regulation of extra cellular fluid potassium concentration and potassium excretion

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  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

    Regulation of Potassium BalancePada keadaan normal, konsentrasi potassium dalam

    cairan ekstraseluler sebesar 4.2 0.3 mEq/L .

    Sebagian besar dari fungsi sel, sensitif terhadap

    perubahan konsentrasi potasium ekstraseluler. Apabila

    ada kenaikkan konsentrasi plasma potassium, hanya,

    sekitar 3 4 mEq/L dapat menyebabkan cardiac

    arrhythmias , dan pada konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi

    dapat menuju cardiac arrest atau fibrillation .

    Kesulitan pada pengaturan konsentrasi potassium

    ekstraseluler berdasarkan fakta bahwa lebih dari 98 %

    total body potassium berada di dalam sel. Regulasi keseimbangan antara intake dan output potassium bergantung pada ekskresi ginjal karena

    ekskresi melalui feses hanya sekitar 5 10 % dari intake potassium.

    Selain ekskresi dari ginjal, distribusi potassium antar ekstraseluler dan intraseluler juga berperan dalam

    homeostasis potassium. Karena lebih dari 98% total body potasium berada di dalam sel, sel dapat

    menjadi tempat menampung potassium ekstraseluler yang berlebih pada hyperkalaemia atau sumber

    potassium selama hypokalemia. Jadi, redistribusi potasium menjadi first line of defense dalam

    mengatur keseimbangan potassium.

    Regulation of Internal Potassium Distribution

    Factors That Can Alter Potassium Distribution Between the Intracellular and Extracellular Fluid Factors That Shift K + into Cells(Decrease Extracellular [K +])

    Factors That Shift K + Out of Cells(Increase Extracellular [K +])

    InsulinAldosterone-adrenergic stimulationAlkalosis

    Insulin deficiency (diabetes mellitus)Aldosterone deficiency (Addison's disease)-adrenergic blockadeAcidosisCell lysisStrenuous exerciseIncreased extracellular fluid osmolarity

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

    Renal Potassium Excretion

    Fungsi ekskresi potassium oleh ginjal ditentukan dari ketiga


    (1) kecepatan potassium filtration

    (2) kecepatan potassium reabsorption di tubulus

    (3) kecepatan potassium secretion di tubulus

    Kecepatan filtrasi potassium normal oleh glomerulus sekitar

    756 mEq/day. ( GFR (180 L/day) multiplied by plasma

    potassium concentration , (4.2 mEq/L))

    * Daerah yang penting dalam pengaturan ekskresi potassium

    berada pada principal cells di late distal tubules dan

    cortical collecting tubules .Pada bagian tubular, potassium dapat sewaktu direabsorbsi atau disekresi, tergantung dari kebutuhan tubuh.

    Dengan asupan potassium 100 mEq/day, ginjal harus mengekskresikan sekitar 92 mEq/day (sisa 8 mEq dibuang

    melewati feces). Sekitar 31 mEq/day potassium disekresikan ke distal dan collecting tubules , atau sekitar 1 / 3

    ekskresi potassium.

    Potassium Secretion by Principal Cells of Late Distal and Cortical Collecting Tubules

    Sel pada late distal dan cortical collecting tubules yang

    mengsekresikan potassium disebut principal cells danterdapat sekitar lebih dari 90% di sel epithelial di daerah


    Sekresi potassium dari interstitial ke lumen merupakan proses

    dengan dua tahap:

    1. uptake from the interstitium into the cell by the

    sodium-potassium ATPase pump in the basolateral

    cell membrane

    2. passive diffusion of potassium from the interior of the cell into the tubular fluid

    Membran luminal pada principal cells sangat permeable terhadap potassium. Salah satu alasan tingginya

    permeabilitas karena adanya channel yang spesifik untuk ion potassium, memudahkan difusi ion tersebut

    dengan cepat.

