rely on god in midst of raging river

F F u u l l l l y y R R e e l l y y o o n n G G o o d d i i n n t t h h e e m m i i d d s s t t o o f f a a R R a a g g i i n n g g R R i i v v e e r r Empowered Bible Study Ministries

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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I love acronyms and one of my favorite acronyms that has inspired me in my Christian walk is FROG – Fully Rely On God. Today I would like to share with you how you can fully rely on God in the midst of a raging river.


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Empowered Bible Study Ministries

Page 2: Rely on God in midst of Raging River

Welcome to Empowered Bible Study Ministries. I love acronyms and one of my

favorite acronyms that has inspired me in my Christian walk is

FROG – Fully Rely On God. Today I would like to share with you how

you can fully rely on God in the midst of a raging river.

My husband and I use to have a rafting business where we would

take people down the river. In fact that is how we paid for our wedding. I was

always in awe of the river seeing its power and relating it to God’s power.

The river is like our life, and to help illustrate my point I have a few pictures from

some of our rafting trips. Here is a picture of me floating down the American

River in Sacramento California on a surf mat. In this particular part of the river it

is calm with just a few little ripples and we

peacefully float down the river taking in all the

beauty along the way.

Well, life is that way at times. We float down the

river of life and have periods of time when

things seem to be going smooth, we have a

little ripple here and there but nothing to hard that we can’t handle. It is in these

times that it seems easier to rely on God. However, life isn’t always smooth.

The next thing you know you are thrust into the

hardships and trials of life. This picture is at

the Rogue River in Oregon. You can see how

the turbulence tosses you to and foe just like

the trials of life toss us to and foe.

Just about that time you think your circumstances

can’t get any worse, you hear the roar of the mighty 18 foot Rainey Falls of the

Rogue River. Now not everybody goes over the

falls – it is very dangerous. But just

like life, not everyone will experience

the same trials in life.

James 1:2-3 ‘Consider it all joy, my brethren,

when you encounter various trials ,3 knowing

that the testing of your faith produces

endurance’ (NASB)

Trials come in many forms, from financial problems, health issues, moral issues,

accidents, loss of loved ones and more. They can be small trials to huge, life changing


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But each trial you go through strengthens you to be able to encourage someone

else who finds themselves at the top of Rainey falls.

So when you are in the depth of

your trials and circumstances of

life and you feel as if you are being

sucked into the heart of the river,

take courage my friend.

When you feel as if you are hanging

on for dear life, remember, Jesus is

the captain of the boat. He will

guide you through the River of Life.

So my friend, when trials come

as it says in James “when” not

“if”. Hold onto Jesus.

1 Peter 1:6 In this you greatly rejoice,

even though now for a little while, if

necessary, you have been distressed by various trials (NASB)

Peter made it clear to these suffering believers that even as they grieved now (in

their present existence), it was only for a little while compared to the glorious

eternity awaiting them.

Remember my friend, this life is only temporary - what we are going through here is only for a little while. We live in a world of trials and temptation in addition; the believer has to bear the added trial of persecution because of his testimony for Christ. So we ask, why does God allow Christians to go through trials? Why can't God shield us from trials once we are saved? The answer my friend is that it is through those trials that your faith grows. It is when trials come that we go to our knees praying and asking for God to help. When life is going smooth, how many times do you get on your knees? It is through those trials that we trust God to meet all our needs and we see that God is in control.

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We must accept trials as part of the refining process that burns away impurities

and prepares us to meet Christ. Trials teach us patience (Romans 5:3-4; James

1:2-3) and helps us grow to be all that Christ meant us to be.

When life seems to be

dragging you down and you

feel as if you are all alone, you

are not! Christ is there! It is at

this time of your life that Jesus

is carrying you and helping you

through the tough times of life.

God is always in control! We

need to fully rely on Him and

Him alone.

The more you study God’s

word and the more you pursue a deeper relationship with God, it will

be easier to rely on God, to put your total trust in Him.

In every aspect of our lives we are to Fully Rely On God! Live every moment of

every day for Christ!

So my friend, if you are feeling Froggy, Jump into a Deeper

Relationship with God!

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