religions in great britain.ppt

Religions in Great Britain

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Religions in Great Britain

New words

a mosque imam a mound borough Sikhism - Indian religion

The Treaty of Union that led to the formation of the United Kingdom ensured that there would be a protestant succession as well as a link between church and state that still remains.

The main religions in Great Britain

Christianity is the major religion included the Church of England, Church of

Scotland, Church in Wales, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations

There are more than 42.6 million Christians in Britain

Islam is the second largest religion in Great Britain

The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million

The biggest groups of Muslims are of Pakistani, Bangladesh and Indian origin

Islamic organisations in Great Britain

the Muslim Council of Britain

the British Muslim Forum Conveying Group the Sufi Muslim Council the Islamic Human Rights Commission the Conservative Muslim Forum the Mosques & Imams National Advisory Board The Muslim Educational Trust Progressive British Muslims

Religions of Indian origin

Hinduism Sikhism Buddhism Judaism


Population are over half a million Hindus in Britain

The majority of Hindus live in England and Wales

Hindu organisations : the Hindu Forum of Britain, the National Council of Hindu Temples


Population: over a third of a million Sikhs

the majority lives in Southall

Southall is also home to the largest Sikh temple outside India


Buddhists are 149,000 people in Britain

Kensington and Chelsea has a much higher proportion of people classifying themselves as Buddhists

This is a stupa literally meaning "heap" buddhist relics


In Great Britain live over a quarter of a million Jewish people

The majority of jews live in the London boroughs of Barnet and Redbridge

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