red hook recovery meeting with occupy ... - … viewnov 07, 2013 · november 11, 2012: red hook...

November 11, 2012: Red Hook Recovery Meeting Facilitator: In Attendance: Occupy Sandy: National Guard: NYPD: Paulie Ann (facilitator): “Just so everyone knows, we’re waiting for a few more people... we’ll start with introductions, and then any resources that you can offer, and then any high priority needs that maybe you can fill. I’m Paulie Anne; we’ll do introductions, and then we’ll see if you have any agenda items... if you would like to talk, then raise your hand, and I’ll call on you in the order you’ve raised your hands.” “We’ll pass a contact sheet around, and take a picture of it, and try to get it into an email form so that we all have everybody’s information.” [waiting for more people]

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Page 1: Red Hook Recovery Meeting with Occupy ... - … viewNov 07, 2013 · November 11, 2012: Red Hook Recovery Meeting. Facilitator: In Attendance: Occupy Sandy: National Guard: NYPD: Paulie

November 11, 2012: Red Hook Recovery MeetingFacilitator:

In Attendance:

Occupy Sandy:

National Guard:


Paulie Ann (facilitator): “Just so everyone knows, we’re waiting for a few more people... we’ll start with introductions, and then any resources that you can offer, and then any high priority needs that maybe you can fill. I’m Paulie Anne; we’ll do introductions, and then we’ll see if you have any agenda items... if you would like to talk, then raise your hand, and I’ll call on you in the order you’ve raised your hands.”

“We’ll pass a contact sheet around, and take a picture of it, and try to get it into an email form so that we all have everybody’s information.”

[waiting for more people]

“I’m Paulie Anne, I’m from Occupy Sandy; I’ve been here since Tuesday and I’m working on commuication so that all of our efforts are connected and

“I’m Gillian; RHI --working on volunteer coordination.”

“I’m Kirby, I’ve kind of been acting -- I’m a resident firstly, I’m an occupier after that, and I’ve been acting as the center point between pretty much everyone that’s in this room right now. I

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hope that after this meeting we can communicate more effectively and more directly.”

Carlos: …”Christine Quinn, and I’ve been the liaison between...”

Vincent: “I’m Vincent, I’m with Occupy Sandy locally here, and I’ve been coordinating communications between the volunteers, the goods, and the distrobution sites.”

Yoni: “I work with Occupy Sandy and social media communications.”

“I’m Darragh, I use he and him as pronouns...”

“I’m Zoltan, with Occupy Sandy, been helping out in Red Hook since Tuesday evening, helped establish RHI as a relief site”

Jessica: RHR

Ari, “I’m with Supermovers, I’ve been using my warehouse to organize collection and

Captain Jeff Shift, “here to provide whatever support we can possibly provide to the community.”

Oscar: “I’m with RHR, I’m running distrbution out of Coffee Park.”

“Luke Sohns, coordinator for Red Hook GAST... defeat Mayor Giuliani’s plan... on Community Board 6, on the Environmental Protection Commitete, and I also own a bar that raised 3,000 that we gave have to Added Value and

Andrew Rolfson? Mayor’s office of community affairs

Rachel... “I teach at PS27, which is now housing PS13, which was flooded out, and getting the flyers out..”

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Matt Kroger, “First and foremost a citizen of red hook... coordinating the medical relief effort since onset

Sergeant Castillo, from Chickopee Mass, here to coordinate any military functions..

Mike Peterson, national guard, “coordinate and support and possibly any security that’s needed and to support any way we can.”

Specialist Cabana, “I’m with them.”

Chris Hammond, “I live in Red Hook, managing director of a theatre organization here and just doing what I do.”

Reg: “I live in Red Hook, and that’s what you get right now.”

Steph: “Apparently, I own the daycare. We’re across the street over here, and I own a daycare on the first floor but between us and the people in the building we’ve lost 5 businesses, and we’re trying to make it work.

Max Connoly, “Me and two other guys own the building... 5 businesses as well as the day care... we’ve both lived in the neighnorhood for a long time -- we’re thankful for the help we’re getting.”

Jevan Birch, “Working side-by-side with Craig to get these hot meals out.”

