references - springer978-3-642-96653-8/1.pdf · references a. introduction ambrose j (1974)...

References A. Introduction Ambrose J (1974) Computerized x-ray scanning of the brain. J Neurosurg 40: 679-695 Berger H (1929) Uber das Elektrenkephalogramm des Menschen. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr 87: 527-570 Dandy WE (1918) Ventriculography following the injection of air into the cerebral ventricles. Ann Surg 68: 5-11 Dandy WE (1919) Roentgenography of brain after injection of air into spinal canal. Ann Surg 70: 397-403 Di Chiro G, Brooks RA (1979) The 1979 nobel prize in physiology or medicine. Science 206: 1060--1062 Hounsfield GN (1973) Computerized transverse axial scan- ning (tomography): Part I. Description of system. Br J Radiol 46: 1016-1022 Hounsfield GN (1976) Historical notes on computerized ax- ial tomography. J Can Assoc Radiol 27: 135-142 Leksell L (1955/56) Echo-encephalography. I. Detection of intracranial complications following head injury. Acta Chir Scand 110: 301-315 Moniz E (1927) L'encephalographie arterielle, son impor- tance dans la localisation des tumeurs cerebrales. Rev NeuroI32:72 Moore GE (1948) Radioactive localization of brain tumors. JAm Med Assoc 137: 1228-1229 Selverstone B, Solomon AK (1948) Radioactive isotopes in the study of intracranial tumors. Trans Am Neurol As- soc 73: 115-119 B. Classification of brain tumors Ackerman LV, Rosai J (1974) Surgical pathology, 5th edn. Mosby St Louis, pp 1248-1249 Andres KH (1967) Uber die Feinstruktur der Arachnoidea und Dura mater von Mammalia. Z Zellforsch 79:272-295 Bailey P (1932) Cellular types in primary tumors of the brain. In: Penfield W (ed) Cytology and cellular patholo- gy of the nervous system, vol III. Hafner Publ Co, New York, pp 905-951 Bailey P, Bucy PC (1929) Oligodendrogliomas of the brain. J Path Bact 32:735-751 Bailey P, Cushing H (1926) A classification of the tumors of the glioma group on a histogenetic base with a corre- lated study of prognosis. Lippincott, Philadelphia Bailey P, Cushing H (1930) Gewebsverschiedenheit der Hirngliome. Fischer, Jena Bailey P, Hiller G (1924) The interstitial tissues of the central nervous system. J Nerv Ment Dis 59: 337-361 Bergstrand H (1932) Uber das sogenannte Astrocytom des Kleinhirns. Virchows Arch 287: 538-548 Broders AC (1926) Carcinoma: grading and practical appli- cation. Arch Path 2: 376-380 Bruns L (1914) Klinik der Hirngeschwtilste. In: Krause F (Hrsg) Die allgemeine Chirurgie der Gehirnkrankheiten Bd II (Neue deutsche Chirurgie, Band 12). Enke, Stutt- gart, S 19-104 Bunge RP, Bunge MB, Ris H (1962) Electron microscopic observations on normal, demyelinating, and remyelinat- ing white matter. Proc IV. Internat Congr Neuropath Bd II. Thieme, Stuttgart, S 136-142 Cooper ERA (1935) The relation of oligocytes and astro- cytes in cerebral tumours. J Path Bact 41: 259-266 Earle K (1980) Personl Mitteilung Eder M (1977) Pathologie des Wachstums und der Differen- zierung. In: Eder M, Gedigk P (Hrsg) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie und der pathologischen Anato- mie, 30. Aufl. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, S 240 Fleischhauer K (1972) Ependyma and subependymallayer. In: Bourne GH (ed) The structure and function ofner- vous tissue, vol VI. Academic Press, New York London, pp 1-46 Friede RL (1978) Gliofibroma: a peculiar neoplasia of colla- gen forming glia-like cells. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 37: 300--313 Friede RL, Pollak A (1978) The cytogenic basis for classify- ing ependymomas. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 37: 103-118 Golgi C (1894) Untersuchungen tiber den feineren Bau des centralen und peripheren Nervensystems. Fischer, Jena Henschen F (1934) Referat tiber Gliome. Verh Dtsch Pathol Ges 27. Tagg. Fischer, Jena, S 8-39 Henschen F (1955) Tumoren des Zentralnervensystems und seiner Htillen. In: Scholz W (Hrsg) Handb spez path Anat Bd XIII/3. Springer, Berlin Gottingen Heidelberg, S 413-1040 Hofer H (1965) Die circumventrikuliiren Organe des Zwi- schenhirns. In: Hofer H, Schultz AH, Starck D (Hrsg) Handb Primat Bd II, Lief 13. Karger, Basel New York Hortega P del Rio: (1921) La glia de escasas radiaciones (oligodendroglia). Arch Neurobiol (Madr) 2: Nr 1 Jellinger K (1977) Geschwiilste des Nervensystems und seiner Anhiinge. In: Holzner JH (Hrsg) Spezielle Patho- logie II, 2. Aufl. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin Wien Baltimore, S 217 Jellinger K, Radaszkiewicz Th (1976) Involvement of the central nervous system in malignant lymphomas. Vir- chows Arch A [Path AnatJ370:345-362 Kaufmann E (1922) Lehrbuch der speziellen pathologischen Anatomie. 7. und 8. Aufl Bd II. de Gruyter, Berlin Leip- zig, S 1488[[ Kepes JJ (1979) "Xanthomatous" lesions of the central nervous system: definition, classification and some recent observations. In: Zimmerman HM (ed) Progress in Neuropathology, vol 4. Raven Press, New York, pp 197-213 Kepes JJ, Rubinstein LJ, Eng LF (1979) Pleomorphic xan- thoastrocytoma: a distinctive meningocerebral glioma of

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Page 1: References - Springer978-3-642-96653-8/1.pdf · References A. Introduction Ambrose J (1974) Computerized x-ray scanning of the brain. ... intracranial complications following head


A. Introduction

Ambrose J (1974) Computerized x-ray scanning of the brain. J Neurosurg 40: 679-695

Berger H (1929) Uber das Elektrenkephalogramm des Menschen. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr 87: 527-570

Dandy WE (1918) Ventriculography following the injection of air into the cerebral ventricles. Ann Surg 68: 5-11

Dandy WE (1919) Roentgenography of brain after injection of air into spinal canal. Ann Surg 70: 397-403

Di Chiro G, Brooks RA (1979) The 1979 nobel prize in physiology or medicine. Science 206: 1060--1062

Hounsfield GN (1973) Computerized transverse axial scan­ning (tomography): Part I. Description of system. Br J Radiol 46: 1016-1022

Hounsfield GN (1976) Historical notes on computerized ax­ial tomography. J Can Assoc Radiol 27: 135-142

Leksell L (1955/56) Echo-encephalography. I. Detection of intracranial complications following head injury. Acta Chir Scand 110: 301-315

Moniz E (1927) L'encephalographie arterielle, son impor­tance dans la localisation des tumeurs cerebrales. Rev NeuroI32:72

Moore GE (1948) Radioactive localization of brain tumors. JAm Med Assoc 137: 1228-1229

Selverstone B, Solomon AK (1948) Radioactive isotopes in the study of intracranial tumors. Trans Am Neurol As­soc 73: 115-119

B. Classification of brain tumors

Ackerman LV, Rosai J (1974) Surgical pathology, 5th edn. Mosby St Louis, pp 1248-1249

Andres KH (1967) Uber die Feinstruktur der Arachnoidea und Dura mater von Mammalia. Z Zellforsch 79:272-295

Bailey P (1932) Cellular types in primary tumors of the brain. In: Penfield W (ed) Cytology and cellular patholo­gy of the nervous system, vol III. Hafner Publ Co, New York, pp 905-951

Bailey P, Bucy PC (1929) Oligodendrogliomas of the brain. J Path Bact 32:735-751

Bailey P, Cushing H (1926) A classification of the tumors of the glioma group on a histogenetic base with a corre­lated study of prognosis. Lippincott, Philadelphia

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Bailey P, Hiller G (1924) The interstitial tissues of the central nervous system. J Nerv Ment Dis 59: 337-361

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zierung. In: Eder M, Gedigk P (Hrsg) Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie und der pathologischen Anato­mie, 30. Aufl. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, S 240

Fleischhauer K (1972) Ependyma and subependymallayer. In: Bourne GH (ed) The structure and function ofner­vous tissue, vol VI. Academic Press, New York London, pp 1-46

Friede RL (1978) Gliofibroma: a peculiar neoplasia of colla­gen forming glia-like cells. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 37: 300--313

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Golgi C (1894) Untersuchungen tiber den feineren Bau des centralen und peripheren Nervensystems. Fischer, Jena

Henschen F (1934) Referat tiber Gliome. Verh Dtsch Pathol Ges 27. Tagg. Fischer, Jena, S 8-39

Henschen F (1955) Tumoren des Zentralnervensystems und seiner Htillen. In: Scholz W (Hrsg) Handb spez path Anat Bd XIII/3. Springer, Berlin Gottingen Heidelberg, S 413-1040

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Hortega P del Rio: (1921) La glia de escasas radiaciones (oligodendroglia). Arch Neurobiol (Madr) 2: Nr 1

Jellinger K (1977) Geschwiilste des Nervensystems und seiner Anhiinge. In: Holzner JH (Hrsg) Spezielle Patho­logie II, 2. Aufl. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin Wien Baltimore, S 217

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F 5 Parasites

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Subject Index The page numbers in italics refer to figures

Abscesses 406f.,407ff -, rhinogen 408 absorption values of tissues and fluids 20 acoustic neurinomas 11,248, 255ff., 260ff, 383, 387, 392 - -, air cisternography combined with CT 256, 265ff - -, bilateral 264 - -, bone destruction 387 - -, cerebellopontine cistern, absence 257 - -, cerebellopontine cistern, dilitation 257, 260f, 264 - -, characteristic clinical findings 259 - -, cisternography 258 - -, computed tomography 258f.,260ff - -, computed tomography, differential diagnosis 258f.,

262 - -, contrast enhancement 257, 260ff - -, contrast enhancement, ring-shaped 262 - -, coronary slices 263f - -, cysts 257, 262 - -, fourth ventricle, absence 257 - -, fourth ventricle, displacement 257, 260ff - -, hyperdense 261f - -, internal acoustic meatus, dilatation 257f.,392 - -, intracanalicular 258, 267, 392 - -, intrathecal contrast administration 258, 265ff - -, isodense 260f - -, necrosis 262 - -, neuropathological aspects 11 - -, order of neuroradiological procedures 258 - -, perifocal edema 257, 260f - -, pyramid, destruction 387 - -, regressive changes 257, 262f - -, small tumors 258,261, 266f - -, statistics 18f.,257 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 257 adenocarcinomas, intracranial metastases 345, 355, 374f adenoid-cystic carcinomas 12, 342, 345 - -, base of the skull 342, 345 - -, orbit 477 adenomas, lacrimal gland 475 aesthesioneuroblastomas 12, 343, 346 ambient cistern, obliteration by tumors 242, 247 - -, tumors 106, 134, 155,312,314,322,324, 326f analysis of CT findings 19f. anaplastic astrocytomas 7, 31ff., 34ff., 113, 114f - -, additional diagnostic procedures 32 - -, basal ganglia 36 - -, cerebellar 41 - -, cerebral 34ff - -, characteristic clinical findings 32 - -, computed tomography 31 f., 34ff - -, computed tomography, differential diagnosis 33,

35f, 38, 41 - -, contrast enhancement 32f., 34ff - -, contrast enhancement, ring-shaped 35f, 38f

