regional development scheme - application€¦ · web viewat a time yet to be determined between...

Royalties for Regions Kimberley Community Chest Fund 2016 Application Form Grants up to and including $50,000 Applications that do not include the required information may not be competitive. Applications will be received by the Kimberley Development Commission until 5pm on Thursday 17 March 2016 (any extension to this date will be advised on the Commission’s website). Please read the ‘Guidelines’ to assist in completing this application and for details of the submission process. How to submit your application: Post PO Box 172, Broome WA 6725 Deliver Cnr Napier and Dampier Tce, Broome Page 1 of 26

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Page 1: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

Royalties for RegionsKimberley Community Chest Fund

2016 Application Form Grants up to and including $50,000

Applications that do not include the required information may not be competitive.

Applications will be received by the Kimberley Development Commission until

5pm on Thursday 17 March 2016 (any extension to this date will be advised on the Commission’s website).

Please read the ‘Guidelines’ to assist in completing this application and for details of the submission process.

How to submit your application:

PostPO Box 172, Broome WA 6725

DeliverCnr Napier and Dampier Tce, Broome

[email protected]

The Kimberley Development Commission does NOT accept late applications.

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Page 2: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’


Project title:Promoting the ‘Dinosaur Coast’ concept to enhance tourism potential

Estimated start date: 1/7/16

Estimated completion date: 30/6/17

Funds requested from Community Chest Fund (excluding GST):


Total CASH cost of project (excluding GST)(must match information shown at 8.1)


Total IN-KIND proportion of project (excluding GST) (must match information shown at 8.2)


Total Project cost (CASH plus IN-KIND, excluding GST)(must match information shown at 8.5)


Which Local Government area(s) will your project be delivered in?

Shire of Broome

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Page 3: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’


Organisation name: Dinosaur Coast Management Group

ABN: 64 562 730 699

Is the organisation registered for GST? NO

Please attach a copy of relevant page from supplying your incorporation status, correct ABN and GST status.

Authorising officer: Louise Middleton

Position title: Chairperson

Contact person: Jan Lewis

Position title: Secretary

Postal address: PO Box 746, Broome 6725

Street address: 7 McKenna Court, Broome

Contact telephone: 043 997 9589

Contact mobile phone: 043 997 9589

Contact e-mail address: [email protected]

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Page 4: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’


3.1 What do you aim to achieve with the funds providedDescribe the Project in non-technical terms. Explain what the Project plans to achieve. Explain what/if any innovation will be involved in delivering the Project. Provide sufficient evidence to adequately support the amount of Royalties for Regions Funding requested for these outputs. Please limit response to 200 words.

This project will significantly alter business and community awareness about the tourism potential of the Dinosaur footprints and trackways found on the Dampier Peninsula coast. The stimulus for the project is the release later in 2016 of a scientific ‘memoir’ (a scientific publication focussed solely on one topic) of the findings of 3+ years research by University of Queensland scientists. The publication will identify that the diversity of the Dampier Peninsula dinosaur tracks is unparalleled in Australia, if not globally, providing the opportunity for re-branding of this part of the Kimberley as the DINOSAUR COAST.

In Eastern Australia public interest in dinosaur museums and sites is high. It is anticipated that the findings of the publication will provide a stimulus for Broome’s tourism industry. The project seeks to harness the interest that the publication will generate to firmly establish the potential of the ‘Dinosaur Coast’ in the minds of planners, tourism operators/ promoters, business people and the general public. To achieve this, a project officer will be contracted to ensure that maximum publicity is achieved from the launch, to coordinate opportunities for businesses and community members who may wish to take advantage of this new opportunity to gain relevant knowledge and information and to ensure sites are ready for increased visitation.


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Page 5: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

3.2 Describe the benefits and/or outcomes of the project Outcomes refer to the intended impact that is expected as a result of undertaking the Project with Royalties for Regions funding.