Shawn Carrie: “I’ve been here in RH working on the ground, filling any role that’s neccessary; doing dispatch and communication

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Monica and Lisa, “We own... we work with most of the nonprofits in red hook, and we’re also behind restore red hook.”

Lisa: “What she said.”

(End of Introductions)

Opening stack for agenda items

Paulie: “OK, now we’re going to go into the agenda -- raise your hand if you have an agenda item you’d like to discuss.:

MatT: “The current state of medical and where we move from here.”

Gillian: “The transition tomorrow from visitation, where all the supplies have been going to Coffee Park -- coordinaing that and what all the needs are around that, and a plan tomorrow to go to the red hook houses and do a massive supply delivery and checkin with folks ther,e and I want to coordiante that amongst all of us -- we have a plan for how to do that, and we need everybody on board to make that happen.”

: “I think that a lot of volunteerism, which is heartfelt and heartwarming -- you know, really wells me up -- has been really terrific for the residents of both public and privaet housing, and I would liek to talk about -- even though I don’t own a business here -- I know for a fact that a lot of businesses are feeling that they’re not getting the financial love that they need to get back up and runing.”

Reg: “Community presence in these meetings.”

Paulie: “Mm-hmm, thank you for bringing that up. Anybody else?”

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Monica: “A system for communication, so that when we’re scheduling meetings, we know where we’re are; when we’re moving volunteer spaces we know where we’re going, and then I’d also like to talk about the food situation, because there are a lot of food solutions but we can’t get solid nubmers about how many each day...”

Matt: “Because this is medically critical informatuion, the best info we have for the state of utilities and what might happen in the near future about utilities coming back, so we can plan. Would be very helpful. I need data, basically.”

: “In the back, we had a teleconference which was very interesting on a lot of fronts.. it tunrs out this guy is not in operations, so he couldn’t or didn’t want to give specifics. Basically, in the back, before power will be restored, every building will be visited by Con Ed. -- Every building must be certified viable to have elecricity turned back on. If it’s not, Con Ed will begin pulling meters. The certificaiton consists of a licensed electrician inspects and says it’s OK to turn it on; if boxes have to be moved they can do that. And then the licensed electrician will enter the certification number into a queue; evidently Con Ed will go through the queue and send people out to verify. No date was verified about when the... back on, and when those who need to be visited by an electrician have to have it be done. The meters are blocked; Con Ed didn’t know if it was true, as put forrth by electrician at meeting, if he had been given authority to cut it and inspect -- the Con Ed rep... he also didn’t know about the Mayor’s program announced yesterday --”

Paulie Ann interrupts nad clarifies -- going to set agenda, and then go to each thing when it comes up, and asks folks to turn off their cellphones. “Does nayone else have an agenda item? I personally want to talk about thoughts and ideas :RE tents in Coffee Park, and what that will look like in terms of needs....

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Shawn: “I’d like to put ont he table a short convo about continuing infrastructure about moving supplies where they need to be and... for the long-term, rebuilding that’s going to need to happen for teh homes and businesses here.”

: “I think we should also try to get an HBO series like Treme.”

Moving forward: Medical.

Matt: “So, here’s... the short story. At this point, we’ve seen between 350-400 patients in their homes or in our own makeshift clinic; what I can say is that medically speaking the acute crisis of chronic patients who could go off the cliff in uusual situations like this, we’ve stabilized 100% of the patients. There are 30 people, of those 3-400, that we are following actively right now and have their names -- we know whos’ been seen we know who needs a follow-up. There are two hinsg that need to happen, contingent on understanding... utilities -- first thing, the previously-existing medical resources that existed in RH before Sandy are able ot be up and running, and that will continue to be a challenge to get these clinics, like the Adobo clinic, up and running on a consistent basis. They need support from whatever resources are neccessary so they can at least see walk-in patients. However... we will continue to need to walk out... and find these patients, because if you are a chronic patient on the 15th floor, you will become effectively homebound over time. These are the people we’re worried about. We’ve IDed as many of these people as we can by our essentially brute-force combing through the community now twice, but we can’t keep doing it -- don’t have the manpower and there is an extinction of altruism over time.