- -, cysts 32, 35f - -, glioblastoma, transition to 38f - -, hemorrhage 36 - -, hypodense 32, 34f - -, infiltration of the ventricular wall 40 - -, isodense 32, 37f, 41 - -, neuropathological aspects 7 - -, perifocal edema 32, 38j! - -,pons 113, 114f - -, recurrence 40 - -, solid tumor portions 35f - -, statistics 18 f., 32 - -, survey 31 - -, typical CT findings 32f. - -, typical locations 31 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 32 aneurysms 437,443ff -, basilar artery 448f -, calcification 444f, 448 -, -, bowl-shaped 445,448f -, cerebellopontine angle 449 -, contrast enhancement 443, 450 -, internal carotid artery 393, 443ff -, - .. -, bone destruction 445 -, _. -, infraclinoidal portion 393, 445 -, - - -, intracranial bifurcation 445 -, - - -, ophthalmic aneurysms 443f -, intraventricular 447 -, middle cerebral artery 445 -, posterior cerebral artery 446 -, posterior choroidal artery 447 -, rosette figure in CT scan 446 -, sella region 443 -, thrombosed, partially 446 -, vein of Galen 437,450 angioblastomas, cf. hemangioblastomas 287ff., 29011 angiomas, arteriovenous 437, 438, 441f, 462, 497, 499 -, -, calcification 441 -, -, central region 438 -, -, cerebellum 442 -, -, cerebral hemispheres 247, 441 -, -, differential diagnosis in CT 462 -, -, occipital lobe 438 -, -, orbits 497 -, -, pons 442 -, -, space-occupying effects 438 aplasia, cerebellar vermis 330 -, sphenoid wing 397, 496 aqueduct, blockage 154,313 -, compression 85 -, displacement 242f .. , pilocytic astrocytoma 104 -, stenosis 414,418 arachnoid cysts 423, 424ff

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arachnoid cysts, bone destruction 424, 427 - -, cerebellopontine angle 427 - -, chiasmatic cistern 425 - -, cisterna magna 426f - -, computed tomography 423, 424ff - -, computed tomography, differential diagnosis 423,

426ff - -, foramen of Monro, blockage 425 - -, hydrocephalus 425f - -, junction of the three lobes 424 - -, lamina tecti 426 - -, posterior fossa 426ff - -, subdural effusions 424 - -, temporal 424 - -, typical CT findings 423 - -, typical locations 423 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 423 arteriovenous malformations, cf. angiomas, arteriovenous

437 ff. astroblastomas 9, 135, 137 astrocytes 4 -, fibrillary 7 -, gemistocytic 7 -, protoplasmatic 7 astrocytomas 7, 22ff., 25ff, 113, 114f, 434 -, additional diagnostic procedures 23 -, anaplastic 7, 31ff., 34ff, 114f -, basal ganglia 28 -, blockage of CSF pathways 28 -, calcification 29 -, cerebral 25ff -, characteristic clinical findings 23 -, computed tomography 23f., 25ff -, - -, differential diagnosis 24, 434 -, contrast enhancement 23f., 25ff. -, corpus callosum 25 -, diffuse growth 23, 25 -, fibrillary 7, 23f., 113 -, gemistocytic 7, 23f., 29f -, -, cysts 29f -, -, solid tumor portions 30 -, hydrocephalus 28 -, hypodense 23, 25f[. -, isodense 23, 29 -, juvenile type 90 ff. , 94ff, 113 -, neuropathological aspects 7 f. -, perifocal edema 23, 27, 29 f -, pilocytic 9, 90ff., 94ff, 105, 109f, 113 -,pons 113,114 -, protoplasmatic 7, 23 -, statistics 18f., 23 -, subependyrnal giant cell 9, 135-142 -, survey 22 -, typical CT findings 23 -, typical locations 23 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 23 astrocytoma to sis cerebri 44 atlas 381 autochthonous brain tumors 22-194

basal cisterns 17, 265ff, 281 basal ganglia lesions, abscesses 408f - - -, aneurysms 447, 449 - - -, arteriovenous malformations 441 - - -, astrocytomas 28

- - -, astrocytomas, anaplastic 36 - - -, astrocytomas, pilocytic 108f - - -, ependymomas 124 - - -, ependymomas, anaplastic 131 - - -, epidermoids 327 - - -, glioblastomas 67ff, 81, 88 - - -, glioblastomas, hemorrhage in 71 - - -, infarction 457, 461 - - -, medulloblastomas 154 - - -, metastases 369 - - -, oligodendrogliomas, anaplastic 53 base of the skull, cf. skull base 378-398 basilar artery, aneurysms 437, 448f - -, -, fusiform 450ff - -, ectasia 437, 450ff blockage of the aqueduct 154,313 - - - CSF pathways 28,81,231,278,414 - - - foramen of Magendie 414,417

Subject Index

- - - - of Monro 85, 92, 105, 109, 128ff, 147, 233, 277, 304f, 308, 309, 425

- - - foramina of Luschka 414,417 blood, absorption values 20, 432 -, isodense 432 -, liquefied 432, 434 blood-brain barrier disruption 15, 62, 64, 454, 459ff blood vessels, tumors 287ff., 290ff bone changes, arachnoid cysts 424, 427 bone destruction, base of the skull 337, 339, 343ff,

382ff, 391, 445 - -, clinoid process 382f, 385f, 393 - -, dorsum sellae 274, 276, 382jJ., 393 - -, lamina cribrosa 384 - -, lamina papyracea 476, 486 - -, orbits 476, 478f, 481, 486, 488 - -, petrous bone 337,344, 390f - -, planum sphenoidale 330f - -, pyramids 384, 387f, 390ff - -, skull vault 175,227,329, 401ff - -, sphenoid wing 211, 227, 332, 385, 394, 445, 478f - -, wall of the maxillary sinus 395 bone metastases, base of the skull 383, 394 - -, skull vault 399, 402ff brain abscesses 406, 4071f - -, basal ganglia 409 - -, cerebellum 408, 411 - -, differential diagnosis in CT 406, 422 - -, multichambered 409[. - -, multilocular 410 - -, perifocal edema 406, 4071[, - -, presence of gas 410 - -, rhinogen 408 brain atrophy, neuroradiological procedures 504 brain edema, brain abscesses 406, 4071f - -, brain infarction 454,4571f - -, brain tumors 18 f. - -, brain tumors, grading 20 brain infarction 454, 456ff, 504 - -, cerebellum 458 - -, -, hydrocephalus 458 - -, contrast enhancement 454, 4591f - -, contrast enhancement, garland-shaped 4601f - -, differential diagnosis in CT 64, 459 ff - -, disruption of the blood-brain barrier 454, 459ff. - -, edema 454, 4571f - -, hemorrhage 459

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Subject Index

- -, hemorrhagic 454, 457/, 460. - -, lenticulostriate arteries 461 - -, middle cerebral artery 457, 46o.jf - -, middle cerebral artery, contrast enhancement 459 - -, order of neuroradiological procedures 504 - -, posterior cerebral artery 457 - -, posterior choroidal artery 457 - -, posterior inferior cerebellar artery 458 - -, typical CT findings 457ff - -, vascular distribution areas 456 brain stem angiomas 437, 442 brain stem tumors, astrocytomas 144ff - - -, astrocytomas, pilocytic 95, lo.l1! - - -, ependymomas 123, 131 - - -, epidermoid cysts 327 - - -, lipomas 312f - - -, medulloblastomas 154 - - -, metastases 351 - - -, unknown histological type 125 brain tumors 18-377 - -, accuracy of CT diagnosis 18, 503 - -, classification 2 ff. - -, -, history of 2 ff. - -, contrast enhancement 18f. - -, differentiation from brain infarction in CT 454,

459ff - -, differentiation from nonneoplastic space-occupying le-

sions 405-462 - -, frequency of perifocal edema 18 f. - -, general survey of CT findings 18 f. - -, grading 5f., 21 - -, histological types 7 ff. - -, involving base of the skull 378-397 - -, neuropathological survey 2ff. - -, order of neuroradiological procedures 504 - -, prognostic value 21 - -, statistics 18 f. - -, type-specific diagnosis in CT 20 - -, WHO-classification 6f., 21 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 18 brain tumors in children, angioblastomas 290. - - -, astroblastomas 137 - - -, astrocytomas 27, 113f., 114ff. - - -, astrocytomas, anaplastic 41 - - -, astrocytomas, pilocytic 90ff., 94ff - - -, cavernous hemangiomas 298f - - -, cerebral ependymomas 12Of., 128f - - -, colloid cysts, third ventricle 30.9 - - -, craniopharygiomas 3GGff, 3G3ff. - - -, diffuse gliomatosis 58(. - - -, embryonal mixed tumors, malignant 193 - - -, ependymomas 118ff., 122f, 125ff - - -, gangliocytomas 147 - - -, germinomas 186f., 190.[(. - - -, hamartomas 296 - - -, histiocytosis x 178 - - -, hypothalmic gliomas 90ff., 10.5, 471 - - -, leucemic infiltrates 175 - - -, lipomas 311, 312(., 319 - - -, medulloblastomas 148ff., 1511! - - -, monstrocellular sarcomas 176 - - -, neuroblastomas 147 - - -, oligodendrogliomas, anaplastic 53 - - -, optic nerve gliomas 469, 470.(. - - -, pineocytomas 186, 194


- - -, pituitary adenomas 282 - - -, plexus papillomas 179f., 183/ - - -, rhabdomyosarcomas 346 - - -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 135, 136,

138f - - -, teratomas 320f., 333/ brain tumor resection, early postoperative phase 406,

411f Brill-Symmers' disease 484 bronchogenetic carcinomas, intracranial metastases 349,

351, 353f, 356f, 364f buphthalmus 496, 498 butterfly glioblastomas 61, 82ff

calcification, intracranial, aneurysms 437, 444f, 448f -, -, arteriovenous malformations 437, 441 -, -, basal ganglia 445 -, -, bowl-shaped, lipoma 311, 315 ff -, -, cavernomas 295, 298f -, -, chondromas 335, 337 f -, -, chordomas 335,339f -, -, craniopharyngiomas 300f., 3G31! -, -, cysts 423, 429 -, -, dermoid cysts 321, 330., 332f -, -, differential diagnosis in CT 44, 432 -, -, diffuse gliomatosis 45, 59 -, -, ependymomas 119, 122f, 125, 128ff -, -, epidermoid cysts 321 -, -, falx 27 -, -, gangliocytomas 142, 143, 145f -, -, gangliogliomas 143, 145 -, -, ganglioneuroblastomas 143, 146 -, -, garland-shaped 46, 130. -, -, gemistocytic astrocytomas 29 -, -, glioblastomas 62, 68, 82 -, -, hamartomas 295, 296f -,-,lipomas 311,315ff -, -, malignant mixed embryonal tumors 193 -, -, medulloblastomas 155(. -, -, meningiomas 195f., 2GOff., 2G9ff, 215, 226, 231,

235, 242, 244f -, -, mixed gliomas 45, 55 -, -, nerve cell tumors 143, 144ff -, -, oligodendrogliomas 42f., 46jf, 50., 52 -, -, para ventricular, Fahr's disease 341 -, -, pilocytic astrocytomas 92, lOG, 10.7, 110. -, -, pineal tumors 194 -, -, pineo blastomas 187, 188 -, -, pineocytomas 187, 194 -, -, pituitary adenomas 271,278 . ,-, plexus papillomas 180, 181ff -, -, Sturge-Weber disease (encephalotrigeminal syn­

drome) 437, 442 -, -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 135, 137,

139f -, -, teratomas 321, 333 -, -, tuberous sclerosis 135, 138ff. -, -, varicocele, orbital 498 -, -, ventricular walls 135, 138jf carcinomas, adenoid-cystic 12, 342, 345 -, -, base of the skull 342, 345 -, -, orbital 477 -, embryonal 12 -, ethmoid cells 475ff.

