record number of participants and … - br.5,2017.pdf · at mu-pleven and dr. martin...

Academia MEDICA MEDICA Vol 5 (September October 7 . , - ) 201 1.00 lv. ISSN - 1314 - 958X Publication on Ecology and Medicine MU - Pleven’s Medical Newspaper / стр. 2 RECORD NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND VARIOUS SCIENTIFIC INITIATIVES AT THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE FOR STUDENTS AND YOUNG DOCTORS AT MU-PLEVEN The official start of the new, unique 3D education studio was celebrated. 138 scientific papers in ten thematic fields were introduced. THE START OF THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR, 2017/2018 AT MU-PLEVEN PROFESSOR GORCHEV RECEIVED A MEDICAL OSCAR MU-PLEVEN HOSTS THE EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS' NIGHT 2017 GLOBAL ETHICS DAY AT MU-PLEVEN "SVETA MARINA" IS THE NEW UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL IN PLEVEN р. 5 р. 4 р. 5 р. 7 р. 8

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MEDICAMEDICAVol 5 (September October 7. , - ) 201 1.00 lv.

ISSN - 1314 - 958X


on Ecology

and Medicine

MU - Pleven’s Medical Newspaper /

стр. 2




The official start of the new, unique 3D education studio was celebrated.138 scientific papers in ten thematic fields were introduced.









NIGHT 2017






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vol. 5/2017Academia




From 9 to 14 October 2017 in theTelecommunication EndoscopicCenter at MU-Pleven the new edition ofthe traditional Youth Scientific Forum -XV International Medical ScienceConference for Students and YoungDoctors (MDSC) was held. In line withthe motto "Science: Uploading ..." avariety of attractive initiatives wereincluded in the program of the event,focusing on the latest advances inmedicine and innovative approaches inmedical education, science andpractice. This year, the number ofregistered participants was record-high - more than 340, including foreignguests from Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia,Slovenia, Iran, Tanzania, Romania andothers. More than 200 students andlecturers participated from MedicalUniversity - Pleven, representativesfrom other medical universities inSofia, Stara Zagora, Varna and Plovdiv.The participants presented 138scientific papers divided into 10thematic categories. For the first time inthe program, the thematic category of"Pharmacy" was included, enablingstudents and young pharmacists topresent their research in the thematicfield.

The official opening ceremony washeld on 10 October 2017 in the AmbroisePare Hall. Among the official guests ofthe event were the Mayor of PlevenMunicipality, Georg Spartanski and theHonorary Rector of the University,Prof. Grigor Gorchev.

The participants were welcomed bythe Rector of the Medical University,Prof. Dr. Slavcho Tomov, who in thespirit of the motto of the conference"Science: Upgrade ...", stressed that it isprecisely because of them - the studentsof the Pleven Alma Mater - that theleadership annually builds on the

innovative image of the university."Last year, the introduction of the first3D medical table for virtual dissectionswas our focus and this year an evengreater investment and addition inboth the training and in the researchactivities of MU-Pleven was made," heexplained, while officially launchingthe first 3D studio in the country andSoutheast Europe, which was installedin the Ambroise Pare Hall of theTelecommunication Center. Withspecial 3D glasses, the audience wasintroduced into the three-dimensionalreality of a robot-assisted surgicaloperation.

Students and young doctors werealso greeted by the mayor of PlevenMunicipality, Georg Spartanski."Pleven has many reasons for pride -the rich history, the cultural traditions,the beautiful nature, but without adoubt the most important feature oftoday's Pleven is medicine. Itsdevelopment, modern hospitals,equipment and the potential of itsmedical specialists have become theemblem of the city. With our MedicalUniversity attracting more and morestudents from all over the world, ourreasons to be proud are ever-increasing "said Georg Spartanski.” Heemphasized that he highly appreciatedthe forum as an opportunity for youngp e o p l e t o d i s c u s s t h e l a t e s tachievements and make new friends.

Within the framework of the 15thedition of the Youth Science Forum, forthe third consecutive year, "AutumnSchool of Innovations in Medicine"took place, with focus placed on thefollowing topics:

October 9, 2017 - "A personalizedapproach to the treatment of cancer",m o d e r a t o r .N o v a r t i s B u l g a r i aDistinguished guest lecturers fromSofia and young specialists from "Dr.Georgi Stranski" University Hospital -Pleven presented current issues indifferent areas of personalizedmedicine.