So, the mission critical is that there is a permanent and consistent presence of at least a walk-in clinic in RH, and I’ve not been guaranteed that, at least what I’ve seen from the Adobo clinic, and if they can’t run we need consistency from the mobile clinics being in a certain place. If there needs tob e

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supplementary mobile clinics here to see walk-in patients, the most optimal place to operate is near food, because the one thing that is getting people, especially elderly, out of their homes is food -- so it’s a one-stop shop. that’s baseline, that has to be covered and it has to be consistent and it’s been a challenge to address. The variable that is uunknown is that hte longer utilities are out, the longer we will have to go out and find these patients. NYCHA has started ding this to some extent... it is not sustainable in a makeshift sense for us to do this over a long period of itme. If the power comes back on Monday, we’re good -- three Mondays from now, different story.

So, this is somethingthat we have addressed in a makeshift way that we have built here with the help of very altruistic doctors and nurses etc. If we are going ot do this in a prolonged way, we need the city to step up... and be in touch with these people, and... provide resources, whether they are the Adobo clinic or mobile clinics or the Methodist Hospital... and that’s the state of where we are now.”

Monica: “Givent he mixed response we’ve gotten form the clinic, in terms of partnering with the urgency to get it up and running -- it seems we’re more urgent about their being funcitoning than they are. I’d be interseted in hearing your assessment of whether... if we get it back to the standards pre-Sandy, is that sufficient? And if not, maybe not to be resolved tonight... what are the steps that we need to take so that we have an adequate facility here...?

Matt: “At baseline, there needs to be a walk-in facility somewhere where everyone knows aobut that is funcitonal. And the people know where it is, and they can walk in. The only variable is, if there is a prolonged utilities outage, then we will need to continue to walk out and find these people if they’re homebound, and if their phones don’t work they can’t call 911. Kirby’s been working on getting me pre-paid phones, so for example an elderly woman I saw today... who has no phone

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could call 911.”

Monica notes taht someone offered businesses phones, but they don’t need them, could try to turn it around.

Jen: “I sort  of went to follow-up on that in particular... HHC has been great on Coney Island... it would be great, especially when there’s this many closed hospitals in NYC< if some of those doctors and nurses could be reallocated here. The first DWB ever is now operating in the Rockaways, and it seems kind of shameful, that in this wealthy city...

Nick: “I’ll look into that. I know I’ve been getting 1-day or 2-days here and there... I’ll try to figure out a solution for getting a longer-term agreement with someone who can park their unit here and stay.”

: “What are the specialities that you need physicians for right now?”

Matt: “To be honest, it’s largely basic; we haven’t done anything crazy in the field. We are just preventing people from going off the cliff -- diabetics... we’ve prevented them from having to call 911. So if we can address the consistent clinic walk-in presence, what the City of New York needs to.... establish someone who can follow patients over time, identify them, and make sure they’re getting continuinity of care over time until utilities come back.

Ari knows someone.... “there needs to be some coordination, because... I’m just a person. I make phone calls and get people talking, and then I get this information and say oh, yeah, we’ll get this information. At some point it starts to undermine any credibility I have when I’m looking for help for people.”

Matt: “I have been told 1000s of times since this started -- there’s doctors here, there’s agencies there , and there are people to

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step in to do this and take responsibility for it over a period of time. At this point, we’ve gotten it down to 30 patients, stabilized everyone else... we need someone who is going to follow people over time -- we need 1 point person.. to keep track of these people... for continuity over time. They dont’ even necessarily have to be a doctor.”

Chris: There’s a Winnebago-sized vehicle outside the clinc that seems to be a mobile clinic... waht is it?

Matt: “It’s an empty vehicle... could be a mobile clinic... but has been as empty..”

Juvan: “I’m wondering if...

Reg: “I just -- there was a -- I got some contact info; there was a community meeting -- maybe it was Wednesday... maybe Monday -- and I got some contact info, and maybe I should have backed it up, but I feel like I put that in your hands, and it seemed to me like it was actually somebody tryig to pull together doctors and they had some kind of a structure in place, and I’m wondering if you were ever able to follow up on that...”

Matt: “That was probably NYU...”

Andrew: “A mobile health clinic from the city is not scheduled to be here tomorrow becuase they’ve all been diverted to the Rockaways...”

