reel life. actoractor explained remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? how...


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Page 1: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters


Page 2: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters


Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters you fell in love with or hated? Those people are the actors. Without an actor, the movie would never have been that top grossing movie of 1960 or 2014. It’s the actor that makes the whole movie work. It’s the actors job to attend the auditions, call backs, memorize the script, perform countless takes to get it right, and listen to the director to get the job done well.

1960 2014

Page 3: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

10 Characteristics• To be an actor, you need to be convincing, somewhat good looking, able to memorize, and listen to directions well.

• After auditioning and getting a role, the actor reads the script to learn about the character and memorize their lines. Some roles may require actors to sing, dance or perform stunts. Depending on the stunts, the actor doesn’t usually do their own stunts. For example, if the stunt is jumping from a plane and landing onto another plane, it is usually a stunt double to take on the stunt. If the stunt is as simple as falling off a bed onto the floor, the actor will probably perform this stunt by himself. Actors work with a director who tells them how to portray the characters. To bring the character to life, actors may have to change their voices, and other traits.

• Being an actor requires working with people and in addition to wearing different costumes, actors will use props, which are not always easy to use.

• Actors sometimes have to endure unpleasant working conditions, such as bad weather, harsh stage lighting, heavy and extremely hot or cold costumes, and sometimes, have very little time to prepare for their scene.

• Actors rehearse often, and for extremely long hours. Long and variable working hours are sometimes required, as well as travel.

Page 4: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

10 Characteristics• An actors aptitude is not to be afraid to perform in front of others and in front of a camera. If you have stage fright, this job is NOT for you!

• Acting requires no college degree, and most of the learning process is done on the job. Although a degree is not needed, it is probably better to get a degree, because you never know when it might come in handy. There’s this movie filming in your city, and you want to audition. You get the role of ‘Tommy Ross’ at the first cast reading they ask for your college degree, you have none to give, looks like YOU’VE BEEN REPLACED!

• An actors salary can be between $14,093 - $122,554 per year/film depending on level of expertise and years in the career. A bonus can reach up to $12,000, and their total pay, all factors included, could be $19,773 - $153,200 yearly.

• An actors career outlook can reach 20 years or more, however, the pay is greatest between 5 to 10 years, and slowly decreases from 10 to the end of your career. Younger is better, BETTER IS BETTER!

• An acting job can be found both here, in the U.S.A and over the river and through to the woods to Asia, Europe, and pretty much anywhere!

Italy Korea China

U.K. U.S.A

Page 5: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

Lifestyle and Goals The lifestyle of an actor is usually lavish, and full of

luxuries a normal job’s pay can not provide. I would like a large house, a beautiful garden/landscape, a family, and the ability to hire people to do the cleaning and landscaping for me. I will do the cooking, and sometimes my wife will. Being an actor can provide me with these things and more, if of course, I am a good actor and worth my pay. Here’s hoping!

Page 6: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

LocationIn order to become who they are and to succeed in their

job, an actor must make sacrifices. When I was a kid,even though I still am, I never wanted to leave my

parents, not even to go to college, but I am now able to make

the tough decision of leaving them to move to the location of my job. It will be exciting to relocate to…

Page 7: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

Career ClusterThe career cluster underwhich the job of actor falls is

Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications. This is perfect for me because all my jobs should fall under this category because I am really artistic.

Page 8: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

NOVELIST• By: Alex Salerno

Page 9: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

NovelistRemember that great book you just finished reading foryour career tech class? Remember all the words on the page that made the story completely interesting, and made you finish it? Well, the man or woman who wrote those words into the final manuscript that you just finished reading is called an author. It’s the author’s job to come up with the idea of the characters and the story you loved, and to put it all down on paper.

• Explained

Page 10: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

10 Characteristics• To be a novelist, you need to be able to spell correctly. DON’T CHEAT AND USE SPELL

CHECK!• A novelist also needs to be willing to spend the time and use their brain to create

the story. If you don’t like to think or have the time, this job is not for you. A novelist cannot be a flat novelist, but should be a mountainous novelist. Meaning, don’t write a novel that starts on a boring note and end it with a boring note. GET SOME ACTION IN THERE! I do realize there are true stories that may not be interesting, that’s fine, but if it’s a fiction story, no one wants to read about a character like this;

BAD- Barry Berenson rode his bike to school.GOOD- Barry Berenson rode his hummer bike to the high school.BEST- Barry Thadsin peddled his bike like a maniac, racing past the other buildings on

the street, towards another boring day at the school, where he had the life sucked from him by his teachers.

• A novelist has to work with both things and data.• A novelists working environment is wherever there is a computer or typewriter.

Pretty much any place, is the place of work for a novelist.• A novelist has many different working hours. It could take one author 3 months to

write a novel, while it takes another 2 years to write one. It all depends on the time you have, and how fast you write/type.

Page 11: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

10 Characteristics• You must be able to come up with original ideas! Copycats can get

lawsuits. Even if it was innocent sounding to you, doesn't mean the original author is happy with your mirror novel. You need to be able to think and tie up the loose ends. The reader (I know from experience as one) does NOT like a cliffhanging book without a future sequel coming out within the next century!*COUGH*COUGH* RIPPER *COUGH*COUGH*

• To be a novelist, you don’t really need a college education, but it helps in a tight spot. Some editors and publishing companies wont accept a client without a degree.

• The salary of a novelist differs greatly. It can range from $14,497 - $106,297 annually. You can receive bonuses anywhere from $0.00 - $5,047. with the normal salary and a bonus, a novelist can make from $16,547 - $115,150 per year. It also helps to have a best seller.

• The career outlook of a novelist is a long one. Novels aren't going anywhere. Even if the hand held ones go extinct, which is unlikely, novelists are still needed to write e-books and online books.

• The job of novelist isn't just an American job. Authors exist everywhere in the world. People in the United Kingdoms still like to read!

Page 12: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

Lifestyle• The lifestyle of a novelist is a simple one, depending on the

choices of the novelist and his pay. I would like a big house and things like that, however, if the career makes me happy, and I can still have a family, then I would gladly give up the expensive things in life.

Page 13: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

Location• The job of novelist would not require me to move or relocate to

a different state. It may involve traveling for location accuracy, or research, but no permanent relocation is needed. If I wanted to, which I don’t, I could live in a cardboard box by a power outlet, and still be able to write novels, if I had a computer. So, in short, a novelist job can be found everywhere. No specific locations.

Page 14: REEL LIFE. ACTORACTOR Explained Remember the movie you just saw with your friends at the show? How about those men and women who played the characters

Career ClusterThe career cluster under which the job of novelist falls, is the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications. This job cluster fits me well because I love to be creative, and it is pretty much everything I do. If a teacher gives the option for a creative or boring project, I choose creative.