regional anesthesia in the high-risk cardiac parturient

Regional Regional anesthesia anesthesia in the in the high high - - risk risk cardiac cardiac pa pa rtur rtur ient ient M. Vercauteren M. Vercauteren , MD, , MD, PhD PhD University University Hospital Hospital Antwerp Antwerp , BELGIUM , BELGIUM

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Page 1: Regional anesthesia in the high-risk cardiac parturient

RegionalRegional anesthesiaanesthesia in the in the highhigh--riskrisk cardiaccardiac paparturrturientient

M. VercauterenM. Vercauteren, MD, , MD, PhDPhDUniversityUniversity HospitalHospital AntwerpAntwerp, BELGIUM, BELGIUM

Page 2: Regional anesthesia in the high-risk cardiac parturient

The The highhigh--riskrisk parturientparturient

MaternalMaternal diseasedisease : : sometimessometimes worseworse or or betterbettereffecteffect of pain & of pain & laborlabor & & bearingbearing down : down :

CO , PAPCO , PAP--SVRSVR--PVRPVRpostdeliverypostdelivery autotransfusion : PCWP autotransfusion : PCWP

DeliveryDelivery maymay help to help to solvesolve probleproblemm–– bleedingbleeding , , preeclampsiapreeclampsia / HELLP/ HELLP–– CPR, CPR, somesome cardiaccardiac diseasesdiseases

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High risk High risk parturientparturient

understandunderstand diseasedisease involvedinvolveddiseasedisease pregnancypregnancyddiseaseisease laborlabordiseasedisease fetusfetusimpact of impact of anesthesiaanesthesiaimpact of impact of perinatalperinatal drugsdrugs

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MortalityMortality riskrisk

<1%<1%•• ValvularValvular regurgitationregurgitation / / prolapsprolaps /mild PS/mild PS•• RepairedRepaired, , ASDASD, VSD, VSD

11--15%15%•• Stenotic Stenotic lesionslesions, , severesevere PSPS, , previousprevious AMIAMI•• MetalicMetalic valvesvalves

>25%>25%•• NYHA III/NYHA III/IVIV, , severesevere AoSAoS, Marfan, PHT, Marfan, PHT•• LV LV dysfunctiondysfunction, , arrhythmiasarrhythmias, , cyanosiscyanosis

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CardiacCardiac disordersdisorders

ValvularValvular diseasediseaseIschemicIschemic diseasediseaseSeptalSeptal defectsdefectsCardiomyopathyCardiomyopathyPrimaryPrimary PulmPulm. . HypertensionHypertensionOthersOthers : : •• MarfanMarfan, , ToFToF, Eisenmenger, Eisenmenger’’s complexs complex

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ValvularValvular : in : in generalgeneral

LifeLife treatheningtreathening risksrisks•• EndocarditisEndocarditis ((newnew guidelinesguidelines ?)?)•• OxytocinOxytocin ((nevernever in bolus) in bolus) •• EmbolismEmbolism•• PulmonaryPulmonary hypertensionhypertension / / edemaedema•• ArrhythmiasArrhythmias•• BloodlossBloodloss

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PulmonaryPulmonary edemaedema•• CongestiveCongestive heartheart failurefailure•• FluidFluid retentionretention / return (/ return (preloadpreload) ) afterafter birthbirth•• ExcessiveExcessive fluidsfluids ((prehydrationprehydration + drugs) + drugs) •• AutotransfusionAutotransfusion & return (& return (preloadpreload) ) afterafter birthbirth•• ProceedProceed withwith epiduralepidural , , furosemidefurosemide ????•• ColloidsColloids ??

Acute Acute pulmonarypulmonary hypertensionhypertension•• Stress, Stress, hypertensionhypertension, pain, , pain, SVRSVR, , HRHR, drugs, drugs

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More More withwith mitralmitral valvevalve diseasediseaseReducedReduced cardiaccardiac fillingfilling (time)(time)•• Effect Effect onon coronarycoronary perfusionperfusion

AccentuatedAccentuated byby•• OxytocinOxytocin•• EphedrineEphedrine

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BloodBlood lossloss

MayMay bebe enhancedenhanced byby•• AvoidanceAvoidance of of oxytocicsoxytocics•• AnticoagulantsAnticoagulants (more TE risk)(more TE risk)•• OperativeOperative deliverydelivery

SpecificSpecific problemsproblems•• LessLess capacitycapacity toto compensatecompensate•• ββ--blockerblocker useuse

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MaternalMaternal and and fetalfetal outcomeoutcome