Ari: “Are you guys national guard?”

Yes. “Our medical assets are limited. We have people from PA, from MA; we don’t have any...” medics.

: “Yeah... has anybody -- I’m hearing -- Matt -- that you need 1 person, minimally, maybe 2, to go around and check on 30

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Matt: “We can handle these cases tomorrow -- we got it.” Yes.

: “OK. Has anybody reached out to Americorps?”

Paulie: “We’ve reached out to every conection we can and no one has showed up with any consistent basis..”

Kirby: “It’s not a service that they are willing to offer right now.”

Andrew: “NYCHA has... that is strictly their job.” Has hired someone to do follow up on their residents. “And we’re also working on trying to get the big medical truck in front of Adobo open for tomorrow.”

Paulie: “Great, so we’ll have something for tomorrow...”

Matt: “I have a list of 354 people that we’ve seen or know about, and we’re following 30s. There needs to be one person, until the utilities come back, that tracks them... just need to make phone calls or go into the home. Doesn’t matter who they are, that’s all we need.”

Next: Logistics of transitioning from visitations to CP tomorrow.

:” I became aware of that today, that that’s happening, and that’s been one of our major distro and collection points, so I just wanted to tap into everybody here about how things are going at Coffee Park -- OScar and I have been talking, and -- do you need help tomorrow ith moving supplies, stuff, what is the shape of it so that I can make sure we’re pushing the right resources?”

Oscar: “Yes, I’ll definitely be needing 20-30 volunteers a day. We’ll be in the park every day as long as we can.” “We can do taht right away, whenever you have volunteers to send over.”

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Meet at 10PM at Visitation and bring stuff to park.

Yoni: “I work with communication with Sunset and with Clinton; about 500 volunteers are going in and out... they are being pressed in that many of them are going to SI or Rockaway...”

Gillian: “We have 550 volunteers come through today.. which was unbelievable.”

Kirby: “The Mayor’s Office said we’ll be putting two trailers into Coffee Park... opening relief services to the community. One of the things we need to figure out, all of us coordinating this, wish someone from Parks DEpt was here -- we need to make sure we’re all communicating on the ground and anyone who is a pont person fro anything happening in the park can communicate about the rules -- we want sunup to sundown; we don’t want things to get out of hand. We know the NG has offered to help with that, so has the NYPD. Also, spaces where we’re going to be -- Cpatain Shiff; I spoke with the Mayor’s Dept today -- the restrictions on tents don’t exist if they are 10 feet or under. So if we can make those other tents informational and do more than just distro. And if you have a date and location for trailers.”

Oscar: “Tomorrow  between 8 and 5, right at Richards Street.”

Juvan: “Do we want food in those tents? Do you want to set up sandwiches, snacks -- ?”

Oscar: “IF we can get more tents there, then yes.” Tomorrow? “Yes.”

NYPD: “Regarding additional tents, I need to talk to Nelson Fung... it’s the weekend; it’s a little tough to get ahold of ppl.” Kirby will get in touch with Mayor’s offiec to push it along.

Gillian wants ot know what will be happening there.

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: “We will have tents that are the site for distributing non-perishable food, and cleaning supplies... sometimes clothing. We have different stuff coming every hour from the warehouse, and we are distributing from the tents in Coffee PK, and if we have meals to be served, we can do that too. As well as an info center, for ppl to come in the park and find out about things going on in the neighborhood.”

Ari feels 10am is too late to have voliunteers coming in... ppl have no heat and hot water; if we don’t start until 10am, they’re antsy... “by the time you guys get a list to me, we’re already behind and it’s urgent. if we have 550 volunteers on a list somewhere, surely 10 of them can get there at 7am.”

Steph: “The volunteers, we love them, they’re showing up at noon; if they’re online to volunteer at 7, they can show up somewhere at 9. The effective day is much earlier than 10.”

Paulie Anne calls the topic. “Next we have the Red Hook Housing canvass, and we’ll cap it at... 7 minutes.”

