
Contents Introduction 2 Brief history of reflexology 3 Definition of reflexology 4 Practice of reflexology in Malaysia The art of reflexology 5 Common “flow” in reflexology treatment of Malaysia 6 Preparation for reflexology 10 Overview of reflexology Medical perspectives 11 Related research on reflexology 12 Special precaution, attention and advice 13 Myths, rumors and facts about reflexology 14 Conclusion 15 References 16

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1-day-miracle research of reflexology in malaysia. contains brief history, definition, practice of reflexology in msia, and overviews of reflexology.



Introduction 2

Brief history of reflexology 3

Definition of reflexology 4

Practice of reflexology in MalaysiaThe art of reflexology 5Common “flow” in reflexology treatment of Malaysia 6Preparation for reflexology 10

Overview of reflexologyMedical perspectives 11Related research on reflexology 12Special precaution, attention and advice 13Myths, rumors and facts about reflexology 14

Conclusion 15

References 16


Massage is a form of energy therapy used to correct energy imbalances and stimulate blood flow to specific areas. Reflexology, a form of energy medicine also known as zone therapy, refers to the practice of stimulating specific zones and medians on the feet, and occasionally the hands and ears, to provide specific medical benefits. By massaging these points various ailments and symptoms may be treated in a safe and non-invasive way. Additional benefits include a sense of wellbeing and relaxation benefiting the whole body. Reflexology is based on the principle that specific points on the feet, hands and ears correspond to specific bodily organs. Massaging these corresponding points indirectly affects the corresponding organs and has the ability to stimulate, heal, and anesthetize these organs

Reflexology is based on the understanding that certain parts of the body reflect the whole body. Such parts are referred to as microsystems. In the practice of reflexology these microsystems are worked to relieve stress and tension throughout the body. Reflexology as a natural healing art has a very real beauty. Its beauty emanates from its essential simplicity juxtaposed with its effective potency as a therapy. It is easy to learn, simple to perform and, practiced with commonsense, completely harmless. Simultaneously, reflexology is proven to produce potent therapeutic benefits for a wide range of health conditions. In addition, it can produce one of the most sublime relaxation experiences while it rejuvenates and revitalizes all aspects of our being.

Reflexology has a very long history, over 4000 years. Used to facilitate natural healing, ease pain, reduce stress and tension, or just for pleasurable relaxation with friends and family

Brief History of reflexology

A visit to the reflexology massage parlor tells me a various origin and story of where reflexology came from.

Evidence of the practice in ancient culture was the discovery of wall painting of man attending another man’s foot, at the tomb of Ankhmahor at Saqqara, Egypt. The picture dated about 2330 B.C; Egyptian 6th


“…don’t hurt me. I shall act so you praise me…”

About 5000 years ago, in India whose country is largely shaped by religion, the feet were thought as unity of the entire universe. Sanskrit symbols depicted on the feet of Buddha were seen as expression of higher reality. By 100 A.D. Buddhism spreads to China, the monks brought together the arts of reflexology. Reflexology was practiced in China as part of acupuncture and moxibustion. A Chinese medical text, Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, describe it as the Examining Foot Method. When a Japanese monk studying in China takes reflexology to Japan upon his return home, it become developed there and become popular; as seen in the Physicians Temple in Nara, Japan, of 690 A.D.

The modern history of reflexology is rooted in research about the reflex in Europe and Russia 125 years ago by Nobel Prize winner Ivan Pavlov. Reflexology was first coined by the Russian neurologist and psychiatrist, Vladimir Bekterev, in 1917. Through the discovery of the nervous system and the response internal organs had to external stimuli “reflex therapy” was born.

At the same time U.S. physician William Fitzgerald discovered zone therapy in the early 1900s for anesthetic purposes. His colleague, Dr. Joe Shelby Riley, found this work fascinating and passed the enthusiasm to Eunice Ingham, a physiotherapist for Dr. Riley in Florida. Ingham further studied Dr. Fitzgerald’s findings and developed her foot theory in the early 1930’s. She brought popularity to the field in the 1940s and 1950s with two publications, “Stories the Feet Can Tell”, and “Stories the Feet Have Told”.