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carcinoma, lacrimal glands 475 -, maxillary sinus 345, 395 -, meningeal 13 -, nasal cavity 476 -, orbits 475/ -, -, primary 475/ -, -, secondary 475/ -, parana sal sinuses 342, 345, 394, 476 -, pterygopalatine fossa 395 carcinomas, intracranial metastases, cf. metastases 347ff. -, - -, adenocarcinomas 348f., 355, 374/ -, - -, breast carcinomas 348f., 358, 366f/, 394, 478f/ -, - -, bronchogenic carcinomas 348/,351, 353f/, 364/ -, - -, choriocarcinomas 349, 377 -, - -, hypernephromas (renal adenocarcinomas) 348f.,

360, 362, 372/ -, - -, multiple, adenocarcinomas 355 -, - -, multiple breast carcinomas 367 -, - -, multiple bronchogenic carcinomas 353/, 356/,

365 -, - --, prostate carcinomas 376 -, - -, rectal carcinomas 359, 361, 374 -, - -, seminomas 357 -, - --, squamous cell carcinomas 362 -, - -, uterine carcinomas 376 carotid artery, aneurysms 393,443ff carotid-cavernous fistula 498, 499/ cavernous hemangiomas (cavernomas) 295, 298{, 342,

343, 398, 400, 464, 466/ - --, base of the skull 342, 343 - -, base of the skull, destruction 343 - -, calcification 298/ - -, clivus 343 - -, orbits 464, 466{ - -, vault 398, 400 cavernous sinus, contrast uptake 272 - -, meningiomas 239, 467 cerebellar astrocytomas cf. pilocytic astrocytomas 90 ff. cerebellar lesions, abscesses 408,411 - -, angioblastomas 290f{ - -, arachnoid cysts 426f/ - -, astrocytomas, anaplastic 41 - -, -, pilocytic 94jf,99/ - -, chondromas 337 - -, cysts 428/ - -, dermoid cysts 332 - -, endodermal cysts 310 - -, ependymomas i22f - -, epidermoid cysts 329 - -, gangliocytomas 146 - -, ganglioneuroblastomas 146 - -, hemangioblastomas 290f/ - -, hemangiopericytomas 253 - -, hematomas 435 - -, infarction 458 - -, leucemic infiltrates 175 - -, malignant lymphomas 169 - -, medulloblastomas 151f/ - -, metastases 351/,356, 374/

-, monstrocellular sarcomas 176 -, neurinomas, tenth nerve 268 - -, plexus papillomas 181 - -, sarcomas 149, 157f - -, spongioblastomas 94f/,99f/ - -, subdural empyemas 411

Subject Index

cerebellar vermis, aplasia 330 cerebellopontine angle lesions, acoustic neurinomas

255ff., 261ff - - -, aneurysms 448/ - - -, arachnoid cysts 427 - - -, chondromas 337 - - -, differential diagnosis in CT 258, 432, 449, 452 - - -, epidermoid cysts 322ff - - -, glomus tumors 344 - - -, hemangioblastomas 294 - - -, lipomas 319 - - -, medulloblastomas i57/ - - -, meningiomas 204, 238, 240, 243, 247f, 388 - - -, metastases 375 - - -, plexus papillomas 182 - - -, rhabdomyosarcomas 346 cerebellopontine cistern, CT demonstration 265/ - -, dilatation 257,260 - -, obliteration 257 cerebral angiography, indications 503f. - -, vascular malformations 437, 439 cerebral arteries, distribution areas 456 cerebral ependymomas 120ff., 128f/, 134 chemodectomas 13, 342, 344, 381, 383, 390/ chiasma region, tumors 90, 92, 105, 269ff., 274ff, 300f.,

303ff, 328, 47i - -, syndrome 270 chiasmatic cistern, cysts 425 - -, tumors 105f., 190, 192, 205, 236, 238, 272, 274, 304,

313 chocolate cysts 432f., 433 chondromas 335, 337/ --, base of the skull, destruction 337 -, calcification 337f -, cerebellopontine angle 337 -, falx 338 -, petrous bone, destruction 337 chordomas 335,339f/ -, base of the skull, destruction 339 -, calcification 339f -, clivus 335, 339, 341 -, sphenoid sinus 340 -, sub sellar 340 choriocarcinomas, intracranial metastases 349, 377 choristoma, neurohypophysis 273, 286 choroid plexus, calcification 248 - -, CT demonstration after contrast enhancement 409 - -, displacement 79, 216, 248, 438/ - -, lipomas 311,314/ - -, meningiomas 240, 248 - -, papillary ependymomas 127 - -, plexus papillomas 185 circle of Willis 278 cisterna magna, cysts 426{ - -, differential diagnosis of CT findings 427 cisterns, demonstration in CT 17, 265f/, 281, 326 cisternography; positive 257 classification of brain tumors 2 ff. - - -, embryogenetic 4 - - -, histogenetic 2 - - -, history 2ff. - - -, WHO classification Sf. clinoid process, demonstration in CT 384 - -, destruction 382/, 385/, 393 - -, elevation in ethmoid cell carcinoma 345

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Subject Index

- -, hyperostosis 386 - -, meningiomas 386 clivus tumors, cavernous hemangiomas 343 - -, chordomas 335, 339, 341 - -, meningiomas 240, 243 colloid cysts, third ventricle 12, 308, 309 computed tomography, air cisternography, combined

with 258, 265 ff - -, analysis of absorption values 14 - -, analysis of CT scans 14f., 19f. - -, artefacts 14 - -, brain tumors 18-377 - -, brain tumors, accuracy 18 - -, contrast enhancement 14ff., 18ff. - -, coronary projections 14 - -, criteria for evaluation 19 - -, demonstration of cisterns with metrizamid 17 - -, density measurement 14 - -, histograms 14 - -, intrathecal contrast administration 17, 272, 281, 302,

307, 322, 326 - -, intravenous contrast administration 14ff. - -, orbitomeatalline 14 - -, orbits 463 ff., 466jJ. - -, -, complications 464 - -, -, indication 464 - -, -, radiation exposition 464 - -, -, technique of examination 463 - -, phantom measurements 14 - -, postcontrast studies 14f. - -, precontrast studies 15 - -, reformatted pictures 189,241,284 - -, region of interest 14 - -, slices thickness 14 - -, -, overlapping 14 - -, systems 14 - -, standard technique 14 - -, technique of examination 14ff. - -, type-specific diagnosis 20 - -, - - diagnosis, limitations 20 conglomerate granulomas in sarcoidosis 419,422 contrast administration, intravenous 14ff. - -, -, accidents 15f. - -, -, contraindication 16 - -, -, dosage 15, 17 - -, -, indication 15 - -, -, rapid infusion of high dosage in chronic subdural

hematomas 433, 436 - -, -, risk factors 16 - -, -, risks 15ff. - -, -, side effects 15f. - -, -, systemic reaction 15 - -, intrathecal (metrizamide) 17, 258, 272, 281, 301,

307,326 - -, -, dosage 17 - -, -, indication 17, 258, 272 - -, -, side effects 17 contrast enhancement 14ff., 18ff. contrast media, reaction to 15 f. contrast uptake in brain tumors 18f. corpus callosum, tumors, astrocytomas 25 - -, -, gangliocytomas 146 - -, -, ganglioneuroblastomas 147 - -, -, glioblastomas 68, 82ff - -, -, histiocytomas 177

- -, -, lipomas 315ff - -, -, malignant lymphomas 165 - -, -, meningiomas 219,221,253 - -, -, mixed gliomas 56 - -, -, oligodendrogliomas 47f,50 craniopharygiomas 12, 18f., 300-307,384 -, additional diagnostic procedures 301 -, base of the skull, destruction 384 -, blockage of foramen of Monro 304f -, calcification 301,303ff -, characteristic clinical findings 301 -, computed tomography 301,303jJ. -, - -, differential diagnosis 272f., 285, 302 -, contrast enhancement 301, 303f -, cysts, cystic portions 301,303f -, hydrocephalus 304f -, intrathecal contrast administration 302, 307 -, neuropathological aspects 12 -, reccurence 303,305f -, solid tumor portions 301 -, solid tumors 304 -, statistics 18f., 301 -, survey 300 -, typical CT findings 301 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 301 cribriform plate, dermoid cysts 330f - -, meningiomas 213, 232 - -, teratomas 333


- -, thickening in olfactory groove meningiomas 200, 230 crista galli 380f CSF pathways, blockage 28,81,221,231,233, 242jJ.,

247f, 278, 414, 417f - -, chronic inflammatory processes 414,417f CT diagnosis of brain tumors, type-specific 20 - - - -, general data 20 CT differential diagnosis, acoustic neurinomas 258f. - - -, calcifications/hematomas 432 - - -, cerebellar tumors in children 150 - - -, cerebral tumors in children 121 - - -, cystic lesions 288f., 322, 423, 430 - - -, cysts, posterior fossa 288f., 322,423 - - -, glioblastomas/brain abscesses 63 - - -, hemorrhage in brain tumors 62, 64 - - -, hypodense lesions, posterior fossa 288f., 322 - - -, - lesions, supratentorial 24, 322 - - -, isodense chronic hematomas/diffuse gliomatosis

432f. - - -, lipomas/dermoid cysts 311 - - -, locally invasive tumors 342 - - -, medulloblastomas/pilocytic astrocytomas 150 - - -, meningiomas 163,214,222, 229, 234, 240f. - - -, metastases, intracranial 349f. - - -, multifocal space-occupying intracranial lesions

349f. - - -, nonneoplastic space-occupying intracranial lesions

405ff. - - -, orbital tumors 502 - - -, pituitary adenomas 272f.

, pseudotumor vermis 150 - - -, ring structures after contrast enhancement, cerebel­

lum 289 - - -, - structures after contrast enhancement, cerebral

hemispheres 63, 406 - - -, skull base, processes 381 ff. - - -, skull vault, processes 398f.

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CT differential diagnosis, suprasellar tumors 272f., 285, 302

- - -, supratentorial calcifications 44 - - -, tumors, chiasma region 93, 164 - - -, -, foramen of Monro 135 - - -, -, fourth ventricle 120 f., 180 - - -, -, lamina tecti 121, 187 - - -,-, lateral ventricle 121,135,180,241 - - -, -, third ventricle 121 - - -, tumors/infarction 454 - - -, tumors/old hematomas 432 - - -, tumors/vascular malformations 437 - - -, trigeminal neurinomas 259 CT examination, intermediate slices 14 - -, technique 14ff., 378,463 CT follow-up studies, craniopharyngiomas 306 - - -, ependymomas 128,132 - - -, glioblastomas 72ff, 83 - - -, herpes simplex encephalitis 416 - - -, lipomas 314 - - -, malignant lymphomas 167 - - -, multiple sclerosis 420 - - -, pilocytic astrocytomas 102 - - -, radiation necrosis 413 - - -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 140f - - -, tumors of the pineal region 190f, 193 cylindromas 12, 342, 345 -, base of the skull 342, 345 -, maxillary sinus 396 -, neuropathological aspects 12 -, orbits 477 -, paranasal sinuses 342, 345 cysticercosis 430 f cysts 423, 424ff -, acoustic neurinomas 257, 262 -, angioblastomas 288, 290ff -, -, differential diagnosis 426, 428 -, arachnoid cysts 423, 424ff -, astrocytomas, anaplastic 35f -, -, gemistocytic 29 f -, -, pilocytic 92, 94ff, 111f -, calcification 423, 429 -, cerebellum 423, 424ff -, chocolate cysts 432, 433 -, contrast uptake 423, 424ff -, cranio-cerebral injury 429 -, craniopharyngiomas 300f., 303ff -, Dandy Walker cysts 423 -, dermoids 321,329ff -, differential diagnosis in CT 422, 423, 426ff -,endodermal 308,310 -,ependymal 308,309 -, ependymomas 127f, 130 -, -, anaplastic 120, 128ff -, epidermoids 322ff, 474 -, -, differential diagnosis in CT 422, 426 -, foramen of Monro 12, 308, 309 -, fronto-precentral region 429 -, gangliocytomas 143, 145 -, gangliogliomas 143, 145 -, ganglioneuroblastomas 145 -, glioblastomas 60, 66, 75f, 81 -, hamartomas 296 -, hemangioblastomas 288, 290ff -, -, differential diagnosis in CT 426, 428