Gillian: “So, today we did -- we used volunteers to do... the best block-by-block door to door canvassing we possibly could not in the houses to do some reassesment of need, now that we’re a week since the last canvassing effort, because the needs are starting to shift and we’re hearing that from the bsuinesses and residents. Sent out aout 150 volunteers, who knocked on 100s of doors and connceted to 100s of people and did street-scanning to see what environment was.. .ie. sanitation. We’re working throuh that data right now -- it’s germane to what you guys were talking about... re: SBs not feeling served. What we wanted to do in the houses is something different... discussed with Jill Eisenhart. Because you guys have done medical canvassing... we don’t want to repeat that. RHI is getting 10 social workers into RHI monday, and they’ll do some canvassing Monday about MH issues, and they will organize to do that which seems right. One

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thing they’re really hearing from residents there... via RHI, is that they’re really -- and Reg said this to me over tne phone -- there’s a need for a checkin and basic supplies that people are asking for, and they can’t get down and don’t want to keep coming down to get -- flashlights, batteries, water -- we have a list at RHI. So this was an idea we thought about doing before the canvass today, and I want to pt it out to this group and see if we can just make this happen tomorrow b/c it means mu

Idea would be to create from warehouse if we could do it -- create some basic bags with items folks are asking for. It’s kind of what you know -- flashlights, battries, water, candles, other things -- the basic list. and then to set volunteers up to do a really good orientation about being really sensitized to what people are dealing with and experiencing there, and then ahve some local residents help with that orientaiton. Adn then to get people out, door to door, with supplies and to deliver them.

NG: “We need to think about safety of people then.”

G: “People in the houses?”

NG:: “Well, we’ve done it... we’re just going to use what people have done here that’s worked, and then use mobilization of ppl tomorrow, and use Coffee Park as staging area for that... get them up, be in the park... “

PA notes there are 3 minutes left on this topic.

G: “I hope people think that’s ag ood idea and that we can coordiante with the warehouse, and just get bags in production and volunteers out to do it.”

Matt: “THat’s preventative medicine right there.”

Shawn: “We’ll come back with info about damage... mold,

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toxicity, oil in the street... we need inspections in these places to see what kind of damage --”

PA notes that’s offtopic.

Kirby: “What happened was, Weds morning, we started canvassing the whole entire neighborhood, sking medical, elderly needs, flashlights, are you homebound? We have 2000 of those, 300 homebound. and I got my hands on the elderly NYCHA list; there were more on our list than on that list.... so these people have been, since Wednesday, fed twice, dropped-off hot meals, once a day partials including basic supplies, and getting medical treatment once a day. and the medical clinic has slowly but surely started dropping off those amounts as medical cases are resolved.”

PA: “It seems like we’ve done an effort, and there still is another need for an effort, so if what we need to do is refine it down to what the needs are left now -- making sure people have information...”

Reg sent out pamphlets: “I’m just putting it together and sending it out, not doing distro.”

PA notes that sometimes people go out bringing the same thing two or three times, “and sometimes they’re like, I don’t need that, I’ve already got it.”

Gillian: “In my conversations with the folks at RHI, I think folks are really awrae that there’s been a lot of needs assessments, and that would not be the focus of this. It’s not a canvass -- it’s simply exactly what I said, which is having supplies of basic bags of a basic kit of -- having a basic kit of supplies in a bag, also, btw, with the current flyer of information that’s updated -- whatever the current info is, and that’s what it is; it’s knocking on the door, saying hello, checking in asking if they like it and giving them info.”

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Kirby asks warehouse folks to create bags and Reg to print informational sheets. “Are you printing them twice a day?” Reg is sending them out... not printing. Kirby: “When is the next one coming out?” Reg: “I’ll work on it Monday unless something big comes in.”

Monica notes they are showing up all over the area.

Lou: “I think the question needs to be asked -- there’s no info about when water in houses is going to be drinkable; we asked NYCHA yesterday and the response was “I don’t want to answer that question.” There’s no information going to residents on that question... no residents are drinking water that I have talked to, so some info from the city or NYCHA about when the water supply would be drinkable would be very helpful.”

Andrew: “The basic assessment was that there was no chlorine, but until the electricity is set up.. the residents could be... the one with the water tower on top was the only one they experessed a concern about... because it has to be circulated. The rest of the building is fine just like every other city...” They have gas.