Definition of Reflexology

Reflexology is a term referring to stimulation of a part of the body; hands, feet or ears to have effects throughout the body such as in glands, organs and other parts of the body. This part of stimulation is called as a microsystem; a part that reflects the whole body.

Currently there are 3 types of common reflexology:

1. Foot reflexologyA method of stimulating the reflex area of the feet. It relaxes and rejuvenates each and every part of the body; including glands and organs. Relaxing the body reduces tension and stress thus promoting the circulation of blood and lymph. Through the pain, awareness is heightened as well.

2. Hand reflexologySimilar to foot reflexology; it serves as substitute/alternative approach when the foot is injured or got amputated. The reason is because the hand is thought to be harder to be stimulated compare to feet.But recently, it is been approve that hand reflexology can be as effective as foot reflexology; bringing a new interest of massaging hand rather than feet.

3. Ear reflexologyNew development, derived from auricular therapy or ear acupuncture. Ear reflexology means an approach of stimulation without using needles. The technique is different compare to the hand or foot reflexology because of difference in size.

Practice of reflexology in Malaysia

The art of reflexology

Why it can be considered as an art?

1. Reflexology is a science of touch. A delicate art of specific pressure massage techniques on precise points on the feet or hands based on the premise that reflex areas will correspond to all body parts. It does not require intervention of anything; such as needles, syringe, and medications. Only touch

2. In Malaysia, reflexology derived from integration of multiple cultural practices. Evolved from the combination of the traditional practices of “Urut Kampung” passed down from generations, Thai massage technique brought by Thai settlers in the northern region; Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Chinese massage, acupuncture and moxibustion technique and Ancient Indian ayurvedic practice; not to mentioned modernized reflexology practice from western world.

3. The art lies with the reflex itself. Reflexology appears as a localized massage to parts of the body; feet, hands ears or others. What appears to be a local touch is then widespread throughout the body; giving a holistic treatment rather than just a simple foot massage.

4. A healing touch; without any invasive approach to the body yet reflexology rejuvenate and promote healing of glands, organs and parts of the body that lies even at the innermost region of the body.

Common “flow” in reflexology treatment of Malaysia

The assignment brought me to the doorstep of Kakiku Reflexology parlor at SACC mall of Shah Alam to experience reflexology massage myself. The parlor provides whole range of reflexology therapy which includes 3 most common practices; Foot reflexology, Hand reflexology and Ear reflexology. In addition, it also provide face reflexology, body massage (Chinese body-reflexology), and head and shoulder massage.

My 60 minutes journey of pain starts with feet washing ritual.

The washing lasted about 10 minutes. My feet were soaked in lukewarm water mix together with mineral salt. The purpose of the dark stone inside the basin is to keep the heat.

When I ask about the feet wash purposes whether it has significance meaning in the reflexology, it was meant for hygiene only.

I was then brought to another setting, the open-area massage room, to be seated comfortably with my feet slightly raised.

A foot reflexology session usually last for 40-60 minutes; 30 minutes for children below 8 years old.

My feet are then lathered with lotion to help with the massage purposes. This is because of skin is naturally dry thus does not promote smooth massage movement. But it doesn’t mean that reflexology needs ointment.

Reflexology does not require any specialty ointment compare to the “Urut Kampung”. Any lotion is compatible with the massage.

There are no specific orders to which reflex point to start with in reflexology. As long as whole feet are being stimulated, anyone can start at any reflex points of the foot.

The technique of applying pressure is depending on the patient itself. For examples, a regular costumer of reflexology will have more tolerance to the pain compare to a first-timer therefore might request for more pressure than the other. The attendance uses the knuckles for more strength in pressure; use distal finger for easier pressure.

During reflexology session, the pain stimulated by the pressure is a manifestation of the reflex area. It means that the pain can either be a good or bad signs.

Examples such as;

1) Pain during pressure at diaphragm, chest and lungs points means that the respiratory region is working properly.

2) Pain at abdominal region; digestive tract means eating-disorder, unhealthy bowel movement.

3) First-timer usually will experience painful reflex pressures. But it is also normal if they do not experience any pain at all.

4) Pain can also caused by sensitivity of the pain receptor; pain intolerance.

.The attendance is explaining the reflex points while applying pressure to area by his thumb’s knuckle.