Subject Index

-, lamina terminalis 426 -, medulloblastomas 149, 156f -, meningiomas 108, 198, 207, 209, 215 -, metastases 376 -, monstrocellular sarcomas 163, 176 -, neuroepithelial 308, 309 -, oligodendrogliomas 43, 47 -, -, anaplastic 52 -, paraphyseal 308, 309 -, pineocytomas 188 -, pituitary adenomas 269, 278ff -, plexus papillomas 180, 185 -, pontine gliomas 113,117 -, posterior fossa 426ff -, - -, differential diagnosis in CT 427 -, sedimentation effect 76, 207, 434 -, simple 423 -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 136ff -, subependymomas 127

Dandy-Walker cyst 423 defects in brain tissue, following encephalitis 416 deformation of the base of the skull 381, 382f demyelinating diseases, acute 419,420f - -, multiple sclerosis 419, 420f - -, diffuse sclerosis 419, 421 density values of tissues and fluids 20 dermoids (dermoid cysts) 12, 18f., 320ff., 329ff, 397, 474 -, additional diagnostic procedures 321 -, bone destruction 330ff, 397f. -, calcification 321,330, 332f -, computed tomography 321 f., 329ff -, - -, differential diagnosis 311,320,322, 332f -, contrast enhancement 322 -, coronary slices 330 -, cribriform plate 330f -, fourth ventricle 332 -, frontal 329 ff -, hydrocephalus 332 -, hyperdense 321 -, neuropathological aspects 12 -, orbits 474 -, planum sphenoidale 333 -, sella region 329 -, statistics 18 f. -, survey 320 -, third ventricle 332 -, typical CT findings 321 -, typical locations 320f. desmoplastic medulloblastomas 10, 149, 157f destruction, base of the skull 337, 339, 343ff, 382ff,

391, 393f -, base of the skull, in carotid aneurysms 393, 445 -, dorsum sellae 274, 276, 382ff, 393 -, lamina p'apyracea 476, 486 -, maxillary sinus 395 -, orbits 476, 478f, 481, 486, 488 -, planum sphenoidale 330f -, pyramids 384, 387, 390ff -, skull vault 175, 227, 329, 401ff -, sphenoid wing 211, 227, 332, 385, 394, 478ff dexamethazone, effect on edema 79, 410 diffuse gliomatosis 3, 8,44, 57f, 432 - sarcomas, cf. malignant lymphomas 162

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- sclerosis 419, 421 - vascular sarcomatosis, cf. malignant lymphomas 162 diffuse tumor growth, astrocytomas 23, 25 - - -, malignant lymphomas 173 Doppler sonography 503 dura mater, fibromas 11,249,254 dorsum sellae, destruction 274, 276, 382jJ., 393 drusen papilla 469 dysontogenetic tumors 295--334 - -, cavernous hemangiomas 295, 298f, 342f, 466f - -, colloid cysts 12, 308, 309 - -, craniopharygiomas 12, 18f., 300ff., 303jJ., 384 - -, dermoid cysts 12, 18f., 320ff., 329jJ., 398, 474 - -, endodermal cysts 12, 308, 310 - -, epidermoid cysts 12, 18f., 320ff., 323ff, 397f., 473 - -, hamartomas 12,295, 296f - -, lipomas 12, 311f., 312ff - -, teratomas 12, 18f., 320f., 333f

echinococcosis 430, 431 ectopic pinealomas 186f., 188jJ. edema, brain infarction 454, 457jJ. -, perifocal, brain abscesses 406,408jJ. -, -, brain tumors 18f. -, -, finger-shaped 75, 77, 79, 212 -, -, funnel-shaped 230f -, -, grading 20 -, -, resolution as effects of therapy 79, 410 embryonal tumors of the pineal body 193 empty sella 272, 283f - -, postoperative 283 empyemas, subdural 410f, 414, 415 -, -, cerebellum 414, 415 -, -, cerebral hemispheres 414, 415 -, -, edema of the white matter 415 -, -, interhemispheric fissure 414,415 encephalitis, defects following 416 -, focal 414, 416 -, herpes simplex 414, 416 -, reticulohistiocytic granulomatous 162 encephalomyelitis, disseminated 419, 420f endocrine ophthalmopathy 500 - -, serial CT studies 501 - -, thickening of extraocular muscles 500f endodermal cysts 12, 308, 310 enostosis, meningiomas 198, 210f, 398 entrapped fourth ventricle 414, 417 ependymal cysts 308, 309 ependymal medulloblastomas 10, 119 ependymomas 9, 18f., 118ff., 122jJ. -, additional diagnostic procedures 119 -, ambient cistern 134 -, anaplastic 119, 128ff -, basal ganglia 131 -, calcification 119, 122f, 125, 128jJ. -, -, garland-shaped 130 -, cerebellum 122f -, cerebral ependymomas 119f.,128jJ. -, - -, atypical 134 -, characteristic clinical findings 119 -, compression of the anterior horns 128 -, computed tomography 120, 122jJ. -, - -, differential diagnosis 120, 123, 127 -, contrast uptake 120, 122jJ.


-, coronary slices 125 -, cysts 119, 127ff. -, foramen of Monro 125 -, foramen of Monro, blockage 128ff. -, fourth ventricle 120, 122f -, - -, blockage 122 -, - -, dorsal displacement 123 -, fronto-temporal 128 -, head of caudate nucleus 125 -, hemorrhage 120, 132 -, hydrocephalus 122jJ. -, hyperdense 119f., 122jJ. -, hypodense 119f., 127, 131 -, intraventricular 120, 122jJ., 133 -, isodense 119, 125, 134 -, juvenile 119f., 128jJ. -, lamina tecti 125 -, lateral ventricles 120, 125f, 133 -, necrosis 122, 132 -, neuropathological aspects 9 -,occipito-parietal 132 -, papillary 119,127 -, perifocal edema 120,122,130, 132f -, periventricular lucency 122, 124 -, pineal region 124 -,pons 123 -, recurrence 128 -, serial CT findings 128, 132 -, solid tumor portions 125f, 131ff -, statistics 18f., 120 -, sUbependymomas 9,119, 125f -, survey 118 -, temporo-parietal 133 -, thalamus 124, 131 -, third ventricle 120, 122, 124f -, trigonum 127, 133 -, typical CT findings 119f. -, typical locations 119 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 120 epidermoids (epidermoid cysts) 12, 18f., 320ff., 322jJ.,

397f -, additional diagnostic procedures 321 -, ambient cistern 322, 324, 326f -, atypical CT appearance 321 -, base of the middle fossa 328 -, calcification 321 -, cerebellopontine angle 322jJ. -, cerebral hemispheres 324 -, chiasma region 328 -, computed tomography 321 f., 322jJ. -, - -, differential diagnosis 322, 325, 327, 422, 423 -, destruction of the skull vault 329 -, diploe of the skull vault 328f -, extradural 329 -, fourth ventricle 325 -, hydrocephalus 327 -, interpeduncular cistern 328 -, intrathecal metrizamide 322,326 -, neuropathological aspects 12 -, occipital 327 -, orbits 473 -, parapontine 323f, 326 -, posterior fossa 322f, 325, 329 -, prepontine 323 -, serial CT studies 326

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epidermoids, skull vault 329 -, statistics 18f. -, survey 320 -, Sylvian fissure 329 -, thalamus 327 -, third ventricle 328 -, typical CT findings 321 -, typical locations 320 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 321 ethmoid cells 380, 384, 395 - -, carcinomas 475ff - -, giant cell granulomas 490 - -, mucoceles 493ff - -, pyoceles 495 exophthalmus 464ff., 466jJ. extracranial tumors, invading the skull cavity 342, 343f,

394,475 extraocular muscles, thickening in endocrine ophthalmo­

pathy 500,500f - -, tumors 485

falx, calcification 27 -, chondromas 338 -, hemangiopericytomas 253 -, meningiomas 201f, 206, 208, 214, 217ff, 231 fibrillary astrocytomas 7, 23f., 113 fibromas, dura mater 11,249,254 -, orbits 465, 473 fibrosarcomas 465, 487 fibrous dysplasia 12, 394, 398, 465 foramen jugulare 379, 381, 390 f - Magendie, occlusion 414, 417 - of Monro, blockage by arachnoidal cysts 425 - - -, - by cerebral ependymomas 128ff - - -, - by colloid cysts 308, 309 - - -, - by craniopharygiomas 304f - - -, - by ganglioneuroblastomas 147 - - -, - by glioblastomas 81 - - -, - by pilocytic astrocytomas 92, 105, 109 - - -, - by pituitary adenomas 277f - - -, - by suprasellar meningiomas 233 - - -, cysts 12, 308, 309 - - -, tumors 135 - - -, -, astroblastomas 9, 137 - - -, -, cavernomas 298 - - -, -, ependymomas 9,125 - - -, -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 9, 135,

136ff -, optic 378, 380 -, oval 380f, 383f, 398 -, -, dilatation 384 foramina of Luschka 182 - - - occlusion 414, 417 fourth ventricle, dermoid cysts 332 - -, displacement, acoustic neurinomas 257, 260ff - -, entrapped 414, 417 - -, ependymomas 122ff - -, epidermoid cysts 325 - -, medulloblastomas 151ff - -, pineocytomas, anisomorphic 194 - -, plexus papillomas 181f - -, occlusion, secondary to inflammation 414, 417 frontal sinus, mucoceles 493 frontal tumors/lesions, angioblastomas 291

Subject Index

- -, astrocytomas 25ff,29ff - -, -, anaplastic 34f, 37f - -, -, pilocytic 110 - -, craniopharygiomas 306 - -, cylindromas 345 - -, cysticercosis 431 - -, cysts 429 - -, dermoid cysts 329 ff - -, epidermoid cysts 328f - -, ependymomas 128ff - -, gangliocytomas 144 - -, gangliogliomas 144f - -, glioblastomas 65ff, 70f, 75, 81f, 88f - -, histiocytomas 177 - -, malignant lymphomas 165 - -, meningiomas 200, 205ff, 211f, 215, 217jJ, 222jJ.,

227,230ff - -, metastases 355ff, 361, 363f, 366ff, 373 - -, oligodendrogliomas 46ff, 53 - -, osteomas 336 - -, pituitary adenomas 280f fusiform dilitation, basilar artery 450ff - -, internal carotid artery 453

gangliocytomas 9, 143, 144ff gangliogliomas 9, 143, 144jJ ganglioneuroblastomas 9, 143, 145ff gas in brain abscesses 410 gemistocytes 7 gemistocytic astrocytomas 7, 19, 23f., 29f germinomas, intraventricular spread 193 -, pineal region 12, 186f., 188f -, suprasellar (ectopic pinealoma) 10, 187, 191f giant aneurysms 437, 443f, 449 giant cell granulomas 490 glaucoma, congenital 496 glioblastomas 7f., 18f., 60ff., 65/J -, additional diagnostic procedures 61 -, basal ganglia 67ff, 81, 88 -, blockage of CSF pathways 81 -, butterfly glioblastomas 82ff -, calcification 62, 68, 82 -, computed tomography 61,65ff -, - -, differential diagnosis 63f., 66ff -, contrast enhancement 62f., 65ff -, - -, garland-shaped 62f., 66, 70, 77ff -, - -, ring structures 62f., 65ff -, corpus callosum 68, 82fJ. -, - -, compression of the aqueduct 85 -, cysts 62, 66, 75f, 81 -, -, contrast uptake 62, 76 -, -, sedimentation effects 76 -, foramen of Monro, blockage 81 -, frontal 65ff, 70f, 75, 81f, 88f -, hemorrhage 62, 70ff, 82 -, hydrocephalus 81 -, in statu nascendi 62, 73f -, isodense 62, 70, 79 -, lamina tecti 84f -, multifocal 63, 85ff -, necrosis 62, 65jJ., 75, 77, 81f, 88 -, neuropathological aspects 7f. -, occipital 66, 70, 72, 78 -, parietal 74, 80, 88

