p.82



List of Abbreviations

ACSF artificial cerebral spinal fluid

ANOVA analysis of variance

DRN dorsal raphé nuclei

EEG electroencephalogram

EMG electromyogram

VLPO ventrolateral preoptic area

GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid

LC locus coeruleus

LDTn laterodorsal tegmental nucleus

LPT lateral pontine tegmentum

NIV non-REM/REM sleep transition indicator value

NADPH nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate

NRT non-REM/REM sleep transition

OSA obstructive sleep apnea

PnO nucleus pontis oralis

PnC nucleus pontis caudalis

PPTn pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus

PRF pontine reticular formation

REM rapid eye-movement sleep

SLDn sublaterodorsal nucleus

TMN tuberomammillary nucleus

VLPO ventrolateral preoptic region







1 Introduction

1.1 Preface

One of the principal directives of sleep neurobiology is to provide a full description of the

mechanisms underlying the generation of global brain states and how these states impact upon

an organism’s physiology. The three naturally occurring and phenomenologically distinct

states of the mammalian central nervous system are wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement

(REM) sleep, and REM sleep. The scientific work presented in this manuscript broadly aimed

to contribute to the field of sleep neurobiology by further defining; (i) the circuitry

responsible for the generation of REM sleep and, (ii) the mechanisms responsible for the

impact of REM sleep on respiratory physiology. I sought to achieve these aims by defining

the functional role of neurons located in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTn), that

are maximally active immediately prior to and during REM sleep (i.e., REM sleep-active), in

the generation of REM sleep and its impact on respiratory activity. For over 25 years the

prevailing consensus in the field of sleep neurobiology has been that REM sleep-active PPTn

neurons participate in the generation of the REM sleep state, however; the body of evidence

supporting this claim is in many ways characterized by a lack of coherency as well as deficits

in scientific reasoning. Therefore a large proportion of the introductory remarks will be

dedicated to critically evaluating the evidence regarding REM sleep-active PPTn neuronal

involvement in REM sleep generation. Firstly, I outline the criteria that need to be satisfied in

order to define a cell-group’s functional role in regulating sleep-wake state. I then describe

the major historical developments in the field of sleep neurobiology which have led to our

modern conception of brain sleep-wakes states; focusing particularly on the emergence of

early models of REM sleep generation that are ultimately responsible for the prevailing notion

that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons participate in REM sleep generation. The existing

evidence regarding REM sleep-active PPTn neuron involvement in REM sleep generation

will then be presented, and critically analyzed according to the criteria for defining a cell-

group’s functional role. Finally, the impact of sleep on breathing will be described, and



hypotheses will be presented regarding the PPTn REM sleep-active neuron involvement in

REM sleep generation and its respiratory phenotype.

1.2 Criteria for Determining the Functional Role of a Neuronal Cell-Group in the Control of REM sleep

The network controlling the state of REM sleep is composed of neuronal groups acting to

both promote and suppress REM sleep. The term modulator will be used to refer to neuronal

groups acting to either promote or suppress REM sleep. A range of techniques are used in the

field of sleep neurobiology to determine the functional role of neuronal groups in the control

of REM sleep. These techniques can be categorized according to those which demonstrate: (i)

the functional capacity of a neuronal group to modulate REM sleep, (ii) the sufficiency of a

neuronal group to modulate REM sleep or, (iii) the necessity of a neuronal group in the

modulation of REM sleep.

1.2.1 Capacity

Having functional capacity to modulate REM sleep is the weakest designation that can be

assigned to a neuronal group. The capacity of group to modulate REM sleep is primarily

demonstrated via neuroanatomical studies. Clearly, neuronal groups that do not innervate

components of the REM sleep control network would, in most cases, be incapable of

influencing the generation of this state. Therefore if a neuronal group innervates other

modulators known to be necessary for the normal occurrence of REM sleep, it can be said that

this group has the capacity to modulate REM via those projections. Identification of the

neurotransmitter phenotype of projecting neurons can be used to indicate whether a neural

group would act in a promoting or suppressive manner. For example, GABAergic neurons

projecting to a region known to be required for the generation of REM sleep would certainly

have the capacity to suppress REM sleep generation. Neuroanatomical connections only



establish capacity, because using conventional tracing techniques, it is often only possible to

define a region of tissue innervated by a group of neurons. Such a region would undoubtedly

be functionally heterogeneous, and so it is often not known whether projections to a region

actually innervate functionally relevant neurons. Moreover the physiological relevance of a

projection cannot be inferred from neuroanatomy alone, and therefore further studies are

required to define the functional role of the projecting neuronal group.

Any neuronal group which is not active during REM sleep, clearly cannot actively modulate

this state (as opposed to modulators which passively permit REM sleep generation via their

inactivity during REM sleep – only active modulators will be discussed here). Many

hypothesized modulators of REM sleep are those neuronal groups which are designated REM

sleep-active (i.e., maximally active immediately prior to and during REM sleep). However,

having such an activity profile does not necessitate that a neuronal group is involved in the

modulation of REM sleep. Consider the fact REM sleep is an aroused state of the brain where

brainstem reticular formation neurons often experience increases in membrane potential

exceeding even waking levels (Steriade and McCarley, 2005b); it would therefore be true that

many neuronal pools throughout the central nervous system, including those uninvolved in

REM sleep generation, would exhibit maximal activity during REM sleep.

1.2.2 Sufficiency

Gain-of-function interventions (e.g., electrical or local pharmacological stimulation) are often

used to identify REM sleep modulators by demonstrating that increases in their activity are

associated with some change in REM sleep. For example, an increase in REM sleep

stemming from the stimulation of a particular neuronal group would be consistent with that

group being involved in the generation of REM sleep. The activation of that group would be

considered sufficient for the promotion of REM sleep. The weakness of gain-of-function

interventions demonstrating sufficiency is that, it is never known if the activation of a



neuronal group above normal levels produces an abnormal physiological response that is not

representative of the true function of that group.

1.2.3 Necessity

The most effective means by which the function of a neural group can be determined is by a

loss-of-function intervention (e.g., lesioning or local pharmacological inhibition). By

diminishing or silencing the activity of a neuronal group, and observing the ensuing

functional deficit(s) in REM sleep generation, it can be reasonably concluded that the

endogenous activity of the group in question, subserves the function(s) lost by its inactivation.

For example, an increase in REM sleep stemming from the inhibition of a particular neuronal

group would show that that group is necessarily involved in the suppression of REM sleep.

To demonstrate that a neuronal group is necessarily involved in the modulation of REM sleep,

is to preclude the possibility that it is uninvolved, something which is not accomplished by

demonstrations of sufficiency or capacity. Therefore, determining the functional role of a

neuronal group in the control of REM sleep ultimately requires a demonstration of

necessity or a loss of function intervention.

1.2.4 On the Importance of Selectivity

There is obviously limited usefulness in defining the function of a spatial region of the brain,

which itself contains a heterogeneous mixture of functionally disparate neuronal groups.

However, many of the methodological approaches used in sleep neurobiology are designed to

do exactly that. Such techniques include electrolytic/chemical lesioning, electrical

stimulation, and the local application of non-discriminating drugs like GABA and glutamate

receptor agonists. Although these techniques have proven very useful for focusing in on the

regions of the brain underlying the control of REM sleep; in order to map the network

responsible for REM sleep generation we need to selectively study the actions of functionally



homogenous cell groups, as they are the fundamental functional units of information

processing in the brain (Bullmore and Sporns, 2009). For example, use of the above

mentioned techniques to manipulate the PPTn, has shown that neurons in this region are

involved in the control of sleep-wake state. However, there is little meaning in any function(s)

assigned to the PPTn en masse, given that there are different PPTn sub-populations, defined

by their activity profiles across sleep-wake states, that are hypothesized to exert different

influences on sleep-wake state (see sections 1.4.1, 1.3.2, & 1.4.2 for more detail). It is these

subgroups that independently operate as functional units in the circuitry governing sleep wake

state. In other words, close physical proximity is a poor basis for defining a neuronal group

involved in the control of REM sleep; other characteristics like activity profile, connectivity

and neurotransmitter phenotype need to be taken into consideration. Therefore when

determining the function of neuronal groups in the control of REM sleep, interventions

should be used which target not only physical location, but also other functional relevant


1.3 Conceptual Developments in Sleep Neurobiology

1.3.1 Seminal Developments

Much of our understanding regarding the mechanisms of sleep wake states can be traced back

to early studies surrounding the pandemic of lethargic encephalitis during the First World

War. Individuals inflicted with lethargic encephalitis were primarily characterized by an

inability to maintain wakefulness. Pioneering studies by the Viennese neurologist, Baron

Constantin von Economo, determined that the loss of wakefulness was associated with

neuronal cell death in regions of the brainstem (Saper et al., 2001). This observation became

the basis for the important conceptual development that the brainstem is a source of ascending

inputs to the forebrain that are required for the maintenance of the waking state. In



conjunction with studies of lethargic encephalitis, Frédéric Bremer, preformed a series of

transection experiments in cats confirming the necessity of the brainstem in the generation of

wakefulness (Tretiakoff and Bremer, 1920; Saper et al., 2001). Removal of the entire

encephalon from the spinal cord did not disrupt the occurrence of electroencephalographic

rhythms consistent with wakefulness and sleep, while mesencephalic transections, separating

the forebrain from the midbrain, resulted in forebrain electrographic changes that were

consistent with prolonged sleepiness (i.e. large amplitude and low frequency waveforms).

Therefore Bremer postulated that ascending inputs from the spinal neuraxis and brainstem

were the source of continuous facilitation of forebrain activity (Steriade and McCarley,

2005b). A student of Bremer, G. Moruzzi, in collaboration with H.W. Magoun, demonstrated

that brainstem activation was also sufficient for the maintenance of forebrain activation, by

demonstrating that electrical stimulation of the brainstem transformed the low frequency /

high amplitude electroencephalographic waves typical of their anesthetized animals to a high

frequency / low amplitude waveform indicative of forebrain activation (Moruzzi and Magoun,

1949; Steriade and McCarley, 2005b). By modern standards, these pioneering studies utilized

crude techniques in crude preparations, and the conclusions drawn from these studies were by

no means definitive. In fact, it may be a gross exaggeration to claim, that the work by Bremer,

Moruzzi, and Mangoun demonstrated the sufficiency and necessity of the brainstem reticular

formation in the activation of the forebrain and the maintenance of wakefulness. But

nevertheless, these studies have formed the basis for the modern notion that the so called

brainstem “ascending reticular activating system” is primarily responsible for producing

forebrain arousal.

1.3.2 Ascending Reticular Activating System

More selective transection studies in the years following the work of Bremer, Moruzzi, and

Mangoun localized the roots of the ascending reticular activating system to the rostral pons

(Saper et al., 2001). A schematic of the reticular activating system is shown in figure. 1A.The

use of modern neuroanatomical tracing methods identified pathways from this region into the





Figure 1. A schematic of the key components of the brainstem circuitry controlling

wakefulness and sleep. (A) Shows hypothesized components of the ascending reticular

activating system producing forebrain arousal and wakefulness. Cholinergic neurons in the

pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (PPTn/LDTn) promote arousal and

corticothalamic transmission via a thalamic pathway (orange). Neurons of the noradrenergic

locus coeruleus (LC), serotonergic dorsal/median raphé nuclei, histamtergic

tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN), cholinergic basal forebrain, as well as orexinergic

hypothalamic neurons form an additional arousal pathway coursing through the hypothalamus

(red). (B) Shows the hypothesized action of sleep-active inhibitory (via release of the

inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and galanin) ventrolateral preoptic nucleus neurons, on

the components of the ascending reticular activating system. Such inhibition actively prevents

forebrain arousal and generates sleep. GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid. Modified version of a

figure by Saper et. al. (2005).



diencephalon. This pathway branches into two parts, one innervating the thalamus and the

other the hypothalamus. One of the main pontine inputs to the thalamus is the laterodorsal

tegemental nucleus (LDT) and to a lesser degree the PPTn (Edley and Graybiel, 1983; Rye et

al., 1987; Hallanger and Wainer, 1988). Both these regions contain neurons that are

maximally active during wakefulness and REM sleep, and minimally active during non-REM

sleep (wake/REM sleep-active)(Thakkar et al., 1998). Given that a subset of PPTn/LDTn

neurons are cholinergic (Rye et al., 1987; Shiromani et al., 1988) and that cholinergic activity

is considered to be crucially involved in activating thalamocortical transmission, it is thought

that cholinergic innervation of the thalamus by PPTn/LDTn wake/REM sleep-active neurons

plays a major role in maintaining forebrain arousal (Hallanger and Wainer, 1988; Saper et al.,

2001; Pace-Schott and Hobson, 2002). The hypothalamic arm of the reticular activating

system has also been well characterized. Many cell groups, which are maximally active

during wakefulness and minimally active during sleep, diffusely innervate and activate the

cortex via a pathway coursing through the region of the lateral hypothalamus (Saper et al.,

2001). Examples include noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons located in the locus

coeruleus (LC) and dorsal/median raphé nuclei respectively. In the hypothalamic area,

projections from these cell-groups are joined by histaminergic projections from the

tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN), cholinergic projections from the basal forebrain, and

hypothalamic orexinergic projections. The activation of the forebrain, via the combined

influences of the two arms of the reticular activating system are responsible for maintaining

wakefulness. The inhibition of this system is ultimately responsible for the generation of


1.3.3 The Emergence of Active Theories of Sleep

The end of the last section alluded to the notion that sleep occurs as a result of the active

inhibition of wake-generating circuitry. Indeed, the idea that sleep is an actively generated

process is the modern view, however; this has not always been the case. The prevailing

hypothesis regarding the mechanism of sleep generation, from the last century B.C. until the



mid 1900’s, was that sleep is a passively generated (Steriade et al., 2005b). Moruzzi and

Mangoun, suggested that sleep might occur due to the passive withdrawal of activity in

brainstem activating circuitry and/or withdrawal of reticular formation stimulation by afferent

sensory systems (Steriade et al., 2005a). This was arguably the most parsimonious

explanation of sleep generation at the time since little evidence existed testifying to the

existence of hypnogenic neural structures capable of generating sleep. So, the notion that

sleep is actively generated emerged from electrical stimulation studies in cats demonstrating

the sufficiency of regions like the medial thalamic area and the lateral preoptic area of the

hypothalamus, to induce sleep or sleep-like states, characterized by electrographic

synchronization (i.e., low frequency / high amplitude waveform) (Sterman and Clemente,

1962a, b). Moreover, exitotoxic lesions of the preoptic area were capable of producing long-

lasting bouts of insomnia demonstrating the necessity of this region for normal sleep

induction (Nauta, 1946; Sallanon et al., 1989).

