reflection paper on hamilton

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  • 8/10/2019 Reflection Paper on Hamilton


    Reflection Paper on Handbook on the Pentateuch by Victor Hamilton

    Daniel Kim

    According to Hamilton, there are three different scenes in the debacle. First there are

    many complaints about hardships in the desert and are related to a pattern of behavior. Second,

    people arent satisfied with manna and commands for some meat. Third, Miriam challenges both

    sagacity of Moses in choice of wife and credibility of his unique relationship to God. On each

    incident, the author goes in deep to explain in further detail. One thing that I thought was really

    interesting was the 2nd

    scene. God honored His peoples urge for meat, but He also unleashes a

    disease on the people. He states that when the divine spirit (ruah) is active, there is a potential for

    either blessing bordering on ecstasy or catastrophe bordering on obliteration. I thought this was

    interesting, because God is the most powerful Father in the world and he has the ability to bless

    those who are faithful and trustful with God. Inversely, to those who dont fully trust God, He

    cannot fully protect and reach us. Another thing that I read that was interesting was what T.E.

    Fretheim said. He stated that what the children of Israel desired, ironically, they got. They said

    that they wanted to die right there in the wilderness and God granted that wish by leading into 40

    years of judgments. I began to wonder if this was actually true. Did God really make Israel live

    in the wilderness for 40 years to make sure that those generation that said that they want to die

    right there in the wilderness died off so that the new generation would be the ones entering to

    Canaan. Lastly, I want to talk about the section about the 2 types of impurity. One was about the

    ritual impurity by touching something dead. There were some rituals on purifying corpses.

    Hamiliton states that this themes is mostly concerned about not treating death lightly and not to

    become paranoid about it. The other impurity was not trusting God. Moses hit the rock twice to

    let the water cool his people. Mosess trust on God did not honor Him in front of Israel and that

    became his impurity, which later prevented him to enter the promised land.

  • 8/10/2019 Reflection Paper on Hamilton


    I also want to note something that the author pointed about concerning the serpants.

    Hamilton says that God does not take away the serpents, instead he provided a cure, in which a

    serpent should be raised to a pole and whoever looks at it will be saved. The reason why God

    didnt get rid of the serpants was that he had not yet abolished sin. Jesus cruxifixtion is the true

    eradication of sin and until then he had to provide a solution to this problem. That reminds me of

    what I read in Patriarchs and Prophets. After reading the 1stchapter, I thought that God created

    the earth and everything in it, so that sin could be expanded and more evolved. Then He would

    send his only Son, Jesus to die for us and wholly eradicate sin.

    It was really interesting to read the Jacob chapter. He said that God held up a mirror to

    Jacob. He made Jacob spend 20 years with his uncle, laban, whose character was similar to God.

    He states that because Laban is a gracious host and a generous employer, he is almost portrayed

    similarily as God. I have never thought of Laban of it this way, and was quite interesting. Jacob

    who deceived his father, became deceived as his uncle.

    I learned Jacobs 3 characteristics; a consciousness of weakness, a consuming hunger for

    God and a confession of unworthiness. Then after all that, God gave Jacob a new name and

    character, a new power, a new blessing, a new testimony a new start, and a new reminded of his

    own weakness. Hamiltons verse by verse commentary are easy to understand and useful. It

    breaks down the complicated verses to little point that the reader and visualize and quickly


    Hamilton talked about some great themes that teach about God in Genesis. He states that

    the 1sttruth is of Gods oneness. All the resources for self-fulfillment are within himself. He is

    no spouse or another deity. Second truth is that there is a line of distinction between God as a

  • 8/10/2019 Reflection Paper on Hamilton


    creator and humankind as creature. The third truth is that God is plural in his nature. This was a

    little weird for me to understand because I cant really know which he agrees with, but he states

    that when God says us he may be talking to the heavens and the angels. Another interpretation

    is that he is talking to other gods and deities. Another one is that He may be talking to earth and

    humankind as a whole. Fourth truth is that God is moral and holy. And the last truth is that God

    is majestic and sovereign. Hamiltons points are clear and to the point. He uses lots of references

    and other commentaries to explain and give more information; however he does not give his

    much opinion, although he may agree with some of the others.

    Another passage that I read about is related to the temptation of Eve. I was like no way

    when I read this. He said that possibly, the reason why the serpent chose Eve to tempt was

    because she received the Gods commandment through her husband, Adam. And tempting Adam

    would have been more challenging because he received Gods law directly from God Himself. It

    makes sense that Satan would do this. Another source said that women are much weaker in spirit

    than men. I dont think this view is quite understandable.

    This is my 1sttime seeing that our ten commandments are stated again other than Exodus

    20. Apparently it is restated in Deuteronomy 5 with a slight variation. Sabbath, the 4th

    commandment was slightly different from the different incidents. I never knew God was so

    detailed even in His commandments. For Deuteronomy , it was to remind the people of how God

    saved them from Egypt. In Exodus, its about resting on Sabbath because its to glorify the work

    of the creation week. It was quite interesting to read all of them and think about it.

    It also showed a visual picture of how the 12 tribes were equally divided and situated

    around the Holy Tabernacle as a symbol of the central place to be given to the Lord. It was my

  • 8/10/2019 Reflection Paper on Hamilton


    first time seeing this diagram and I could picture the Israelites setting up tents and houses around

    the tabernacle. There was a place that we visited during the tour and it was place right next to the

    Mt. Sinai. Moses would have went up the mountain and the flat land where Israelites set up

    would be a perfect place to look up and see the glory of God. The huge flat ground in the middle

    of the mountainside is strange in terms of the middle part of the land. It is slighting raised up, as

    if the tabernacle was set up there, all the 4 divisions of tribes would be looking up towards the

    middle Tabernacle. I thought it was a good reminder that God is our center and we should be

    looking up at him.

    Promises of God to the patriarchs include the birth of a son, the increase of descendants,

    land, divine presence, and blessing. Another important thing that I learned was that Gods

    faithfulness from generation to the next generation is a renewed promise. God makes sure to fill

    all our needs and our wants if we truly desire it and ask Him. I have learned this from the chapter.

    Humans responsibility is belief in God. While on the other hand, His responsibility is to be with

    us and promise us things. Another interesting thing that I thought about was Pauls 9

    characteristics of Abrahams faith; theistic, suprarational, purposeful, intelligent and realistic,

    unwavering, well grounded, strengthening, worshiping, and assuring. Paul uses these

    characteristics to illustrate the requirement of faith in order to become the child of God. And I

    got a feeling that I should also try to live a faithful life like Abraham. He even was willing to

    sacrifice his only son to show faithfulness to God. If I were to have my faith as strong as that I

    dont think I would ever need anything in life from God, because faith is the thing that brings us


    I have read Numbers, Genesis 1, Genesis 3, Genesis 4, Deuteronomy, and numbers 2 readings

    that were posted on moodle.

  • 8/10/2019 Reflection Paper on Hamilton


    What I liked about these readings was that Hamilton states various points of views throughout

    the reading. There were many interesting points that many other people stated. There were many

    major themes that were stated and that kept the readings more concise and clear to the point. It

    has really helped to understand the Pentateuch better and to inspire myself to study it more. I

    think that reading with other commentaries will really help out in research or even in sermons.