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-, perifocal edema 61 f., 65ff -, precentral 65, 67, 71, 76 -, serial CT findings 72ff, 79, 83 -, statistics 18 f., 61 -, survey 60 -, temporal 69f, 72, 75f, 79,85,87 -, thalamus 81 -, typical CT findings 63 -, typical locations 61 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 61 glioma apoplecticum 70 gliomas 3, 5ff., 22-142, 432, 469f. -, differentiation 5 -, diffuse growth 8,44, 57f -, grading 5f. -, hypothalamus 471 -, optic nerve 469, 470f -, pons 113, 115ff gliomatosis, diffuse 3, 8, 44, 57f, 432 -, -, differential diagnosis/chronic subdural hematoma,

isodense 432 gliosarcomas 8, 89 glomus tumors 13,342,344,381,383, 390f - -, base of the skull, destruction 342, 344, 391 - -, cerebellopontine angle 342, 344 - -, contrast enhancement 342, 344 - -, conventional x-ray tomography 383, 390f - -, petro us bone 344, 390f grading, brain tumors 6f. -, perifocal edema 20 granulomas 10, 419, 422 granulomatous meningitis 419 Graves' disease cf. endocrine ophthalmopathy 500 gummas 419, 422

hamartomas 9, 12, 295, 296f hemangioblastomas 11, 287ff., 290ff, 488 -, additional diagnostic procedures 288 -, cerebellum 290jJ. -, cerebral 291 -, computed tomography 288, 290ff -, - -, differential diagnosis 288 -, contrast uptake 288, 290ff -, - -, ring structures 292f -, cysts 288,290ff -, -, differential diagnosis 426, 428 -, isodense 292 -, multiple 292 -, neuropathological aspects 11 -, perifocal edema 288 -, orbits 488 -, recurrence 292 -, solid tumor nodules 289,291, 293f -, statistics 18f., 288 -, survey 287 -, typical CT findings 288 -, typical locations 288 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 288 hemangioendotheliomas, cf. hemangioblastomas 287ff. hemangiomas, arteriovenous of the scalp 499 -, cavernous, cf. cavernous hemangiomas 295, 298f, 342,

343, 398, 400, 464, 466f hemangiopericytomas 11,249, 253f hematomas/hemorrhages, intracranial 432f., 433ff

-, -, brain infarction 454, 459 f -, -, brain tumors, anaplastic astrocytomas 36 -, -, - -, ependymomas 120, 132 -, -, - -, glioblastomas 62, 70ff, 83 -, -, - -, medulloblastomas 149, 156 -, -, - -, metastases 348f., 359ff, 363, 369, 374,

377 -, -, - -, oligodendrogliomas 43, 54 -, -, - -, pilocytic astrocytomas 92, 99 -, -, - -, pituitary adenomas 271, 279f -, -, cerebellar 435 -, -, cerebrovascular malformations 432, 433 -, -, chocolate cysts 432, 433 -, -, chronic subdural, bilateral 433, 436 -, -, - -, isodense 432f., 436 -, -, - -, isodense, differential diagnosis in CT 433 -, -, - -, isodense, rapid contrast infusion 433, 436 -, -, contrast enhancement, ring structures 432 -, -, diagnostic procedures 504 -, -, differential diagnosis in CT 432 -, -, hypertensive 432 -, -, in tracere bral 432 -, -, isodense 432, 435 -, -, microangiomas 432, 433 -, -, old liquified, hyperdense 432f., 433 -, -, - -, hypodense 432, 434 -, -, - -, isodense 432, 435 -, -, pontine 432 hiatus tentorii, meningiomas 240, 248 herpes simplex encephalitis 414, 416 histiocytomas 10, 164, 177, 219 -, malignant 164, 177 histiocytosis X to, 164, 178 Hodgkin's disease 176 Hounsfield numbers of tissues and fluids 20 hydrocephalus, aqueduct stenosis 418 -, following inflammation 417


-, midline lesions 84f, 105, 109, 124f, 136ff, 147, 183, 188,221,233,242,248,277,286, 303ff, 309f, 313, 327, 332ff, 336, 408, 425, 433, 44~ 449

-, occlusive 414, 417f -, processes in the posterior fossa 94ff, 114, 122, 151f/,

176, 243f, 290ff, 341, 344, 351, 408, 426, 428f, 448, 450f,458

hydrophthalmus 496, 498 hyperdense 19 hypernephromas, intracranial metastases 349, 360, 362,

372f hyperostosis 198, 209ff, 225, 227, 230, 376, 385f,

398f hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage 432 hypodense 19 hypothalamus, histiocytosis X 164, 178 -, pilocytic astrocytomas 90f., 105, 109, 471

immunocytomas, orbits 482f infarction, anterior cerebral artery 456 -, cerebellar arteries 456, 458 -, middle cerebral artery 454, 456f, 459f -, - - -, hemorrhage 454, 459 -, posterior cerebral artery 456, 457 -, - - -, hemorrhage 454, 460 inferior sagittal sinus, meningiomas 221

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inflammatory processes 406f., 407f[, 414, 415f[ - -, brain abscesses 406f., 407fj. - -, chronic, with occlusion or stenosis of the CSF path-

ways 414, 417[ - -, granulomas 419, 422 - -, focal meningoencephalitis 414, 416[ - -, orbits 488, 489f[ - -, subdural empyemas 414, 415 infraclinoidal carotid aneurysms 393, 445 infundibulomas cf. pilocytic astrocytomas 91 infundibulum, germinomas 191[ -, lipomas 313 interhemispheric fissure, subdural empyema 414,415 intermediate slices, CT examination 14 internal acoustic meatus, demonstration in CT 258,265[,

379 - - -, dilatation in acoustic neurinomas 256f., 260, 392 interpeduncular cistern/fossa, tumors 314, 328 intracanalicular acoustic neurinomas cf. acoustic neurino-

mas 258, 267, 392 intracerebral hematomas cf. hematomas 432 intracranial metastases cf. metastases 347-377 intracranial space-occupying lesions, involving the base of

the skull 378-397 - - -, nonneoplastic 405-462 intrasellar pituitary adenomas 272, 282, 329, 394 intrathecal contrast administration 17, 258, 272, 281, 301,

307, 322, 326 intravenous contrast administration 14ff., 433, 436 intraventricular lesions, aneurysms 447 - -, tumors cf. ventricular tumors 120f., 135, 180, 241,

308,447 iodine dosage, high dose 17 - -, intrathecal administration 17 - -, intravenous administration 14 isodense 19 isodense tumors 18f.

lacrimal glands, tumors 474, 475 lamina cribrosa, demonstration in CT 380 - -, destruction 384 - papyracea, demonstration in CT 493 - -, destruction 476, 486 - tecti, tumors/lesions, arachnoid cysts 426 - -, -, ependymomas 125 - -, -, epidermoid cysts 327 - -, -, glioblastomas 84[ - -, -, lipomas 312[ - -, -, malignant lymphomas 172 - -, -, medulloblastomas 154 - -, -, pilocytic astrocytomas 105 - -, -, pinealomas 188-194 - terminalis, cysts 426 lateral ventricles, tumors/lesions, aneurysms calcified 447 - -, -, astroblastomas 137 - -, -, cavernous hemangiomas 298 - -, -, ependymomas 125 - -, -, ependymomas, papillary 127 - -, -, germinomas 190[ - -, -, lipomas 314[ - -, -, meningiomas 248 - -, -, metastases of carcinomas 357 - -, -, metastases of medulloblastomas 160 - -, -, pilocytic astrocytomas 110

Subject Index

- -, -, plexus papillomas 183[ - -, -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 136, 138f[ - -, -, subependymomas 126[ leptomeningeal melanosis 11, 249 - sarcomas cf. malignant lymphomas 162ff. leukemic infiltrates 163, 175 Lindau tumors 287-294 lipomas 311-319 -, ambient cistern 312, 314 -, calcification 311,315f[ -, cerebellopontine angle 319 -, chiasmatic cistern 313 -, choroid plexus, lateral ventricles 314 [ -, - -, lateral ventricles, occlusion of the posterior horns

314[ -, cisterna veli interpositi 313 -, computed tomography 311,312f[ -, - -, differential diagnosis 312 -, corpus callosum 315[ -, fossa interpeduncularis 314 -, frontal 319 -, infundibulum 313 -, lamina tecti 312[ -, lateral ventricles 314 -, third ventricle 314 -, tip of the pyramid 319 -, typical locations 311 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 311f. locally invasive tumors 342-346 - - -, aesthesioneuroblastomas 12, 346 - - -, cavernomas of the base of the skull 342, 343 - - -, carcinomas in paranasal sinuses 342, 345 - - -, cylindromas (adenoid-cystic carcinomas) 342, 345 - - -, paragangliomas 342, 344 - - -, rhabdomyosarcomas 342, 346 lymphoblastic leukemia, intracerebral infiltrates 175 lymphoepitheliomas, orbits 484 lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease), intracerebral

infiltrates 176 lymphomas, malignant cf. malignant lymphomas 162f.,

165ff. lymphoreticulosis (Brill-Symmers' disease), orbits 484 lymphosarcomas cf. malignant lymphomas 162

malformations 394, 423, 432, 496f. - arteriovenous, cf. angiomas, arteriovenous -, buphthalmus 496, 498 -, Dandy Walker cyst 423 -, orbits 496ff. -, sphenoid wing, aplasia 496 -, vascular cf. vascular malformations 432f. malignant embryonal mixed tumor, pineal region 193 malignant histiocytomas 10, 164, 177 malignant lymphomas 162-174 - -, additional diagnostic procedures 163 - -, characteristic clinical findings 163 - -, computed tomography 163, 165f[ - -, - -, differential diagnosis 163, 165f[ - -, contrast uptake 163, 165f[ - -, - -, ring structures 166, 169, 174 - -, diffuse growth 173 - -, follow-up studies 167 - -, lamina tecti 172 - -, metastases 174

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- -, multi focal 162, 170/f - -, neuropathological aspects 10 - -, - correlation 168, 170if. - -, "open ring" 166,169 - -, orbits 482f, 483 - -, para sagittal 165 - -, perifocal edema 163, 165f, 169/f - -, periventricular growth 172 - -, skull vault 398, 401 - -, statistics 18f., 163 - -, suprasellar 167 - -, survey 162 - -, synonyms 162 - -, thalamus 168 - -, typical CT findings 163 - -, typical locations 162 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 163 malignant melanomas, eyeball 483, 486 - -, intracranial metastases 352,360, 363, 369f - -, - -, hemorrhage 352, 360, 363, 360f - -, - -, multiple 352, 369, 371 - -, - -, serial CT studies 352 malignant meningiomas 249, 259f, 398 maxillary sinus, demonstration in CT 382 -, sinuses, tumors 345, 395f, 476f, 484 medulloblastomas 9f., 18f., 148-161 -, aqueduct, blockage of 154 -, atypical 156f -, basal ganglia 154 -, brain stem 154 -, calcification 150, 155 f -, cerebellum 151/f -, cerebellar sarcomas 10, 149, 157/f -, characteristic clinical findings 149 -, completely necrotic 155 -, computed tomography 149, 151/f -, - -, differential diagnosis 150, 153/f -, contrast uptake 149, 151/f -, cysts 149, 156f -, desmoplastic 10, 149, 157/f -, ependymal 10, 119 -, extension to supracerebellar cisterns 152, 155 -, hemorrhage 149, 156 -, hydrocephalus 151/f -, lamina tecti 154 -, metastases in the CSF spaces 152f, 155, 160 -, necrosis 152f -, neuropathological aspects 9f. -, perifocal edema 149, 151ff -, periventricular lucency 152, 154 -, pons 113,154 -, postoperative findings 160f -, pseudotumor vermis 153 -, recurrence 160 -, statistics 18 f. -, survey 148 -, typical findings in CT 149 -, typical locations 148 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 149 megadolichobasilaris (basilar artery ectasia) 437, 450ff megadolichocarotis (carotid artery ectasia) 437, 453 melanomas, meningeal 11, 249 meningeal carcinosis 13 - melanomas 11,249 - melanosis 11, 249