Since these initial land mark studies, the use of more discriminating lesioning techniques have

confirmed the role of the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) in the generation of sleep and

so solidified the notion that sleep is actively generated via the inhibition of reticular activating

system (Lu et al., 2000). Anterograde tracing methods have shown that VLPO neurons

innervate the main components of the reticular activating system (i.e., dorsal/median raphe,

basal forebrain, LC, TMN, LDT, PPT) (Sherin et al., 1996; Sherin et al., 1998; Steininger et

al., 2001). These projections are argued to be likely inhibitory given that 80% of retrogradely

labeled neurons in the region release the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and galanin

(Sherin et al., 1998).

1.3.4 The Dual Nature of Sleep

In the 1950’s, Kleitman, Aserinsky and Dement were the first to describe a unique sleep

stage, which would come to be known as REM sleep (Aserinsky and Kleitman, 1953, 1955;

Dement and Kleitman, 1957b, a). In stark contrast to EEG synchronized sleep (i.e. non-REM



sleep), REM sleep was defined by the presence of a wake-like cortical EEG activity (i.e., low

voltage/high frequency), limb twitching, rapid eye movements, and complete loss of muscle

tone. Despite demonstration of the obvious differences compared to EEG synchronized sleep;

REM sleep was not regarded as qualitatively different from other stages of sleep. Instead

sleep was considered a unitary phenomenon having stages of varying depth or intensity, and

REM sleep was regarded as its deepest stage. The roots of our modern conception of REM

sleep as a phenomenologically distinct from non-REM sleep, can be traced back to Dement

and Jouvet, who contrary to popular thinking at the time, publicly emphasized the numerous

differences between REM sleep and EEG synchronized sleep (Steriade and McCarley,

2005b). Their advocacy prompted a shift in conceptual thinking away from the notion that

sleep is a unitary phenomenon, and towards the idea that sleep is an aggregate of two states

which have very little in common at the level of the brain. This conceptual shift was

extremely important because it prompted the field of sleep neurobiology to consider questions

of sleep function and generative mechanisms, in terms of non-REM and REM sleep

individually. In the following decades, it was indeed shown that the circuitry underlying the

generation and maintenance of REM sleep is very different from that generating wakefulness

or non-REM sleep. The following section will detail the efforts to describe the circuitry

responsible for the generation of REM sleep.

1.4 REM sleep

1.4.1 Determining the Basic Circuitry

The circuitry responsible for the generation of REM sleep, was initially defined using

transection and lesioning studies. Attributes of REM sleep were shown to persist following

decortification and transections of the brainstem rostral to the pons, while transections along

the posterior border of the pons, eliminated signs of REM caudal to the transection (Jouvet,

1962; Carli and Zanchetti, 1965). Therefore, the pons was shown to be necessary and

sufficient for the generation of REM sleep, although that is not to say that extrapontine



structures do not contribute to the elaboration of REM sleep phenomenology (Webster et al.,

1986). Lesioning studies were used to further pin-point the pontine regions critically

necessary for the generation and maintenance of this state. Electrolytic and chemical lesions

in the dorsal segment of oral and caudal portions of the pontine reticular formation (PRF)

were the most successful in producing suppression of REM sleep, thereby implicating the

neurons in this region in the generation of REM sleep (Jouvet and Valatx, 1962; Carli and

Zanchetti, 1965; Jouvet et al., 1965; Sastre et al., 1981; Webster and Jones, 1988).

Cholinergic influences in the PRF figured centrally in the early models of REM sleep

generation. The fixation on cholinergic influences can be traced back to studies performed by

Jouvet’s group demonstrating that systemic administration of atropine, an antagonist of

muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, suppressed REM sleep (Jouvet, 1962). Moreover,

increasing endogenous acetylcholine levels via systemic administration of an

acetylcholinesterase inhibitor had a promoting effect on REM sleep (Jouvet, 1962). Of course,

few if any meaningful conclusions can be drawn, regarding complex neural mechanisms,

from systemic drug administration, but these findings formed the rationale for subsequent

studies showing that local application of the mixed cholinergic receptor agonist, carbachol, in

the PRF of cats, can induce REM sleep (George et al., 1964). The most effective region for

cholinergic induction of REM sleep in cats was later shown to be a small region within the

dorsal PRF containing REM sleep-active neurons, named the peri-locus coeruleus

(Baghdoyan et al., 1984; Baghdoyan et al., 1987; Vanni-Mercier et al., 1989; Yamamoto et

al., 1990)[corresponds to the sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLDn) in the rat]. These studies

demonstrate: (i) the sufficiency of acetycholine to promote REM sleep generation, and (ii) the

capacity of cholinergic neurons innervating the SLDn to promote REM sleep generation.

There is ample evidence to implicate neurons located in the SLDn, as perhaps the most

critical component of the REM sleep control network. Apart from lesioning experiments that

have established the necessity of neurons in this region for normal REM sleep expression,

additional evidence indicates that SLDn neurons are responsible for producing the

phenomenological components of REM sleep. The SLDn, particularly its ventral portion, is



necessarily involved in generating the motor atonia of REM sleep since lesions of this region

can reliably block REM sleep atonia (Sastre and Jouvet, 1979; Sanford et al., 1994; Plazzi et

al., 1996; Lu et al., 2006). The induction of REM sleep atonia is likely mediated by

projections of REM sleep-active SLDn neurons directly to regions of the spinal cord

containing motor neurons (Lu et al., 2006) and/or indirectly via the gigantocellular nucleus of

the ventromedial medullary reticular formation: an important relay in the pathway responsible

for REM sleep atonia (Sastre et al., 1981; Rye et al., 1988). Ascending projections from the

SLDn are implicated in generating the electrographic phenotype of REM sleep (Lu et al.,

2006). Electrographically, REM sleep in rodents is primarily characterized by a prominent

hippocampal theta rhythm generated by neurons projecting to the hippocampus from the

septum. SLDn neurons project to areas of the septum; the lesioning of which can obliterate

theta activity during REM sleep (Lu et al., 2006).

1.4.2 The Reciprocal Interaction Model

Building on early studies by Jouvet and others, Hobson and McCarley (Hobson et al., 1975;

McCarley and Hobson, 1975a) proposed the reciprocal interaction model; a

structural/mathematical hypothesis meant to provide an explanation for the cyclical

generation of REM sleep. Over the last 35 years this model has stood as the most widely

accepted explanation for the mechanism of REM sleep generation (Pace-Schott and Hobson,

2002). The original model proposed that REM sleep-inactive aminergic neurons in the LC

and DRN interact reciprocally with REM sleep-active cholinergic PRF neurons, and that this

interaction drives the rhythmic cycling between non-REM and REM sleep (Hobson et al.,

1975). During wakefulness aminergic neurons would be maximally active and producing

suppression of REM sleep-active PRF neurons. During non-REM sleep the activity of

aminergic REM sleep-inactive neurons would diminish, thereby relieving inhibition of

cholinergic REM sleep-active PRF neurons, thus allowing their activity to steadily rise until

REM sleep is induced. During REM sleep, aminergic neurons are almost completely silent,

but would become active again and terminate the REM sleep episode due to an excitatory





Figure 2. A schematic diagram of the main circuitry responsible for REM sleep

generation according to the reciprocal interaction model. Shows that REM sleep in-active

monaminergic neurons located in the dorsal/median raphé nuclei (raphe) and locus coeruleus

(LC) interact in a reciprocal manner with presumed cholinergic neurons of the

pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (PPTn/LDTn). As LC/raphe neurons

relieve the PPTn/LDTn from inhibition, REM sleep is induced via cholinergic excitation of

sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLDn) neurons: a process which is sustained by a mutual excitatory

relationship between the neurons of the SLDn and PPTn/LDTn. This circuitry is hypothesized

to drive the cyclical generation of REM sleep. This model is responsible for the prevailing

hypothesis that PPTn REM sleep-active neurons generate REM sleep. 5HT, serotonin; NA,

noradrenaline; ACh, acetylcholine. Modified version of figure by Pace-Schott and Hobson




influence of cholinergic PRF neurons. This arrangement was modeled mathematically using

equations of the Lotka-Volterra type derived from population models of predator-prey

interactions. The time course of neuronal activity in the REM sleep-active and REM sleep in-

active cell groups predicted by the mathematical model, coincide with the actual long-term

recordings of PRF and LC/DRN neurons (McCarley and Hobson, 1975a).

The reciprocal interaction model was postulated prior to the development of immunolabelling

for cholinergic neurons, but once these techniques were made available, it was determined

that the presumed cholinergic REM sleep-active PRF neurons were in fact not cholinergic

(Steriade et al., 2005b). In order to salvage the model, it was instead suggested that the major

source of REM sleep-active cholinergic neurons were the PPTn and LDTn (Sakai et al.,

1981). Moreover, it was suggested that PPTn and LDTn cholinergic neurons act to induce

REM sleep onset via innervation and activation of cholinoceptive REM sleep-active SLDn

neurons (Sakai et al., 1981). Several lines of evidence support the reciprocal interaction

model. The supporting evidence includes but is not limited to the following: (i) exogenous

cholinergic stimulation of the SLDn and other region in the PRF induces REM sleep (see

sec.1.4.1), (ii) microdialysis studies show that endogenous levels of acetylcholine in the PRF

increase during REM sleep (Kodama et al., 1990; Lydic et al., 1991), (iii) The SLDn is

innervated by cholinergic LDTn and PPTn neurons (Datta et al., 1999), (iv) the LDTn and

PPTn contain neuronal sub-groups exhibiting maximal activity during REM sleep (Thakkar et

al., 1998), (v) Electrical stimulation of the LDTn evokes excitatory post synaptic potentials in

PRF neurons that can be blocked by scopolamine , (vi) electrical stimulation of the LDTn

promotes REM sleep (Thakkar et al., 1996), (vii) serotonergic neurons of the DRN have been

shown to project to the LDTn and PPTn (Honda and Semba, 1995), and (viii) serotonin type

1A receptor agonism selectively inhibits activity of REM sleep-active PPTn and LDTn

neurons (Thakkar et al., 1998).

Based on the reciprocal interaction model, the PPTn REM sleep-active cell group is

commonly regarded as an important component of the REM sleep control network,



participating in the generation of this state. In the following sections I detail the efforts to

validate the hypothesized involvement of PPTn neurons in REM sleep generation and

critically analyze the evidence supporting this hypothesis according to the criteria defined in,

section 1.2, of this manuscript.

1.5 The Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus

1.5.1 PPTn Neuroanatomy & Heterogeneity

The PPTn was first defined on cytoarchitectonic grounds in the human brain. It consists of a

collection of large neurons that extend from the caudal pole of the red nucleus to the

parabrachial nucleus in close association with the ascending limb of the superior cerebellar

peduncle (Rye et al., 1987). The PPTn is typically considered as having two major

subdivisions differing on the basis of cell density. The caudal half of the nucleus, known as

the subnucleus compactus, has the greatest cell density. Cell density is sparser in the rostral

half of the nucleus, known as the subnucleus dissipatus. Approximately 80% of the large

neurons characterizing the PPTn are cholinergic (Rye et al., 1988). Despite defining the

PPTn, large cholinergic neurons are outnumbered by intermixed glutamatergic and

GABAergic neurons. Glutamatergic and GABAeric PPTn cell groups account for 40 and 35%

respectively of the total number of PPTn neurons (Wang and Morales, 2009). I have

previously mentioned the two functionally distinct PPTn cell groups involved in the control of

sleep-wake states, but I will recap them here. Firstly, wake/REM sleep-active PPTn neurons

(i.e., neurons maximally active during the aroused brain states of wakefulness and REM

sleep) are a hypothesized component of the reticular activating system responsible for

maintaining wakefulness (Saper et al., 2001). Secondly, REM sleep-active PPTn neurons (i.e.,

neurons maximally active immediately prior to and during REM sleep, and minimally active

during wakefulness and non-REM sleep) are hypothesized to participate in the generation of

REM sleep (Pace-Schott and Hobson, 2002).



1.5.2 Critique of Evidence Supporting PPTn-Mediated REM Sleep Generation

REM sleep-active PPTn neurons were first incorporated into the reciprocal interaction model

of REM sleep generation on the basis that they are a potential source of REM sleep-specific

release of acetylcholine in the PRF. Therefore, I begin by examining the evidence supporting

cholinergic PRF mechanisms in REM sleep generation. Given the evidence already discussed,

there is little doubt that exogenously applied cholinergic receptor agonists have the capacity

to induce REM sleep in the PRF. Therefore, by proxy, cholinergic neurons projecting to the

PRF, like those located in the PPTn, also have the capacity to induce REM sleep. However,

the necessity of pontine acetylcholine release for the induction of REM sleep has never been

demonstrated. In the nearly 46 years since the seminal demonstration of the capacity of

carbachol to induce REM sleep in the PRF (George et al., 1964), not a single published

account exists demonstrating that antagonism of cholinergic receptors in the PRF produces

REM sleep suppression (Luppi et al., 2006). Even more troubling, is the fact that REM sleep

cannot be reliably induced by PRF application of carbachol, particularly in rodents

(Deurveilher et al., 1997). PRF sites at which carbachol can successfully induce REM sleep,

are intermingled amongst sites at which cholinergic stimulation produces either wakefulness

or no effect. Cholinergic receptor agonism of SLDn neurons has been shown to produce

prolonged insomnia characterized by heightened muscle tone (Bourgin et al., 1995; Boissard

et al., 2002). Similarly, increasing endogenous acetylcholine in the PRF of mice using

acetylcholinesterase inhibition has been shown to produce prolonged bouts of wakefulness

characterized by freezing behavior and elevated muscle tone (Lydic et al., 2002; Pollock and

Mistlberger, 2005). In conclusion, although acetylcholine acting in the PRF is sufficient to

induce REM sleep, it is also sufficient to induce wakefulness. The unreliability of REM sleep

induction by carbachol, and the absence of evidence testifying to the necessity of PRF

acetylcholine for REM sleep generation, casts doubt over the capacity of cholinergic PPTn

REM sleep-active neurons to generate REM sleep.