MaternalMaternal (0.6(0.6--2%) & 2%) & fetalfetal mortalitymortalityPreterm Preterm deliverydelivery, , lowerlower BWBWIUGR and IUGR and ApgarApgar<8<8InstrumentalInstrumental deliverydelivery ((lessless stressfulstressful))•• butbut identicalidentical CC--sectionsection raterate

MalhotraMalhotra et al, 2004et al, 2004

n=312 n=312 valvularvalvular vsvs 321 321 healthyhealthy parturientsparturients

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ValvularValvular defectsdefectsRegurgitationRegurgitation•• mitralmitral insufficiencyinsufficiency•• mitralmitral valvevalve prolapsprolaps•• aorticaortic insufficiencyinsufficiency

Stenotic Stenotic conditionsconditions•• mitralmitral stenosisstenosis•• aorticaortic stenosisstenosis•• pulmonicpulmonic stenosisstenosis

Mixed Mixed diseasediseaseCorrectedCorrected problemsproblems

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RegurgitationRegurgitation : : avoidavoid........

BradycardiaBradycardia -- DysrhythmiaDysrhythmia•• IncreasesIncreases LV LV fillingfilling time, more time, more regurgitationregurgitation•• EphedrineEphedrine betterbetter thanthan phenylephrinephenylephrine

PreloadPreload & & afterloadafterload increaseincrease•• LRA LRA desirabledesirable ((fluidfluid preloadingpreloading !)!)•• AfterloadAfterload decreasedecrease : AVR : AVR benefitsbenefits more more thanthan MVRMVR

MyocardialMyocardial depressiondepression : LVF!: LVF!•• LV LV enlargementenlargement : : earlierearlier in AVRin AVR

BeneficialBeneficial effect of effect of pregnancypregnancy (BV, SVR, HR)(BV, SVR, HR)

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MitralMitral valvevalve stenosisstenosis

frequent, frequent, severesevere ifif areaarea <1cm<1cm22

diastolicdiastolic pressurepressure gradientgradient & & durationdurationLA LA dilateddilated //thrombusthrombus //arrhythmiaarrhythmia(AF)(AF)•• maternalmaternal mortalitymortality significantlysignificantly increasedincreased

ifif tachycardiatachycardia oror AFAF•• reducedreduced LVF and LVF and atrialatrial enlargementenlargementballoon balloon valvuloplastyvalvuloplasty possiblepossibleCHFCHF, , PEPE, , secondsecond PHTPHT, , RVFRVF, , TricITricI

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AorticAortic valvevalve stenosisstenosis

IschemiaIschemia (O(O22 supplysupply, , workloadworkload, LV , LV wallwall))

NYHA NYHA •• MayMay bebe severesevere butbut symptomlesssymptomless

EchocardiographyEchocardiography•• LV LV hypertrophyhypertrophy, , gradientgradient , , valvularvalvular areaarea•• <1cm<1cm22 : : severesevere, <0.6cm, <0.6cm22 : : criticalcritical

BetablockerBetablocker : LVF ??: LVF ??•• more more fillingfilling time and time and coronarycoronary flowflow

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Stenotic defects : Stenotic defects : avoidavoid........

SVR SVR increaseincrease and and tachycardiatachycardia•• ketamineketamine , , atropine , atropine , ephedrineephedrine

severesevere bradycardiabradycardia : : phenylephrinephenylephrine ??markedmarked afterloadafterload reductionreduction•• LRA : OK LRA : OK ifif moderate AL moderate AL decreasedecrease

hypovolemiahypovolemia : : normonormo--volemicvolemic expansionexpansionmyocardialmyocardial depressiondepression, , dysrhythmiasdysrhythmiaseepinephrinepinephrine in in locallocal anestheticsanesthetics

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OtherOther valvularvalvular problemsproblemsMitralMitral valvevalve prolapsprolaps•• AvoidAvoid tachycardiatachycardia, AL , AL reductionreduction,,……..‘‘OperatedOperated’’ patientspatients•• HF, PHT and HF, PHT and arrhythmiaarrhythmia maymay persistpersist•• AnticoagulationAnticoagulation : : heparinheparin betterbetter ??

–– ProtamineProtamine, LMWH , LMWH bleedingbleeding risk <12h?risk <12h?–– WarfarinWarfarin : PPSB : PPSB oror FFPFFP–– BleedingBleeding oror thromboembolismthromboembolism ? ?

Mixed Mixed problemsproblems : predominant ? : predominant ?