- sarcomas 11, 249, 252, 398 - tumors 195-254 meningiomas 11, 18f., 195-251,398,465, 467f -, additional diagnostic procedures 197 -, angioblastic 11 -, atypical 207, 224, 244, 251 -, base of the middle fossa 210, 212f, 234, 235f, 238,

243 -, base of the anterior fossa 200, 217, 229, 230ff -, bone destruction 211,227,385,388 -, calcification 200ff, 209ff, 215, 226, 231, 235, 242,

244f -, cavernous sinus 239 -, characteristic clinical findings 196f. -, chiasmatic cistern 205, 232, 236, 238 -, clinoid process 386 -, clivus 232f, 240, 243 -, computed tomography 197f. -, - -, differential diagnosis 214, 222, 229, 234, 240f. -, contrast uptake 198, 200ff -, - -, ring structures 207, 213 -, convexity 201,205,207, 209f, 212, 220, 222ff -, -, cerebellum 204, 240, 243, 247f


-, coronary slices 213,217,223,228, 230ff, 232, 235f, 245f

-, cranio-cervical junction 240, 241 -, CSF pathways, blockage 221, 233, 242ff, 247f -, cysts 198,207,209, 215f -, -, sedimentation effect 207 -, destruction of clinoid process 382f, 385 -, diffuse superficial growth (en-plaque) 213, 226f, 239.,

441 -, dorsum sellae 232, 243 -, enostosis 198, 21Of, 398 -, exophthalmus 204, 239 -, falx 201f, 206, 208, 214, 217ff, 231 -, foramen of Monro, blockage 233 -, - opticum 386 -, frontal 200f, 205ff, 211f, 215, 217, 222ff, 227, 230ff -, hemangiopericytic 249, 253f -, histological subgroups 198 -, hydrocephalus 221, 233, 242if., 250f -, hyperostosis 198, 204, 207, 209ff, 225, 227, 230,

235ff, 385f, 398f -, inferior sagittal sinus 221 -, internal carotid artery, entrapment 236 -, intraventricular 240, 248 -, malignant 249ff, 398 -, Meckel's cave 234, 238f -, multiple' 213,220,231, 247f -, neuropathological aspects 11 -, obstruction of the insular cisterns 198, 212 -, occipital 209,216, 225, 228 -. olfactory groove 200, 229, 230 -, optic nerve, entrapment 386 -, - - sheath 239, 386 -, orbits 239, 386, 465, 467f -, osteoplastic 197, 204, 227f, 399, 401, 467f -, parasagittal 199,203, 211, 213, 214, 215f, 220 -, parasellar 236ff, 385 -, parietal 224, 226 -, perifocal edema 197f., 199f, 204, 206, 208f, 212,

215f, 218f, 222, 224, 226, 230, 235, 237, 250 -, perisellar 230ff, 235ff., 243 -, periventricular lucency 233, 242

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meningiomas, petrus bone 248 -, planum sphenoidale 229, 230, 232 -, posterior fossa 232, 238, 240, 242ff -, pyramids 388, 392 -, regressive changes 206,208,210, 215, 220, 223, 237,

243,251 -, skull vault 211,227,401 -, sphenoid wing 231,234, 235ff -, - -, osteoplastic 204, 399, 467f -, statistics 18 f., 197 -, suprasellar 205, 230, 232f, 236ff -, survey 195 f. -, Sylvian fissure 205,209, 212, 222 -,--,cistern 212f -, temporal 209f,222 -, tentorial hiatus 240, 248 -, tentorium 238, 240, 242ff -, tuberculum sellae 213, 229, 232 -, typical CT findings 197f. -, typical locations 195f., 214, 222, 229, 234, 246 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 197 meningitis, granulomatous 419 -, purulent 414 -, tuberculous 414, 417 mengingoencephalitis, circumscribed 414, 416 metastases 13, 18f., 347-377 -, adenocarcinomas 349, 355, 374f -, base of the skull 383, 394 -, breast carcinomas 358, 366ff, 394, 478f -, bronchogenic carcinomas 349,351, 353ff, 364f -, carcinomas of the coecum 375 -, cerebellopontine angle 375 -, cerebellum 351, 375 -, cerebral hemispheres 348 -, choriocarcinomas 349, 377 -, combination of nodular and ring structures 348, 367f,

370 -, computed tomography 347f. -, - -, differential diagnosis 347f. -, - -, serial CT studies 352, 377 -, contrast uptake 349, 351ff -, cystic 376 -, hemorrhage 348f., 352, 359ff, 369f, 374, 377 -, hypernephroma (renal adenocarcinoma) 360, 362,

372f -, hypodense 362 -, lamina papyracea, destruction 476 -, malignant lymphomas 174 -, malignant melanomas 352,360,363, 369f -, - -, serial CT studies 352 -, multiple 348 -, -, adenocarcinomas 355 -, -, breast carcinomas 358, 366ff -, -, bronchogenic carcinomas 353f, 356f, 365 -, -, hypernephromas (renal adenocarcinomas) 373 -, -, malignant melanomas 352, 369, 371 -, -, skull 404 -, -, testicular teratomas 363 -, nodular type 348, 365f -, occipital lobe 374 -, orbits 478 ff. -, -, destruction of bone 476, 478ff -, -, osteoplastic changes 479 -, osteoplastic 376 -, perifocal edema 348f., 359ff

Subject Index

-, pons 351 -, prostate carcinomas 376 -, quadrigeminal cistern 352 -, rectal carcinomas 359,361,374 -, ring structures 348, 351ff -, skull vault 399, 402ff -, sphenoid wing, destruction 394, 478, 481 -, squamous cell carcinomas, paranasal sinuses 362 -, statistics 18 f., 348 -, survey 347 -, testicular teratomas 363 -, thyroid carcinomas 403 -, typical CT findings 348 -, uterine carcinomas 376 -, vermis cerebelli 352, 374 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 349 metastases, CSF space, germinomas 187, 190f -, - -, medulloblastomas 152f, 155, 160 -, - -, pineal tumors of unknown histology 191 metrizamide, cf. intrathecal contrast administration 17 microadenomas 272, 284 microangiomas 392, 432, 433 microgliomas 10, 162 middle cerebral artery, aneurysms 445 - - -, infarction 454, 456f, 459f mixed density 19 mixed gliomas 8, 44, 54ff mixed tumors, embryonal, malignant 193 - -, unclassified 131 monstrocellular sarcomas 10, 163, 176 morbus Boeck (sarcoidosis) 419,422 - Cushing 270 - Fahr 341 - Recklinghausen 11, 196, 397, 469, 470, 472, 496 mucoceles 488,493ff multichambered brain abscesses 408f - hemangioblastomas 290 multifocal glioblastomas 63, 85ff - malignant lymphomas 162, 170ff multilocular abscesses 349, 406, 410 multiple cerebellar hemangioblastomas 292 - - infarctions 458 - intracranial lesions/tumors 349 f. - - - of various histologies 88, 247f, 441 - lipomas 314f - meningiomas 213,220,231, 247f - metastases 347f., 353ff, 363, 365ff, 371, 404 - neurofibromas, orbital 472 multiple myelomas, cerebral involvement 176 multiple sclerosis 419,420f myelomas, plasmocytic, cf. malignant lymphomas 162 myomedulloblastomas 10

nasal cavity, tumors 394, 395, 476f, 484 nasopharyngeal tumors 342,345, 394, 395f, 484 necrosis, glioblastomas 62, 65ff, 75, 77, 81f, 88 -, medulloblastomas 149,152f nerve cell tumors 9, 11, 143-147 - - -, calcification 143, 145{ - - -, cerebellum 146f - - -, characteristic clinical findings 143 - - -, computed tomography 143, 144ff - - -, - tomography, differential diagnosis 143, 144,146f - - -, contrast uptake 143, 144f

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- - -, coronary slices 145 - - -, corpus callosum 145, 147 - - -, cysts 143, 144f - - -, gangliocytomas 143, 144f - - -, gangliogliomas 143, 144f - - -, ganglioneuroblastomas 143, 144f - - -, neuroblastomas 9, 143, 147, 487 - - -, neuroblastomas olfactory, aesthesioneuroblasto-

mas 12,346 - - -, neuropathological aspects 9, 11f. - - -, typical locations 143 - - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 143 neurinomas 11,255-268,383,387,392 -, acoustic nerve, cf. acoustic neurinomas 256ff.,260/f -, orbits 469, 471 -, neuropathological aspects 11 -, trigeminal nerve, cf. trigeminal neurinomas 258f.,

267f,384 -, vagus nerve (tenth nerve) 256,268 neuroblastomas 9, 143, 147, 487 -, olfactory nerve (aesthesioneuroblastomas) 12, 343, 346 neuroepithelial cysts 308, 309 neurofibromas, multiple, orbits 472 neurofibromatosis (Recklinghausen's disease) 11, 196,

469, 470, 496 neuroglia 3 neurohypophysis, choristomas 273, 286 neuropathological classification, brain tumors 7 ff. - findings, correlation with CT scans 57/f, 168, 171/f,

250, 286, 341, 358, 435, 448 non-Hodgkin lymphomas, cf. malignant lymphomas

162f. nonneoplastic space occupying lesions 405-462 nuclear medicine studies, indication and value 503

occipital tumors/lesions, arteriovenous malformations 438 - -, astrocytomas 28 - -, -, anaplastic 38 - -, -, pilocytic 110 - -, cavernous hemangiomas 299 - -, ependymomas 127, 132 - -, glioblastomas 66, 70, 72, 78 - -, hemangiopericytomas 254 - -, hematomas 297 - -, meningeal sarcomas 252 - -, meningiomas 199, 209, 211, 216, 225, 228, 242 - -, metastases 353f, 356f, 373f - -, skull vault 401,403 - -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 142 occlusive hydrocephalus 414,417f odontoid process 381 olfactory groove meningiomas 200, 229, 230 oligo astrocytomas 8, 44, 54f oligodendrocytes 4 oligodendrogliomas 7f., 42-54 -, additional diagnostic procedures 43 -, anaplastic 8,43, 48, 50/f, 413 -, -, calcification 43, 46/f, 52 -, -, computed tomography 43, 48/f -, -, - -, differential diagnosis 50f -, -, corpus callosum 48, 50 -, -, cysts 52 -, -, hemorrhage 43, 54 -, -, hyperdense 43, 50f, 54

-, -, hypodense 43, 51 -, -, isodense 43, 53 -, calcification 43, 46/f, 50, 52f -, -, garland-shaped 46f -, characteristic CT findings 43 -, computed tomography 43, 46/f -, - -, differential diagnosis 44,49f -, contrast enhancement 43, 46ff -, corpus callosum 47 -, cysts 43, 47 -, hypodense 43, 47 -, isodense 43, 49, 53 --, neuropathological aspects 7 f. -, perifocal edema 43, 47f, 50f -, statistics 18f., 43 -, survey 42 -, typical CT findings 43, 46/f -, typical locations 43 -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 43 oligodendrogliomatosis cerebri 44 "open ring", malignant lymphomas 166, 169 ophthalmic vein, dilatation in carotid-cavernous fistula