The region he is applying pressure is the abdominal region including solar plexus, digestive tracts and heart helping point.

Foot reflexology also includes areas of the calf and also below the knees

There is no significant importance on applying massage to the anterior of the calf,

Application of massage at the anterior region is to help with the relaxation of the feet, and to reduce tense muscle of the calf thus promoting circulation.

The calf and knee pose important roles in foot reflexology whereas it is the accumulation of all stimulation came from the feet.

Muscle of calf can easily be tensed from daily walks. Tensed muscle does not promote circulation of blood easily. A massage at calf helps to loosen the calf, thus promoting more blood circulation, enhancing foot reflexology stimulations to reach up the brain.

After the 40 minutes of foot reflexology, it came to the head and shoulder massage.

The attendance starts with muscle relaxation move to reduce my tensed shoulder; preparation to do something more painful as what he told me.

Shoulder and neck area are usually to promote blood circulation to the brain, enhancing the function of heart and lungs, and to reduce stress from both foot reflexology massage and from life.

The session ended with left and right snap of the neck to ease the nerve at the both side.

What come to my surprise is the attendance is actually disabled; a blind man.

Preparation for reflexology

Settings at the reflexology massage parlor

In preparing for reflexology;

There is no proper equipment for performing reflexology. Reflexology can be done at any settings and even as a self-treatment. However it is

advisable to perform it with two persons rather than alone; this is because the effect of the pressure is lesser, and some of the reflex points are harder to reach.

There is no special ointment require for performing reflexology. It can be either with or without oil depending on the type of reflexology and the amount of pressure one’s considers. If the person needs to apply more pressure, or using knuckles instead of finger, then please consider using oil; helps with applying pressure and to avoid injury to the hand.

Reflexology can also be used together with aromatherapy. Aromatherapy helps to promote relaxation of the individual, relaxing the muscle thus helping to better stimulation of the reflex point.

There is no qualification to perform reflexology. Anyone can do it, with the help of reflexological chart or a reflexology guide.

Overview of reflexology

Medical perspectives

Reflexology is a wonderfully simple form of natural, complimentary, and holistic healing. It is the use of special techniques to break up and remove blockages in the body and restore proper circulation of blood to any given area.

There are more than 7000 nerve endings at the feet, lesser in hands; reflecting the whole body and every organ there is. Somehow, it can be reliable is to determine any existing problems inside the body. For examples; problems involving the bladder results of frequent hold of micturation will cause the area of reflex at the feet to appear inflated. If there is some pain when applying pressure it is an indication for something more serious stress.

Reflexology helps on management of pain immediately. It can ease simple pain such as headache effectively by immediate touch of the reflex point of the head and the effect is faster than taking painkillers.

Rather than treating symptoms, it treats the body as whole. Reflexology is not focused on healing a single disorder but more to improving the entire body system. Therefore, it helps to faster healing time and promotes wellbeing

Here are some of the benefits of reflexology Reduce stress Improve blood circulation Alleviate pain Balance the nervous system Boost lymphatic function Stimulate sluggish, congested system Improve sleeping patterns Increase vitality and energy Detoxify and cleanse the body Improve skin tone Promote self-healing

Related research on reflexology

Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)

A study published in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reported that ear, hand and foot reflexology is effective in the treatment of PMS.

In the study, 35 women who complained of their distress with PMS were randomly assigned to 2 groups. One group received reflexology treatment while the other was given “fake” reflexology sessions.

The study reported that women who received reflexology from a trained therapist once a week, for 8 weeks in a 30 minutes session reported significant decrease in premenstrual symptoms compared to the other group that was given a “fake” reflexology sessions.

Headache and Migraine

Reflexology could ease migraine and headache. The study conducted by National Board of Health Council, Denmark (1995) put to test the effectiveness of reflexology on 220 patients who had headache as their primary health problem. 78 reflexologists were assigned to these patients for over three-month. After the period, 16% of the patients reported that they were cured, 65% said that reflexology had helped, and, 18% said their condition were unchanged.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Another benefit of reflexology may be in treating MS. In a study published in Hodder Arnold Journal, 71 MS patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups in a study to see if reflexology could help MS patients.