REM sleep active PPTn neurons, can also be considered to have the capacity to generate

REM sleep on the basis that they are maximally active prior to and during REM sleep. The

hypothesis that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons generate REM sleep via the cholinergic

innervation and activation of the SLDn is of course predicated on the assumption that REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons are predominately cholinergic. The activity profiles of neurons

across states of sleep and wakefulness are predominately determined using extracellular

recording techniques (Steriade et al., 2005b). Using such methods, the neurotransmitter

phenotype of recorded neurons cannot be determined. Immunolabeling for c-Fos combined

with REM sleep deprivation/recovery protocols is the only method in common use to define:

(i) whether or not REM sleep-active PPTn neurons are cholinergic, and (ii) the relative

proportions of cholinergic versus non-cholinergic REM sleep-active neurons in the PPTn. c-

Fos protein expression increases along with increasing cellular activity, and so REM sleep

active PPTn neurons would be expected to display heightened c-Fos expression in periods of

REM sleep rebound (i.e., the homeostatic increase in REM sleep following deprivation)

relative to controls (Maloney et al., 2000). Using c-Fos immunostaining protocols, reported

proportions of PPTn neurons that are both REM-sleep active and cholinergic, range from only

3-14% (Maloney et al., 1999; Verret et al., 2005), while the proportion of GABAergic REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons is reported to be within 44-82% (Maloney et al., 2000; Torterolo et

al., 2001; Sapin et al., 2009). It could be argued that a deficiency in cholinergic cell labelling

led to an under representation of the proportion of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons that are

cholinergic. However, this is not likely the case, given that the same studies reported

relatively high numbers of cholinergic REM sleep-active neurons in other brain regions. For

example, Verret and colleagues reported that in the predominately serotonergic raphe

obscurus nucleus; 42.7% of neurons identified as REM sleep active were cholinergic. The

relative scarcity of cholinergic REM sleep-active PPTn neurons is significant because it

means that we cannot reasonably define the role of these neurons in REM sleep generation

according to the actions of acetylcholine in the PRF. In other words, evidence supporting a

role for cholinergic mechanisms in the generation of REM sleep does not implicate the PPTn

REM sleep-active cell-group in the promotion of REM sleep generation.



Studies reporting reduced REM sleep following PPTn lesioning are often regarded as

demonstrations of the necessity of PPTn neurons for the generation of REM sleep (Webster

and Jones, 1988; Shouse and Siegel, 1992). However these studies do not report the effects of

lesions of the PPTn per se. The lesions created by these studies were expansive,

encompassing not only the PPTn, but also large portions of the surrounding pontine

tegmentum. The lesions produced by Webster, included the SLDn and so the resulting

reductions in REM sleep could be explained by the loss of SLDn neurons, rather than ablation

of the PPTn. Recognizing this fatal criticism, Shouse et. al., effectively repeated this study

while making sure that lesions spared the region of the SLDn. Despite leaving the SLDn

intact, lesions were by no means spatially selective for the PPTn. Also lesioned were

structures such as the lateral pontine tegmentum and the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray;

two structures which have been recently identified as important REM sleep modulators (Lu et

al., 2006). All that can be reasonably concluded from these studies is that the region of the

pontine tegmentum, containing the PPTn as well as other components of the REM sleep

control network, is necessarily involved in the promotion of REM sleep generation. In other

words, these studies are of little use in defining the functional role of PPTn neurons

specifically in REM sleep generation, due to their lack of spatial specificity.

Nevertheless, more spatially selective ablation of PPTn neurons may still have been expected

to produce reductions in REM sleep, thereby demonstrating the necessity of this region in the

generation of this state. However, Lu et. al. (2006), reported that more spatially specific

lesioning of the of the PPTn resulted in increased REM sleep, indicating that PPTn neurons

act to suppress rather than promote REM sleep generation. The notion that the PPTn exerts an

inhibitory influence on REM sleep generation, is consistent with the results of other studies

producing PPTn inactivation. GABAA receptor agonism at the PPTn has also been shown to

increase REM sleep (Torterolo et al., 2002; Pal and Mallick, 2004, 2009). The increased REM

sleep reported by these studies came at the expense of time spent awake, and so it has been

argued that the observed REM sleep increase, was just a by-product of a wakefulness

suppression, stemming from the inhibition of wake promoting wake/REM sleep active PPTn

neurons (Torterolo et al., 2002). However, this explanation does not account for the



disproportionate increases in REM sleep reported by these studies, which would suggest that

some PPTn neurons are necessarily involved in the active suppression of the REM sleep state.

Based on the body of evidence surrounding PPTn neuron involvement in REM sleep

generation, we can conclude that: (i) REM sleep-active PPTn neurons likely do not generate

REM sleep via the cholinergic innervations and activation of PRF neurons, (ii) A population

of PPTn neurons may be actively suppressing REM sleep, (iii) Determination of the necessary

functional role fulfilled by REM sleep-active PPTn neurons in REM sleep generation has

been prevented by the use of techniques which do not discriminate between the multiple

functional cell groups of the PPTn (i.e., REM sleep-active vs. wake/REM sleep active).

Therefore, to determine the functional role of the REM sleep-active PPTn neurons in the

generation of REM sleep, an intervention is needed that selectively inhibits this cell group.

1.6 The Impact of Sleep on Breathing

Sleep results in fundamental changes in respiratory muscle activity and control mechanisms,

changes that can predispose individuals to disordered breathing during sleep: a class of

conditions designated as a major public health burden (Orem et al., 1977; Colten and

Altevogt, 2006). Disturbances of normal breathing are most significant during rapid eye

movement (REM) sleep, when respiratory rate becomes heightened and irregular while the

activity of certain respiratory muscles is completely suppressed (Orem et al., 1977; Horner,

2009). The susceptibility of a given respiratory muscle to suppression by sleep mechanisms

seems to be dependent upon the level of non-respiratory or behavioural input that muscle

receives (Phillipson and Bowes, 1886; Orem, 1990; Horner, 2009). For example, consider the

primary respiratory muscle responsible for drawing air into the lungs: the diaphragm. This

muscle receives very little behavioural input and is spared from the atonia which affects

postural musculature. In contrast, consider the genioglossus muscle of the tongue; it receives

a rhythmic respiratory input that is important for maintaining patency in the collapsible

portion of the upper airway amidst negative pressures generated during inspiration that tend to



pull the airway closed. The genioglossus muscle also receives behavioural inputs related to its

accessory functions such as speech and swallowing (Remmers et al., 1978; Horner, 2009).

Activity in this muscle is potently suppressed during REM sleep, an effect which precipitates

obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (Remmers et al., 1978). OSA is perhaps the most prevalent

example of sleep disordered breathing, and is characterized by repetitive airway collapse and

cessation of breathing during sleep. Determining the neural underpinnings of the impact of

sleep on breathing will permit a greater understanding of the pathogenesis of sleep-related

breathing disorders.

PPTn REM sleep-active neurons have the functional capacity to fulfill a role in the

modulation of breathing during REM sleep. In addition to connections with other components

of the REM sleep control network already described; PPTn neurons innervate critical

components of the respiratory network. PPTn neurons project to areas of the rostral

ventrolateral medulla (Yasui et al., 1990) that contain respiratory neurons critical to the

generation of respiratory rhythm and pattern (Feldman and Del Negro, 2006), and to relevant

motor pools such as the hypoglossal motor nucleus (Woolf and Butcher, 1989; Fay and

Norgren, 1997; Rukhadze and Kubin, 2007), which innervates the genioglossus muscle of the


1.7 Summary and Hypotheses

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a naturally recurring and phenomenologically distinct

state of the central nervous system, yet the mechanisms underlying its generation are

unresolved. PPTn REM sleep-active neurons are thought to be significant to the generation of

this state; the prevailing hypothesis being this cell-group promotes REM sleep generation via

cholinergic innervation and activation of SLDn neurons, which themselves gate entry into

REM sleep (Hobson et al., 2000; Pace-Schott and Hobson, 2002; lydic and Baghdoyan, 2003;

Lydic and Baghdoyan, 2005; Steriade and McCarley, 2005b). This hypothesis stems,

primarily, from the body of evidence showing that pontine cholinergic mechanisms have the



capacity to influence REM sleep expression. Evidence includes enhancement of REM sleep

following cholinergic stimulation of the PRF and elevated PRF acetylcholine concentrations

during REM sleep and following electrical stimulation of the PPTn (ibid.). Additionally,

PPTn neurons project to the PRF and the activity profile of PPTn REM sleep-active neurons

is consistent with their causal involvement in REM sleep generation (ibid.).

These and other data, however, are not sufficient to establish that REM sleep-active PPTn

neurons as being necessarily involved in REM sleep generation for two reasons. Firstly, these

data do not preclude the alternative hypotheses that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons either

have no effect on, or even suppress, REM sleep. Secondly, determination of the functional

role of REM sleep-active PPTn in REM sleep generation requires identification of the effects

of selective inhibition of this population of PPTn neurons, with the expectation that this

intervention would suppress REM sleep according to the prevailing hypothesis. In each case,

data contrary to the prevailing hypothesis of REM sleep generation would require significant

revision of the current view.

Despite studies showing that pontine cholinergic mechanisms have the capacity to influence

REM sleep expression, there is accumulating evidence that this is not the mechanism by

which REM sleep-active PPTn neurons regulate REM sleep. For example, cholinergic

stimulation of the PRF in rodents does not reliably enhance REM sleep, inducing wakefulness

or having no effect in many cases (Bourgin et al., 1995; Deurveilher et al., 1997; Boissard et

al., 2002; Pollock and Mistlberger, 2005) and endogenous acetylcholine in the PRF has not

yet been shown to be necessary for REM sleep generation as would be tested by focal

application of acetylcholine receptor antagonists. REM sleep-active PPTn neurons are also

predominately non-cholinergic (Maloney et al., 1999; Verret et al., 2005). Reductions in

REM sleep following PPTn lesions are often taken as direct evidence of PPTn involvement in

REM sleep generation (Webster and Jones, 1988; Shouse and Siegel, 1992). However, these

results do not reflect the loss of PPTn neurons per se, given that those lesions were expansive,

encompassing other regions identified as important in REM sleep regulation (e.g., peri-locus

coeruleus alpha). More spatially restricted PPTn lesions result in increased REM sleep rather



than the expected decreases (Lu et al., 2006). Likewise, GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition

of PPTn neurons results in increased REM sleep (Torterolo et al., 2002; Pal and Mallick,

2004, 2009). Overall, these data are inconsistent with the hypothesis that PPTn neurons

promote REM sleep generation. However, given that the increases in REM sleep following

PPTn inhibition were accompanied by decreased wakefulness, it has been proposed that

increases in REM sleep occurred as a by-product of simultaneous suppression of the wake

promoting influence of PPTn neurons active during both wakefulness and REM sleep (i.e.,

Wake/REM sleep active) (Torterolo et al., 2002). This argument however, does not account

for the disproportionate changes in REM sleep reported by these studies, which can be taken

to suggest that some population of PPTn neurons actively suppress REM sleep. Ultimately

definitive interpretation of data from past studies is made difficult by the utilization of non-

selective interventions which neglect the potential functional heterogeneity of the PPTn (i.e.,

wakefulness vs. REM sleep promoting influences). In light of the above findings that

contradict the prevailing hypothesis regarding involvement of REM sleep-active PPTn

neurons in the generation of REM sleep, I hypothesize that selective inhibition of REM sleep-

active PPTn neurons (Thakkar et al., 1998) will show that this cell group functions to

suppress REM sleep and its phenomenological components. For the latter I measured indices

of respiratory network activity, given the projections of PPTn to the critical brainstem sites

modulating respiratory rhythm and motor activities (Woolf and Butcher, 1989; Yasui et al.,

1990; Fay and Norgren, 1997; Rukhadze and Kubin, 2007) and the essential physiological

function of respiration and clinical relevance of sleep-disordered breathing.



Chapter 2 METHODS




2 Methods

2.1 Animal Care

Experiments were preformed on 22 male Wistar rats (Charles River) (mean body weight =

283.6g ± 2.18g, range 270-304g). Procedures conformed to the recommendations of the

Canadian Council on Animal Care and the University of Toronto Animal Care Committee

approved the protocols. Rats were housed individually, maintained on a 12-12h light/dark

cycle (lights on at 0700 h), and had free access to food and water.

2.2 Anesthesia and Surgical Procedures

Sterile surgery was performed under general anesthesia induced with isoflurane (4%). Rats

were intraperitoneally injected with buprenorphine (0.03 to minimize post-operative

pain, atropine sulphate (1 to minimize airway secretions, and saline (3 ml, 0.9%) for

fluid loading. A surgical plane of anesthesia, as judged by abolition of the pedal withdrawal

and corneal blink reflexes, was maintained with isoflurane (2-2.5%) administered with an

anesthesia mask placed over the snout. The rats spontaneously breathed a 50:50 mixture of air

and oxygen for the duration of the surgery. The abdomen, neck, and head regions were shaved

and cleaned with 70% alcohol and the antiseptic/germicide solution triadine (10% Providone-

Iodine, Triad disposables Inc., Brookfield, WI, USA). Sterile 1% chloramphenicol ointment

(Vetcom Inc., Upton, PQ, Canada) was applied to the cornea to prevent drying. With the rats

supine, the ventral surface of the genioglossus muscle was exposed via a submental incision

and dissection of the overlying geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscles. Two insulated, multi-

stranded stainless steel wires (AS636; Cooner Wire, Chatsworth, CA) were implanted

bilaterally into the genioglossus muscle and secured with sutures and tissue glue. Observation



of tongue protrusion in response to electrical stimulation (0.4 - 0.5V) during surgery was used

to confirm correct electrode placement. It has been shown previously using sections of the

medial branches of the hypoglossal nerves that genioglossus activity is recorded with such

electrode placements (Morrison et al., 2002). To measure diaphragm electromyogram (EMG)

activity, two insulated, multi-stranded stainless steel wires (AS636; Cooner Wire) were

sutured onto the costal diaphragm via an abdominal approach. The diaphragm and

genioglossus wires were tunneled subcutaneously to a small incision on the skull, and then the

sub-mental and abdominal incisions were closed with absorbable sutures (Polysorb 4-0,

Covidien, Norwalk, CT, USA).