498, 499f - -, phlebography 463, 501, 504 ophthalmopathy, endocrine 500f. -, -, serial CT studies 501 optic nerve canal 378 - - -, dilatation in optic nerve gliomas 469 optic nerve, gliomas 469, 470f - -, neuritis 469 - -, papilledema 469 - - sheath 469 - - - meningiomas 239, 386, 465, 468f orbital carcinomas 475, 475f orbital fissure superior and inferior 378, 380, 384 orbital lesions 463-501 - -, adenoid-cystic carcinomas 477 - -, arteriovenous angiomas 497,499f - -, bone destruction 475f, 478f, 486, 488 - -, buphthalmus 496, 498 - -, calcification 497, 498 - -, carcinomas 474f.,475f - -, -, adenoid-cystic 477 - -, -, primary 475 - -, -, secondary 475,480 - -, carotid cavernous fistula 498, 499 - -, cavernous hemangiomas 464, 466f. - -, computed tomography 463ff.,466/f - -, computed tomography, differential diagnosis 502 - -, cylindromas 477 - -, dermoid cysts 474 - -, drusen papilla 469 - -, endocrine ophthalmopathy 500f. - -, endocrine ophthalmopathy, serial CT studies 501 - -, epidermoid cysts 473 - -, fibrosarcomas 487 - -, giant cell granulomas 490 - -, hemangioendotheliomas 488 - -, immunocytomas 482f - -, inflammatory processes 488-495 - -, lacrimal glands, tumors 474, 475 - -, lipomas 473 - -, lymphoepitheliomas 484 - -, lymphoreticulosis (Brill-Symmers' disease) 484 - -, malformations 496, 498


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orbital lesions, malignant lymphomas 474, 482f, 483 - -, melanomas, eyeball 486 - -, meningiomas 239,386,465, 467/f - -, -, optic nerve sheath 239,468f - -, metastases 474f., 478/f - -, methods of examination 463 - -, mucoceles 488, 493/f - -, neurinomas 469, 471 - -, neuroblastomas 487 - -, neurofibromas 472 - -, optic nerve gliomas 469, 470f - -, optic nerve neuritis 469 - -, order of diagnostic procedures 501 - -, osteoplastic changes 479 - -, papilledema 469 - -, papillomas, inverted 477 - -, phlebography 463, 501, 504 - -, pseudotumors 488, 489 - -, pyoceles 488, 495 - -, rhabdomyosarcomas 485,487 - -, sphenoid wing, aplasia 496 - -, squamous cell carcinomas, nasal cavity 476 - -, statistics 465 - -, survey 465 - -, trauma sequelae 498 - -, tumors, benign 464ff.,466/f - -, -, malignant 474ff., 475/f - -, ultrasonography 463 - -, varicoceles 498 - -, vascular malformations 497f., 499f orbitomeatalline 14 order of diagnostic studies in neurologic and neurosurgical

diseases 503 f. osteochondrosarcomas 335, 336 osteomas 12, 335, 336, 398 osteoplastic changes, brain tumors 204, 376, 381, 397,

398f, 465, 467f, 479 osteosarcomas 335

pachymeningiosis carcinomatosa 13 - haemorrhagica interna, cf. chronic subdural hemato-

mas 432f., 436 pancreatic carcinomas, metastases 351,477 papillary ependymomas 119f.,127 papilledema 469 papillomas, inverted, paranasal sinuses 345 paragangliomas 13, 342,344, 381, 383, 390f paranasal sinuses, tumors 342, 345, 394, 395f, 484 paraphyseal cysts 308, 309 parapontine tumors, chondromas 335, 337 - -, chordomas 335, 339, 341 - -, epidermoid cysts 323f, 326 parasagittal tumors/lesions, astrocytomas 27 - -, -, anaplastic 34, 36, 38 - -, chondromas 338 - -, gangliocytomas 144f - -, glioblastomas 74, 80, 88 - -, malignant lymphomas 165 - -, meningiomas 199,201,203,211,213,214, 215f - -, metastases 360, 362, 376 - -, oligodendrogliomas 46, 49 parasellar bone structures, destruction 383 - meningiomas 236/f,385 - pituitary adenomas 271, 276, 278 parasites 430--431

Subject Index

-, cysticercosis 430f. -, echinococcosis 430f. paraventricular calcification, Fahr's disease 341 parietal tumors/lesions, arteriovenous malformations 440 - -, astrocytomas 27 - -, -, anaplastic 38 - -, -, pilocytic 110f - -, brain abscesses 408f - -, calcified aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery 445 - -, chocolate cysts 433 - -, chondromas 338 - -, ependymomas, anaplastic 133 - -, glioblastomas 74, 80, 88 - -, infarction, middle cerebral artery 462 - -, malignant lymphomas 165, 174 - -, meningiomas 201, 203, 215, 218, 224, 250 - -, metastases 353, 355, 360, 362f, 367, 369, 376f - -, multiple sclerosis 420 - -, oligodendrogliomas 46 - -, osteomas 336 partial volume effect 311f., 381 pentagon, deformation 346 - pontine gliomas 117 perifocal edema, cf. edema 18f., 20 periventricular lucency 94/f, 122, 124, 152, 154,233,242,

314f, 408, 418, 458 petrous bone, destruction 337, 344, 390f phantom measurements 14 phlebography, ophthalmic vein 463, 501, 504 phlegmon, orbital 465,491f pilocytic astrocytomas 9, 18f., 90-112, 113, 187,469 - -, additional diagnostic procedures 91 - -, ambient cistern 106 - -,aqueduct 104 - -, basal ganglia 92, 108f - -, blockage, foramen of Monro 92, 105, 109 - -, calcification 92, 100, 107, 110 - -, cerebellum 92, 94jJ. - -, cerebral hemispheres 92, 110/f - -, characteristic clinical findings 91 - -, chiasma 92, 105, 471 - -, chiasmatic cistern 112 - -, computed tomography 92f.,94ff. - -, - -, differential diagnosis 93, 95, 98, 105f, 110,

178 - -, contrast uptake 92f.,94jJ. - -, - -, ring structures 92f., 96/f, 105, 107, 109f - -, cysts 93, 94/f, lllf - -, fourth ventricle 92, 96, 98, 103 - -, hemorrhage 92, 99 - -, hydrocephalus 92, 94/f - -, hypothalamus 92, 105, 109 - -, isodense 102, 104, 107 - -, lamina tecti 92, 105 - -, metrizamide, administration 103 - -, neuropathological aspects 9 - -, optic nerve 469, 470f - -, perifocal edema 92, 98, 107, 110 - -, periventricular lucency 92, 94ff - -, pons, brain stem, midbrain 92, 104f - -, posterior fossa 92, 94/f - -, recurrence 99 - -, serial CT studies 102 - -, survey 90f - -, statistics 18f., 90, 92

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Subject Index

- -, temporobasal 106ff - -, thalamus 108 - -, typical CT findings 90, 92f. - -, typical locations 90f. - -, variants 101 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 92 pinealoblastomas, cf. pineal tumors pinealocytomas, cf. pineal tumors pinealomas, cf. pineal tumors pineal tumors/tumors of the pineal region 10, 12,

186-194 - -, additional diagnostic procedures 187 - -, calcification 187, 188, 193f - -, characteristic clinical findings 187 - -, chiasmatic cistern 190 - -, computed tomography 187, 188ff - -, - -, differential diagnosis 187, 194 - -, contrast uptake 187, 188ff - -, ectopic 187, 190ff - -, fourth ventricle 187, 194 - -, germinomas 12, 188ff - -, hydrocephalus 190f, 194 - -, metastases in the CSF pathways 187, 190f, 193 - -, mixed tumors, malignant embryonal 193 - -, neuropathological aspects 10, 12 - -, pinealoblastomas 186f., 188 - -, pinealocytomas 186f., 188 - -, -, anisomorphic 194 - -, serial CT studies 190f, 193 - -, suprasellar 191f - -, survey 186 - -, teratomas 320f.,333 - -, third ventricle 193 - -, tumors, unknown histology 194 - -, typical CT findings 186 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 187 pituitary adenomas 11,269-286,383 - -, additional diagnostic procedures 270 - -, blockage of the foramen of Monro 277f - -, calcification 278 - -, characteristic clinical findings 270 - -, classification 270 - -, computed tomography 271, 274ff - -, computed tomography, differential diagnosis 272f. - -, contrast enhancement 271, 274ff - -, coronary slices 271, 275, 281 - -, cysts 271, 278ff - -, excessive hormone production 270 - -, frontal 280f - -, hemorrhage 271, 279f - -, hydrocephalus 277f - -, intrasellar extension 272, 282, 392, 394 - -, intrathecal administration of metrizamide 272, 281 - -, microadenomas 272, 284 - -, neuropathological aspects 11 - -, parasellar extension 271, 276, 278 - -, recurrence 279, 281 - -, retrosellar extension 271, 277f, 281 - -, small tumors in the entrance to the sella 281 - -, sphenoid sinus, extension to 276f, 382f - -, statistics 18 f., 271 - -, subfrontal extension 271, 280 - -, subtemporal extension 278 - -, suprasellar extension 271, 274ff, 281 - -, survey 269

- -, third ventricle, amputation 275 - -, typical CT findings 271 - -, typical locations 270 - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 271 pituitary stalk 283 - -, tumors 192 planum sphenoid ale, demonstration in CT 384 - -, destruction in dermoid cysts 333f,333 - -, hyperostosis 230 - -, meningiomas 229, 230, 232 - -, teratomas 333 - -, thinning 345 plasmocytomas 17 -, skull vault 399, 401 plexus carcinomas 179, 184 plexus papillomas 10, 179f., 181ff - -, additional diagnostic procedures 179 f. - -, calcification 180, 181 - -, cerebellopontine angle 179, 182 - -, characteristic clinical findings 179 - -, computed tomography 180, 181ff - -, - -, differential diagnosis 180, 447 - -, contrast uptake 180, 181ff - -, cysts 180, 185 - -, foramen of Luschka 182 - -, fourth ventricle 179, 181 - -, hydrocephalus 180, 182f - -, hyperdense 180, 182f - -, in children 179, 183f - -, isodense 179, 183 f - -, lateral ventricle 179 f., 183 - -, neuropathological aspects 10 - -, statistics 18 f. - -, survey 179 - -, third ventricle 179 - -, trigonum 179,183f - -, -, blockage 180, 183 - -, typical CT findings 179 f. - -, typical locations 179f. pneumoencephalography, indication 504 pontine hemorrhage 432 pontine tumors 19, 113-117 - -, astrocytomas 113, 114ff - -, computed tomography 113, 114 ff.


