release notes livelink ecm - archive server 9.6.1.pdf

7/18/2019 Release Notes Livelink ECM - Archive Server 9.6.1.pdf 1/28 Release Notes Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 2008-Sept-10 AR090601-RN-EN-17

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Release Notes

Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 2008-Sept-10


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Release NotesLivelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1AR090601-RN-EN-17Rev.: 2008-Sept-10

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AR090601-RN-EN-17 Release Notes iii

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................... 5 1.1 Welcome ..................................................................................................5 1.2 About this document ................. .................. .................. ................. .......... 5 1.3 Contact information ..................................................................................5 1.4 How to find the documentation ................................................................6

2 Livelink ECM – Archive Server.................................................9 2.1 What is Livelink ECM – Archive Server? ................................................. 9 2.2 Installation package .................................................................................9 2.3 What's new?....... ................. .................. .................. ................. .............. 10 2.4 GUIs and documentation .......................................................................11 2.4.1 GUI and Online Help languages ............................................................11 2.4.2 Manuals........ ................. .................. .................. ................. .................. .. 12 2.5 Errata ..................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Open Source ................. .................. .................. ................. .................. .. 13

3 Supported software and storage platforms........................... 15 3.1 Supported operating systems and databases ....................................... 15

3.2 Important recommendations .................................................................. 17 3.3 Installation and upgrades ................ .................. ................. .................. .. 18 3.4 Supported storage systems ................................................................... 18 3.5 Retention periods...................................................................................18 3.6 Supported browsers ............... .................. .................. ................. ........... 18 3.7 Large files and partitions ................. .................. ................. .................. .. 19 3.8 Compatibility with other Livelink products .................. ................. ........... 19 3.9 Deprecated functionality ........................................................................19 3.10 Future developments ............................................................................. 19

4 Livelink ECM – Archive Server scenarios.............................. 21

4.1 Archive Cache Server .................. .................. .................. ................. ..... 21 4.2 Use of retention periods .................. .................. ................. .................. .. 21 4.3 Remote Standby scenario... .................. .................. ................. .............. 22 4.4 High-availability scenario .......................................................................22 4.5 Volume migration ................................................................................... 23 4.6 Creating timestamps ..............................................................................23

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Table of Contents

iv Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

4.7 Archive administration utilities.......... .................. .................. ................. . 23 4.8 Document Pipeline ............... .................. .................. .................. ............ 24 4.9 API (Application Programming Interface) ................ .................. ............ 24

4.10 Accounting ................ ................. .................. .................. ................. ....... 25 5 Restrictions..............................................................................27

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AR090601-RN-EN-17 Release Notes 5

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 WelcomeWelcome to the Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1!Combined with other products in the Systems based on Livelink ECM – ArchiveServer , Open Text/IXOS seamlessly integrates all your business documents within

your IT system.

1.2 About this documentThis document provides you with the most up-to-date information on this release ofLivelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1.

• “What's new?” on page 10 tells you what is new or has changed in this version ofLivelink ECM – Archive Server .

• “GUIs and documentation” on page 11 gives you a short introduction to themanuals of Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1.

• “Supported software and storage platforms” on page 15 lists the softwarerequirements and provides information on the compatibility of the variousexisting software versions. It also contains information that can help you avoidproblems but could not be included in the documentation.

• “Restrictions” on page 27 gives you an overview of all known restrictions.

1.3 Contact informationOpen Text Online is a single point of access for the product information provided byOpen Text. Depending on your role, you have access to different scopes ofinformation (see below for details).

You can access Open Text Online via the Internet at orthe support sites at .The following information and support sources can be accessed through Open TextOnline:

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Chapter 1 Introduction

6 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

Knowledge CenterOpen Text's corporate extranet and primary site for technical support. It is theofficial source for:

• Open Text products and modules• Documentation for Open Text products

• Patches for Open Text products

The following role-specific information is available:


• Information on the Open Text Partner Program

• Programs and support for registered partners

Business Users

• Tips, help files, and further information from Open Text staff and other usersin one of the Open Text online communities


• Downloads and patches

• Documentation

• Product information

• Discussions

• Product previews

Feedback ondocumentation

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions to improve ourdocumentation, contact us by e-mail at [email protected] .