    Intercalated Cells Can Reabsorb Potassium during Potassium Depletion

    Pada keadaan dimana terjadi kekurangan potassium yang parah, terjadi penghentian sekresi potassium dan erjadi

    reabsorbsi pada late distal dan collecting tubules. Reabsorpsi terjadi melalui intercalated cells. Mekanisme

    masih belum jelas, namun satu mekanisme yang dipercaya terlibat merupakan transport dari hydrogen-

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

    potassium ATPase yang terdapat di membrane luminal. Transporter tersebut mereabsorpsi potassium dengan

    menukar ion hydrogen keluar ke lumen dan potasium berdifusi melalui basolateral membrane menuju ke


    Summary of Tubular Potassium Transport

    Transport Normal-or high-potassium dietLow-potassium diet or potassium


    Proximal tubule Reabsorption (60 80%) Reabsorption (55%)

    Thick ascending limb Reabsorption (5 25%) Reabsorption (30%)

    Distal convoluted tubule Secretion Reabsorption

    Principal cells, cortical collecting duct Substantial secretion (> 15%) Little secretion

    H-K-ATPase-containing intercalated cells,

    cortical collecting ductReabsorption (10%) Reabsorption (10%)

    H-K-ATPase-containing cells, medullary

    collecting ductReabsorption (5%) Reabsorption (5%)

    Factors That Regulate Potassium Secretion

    Regulasi normal eksresi potassium terajadi sebagai akibat sekresi potassium pada principal cells di late distal

    dan collecting tubules . Faktor yang paling penting pada stimulasi sekresi potassium adalah:

    (1) Peningkatan konsentrasi potassium ekstraselular

    (2) Peningkatan aldosterone


    Peningkatan tubular flow rate Satu faktor yang menurunkan sekresi potassium adalah peningkatan konsentrasi ion hydrogen (acidosis).

    1. Increased Extracellular Fluid Potassium Concentration Stimulates Potassium SecretionKecepatan sekresi di late distal dan cortical collecting tubules distimulasi secara langsung oleh konsentrasi

    potassium ekstraseluler. Peningkatan konsentrasi potassium di ekstraseluler meningkatkan sekresi potassium

    melalui tiga mekanisme:

    (1) stimulates the sodium-potassium ATPase pump

    (2) increases the potassium gradient from the renal interstitial fluid to the interior of the epithelial cell.

    (3) stimulates aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex

    2. Aldosterone Stimulates Potassium SecretionAldosterone merangsang active reabsorption dari ion sodium oleh principal cells di late distal tubules dan

    collecting ducts. Efek ini dimediasi oleh sodium-potassium ATPase pump. Efek lain dari aldosterone adalah

    meningkatkan permeabilitas membrane luminal terhadap potassium, karena itu aldosterone memiliki efek yang

    kuat pada peningkatan eksresi potassium.

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

    3. Increased Distal Tubular Flow Rate Stimulates Potassium SecretionKenaikkan pada kecepatan distal tubular flow, seperti pada high sodium intake, atau pengobatan dengan

    diuretics, dapat merangsang sekresi potassium. Mekanisme dari high-volume flow rate: Saat potassium

    disekresikan ke lumen tubular, konsentrasi potassium lumen akan meningkat, sehingga menurunkan difusi

    potasium melalui membrane luminal. Dengan peningkatan kecepatan tubular flow, potassium yang keluar

    dibuang melalui tubule, sehingga konsentrasi potassium di lumen akan sangat minim.

    4. Acute Acidosis Decreases Potassium Secretion

    Kenaikan konsentrasi ion hydrogen yang akut di ekstraseluler (acidosis) menurunkan sekresi potassium, begitu

    juga pada keadaan yang sebaliknya (alkalosis), menaikkan sekresi potassium. Mekanisme utama kejadian

    tersebut dsebabkan ion hydrogen yang menghambat sekresi potassium dengan menurunkan akifitas sodium-

    potassium ATPase pump.

    Dengan adanya acidosis yang lama, terjadi peningkatan eksresi potassium. Mekanisme ini terjadi akibat keadaan

    kronik acidosis yang menghambat proximal tubular sodium chloride dan water reabsorption , yang

    meningkatkan distal volume delivery, sehingga menstimulasi sekresi potassium. Efek ini melampaui efek

    inhibitori dari ion hydrogen terhadap sodium-potassium ATPase pump. Thus, chronic acidosis leads to a loss of

    potassium , whereas acute acidosis leads to decreased potassium excretion

    Hiperkalemia dapat berhubungan dengan bermacam-macam perubahan pada EKG. Pada keadaan awa l: tall peaked T waves with a shortened QT interval Pada keadaan yang makin parah : progressive lengthening of the PR interval and QRS duration, the P

    wave may disappear, and ultimately the QRS widens further to a sine wave pattern.