The rats were then placed in a stereotaxic apparatus (Kopf Model 962, Tujunga, CA, USA)

with blunt ear bars. To ensure consistent positioning between animals the flat skull position

was achieved with an alignment tool (Kopf Model 944). Two multi-stranded stainless steel

wires were sutured onto the dorsal neck muscles to record the neck EMG. To record the

cortical electroencephalogram (EEG), two stainless steel screws (1.5mm diameter) attached to

insulated wires (30 gauge) were implanted in the skull. An additional screw implanted in the

same manner served as a ground electrode. Microdialysis guides (CMA/11, Chromatography

Sciences Company Inc. St. Laurent, QC, CA) were inserted bilaterally through small holes

(roughly 1.5mm in diameter) drilled 2mm lateral to the midline on both sides, and 0.57mm

rostral to true lambda (the point of intersection of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures) (Paxinos

and Watson, 1998). Both microdialysis guides (shortened by 3mm using a calliper and sharp

cutting tool) were implanted at the aforementioned coordinates and lowered to a depth of

3.75mm ventral to lambda, thus positioning the guide tips 4mm above the caudal-most part of

the PPTn pars compacta region (Rye et al., 1987; Paxinos and Watson, 1998).

A review of the literature shows that this region of the PPTn (i.e., from its caudal border with

the parabrachial complex to the nearest coronal section at which the decussation of the

superior cerebellar penduncle is fully elaborated) has the necessary connectivity to modulate

REM sleep and its respiratory phenotype (Figure 3). Specifically, unlike more rostral PPTn

locations, neurons in this area are REM sleep-active and project to the PRF





Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the efferent projections of the PPTn to key components

of the REM sleep and respiratory control networks in the rat. (Left) Coronal sections of

the rat pons containing the PPTn are shown in caudal to rostral order (front to back). Only the

caudal-most half of the PPTn is shown (-8.0mm to -7.3mm w.r.t. bregma). The rostral portion

of the PPTn from -7.04 to -6.72 w.r.t. bregma was omitted for clarity. No projections to

centers of sleep and breathing have been reported to originate from this region. An example of

NADPH-diaphorase histochemical labelling of PPTn cholinergic neurons, shows the position

of these neurons within the rat pons in actual tissue. (Right) Magnified portions of the PPTn

region taken from the immediately adjacent pontine sections, showing the distributions of

PPTn REM sleep-active neurons (purple), and PPTn neurons projecting to: (i) the hypoglossal

motor nucleus (orange), (ii) the rostroventrolateral medulla (yellow), and (iii) the pontine

reticular formation (blue). Distributions were taken from numerous previous studies (see

methods section 2.2 for references). All distributions overlap at the extreme caudal pole of the

PPTn (-8.0mm w.r.t. bregma). This site was therefore targeted for microdialysis delivery of 8-




(Jones, 1990; Semba et al., 1990; Semba and Fibiger, 1992; Kohlmeier et al., 2002) and

thalamus (Semba et al., 1990; Semba and Fibiger, 1992; Bevan and Bolam, 1995), and so are

thought to modulate REM sleep and the associated electrocortical activation (Steriade and

McCarley, 2005a; Steriade et al., 2005a). Neurons in this sub-region of the PPTn also project

to the areas of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (Yasui et al., 1990) that contain respiratory

neurons critical to the generation of respiratory rhythm and pattern (Feldman and Del Negro,

2006), and to relevant motor pools such as the hypoglossal motor nucleus which innervates

the genioglossus muscle of the tongue (Woolf and Butcher, 1989; Fay and Norgren, 1997;

Rukhadze and Kubin, 2007), relaxation of which is instrumental to the pathogenesis of

obstructive sleep apnea (Remmers et al., 1978).

An internal cannula was placed inside each guide to keep it free of debris until the day of the

experiment. At the end of the surgery, all the electrodes were connected to pins and inserted

into a miniature plug (STC-89PI-220ABS, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada). The

plug and microdialysis guides were affixed to the skull with dental acrylic and anchor screws.

Upon completion of the surgery, rats were transferred to a clean cage and kept warm under a

heating lamp until fully recovered as judged by normal locomotor activity, grooming,

drinking and eating. The rats were given soft food for the first day after surgery and were

housed individually for a recovery period of 7-8 days prior to any experiments being


2.3 Habituation

The evening before the experiment (~1900 hrs, i.e., the beginning of the active period), rats

were introduced to their recording environment for the purpose of habituation. The rats were

placed in a large open-topped bowl (Rodent Bowl, MD-1514, BAS Inc, West Lafayette, IN,

USA) mounted on a modified stand-alone turntable (Rat Turn MD-1404, BAS Inc), all of

which was housed within a noise-attenuated, electrically-shielded cubicle (EPC-010,

BRS/LVE Inc. Laurel, MD, USA). A light weight recording cable was connected to the plug

on the head of the rat, and this exited the chamber and was connected to the recording



apparatus. The rat turn device detects rotational movement of the animal via the recording

cable, and then rotates the rodent bowl in the opposite direction, so preventing >360○ rotation

of the animal and twisting of the cable and microdialysis tubing. Overall, this device

eliminated the need for an electrical commutator and liquid swivel.

Rats were provided with fresh bedding, food and water throughout the study. A video camera

located within the cubicle allowed for continuous visual monitoring without disturbing the

animal. The start time of the habituation procedure was kept constant between animals, the

reason for which was two-fold. Commencing habituation at the beginning of the dark phase /

active period was chosen to minimize the potential loss of sleep stemming from any potential

habituation associated stress (which may have led to changes in sleep on the day of the

experiment if the habituation was performed in the light phase / rest period the previous day),

while standardizing the time of habituation onset ensured that any rebound in sleep quantity

occurring on the day of the experiment would be comparable between animals.

2.4 Microdialysis

On the morning of the experiments at approximately 1000 hrs, the internal cannulae were

removed from the guides and microdialysis probes (CMA/11 14/01) were inserted without

handling the rats, since handling may excessively disrupt the rats and potentially produce

prolonged changes in sleep architecture. The probes projected 4mm from the tip of the guide

and were so targeted to the caudal-most part of the PPTn pars compacta region bilaterally

(described above – section 2.2). The probes were 240μm in diameter with a 1mm cuprophane

membrane and a 6,000 Dalton cut-off. Each probe was connected to FEP Teflon tubing

(inside diameter, 0.12 mm) with this tubing connected to 1.0 ml syringes via a zero dead

space switch (Uniswitch, BAS, West Lafayette, IN, USA). The probes were continuously

flushed with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) at a flow rate of 2.1μl·min-1

using a syringe

pump and controller (MD-1001 and MD1020, BAS). The composition (mM) of aCSF was:

NaCl (125), KCl (3), KH2PO4 (1), CaCl2 (2), MgSO4 (1), NaHCO3 (25) and D-glucose (30).



The aCSF was warmed to 37°C and bubbled with CO2 to a pH of 7.38±0.005. The CaCl2 was

added after adjusting the temperature and pH.

2.5 Protocol

All experiments were performed during the day when rats normally sleep. As anticipated

probe insertion resulted in an immediate transient disruption of normal sleep architecture,

which stabilized (as judged by the disappearance of prolonged bouts of wakefulness, absence

of sleep fragmentation, and the regular occurrence of REM sleep) within 45-60min of probe

insertion. Nevertheless, to help ensure that sleep architecture had normalized prior to the

recording of baseline values, data obtained in the first two hours following probe insertion

were excluded from the analyses in all rats. In 3 of 22 rats disruption of sleep was still evident

in the second hour following probe insertion as judged by wakefulness accounting for > 63%

of the total recording time (TRT) during perfusion of aCSF, i.e., three standard deviations

greater than the mean quantity of wakefulness. Accordingly, these 3 animals were excluded

from analysis of sleep architecture per se, which was a-priori decision made regardless of the

sleep/wake architecture responses to subsequent manipulation of the PPTn. Nevertheless, the

data from these three rats were still included in the analysis of state phenomenology (i.e., the

postural and respiratory muscle activities, respiratory rate, electrocortical activity that

occurred within each sleep-wake state) because these state-specific phenomena depend on the

presence of the state rather than the amount of its occurrence.

The entire experimental protocol occurred over a 5 hour period (1200-1700 hrs). Two hours

of data were collected for each experimental condition (i.e., aCSF and drug intervention). To

ensure that all the data included in analysis were obtained during periods of time during

which an appreciable quantity of drug had accumulated in the tissue surrounding the

microdialysis probe, data obtained in the hour following switching the microdialysis perfusate

was excluded from all analyses (i.e., state architecture and phenomenology).



Since transitioning between behavioural states is sometimes associated with ambiguity in

sleep-wake state determination and unstable breathing, the following exclusion criteria were

adopted to help ensure that all data included in the analysis of state phenomenology were

obtained from temporally enduring periods within unequivocally defined sleep-wake states:

(i) all bouts of REM sleep and wakefulness lasting < 30s, and all bouts of non-REM sleep

lasting < 60s were excluded from the analysis of state phenomenology, (ii) if a state transition

occurred during a scoring epoch then that epoch was also excluded from the analysis of state


The rats were visually monitored via a video camera for the duration of the experiments and

any changes in body posture were noted. Posture was characterized as either being extended,

partially-curled or the fetal position (Megirian et al., 1985). Since rats preferentially adopted

the partially-curled posture, all data obtained with the rats in other postures were excluded

from the analysis of state phenomenology in order control for any potential posture-dependent

effects on the magnitude of genioglossus muscle activity (Megirian et al., 1985) or any other

respiratory variables.

Following baseline recordings, during which time the PPTn was perfused with ACSF, the

perfusion medium was either maintained as ACSF without drug (i.e., time control, n=11 rats)

or switched to perfusion of the type 1A serotonin (5-HT1A) receptor agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-

n-propylamino) tetralin (8-OH-DPAT, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) dissolved in ACSF at a

concentration of 10μM (n=12 rats). The time control group was included in order to

determine if any changes in sleep occurring during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion stemmed from

circadian influences on sleep-wake state architecture independent of an 8-OH-DPAT effect.

8-OH-DPAT at 10μM was chosen for this study because Thakkar and colleagues (1998),

using the same technique of local reverse microdialysis of the PPTn and simultaneous unit

recording of PPTn neurons, showed that this concentration of 8-OH-DPAT selectively

silenced the activity of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons while the discharge of wake/REM



sleep-active PPTn neurons was unaffected (figure 4). 5-HT1A receptor expression is thought to

be the principal characteristic distinguishing PPTn wake/REM sleep-active neurons from

REM sleep-active neurons (Steriade and McCarley, 2005b; Steriade et al., 2005a).

At the end of each experiment, as a positive control, rats were re-anesthetized with isoflurane

(as described above) and the genioglossus muscle electrodes were stimulated, as during

surgery, to verify the same responses. The rats were then euthanized with an overdose of

isoflurane (5% administered for approximately 20min) and perfused intracardially with 500

ml of 0.1M phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4) and 500 ml of 4% paraformaldehyde solution.

The brains were removed and fixed in a 1:1 solution of 4% paraformaldehyde and phosphate-

buffered saline overnight. Brains were then transferred to a 30% sucrose solution for at least

24 hours, after which they were rapidly frozen and cut into 50μM coronal sections with a

cryostat (Leica, CM 1850, Nussloch, Germany).

The PPTn is neuroanatomically defined by its cholinergic cell population (Rye et al., 1987)

and so in order to verify the correct probe placement, PPTn cholinergic cells were identified

using nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase histochemistry.

PPTn neurons that label positive for NADPH-diaphorase activity also contain the enzyme

required for synthesis of acetylcholine (Vincent et al., 1983). Although described in more

detail elsewhere (Vincent et al., 1983), slide-mounted sections were incubated in a solution

composed of; 0.1% NADPH (Sigma N-6505), 0.01% nitro blue tetrazolium (Sigma N-6876),

and 0.3% Triton X-100 (Sigma) in 0.05M tris buffered saline (pH of 7.4) and heated to 37○C.

Slides were lightly shaken during the approximately 30 min of incubation. The reaction was

terminated by submerging the slides in 0.1M phosphate-buffered saline (pH of 7.4). Sections

were then counterstained with neutral red, dehydrated, cleared, and cover-slipped. The

location of the microdialysis probe sites were determined from the stained sections and

marked on standard brain maps (Paxinos and Watson, 1998).





Figure 4. Effects of 8-OH-DPAT on the discharge rates of (Top) PPTn REM sleep-active

neurons and (bottom) PPTn wake/REM sleep-active PPTn neurons. Grand mean (± SEM) of

discharge rate in each behavioural state before (open circles, ACSF) and after (closed circles)

10µM 8-OH-DPAT was added to the microdialysis perfusate. Note that 8-OH-DPAT

produces a significant suppression of activity only in the case of REM sleep-active neurons.

The discharge of wake/REM sleep-active neurons is not affected by 8-OH-DPAT. Figure

adapted from (Thakkar et al., 1998).



As an additional positive control to affirm that any effects of 8-OH-DPAT on REM sleep

were indeed a drug effect on PPTn neurons, the distances between microdialysis lesion sites

and the caudal-most region of the PPTn pars compacta (as defined in section 2.2) for each

animal were correlated with the magnitude of changes in REM sleep time (as a percentage of

total sleep time) during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion. A significant negative correlation is expected

given that the concentration of drug acting at the PPTn would decrease the farther

microdialysis probes are located from the PPTn. The absence of a significant correlation

would indicate that changes in REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion are the product of 8-

OH-DPAT acting elsewhere than the PPTn.

2.6 Recording Procedures

The electrical signals were amplified and filtered (Super-Z head-stage amplifiers and BMA-

400 amplifiers/filters, CWE Inc., Ardmore, PA, USA). The EEG was filtered between 1 and

100 Hz, whereas neck, genioglossus and diaphragm EMGs were filtered between 100 and

1000 Hz. The electrocardiogram was removed from the diaphragm EMG using an

oscilloscope and electronic blanker (Model SB-1, CWE Inc.). The moving-time averages

(time constant = 200ms) of the EMGs were also obtained (Model MA-821, CWE Inc.). The

raw EEG and genioglossus signals, along with the moving-time averages of the genioglossus,

diaphragm and neck EMGs were digitized and recorded on computer (Spike 2 software, 1401

interface, CED Ltd, Cambridge, UK). The moving-time averages of the EMG signals and

EEG were sampled at 2000Hz.