Outcomes (What benefits will be gained from what you will do?)

Performance Measure(What are you measuring?)

Performance Measure method(How are you measuring it?)

Example for a community event project (output)

Outcome: increased visitor numbers.

Example: attendance registered at X event compared to previous years.

Example: record attendance at X event.

Extensive media and public interest is generated from the launch of the memoir.

No. people attending the Broome launch

No. signing up to receive further information

No. of article and media interviews about the findings

Data to be collected and documented by the Project Officer in a fortnightly report to DCMG Management Committee

Accessible sites are prepared for increased visitation

3 sites have appropriate signage and information leaflets

No. education sessions/site visits held with Ranger groups

Photographs of new signs.Provision of information leaflets.Documentation of number of information sessions/site visits held with Rangers.

New Information material is prepared

DCMG Website and FB site established

Dinosaur/site information is uploaded

Sites/information available for viewing.

Existing visitor information is updated

New information is prepared and installed

Photographs collected by Project Officer

A range of opportunities are provided for businesses and community members to learn more about the dinosaur resources

No of information sessions held

Range of groups participating No. of site visits for tourism


Data to be collected and documented by the Project Officer in fortnightly report to DCMG Management Committee

There is increased monitoring to ensure protection of sensitive sites via

Documentation of relevant boundaries

Agreement of jurisdictional responsibilities

Jurisdictional responsibilities and boundaries identified

Monitoring regimes are documented and implemented

Data to be collected and documented by the Project Officer in fortnightly report to Management Committee

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Page 6: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

Outcomes (What benefits will be gained from what you will do?)

Performance Measure(What are you measuring?)

Performance Measure method(How are you measuring it?)

Working with stakeholders to identify monitoring regimes

The possibility of establishing a Dinosaur Coast Interpretive Centre is explored

No. of interested stakeholder/partner organisations identified

Potential locations identified Desk top analysis of possible

economic benefits undertaken

Summary report provided to DCMG committee

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4.1 Outline what identified need in the Kimberley region your project is addressing. You may reference relevant industry and/or regional planning documents (particularly the Kimberley Regional Investment Blueprint), statistics, or other documentation which demonstrates the need for this project.

The Shire of Broome Strategic Community Plan 2015-2025 identifies three desired outcomes relevant to this project:

2.3 A unique natural environment for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations.

2.4 A preserved, unique and significant historical and cultural heritage of Broome. 2.5 Retention and expansion of Broome’s iconic tourism assets and reputation.

As the KDC Regional Investment Blueprint notes (pg. 3):

The development of the Kimberley is of increasing importance to the State and nation. Its future development will be built upon cultural and wilderness assets and unparalleled resources.

Since 2012 concern has been expressed by tourism operators and the Broome Chamber of Commerce that the tourism industry is facing a downturn. This was confirmed in a 2014 Broome Tourism Strategy report1 which found:

“Broome has experienced a decline in leisure visitation in recent years and a numberof external factors have left the tourism industry fragile and in need of revitalisation……The Broome brand is in gradual decline and there is a need to gain momentum against competing destinations………………..Stakeholders agree that there are missed opportunities to increase the product diversity in Broome.”

The Dinosaur footprints and trackways found along the Kimberley coast between Broome and One Arm Point are a cultural and scientific asset hitherto untapped by the tourist industry, equivalent in potential to existing natural phenomena such as the Staircase to the Moon. This project is aimed, in the words of Blueprint agenda 4, at:

unlocking the sustainable development of our natural resources to add value for the State and create enduring legacy assets in the region…….. via….. Strengthening the tourism sector through improved visitor access and enhanced product offering (pg. 13).

The project will provide a new means of achieving the KDC vision (Blueprint pg. 4) for the region of a well conserved and iconic environment natural environment and shared prosperity arising from the success of one of the region’s drivers - the Tourism industry.