    Pada tahap akhir : Ventricular standstill with a flat line on the ECG ensues with complete absence of

    electrical activity

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

    Potassium Regulation

    Potassium is freely filterable in the renal corpuscle. Normally, the tubules reabsorb most of this

    filtered potassium so that very little of the filtered potassium appears in the urine. However, the

    cortical collecting ducts can secrete potassium, and changes in potassium excretion are due mainly tochanges in potassium secretion by this tubular segment (Figure 16 24).

    During potassium depletion, when the homeostatic response is to minimize potassium loss, there is no

    potassium secretion by the cortical collecting ducts, and only the small amount of filtered potassium

    that escapes tubular reabsorption is excreted. In all other situations, to the small amount of potassium

    not reabsorbed is added a variable amount of potassium secreted by the cortical collecting ducts, an

    amount necessary to maintain total-body potassium balance.

    The mechanism of potassium secretion by the cortical collecting ducts was illustrated in Figure 16


    In this tubular segment, the K_ pumped into the cell across the basolateral membrane by Na,K-

    ATPases diffuses into the tubular lumen through K_ channels in the luminal membrane.

    Thus, the secretion of potassium by the cortical collecting duct is associated with the reabsorption of

    sodium by this tubular segment. (Potassium secretion does not occur in other sodium reabsorbing

    tubular segments because there are few potassium channels in the luminal membranes of their cells;

    rather, in these segments the potassium pumped into the cell by Na,K-ATPases simply diffuses back

    across the basolateral membrane through potassium channels located there.)

    What factors influence potassium secretion by the cortical collecting ducts to achieve homeostasis of

    bodily potassium? The single most important factor is as follows: When a high-potassium diet is

    ingested, plasma potassium concentration increases, though very slightly, and this drives enhanced

    basolateral uptake via the Na,K-ATPase pumps and hence an enhanced potassium secretion.

    Conversely, a low potassium diet or a negative potassium balance, for example, from diarrhea, lowers

    basolateral potassium uptake; this reduces potassium secretion and excretion, thereby helping to

    reestablish potassium balance. A second important factor linking potassium secretion to potassium

    balance is the hormone aldosterone. Besides stimulating tubular sodium reabsorption by the cortical

    collecting ducts, aldosterone simultaneously enhances tubular potassium secretion by this tubular


    The reflex by which an excess or deficit of potassium controls aldosterone production (Figure 16 25)

    is completely different from the reflex described earlier involving the renin-angiotensin system. The

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078

    aldosterone-secreting cells of the adrenal cortex are sensitive to the potassium concentration of the

    extracellular fluid bathing them. Thus, an increased intake of potassium leads to an increased

    extracellular potassium concentration, which in turn directly stimulates aldosterone production by the

    adrenal cortex.

    The resulting increased plasma aldosterone concentration increases potassium secretion and thereby

    eliminates the excess potassium from the body.

    Conversely, a lowered extracellular potassium concentration decreases aldosterone production and

    thereby reduces potassium secretion. Less potassium than usual is excreted in the urine, thus helping

    to restore the normal extracellular concentration.

    The control and major renal tubular effects of aldosterone are summarized in Figure 16 26. The fact

    that a single hormone regulates both sodium and potassium excretion raises the question of potential

    conflicts between homeostasis of the two ions. For example, if a person were sodium-deficient and

    therefore secreting large amounts of aldosterone, the potassium secreting effects of this hormone

    would tend to cause some potassium loss even though potassium balance was normal to start with.

    Usually, such conflicts cause only minor imbalances because there are a variety of other counteracting

    controls of sodium and potassium excretion.

    (1) A person remains in potassium balance by excreting an amount of potassium in the urine

    equal to the amount ingested minus the amounts lost in the feces and sweat.

    (2) Potassium is freely filterable at the renal corpuscle and undergoes both reabsorption and

    secretion, the latter occurring in the cortical collecting ducts and being the major

    controlled variable determining potassium excretion.

    (3) When body potassium is increased, extracellular potassium concentration increases. This

    increase acts directly on the cortical collecting ducts to increase potassium secretion and

    also stimulates aldosterone secretion, the increased plasma aldosterone then also

    stimulating potassium secretion.

  • 7/31/2019 Regulation of Extra Cellular Fluid Potassium Concentration and Potassium Excretion


    Edwin C3130110090078