Next: businesses needing $ support.

: “I apologize, I’m new to this process; I came home to my house being destroyed, and I’m here for the first time, so if I’m saying things you guys have been talking about for a couple days, I apologize, but I brought this up because people came to me... what’s tstriking me here is there’s one grand need, which is one person to do medical follow-up. So what I can offer -- GAST is a 501(c)3...”

Kirby redirects --

“I was changing priorities but... I want to say that a lot of people have said that the residents are getting a lot of hlep, and a lot of

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what keeps RH alive is a lot of the small businesses, and I now they don’t look like the kind of people that nee das much help as some other people, but they do ebcause it all connects. So, what I wanted to do was say, if people want to give GAGS money, we will just pass it through and give it to businesses. Now, if you guys think that it’s more important to pass it through and hire somebody for $100 a day and check on people with medical problems, that’s fine too.”

Kirby: “ Ihave some news; wonderful meeting I had earlier with Mayor’s Office; they are prioritizing busineses in RH because they know they feed the community so well. THe Mayor’s office is offering to bring in the little container units for each business that was destroyed -- container units, they are heated on the inside, so each story that got destroyed will have its own unit so they’ll be able to keep selling to the community. And I just want to point out this is happening beacuse I was able to talk to Andrew’s partner today... and I’ve been on the ground, trying to siphone as much m,oney as possible into these businesses through these resources. Two numbers: comms number... businesses looking for financial support, volunteer-related -- 347-770-1528. That is a communications center; any questions on anything come into this number. The priority was taking care of people who didn’t have... all of the necessities... the warehouse -- I ahve supplies for building, resources -- anyone can call the warehouses with a request and they[ll be delivered. Anything from electriccal supplies, water, blankets -- anything anyone needs, it will come to them. The warehouse dispatch, until 10:30.. [that number]. Oe thing we didn’t have time to do today was, we’ll print this info up on flyers and distribute it to local businesses.”

“First# is volunteers -- you need someone to clean floor, you need anything -- that will be directed to appropriate person in this room right now.”

Vincent: “I helped set up this comms systems, and in order to

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move volunteers into needs and goods into RH -- I need 20 high-powered walkie-talkies to communicate from one side of RH to another.”

NG doesn’t know how big RH is. They say it’s infeasible.

NG: “You mentioned you have a communications network -- do you realize how many 100s of people are then going to call this phone number?”

Kirby: “We’ll have at least 4, 5 people manning that. It was on my phone today. I know.”

Gillian: “Kind of a parallel structure set up for businesses to say, here’s my need for volunteers, and then a system where we are tracking volunteers through RHI -- that’s going on as well. I just hope that we can really make sure we’re coordinating that so we can maximize the volunteers.”

Monica: “Carlos texted his report in -- Carlos Mechaca is the LGBTQ liaison from Chris Quinn’s office... he is our angel. Basically, cArlos’ goal by Mon morning is to complete business canvassing; we’re working together to gather all the info we need to get people funding quickly. By Monday, he wants to have all needs and put it intto the database... I’m taking this project on, he says, as my personal goal. Secondary -- there’s so much stuff going on; Gill and I are in regular communicaton -- I’ malso in regular communication with Kirby, and anything we can do to mobilize the info in a central source is really really helpful. One particular concern of mine is that there are  anumber of businesses along Lorraine that were severely damaged, but apparently yheir electrical source is from one source... they’re shuttered -- so we can’t talk to ppl to let them knw there is aid coming their way. So if we can get any help canvassing the Lorraine and Clinton St corridors, and anyone we can’t find, we cna ask their neighbor if anyone has contact info. We’ve done what we can do wihout power, and so there may be quite a few

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that are not howing up bceause ther’s nothing they can do, but may not know there’s a coalition -- so let’s do that and make sure we can get all the resources out to all the peolpe who possibly need them. Now is a time people may feel isolated.”

Zoltan: “For communicaiton within the neighborhood, we have a cell loop set up -- I’m not sure who’s using it... text @redhookrecovery to 23559. That will sign you up on a cell loop, and you can communicate with anyone else on that cell loop.”