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CoronaryCoronary arteryartery diseasediseaseIncreasedIncreased risk risk whenwhen•• in in thirdthird trimester , trimester , deliverydelivery <2weeks<2weeks•• CC--sectionsection•• ageage <30yrs , diabetes , <30yrs , diabetes , hypertensionhypertension

laborlabor : : epiduralepiduralCC--sectionsection : : epiduralepidural > > spinalspinalphenylephrinephenylephrine > > ephedrineephedrineLV LV failurefailure : GA+ : GA+ lowlow--dosedose EA ?EA ?

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SeptumSeptum defects defects

LeftLeft toto RightRight shunt : shunt : avoidavoid

•• SVR SVR increasesincreases•• severesevere SVR SVR decreasedecrease (ASD)(ASD)•• volume volume overloadoverload , , tachycardiatachycardia (VSD)(VSD)

RightRight toto LeftLeft shunt (PHT) shunt (PHT) •• FallotFallot’’s s TetralogyTetralogy, Eisenmenger, Eisenmenger’’s complexs complex•• AvoidAvoid prepre-- and and afterloadafterload reductionreduction

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PerinatalPerinatal//ParipartumParipartum DilatedDilated CMCM••LRA LRA beneficialbeneficial : : afterloadafterload reductionreduction

HypertrophicHypertrophic ObstructiveObstructive CMCM•• strictlystrictly normovolemianormovolemia, , avoidavoid tachycardiatachycardia•• nono inotropicsinotropics oror afterloadafterload reductionreduction•• MVR MVR frequentlyfrequently presentpresent•• preferablypreferably vaginalvaginal deliverydelivery•• RA : RA : ‘‘lowlow--LALA dosedose’’ techniquetechnique•• ifif CC--sectionsection : : generalgeneral anesthesiaanesthesia


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PulmonaryPulmonary HT HT CausesCauses ((functionalfunctional and and structuralstructural))•• PrimaryPrimary•• SecundarySecundary : : CHDCHD, , HIVHIV, , SLESLE, , TEDTED, , COPDCOPD……

TreatmentTreatment•• NitricNitric oxideoxide•• ProstacyclinProstacyclin ((VDVD, , PLTPLT, , AntiAnti--InflInfl, , ……))•• EndothelinEndothelin receptor receptor antagonistsantagonists•• PhosphodiesterasePhosphodiesterase inhibitorsinhibitors•• ViagraViagra, , VasopressinVasopressin

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PulmonaryPulmonary HT : HT : avoidavoid........HypoxiaHypoxia , , hypercapniahypercapnia , stress, stressketamineketamine , N, N220 0 PG , PG , oxytocinoxytocin , , ergometrineergometrineMyocardialMyocardial depressiondepressionBradycardiaBradycardiaAfterloadAfterload reductionreductionPreloadPreload reductionreduction

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WhatWhat aboutabout clinicalclinicalpracticepractice and and experienceexperience ??

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LaborLabor analgesiaanalgesiaLowLow dosedose epiduralepidural mostlymostly wellwell toleratedtoleratedStress response : Stress response : mitigatesmitigates ValsalvaValsalvaeffectseffects byby decreasingdecreasing the the pushingpushing reflexreflexMore More stablestable hemodynamicshemodynamics duringduringcontractionscontractions and and expulsionexpulsion (forceps)(forceps)AL AL decreasedecrease : benefit in : benefit in regurgitationregurgitationCSE / CSE / EpiduralEpidural : : nono locallocal anestheticsanesthetics ??•• opioidopioid, , neostigmineneostigmine, , clonidineclonidine, adrenaline, adrenaline……


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LaborLabor CSA : CSA : AdvantagesAdvantages

AdjustableAdjustable, , titratabletitratableOpioidOpioid alonealone : F 15: F 15--2525µµg, S 5g, S 5--7.57.5µµggLaborLabor : : rapidrapid conversionconversion toto CSCSLowerLower doses (?)doses (?)•• notnot in most in most reportsreports ((leakageleakage ?)?)

BetterBetter hemodynamichemodynamic stabilitystability•• RobsonRobson et al, BJA 1993; 70: 634et al, BJA 1993; 70: 634--88

hypotensionhypotension 2/20 2/20 ptsptsHeadacheHeadache lessless important important thanthan benefitsbenefits

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LaborLabor analgsiaanalgsia : : stenosisstenosisEpiduralEpidural•• HemmingsHemmings 1987, 1987, ShinShin 19931993•• SuntharalingamSuntharalingam 20012001•• AfterAfter MVR : MVR : NakaoNakao 20052005