- -,- -, differential diagnosis 113,123,154,341,437, 442

- -, contrast uptake 113, 114ff - -, ependymomas 123 - -, fourth ventricle, dorsal displacement 114ff - -, hydrocephalus 113, 114 - -, hyperdense 113, 116 - -, hypodense 113, 114f - -, isodense 113, 116 - -, typical CT findings 113, 114f - -, x-ray absorption in precontrast CT 113 posterior fossa tumors/lesions, acoustic neurinomas

260ff - - -, aneurysms 448f - - -, angioblastomas 290ff - - -, arachnoid cysts 426f - - -, arteriovenous malformations 442 - - -, astrocytomas 114 - - -, astrocytomas, anaplastic 41 - - -, astrocytomas, pilocytic 94ff - - -, basilar artery ectasia 437, 450ff

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posterior fossa tumors/lesions, cerebellar abscesses 408, 411

- - -, cerebellar hematomas 435 - - -, cerebellar infarction 458 - - -, cerebellar metastases 351/,356, 370, 374/ - - -, chondromas 337 - - -, clivus chordomas 341 - - -, cysts 428/ - - -, dermoids 332 - - -, ectopic pineocytomas 194 - - -, empyemas, subdural 410 - - -, endodermal cysts 310 - - -, ependymomas 122/ - - -, epidermoid cysts 322f/ - - -, gangliocytomas 146 - - -, glomus tumors 344 - - -, hemangioblastomas 290fT - - -, hemangiopericytomas 253 - - -, leukemic infiltrates 175 - - -, lipomas 319 - - -, malignant lymphomas 169 - - -, medulloblastomas 151f/ - - -, meningiomas 204,243f/ - - -, monstrocellular sarcomas 176 - - -, plexus papillomas 181/ - - -, pontine tumors 115f/ posterior horns, dilatation in plexus lipomas 314/ postcontrast CT studies 14 precentral tumors/lesions, abscesses 410 - -, astrocytomas 26 - -, -, anaplastic 34 - -, -, pilocytic 110 - -, cysts 429 - -, ependymomas 130 - -, gangliogliomas 144 - -, glioblastomas 65, 67, 71, 76 - -, meningiomas 201,223/,227 - -, metastases 3~6/, 372 - -, mixed gliomas 56 - -, oligodendrogliomas 47f/ - -, -, anaplastic 50 - -, osteomas 336 - -, parasites 431 precontrast CT study 14 prepontine chordomas 341 - epidermoid cysts 323 primary meningeal melanomas 11, 249 prognosis in brain tumors, grading 5f., 21 prostatic carcinomas, intracranial metastases 376, 477 protoplasmatic astrocytes 7 - astrocytomas 7, 22f. pseudotumor vermis 150,153,418 pseudo tumors, orbits 488, 489, 502 pterygoid process, medial and lateral, demonstration in

CT 381 pterygopalatine fossa 381, 395 pyoceles 488, 495 pyramids, demonstration in CT 380 -, destruction 256f., 384, 387/, 390f/ -, glomus tumors 342, 344, 390/ -, lipomas 319 -, meningiomas 388, 392

rabbit ear phenomenon, bilateral chronic subdural hema­tomas 433, 436

radiation fibrosis 407 - necrosis 407,413

Subject Index

Recklinghausen's disease 11, 196,397, 469, 470, 472, 496 reconstruction of CT data 1,464, 504 rectum carcinomas, intracranial metastases 359, 361, 374 reformatted CT pictures 189,241, 284 region of interest 14 renal demage following contrast administration 15f. reticulohistiocytic granulomatous encephalitis, cf. malig-

nant lymphomas 162 reticulum cell sarcomas, cf. malignant lymphomas 162 retrosellar tumors, clivus chordomas 341 - -, meningiomas 232/ - -, pituitary adenomas 271, 277, 281 rhabdomyosarcomas 13, 342,346,395,485, 487 round cell sarcomas, cf. malignant lymphomas 162

sarcomas, cf. malignant lymphomas 162 -, cerebellar 10, 149, 157/ -, fibrosarcomas, orbits 487 -, gliosarcomas 8, 89 -, meningeal 11, 249, 252, 398 -, monstrocellular 10, 163, 176 -, periadventitial cf. malignant lymphomas 162 -, perithelial cf. malignant lymphomas 162 -, perivascular cf. malignant lymphomas 162 -, rhabdomyosarcomas 13,342,346,395,485,487 sarcomatosis, diffuse, cf. malignant lymphomas 162 schwannomas cf. neurinomas 11,255-268 sedimentation in cysts and hematomas 76, 207, 432, 434 sella region, aneurysms 443 - -, craniopharygiomas 303-307 - -, dermoid cysts 329 - -, destruction, dorsum sellae 274, 276, 382f/, 393 - -, empty sella 272, 283/ - -, epidermoid cysts 328 - -, histiocytosis X 164, 178 - -, meningiomas 213,232/ - -, normal findings 380 - -, pilocytic astrocytomas 471 - -, pituitary adenomas 275/,282/, 383, 392 seminomas, intracranial metastases 357 septum pellucidum, tumors 40, 82/, 135, 136f/, 190 serial CT studies, cf. CT follow-up studies simple cysts 423 skull base 378-398 - -, asymmetry, congenital 379, 381 - -, coronary slices 378 - -, destruction 331,333,337,339,342,343/, 382ff.,

384, 388f/, 392/, 394, 445 - -, hyperostosis 381,385/,467/ - -, normal findings 378/ - -, technique of investigation 378ff. - -, tumors/lesions, aneurysms 393,443f/ - -, -, cavernous hemangiomas 342, 343 - -, -, chondromas 335, 337 - -, -, chordomas 335,339/ - -, -, craniopharyngiomas 300, 307, 384 - -, -, dermoids 320f., 329f/ - -, -, epidermoids 320f., 322f/ - -, -, fibrous dysplasia 394, 398 - -, -, glomus tumors 13, 342, 344, 381, 383, 390/ - -, -, meningiomas 200, 204/, 213, 230f/, 235f/,

243f/, 385/, 388, 392, 399, 465f., 467/ - -, -, metastases 383,394, 465f., 475, 476, 478/

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Subject Index

- -, -, neurinomas 255-268, 383, 384, 387, 392 - -, -, osteomas 336 - -, -, other pathological lesions 394, 39~{ - -, -, pituitary adenomas 269-286, 382, 383, 392 - -, -, tumors with extracranial origins 394 skull vault 397-404 - -, destruction 175,227,329,345, 397f., 401// - -, hyperostosis/osteoplastic changes 196f., 209//, 225,

227, 230, 376, 398 f., 399ff. - -, tumors 397-404 - -, -, cavernous hemangiomas 308, 400 - -, -, epidermoids 328/, 398 - -, -, malignant lymphomas 398,401 - -, -, meningiomas 211,227, 398,401 - -, -, metastases 399, 402// - -, -, osteomas 336, 398 - -, -, plasmocytomas 399, 401 slice thickness of CT scans 14 sphenoid sinus, invasion by pituitary adenomas 276{,

382/,395 - -, invasion by subsellar chordomas 340 sphenoid wing, aplasia 397, 496 - -, CT demonstration 380, 399 - -, dermoid cysts 332 - -, destruction 332, 394, 478/ - -, fibrous dysplasia 12, 394, 398, 465 - -, hyperostosis 385 - -, meningiomas 234,235// - -, -, osteoplastic 197,204,399,467/ spongioblastomas, cf. pilocytic astrocytomas 90ff. -, polar 91 squamous cell carcinomas, intracranial metastases 362 - - -, nasal cavity 476 standard CT studies 14 statistics, brain tumors 18 f. -, orbital lesions 465 Sturge-Weber syndrome (encephalotrigeminal syndrome)

437, 442, 504 subarachnoid hemorrhage, order of neuroradiological pro-

cedures 504 subdural effusions 121,424 - hematomas, chronic 432f., 436 subdural empyemas 411, 414, 415 subependymomas 9, 119, 121, 125/ supracerebellar cistern, tumors 152, 155 suprasellar tumors/lesions, aneurysms, carotid artery

443/f - -, arachnoid cysts 425 - -, chordomas 339/ - -, craniopharygiomas 300ff., 303f! - -, cysts of the lamina terminalis 426 - -, dermoid cysts 339 - -, epidermoid cysts 328 - -, germinomas (ectopic pinealomas) 190// - -, histiocytosis X 164, 178 - -, lipomas 313 - -, malignant lymphomas 167 - -, meningiomas 205, 213, 229, 232 - -, pilocytic astrocytomas 92, 105, 471 - -, pituitary adenomas 269//, 274jJ - -, teratomas 334 Sylvian fissure, dilatation in meningiomas 212

temporal tumors/lesions, abscesses 407jJ - -, aneurysms, thrombosed 446


- -, arachnoid cysts 424 - -, astrocytomas 25 - -, -, anaplastic 37, 39/ - -, -, pilocytic 106/, 111, 131/ - -, brain infarction 457, 459, 461 - -, conglomerate granulomas in sarcoidosis 422 - -, cysticercosis 430 - -, dermoid cysts 332 - -, ependymomas 132 - -, epidermoid cysts 324, 329 - -, fibromas of the dura mater 254 - -, gangliocytomas 145 - -, glioblastomas 69/, 72, 75//, 79,85, 87 - -, hemangiopericytomas 254 - -, hematomas, old intracerebral 434 - -, meningiomas 205,209/,212/,222/,226, 235ff. - -, -, malignant 250/ - -, oligodendrogliomas 46// - -, osteochondrosarcomas 336 - -, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas 142 tentorial hiatus, epidermoid cysts 324 - -, meningiomas 248 tentorium, demonstration in CT 228, 245/, 263/, 337 -, displacement in convexity meningiomas 228 -, increased vascularization in meningiomas 238 -, meningiomas 242jJ -, -, malignant 251 -, relations to acoustic neurinomas 233 -, - - chondromas 337 -, - - meningiomas 238, 243, 245/, 248 teratomas 12, 320ff., 333{ testicular teratomas, multiple intracranial metastases 363 thalamic tumors/lesions, abscesses 408 - -, astrocytomas 28 - -, -, anaplastic 36 - -, -, pilocytic 108/ - -, diffuse gliomatosis 58 - -, ependymomas 124, 131 - -, epidermoid cysts 327 - -, glioblastomas 81 - -, malignant lymphomas 168, 170, 172 - -, medulloblastomas 154 - -, metastases 369 - -, oligodendrogliomas, anaplastic 52 third ventricle, arachnoid cysts, chiasmatic cistern 425 - -, calcified aneurysms 449 - -, colloid cysts 308, 309 - -, cysts, lamina terminalis 426 - -, dermoid cysts 332 - -, ependymomas 125 - -, germinomas 190 - -, lipomas 314 - -, malignant embryonal mixed tumor 193 - -, meningiomas 241 - -, metastases, carcinomas 357 - -, -, medulloblastomas 155 - -, pilocytic astrocytomas 105 - -, pineal tumors 190{ - -, plexus papillomas 179 - -, teratomas 333/ thrombosed aneurysms 446 thrombosis, venous sinus 58, 455, 462 thyroid carcinomas, intracranial metastases 403/ tomography, conventional 383, 389//, 397 transtentorial herniation 72, 237

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trauma sequelae, orbits 496 trigeminal neurinomas 11, 256ff., 267f, 384 trigonum region, tumors, astrocytomas 27f - -, -, astrocytomas, pilocytic 110 - -, -, ependymomas 127 - -, -, -, papillary 127 - -, -, epidermoid cysts 324 - -, -, glioblastomas 80 - -, -, meningiomas 242,251 - -, -, -, malignant 251 - -, -, oligodendrogliomas, anaplastic 52 - -, -, pineoblastomas 188 - -, -, plexus papillomas 183f - -, -, subependymomas 127 tuberculomas 419,422 tuberculous meningitis 414,417 tuberculum sellae meningiomas 205, 213, 229, 232f tuberous sclerosis 12, 135, 138/f tumors of skeletal origin 335, 336/f

ultrasonography, orbital lesions 463 uncus hippocampi, herniation 25, 223, 237 uterine carcinomas, intracranial metastases 376

varicocele, orbits 498 vascular malformations 432, 433, 437, 438/f, 497, 499,

504 - -, aneurysms 437, 443/f - -, arteriovenous malformations 437, 438/f

- -, basilar artery ectasia 437, 450/f - -, chocolate cysts 432f.,433 - -, microangiomas 432f., 433 - -, orbits 497, 499 - -, Sturge-Weber syndrome 437, 442 vein of Galen, aneurysms 437, 450 ventricles, dilatation, cf. hydrocephalus

Subject Index

ventricular tumors, differential diagnosis in CT 120r., 135, 180, 241, 308, 447

- -, cf. fourth ventricle, lateral ventricle, third ventricle, trigonum region

ventricular wall, calcification 135, 138/f - -, infiltration by anaplastic astrocytomas 40 - -, - by germinomas 190 - -, - by malignant lymphomas 172 - -, - by medulloblastomas 160f ventriculography, positive 102,418 -, -, indication 504 vertical reconstruction of CT data 189, 241, 284 virus encephalitis 414

white matter, astrocytomas 25, 27 - -, edema cf. edema WHO-classification, brain tumors 6ff., 21

x-ray absorption, brain tumors, precontrast CT study 18f., 20

x-ray dosage, lens of the eye, in neuroradiological proce­dures 464

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