October 10, 2017 - "The Future ofMinimally Invasive Surgery" withmoderator Assoc. Prof. Dr. DobromirDimitrov, PhD from the Clinic ofOncologic Surgery at Dr. GeorgiStranski University Hospital, Pleven.

Among the lecturers of the AutumnSchool were Dr. Tsvetomir Ivanovfrom the Clinic of Oncologic Surgery ofUMHAT-Pleven, Dr. Manis Sachdevafrom the Department of Anatomy,Histology, Cytology and Embryologyat MU-Pleven and Dr. MartinKaramanliev, MD - Pleven.

The schedule on October 11, 2017,was also full of exciting and variedevents:

Dr. Totko Naydenov, a writer andeditor-in-chief of the BulgarianPhysician newspaper, presented theChilovi Dni initiative, which was heldin 2017 for the 20th time.

W i t h h i s l e c t u r e " H i d d e nNeuroanatomy in Michelangelo'sFrescoes of the Sistine Chapel," theyoung doctor, Dr Horatio Moisa, MD

of the Clinic of Neurosurgery at theUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy"Carol Davila" in Bucharest, Romania

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Doctor HonorisCausa

plunged the participants into theatmosphere of the Renaissance. In hislecture "Brain tumors: what do weknow so far?" Dr. Horatio Moisa

introduced new developments in thefield of oncologic neurosurgery.

Dr. Boris Tablov from theAnesthesiology and Intensive Care Cli-nic of Rupiner Hospital in Noyrupin,Germany, Chair of the I MDCOrganizing Committee with the lecture"Advanced Trauma Life Support".

Dr. Ivaylo Nenov from theDepartment of Cardiac Surgery at Heartand Brain Hospital, Pleven, member of

MDSC I, II and III OrganizingCommittee presented a lecture on"Current situation and future trends incardiac surgery".

Dr. Kenichiro Hasumi, Tokyo,Japan, founder of the Hasumi-BulgariaInternational Research Foundationand Doctor Honoris Causa at the MU-Pleven, presented on October 13, 2017,an academic lecture on "Application ofIntra- immune Dendri t ic Cel lsC o m b i n e d w i t h C h e m o a n dRadiotherapy targeting patients innative phase IV triggers bettersequencing in cancer therapy." Dr.

Hasumi is a pioneer in the study andapplication of therapeutic anti-cancervaccines by injecting culturedautologous dendritic cells to stimulatea therapeutic immune response inoncologic diseases.

Prof. Dr. Dean Mann of theDepartment of Pathology at theUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore,USA presented a talk: "Intra-tumordendritic cell injection in combinationwith a radiation-induced tumorantigen-specific immune response inpatients in advanced stages of cancer."

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At the openingceremony for the 15th

I n t e r n a t i o n a lM e d i c a l S c i e n c eC o n f e r e n c e f o rStudents and YoungDoctors, the DoctorHonoris Causa title oft h e M e d i c a lUniversity - Plevenwas awarded to theman, recognized asthe father of fetalmedicine - Prof. Dr.Kipros Nikolaidis,Kings College, London, United Kingdom. The honorary title waspresented by Professor Slavcho Tomov, Rector of the MedicalUniversity - Pleven. Prof. Nikolaidis was thankful for the honor: "It is agreat honor for me to receive this title. It is especially important to mebecause Prof. Tomov is a pioneer in the development of endoscopicsurgery."

Prof. Dr. Kipros Nikolaidis calls himself the "father" of fetalmedicine, but he never wanted to remain a lone voice for the field. "Iwas obsessed with the idea of helping people to raise the standard ofmedicine," the professor explained. That's why he created a privateclinic in London. Profits from it flow into a charity foundation that

sponsors the research and training of doctors. More than 80physicians are trained in the clinic. So far, the foundation hasawarded scholarships to many physicians around the world,including 9 doctors from Bulgaria, and another 5 are already intraining. The professor said that it is very important for adoctor not only to improve his clinical practice but also to passon their knowledge.

