registration form printable

R eunion 2010:Elston/R ogers C lass of1980 July 16-18,2010 M ichigan C ity,Indiana Space is Lim ited – R egisterEarly! N am e:______________________________________________________________________________ N am e at Graduation (ifdifferent):_______________________________ Year ofGraduation:_________ School(please circle): Elston R ogers Other_______________ Years Attended:___________ Address:_____________________________ City:____________________ State:_____ Zip:________ H om e:(____)_______________ Cell:(____)________________ LocalContact:(219)_______________ Em ail(updates com m unicated via em ail): _____________________________________________ 1. Saturday N ight R eunion @ B lue Chip Casino: Includes Reception,D inner,Com edy Show ,and Dance Party Ifreceived on or before M ay 15: $40.00 per person Ifreceived after M ay 15: $45.00 perperson # ofparticipants (including yourself) ____________ Printfullnam e ofguest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________ 2. Friday M orning Fishing Excursion: $ 110.00 perperson # ofparticipants (including yourself) ___________ Printfullnam e ofguest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________ 3. Friday N ight K ick-off @ G alveston Steakhouse – free event Indicate num berofparticipants (including yourself): __________ $ N /C 4. Saturday M orning G olf O uting @ M ichigan City M unicipalG olf Course: $ 42.00 perperson # ofparticipants (including yourself) ___________ Printfullnam e ofguest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________ 5. Saturday A fternoon M eet & G reet @ W ashington Park at Lake M ichigan – free event $ N /C 6. Sunday M orning G olfO uting @ Pottaw attom ie Country Club: $ 50.00 perperson # ofparticipants (including yourself) ___________ Printfullnam e ofguest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________ TotalEnclosed $__________ A ttire: Inform alattire for Saturday nightreunion event;casualfor allotherevents. Cancellations and R efunds: Allfees are non-refundable,including m issed events,late arrivals,and early departures. PAYM EN T M ETH O D : Check or M oney O rder payable to: ‘ Class of 1980 – Elston’ or ‘Class of 1980 – R ogers’. A $35.00 fee w illbe charged on checks returned by the bank due to insufficientfunds.Eventconfirm ation,receipt,and additionalinform ation provided upon registration. Please m ailthis com pleted registration form w ith paym ent to: Class of1980 (please indicate Elston orRogers) PO Box 298 M ichigan City,IN 46361 (note differentzip code) Contact Info: [email protected] or Become a Fan on Facebook! ‘Reunion 2010: Elston/Rogers Class of

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Registration Form Printable

Reunion 2010: Elston/Rogers Class of 1980

July 16-18, 2010 Michigan City, Indiana

Space is Limited – Register Early!

Name: _____ _____ _ __ ___________________ ______________________________________________

Name at Graduation (if different): ____ ____ __ _ ____________________ Year of Graduation: __ ____ ___

School (please circle): Elston Rogers Other__________ _____ Years Attended: __ _ _____ ___

Address: _ _____ _ ____ _ _________________ City: _____ _ ____ _____ _____ State: __ ___ Zip: ___ _____

Home: (____ )__ ______ _______ Cell: (__ __)__ ___ _______ ____ Local Contact: (219)_______________

Email (updates communicated via email): _ ___ ______ _____ ___ ___________________________ 1. Saturday Night Reunion @ Blue Chip Casino: Includes Reception, Dinner, Comedy Show, and Dance Party

If received on or before May 15: $40.00 per person If received after May 15: $45.00 per person # of participants (including yourself) ____________ Print full name of guest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________

2. Friday Morning Fishing Excursion:

$ 110.00 per person # of participants (including yourself) ___________ Print full name of guest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________

3. Friday Night Kick-off @ Galveston Steakhouse – free event

Indicate number of participants (including yourself): __________ $ N/ C 4. Saturday Morning Golf Outing @ Michigan City Municipal Golf Course:

$ 42.00 per person # of participants (including yourself) ___________ Print full name of guest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________

5. Saturday Afternoon Meet & Greet @ Washington Park at Lake Michigan – free event $ N/ C

6. Sunday Morning Golf Outing @ Pottawattomie Country Club:

$ 50.00 per person # of participants (including yourself) ___________ Print full name of guest(s) _______________________________________________ $____________

Total Enclosed $__________

Attire: Informal attire for Saturday night reunion event; casual for all other events. Cancellations and Refunds: All fees are non-refundable, including missed events, late arrivals, and early departures. PAYMENT METHOD: Check or Money Order payable to: ‘Class of 1980 – Elston’ or ‘Class of 1980 – Rogers’. A $35.00 fee will be charged on checks returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. Event confirmation, receipt, and additional information provided upon registration. Please mail this completed registration form with payment to: Class of 1980 (please indicate Elston or Rogers) PO Box 298 Michigan City, IN 46361 (note different zip code)

Contact Info: [email protected]

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‘Reunion 2010: Elston/Rogers Class of 1980’