2.7 Data analysis

2.7.1 EMG signals



The data were analyzed in consecutive 5s time-bins. The genioglossus, diaphragm and neck

EMG signals were analyzed from the respective moving-time average signals (above

electrical zero) and were quantified in arbitrary units. Electrical zero was the voltage recorded

with the amplifier inputs grounded. The genioglossus and diaphragm signals were analyzed

on a breath-by-breath basis which corresponded to approximately 7 to 10 breaths for each 5s

epoch. For each breath, the analysis of the genioglossus EMG was time-locked to breathing as

defined by the peak and trough of the diaphragm signal. Genioglossus activity was quantified

as mean tonic activity (i.e. basal activity in expiration) and respiratory-related activity (i.e.

peak inspiratory activity – tonic activity), and average values for these measures of

genioglossus activity were calculated. Mean neck muscle activity, diaphragm amplitude and

respiratory rate were also calculated in the same consecutive 5s time-bins for all the periods

of sleep and wakefulness in each rat. One rat was excluded from the analysis of genioglossus

muscle activity as no respiratory-related activity was recorded under any circumstances

during the experiment, which is highly atypical of the rats in this and other studies from our

laboratory (Sood et al., 2005; Chan et al., 2006; Younes et al., 2007; Steenland et al., 2008),

and as such was a possible indicator that the electrodes were in a different tongue muscle in

that animal. In addition, in the potential event of there being little effect of 8-OH-DPAT on

the amplitude of respiratory-related genioglossus, such a minimal effect could not be reliably

attributed to a lack of drug effect per se and may simply have been due to the fact that there

was little/no signal to suppress.

Additional analyses of genioglossus activity were performed in REM sleep because

the rhythmic respiratory modulation of the genioglossus which typically persists throughout

wakefulness and non-REM sleep is absent during REM sleep and sporadic muscle twitching,

not obviously related to diaphragm activation, predominates. Accordingly, these REM sleep-

specific muscle twitching events in the genioglossus as well as the non-respiratory muscle of

the neck were analyzed by an additional procedure. Muscle twitching activity was analyzed

from the rectified raw genioglossus and neck muscle signals followed by derivation of the

moving time average signal using a shorter time constant of 30 ms. Using an impulse function

the background tonic activity was filtered out thereby isolating muscle twitches from the other



components of the signal. Upon isolating the muscle twitches, their frequency and peak

amplitude could be calculated.

2.7.2 EEG signals

The EEG was sampled at 2000Hz then analyzed on overlapping segments of 1024 samples,

windowed using a raised cosine (Hamming) function and subjected to fast Fourier transform

to yield the power spectrum. The window was advanced in steps of 512 samples, and the

mean power spectrum of the EEG signal over each 5s epoch was calculated. The power

contained within six frequency bands was recorded as absolute power and also as a

percentage of the total power of the signal. The band limits were δ2 (0.5-2 Hz), δ1 (2-4 Hz), θ

(4-7.5 Hz), α (7.5-13.5 Hz), β1 (13.5-20 Hz), β2 (20-30 Hz).

2.7.3 Identification of Sleep-Wake States

Sleep-wake states were identified by visual inspection and classified into wakefulness, non-

REM, and REM sleep according to standard scoring criteria (Horner et al., 1998).

Determination of sleep-wake states was made with reference to EEG and neck muscle EMG

recordings only, i.e., without reference to the phenomenological variables such as

genioglossus activity and respiratory rate that also change in distinct patterns across sleep-

wake states but which were hypothesized to change in response to the interventions. All

periods of wakefulness in which rats were eating, drinking, grooming or engaged in some

overt behaviour were classified as active wakefulness. Periods of wakefulness being

characterized by relatively little or no behavioural activity were classified as quiet

wakefulness. During active wakefulness, the diaphragm EMG recordings can become

contaminated by movement-related artifacts and so periods of active wakefulness were

excluded from analysis of respiratory variables since an inability to identify the peak and



trough of each diaphragm breath prevents a meaningful analysis of diaphragm amplitude,

respiratory rate, and respiratory-related genioglossus activity.

2.7.4 Analysis of Sleep Architecture

For each condition (i.e. ACSF or 8-OH-DPAT) the total quantity of wakefulness, non-

REM, and REM sleep were calculated as a percentage of the total recording time (2hr; see

above for data collection inclusion criteria). Amounts of non-REM and REM sleep were also

calculated as a percentage of total sleep time, since changes in non-REM and REM sleep

quantities relative to one another (i.e., independent of wakefulness) are indicative of changes

in the mechanisms of non-REM/REM sleep cycling. The mean bout frequency and duration

for each sleep-wake state was also calculated. Distributions of wakefulness and non-REM

sleep bout length are often non-normal and so to supplement the mean data; bout frequency

histograms were generated. For both wakefulness and non-REM sleep bouts were pooled

across animals according to condition (i.e., aCSF or 8-OH-DPAT) and sorted into bins

according to the following duration ranges: <20s, 21-80s, 81-140s, 141-200s, 201-260s,

>260s. For each state, the bout number for each bin during the control period was compared

to the bout number of the equivalent bin during 8-OH-DPAT delivery in order to determine

changes in the prevalence of bouts of varying length.

We aimed to identify whether or not REM sleep-active PPTn neurons exert control

over two important factors in REM sleep initiation, namely, the strength of REM sleep drive

which builds prior to and is responsible for REM sleep onset, as well as the threshold level of

the drive which need be breached to trigger REM sleep onset. We used an algorithm

developed by Benington et al, (1994) to quantify the strength of REM sleep drive during non-

REM to REM sleep transitionary periods (NRTs) by determining of the magnitude of

stereotypical electrographic changes known to herald the onset of REM sleep. More

specifically, the algorithm identifies periods of non-REM sleep lasting at least 40s, in which

EEG delta power is declining while theta and alpha power is high. From these electrographic

variables, a score (non-REM/REM sleep transition indicator value, NIV) can be calculated for



each NRT using the following equation: NIV= (max. theta power)(max. alpha power)(max.

change in delta power). We consider NIV as a valid indicator of relative REM sleep drive

since high NIV is associated with a high likelihood of successful transitioning from non-REM

to REM sleep (Benington et al., 1994).

We defined an NIV threshold to demarcate between periods of high and low REM

sleep drive. The high/low REM sleep demarcation threshold is determined as follows. Each

NIV score was converted to a percentage of the maximum NIV score obtained under control

conditions in the same animal. NIV scores from all animals were then pooled into bins of

equal width (i.e., 0-20% of maximum NIV, 20-40% of maximum NIV, and so on). The

percentage of successful REM sleep onset [i.e., (the number NRT’s immediately followed by

a bout of REM sleep)/the total number NRT’s) was calculated for each bin. The histogram of

successful REM sleep onset percentage versus normalized NIV describes a sigmoid curve;

high normalized NIV’s being associated with a high likelihood of REM sleep onset. The

demarcation threshold is equivalent to the normalized NIV level at which the slope of the

NIV versus successful REM sleep onset curve is maximal. By applying this threshold to the

pool of REM sleep bouts from each animal the percentage of REM sleep bouts issuing from

periods of low versus high REM sleep drive was calculated. Any changes in the relative level

of REM sleep drive required to successfully initiate REM sleep may be taken as an indication

of changes in REM sleep induction threshold.

In some cases bouts of REM sleep can be immediately followed by another REM sleep bout

usually of very short duration. This phenomenon is known as REM sleep clustering (Amici et

al., 2000). We defined REM sleep clusters as two or more REM sleep bouts being separated

by less than 60sec. For the purposes of this analysis, we considered REM sleep a cluster as

single, although fragmented, episode of REM sleep.



2.7.5 Averaging data within and between rats

Each rat served as its own control with all interventions performed in one experiment,

therefore allowing for consistent effects of experimental condition (e.g. ACSF followed by 8-

OH-DPAT or ACSF) to be observed across sleep-wake states within and between rats. Data

collected during wakefulness, non-REM and REM sleep were analyzed for each experimental

condition in each rat. Then for each animal a grand mean was calculated for each variable, for

each sleep-wake state, and for each drug delivered to the PPTn.

2.7.6 Statistical Analysis

The analyses performed for each statistical test are included in the text where appropriate. For

all comparisons, differences were considered significant if the null hypothesis was rejected at

P < 0.05 using a two-tailed test. Analyses were performed using Sigmastat (SPSS, Chicago,




Chapter 3 RESULTS




3 Results

3.1 Effects of Bilateral Delivery of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on Sleep Architecture in Freely Behaving Rats

In total, for sleep architecture analysis in 20 rats, 76 hours of data were included. 18 hours of

data were recorded during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion of the PPTn, while 58 hours of data were

obtained during administration of ACSF between the within-animal controls (i.e., rats also

administered 8-OH-DPAT) and the time controls (i.e., rats in which ACSF perfusion was

maintained for the duration of the study). Figure 5A shows an example of lesions left by

bilateral microdialysis probes implanted into the PPTn as defined by the presence of NADPH-

diaphorase histochemically labeled cholinergic neurons. The distribution of microdialysis

sites from all the experiments are shown in figure 5B-C; all sites being either in or

immediately adjacent to the PPTn.

Based upon the prevailing hypothesis that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons promote the

generation of REM sleep, it would be expected that bilateral microdialysis delivery of 8-OH-

DPAT to the PPTn for the selective inhibition of REM sleep-active neurons (Thakkar et al.,

1998) would result in suppression of REM sleep. Fig.6 and table 1, show that in direct

opposition to this hypothesis, 8-OH-DPAT delivery to the PPTn increased REM sleep as a

%TRT; %TRT occupied by REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion was significantly

higher than the within-animal ACSF control (P=0.004, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test). REM

sleep as a %TRT did not change significantly in the time control group (P=0.14, post-hoc

Bonferroni t-test) and therefore an effect of time cannot account for the increased REM sleep

recorded during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion of the PPTn. Despite being in opposition with the

prevailing hypothesis stated above, these findings are consistent with the previously reported





Figure 5. Example and group data showing the location of microdialysis probes from all

experiments with 8-OH-DPAT delivery at the PPTn and ACSF time-controls. (A) Example of

a coronal section of tissue from a single experimental animal containing bilateral

microdialysis probe lesion sites located immediately adjacent to the PPTn, as defined using

NADPH-diaphorase histochemical labelling of cholinergic neurons. (B) Coronal diagrams of

the rat pons showing the locations of all microdialysis probe sites from all rats administered

8-OH-DPAT (n=12). (C) Coronal diagrams showing the locations of microdialysis probe sites

from time-control animals (n=11). Grey rectangles represent the space occupied by the semi-

permeable membrane portion of the microdialysis probes. Red squares represent the

epicentres of drug diffusion. (D) Graphs showing the correlation between the magnitude of

changes in REM sleep time as a %TRT during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion and distances from

either the left-side lesion sites (top) or right-sided lesion sites (bottom) to the caudal pole of

the ispilateral PPTn. Abbreviations: Aq, aqueduct; CnF, cuneform nucleus; DRV, ventral part

of dorsal raphe nucleus; xscp, decussation superior cerebellar peduncle; PnO, pontine

reticular nucleus, oral part; PPTn, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (marked in yellow).





Figure 6. (A) Shown are two separate hypnograms depicting sleep-wake state architecture

over a 2 hour period in the presence of ACSF or 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn in a single rat. (B)

Group data showing the effects of 8-OH-DPAT versus time (i.e., ACSF in both periods A and

B) on wakefulness, non-REM, and REM sleep as a percentage of the total the total recording

time. Effects are also shown on non-REM and REM sleep as a percentage of total sleep time.

For each condition, the total recording time was 2 hours. Values are means ± SEM (n=20

rats). *Significantly different (P< 0.05) from within-animal ACSF control (period A).

‡Significantly different (P< 0.05) from time-matched control (period B). Data are consistent

with PPTn REM sleep-active neurons acting to suppress REM sleep because their inhibition

with 8-OH-DPAT increases REM sleep.





effects of non-selective PPTn inactivation (Torterolo et al., 2002; Pal and Mallick, 2004; Lu

et al., 2006; Pal and Mallick, 2009). Also consistent with these previous studies is our

observation that the increase in REM sleep as a %TRT was accompanied by a decrease in

wakefulness during 8-OH-DPAT administration. The %TRT occupied by wakefulness in the

presence of 8-OH-DPAT was significantly less than at baseline (P=0.034, post-hoc

Bonferroni t-test) despite the fact that as a function of time, in the absence of 8-OH DPAT,

wakefulness as a %TRT increased relative to baseline (P<0.001, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test).

In the 8-OH-DPAT group, irrespective of the time control group, the decrease in wakefulness

as a %TRT due to 8-OH-DPAT, was completely accounted for by the increase in REM sleep

since non-REM sleep as a %TRT did not change significantly from the within-animal control

(P=0.439, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test). However, when comparing to the time control group,

the decrease in wakefulness is not entirely accounted for by the increase in REM sleep, since

non-REM sleep as a %TRT increases significantly compared to the time-matched control

(i.e., ACSF administered in the same time period as 8-OH-DPAT) (P<0.001, post-hoc

Bonferroni t-test).

In the case of previous studies (Torterolo et al., 2002; Pal and Mallick, 2004; Lu et al., 2006;

Pal and Mallick, 2009) it has been argued that increased REM sleep following en masse

suppression of PPTn activity is a secondary by-product of a primary suppression of

wakefulness (Torterolo et al., 2002). It is highly unlikely that the proposed mechanism of

wakefulness suppression is operative in our case, since it involves the loss of the wake

promoting influence of wake/REM sleep-active neurons which are not responsive to 8-OH-

DPAT treatment (Thakkar et al., 1998), but nevertheless I sought to determine if the primary

effect of 8-OH-DPAT was wakefulness suppression. If the increase in REM sleep was a

passive by-product of an increase in TST stemming from active wakefulness suppression, it

would be expected that that non-REM and REM sleep would increase in proportion to one

another. In other words, independent of changes in wakefulness, the proportion of the TST

occupied by non-REM and REM sleep ought not to change during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion

relative to control. However, this was not the case since the increase in the total sleep time

during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion was disproportionately comprised of REM sleep. During 8-

OH-DPAT delivery, REM sleep (as a %TST) increased relative to the within-animal control



(P=0.003, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test) and the time-matched control (P=0.045, post-hoc

Bonferroni t-test).