1.4 How to find the documentationYou can find the product documentation as follows:

• The product CD-ROM contains the documentation corresponding to the productand the version.

Note: In case that the CD-ROM does not start automatically, please openthe file index.htm and follow the navigation offered there.

• The documentation of all products and all supported versions is available in the

Expert Service Center or the Open Text Knowledge Center (see the Release Notesfor details and links). In the ESC, open the product folder and click on ProductDocumentation . In the Knowledge Center, select the product below Supportedby product , then the wished document category below < Product name >Documentation .

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1.4 How to find the documentation

AR090601-RN-EN-17 Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 7

Note: You can find the latest information on manuals and online help files foreach product in the corresponding Release Notes. This includes theidentification codes of the current documentation.

Access to the technical documentation

Most manuals are available in various formats to provide optimum access for you.You can choose between HTML and PDF format (Acrobat Reader).

PDF version If you want to print a complete manual, open the PDF version. The PDF format isalso useful to search for certain items in the whole manual.

HTML If you just want to read a manual on screen, open the HTML version. It can beopened directly from the CD-ROM and is optimized for being read on the screen.

You can find the newest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Acrobat Readeron Microsoft ( ) and Adobe ( ) Web sites.

Refer to the HTML guide on the CD-ROM to obtain further information aboutspecial configuration issues and how to deal with some of known software bugs.

Usually, the HTML guide opens automatically when you insert the CD-ROM. Youcan also start your Web Browser and open the index.htm file from the root folder.To obtain further information, click the Info/Help link in the navigation bar, or usethe corresponding link on the Welcome page.

CD-ROM directory overview

The following list describes the contents of important folders on the CD-ROM andwhere you can find further information. These folders are located on the root levelor in the /docu folder. However, the HTML guide /index.htm is a more convenientway to find specific contents.

/index, /guide, /infoFiles for the HTML guide. The files in /guide help you find a certain manual,whereas the files in /info contain additional information, for example aboutdocument types, workarounds for bugs etc.

/manualContains subfolders with all manuals. See “GUIs and documentation” onpage 11 for details.

/toolsAdditional software tools.

All others

For internal purposes only.

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AR090601-RN-EN-17 Release Notes 9

Chapter 2 Livelink ECM – Archive Server

2.1 What is Livelink ECM – Archive Server?Archive Server is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) product from theLivelink Enterprise Suite, which constitutes the framework for enterprise-wide ECMsolutions. The Archive Server enables storage, management and retrieval of

archived data and documents. Typically, Livelink applications rely on the documentmanagement services of Archive Server, which include:

• Livelink ECM – Enterprise Server

• Livelink ECM – for SAP® Solutions

• Livelink ECM – Suite for Siebel

• Livelink ECM – Production Document Management (PDMS)

• Livelink ECM – BPM Server

• Livelink ECM – Document Archiving for Microsoft SharePoint

• Livelink ECM – Email Archiving for Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes

• Livelink ECM – Records Management

• Livelink ECM – File System Archiving

Archive Server is a scalable and integrated service for archiving all of yourenterprise content. That content is archived on a secure document repository, givingyou the guarantee that all documents are safely stored for years, yet still instantlyavailable when needed.

Archive Server provides a host of functionalities to address compliancerequirements associated with electronic document retention for many regulations,including SEC, Sarbanes-Oxley, FDA, GOB and GDPdU. Most regulations placestrict requirements on corporations to manage content not only through its active

lifecycle, but also to retain it for many years or decades after its use.

2.2 Installation packageThe installation package consists of:

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Chapter 2 Livelink ECM – Archive Server

10 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

Software CD-ROMThe CD-ROMs are labeled Livelink ECM – Archive Server LEA 9.6.1

<platform >, where < platform> stands for these server platforms:


• HP-UX IA-64




Each CD-ROM contains the software for the respective platform. This CD-ROMalso contains the documentation.