One group received 11 weeks reflexology treatment while another received “fake” reflexology treatment. The study found that the improvement of patients in the reflexology group was significant compared to the one receiving “fake” sessions. After 3 months, these patients were once again examined and it was reported that the improvement “remained significant”. As a result, the study concluded that reflexology treatment was of benefit in alleviating motor, sensory and urinary symptoms in MS patients.


Studies have shown that reflexology may help if you or your kids have problem controlling the bladder while sleeping. An example is in a 1990 Australian study. In the trial, 70 % of patients who received a minimum of two reflexology sessions per week had either less urination in urine volume or less incidence of wetting. However, most patients said that the effect was only noticeable after the tenth session.

Special precaution, attention and advice

Reflexology is safe to be performed to young and old, male and female. With the development of knowledge nowadays, it is becoming an increasing interest in this form of natural healing. However, certain precaution must be taken into consideration for specific group of patient.

This includes:

1. Diabetes People with diabetes are advised to not practice foot reflexology during the onset of the diabetic symptoms. There is an after-effect of reflexology whereas the body is trying to adjust from the stimulation that can be a little too much for diabetic patient.

2. GoutPeople with gout are encouraged to do reflexology which can improve blood circulation throughout the body only after there are no precipitating symptoms of gout presents.

3. Person with cardiac issuesPeople with cardiac issues should avoid any massage involving the chest and shoulder reflexology. Patients of arrhythmias should inform the doctors before going to reflexology. Other than that, people with high blood pressure are encouraged.

4. Avoid reflexology in the first three months of pregnancy.

5. Tell your practitioner what medications you are on. Because the body will detoxify faster, certain medications may not work as well because they are being carried out of the system faster.

Myths, rumors and facts about reflexology

Is reflexology a form of massage?

No, Reflexology is not massage though it may feel similar. It is the active stimulation of specific reflex points on the foot that correspond to certain areas of the body and, as such, it is typically exempt from the licensing requirements a massage therapist faces.

Does reflexology diagnose?

NO. Reflexology identifies where stress and tension is located in the body. This can be a valuable assistance to the diagnosis process, but it is not sufficient by itself.If a reflexology recipient has identified other symptoms that coincide with the stress and tension identified by reflexology, and then they should consult a licensed health care provider such as a naturopathic doctor or a medical doctor for a diagnosis.

Does reflexology treat disease?

NO. Reflexologists do not work with a treatment orientations; rather they are oriented to revitalizing the whole body and hence supporting the body in its own healing process. Frequently disease is alleviated or managed.

Can reflexology do me any serious harm?

NO. Reflexology is essentially harmless. The therapeutic relaxation that reflexology produces facilitates the body's release of toxins. On very rare occasions this release of toxins may bring about perspiration, a nauseous feeling, a headache, or a bad taste in the mouth. These minor discomforts are evidence of the body's healing process, are very temporary and are not serious. Should you experience any discomfort after a reflexology session that is not temporary, then you should assume that its cause is independent of the reflexology and take the appropriate remedial actions.

Most people enjoy pleasant relaxed and/or energized feelings after a reflexology session.


Reflexology is not just a simple massage. It treats the whole body by pressing specific reflex points that reflects specific glands or organs in the body. It promotes health by stimulating pain to the nerve ending; this stimulation improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Reflexology is a very simple therapy that can be done by almost any one. It does not require special qualification or any medical certification except a few reflexological chart and knowledge. The movement itself can be studied through books and guide – self-learning. Reflexology does not require any special settings and equipment, can be done at anytime and anywhere. It is also a risk-free therapy with no harm can be done to the body.

Reflexology is another examples of complementary and alternative medicine commonly used in Malaysia. The trend of reflexology circulates more among women rather than men, but it may make its first debut in the trend of health promoting industries in the near future.


Alternative Healing and Holistic Health Information on The Ancient Art of Foot Reflexology, available at (accessed at May 28, 2009)

Hand reflexology, available at (accessed at May 28, 2009)

History of reflexology, available at (accessed at May 27, 2009)

Reflexology, foot and hand massage, available at (accessed at May 28, 2009)

Reflexology, natural health technique; available at (accessed at May 28, 2009)

Further information;

Kakiku, the Power of Touch. Lot 3f-10 3rd Floor SACC Mall, Jln. Perbadanan 14/9 Seksyen 14, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor.