reference: site: proposal: plan number(s) lobley... · planning committee 8th january 2015...

Planning Committee 8 th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC Reference: 14/00988/TBC Site: Jack Lobley County Primary School Leicester Road Tilbury Essex Ward: Tilbury St Chads Proposal: Redevelopment of the site to provide a Pupil Referral Unit with teaching classrooms, gymnasium, kitchen, medical facilities, staff rooms and external play and sports area with associated landscape and highways works Plan Number(s): Reference Name Received 100 Location Plan 3rd September 2014 101 Other 3rd September 2014 110 Site Lay Out 3rd September 2014 110 Site Lay Out 3rd September 2014 201 Floor Layout 3rd September 2014 205 Roof Plans 3rd September 2014 221 Elevations 3rd September 2014 251 Other 3rd September 2014 253 Other 3rd September 2014 254 Other 3rd September 2014 255 Other 3rd September 2014 321 Elevations 3rd September 2014 322 Other 3rd September 2014 323 Other 3rd September 2014 324 Other 3rd September 2014 325 Other 3rd September 2014 226 Other 3rd September 2014 The application is also accompanied by: - Planning Statement - Drainage Strategy - Flood Risk Assessment - Geo-Environmental Site Assessment - Arboricultural Impact Assessment - Design and Access Statement - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey - Water Levels Study

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Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC


Site: Jack Lobley County Primary SchoolLeicester RoadTilburyEssex

Ward:Tilbury St Chads

Proposal: Redevelopment of the site to provide a Pupil Referral Unit with teaching classrooms, gymnasium, kitchen, medical facilities, staff rooms and external play and sports area with associated landscape and highways works

Plan Number(s):Reference Name Received 100 Location Plan 3rd September 2014 101 Other 3rd September 2014 110 Site Lay Out 3rd September 2014 110 Site Lay Out 3rd September 2014 201 Floor Layout 3rd September 2014 205 Roof Plans 3rd September 2014 221 Elevations 3rd September 2014 251 Other 3rd September 2014 253 Other 3rd September 2014 254 Other 3rd September 2014 255 Other 3rd September 2014 321 Elevations 3rd September 2014 322 Other 3rd September 2014 323 Other 3rd September 2014 324 Other 3rd September 2014 325 Other 3rd September 2014 226 Other 3rd September 2014

The application is also accompanied by:- Planning Statement - Drainage Strategy - Flood Risk Assessment - Geo-Environmental Site Assessment - Arboricultural Impact Assessment - Design and Access Statement - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey - Water Levels Study

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

- Sequential and Exception Tests

Applicant:Thurrock Council

Validated: 3 September 2014Date of expiry: 3 December 2014

Recommendation: Approve, subject to conditions.

The application has been referred to Committee because the Council is the applicant in accordance with Part 3 (b) Section 2 2.1 (b) of the Council’s constitution.


1.1 The application seeks permission for the redevelopment of the site for a Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) with teaching classrooms, gymnasium, kitchen, medical facilities, staff rooms and external play and sports areas.

1.2 The proposed building would be rectangular in shape with a mixture of pitched and shallow flat roofs. The flat roofs would run round the sides of the building and the pitched roofs would be located in the middle to allow provision of roof lights to light the internal area.

1.3 Two teaching rooms are also proposed in a separate building in the location of the previous caretaker’s bungalow.

1.4 The main building would have a modern appearance with large glazed areas and contemporary finishes and detailing.

1.5 Outdoor sports facilities will be provided to the northern part of the site and parking and turning to the south and south western corner as previously.

1.6 The development required because the existing PRU is located in the Culver Centre in South Ockendon which is being sold by the Council. The PRU was previously located on the current application site.


2.1 The application site is an approximately rectangular site located towards the Northern side of Tilbury adjacent to the Council owned tower block of Brisbane House. The site measures 1.367 ha.

2.2 To the direct west of the site lies open land, to the east allotments and to the north open land.

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

2.3 The land at present is vacant and covered largely in hardstanding. The site was previously occupied by a building that was last used as the PRU. The building was demolished only in March 2014 on health and safety grounds.

2.4 The site is in land shown on the Interim Proposals Map to form part of the Green Belt.


3.1 The most relevant planning history is detailed below.

- 04/01271/TBC: Erection of 2.7 metre high green powder coated palladin fencing – Approved.

- 96/00904/CC: Continued use of 1 x RL4T and RL7 re-locatable classrooms – County Council application. No objection raised by Thurrock Council. Approved

- 96/00602/FUL: Single storey rear extension – Approved.

- 94/00653/CC: Extension to hall to form class base and extension to front entrance Lobby – County Council application. No objection raised by Thurrock Council. Approved.

- 94/00004/CC: Extension to hall to form class base and extension to front entrance Lobby – County Council application. No objection raised by Thurrock Council. Approved.

- 74/01064B/CC: Erection of caretakers bungalow – County Council application. No objection raised by Thurrock Council. Approved.



4.1 The application was advertised by way of press advertisement and site notices. In addition, neighbours were notified by letter. At the time of drafting this report no responses have been received. Members will be advised of any representations received.

Detailed below is a summary of the consultation responses received. Full versions of the responses can be views on the Council web site at the following web address:


No objections.

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC


No objections.


No objections; the site is of limited ecological value, a landscaping scheme will be required.


No in-principle objection to the application; but questioned some elements of the Flood Risk Assessment. The applicant has provided information in this respect.


No in-principle objection subject to conditions.


National Planning Guidance

National Planning Policy Framework

5.1 The NPPF was published on 27th March 2012. Paragraph 13 of the Framework sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Paragraph 196 of the Framework confirms the tests in s.38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and s.70 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and that the Framework is a material consideration in planning decisions. Paragraph 197 states that in assessing and determining development proposals, local planning authorities should apply the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

5.2 The following headings and content of the NPPF are relevant to the consideration of the current proposals;

1. Building a strong, competitive economy 4. Promoting sustainable transport 7. Requiring good design 8. Promoting healthy communities 9. Protecting Green Belt land 10. Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change11. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

Planning Practice Guidance (PPG)

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

5.3 In March 2014 the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) launched its planning practice guidance web-based resource. This was accompanied by a Written Ministerial Statement which includes a list of the previous planning policy guidance documents cancelled when the NPPF was launched. PPG contains 42 subject areas, with each area containing several sub-topics. Those of particular relevance to the determination of this planning application comprise:

• Climate change• Design• Flood Risk and Coastal Change• Natural Environment• Use of Planning Conditions

5.4 Local Planning Policy

Thurrock Local Development Framework

5.5 The Council adopted the “Core Strategy and Policies for the Management of Development Plan Document” in December 2011. The Adopted Interim Proposals Map shows the site as falling within the Green Belt. The following Core Strategy policies apply to the proposals:

Spatial Policies

• CSSP4: Sustainable Green Belt

Thematic Policies

• CSTP9: Well-being: Leisure and SportsCSTP12: Education and Learning

• CSTP22: Thurrock Design • CSTP23: Thurrock Character and Distinctiveness • CSTP25: Addressing Climate Change • CSTP26: Renewable or Low-Carbon Energy Generation • CSTP27: Management and Reduction of Flood Risk

Policies for the Management of Development

• PMD1: Minimising Pollution and Impacts on Amenity • PMD2: Design and Layout • PMD6: Development in the Green Belt• PMD8: Parking Standards • PMD9: Road Network Hierarchy PMD15: Flood Risk Assessment

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

Focused Review of the LDF Core Strategy

5.6 This Review was commenced in late 2012 with the purpose to ensure that the Core Strategy and the process by which it was arrived at are not fundamentally at odds with the NPPF. There are instances where policies and supporting text are recommended for revision to ensure consistency with the NPPF. The Review was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination in August 2013. An Examination in Public took place in April 2014 and the Core Strategy Focused Review was approved on 15 October 2014. The Inspector has found that, provided modifications are made, the Thurrock Core Strategy Focused Review is sound.

Draft Site Specific Allocations and Policies DPD

5.7 This Consultation Draft “Issues and Options” DPD was subject to consultation commencing during 2012. The Draft Site Specific Allocations DPD ‘Further Issues and Options’ was the subject of a further round of consultation during 2013. The application site has no allocation within either of these draft documents. The Planning Inspectorate is advising local authorities not to continue to progress their Site Allocation Plans towards examination whether their previously adopted Core Strategy is no longer in compliance with the NPPF. This is the situation for the Borough.

Thurrock Core Strategy Position Statement and Approval for the Preparation of a New Local Plan for Thurrock

5.8 The above report was considered at the February meeting 2014 of the Cabinet. The report highlighted issues arising from growth targets, contextual changes, impacts of recent economic change on the delivery of new housing to meet the Borough’s Housing Needs and ensuring consistency with Government Policy. The report questioned the ability of the Core Strategy Focused Review and the Core Strategy ‘Broad Locations & Strategic Sites’ to ensure that the Core Strategy is up-to-date and consistent with Government Policy and recommended the ‘parking’ of these processes in favour of a more wholesale review. Members resolved that the Council undertake a full review of Core Strategy and prepare a new Local Plan. It is anticipated that a new Local Plan for Thurrock could be adopted by early 2018.


6.1 The principal issues relates to;

1 Principle of the development and impact on the Green Belt2 Design and visual amenity 3 Ecological and landscape implications 4 Highways issues5 Residential Amenity6 Flood Risk

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC


6.2 The application site is located within the Green Belt as defined within the Thurrock Local Development Framework, Core Strategy (2011). LDF CS Policy PMD6 applies and states that permission will not be given, except in very special circumstances, for the construction of new buildings, or for the change of use of land or the re-use of buildings unless it meets the requirements and objectives of National Government Guidance.

6.3 The NPPF identifies that the government attaches great importance to the Green Belt and paragraph 87 of the NPPF sets out that states that inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and it is for the applicant to show why permission should be granted. Very special circumstances to justify inappropriate development will not exist unless the harm by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations.

6.4 Paragraph 89 sets out that new building within the Green Belt is inappropriate, with a number of limited exceptions, which include (amongst others): the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces and limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and the purpose of including land within it than the existing development.

6.5 The application site is clearly previously developed land having previously (and until very recently) been occupied by the former PRU buildings.

6.6 In support of the application the following supporting case is put forward:

- The development would have negligible impact on the Green Belt due to the surrounding natural features;

- The site is located immediately adjacent to the built up area of Tilbury, including 3 tower blocks;

- The increase in footprint is slight at 12.5% and therefore not disproportionate;- The single storey design of the (majority of the) building would be unobtrusive;- The Council has an obligation to make provision for these specialist facilities;- The site is in a location where 30% of the users live;- The site was identified in the Site Specific Allocations for development

(housing);- The existing building was demolished only on health and safety grounds;

6.7 These matters are assessed below:

The development would have negligible impact on the Green Belt due to the surrounding natural features

6.8 The site is bounded on the eastern, southern and part of the western sides by mature screening. This would have some impact on reducing views into the site and the visibility of the proposed building. This should be afforded only very limited

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

weight as in terms of openness the NPPF does not distinguish between more or less visible sites.

The site is located immediately adjacent to the built up area of Tilbury, including 3 tower blocks

6.9 The site is located immediately on the edge of the settlement of Tilbury and not in open Green Belt; this can be afforded some limited weight.

The existing building was demolished only on health and safety grounds

6.10 The site was previously occupied by a building which housed a PRU. This use ceased in 2006 when the PRU moved to the Culver Centre in South Ockendon. As part of the Council’s programme to rationalise facilities, the Culver Centre is being disposed of and the PRU will have to be relocated.

6.11 Despite the fact that the use ceased in 2006 the building remained on site until as recently as March 2014. The applicant advises that the reason for the building being demolished was that it had become a health and safety hazard in its remaining form. Had this not been the case, it may have been possible (at a cost) to re-use and adapt the existing building.

6.12 The fact a PRU building was very recently located on the site can be afforded significant weight in the consideration of the application.

The increase in footprint is slight at 12.5%

6.13 The NPPF indicates that the redevelopment of PDL can take place where the proposal would not have a greater impact than the existing use. The proposal would increase the footprint of the former PRU building by 12.5% which in this case is not considered to be disproportionate. This should be afforded some weight in the consideration of the application.

The single storey design of the (majority of the) building would be unobtrusive

6.14 With the exception of the double height section to be used for the gym, the building is single storey and low lying. The previous building included some higher sections. The proposal would therefore have minimal additional impact due to the building’s height and design. This should be afforded some weight in the consideration of the application.

The Council has an obligation to make provision for these specialist facilities

6.15 As Local Education Authority, the Council is obliged to make provision for school places for youngsters of all abilities and for those who are unable to be taught in a mainstream environment. The cessation of the use of the Culver Centre and the requirement to provide this use should be afforded some weight in the consideration of this application.

The site is in a location where 30% of the users live

6.16 The applicant indicates that approximately 30% of the users of the PRU come from Tilbury and the site was identified for the use partly on this basis.

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

6.17 The provision of the unit in a location where a substantial number of users live would help to reduce traffic movements in the Borough and would provide wider sustainability benefits as more of the users would be likely to be able to use public transport and access the site on foot or by bike. This should be afforded some weight in the consideration of the application.

The site was identified in the Site Specific Allocations for development (housing)

6.18 Although work on the Ste Specific Allocation document has paused as the Council works towards the provision of a new Local Plan, the direction of travel towards housing suggested a general acceptance of a more intensified use of the site. On the basis of the size of the site it would be expected that a housing redevelopment would result in a more intensive form of development. Therefore, some weight should be given to the Council’s previous intention to reuse the site for housing.

6.19 In conclusion in relation to Green Belt issues, the site is previously developed land. The original building was removed only very recently and only for health and safety reasons. The case put forward by the applicant, the specified need for this facility, the positive social and sustainability benefits of locating the site closer to a significant proportion of users and the identification by the Council of the site as a potential location for future residential development count in favour of supporting the proposed development of this site. It is not considered therefore that the proposal would be contrary to government guidance and local policies in relation to the protection of the Green Belt.


6.20 The building has been designed to reduce the impact as much as possible to the Green Belt and to neighbouring occupiers.

6.21 In the main the building would have a flat roof, and it would be so in its entirety were it not for the need to have natural light to the central rooms. The centre core of the building therefore has shallow sloping roofs to allow the provision of roof lights for light and ventilation. The building would be single storey with the exception of the double height gymnasium space.

6.22 The external facades of the building are proposed to be finished in natural yellow coloured brick with floor to ceiling height windows on most sides. Red cladding features would be provided on the main and flank elevations as window surrounds and to provide visual interest.

6.23 The overall design of the building is a modern interpretation of a school building and the palette of materials proposed is considered to be suitable for the development. As such in design terms the proposal complies with LDF CS Policies PMD2, CSTP23 and CSTP23.


6.24 The Council’s Ecology and Landscape officer has indicated that the site does not have any specific ecological value at this time and that subject to the previous of a suitable landscaping scheme the proposals would be acceptable.

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

6.25 In light of the above the proposals are considered to satisfy LDF CS Policies PMD2 and CSTP22 in this regard. 4 HIGHWAYS ISSUES

6.26 The site makes provision for visitor and staff car parking in the southern and south western corner of the site. Provision is also available to allow service vehicles and coaches to turn in the site without needing to reverse, to comply with Council requirements.

6.27 The Council’s highways officer has indicated that the proposals satisfy their requirements in relation to the numerical provision of spaces and the layout of the site. The proposals are considered to comply with LDF CS Policies PMD2 and PMD8 in these regards.


6.28 The proposed building would be some 34m at its closet point from the Brisbane House tower block. The usable outdoor space would be some 80m from the closest residential property and would be shielded by the building. As such and given the previous use of the site for similar purposes it is not considered that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the amenities of nearby occupiers. The proposal would comply with Policy PMD1 in this regard. Indeed it may be said that having a functioning and occupied site has some benefit in relation to safety and crime prevention than a derelict open site.


6.29 The site is located within Flood Risk Zone 3a, the high risk zone and proposes the development of a school type use, which is classified as a ‘more vulnerable’ land use. The application is therefore required to be accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment.

6.30 The Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) accepts that ‘some development may be necessary within flood risk areas on brownfield land’. The site is on previously developed land and is one of a number of sites detailed for housing in the draft LDF-SSADPD. Having regard to the evidence presented, it is considered that there are no reasonably available sites in the assessed area with a lower probability of flooding that would be appropriate to the type of development proposed and there is no other reasonably comparable site within the same Flood Zone that is considered to be more appropriate to develop in light of the requirements of the Sequential Test.

6.31 The NPPF requires applications to pass the Exception Test (para 102). For the Exception Test to be passed:

- It must be demonstrated that the development provides wider sustainability benefits to the community that outweigh flood risk, informed by a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment where one has been prepared; and

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

- A site specific FRA must demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime taking account of the vulnerability of its users, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and, where possible, will reduce flood risk overall.

6.32 In this case, it is considered that the development would result in positive sustainable benefits arising from the redevelopment of previously developed land for a use that is required in the location. The FRA also demonstrates that the development would be safe and would not increase flood risk elsewhere. A condition requiring a Flood Evacuation Plan to be submitted and agreed is recommended together with securing the flood mitigation and resilience measures detailed in the FRA.

6.33 The Environment Agency initially questioned technical elements of the FRA (including how people will be kept safe in a flood event, drainage of surface water, and flood water storage). In response to the queries, the applicant submitted additional information and the Environment Agency have advised that they have withdrawn their objection.

6.34 The Council’s Flood Risk Manager has indicated that there is still further information required in relation to the discharge of surface water from the site but indicates that this matter could be overcome by the submission of further details. The applicant has been advised of this and is prepared to accept a condition to provide this additional information.

6.35 In light of the above, it is considered that the proposal passes the Sequential and Exception Tests. Subject to conditions, it is considered that the proposal complies with the NPPF Part 10 and LDF-CS Policies CSTP25 (Addressing climate change), CSTP27 (Management and Reduction of Flood Risk), relevant criteria of PMD2 (Design and layout), and PMD15 (Flood Risk Assessment).


7.1 The application site lies within land shown on the Core Strategy Proposals Map as Green Belt land. However the site is covered for the most part in hard surfacing and was until only very recently occupied by the previous PRU building on the site. For the purposes of Green Belt assessment the site is therefore considered to constitute Previously Development Land.

7.2. Whilst there would be a minor increase in footprint across the site, this increase is not considered to be disproportionate and the proposal is for a use that must be statutorily provided by the Council. For the reasons set out in the report, it is considered that collectively the case put forward by the applicant in support of the application is sound and that the proposal would not be contrary to government guidance in relation the redevelopment of previously developed sites in the Green Belt.


Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

8.1 It is recommended expressly for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning consent be deemed to be granted for the above development, subject to compliance with the following:


1 The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the

expiration of 3 years from the date of this permission.

REASON: In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2 The materials to be used in the construction of the building(s) hereby permitted shall be strictly in accordance with the details included on the submitted forms and document unless previously agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the appearance of the locality in accordance with Policy PMD2 of the Thurrock LDF Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development 2011.

3 Prior to the first use of any building(s) the access, footways and footpaths, turning spaces between the building(s) and the existing highway, shall be properly consolidated and surfaced to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policies PMD1 and PMD2 of the Thurrock Local Development Framework Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development 2011.

4 Prior to the commencement of development a Highways Management Plan (HMP) shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority, details to include:

i. Hours of operation ii. Construction vehicle routing iii. Construction access iv. Temporary hard standing v. Storage of materials vi. Heavy plant storage vii. Abnormal Load Vehicle movements and routing viii. Crane storage and its use ix. Contractor parking x. Wheel Washing Facilities

Once submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the works shall be undertaken in strict accordance with the agreed details, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To ensure that the proposed development does not cause pollution in accordance with Policy PMD1 of the Core Strategy and in accordance with NPPF.

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

6 Prior to the commencement of the works subject to this consent hereby approved, a Construction Management Plan and Waste Management Plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing prior to the commencement of the works hereby approved. The details shall include;

i. Details of measures to minimise fugitive dust during construction demolition and stockpiling of materials;

ii. A Waste Management Plan;iii. An asbestos survey with the details of its removal by a competent

contractor;iv. Details of any security lighting or flood lighting proposed including

mitigation measures against light spillage outside the site boundary;v. Details of crushing and/or screening of demolition and excavation

materials including relevant permits;vi. Contingency plan, remediation scheme and risk assessment for any

unforeseen contamination found at the site; vii. Details of measures to minimise noise and vibration during

construction and demolition to comply with the recommendations (including those for monitoring) set out in Parts 1 and 2 of BS5228:2009 'Code of Practice for Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites'.

Once submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the works shall be undertaken in strict accordance with the agreed details, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To ensure that the proposed development does not cause pollution in accordance with Policy PMD 1 of the Core Strategy and in accordance with NPPF

7 Prior to the commencement of development a scheme of soft landscaping shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All soft landscaping comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the first occupation of the building(s) or the completion of the development whichever is the sooner. All shrubs, trees and hedge planting shall be maintained free from weeds and shall be protected from damage by vermin and stock. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In the interests of the character and visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy PMD2 of the adopted Thurrock LDF Core Strategy and Policies for the Management of Development DPD (2011)..

8 No demolition, building work or deliveries shall be carried out before 8am or after 6pm on Mondays to Fridays or before 9am or after 1pm on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

REASON: In the interests of the amenity of surrounding occupiers in accordance with Policy PMD1 of the adopted Thurrock LDF Core Strategy

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and Policies for the Management of Development DPD (2011)..

9 Prior to the commencement of development the following details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority; investigations into the ditch to the north of the site, its status, condition and capacity to accept additional flows and whether it is connected to a Main River and if not evidence to show that there is a viable connection to the surface water sewers. Thereafter, development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans and details.

REASON: To reduce the impact of surface water runoff in the interests of flooding and the wider area in accordance with Policies PMD15 and CSTP27 of the adopted Thurrock LDF Core Strategy and Policies for the Management of Development DPD (2011).

10 Prior to the commencement of development a Flood Evacuation and Emergency Response Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved measures within the Plan shall be operational upon first use of the building and shall be permanently maintained thereafter. This plan shall provide details of a safe refuge for users of the building in a flood event.

REASON: In order to ensure that adequate flood warning and evacuation measures are available for all users of the building in accordance with Policy PMD15 of the adopted Thurrock LDF Core Strategy and Policies for the Management of Development DPD (2011).

11 Finished floor levels shall be set no lower than 300mm above existing ground levels. The scheme shall be fully implemented and subsequently maintained as such, unless agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority

REASON: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future users in accordance with Policy PMD15 of the adopted Thurrock LDF Core Strategy and Policies for the Management of Development DPD (2011).

12 No development shall take place until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall include:

- Provide details of how it takes into account an allowable discharge of 17l/sec off of the site (either by pumping station or by a flow control discharging to the Anglian Water surface water sewer system and providing storm attenuation tanks or geocellular storage for up to 256.6 cubic metres of storm water storage on the site.

- Written confirmation shall be provided from Anglian Water of the acceptable discharge rate.

- Dimensioned plans and drawings of all aspects of the surface water

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drainage system, incorporating SUDS that provide amenity and biodiversity benefit wherever possible.

- Modelling of the surface water drainage scheme to show that the attenuation/infiltration features will contain the 1 in 100 year rainfall event including climate change.

- Modelling of the conveyance system to demonstrate that there would be no above ground flooding in the 1 in 30 year rainfall event and to provide details of the volumes of any flooding from each pipe in the 1 in 100 year climate change event, along with topographic plans showing where the water would flow and be stored to prevent flooding of buildings or offsite flows.

- Topographic plans depicting all exceedance flowpaths and demonstration that the flows would not flood buildings or flow offsite.

- Details of who will maintain each element of the surface water system for the lifetime of the development and submission of maintenance schedule.

The scheme shall be fully implemented and subsequently maintained, in accordance with the timing / phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any other period as may subsequently be agreed, in writing, by the local planning authority.

REASON: To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of/disposal of surface water from the site for the lifetime of the development.

Documents: All background documents including application forms, drawings and other supporting documentation relating to this application can be viewed online:

Alternatively, hard copies are also available to view at Planning, Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL.

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC

Planning Committee 8th January 2015 Application Reference: 14/00988/TBC