Note: Due to security reasons the perl modules IXOSOracle, IXOSODBCand Oracle are no longer directly distributed with the Archive Server.

Documentation CD-ROMThis CD-ROM is labeled Documentation CD-ROM for systems based on

Livelink ECM – Archive Server and contains the current versions of allmanuals for the Systems based on the Archive Server.

Database System DVD/CD-ROMThis DVD/CD-ROM contains the software for the database.

These media will only be delivered, if the database licenses have been purchasedthrough Open Text/IXOS.

Release Notes

Release Notes are delivered with every Open Text product. They describe indetail the hardware supported by the product or package and the changes orimportant dependencies that should be made known. They also describe whereto find documentation and further information about the products. The latestversion of the Release Notes is available in the Expert Service Center( ).

2.3 What's new?• New platform support/databases

• True 64-bit support for HP-UX 11.23 on IA-64 processors

• Support of Microsoft SQL Server 2005• A new doctool (timestampdt) which can create time stamps for documents in the

Document Pipeline.

• New storage platforms


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2.4 GUIs and documentation

AR090601-RN-EN-17 Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 11

• Sun StorageTek NAS 53X0

• Sun StorageTek SAM-FS

• Volume migration

• Fast migration of ISO images.This allows fast migration without filtering of components. Checksumsassure data integrity during migration process. It is also possible to migrateentire ISO Images from a remote Archive Server to the local server via anetwork connection.

• Archive Cache Server

Archive Cache Server now supports two operational modes. The mode can beselected per logical archive.

1. “write through”In this mode all documents are transferred to the central Archive Server, buton the fly they are also cached in the local store to speed up later readrequests.

2. “write back”In this mode all the documents are cached in the local store of the ArchiveCache Server only. An administrative job will later transfer these documentsto the central Archive Server. This mode is intended for architectures withlow network bandwidth.

2.4 GUIs and documentationThe following section gives you an overview of GUIs and manuals that are availablefor Archive Server and in which languages they are available.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions to improve ourdocumentation, contact us by e-mail at [email protected] .

2.4.1 GUI and Online Help languagesComponent EN 1 DE 1

Livelink ECM – Archive Administration (ADMC) G, O

Archive Web Monitor G, O

Document Pipeline Info (DPInfo) G, O G, O

Timestamp Server G

Notes:1. G = GUI, O = Online Help

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Chapter 2 Livelink ECM – Archive Server

12 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

2.4.2 ManualsThe current manuals for the Archive Server are located in the Expert Service Center(ESC), see . Please use only these manuals tobe sure to use the appropriate version.

Document TitleVersion Number


Livelink ECM – Archive Server : Administra-tion GuideAR090601-ACN-XX


Open Text Timestamp Server: Administra-tion GuideAR0906-ATS-EN


Livelink ECM – Archive Server : ConfigurationParametersAR0906-RCP-EN


Livelink ECM – Archive Server : DocumentPipelines and Import InterfacesAR090601-CDP-EN


Livelink ECM – Archive Server : DocumentPipeline Programming GuideAR0906-PDP-EN


Livelink ECM – Archive Server : ProgrammingGuide for the Livelink ECM - ArchiveServer APIAR090600-PSA-EN


2.5 ErrataSection 4.1.6 "Editing the archive configuration" in Livelink ECM - Archive Server- Administration Guide (AR090601-ACN)

The screenshot “Edit configuration” is not correct. The text under Blob/SingleInstance has changed to “These settings must not be used for single file pools”.

Section 9 "User management for the Archive Server" in Livelink ECM - ArchiveServer - Administration Guide (AR090601-ACN)

Consider this additional information:

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2.6 Open Source

AR090601-RN-EN-17 Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 13


• Change the password for the administrative users after installation,e.g. dsadmin and dp*, if pipelines are in use.

• Change the password regularly.

• In case the administrator password has been lost: Contact Open TextCustomer Support to create an initial password for the archive ad-ministrator.

Section 14.2.1 "Configuration on the original server" in Livelink ECM - ArchiveServer - Administration Guide (AR090601-ACN)

Consider this additional information:

Enable harddisk logging

1. In the Archive Administration, connect to the original server.2. Click File, Server Configuration .

3. Open Document Service (DS), Backup Configuration .

4. Check the option This system is backed up by other systems .

5. Restart the spawner on the original server.

Section 4.2.2 "Creating an HDSK pool" in Livelink ECM - Archive Server - Administration Guide (AR090601-ACN)

The content of the note is not correct. Consider the following note instead.

Note: HDSK pools are not intended for use in productive archive systems, butfor test purposes and special requirements.

Section 11.2 "Environment variables" in Livelink ECM - Archive Server - Document Pipelines and Import Interfaces (AR090601-CDP)

The registry location given as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/IXOS/IXOS- ARCHIVE/COMMON/ is not correct. Instead, it has to contain an underscore and not


2.6 Open SourceA detailed list of used Open Source libraries is given on the software CD-ROM:<CD-DRIVE >:\update\OPENSOURCE\LICENSES

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AR090601-RN-EN-17 Release Notes 15

Chapter 3 Supported software and storage platforms

The Release Notes are updated continually. The latest version for Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 and further technical information is available from the ExpertService Center at .

3.1 Supported operating systems and databasesNotes:

• Version 9.6.1 is an update version for Archive Server 9.6.0. Version 9.6.1contains all patches available for 9.6.0. It is strongly recommended toupdate to Archive Server 9.6.1 as soon as possible. Upcoming patches forArchive Server 9.6.0 will require an update to version 9.6.1 before installingthe patch!

• Only the products and versions specified in the Release Notes aresupported. Other versions have not been tested and are therefore notofficially supported for this version. The Release Notes contain thedefinitive list of supported versions. Any other versions mentioned in theproduct documentation are superseded by the versions specified in theRelease Notes.

• If no service pack, maintenance level, patch level or similar is explicitlymentioned for a specific software version, then Open Text supports allreleased by the manufacturer for this version, unless explicitly statedotherwise. If details of a specific service pack, patch and maintenance leveletc. is given, then this one and all subsequent ones are supported.

• VMWare products make it possible to run multiple operating systeminstances simultaneously on single server hardware. This paragraphaddresses support provided by OTC for its Archive Server softwarerunning within virtualisation products.

OTC does not provide guides for sizing the virtual infrastructure, and doesnot provide checklists how to set up the virtual infrastructure. OTC expectsthe virtual infrastructure environment to be transparent and to presentitself as real hardware.

If devices such as jukeboxes, fibre channel or other hardware componentsare not able to be connected using a virtual infrastructure, theninfrastructure without virtualisation software must be used. For OTC

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Chapter 3 Supported software and storage platforms

16 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

customers who have a support agreement, OTC will use reasonable effortsto investigate potential issues with OTC software running in a virtualisationenvironment. As part of that investigation, OTC may require that the issuebe reproduced independently from the environment on physical hardware.Where issues are confirmed to be unrelated to the virtualisation software,OTC will support its software in a manner that is consistent with supportprovided when that software is not running in such an environment.

The Archive Server supports the following operating systems and databases:

Processor Operating system platforms ArchiveServer



Supports Intel x86instruction set

Windows 2003 ServerSP1 or higher 32 bit X X X

Supports Intel x86

instruction set

SLES9 SP2 or higher 32 bit X X X

IA-64 HP-UX 11.23 64 bit X X –

PA-RISC HP-UX 11.23 64 bit X X X

pSeries IBM AIX 5.3L 64 bit X X X

Sparc Solaris 10 64 bit X X X

32-bit/64-bit The Archive Server modules run as 32-bit programs even when using 64-bithardware or a 64-bit operating system except for IA-64. On IA-64 processors 64-bitprograms are supported.

Support ofSolaris zone

Installing the Archive Server in a global zone or a local “whole root zone” is

supported without any restrictions.Installing the Archive Server in a local “sparse zone” needs consulting and supportby Open Text Services.


The following table gives an overview of supported database systems:

Database management systems Windows 2003 Server All UNIX platforms

MS SQL Server 2000 SP4 (or higher)• Standard Edition• Enterprise Edition


MS SQL Server 2005 SP1 (or higher)• Standard Edition• Enterprise Edition


Oracle 10.2• Standard Edition• Enterprise Edition


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3.2 Important recommendations

AR090601-RN-EN-17 Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 17

The database software delivered by Open Text/IXOS may only be used with theArchive Server.

The database can be installed locally or on a remote system.

It is recommended that no additional applications are installed on the ArchiveServer computers.

Oracle 10.2 For Oracle there are only 64 bit versions for some OS. If only the 64 bit versionexists, then this version is supported. Open Text/IXOS recommends that you readthe respective database and operating system release information.

3.2 Important recommendationsHostnames of

the ArchiveServer

Hostnames of the Archive Server computers must not begin with a digit. It isstrongly recommended to follow the guidelines for hostnames as defined in RFC952. Hostnames are strings made up of the letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-)

and period (.). Note that periods are only allowed when they serve to delimitcomponents of “domain style names”.

For further information read RCF 952 ( ) and RCF1034 ( ).

Time server All computers (server and clients) must use a central time server.

HTTP All clients must use the HTTP protocol.


To archive “clean” documents, you must protect the documents from viruses beforearchiving. The Archive Server does not perform any checks for viruses. To ensureerror-free work of the Archive Server, locations where documents are storedtemporarily, like disk buffer partitions, cache partitions and Document Pipelinedirectories, must not be scanned by any anti-virus software while the Archive Serveris using them.

SSL (SecureSocket Layer)


SSL should be activated only if encryption of network traffic is explicitly desired, asit decreases the performance of the Archive Server.

For a list of cipher suites supported by the Archive Server and Cache Server, see theESC entry: .

Hash treerenewal

Open Text recommends not to use the dsReHashTree tool. Please contact Open TextProduct Management, if you plan to do a hash tree renewal.

Blob andcompression

with ISO

Open Text recommends not to enable blob and compression for ISO volumes. Thesesettings can cause problems with retention!

Retention formeta documents

Open Text recommends not to use retention periods for meta documents (MTA)!

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Chapter 3 Supported software and storage platforms

18 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

3.3 Installation and upgradesFor detailed information about installing or upgrading to Livelink ECM – ArchiveServer 9.6.1, see Master Document for Installation and Upgrade( ).


Update to version 9.6.1 is only possible from version 9.6.0.Older versions must be upgraded to 9.6.0 before.

For a complete overview of supported upgrade and migration paths, see UpgradeMatrix ( ).

Prepare your Archive Server platform for upgrade from IXOS-eCONserver 5.5D toLivelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1. For further information, see .

Note: An upgrade from ECR 6.0D will be handled together with the upgradeto Livelink ECM – PDMS 9.6.1.


Modify function can be used to install additional features (e.g. parts of a setup).Uninstallation of features is not possible. Only complete setups can be uninstalled.


DocumentPipeline for LES

The installation of any setup from the Archive Server is only possible if theLivelink Document Pipeline for LES setup is not installed. The Livelink

Document Pipeline for LES can be installed after all necessary setups from theArchive Server are installed and configured. If the Livelink Document Pipeline

for LES is installed the configuration of the setups from the Archive Server fails.

3.4 Supported storage systemsFor supported storage systems, see the Hardware Release Notes( ). Use of storage systems may requireconsulting by Open Text Global Services or hardware vendors.

3.5 Retention periodsThe use of event-based retention is not released. For details, see “Use of retention periods” on page 21 .

3.6 Supported browsersFor the initial server configuration, the following Web browsers are supported:

• Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0

• Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and 1.5

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3.7 Large files and partitions

AR090601-RN-EN-17 Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1 19

• Linux Konqueror 3.x

3.7 Large files and partitionsThe PAGELIST component is valid in following ranges:

• the number of MTA-subdocuments is limited to 10 million

• the size of a MTA-document is limited to 100 billion bytes

• the size of a MTA-subdocument is limited to 100 billion bytes

XSL parser XML files for xsl_parser DocTool are restricted in size to 2 GB.

PDF documents PDF documents with included form information of doc-id and logical archive arerestricted in size to 2 GB.

3.8 Compatibility with other Livelink productsFor a list of Livelink product versions supported by Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6.1, see the Products Compatibility Matrix in the ESC( ).

For information and restrictions concerning other products see the correspondingRelease Notes in the ESC.

3.9 Deprecated functionalityThis section lists functionality, which has been removed from the product in thisrelease or will be removed in the next release.

The following features will be discontinued with Livelink ECM – Archive Server 9.6:• Version 9.6.1 will be the last version to support HP-UX on PA-RISC.

• Version 9.6.1 will be the last version to support Novell SUSE Linux ES 9.

• Version 9.6.1 will be the last version to support Pioneer jukeboxes (DRM series).

• CD-R media cannot be written any longer, read access is still supported.

• EMC Symmetrix is no longer supported as storage device with retention periods.For use of SAN disks as storage have a look at the storage platform releasenoted.

• Connection to Windows perfmon (based on accounting files) is no longersupported.

• Browser based accounting and Passport server are deprecated.

3.10 Future developmentsIn this section we want to inform you about upcoming changes and developments.

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Chapter 3 Supported software and storage platforms

20 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

The next version will support Novell SUSE Linux ES 10.

Archive Server will run as 64-bit application on all platforms. Windows 2003 (OS 32-bit) will still be supported.

If you intend to buy new Archive Server hardware, we recommend using 64-bithardware.

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AR090601-RN-EN-17 Release Notes 21

Chapter 4 Livelink ECM – Archive Server scenarios

4.1 Archive Cache ServerArchive Cache Server 9.6.1 and Cache Server (old) 9.6.1 support the same operatingsystems as Archive Server 9.6.1.

Archive Cache Server 9.6.1 must only be used with Archive Server 9.6.1.

For new installations, the new Archive Cache Server must be used. The CacheServer (old) can only be updated and is not available for new installations any more.

Archive Cache Server 9.6.1 Cache Server (old) 9.6.1(upgrade of Cache Server 9.6.0)

LEA 9.6.1 x x1

Notes:1. “write back” is not supported

Note: For more information about Archive Cache Server, see theAdministration Guide ( ).

4.2 Use of retention periodsNote: Before using retention handling it is strongly recommended to read thedocument “Retention Handling in the Archive Server”, available from the ESC( ).

Event BasedRetention

The use of event-based retention is not released.

Single Instance Archiving (SIA)

Retention periods released Retention periods on storage sys-

tem may expire before the last ref-erence to the SIA document is de-leted.

Event-based retention not released

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Chapter 4 Livelink ECM – Archive Server scenarios

22 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

Single Instance Archiving (SIA)

Pool types Single file (VI)Single file (FS)

not released Use of SIA is only feasible in massstorage scenarios.

Storage in container files is rec-ommended.


Retention periods Retention pe-riod must beinherited fromlogical archive.

Individual retention periods fordocuments must not be used, asthis may have severe impacts onmigration.Retention period of BLOB is set tothe maximum of the retention pe-riods of all documents.

Event-based retention not released

Pool types Single file (VI)Single file (FS)

not released Use of BLOBs is only feasible inmass storage scenarios.Storage in container files is rec-ommended.

ISO images / WORM and UDO media

Retention periods Retention pe-riod must beinherited fromlogical archive.

Individual retention periods fordocuments must not be used.Retention period of ISO image isset to the maximum of the reten-tion periods of all documents.

Event-based retention not released ISO image will inherit INFINITE

retention period.

4.3 Remote Standby scenarioThe original server and the Remote Standby Server must use the same ArchiveServer version and patch level.

Running Remote Standby Server on a cluster is not supported.

