reform in the progressive era government legislation

Reform in the Progressive Era Government Legislation

Upload: gavin-lawson

Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Reform in the Progressive Era Government Legislation

Reform in the

Progressive Era

Government Legislation

Page 2: Reform in the Progressive Era Government Legislation

Early Attempts (Gilded Age) 1887 – Interstate Commerce Commission

Created to oversee railroad operations (due to rampant corruption)

Could only monitor interstate lines

At first could only require that RR companies send their records to Congress

1890 - Sherman Antitrust Act – outlawed any trust that “restrained trade or commerce”

Rarely enforced (and usually against unions) but started to establish a greater role for the government in the economy

Page 3: Reform in the Progressive Era Government Legislation

New Amendments

16th Amendment (1913) – income tax

Allowed for a progressive/graduated income tax

Not based on which state, or the census

17th Amendment (1913)

Allowed for the direct election of Senators (under original Constitution – appointed by state legislatures)

Page 4: Reform in the Progressive Era Government Legislation

Federal Reserve System“The Fed”

Replaced idea of National Banks

1913 – Federal Reserve Act

Created to stabilize the monetary supply/economy and regulate the banking industry

Page 5: Reform in the Progressive Era Government Legislation

Resurgence of the Women’s Rights Movement