Spinal Spinal •• KeeKee , n=3, , n=3, CSECSE , , startstart opioidsopioids alonealone•• VanhelderVanhelder 1998, 1998, CSECSE : mixed : mixed AoAo/M, /M, alsoalso II•• RansomRansom 1995, 1995, CSACSA : : sufentanilsufentanil•• Vd Velde 2003, Vd Velde 2003, CSACSA : : sufentanilsufentanil 2x (+ 2x (+ ropiropi))•• Pan & DPan & D’’Angelo 2004, Angelo 2004, CSECSE : : bupibupi + F + M+ F + M

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CC--section : section : regurgitationregurgitationEpiduralEpidural•• Mitral Valve Mitral Valve ProlapsProlaps

–– Tanaka 1994Tanaka 1994–– Ruiz Castro 1996Ruiz Castro 1996–– AlcontaraAlcontara 1987 1987

•• AoAo regurgitationregurgitation–– AldersonAlderson 1987 (+ 1987 (+ preeclampsiapreeclampsia : : deathdeath))–– ZangrilloZangrillo 2005 2005

•• BetweenBetween MV replacement & MV replacement & reoperationreoperation–– NakaoNakao 20052005

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CC--section : section : stenosisstenosisEpiduralEpidural•• AoAo StenosisStenosis

–– Brian 1993, Brian 1993, TamuraTamura 19971997–– ColcloughColclough 1990 /1990 /’’95, Peng 1997, 95, Peng 1997, XiaXia 2006 2006

•• PulmonicPulmonic stenosisstenosis–– ConwayConway 1994, Campbell 2003 (+ 1994, Campbell 2003 (+ AoIAoI))

•• Mitral Mitral stenosisstenosis–– ZiskindZiskind 1990, 1990, AfranguiAfrangui & & MalinowMalinow 19981998–– KubotaKubota 2003 (n=7), Pan & D2003 (n=7), Pan & D’’Angelo 2004Angelo 2004

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CC--section : section : stenosisstenosisSpinalSpinal•• SDSSDS : : MostafaMostafa 1984 (MS)1984 (MS)•• CSECSE : : BosoBoso 2008 (AS)2008 (AS)•• CSA CSA : Pittard & : Pittard & VucevicVucevic 1998 (AS)1998 (AS)

+ 2 + 2 editorialseditorials

SDS to SDS to bebe avoidedavoided !!!!!!

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LowLow dose CSE + EVE ?dose CSE + EVE ?

LewLew et alet al, , A & A 2004; 98: 810A & A 2004; 98: 810--44•• BH 5mg + EVE (6ml BH 5mg + EVE (6ml NaClNaCl 0.9%)0.9%)•• BH 8mg BH 8mg •• bothboth + + FentanylFentanyl 1010µµg)g)

•• qualityquality / / spreadspread : : identicalidentical•• fasterfaster MB MB recoveryrecovery•• hypotension : no hypotension : no differencedifference


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SittingSitting or or laterallateral ??InglisInglis et al, et al, AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia 1995 (SDS)1995 (SDS)BembridgeBembridge, , AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia 1986 (SDS)1986 (SDS)PatelPatel et al, Can J et al, Can J AnesthAnesth 1993 (CSE)1993 (CSE)KohlerKohler et al, A A et al, A A ScandScand 2002 (SDS 32002 (SDS 3’’))CoppejansCoppejans et al, et al, AnesthAnesth AnalgAnalg 2006 (CSE)2006 (CSE)

SittingSitting injection of injection of hyperbarichyperbaric BB•• SlowerSlower / / lessless rostral rostral spreadspread•• LessLess ((laterlater) hypotension) hypotension•• More More epiduralepidural supplementationsupplementation

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RA for RA for nonnon--valvularvalvular diseasediseaseHOCM, PPCM, single HOCM, PPCM, single ventricleventricleAoAo dissection, dissection, coronarycoronary (CAD)(CAD)severalseveral case reports: case reports: CSE / CSE / CSACSA

HonigHonig et al, et al, AnAnäästhetiststhetist 1998 (CAD)1998 (CAD)IshiyamaIshiyama et al, A&A 2003 (HOCM)et al, A&A 2003 (HOCM)Ben Ben LetaifaLetaifa, , AnnAnn FrFr An An ReanRean 2002 (2002 (MarfanMarfan, , PuEdPuEd, MVI), MVI)OkutomiOkutomi et al, Acta et al, Acta AnaesthAnaesth ScandScand 2002 (HOCM, 2002 (HOCM, laborlabor))Dubois et al, Dubois et al, AnnAnn FrFr AnesthAnesth ReanimReanim 2003 (single 2003 (single ventrventr n=2)n=2)VelichovicVelichovic & & LeichtLeicht, IJOA 2004 (, IJOA 2004 (PPCMPPCM, n=3), n=3)LandauLandau et al, et al, ActaActa AnaesthAnaesth ScandScand 2004 (2004 (doubledouble outletoutlet RVRV))SmithSmith et al, IJOA 2008 (CAD, CS n=3, et al, IJOA 2008 (CAD, CS n=3, laborlabor n=1)n=1)