In 2011 the dinosaur tracks on the Dampier Peninsula were granted National Heritage status. The area was recommended for listing by the National Heritage Council2 as the Dampier Coast dinosaur tracks have outstanding heritage value to the nation ….

as the best and most extensive evidence of dinosaurs from the western half of the continent, some of which are unknown from body fossils; for the diversity and exceptional sizes of the sauropod prints; and the unique census of the dinosaur community that they provide.

1 Broome Tourism Strategy. Summary Report available from: West Kimberley Heritage Listing No 106063 dated 31 August 2011. See

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Page 8: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

for providing a rare, if not unique, documented coincidence of scientific interpretation of ancient dinosaur tracks with Indigenous tradition”.

This listing was controversial, which perhaps diminished the tourism industry’s understanding of the value and potential of the product on their doorstep.

Later this year, without doubt this will change. For the past 3 years a team of scientists from the University of Queensland have been identifying and mapping the trackways on the Dampier and Broome Peninsula. At a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’ (a scientific publication devoted to a single topic) by lead scientist Dr Stephen Salisbury, detailing the findings of the Dampier Coast research.

This significant publication will reveal the presence of at least 20 species of dinosaurs and of literally thousands of dinosaur tracks ranging in size from 20cm - >1.5 metres. It will identify that the diversity of the Dampier Peninsula dinosaur tracks are unparalleled in Australia, if not globally. The media interest in the research and pending publication is strong (see for example an article from the BBC: and it is anticipated that community interest in the findings will increase dramatically as the time for publication draws near.

The Dinosaur Coast Management Group project addresses the need to harness the interest that the publication will generate and firmly establish the potential of the ‘Dinosaur Coast’ in the minds of planners, tourism operators and promoters, business people and the general public. To achieve this there is a need to:

Organise a high profile Broome launch of the memoir either to coincide with or just after the University of Queensland launch

Provide a variety of opportunities for West Kimberley stakeholders to find out more about the dinosaur footprint resource, for example via a series of public talks, talks with specific stakeholders e.g. the Chamber of Commerce and Broome Visitor Centre members, radio interviews etc.

Develop new informative and accessible information material including leaflets, display panels and audio-visual materials and upgrade existing information e.g. at Gantheaume Point.

Prepare accessible sites for increased visitation via:o Negotiating access to the sites with appropriate bodies and installing signage about the

sites o Preparation of information materials for visitors, schools and tourism operators

Support Ranger groups to learn more about the scientific and cultural values of the trackways on their country.

Raise awareness among Tourism Operators about the cultural and scientific values of the footprints and trackways, for example by:

o Preparing training and information packages for Tourism Operators o Holding onsite information sessions

Work with all stakeholders with relevant responsibilities (local, WA and Federal Government, native title management groups, national heritage managers) to ensure that the Dinosaur Coast is monitored and protected from vandalism.

Explore the possibilities of establishing a Dinosaur Coast Interpretive Centre

4.2 Explain the implications of funding not being provided.

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If applicable, attach relevant sections of nominated documents.

If funding is not provided a unique opportunity to focus national interest on an iconic Kimberley asset which has huge potential for the tourist industry will be lost or diminished due to a lack of local activity and coordination.


5.1 Which category of funding is most applicable to your project? Please tick one box only.


x Services

5.2 Which sector of funding is most applicable to your project? Please tick one box only.





Economic Development







x Tourism


Utilities, Power & Water

5.3 Which Royalties for Regions Community Chest Fund objective is most applicable to your project? Please tick one box only.

Retain and build the benefits of regional communities.

Support improved, relevant and accessible local services.

x Enable communities to deliver a sustainable economic and social future.

Assist regional communities to prosper through increased employment, business and industry development opportunities.

Increase capacity for local strategic planning and decision-making.

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Page 10: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

5.4 Briefly describe how the Royalties for Regions Community Chest Fund objective selected in question 5.3 is most applicable to your project? Please limit to 100 words.

The potential for the dinosaur trackways to provide an economic return to the tourism industry in the Shire of Broome is significant. A new product and/or rebranding of a location provides the opportunity for new activities / advertising messages and should attract a tourists with different interests to those who currently visit the region. In addition, due to the cultural significance of the trackways to Aboriginal people and old Broome families, increased interest in this resource should have an impact on the sense of identity and pride that community members feel about their country.


6.1 Provide evidence of partnerships, joint planning and other support for your project by listing letters of support or equivalent documents from your project partners, local government and/or other organisations.Please attach the letters of support which are up to date and relevant to current project.

A meeting with the Manager and senior staff of Broome Visitors Centre was held in late 2015. Staff expressed great interest and support for DCMG plans to make more detailed information about the trackways available, advising that visitor numbers to Gantheaume Point are already high. The Visitors Centre offered the opportunity for an article on the dinosaur trackways to appear in their promotional publication Broome The Visitor Guide and an article was subsequently published in the March - May edition (issue 12). They also offered the opportunity for DCMG to mount a display at the Centre to support their concept of making the Visitor Centre more experiential. An application has been made to Lotterywest for funding to create materials to meet this request.

DCMG has formed a strong partnership with the scientists from the University of Queensland. Indeed, Dr Salisbury is a founder member of the organisation. DCMG members and associated Traditional Owners have worked with the research team since their first visit to Broome in 2011.The scientists have indicated their willingness to share their findings with DCMG and to sit on the DCMG Cultural and Scientific Advisory Board currently being formed.

Evidence of considerable additional support evidenced by the letters of support attached from:

Mrs Josie Farrer MLA - Member for the KimberleyThe Broome Historical Society The Goolarabooloo Traditional Owners GroupBroome Senior High SchoolThe Roebuck Bay Working GroupEnvirons Kimberley Australian Conservation Foundation.

Tourism operators - eg Don Bacon SKAL _ mIchelle chasing

Robyn Maher


Page 11: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

7.1 Describe the current status of the project and the action you have taken to progress it. Demonstrate that the required project planning has been completed. For example, have you consulted with key stakeholders and obtained or applied for any relevant licenses, permits or approvals?If applicable, attach copies of documents which demonstrate the approvals (e.g. planning and environmental approvals).

The project is ready to commence on 1/7/2016. DCMG is incorporated, domain and business names are registered and the organisation has a Strategic Plan to guide work for the next 12 months. Funding applications have already made to secure project funding for promotional materials that can support this application. Meetings have been held with relevant organisations such as the Broome Visitors Centre, the Broome Museum and Environs Kimberley to advise about the organisation’s aims and plans.

Partnerships have been formed with the Roebuck Bay Working Group and the Lawmen of the Northern Tradition whose country the trackways are found on. The Dept. of Parks and Wildlife have identified a Yawuru Ranger who will represent their interests at meetings.

Negotiations are currently underway with the Yawuru Traditional Owners Group and the Port of Broome. A member of DCMG has been appointed to the Kimberley Port Authority Community Consultation Committee.

7.2 Provide details of the proposed timeline for your project.



Recruit, contract and orientate a project officer

July 2016 June 2017 DCMG committee

Approve project officer work plan July 2016 July 2016 DCMG committee

Prepare for the launch of the Memoir July 2016 Aug 2016 DCMG committee

Implement the Lotterywest and Shire funded projects

July 2016 Dec 2016 DCMG committee

Prepare 3 accessible sites for additional visitation

July 2016 Sept 2016 DCMG committee

Organise and hold community/business information sessions

Following launch of the


June 2017 DCMG committee

Organise and hold training sessions/on-site visits with Rangers

Sept 2016 April 2017 DCMG committee

Organise and hold training sessions/on-site visits with Tourism Operators

Sept 2016 April 2017 DCMG committee

Work with all stakeholders with relevant responsibilities (local, WA and Federal Government, native title management groups, national heritage managers) to ensure that the Dinosaur Coast is monitored and protected from

