references - lsu school of renewable natural … lesc (references).pdf · wintering diving duck use...

Aarvak,T. and Øien, I.J. 1994. Dverggås Anser erythropus—en truet art i Norge. Vår Fuglefauna 17: 70–80. Aarvak,T. and Øien, I.J. 2003. Moult and autumn migration of non-breeding Fennoscandian Lesser White- fronted Geese Anser erythropus mapped by satellite telemetry. Bird Conservation International 13: 213–226. Aarvak,T., Øien, I.J. and Nagy, S. 1996. The Lesser White-fronted Goose monitoring programme,Ann. Rept. 1996, NOF Rappportserie, No. 7. Norwegian Ornitho- logical Society, Klaebu. Aarvak,T., Øien, I.J., Syroechkovski Jr., E.E. and Kostadinova, I. 1997. The Lesser White-fronted Goose Monitoring Programme. Annual Report 1997. Klæbu, Norwegian Ornithological Society. NOF Raportserie, Report no. 5-1997. Abbott, C.C. 1861. Notes on the birds of the Falkland Islands. Ibis 1: 149–67. Abraham, K.F. 1980. Moult migration of Lesser Snow Geese. Wildfowl 31: 89–93. Abraham, K.F. and Jefferies, R.L. 1997. High goose populations: causes, impacts and implications. In Arctic ecosystems in peril: report of the Arctic Goose Habitat Working Group,Arctic Goose Joint Venture Spec. Publ. (ed. B.D.J. Batt), pp.7–72. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., Washington, and Can.Wildl. Serv., Ottawa. Abraham, R.I. 1974.Vocalizations of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Condor 76: 401–20. Adair, S.E., Moore, J.L. and. Kiel,W.H. Jr 1996. Wintering diving duck use of coastal ponds: an analysis of alternative hypotheses. J. Wildl. Manage. 60: 83–93. Adams, J. and Slavid, E.R. 1984. Cheek plumage pattern in Colombian Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis. Ibis 126: 405–07. Adams, J.S. 1971. Black Swan at Lake Ellesmere. Wildl. Rev. 3: 23–25. Adams, P.A., Robertson, G.J. and Jones, I.L. 2000. Time-activity budgets of Harlequin Ducks molting in the Gannet Islands, Labrador. Condor 102: 703–08. Adrian,W.L., Spraker,T.R. and Davies, R.B. 1978. Epornitics of aspergillosis in Mallards Anas platyrhynchos in north central Colorado. J. Wildl. Dis. 14: 212–17. AEWA 2000. Report on the conservation status of migratory waterbirds in the agreement area. Technical Series No. 1.Wetlands International,Wageningen, Netherlands. Afton, A.D. 1983. Male and female strategies for reproduction in Lesser Scaup. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. North Dakota, Grand Forks, US. Afton, A.D. 1984. Influence of age and time on reproductive performance of female Lesser Scaup. Auk 101: 255–65. Afton, A.D. 1985. Forced copulation as a reproductive strategy of male Lesser Scaup: a field test of some predictions. Behaviour 92: 146–67. Afton, A.D. 1993. Post-hatch brood amalgamation in Lesser Scaup: female behavior and return rates, and duckling survival. Prairie Nat. 25: 227–35. Afton, A.D. and Ankney, C.D. 1991. Nutrient- reserve dynamics of breeding Lesser Scaup: a test of competing hypotheses. Condor 93: 89–97. Afton,A.D. and Hier, R.H. 1991. Diets of Lesser Scaup breeding in Manitoba. J. Field Ornithol. 62: 325–34. Afton,A.D. and Paulus, S.L. 1992. Incubation and brood care. In The ecology and management of breeding waterfowl (ed. B.D.J. Batt,A.D.Afton, M.G.Anderson, C.D.Ankney, D.H. Johnson, J.A. Kadlec et al.), pp.62–108. Univ. Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. References Ducks_References.qxd 12/14/2004 10:35 AM Page 771

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Aarvak,T. and Øien, I.J. 1994. Dverggås Anser erythropus—en truet art i Norge. Vår Fuglefauna 17: 70–80.

Aarvak,T. and Øien, I.J. 2003. Moult and autumnmigration of non-breeding Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus mapped by satellitetelemetry. Bird Conservation International 13: 213–226.

Aarvak,T., Øien, I.J. and Nagy, S. 1996. The LesserWhite-fronted Goose monitoring programme,Ann. Rept.1996, NOF Rappportserie, No. 7. Norwegian Ornitho-logical Society, Klaebu.

Aarvak,T., Øien, I.J., Syroechkovski Jr., E.E. andKostadinova, I. 1997. The Lesser White-fronted GooseMonitoring Programme.Annual Report 1997. Klæbu,Norwegian Ornithological Society. NOF Raportserie,Report no. 5-1997.

Abbott, C.C. 1861. Notes on the birds of the FalklandIslands. Ibis 1: 149–67.

Abraham, K.F. 1980. Moult migration of Lesser SnowGeese. Wildfowl 31: 89–93.

Abraham, K.F. and Jefferies, R.L. 1997. High goosepopulations: causes, impacts and implications. In Arcticecosystems in peril: report of the Arctic Goose Habitat WorkingGroup,Arctic Goose Joint Venture Spec. Publ.(ed. B.D.J. Batt), pp.7–72. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv.,Washington, and Can.Wildl. Serv., Ottawa.

Abraham, R.I. 1974.Vocalizations of the Mallard(Anas platyrhynchos). Condor 76: 401–20.

Adair, S.E., Moore, J.L. and. Kiel,W.H. Jr 1996.Wintering diving duck use of coastal ponds: an analysisof alternative hypotheses. J. Wildl. Manage. 60: 83–93.

Adams, J. and Slavid, E.R. 1984. Cheek plumage pattern in Colombian Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis.Ibis 126: 405–07.

Adams, J.S. 1971. Black Swan at Lake Ellesmere.Wildl. Rev. 3: 23–25.

Adams, P.A., Robertson, G.J. and Jones, I.L. 2000.Time-activity budgets of Harlequin Ducks molting inthe Gannet Islands, Labrador. Condor 102: 703–08.

Adrian,W.L., Spraker,T.R. and Davies, R.B. 1978.Epornitics of aspergillosis in Mallards Anas platyrhynchosin north central Colorado. J. Wildl. Dis. 14: 212–17.

AEWA 2000. Report on the conservation status ofmigratory waterbirds in the agreement area. Technical Series No. 1.Wetlands International,Wageningen, Netherlands.

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Afton, A.D. 1984. Influence of age and time onreproductive performance of female Lesser Scaup.Auk 101: 255–65.

Afton, A.D. 1985. Forced copulation as a reproductivestrategy of male Lesser Scaup: a field test of somepredictions. Behaviour 92: 146–67.

Afton, A.D. 1993. Post-hatch brood amalgamation inLesser Scaup: female behavior and return rates, andduckling survival. Prairie Nat. 25: 227–35.

Afton, A.D. and Ankney, C.D. 1991. Nutrient-reserve dynamics of breeding Lesser Scaup: a test ofcompeting hypotheses. Condor 93: 89–97.

Afton,A.D. and Hier, R.H. 1991. Diets of LesserScaup breeding in Manitoba. J. Field Ornithol. 62: 325–34.

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