Dr Petya Chaveeva, a student and follower of Prof.Nicolaides, said he is an emblematic figure in the 21st centuryin the field of maternal and fetal medicine. She further added,"It is my honor that one of the most important names in thefield of maternal and fetal medicine receives the title DoctorHonoris Causa of the Medical University - Pleven."

P r o f . K i p r o s N i k o l a i d i scongratulated the students from MU-Pleven for the good organization of thescientific conference. He furtherpromised he would dedicate himself tocontr ibuting to the successfulcontinuation of the conference and tohelp students acquire better knowledgeand skills and thus raise the standard ofcare for pregnant women in Bulgaria.

vol. 5/2017Academia

MEDICANew Academic Year


At Medical University – Pleven, the first in thecountry and Southeast Europe 3D studio fortraining and education of students, postgraduatesand doctoral students and for research activity hasbeen set up. It allows learners to observe a lecture orsurgical operation in real 3D format with specialglasses. It can be used in all surgical disciplines -gynecology, urology, orthopedics, cardiology,neurology, etc. The three-dimensional teachingsystem will be widely used in the annually hostedby MU-Pleven international scientific forums andevents.

The official start of the new 3D studio'sfunctions, housed in the at MU-Pleven, was given by the Rector of the University, Prof. Slavcho Tomov atAmbroise Pare Hallthe 15th International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors, which was held in Pleven, October 9-14,2017. With special 3D glasses, the audience was plunged into the 3D reality of a robot-assisted operation, watching thesurgeon's movements controlling the hands of the robot that was, itself, working on the patient's body.


BEGAN AT MU-PLEVENFor the 43rd time, Pleven Medical University has opened

its doors to receive its newly-admitted over 500 freshmenstudents. For them as well as for the lecturers andemployees, the academic leadership traditionally organizesa grand opening ceremony. The academic 2017/2018 yearwas launched on September 11 with a celebrationtraditionally held in the at .Magnum Hall Second Clinical Base

The ceremony started with receiving and welcoming thenewly admitted students who received scrolls with theanthem of the academic community - , performedGaudeamusby the Municipal Chorus with conductor Anelia Decheva;the Academic leadership of MU-Pleven was then welcomed.

Host of the celebration was Prof. Margarita Alexandrova,Vice Rector of Education, who presented the highlights ofthe University to the audience.

Prof. Slavcho Tomov, Rector of the University aslowelcomed the freshmen and guests of the celebration andintroduced them to the achievements and history of thehigher education institution.

Among the official guests was Miroslav Petrov, theMunicipality Governor of Pleven Municipality. He warmlygreeted the students and congratulated them on the occasionof the beginning of the new academic year and wished themsuccess.

The President of the Students Council as well as theChairman of the Association of Medical Students - Plevenwere also present to congratulate and welcome the newstudents. On the part of the freshmen, to the greetingsresponded Betina Mukova from Slavyanovo - one of the twostudents accepted with a maximum mark of 36.00 in the MAprogram "Medicine".

The Rector, Professor Tomov handed the student's booksto the students with the highest exam marks in all programs– BA and MA in all four Faculties and the College.

For the first time the solemn event ended with a musicalgreeting for the newly enrolled students fromrepresentatives of the student body, Gena Stoykova from theMA program "Medicine", V year and Svetlozar Hristov fromthe BA program "Assistant Pharmacist" III year.

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OF THE NATIONAL ANNUAL MEDICAL AWARDSFourteen Bulgarian doctors and teamsreceived the National Annual MedicalAwards for 2017 for outstandingachievements in the field of medicine.The awards, affectionately nicknamedMedical Oscars were presented at anofficial ceremony in Sofia on October 10at 8 pm in Best Western Premier SofiaAirport. In the category "ProfessionalRecognition, 2017" the award washanded to Prof. Grigor Gorchev, Directorof University Hospital "Sveta Marina" - Pleven, Head of theResearch Institute and Honorary Rector of MedicalUniversity - Pleven. The "Investments in Medicine 2017"award also found its way to Pleven. It was awarded to"Heart and Brain" Hospital, Pleven.The third edition of theNational Annual MedicalAwards 2017 supports thecampaign " Say no toViolence", which arose inresponse to increasedaggression against doctorsacross the country. Theinformation campaign wasinitiated by the BulgarianMedical Association inpartnership with patient