July 2016 June 2017 DCMG committee

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vandalism. Explore the possibilities of establishing a Dinosaur Coast Interpretive Centre

Sept 2017 June 2017 DCMG committee

Audit funds and prepare final report for KDC

May 2017 Sept 2017 DCMG committee

7.3 Explain how your organisation will ensure the project is managed responsibly. Who will manage the project and what qualifications, skills and experience do they have?Please limit to 200 words and no attachments

The project will be managed by the DCMG Management Committee. The Committee of 7 consists of people with a wide range of expertise. The Chairperson is an experienced dinosaur researcher who has led the local research team who worked with the University of Queensland team. The Treasurer is a qualified Accountant with 20+ years of professional experience. The Secretary is a former senior public servant who now operates her own small business.

The DCMG committee has access to professional support from experienced editors, cultural advisors and scientific experts via its Cultural and Scientific Advisory Board.

The Committee is currently meeting fortnightly. The project officer will be required be develop a work-plan on commencement and will report against progress to the committee on a fortnightly basis.

7.4 Has your organisation recently received program and/or grant funding from other organisations?


If yes, please provide details of this funding.






Note – By submitting this application form the applicant authorises the Kimberley Development Commission to contact any party in relation to this application and the applicant.

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Page 13: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

8. TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET AND LEVERAGED FUNDSPreference will be given to projects that can demonstrate a high level of financial commitment to the project through sourcing other project funding and/or a direct financial contribution.

8.1 Details of project items to be funded through CASH contributionsPlease attach quotes for all budget line items to justify funding requests wherever possible. If funding has been approved from other sources, please attach written evidence of funding contributions. Please consider promotional aspects (eg. signage) of your project and include budget allocations, where relevant.





$ (EX GST)











Contract Project Officer for 20 hrs/week at $50/hr for 48 weeks

38,000 10,000 48,000

Project officer recruitment costs 1,000 1,000Hire of Notre Dame multipurpose room for launch of scientific memoir

550 550 YES

Advertising and venue hire for public talks/events

2,000 2,000

Preparation of audio visual material to support education re the trackways

5,000 5,000 JAN to GET

Technical assistance to upload trackway information on website and FB site

2,000 2,000

Costs for stationary and photocopying

500 500

Audit 500 500 1,000Public Liability Insurance 400 333.70 733.70 YESOffice equipment plus Development of information leaflets and panels

13,208 Lotterywest Requested April 2016 13,208

Purchase of 12 mobile information panels

5,000 Shire of Broome Requested March 2016 5,000

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TOTAL $49,950 $10,833.70 $18,208 $78,992

8.2 Details of project items to be funded through IN-KIND contributions




Implementation of Shire and Lotterywest Grant by voluntary project officers (if successful)

5,120 5,120

Establishment of and uploading of preliminary information on website and FB

2,500 3,0002,000

Kimberley Web Design The Big Red House in Broome


Research, Development and management of crowd funding initiative

1,050 1,050

Production of monthly stakeholders e-newsletter /information sheet

1,680 1,680

Project management by DCMG Management Committee

10,920 10,920

Book-keeping 3,360 3,360Access to professional photographs

1,000 DK photos 1,000

Development of funding applications

1,500 1,500

TOTAL $26,130 $6,000 $32,130

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8.3 Provide details of how the cost of all in-kind contributions have been calculated.