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RA for RA for nonnon--valvularvalvular diseasedisease

EisenmengerEisenmenger’’s s complexcomplex ????AtanasoffAtanasoff, Acta , Acta AnaesthesiolAnaesthesiol ScandScand 19901990ColeCole et al, BJA 2001et al, BJA 2001SakurabaSakuraba et al, J et al, J AnesthAnesth 20042004

MARTIN et al, RAPM 2002; 27: 509MARTIN et al, RAPM 2002; 27: 509--13 (13 (reviewreview))--103 103 anestheticsanesthetics + 21 + 21 laborlabor analgesiaanalgesia-- mortalitymortality : : overalloverall 14%, RA 5%, GA 18% (NS)14%, RA 5%, GA 18% (NS)

major major surgerysurgery : 24%, minor 5% (p<0.05): 24%, minor 5% (p<0.05)laborlabor RA : 24% !!RA : 24% !!

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RA for RA for nonnon--valvularvalvular diseasedisease

SevereSevere pulmonarypulmonary hypertension ??hypertension ??BONNIN et al, BONNIN et al, AnesthesiologyAnesthesiology 2005; 102: 11132005; 102: 1113--77--N=14, 15 N=14, 15 pregnanciespregnancies--Vaginal : n=4 (RA) (1 Vaginal : n=4 (RA) (1 dieddied, 1 , 1 worseworse) ) --CS CS underunder GA : n=4 (1 GA : n=4 (1 dieddied, 2 , 2 worseworse) ) --CS CS underunder CSE : n=5 (1 CSE : n=5 (1 dieddied, 4 stable), 4 stable)-- mortalitymortality :: n=2 n=2 beforebefore deliverydelivery

overall 36%overall 36%a place a place forfor lowlow dosedose CSE ??CSE ??

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PerioperativePerioperative monitoringmonitoringECG , ECG , pulsepulse oxymetryoxymetryUS (US (EFEF?) ?) oror TEE (TEE (awakeawake ?)?)BloodBlood pressurepressure : : radialradial arteryartery•• AnticipatedAnticipated bloodblood loss, loss, prepre--eclampsiaeclampsia•• CO CO measurementmeasurement ??

Central Central venousvenous lineline ??WhatWhat willwill itit learnlearn ? Risk of ? Risk of arrhythmiasarrhythmiasPulmonaryPulmonary arteryartery cathetercatheter ??•• NYHA III/NYHA III/IVIV, , sheethsheeth onlyonly ? ? VascVasc trauma ?trauma ?

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ConclusionsConclusionsMultidisciplinaryMultidisciplinary approachapproach (at 24wks ?)(at 24wks ?)LowLow--dosedose epiduralepidural is is mostlymostly OK OK forfor laborlaborSingleSingle--dosedose spinalspinal mostlymostly notnot the best the best ideaideaProblemsProblems notnot solvedsolved afterafter birthbirth oror surgerysurgeryInvasiveInvasive monitoringmonitoring ? ? CC--sectionsection : : notnot alwaysalways best best choicechoiceAllAll RA RA techniquestechniques are are notnot the the samesame•• OutweighOutweigh PROPRO’’s and s and CONsCONs•• IndividualIndividual judgementjudgement

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SummarySummary : : avoidavoid……

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L to R R to L




SummarySummary : : avoidavoid……

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ContraindicationsContraindications forfor RA (& RA (& pregnancypregnancy ?)?)•• FallotFallot’’s s tetralogytetralogy unlessunless repairedrepaired

–– GelsonGelson et al 2008, RA 67% (16pt / 26del)et al 2008, RA 67% (16pt / 26del)

•• EisenmengerEisenmenger’’s complexs complex•• AnticoagulationAnticoagulation•• HypertrophicHypertrophic subaorticsubaortic stenosisstenosis, HOCM, HOCM•• PrimaryPrimary pulmonarypulmonary hypertensionhypertension•• SevereSevere AoAo//pulmpulm stenosisstenosis (<0.6(<0.6--0.9cm0.9cm22))

AvoidAvoid ‘‘heroismheroism’’

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The most important part of The most important part of ‘‘patientpatient carecare’’is is ‘‘caringcaring forfor the the patientpatient’’

DavidDavid L.L.BrownBrownRAPM 2003RAPM 2003