The distances between microdialysis lesion sites and the PPTn was significantly correlated

with the magnitude of changes in REM sleep time (as a %TST) during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion

[figure 5D, r2=0.659 and p=0.008 (left-sided lesion sites), r

2=0.465and p=0.043 (right-sided

lesion sites)]. Since the concentration of 8-OH-DPAT acting at the PPTn will decline with

increasing distance of microdialysis probes sites, the significant correlation between

microdialysis probe distance and the magnitude of drug effect, represents a dose dependency

of the PPTn response to 8-OH-DPAT. Ultimately the most parsimonious explanation of the

above findings is that 8-OH-DPAT responsive REM sleep-active PPTn neurons act to

suppress REM sleep in opposition to the prevailing hypothesis that these cells generate this


3.2 Effects of Bilateral Delivery of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on Sleep Micro-architecture in Freely Behaving Rats

As shown in Figure 7C and table 1, the increase in REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT

delivery to the PPT resulted entirely from an increase in the mean bout frequency of REM

sleep episodes (P<0.001, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test) since no significant effect on REM sleep

bout duration was observed (Figure 7F, F1,17= 0.0114, P=0.916, 2-way ANOVA). The

reduction in wakefulness as a %TRT accompanying the increased REM sleep occurred

despite an increase in the frequency of wakefulness bouts (Figure 7A, P=0.02, post-hoc

Bonferroni t-test). Reduced wakefulness as a %TRT was driven by the reduction in the mean

wakefulness bout duration (Figure 7D, P=0.003, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test). The reduction in

the average duration of wakefulness bouts stemmed from an increased frequency of short

awakenings from sleep. The frequency of wakefulness bouts lasting <20s increased during 8-

OH-DPAT perfusion (P<0.001, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test) while the frequency longer





Figure 7. The effects of 8-OH-DPAT on the frequencies (A-C), and durations of wakefulness,

non-REM, and REM sleep bouts, relative to within-animal and ACSF time controls (D-F).

Also shown are the frequencies of bouts belonging to different duration ranges for

wakefulness and non-REM sleep (G-H). For each treatment, values were obtained from data

collected over a 2 hour period. Values are means ± SEM (n=20 rats). *Significantly different

(P< 0.05) from within-animal ACSF control. #Significant (P< 0.05) effect of time

independent of drug. These data are consistent with PPTn REM sleep-active neurons

suppressing REM sleep via a suppression of REM sleep initiation rather than maintenance.



duration (>20s) bouts was reduced (Figure 7G, P=0.022, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test) during 8-

OH-DPAT administration. Non-REM sleep as a %TRT did not change relative to baseline

during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion despite, changes to non-REM sleep micro-architecture. Non-

REM sleep bout frequency increased (Figure 7E, P=0.015, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test) while

bout duration decreased (Figure 7E), offsetting one another and producing no net effect on

non-REM sleep time. The decrease in non-REM sleep bout duration occurred independently

of 8-OH-DPAT treatment (F1,17= 2.993, P=0.102, 2-way ANOVA) and instead occurred as a

function of time (F1,17= 28.870, P<0.001, 2-way ANOVA). Therefore, the increase in non-

REM sleep time due to 8-OH-DPAT relative to the time-matched control was driven by the

increase in the non-REM sleep bout frequency, particularly the frequency of short bouts

lasting <20s (Figure 7H P=0.049, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test), or lasting between 20-80s

(P<0.001, post-hoc Bonferroni t-test).

3.3 Effects of Bilateral Perfusion of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on the Drive Threshold for REM Sleep Induction

As mentioned above, the increase in time spent in REM sleep during delivery of 8-OH-DPAT

to the PPTn stemmed from an increase in the frequency rather than the duration of REM sleep

bouts implicating REM sleep-active neuron in mechanisms of REM sleep initiation rather

than maintenance. REM sleep-active PPTn neurons could restrain initiation of REM sleep via

suppression of REM sleep drive processes or by elevating the threshold of REM sleep drive

required to induce this state. I sought to further define the functional role of this cell

population in REM sleep initiation by determining whether the increased REM sleep during

8-OH-DPAT delivery to the PPTn resulted from increased REM sleep drive or a decrease in

the drive threshold for REM sleep onset.

Figure 9B. shows that under control conditions, the relationship between the NIV value for

non-REM/REM sleep transitions and the percentage of transitions culminating in bona fide





Figure 8. The effects of 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn on EEG activity. Shown are the group data

for power in frequency bands ranging from 0.5-30Hz, expressed as the percentage of the total

power. #Significant difference (P < 0.05) between respective sleep-wake states. Values are

means ± SEM (n=12 rats). Mean values for each individual rat, were first calculated from the

population of values for all 5-sec epochs during each sleep-wake, in the 2 hours of either

ACSF or 8-OH-DPAT administration. 8-OH-DPAT had no significant effects on EEG power

in any frequency band.





Figure 9. (A) The same hypnograms shown in figure 6A, depicting sleep-wake state

architecture in the presence of ACSF or 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn, but with colour-coding of

the non-REM sleep records according to the prevailing non-REM/REM sleep transition

indicator value (NIV). (B) Graph showing the relationship between NIV value for non-REM /

REM sleep transitionary periods (NRT’s) and the incidence of successful transitioning into

REM sleep. Each point represents the percentage of NRTs from all animals under control

conditions (n=9), having NIVs belonging to a certain range (0-20,20-40,....,80-100), that

result in a successful transition to REM sleep. The sigmoidal curve fit to the data points was

used to define the threshold between NIVs indicative of low and high REM sleep transition

propensity (see methods section 2.7.4). I interpret high REM sleep transition propensity as

being reflective of high REM sleep drive. (C) Graph showing the effect of 8-OH-DPAT

delivery at the PPTn on the percentage of REM sleep bouts issuing from periods of high and

low REM sleep drive. Values are averages (± SEM) of individual means calculated for each

animal. *Significantly different (P< 0.05) from within-animal ACSF control. Data are

consistent with PPTn REM sleep-active neurons suppressing REM sleep initiation via the

elevation of the drive threshold for REM sleep onset.



REM sleep bouts describes a sigmoidal curve, in agreement with the initial findings of

Bennigton and Heller (1994) (see section 2.7.4 of the methods). Hence, high NIV is

associated with a high likelihood of REM sleep onset, and since REM sleep episodes are

necessarily the product of local maximums in REM sleep drive, high NIV may act as an index

of high REM sleep drive. The demarcation threshold between high and low drive NIVs was

determined to be a NIV of 40 (see methods section 2.7.4 for threshold determination

procedure). This threshold is considered a valid predictor of high and low REM sleep drive

since under control conditions an average of 91.3 ± 3.5% of REM sleep episodes were

preceded by NRTs assigned NIVs above the demarcation threshold. Importantly, as depicted

in figure 8, 8-OH-DPAT treatment did not result in significant changes to EEG power.

Changes in EEG power (particularly in the α, δ, and θ bands) could theoretically produce

artifactual changes in NIVs during 8-OH-DPAT delivery relative to baseline which would not

be necessarily representative of changes in REM sleep drive.

The mean proportion of REM sleep episodes resulting from periods of high REM sleep-drive

decreased from 91.3±3.5% to 66.1±10.6%, (Figure 9C, p=0.043, paired t-test) during 8-OH-

DPAT treatment. The hypnogram depicted in figure 9A shows that in the presence of 8-OH-

DPAT that bouts of REM sleep indicated in red, are more often preceded by periods of non-

REM sleep coded by cooler colours (i.e., low NIV) indicative of low REM sleep drive (8.7%

- 37.2%, P=0.019, paired t-test). These findings suggest that PPTn REM sleep-active neurons

act to increase REM sleep drive threshold, thus preventing premature transitioning into REM


3.4 Effects of Bilateral Delivery of 8-OH-DPAT to the PPTn on Phenomenology within Sleep-Wake States.

In the analysis of state phenomenology, a total of 23,246 5-sec epochs (i.e., a total of 32.3

hours of data, 89.7% of all epochs recorded) were included, of which 5,768 epochs were from





Figure 10. Representative example from single rat showing the effect of ACSF (A) versus 8-

OH-DPAT (B) perfusion into the PPTn, on sleep-wake state indicator variables and

respiratory muscle activity across states of sleep and wakefulness. Apart from breaks during

non-REM sleep, the tracings are continuous records of activity from wakefulness, to non-

REM, to REM sleep. Changes in state are indicated by the hypnograms at the top of the

tracings and by alternation between shaded and non-shaded areas. Breathing rate is displayed,

with each point representing the mean respiratory rate over a 5-sec epoch. Electromyograms

for the diaphragm, genioglossus, and nuchal musculature are displayed as their moving-time

averages (MTA) in arbitrary units. The raw signals of the genioglossus and nuchal muscles

are also shown. Representative examples of the electroencephalogram (EEG) from each

sleep-wake state are shown on a larger time-scale than the other tracings for the purposes of






Figure 11. The effects of 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn on (A) the amplitude of respiratory-

related genioglossus muscle activity (A), respiratory rate (B), and diaphragm amplitude (C),

across sleep-wake states. Values are means ± SEM (n=12 rats). Mean values for each

individual rat were first calculated from the population of values for all 5-sec epochs, during

each sleep-wake sate, in the 2 hours of either ACSF or 8-OH-DPAT administration at the

PPTn. *Significant effect of drug, relative to ACSF control, independent of sleep-wake state

(P< 0.05). These data are consistent with REM sleep-active PPTn neurons acting to depress

breathing in a state-independent manner.



periods of quiet wakefulness, 13,574 were from non-REM sleep, and 3,904 epochs were from

REM sleep. Of these epochs, 11,820 and 11,426 were obtained during ACSF and 8-OH-

DPAT perfusion of the PPTn respectively.

I sought to determine if REM sleep-active PPTn neurons contribute to the elaboration of the

respiratory phenotype of REM sleep given that innervation of respiratory network by PPTn

neurons has been previously demonstrated (Yasui et al., 1990; Rukhadze and Kubin, 2007).

The amplitude of diaphragm muscle activity was not affected by 8-OH-DPAT delivery to the

PPTn (Figure 11C, F1,11= 0.223, P = 0.646, 2-way ANOVA-RM). As depicted in figures 10

and 11, 8-OH-DPAT did produce an increase in respiratory rate (F1,11= 14.00, P = 0.003, 2-

way ANOVA-RM) that occurred independently of the prevailing sleep-wake state (F2,11 =

0.560, P =0.579).

Normally, the magnitude of the respiratory component of genioglossus muscle activity is

progressively suppressed across the sleep wake cycle, being highest in wakefulness,

moderately suppressed during non-REM sleep, and almost completely abrogated in REM

sleep (see figure 10A). In the presence of 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn, an increase in

respiratory-related genioglossus activity is evident across all states of sleep and wakefulness

(figure 10B). This observation is reflected by the group data (figure 11A), which shows that

the 8-OH-DPAT mediated increase in respiratory-related genioglossus activity (F1,20=6.69,

P=0.027, 2-way ANOVA-RM) occurred independently of the prevailing sleep-wake state

(F2,10 =0.19, P =0.828). Even though the normal decline of genioglossus activity from non-

REM to REM sleep was still present during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion, notice in figure 10B, that

in the presence of 8-OH-DPAT, respiratory activation of the genioglossus muscle, albeit

diminished in magnitude, persists for a period after REM sleep onset. This is significant on

the basis that the complete loss of muscle activity in the genioglossus muscle, as with most

skeletal muscles, is normally coincident with REM sleep onset owing to the influence of

powerful REM sleep-specific inhibitory processes.



There was no significant effect of 8-OH-DPAT delivery at the PPTn on tonic (non-

respiratory) activation of genioglossus muscle activity across states of sleep and wakefulness

(F1,11=0.717, P = 0.415, 2-way ANOVA-RM). Figure 12A shows that despite this

insignificance, there is a noticeable increase in tonic levels of genioglossus muscle activity

during REM sleep. This increase stems from the fact that tonic levels of genioglossus muscle

activity during REM sleep are a combination of the background level of tonus and high

amplitude REM sleep-related muscle twitching (see figure 10A for reference). Figure 13 A-B

shows that the amplitude (P=0.037, paired t-test) and frequency (P=0.019, paired t-test) of

REM sleep-related muscle twitching, punctuating motor atonia, is increased with 8-OH-

DPAT perfusion of the PPTn relative to ACSF control. In contrast to the respiratory

genioglossus muscle, the frequency (figure 13A, p=0.871, paired t-test) and amplitude (figure

12B, p=0.094, paired t-test) of REM sleep-related muscle twitching in the non-respiratory

nuchal musculature was not significantly affected by 8-OH-DPAT treatment.





Figure 12. The effects of 8-OH-DPAT delivery at the PPTn on tonic muscle activation across

sleep-wake states. (A) Effect of 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn on tonic muscle activity in the

genioglossus muscle during active and quiet wakefulness, as well as non-REM and REM

sleep. Active wakefulness is defined by the presence of overt behaviour and movement, while

quiet wakefulness is defined by behavioural inactivity. During active wakefulness levels of

tonic activity represent a mixture of a background tone and behavioural activation. Likewise,

included in levels of tonic muscle activation during REM sleep is twitching activity, arising in

part, from intense activation of behavioural pre-motor pathways. The increase in tonic levels

of genioglossus muscle activity during REM sleep reflects the increase in REM sleep-related

muscle twitch frequency and amplitude (Fig. 12A). The lack of behavioural activation during

active wakefulness compared to REM sleep may reflect a REM sleep-specific restraint of

behavioural activation of the genioglossus muscle.(B) Effect of 8-OH-DPAT at the PPTn on

tonic muscle activity in the nuchal musculature during active and quiet wakefulness as well as

non-REM and REM sleep. Values are means ± SEM (n=12 rats). Mean values for each

individual rat, were first calculated from the population of values for all 5-sec epochs during

each sleep-wake state, in the 2 hours of either ACSF or 8-OH-DPAT administration. n.s.= no

significant effect of drug independent of sleep-wake state.





Figure 13. Effects of 8-OH-DPAT delivery at the PPTn on the, (A) frequency and (B)

amplitude of REM sleep-related twitch events in the respiratory genioglossus muscle versus

the non-respiratory nuchal musculature (shaded section). Values are means ± SEM (n=12

rats). *Significantly different (P< 0.05) ACSF control. These data are consistent with PPTn

REM sleep-active neurons acting to specifically suppress activation of respiratory

musculature during REM sleep.