Implementation of Lotterywest Grant by voluntary project officers 128 hours x $40 per hour 5,120

Establishment of and uploading of DCMG information on website and FB 7,500 Registering domain and site names Website development $3000 FB set up $2000 Writing/editing preliminary information to be uploaded Sourcing, uploading and attributing photographs

Research, Development and management of crowd funding initiative 1,05030 hours x $35 per hour

Production of monthly stakeholders e-newsletter /information sheet 1,68012 editions x 4 hours x $35 per hour

Project management by DCMG Management Committee26 x 1.5 hours x 7 members x $40 per hour 10,920

Book-keeping 2 hours /week x $35 per hour x 48 weeks 3,360

Sole access to professional photographs ex Damian Kelly 10 photos x $100 1,000

Development of funding applications 1,5003 x 10 hours x $50 per hour

Total $32,130

8.4 Please indicate if you are requesting 2016 Community Chest Funds from other Regional Development Commissions for this project.




Kimberley Development CommissionPilbara Development CommissionGascoyne Development CommissionMid West Development CommissionWheatbelt Development CommissionGoldfields-Esperance Development CommissionPeel Development CommissionSouth West Development CommissionGreat Southern Development Commission

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Page 16: Regional Development Scheme - Application€¦ · Web viewAt a time yet to be determined between August and October 2016, the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology will publish a ‘memoir’

8.5 Please total the project cost (excluding GST)

Total value of project (excluding GST) CASH 8.1 + IN-KIND 8.2 $111,122

This information must match the total project cost stated on page 2

8.6 Audit

Audit costs must be included in the budget if requesting a grant over $20,000 from the Community Chest Fund.Auditor means an accountant who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants and who is independent from the Grantee.

The name of the organisation completing the financial audit for this project is____________________________________________

Michelle has asked Kevin

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By submitting this application, I acknowledge:

x The Kimberley Development Commission does not accept late applications.

x Information provided in this application is to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.

x This application is not bound, but clipped together using a paper or bulldog clip or similar.

x This application is authorised by my organisation and includes the relevant CEO/Chair signature.

x Promotional aspects (eg. signage) of this project have been considered and budget allocations included where relevant.

x I have read the Guidelines and acknowledge the eligibility criteria for funding.

x The Kimberley Development Commission may request additional information from applicants.

x The Kimberley Development Commission may contact any persons or organisations in the assessment of the application and understand that information may be provided to other agencies, as appropriate. By submitting this application form the applicant authorises the (Insert Commission) to contact any party in relation to this application and the applicant.

x The Kimberley Development Commission will be notified of any change to the information supplied and any other information or circumstances arising that may affect this application.

x This application includes all required attachments:

x Copy of relevant page from supplying your incorporation status, correct ABN and GST status.

Copy of your organisation’s annual financial statement for the recent financial year.

As an organisation that was only incorporated in November 2015, we are not able to provide this.

x Letters of support which are up to date, signed by the duly authorised officer and relevant to current project.

x Quotes for all budget line items to justify funding request.

N/A Written evidence of funding contributions from other sources.

x Contacted the Kimberley Development Commission staff to discuss project prior to submitting application.

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The declaration is to be signed by the Chief Executive Officer/Chairperson or equivalent.

I Louise Middleton ____________Chairperson ________________________ NAME TITLE

of the Dinosaur Coast Management GroupORGANISATION

do hereby declare that all the information supplied in this application form for Royalties for Regions funding is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete; that I have read and accept the requirements of the Guidelines, and that the Kimberley Development Commission will be notified of any change to the information supplied and any other information or circumstances arising that may affect this application.

________________________________ this ________ day of _____________ 2016__ SIGNATURE DAY MONTH YEAR

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Search by ABN, ACN or name:

ABN Lookup Search Current details for ABN 64 562 730 699

Current details for ABN 64 562 730 699

Current details Historical details

ABN details help

Entity name: Dinosaur Coast Management Group Inc

ABN status: Active from 16 Nov 2015

Entity type: Other Incorporated Entity

Goods & Services Tax (GST): Not currently registered for GST

Main business location: WA 6726

Business name(s) help

Business name From

Dinosaur Coast 16 Nov 2015

Deductible gift recipient status help

Not entitled to receive tax deductible gifts

ABN last updated: 16 Nov 2015 Record extracted: 11 Mar 2016

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