Kirby’s Q for govt. “Our warehouse is pretty well-stocked; as we shift our attention tot he busineses, we’ll need resources we possibly don’t have -- today, we were able to get nebulizers.. .am I able ot lean on any of the organizations in this space now if we have a need the warehouse can’t meet, can we request it to you?”

Answer from city: submit shopping list, “I’ll ship it up the food chain and provide to you what we can.” Kirby will make sure it’s a need. NG gives same answer.

: “Have you guys reached out to other shelters you have set up?” Kirby tells that we have coms set up to share resources.

Ari: “The warehouse is mine, adn we have a lot of stuff; we’ve been making distribution runs when we receive calls... since City Harvest is providing non-perishable food almost every place, we got almost 30k pounds from Fairway... my friend is the ED of city harvest, so I just ask her to come pick up all our non-perishable food and distro from RH. The church asked for lots today; we came after CH and they couldn’t take what they’d asked for.”

Peterson: “We have about 10 points of distribution; each day we say what we’ve given out, and there’s a lot left over. this lcoation, in this neighborhood, they would beg for food and water... we can bring dry ice, we can bring food, we can bring hot water.. that should happen every single day. We should always do this,

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every single day. Whatever we can do to help.. our biggest assets is we’re in charge of all these distribution points... we have diapers, everything -- we have dog food. Y’all want dog food? We have a lot

Kirby asks how long they’re here for.... “OK, nevermind.”

Shawn: “I just wanted to add that we appreciate that you bring us supplies at the EOD when you have excess but... we have info about where needs are, because we’re on the ground in many places, so we can also tell you where is the needs.”

Paulie: “Does anyone want to push agenda items? We have a lot more ot go through and it’s running late...”

Zoltan notes he wants to hear abotu community presence at meetings.

Reg: “Thanks, and as the meeting has gone on it’s felt more urgent to discuss this... I’m not clear on the -- I just want to doublecheck -- how many residents of RH are actually in the room right now?” 8. “OK, so that’s issue number 1, and I happen to know that... Owens is herebecause we passed him on the street, and we asked him to come.. Rachel too.. .and the fact that so many crucial figures in terms of RH leadership are not in the space right now, I’m not even comfortable having a conversation about the needs of red hook without them here. And we’ve brought the police force and NG to this room, discussing how resources are going to be allocated to a community that is not even here to talk about their own needs. And that is problematic, and might even be dangerous.” No Latino community leaders.... “We do not have the community in this room; you want to talk about on the ground; tehy’re on the ground. tEhy’re actually living the reality we’re tlaking about addressing in this space right now and they’re not even here to speak on their own behalf. There are a lot more ppl who would be in this room if they knew this was happening -- a lot of other

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incredible RH residents... it’s not even happening in a public place. so I dont’ even know how we can continue with the meeting really in earnest without knowing that thoes folks are present. There are thing we can talk about, what people in this space doing things for the community can do... but this space does not represent RH. I think we need to acknowledge that before we move on.”

Kirby: “POI: why this is happening like this -- I agree with you Reg. The problem has bee nthat I have been on the ground at RHI, and I have also need, with being part of the small business community here -- I’ve been acting as a communication pt between outside wonderful volunteers and residents -- and because I took a leadership role, I started to evelp relationships with community groups. I as one perso ncannot facilitate all of these converastions.. .i’m happy I’m able to help my community. I agree with you; I saw an opportuity today... with being in touch with all of these orgs. I think right now this is a starting point to all of these wonderufl things we could start... this is the best I could make happen. And I need to move some of this weight... to everyone in this room. you guys know me; I’m on the road a lot of the year... i want to know these people you’re talking about. I don’t. I got in touch with the community I know. So lets’ plan to faciitate another meeting to bring everybody in, but this is just the starting point. It wasn’t intentional and I’m trying my best for everybody right now.”