Chapter 3 Discussion




4 Discussion

The neuroscience of brain states aims to describe how global states of the brain are generated

and how these states impact the physiology of an organism. This study makes two important

contributions to this field. This study generates new knowledge of the mechanisms underlying

the generation of the REM sleep state and its impact on respiratory network activity by

characterizing the functional role of a critical component in these mechanisms: the PPTn

REM sleep-active cell-group. Since early formulations of the reciprocal interaction model of

REM sleep generation (Hobson et al., 1975; McCarley and Hobson, 1975a), PPTn REM

sleep-active neurons have been considered to be causally involved in the generation of REM

sleep. However, causal linkage between REM sleep active PPTn neurons and REM sleep

generation has never been explicitly established. This study is the first to directly test this

hypothesis because I am the first to demonstrate the effect of selectively inhibiting 8-OH-

DPAT responsive REM sleep-active PPTn neurons on the state of REM sleep. I showed that

selective inhibition of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons increased REM sleep, indicating that

this cell group normally acts to suppress the state of REM sleep rather than generate it as the

prevailing hypothesis would suggest. This study is the first to determine the involvement of

REM sleep-active PPTn neurons in the phenomenological changes in respiratory activity that

occur during REM sleep. The study of breathing during sleep is important, on the basis that

sleep results in fundamental changes in respiratory muscle activity and control mechanisms.

Disturbances of normal breathing are most significant during REM sleep, when respiratory

rate becomes heightened and irregular while the activity of certain respiratory muscles is

completely suppressed, such as occurs in the genioglossus muscle of the tongue, an effect

which precipitates obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)(Remmers et al., 1978). Our results indicate

that the REM sleep-active PPTn cell-group is an important modulator of upper-airway

patency, especially during REM sleep when this cell group produces a combined suppression

of the behavioural and respiratory components of genioglossus muscle activity. Moreover,

PPTn REM sleep-active cells produce a state-independent depression of respiratory activity



via suppressive effects on breathing rate and respiratory genioglossus activation. Therefore

from a clinical perspective, the actions of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons likely contribute to

the precipitation of sleep disordered breathing.

4.1 REM Sleep-active PPTn Neurons Suppress REM Sleep

The observed increase in REM sleep, while selectively inhibiting PPTn REM sleep-active

neurons, is consistent with findings of previous studies reporting enhanced REM sleep

following non-selective inactivation of the PPTn. Increased REM sleep has been observed

following spatially restricted chemical lesioning of the PPTn (Lu et al., 2006), and

microinjection of GABAA receptor agonists at the PPTn in both cats (Torterolo et al., 2006)

and rats (Pal and Mallick, 2004, 2009). These findings could certainly be taken to suggest that

PPTn neurons suppress REM sleep. However, in order to square the observation that PPTn

inactivation increases REM sleep with the notion that PPTn REM sleep-active neurons

generate REM sleep, it has been argued that the primary effect of PPTn inactivation is

wakefulness suppression, stemming from inhibition of wake/REM sleep-active PPTn neurons

(Torterolo et al., 2002; Steriade et al., 2005a). Consistent with the idea of wakefulness

suppression, increases in REM sleep following PPTn inactivation were often accompanied by

reduced wakefulness. Suppression of wakefulness necessarily results in an increase in total

sleep time. The increase in REM sleep stemming from wakefulness suppression could mask

the decrease in REM sleep that would follow from the simultaneous loss of REM sleep active

neuron activity, according to the prevailing hypothesis that REM sleep active neurons

generate REM sleep. Glutamateric stimulation of the PPTn produces prolonged bouts of

wakefulness (Datta and Siwek, 1997; Datta et al., 2001b; Datta et al., 2001a), showing that

when manipulating the PPTn en masse, that effects on wakefulness can predominate over any

effects on REM sleep. The predominance of wakefulness effects is not surprising given that

wake/REM sleep active PPTn neurons are more abundant than their REM sleep active

counterparts (Rye et al., 1987). The fundamental difference between these two subpopulations

of the PPTn is that REM sleep-active neurons are inactive during wakefulness due to a type-

1A serotonergic receptor (5HT1AR) mediated inhibition that is not shared by wake/REM sleep



active neurons (Thakkar et al., 1998). The dramatic increase in the discharge of PPTn REM

sleep-active neurons immediately prior to and during REM sleep appears to stem from the

withdrawal of serotonergic inhibition at this time. Using the 5HT1AR agonist, 8-OH-DPAT, I

was able to discriminate between the disparate functional influences of the PPTn. Although I

cannot possibly account for the effects of 8-OH-DPAT on every neuronal subtype in the

PPTn, what is important, is that I can account for the effects of microdialized 8-OH-DPAT on

the two PPTn subpopulations implicated in sleep-wake state regulation (Thakkar et al., 1998).

Given that 8-OH-DPAT has no effect on the activity of wake/REM sleep-active neurons, the

observed increase in REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion cannot be explained by

inadvertent suppression of the wake/REM sleep active cell group. Nevertheless, I provide

evidence that the increase in REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion is not a by-product of

wakefulness suppression. I have shown that during 8-OH-DPAT treatment that the increase in

total sleep was disproportionately comprised of REM sleep (i.e., REM sleep increased as a

%TST at the expense of non-REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion). This is significant

because if the increase in REM sleep were a passive compensation for wakefulness

suppression, it would be expected that independent of changes in wakefulness, the proportion

of the TST occupied by non-REM and REM sleep ought not to change during 8-OH-DPAT

perfusion. The observed increase in REM sleep during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion is highly

inconsistent with the notion that any subset of PPT neurons generates REM sleep. This is

because, even if the predominant effect of PPTn inactivation were wakefulness suppression,

any underlying REM sleep suppression ought to manifest as a decrease in REM sleep as a

%TST (i.e., independent of changes in wakefulness). Therefore based on the finding that

REM sleep increases during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion as %TST, I most parsimoniously

conclude that PPTn REM sleep active neurons act to suppress the state of REM sleep.

4.2 Mechanism of REM sleep Suppression by PPTn REM Sleep-Active Neurons

Mechanisms of REM sleep regulation can be broadly divided into mechanisms of REM sleep

initiation and mechanisms of maintenance which sustain REM sleep episodes once initiated. I



have shown that while selectively inhibiting PPTn REM sleep-active neurons that the increase

in REM sleep is driven by an increase in REM sleep bout frequency. This result shows that

PPTn REM sleep-active neurons suppress the occurrence of REM sleep by preventing

initiation of this state. Moreover, the lack of an effect on REM sleep bout duration, shows that

PPTn REM sleep-active neurons do not play a role in the maintenance of REM sleep. It

would appear then that in non-REM / REM sleep transitionary periods when PPTn REM

sleep-active neurons become more active (Steriade et al., 1990; Steriade and McCarley,

2005b) that they effectively reduce the probability of REM sleep onset, until REM sleep is

successfully initiated and maintenance mechanisms are engaged at which point these neurons

are rendered powerless to restrain REM sleep despite their continued firing.

In order to understand how REM sleep-active PPTn neurons are involved in REM sleep

initiation I must first describe the characteristics of non-REM / REM sleep transitions. REM

sleep initiation is a progressive process. The potentials of reticular neuronal pools, responsible

for the generation of REM sleep undergo gradual depolarization in advance of transitions into

REM sleep (Hobson et al., 1974; McCarley and Hobson, 1975b; Ito and McCarley, 1984; Ito

et al., 2002). This augmentation in pontoreticular activity is associated with overt

stereotypical changes in electrographic activity which herald the onset of REM sleep, (i.e.,

decreased power in the delta band and increased power in the theta and sigma bands of the

electroencephalogram) (Benington et al., 1994). A change in brain state to REM sleep seems

to occur when sub-threshold REM sleep drive processes build to a level that is sufficient to

overcome opposing processes acting to maintain the current state. If the threshold level of

pontoreticular activity needed to induce REM sleep were to increase, it would stand to reason

that the magnitude of NRT electrographic changes would also increase so long as the

magnitude of those changes are an accurate index of the level of pontoreticular activation. I

showed, in accordance with previous work (Benington et al., 1994), that there is a sigmoidal

relationship between the magnitude of electrographic events associated with REM sleep

induction (quantified as NIV) and the incidence of REM sleep. This relationship is important,

because it means that the incidence of REM sleep increases in association with increasing

NIV. Since increased REM sleep drive most certainly accompanies increased incidence of

REM sleep, NIV can therefore serve as an indicator of REM sleep drive. I submit that NRT



associated electrographic changes can be treated as the phenotypic manifestation of sub-

threshold REM sleep drive. I used NIV magnitude to gauge the level of REM sleep drive

responsible for state transitions into REM sleep and to demarcate between REM sleep bouts

issuing from high and low REM sleep drive.

The increased proportion of REM sleep bouts issuing from periods of low REM sleep drive

during 8-OH-DPAT perfusion relative to baseline is consistent with the notion that PPTn

REM sleep-active neurons suppress transitioning into REM sleep by elevating the drive

threshold for REM sleep induction. In other words, REM sleep-active PPTn neurons, act to

prevent premature transitioning into REM sleep and so constrain the occurrence of this state

to narrow temporal windows of high REM sleep drive, by maintaining a high drive threshold

for REM sleep induction.

4.3 Connections of PPTn REM Sleep-Active Neurons Possibly Mediating REM Sleep Suppression

So far, I have discussed the mechanism of REM sleep suppression by REM sleep-active PPTn

neurons, couched in terms of abstract concepts like “drive intensity” and “induction

threshold”. Ultimately the suppression of REM sleep, by REM sleep-active PPTn neurons,

involves the interaction between this cell group and others within the REM sleep control

network. The identification of downstream effector sites of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons

was beyond the scope of this study. Nevertheless, I posit a testable model of REM sleep

generation in which the REM sleep-active PPTn cell group functions as a negative modulator

of REM sleep.

Historically, models of REM sleep generation have always considered REM sleep-active

PPTn neurons to promote REM sleep to one degree or another. The reciprocal interaction



hypothesis, originally formulated by Hobson and McCarley (Hobson et al., 1975; McCarley

and Hobson, 1975a), postulates that prior to REM sleep onset, cholinergic REM sleep-active

PPTn neurons become increasingly active, as inhibitory monoaminergic influences on these

cells are withdrawn. Increased PPTn REM sleep-active neuron activity activates

cholinoceptive SLDn neurons in the pontine reticular formation. Activation of pathways

emanating from the SLDn increase thalamocortical / cortical neuronal firing and tonicly

inhibit spinal and medullary motor pools, producing the EEG activation and motor atonia,

characteristic of REM sleep (Pace-Schott and Hobson, 2002). The emphasis on cholinergic

involvement in REM sleep generation by early models is not surprising, given that they were

founded on studies in cats in which induction of REM sleep by cholinergic PRF stimulation is

very robust. The results of these cat studies could not be reliably reproduced in rodents, and

so as rodents have become the preferred model for the study of sleep neurobiology, the role of

acetylcholine, and by proxy the PPTn, have been marginalized in recent iterations of REM

sleep generation models (Lu et al., 2006; Luppi et al., 2006; Fuller et al., 2007). The implicit

assumption has always been that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons are predominately

cholinergic, and so the functional role attributed to this cell group in REM sleep generation,

has always been indirectly defined by the result of cholinergic agonism in the PRF. However,

the functional role that I have defined for the REM sleep-active PPTn cell group as a negative

regulator of REM sleep is highly inconsistent with the notion of cholinergic innervation and

activation of the PRF by REM sleep-active PPTn neurons. The lack of consistency between

this data and the prevailing hypothesis regarding PPTn involvement in REM sleep generation

does not reflect a lack of consistency between this data and that of previous studies, because

the notion that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons are cholinergic is unjustified. A

preponderance of evidence shows that cholinergic REM sleep-active PPTn neurons occupy a

small proportion of the total REM sleep-active neuronal population of the PPTn (Maloney et

al., 1999; Verret et al., 2005). It stands to reason, that due to the scarcity of cholinergic REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons, that the increase in REM sleep that I observed during 8-OH-

DPAT administration, was the product of inhibition of predominately non-cholinergic

neurons. The proportion of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons that are GABAergic is reported

to be between 44 and 82% (Maloney et al., 2002; Sapin et al., 2009), vastly outnumbering the

cholinergic contingent of PPTn REM sleep-active neurons. The increase in REM sleep due to

the selective suppression of PPTn REM sleep-active neurons, is consistent with the expected



effect of reducing GABA release at downstream sites implicated in the generation of REM

sleep. GABA receptor antagonism at the SLD increases the discharge of REM sleep-active

SLD neurons (Boissard et al., 2002). Blocking the action of endogenous GABA at the SLD

using GABAA receptor antagonists reliably induces REM sleep, while GABA receptors

agonists suppress the occurrence of REM sleep (Boissard et al., 2002; Pollock and

Mistlberger, 2003; Sanford et al., 2003; Sapin et al., 2009). GABAergic mechanisms at the

SLDn are certainly responsible for restraining the occurrence of REM sleep, and recent

models of REM sleep generation propose that an inactivation of such GABAergic inputs into

SLD REM sleep-active neurons is the principal event responsible for REM sleep onset (Lu et

al., 2006; Luppi et al., 2006; Fuller et al., 2007). If disinhibition of the SLDn is sufficient to

induce REM sleep, then an antagonistic increase in GABAergic drive to the SLDn during

non-REM /REM sleep transitionary periods, would certainly act to suppress initiation of REM

sleep, and limit the overall frequency of its occurrence. Given that the PPTn is a known

source of GABAergic innervation of the SLDn (Boissard et al., 2003; Lu et al., 2006), REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons could therefore suppress the occurrence of REM sleep by

suppressing the excitability of SLDn REM sleep-active neurons via increased release of

GABA at non-REM / REM sleep transitionary periods.