4.4 High-availability scenarioOperating system cluster software supported:

Operating system Cluster software required

Windows Server2003

MSCS is included in Windows Server 2003

Solaris 10 SunCluster 3.1

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4.5 Volume migration

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Operating system Cluster software required

AIX 5.3 HACMP 5.x

HP-UX 11.23 (PA-RISC)

HP-UX 11.23 (IA-64)

ServiceGuard 11.16 and later/Serviceguard Manager 5.0

Linux (SLES9) Heartbeat 1.2 and higher

Sun VeritasCluster

For support of Sun Veritas Cluster, contact Open Text Global Services.

Oracle onWindows

To use an Oracle database on Microsoft Windows systems, the additional Oracleproduct Oracle Fail Safe 3.3.2 or later is required.

If you want to use a high-availability scenario, contact your Open Text GlobalServices department.

4.5 Volume migrationRemote migration to 9.6.x is supported from version

• 5.5• 6.0/9.5• 9.6.x

Restrictions for fast migration of remote ISO volumes

In case of fast migration of remote ISO volumes, the default retention setting“-8”, “keep old retention” should not be changed. Other settings are nottransferred to the storage device!

Please ignore the according description in the online help and in theadministration guide.

4.6 Creating timestampsFor supported scenarios, see .

4.7 Archive administration utilities

The archive administration tools are:• Livelink ECM – Archive Server administration

• Document Pipeline Info (the number of display colors must be set to at least 256)

• Web Monitor (for supported browsers, see “Supported browsers” on page 18 )

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Chapter 4 Livelink ECM – Archive Server scenarios

24 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

The administration utilities support the same operating systems as the ArchiveServer plus Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (32-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit). On UNIX,an X-Window system environment is needed.

The archive administration delivered with the Archive Server 9.6.1 supports theArchive Server 9.6.x, 9.5 and IXOS-eCONserver 5.5D.

For the Archive Server 9.6.1 archive administration version 9.6.1 is required.

4.8 Document PipelineConversion of file format MIME type

The component types must be MIME types. For an upgrade of Archive Serverthey are converted automatically. For the list of automatically converted types,see Section 9.3 "The COMMANDS file" in Livelink ECM - Archive Server -Document Pipelines and Import Interfaces (AR090601-CDP).

HTTP communicationDuring HTTP communication between Archive Server and Document Pipeline(Enterprise Scan, R/3, COLD) the private key is stored in the file system(<IXOS _ ARCHIVE _ROOT >\config\seckey\ ) and therefore this directory must beprotected (read access only for the system user (Windows) or the archive user(UNIX)).

Perl Parser scripts in Document PipelineIn former versions the file for parsing were opened in text mode on Windowsplatforms. This behavior is changed. Now the file for parsing must be opened inbinary mode. For further information, see .

4.9 API (Application Programming Interface)The following APIs are supported:

API Documentation

Livelink ECM – Archive Server API 1 Documentation in English is available inthe ESC.

Batch import of external documents withattributes by customer

Livelink Enterprise Archive DocumentPipelines and Import InterfacesAR0906-CDP-EN

Batch import of external documents withattribute extraction (COLD)

Livelink Enterprise Archive DocumentPipelines and Import InterfacesAR0906-CDP-EN

AL-HTTP 4.5 Documentation available from SAP

Notes:1. Requires additional licenses (not part of Archive Server CD-ROM).

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4.10 Accounting

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4.10 AccountingAccounting is switched off by default for new installations. Accounting does nottrace info and administrative calls any more.

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Chapter 5 Restrictions

28 Release Notes AR090601-RN-EN-17

One way to ensure a proper path is to use the Browse button in theadministration client to select the target partition.

Partition size

Partition sizes on AIX are supported up to 1 Terabyte.Size of ISO images

The recommended size for ISO images is 4 GB.The maximum supported size for ISO image is 10 GB.

Hanging processes or very long durations of process shutdown with SQL Server2000

If problems occur during program termination, enforce the communicationprotocol between SQL Server and SQL Client to TCP/IP. Disable the sharedmemory protocol in those circumstances.

Starting Archive Server processes (UNIX only)In order to start the Archive Server processes (i.e. call script S18BASE start ), the

user root is required.