Ari: “ I just want to say that... doing distribution, and working with logistics -- it’s been my observation that we need space indoors, with electricity and lights -- I got a commitment from Markowitz that if I could get him something that look appropriate, he could call the landlord and give him the elbow... if we had 6,000 to 10,000 sq ft where we could do things like train volunteers, do direct distriibution of services, we could also have meetings -- it’s a neutral space; it would be different from going into somebody’s home... So, tomorrow the church is closed- - everybody’s scrambling all the time; the tents aren’t an ideal option; it gets

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colder every day; it’s going to rain Tues or Weds... we need some indoor space, and we need the Mayor to help us. IT can’t be Brad LAnder; he pushed me off... that’s extraordinarily frustrating. Markowitz is a good friend of one of my friends; I trust he’l come through... after a single conversation, I heard that MM is calling on my behalf. I can’t just be the one who says, this is what we need. The entire comunity can’t come to someone’s home; won’t be comfortable going ot a chuch, but a neutral space... so we can see each other and coordinate.”

Lou: “I want to... augment and also I guess a little bit disagree with what Reg said in a positive way. Reg and I have talked about this for a long time; I think that there is... and this is a philosphical discussion - -there is an old guard of leadership here and a new one, and a lot of us that have been doing this for 15 years are thrilled that ther eis a new group of laders, bceause for years, a lot of us said we can’t do it for one more year. And now, what I see in front of me, is not the Wally Basemore, and Not the pete Morales, and... we’ve got new people here. So I think we have to embrace each other, that it’s changing a little bit. I would like to include some of the people doing it a long time, but a lot of them are getting old and tired and sick and it’s a blessing to have the new folks step in.”

Monica: “So, a couple things -- and this is just... I mean, with huge love for Kirby, no question, and also for Lou, there’s something very big in between the two. What Reg said about the community being represented is spot on... that doesn’t invalidate the incredible work of anyoen here. Something people not from RH need to know is that there is a very alive and alert and active network of people, and it’s not just old guard, or musicians come lately that we love deeply,but communication will make all the differencein the world -- we all have cell phones; we can text, call, spread word about meetings. Between you and I and Reg and chris we probably know everybody in RH. T o get the important people into the room is not that hard, and I know we are all beyond overwhelmed, but we need to take the extra 2 or 3

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minutes to communicate so that when we come together our results are maximized.”

Kirby asks if we can agree that this mailing list will be the kernel of that, so it’s off our shoulders.

Monica: “Absolutely. This room is spectacular, and there’s also so mich more goijg on int he community righ tnow, and we need to work together so we maxmimize and don’t invalidate our efforts.”

PA: “We had a 2-hour long convo about that before this happened, and we started with, how can we make this accessible to everyone? And some of our ideas.. and I want this to be a collaboration -- connecting with ppl already here organizing and being able to connect with them and everyone here with them; having scheduled meetings w/ enough notice in a neutral space everyone can meet in; conecting woth people we see natural leadership in and try to bring them into this ‘inner circle’ and make it accessible via community spaces, neutral spaces, and that’ll be one of my next big... because that’s a step towards recovery.”

Chris will step back.

Shawn: “Yes, I am very interested in setting up infrastructure that will have long-term -- like meetings and things, but... pass.

Vincent: “I propose that we leave this meeting with a commitment for this decision-making body to reconvene wwith all the people not at this meeting right now.”

PA asks for proposed spaces; Kirby asks if the Mayor can help facilitate this.

Andrew: “If we had access to justice center, it would already be set up...”

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27? Ms. Jackson, Ms. Campbell, Ms. Brown...

Meeting would have to start at 5:00.

Kirby: “Excellent, so we’ll follow up.” PS 27 seems like a good place.

Paulie Anne: “Any more pressing needs?”

Shawn asks if the army or people from city wants to be on our email list. “Do you want to be in on our conversations?”

Petterson has given it; Paulie notes she just wants consent... Monica: “And we can be respectufl in emails and make them short and to the point.”

Paulie: “Thanks, everyone, for coming to this.”

Monica: “The one topic that was really important for me -- we talked anout - food is being provided; hot meals are being provided... as a chef who is coordinating all the bsuinesses, which is prety much made up of chefs and cooks out of work right now, we have met with Good Shepherd and they have a big commercial kitchen that is not being used.. we have started to think about how we can take over.. but we don’t know exactly what the need is. So if I could get via email tomorrow, wahtever, that answer, we could put together a solution that would take the burden off of places not set up to...”

PA: “OK. Meeting adjourned.”