It is known that that the PRF and the neuronal pools contained therein are necessary and

sufficient for the production of REM sleep (Steriade et al., 2005a). These neuronal pools and

the connections between them comprise the REM sleep control network. Therefore, in

accordance with the Sherringtonian view of a neural pool or node (Sherrington, 1961), the

generation of REM sleep comes as a result of a net facilitation of the nodes within the REM

sleep control network. Electrophysiological evidence supports this notion. The transition from

non-REM to REM sleep is marked by stereotypical changes in the membrane potential of

pontoreticular neurons (Ito and McCarley, 1984; Ito et al., 2002). Consistent with non-REM

sleep being a quiescent state of the brain, the membrane potential of PRF neurons are

hyperpolarized relative to REM sleep and little excitatory post synaptic activity occurs (Ito

and McCarley, 1984). Preceding bouts of REM sleep, PRF neuron membrane potential

becomes progressively more depolarized and excitatory postsynaptic events become more

frequent (Ito and McCarley, 1984). This progressive increase in PRF excitability can be



regarded as the neural correlate of increasing REM sleep drive. With the onset of REM sleep,

PRF neuron membrane potential plateaus at a level 7-10mv more depolarized than either quiet

wakefulness or non-REM sleep. PRF membrane potential promptly repolarizes with REM

sleep termination and wake onset (Ito and McCarley, 1984). These observations strongly

indicate that increased pontoreticular excitability is inextricably linked with REM sleep


Steriade and Mccarley (2005a), have suggested that the progressive depolarization of PRF

neurons can be attributed to a process of “recruitment”, whereby through reticuloreticular

excitatory connections increasing numbers of neurons become increasingly active over time.

Given that more than half of all afferent inputs into pontobulbar reticular neurons come from

other excitatory pontobulbar reticular neurons (Shammah-Lagnado et al., 1987), it would

stand to reason that increased activity of even a small number of neurons in the pontoreticular

field would lead to the recruitment of other pontoreticular neurons via a self-augmenting

positive feedback process (Steriade et al., 2005a). This positive feedback mechanism would

act to sustain the gradual depolarization of neuronal pools that comprise the REM sleep

control network (Steriade et al., 2005a).

Now if this process is the neural correlate of REM sleep drive, then what is the neural

correlate of the REM sleep drive induction threshold? Addressing this question requires that

we consider the organizational principles of neural networks. All biological networks,

including those in the brain are thought to exhibit so called, “small world” organization

(Bullmore and Sporns, 2009). Having small world organization means that complex

networks, such as the brain, are organized into functional modules, each module being a set of

densely interconnected nodes. The vast majority of nodes are connected to a small number of

nearby nodes within the same module. Only a select few nodes exhibit a high degree of

connectivity with the nodes of their own module and more importantly with nodes of other

modules. These highly connected nodes, referred to as connecting hubs, are critically

important for the physical transmission of information between modules. This kind of small

world organization is not only theoretical, as it has been empirically demonstrated to be



applicable to the vertebrate brainstem (Humphries et al., 2006). So, consider the brain as a

complex network, having small-world organization, in which the REM sleep control network

is a single functional module. REM sleep is a state of this entire brain network, but the origins

of this state are restricted to a single module, i.e., the REM sleep control network. Therefore,

the principal requirement for REM sleep generation must be the transmission of activity

within the REM sleep control network to other functional brain modules thereby allowing the

phenomenology of REM sleep to become fully elaborated. According to the principles of

small-world organization outlined above, the flow of activation from the REM sleep control

module to the rest of the brain will critically depend upon the activation of a select number of

connecting hubs, having high connectivity with nodes in distant modules. Therefore the rate

limiting step in initiating REM sleep is necessarily the activation of these connecting hubs. A

primary candidate for such a connecting hub, in the case of the REM sleep control module, is

the SLD. As previously mentioned, ascending and descending pathways emanating from the

SLD, may be largely responsible for mediating the motor atonia and electrographic changes

indicative of REM sleep (Sastre and Jouvet, 1979; Rye et al., 1988; Sanford et al., 1994;

Plazzi et al., 1996; Lu et al., 2006) (see section 1.4.1 for details), and so the SLDn has the

appropriate connectivity to act as a connecting hub for the REM sleep control network. Given

that REM sleep drive may be thought of as the progressive recruitment of pontoreticular

neurons making up the REM sleep control module, then the threshold for REM sleep

induction is inevitably the level of pontoreticular activity necessary to recruit or activate

connecting hubs such as the SLD. Since it is these hubs that ultimately permit activity in the

REM sleep control module to spread and affect the state of the brain-at-large. This

explanation of REM sleep initiation using the organizational principles of small-world

networks, may be called the small-world network hypothesis of REM sleep initiation (figure

14A). This hypothesis is meant to dovetail with current models of REM sleep generation such

as the reciprocal interaction(Hobson et al., 1975; McCarley and Hobson, 1975a; Pace-Schott

and Hobson, 2002) and flip-flop hypotheses (Lu et al., 2006; Luppi et al., 2006). These

models best describe the physical arrangement of the circuitry underlying REM sleep

generation (network physical topology), while the small-world network hypothesis is meant

to describe the flow of activity throughout the physical network, the so called “logical

topology” of the network, which is responsible for the generation of REM sleep. The

contribution of the small-world network hypothesis or any logical description of the REM



sleep control network is important because a unified theory of REM sleep generation will

require descriptions of both the physical and logical topologies of the network producing this


The small-world network hypothesis can be used to explain many of the features of REM

sleep initiation as well as many of our own observations. According to the classical indicator

variables used to define the occurrence of REM sleep, only slight changes in phenomenology

occur prior to REM sleep, relative to the larger and more abrupt changes which mark

transitions from non-REM to REM sleep. In contrast, REM sleep, from the perspective of

those cells which underlie its generation, seems to be a much more gradual process.

According to small-world organizational principles, as pontoreticular neurons become more

and more active, changes in state phenomenology would be expected to be very slight, given

that most of these neurons have very few connections beyond their own module and therefore

have very little capacity to influence phenomenolocial variables. Major shifts in state

phenomenology would be expected to occur upon recruitment of connecting hubs such as the

SLDn, which have much greater capacities to influence state variables. Therefore, the fact that

phenomenologically discrete brain states emerge from neural activity that is highly dynamic

and constantly in flux, may be a consequence of the modular small-world architecture of

networks controlling state.

The mechanism of REM sleep suppression by REM sleep-active PPTn neurons which I have

proposed fits with the small-world network hypothesis of REM sleep initiation. According to

this hypothesis, the GABAergic suppression of SLDn neurons by the PPTn REM sleep-active

cell-group, which increases its discharge in the period preceding an episode of REM sleep,

would be expected to increase the threshold level of intra-modular pontoreticular activity

required to activate the SLDn and induce REM sleep onset via the transmission of activation

beyond the REM sleep control module. By so elevating the threshold of activation for a

connecting hub such as the SLD, a greater amount of time would necessarily be required





Figure 14. A schematic of the small-world network hypothesis of REM sleep initiation.

(A) Shows the hypothesized mechanism by which individual pontoreticular neuronal pools or

nodes of the REM sleep control module (depicted as numbered circles), are progressively

recruited during a non-REM to REM sleep transition via a series of interlocking positive

feedback loops. Due to mutual excitatory connection between pontoreticular neurons, activity

within the REM sleep control module gradually increases resulting in the recruitment of

nodes having ever higher recruitment thresholds. According to small-world network

organizational principles, the flow of activation is largely constrained to the REM sleep

control module because the vast majority of nodes have a small number of connections with

nearby nodes within the same module. Furthermore, the amount of intramodular activity

required to trigger the spread of activation from the REM-sleep control module to other brain

modules initiating a change in brain state is dictated by the recruitment threshold of

connecting hubs like the SLDn (sublaterodosal nucleus). Due to their increased connectivity,

it is these hubs that ultimately permit activity in the REM sleep control module to spread and

affect the state of the brain-at-large. (B) Shows the hypothesized mechanism by which REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons act to limit the frequency of REM sleep episodes. The

hypothesized GABAergic suppression of SLDn neurons by the PPTn REM sleep-active cell-

group would be expected to increase the threshold level of intra-modular pontoreticular

activity required to activate the SLDn and induce REM sleep onset. Consistent with the

results presented in this thesis is the notion that the 8-OH-DPAT mediated inhibition of REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons removed a source of GABAergic inhibition of the SLDn thereby

lowering the threshold level of REM sleep drive intensity required to initiate a bout of REM

sleep. Subsequently less time was required to accumulate the intra-modular activation

required to breach threshold, thereby increasing the frequency of REM sleep episodes.



to accumulate the intra-modular activation required to breach threshold, thereby restraining

the frequency of REM sleep episodes (figure 14B).

4.4 PPTn REM Sleep-Active Neurons Suppress Upper-Airway Muscle Activity During REM Sleep

Our findings indicate that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons suppress initiation of REM sleep,

but despite their continued activity, these neurons do not affect the time-course of individual

episodes once initiated. The continued activity of these neurons is responsible, however, for

regulating respiratory network activity within REM sleep episodes. One of the hallmarks of

the respiratory phenotype of REM sleep is the atonia of the upper-airway musculature,

including the genioglossus muscle of the tongue. The hyperpolarization of hypoglossal

motoneurons producing genioglossus muscle atonia during REM sleep, serves to prevent the

activation of this muscle amidst the bombardment of the hypoglossal motorpool by volleys of

excitatory activity (Orem and Netick, 1986; Orem et al., 2005). Occasionally these volleys of

excitation are able to penetrate the prevailing atonia and produce pronounced genioglossus

muscle twitching (shown in figure 9). The frequency and magnitude of these REM sleep-

related muscle twitches at any given time, undoubtedly reflect the balance of opposing

excitatory and inhibitory inputs into the hypoglossal motor nucleus. I have shown that while

selectively inhibiting REM sleep-active PPTn neurons that the frequency and magnitude of

REM sleep-related genioglossus muscle twitching increased. In other words, the atonia of the

genioglossus muscle during REM sleep was punctuated by excitatory events more often and

to a greater degree in the absence of PPTn REM sleep-active neuron activity. This finding

indicates that REM sleep-active PPTn neurons normally act to shift the balance of activity at

the hypoglossal motor nucleus towards inhibition, thereby buffering against excessive

genioglossus activation during REM sleep. The predominant increase in REM sleep-related

twitching in the respiratory genioglossus muscle versus that of non-respiratory nuchal

musculature, indicates that the PPTn REM sleep-active cell-group does not act to suppress

skeletal muscle activity ubiquitously during REM sleep, but rather acts to preferentially

prevent respiratory muscle activation during REM sleep.



4.5 PPTn REM Sleep-Active Neurons Depress Breathing Across Sleep-Wake States

Although discharging maximally prior to and during REM sleep, PPTn REM sleep-active

neurons remain active during wakefulness and non-REM sleep (Steriade et al., 1990; Thakkar

et al., 1998). Therefore, it is not surprising that the influence of these cells on breathing is not

constrained to the state of REM sleep. In contrast to the REM sleep-specific inhibition of the

behavior-related genioglossus muscle activity by PPTn REM sleep-active neurons, I showed

that inhibition of this cell group augmented the respiratory component of genioglossus

activity independently of the prevailing sleep-wake state. Therefore, REM sleep-active PPTn

neurons normally act to suppress respiratory inputs into the hypoglossal motor nucleus, and

this suppression manifests in all states of sleep and wakefulness. PPTn REM sleep-active

neurons may modulate genioglossus activity via known PPTn projections either to the

hypoglossal motor nucleus or to hypoglossal pre-motor sites (Woolf and Butcher, 1989; Fay

and Norgren, 1997; Rukhadze and Kubin, 2007).

In addition to depressing the respiratory activation of the genioglossus muscle, REM sleep-

active PPTn neurons produce a depression of respiratory rate across states of sleep and

wakefulness, as evidenced by the state-independent elevation of respiratory rate during the

selective suppression of REM sleep active PPTn neuron activity. The PPTn has the

appropriate connectivity to mediate this effect, since PPTn neurons have been shown to

project to the rostoventolateral medulla (Yasui et al., 1990), which houses the circuitry

responsible for the generation of respiratory rate (Feldman and Del Negro, 2006). The

capacity of the PPTn to depress respiratory rate has been previously demonstrated using

electrical PPTn stimulation in anesthetized cats causing a reduction in respiratory rate (Lydic

and Baghdoyan, 1993). This study shows for the first time that beyond a mere capacity to

depress breathing, that the input of the PPTn into the respiratory network is actually required

for producing a normal respiratory rate.



By acting to suppress respiratory rate and upper-airway muscle activity, particularly during

REM sleep, REM sleep-active PPTn neurons increase the vulnerability of predisposed

individuals to experiencing disordered breathing during sleep. By so identifying the neural

underpinnings of sleep’s impact on breathing, we are better able to understand the

pathogenesis of sleep-related breathing disorders and to develop novel therapeutic strategies.

4.6 Future Directions

This thesis emphasizes the fact that as network phenomena, both the generation of REM sleep

and its respiratory phenotype are the product of complex interactions between multiple,

functionally distinct cell-groups. The evidence presented here served to define the functional

role of the PPTn REM sleep-active cell population. Future studies are needed to determine the

necessary interactions between REM sleep-active PPTn neurons, and other cell-groups which

are responsible for the suppressive influence of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons on REM

sleep initiation, genioglossus activity and respiratory rate. To determine these interactions, I

propose a dual microdialysis strategy, involving local microdialysis delivery of a stimulatory

agent at one site to induce an effect that can be blocked by delivery of an antagonist at the

hypothesized effector site. A microdialysis probe would be implanted at the PPTn, and the

activity of REM sleep-active PPTn neurons would be raised using a 5HT1A receptor

antagonist. The resulting increase in neurotransmitter release at downstream effector sites

would presumably act to suppress REM sleep initiation, genioglossus activity and respiratory

rate. A second microdialysis probe would be located at the hypothesized site of REM sleep-

active PPTn neuron influence, and an antagonist of the neurotransmitter hypothesized to be

mediating the effect would be delivered. For example, I previously hypothesized that REM

sleep-active PPTn neurons may act to suppress REM sleep via GABA-mediated inhibition of

SLDn neurons. If this hypothesis is correct, I would expect that the decrease in REM sleep,

stemming from 5HT1A receptor antagonist-induced disinhibition of REM sleep-active PPTn

neuron activity, would be reversed by the simultaneous delivery of a GABA receptor

antagonist at the SLDn. Therefore, this strategy will permit the determination of the

connections and neurotransmitters underlying the functional impact of PPTn REM sleep-



active neurons on the control of REM sleep and its respiratory phenotype. Such

determinations are required to fully map the network underlying the generation of REM sleep

and its phenomenological components.




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