religious influences on western political thought

Religious Influences on Western Political Development

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Religious influences on western political thought

Religious Influences on

Western Political Development

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• Before Judaism most religions were polytheistic (many gods)

• People thought that Gods wanted sacrifices and rituals in their honor

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Israel and Monotheism

• Israel existed between the kingdoms of Mesopotamia and Egypt.

• While it did not develop a powerful civilization the ancient Jews did have writing and left the world a legacy with the first lasting monotheistic religion, Judaism.

• Monotheism is the belief in a single god, and Judaism became the foundation for the other two monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam.

• About half of the people on earth practice one of these three religions today.

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Hebrew Beliefs

• Monotheism – one powerful God

• People created in Gods image

• God wants people to live moral lives, people can decide between good and evil

• Gods rules had to be obeyed but at the same time God was forgiving

• Contributes to democracy because this is where we see the beginning of individual worth

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Hebrews and Ten Commandments

• Ten Commandments serve as the basis of Jewish laws.

• Hebrew tradition states that these commandments were given by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai.

• Commandments such as • “thou shalt not kill”• “thou shalt not steal” • Religious and social laws too.

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Hebrews and Ten Commandments

• Certain Commandments tell children to respect their parents and for people to “not bear false witness against thy neighbor” which is lying.

• These commandments reflect the values of the Hebrew people in addition to their religious beliefs.

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Jewish Influence on Political Thought

Then•Each person created by God

•Choose between good and evil•Help the poor people

Now•All men created equal•Voting – choice

•Government assistance to those in need

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• Out of Rome came one of the world’s major religions – Christianity.

• It offered the masses of poor people hope during the troubled times of the late Roman Empire when it suffered

through corrupt officials and barbarian invasions. • Become the favored religion of Rome by emperor

Constantine early in the 4th century. The Roman Empire eventually fell but the Christian religion has endured to the modern day. The main organization of the early church was

the Catholic Church.

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• The Christian religion also follows the Ten Commandments

• Many people have heard of the “Golden Rule” which basically says “treat other people the way you wish to be treated by them”.

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• This idea combined with the ones included in the Ten Commandments is what makes the Judeo-Christian ethic, which makes up a major part of our modern Western concept of law and ethics.

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Christian Influence on Political Thought

Then•Love your neighbor as

yourself•Welcome all converts



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• The next thousand years saw the rise of a new monotheistic religion, Islam

• Also taught many of the same ideas found in Judaism and Christianity in regards to moral and ethical values

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In the 7th century the new religion of Islam was Founded in Saudi Arabia and it quickly spread Throughout the Middle East and parts of Southern Europe. Expansion was stopped at Tours, France, in 732 ACE, but Islam continued as a leader in education,science, and culture during this time period.

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Prophets Taught…

• Everyone should• Oppose injustice and oppression• Help those less fortunate

• Poverty and injustice could cease• Individuals capable of high moral standards

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Islam’s Contribution to Political Thought

• Dignity of individual

• Ability to make moral decisions

• Opposition to injustice/oppression

• People could make a better life for all

• Equality of believers

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Modern Times

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Wait There are More Contributors

• Middle Ages: The Scholastics

• Renaissance

• Reformation

• It is through these events we see the emphasis moving from the Church and religion to the individual

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The Scholastics

• Medieval churchmen who retained respect for rational thought handed down by the ancients

• Preserved Greek philosophy

• Tradition of learning

• Reason and faith can coexist

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The Renaissance

• Rebirth

• Education more than just for church life, thinkers begin to challenge the political and moral absolutism of the Dark Ages

• Some criticized authoritarian Roman Catholic Church that dominated Europe

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The Renaissance

• Led to the growth of individualism and intellectual challenges expressed through• Art• Exploration• Conquerors

• Entrepreneurs

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The Reformation

• Started by Martin Luther when he criticized the Roman Catholic Church

• People were encouraged to make their own religious judgments• Encouraged independent thought, criticism of

perceived corruption• Authority of Roman Catholic Church weakened

• Protestant churches begin• Clergy did not have special powers, individuals

could make their own path to God

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The Reformation

• Martin Luther provided Europeans an alternative model of religious expression

Since religion politics and society were so closely linked, the divide between

Protestants and Catholics plunged Europe into a century of bloodshed.

Rejected the idea that only the Church or priests could read and understand

the Bible

Since religion politics and society were so closely linked, the divide between

Protestants and Catholics plunged Europe into a century of bloodshed.

Rejected the idea that only the Church or priests could read and understand

the Bible