organizations group "Together withyou". Its main purpose is to promote andprompt recognition of good practices inmedicine, the success of Bulgarianmedics in Bulgaria and around theworld, to encourage doctor's aspirationsfor better quality of life in Bulgaria.Prof. Dr. Grigor Gorchev, Member ofcorrespondence at BAS is one of theleading surgeons in Bulgaria; a doctorwith three specialties - obstetrics and

gynecology, oncology and surgery. He is the Director of theResearch Institute and Honorary Rector of the MedicalUniversity - Pleven as well as the Director of UniversityHospital "Sveta Marina" - Pleven. He has done manyspecializations all over the world. He is the President of the

Bulgarian Association ofGynecological Endoscopy,the Bulgarian Associationof Minimal Invas iveGynecological Surgery andthe Balkan Medical Union.He is a member of theBoard of Directors and Co-founder of the Associationfor Robotic Surgery forSoutheast Europe.


MU-Pleven hosted the EuropeanNight of Scientists, Pleven, which washeld under the motto "Sports - the BestWay to Combat Daily Stress". TheUniversity participated yet again in thei n i t i a t i v e o f t h e E u r o p e a nCommission, which is held for the 11thtime in Bulgaria. The large-scale event,being held in over 250 cities in Europeand around the world, among whichthe 11 cities in Bulgaria, was welcomedb y u n p a r a l l e l e d n u m b e r o fparticipants in the universities,educational and research institutionsin the country and with the support ofthe local municipalities.

The night of the researchers washeld under the patronage of the Mayorof Pleven, Georg Spartanski. At MU-Pleven, the project was managed bythe Center for European Integrationand International Cooperation,

Headed by Professor SavelinaPopovska, Vice Rector of EuropeanIntegrat ion and Internat ionalCooperation.

The events, part of the 2017European Scientist's Night, took placeon 29 September simultaneously inover 250 cities in Europe and aroundthe world. They are part of the FRESHProject "Find Researchers Everywhereand Share", funded under the EU'sHorizon 2020 Program - 2016-2020. Thetheme of the European 2017 ScientificNight is in line with the priorities forachieving a better level of health andpromoting physical activity during theBulgarian Presidency of the EuropeanUnion Council in 2018.

On September 16, 2017, the firstphase of the Researchers' Night washeld under the title "Health Routes". At

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European Researchers'Night

8:30 am the Sports Complex of MU-Pleven the three routes of healthstarted, including sports activities forhigh school students, students,teachers and citizens of Pleven and themunicipality. Each of the routesinvolved different sporting eventsraging between mini tournaments inbasketball and volleyball (route 1);rhythmic gymnastics and yoga (route2) and gender-specif ic power,endurance and cardio training at ahuge local gym (route 3). The threeroutes later met at the center of Pleven,where the winners of the respectiveroutes were named and variousdancing events took place.

The official opening of the 2017Researchers' Night was on September29th, at 17:00, at the Sports Complex atMU-Pleven. The start of the event wasgiven by the Mayor of the Municipalityof Pleven - Mr. Georg Spartanski andthe Rector of MU-Pleven, Prof. Dr.Slavcho Tomov.

Prof. Atanas Kirilov, Chairman ofthe Union of Scientists in Pleven,recalled the history of "Researchers'Night" dating back to 2006, noting thatthe Union of Scientists in Bulgaria hasalways been a partner and co-organizerfor Bulgaria. "Researchers are ordinary

people who also have theirneeds and problems. Theyare sporting, drawing,having hobbies and for theninth consecutive timeunder the auspices of the" E u r o p e a n N i g h t o fScientists" the next poetryb o o k w i t h p o e m s o fBulgarian scientists isgetting published. For thefirst time this year the bestpoems from this poetryc o l l e c t i o n w i l l b enominated for an award,"he elaborated.

Later that evening,guests had the opportunityt o v i s i t t h e v a r i o u spresentations of scientists,to examine photo exhibi-tions, interesting exposi-tions of scholars related tothe sport, to partici-pate in a quiz, tolearn about variousopportunities for

increasing physical activity andto learn more about the move-ment as a means of treating andpreventing various diseases.The topic of sports and sportingwere discussed as a means ofdealing with stress and impro-ving adaptation; how stressaffects our health; the importantrole of physical activity in theproper functioning of ournervous system.

The talks with the guestlecturers Prof. Margarita Todo-rova and Prof. Lyubomir Lazovfrom the European Center forEducation, Science and Innova-tions (ECESI) made the partici-pants think about physicalactivity as an important factor inconducting seminars. Prof.Todorova is an expert in com-puter systems and technologies,graduated from the NationalTechnical University, Kiev,Ukraine. Prof. Lubomir Lazovteaches at the University ofRezekne , Latv ia , and isChairman of the Physicists'Association in Gabrovo.

The night of the scientistscontinued in the foyer of the

Telecommunication EndoscopicCenter, the Medical University - Ple-ven. From 18:00 to 21:00 on September29, 2017, the participants could visit thePublic Health Stand and to participatein the demonstrations of the TANITAapparatus. They had the opportunityto measure their body compositionwith the device, and Dr. VanyaBirdanova interpreted the results of themeasurements and advised them onhow to improve those indicators thatare out of or above the norm.

In the FRESH Youth InteractiveModule, the stars - secondary schoolstudents and high school studentspresented the Health Routes from thefirst phase of the program, that tookplace at the Medical University and inthe town of Pleven and gave advice onhow to improve our physical activitythrough collective games, fitness,rhythmic gymnastics and yoga.

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MEDICAGlobal Ethics Day


On October 18th, the Global Dayof Ethics was celebrated at theMedical University - Pleven. For thesecond consecutive year MU-Plevenwas the only Bulgarian academicinstitution that is included in its worldcelebration, under the patronage ofthe Carnegie Council for Ethics inInternational Affairs, a New York-based institution. Similar to EarthDay, 57 institutions and organizationsaround the world celebrated theGlobal Ethics Day by organizingroundtables and discussions on various topics from the fieldof ethics.

The opening of the forum was at 10 am in the AmbroisePare Hall of the University Telecommunications Center.This year partners of MU - Pleven in the celebration of theGlobal Ethics Day were the "Ethical Research" section of theInstitute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge (BAS) atthe Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the BulgarianAssociation of Bioethics and Clinical Ethics.

The program of the event provided interestingdiscussions on topical issues of applied ethics, reproductivebioethics, clinical practices and integrated ethicalcounseling:

On the practical applications of bioethics – SilviyaAleksandrova-Yankulovska, MU-Pleven

Applied ethics – current challenges to the academiceducation – Emilia Marinova – ISSK, BAS

Normativity in ethical case analysis – Atanas Anov,Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska – MU-Pleven

On the training function of integrated clinical ethics

consultation – Antonia Grigorova,Silviya Aleksandrova-Yankulovska –BABCE, MU-Pleven

Medical care – legal borders andethical horisons – Stoyan Stavru -ISSK, BAS

Reproductive decisions anddilemmas – clinical practice andreproductive bioethics – LuboslavaKostova – ISSK, BAS

The event was concluded with aviewing of “What Happened on

Monday” (2017), starring Naomi Rapace, a movie about:A world where families are limited to one child due to

overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being putto a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting whileinvestigating the disappearance of one of their own.

Following the movie was a discussion over public healthmeasures to control fertility and ethical issues of pro-natalists and anti-natalist policies.

According to the BBC, a new cancer drug was approvedin the United States. It changes the patient's immunesystem so that it attacks the cancer cells. The drug is calledCAR-T and is made by utilizing the patient's own whiteblood cells. The approval of this medicine is defined as a"historical moment" and with it medicine goes into a "newage". In the UK, doctors have identified the medicine asan exciting step forward.

Unlike standard anti-cancer therapies, the new drug isadapted to each patient. Cells are reprogrammed to"search" and "kill" cancer cells. After injecting them into thepatient, they multiply and move toward them.According to Prof. Peter Johnson, this is an exciting step inmedicine. "This is the first cell therapy that is done throughgenetic modification, a very exciting step forward," hecommented.

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MEDICAUniversity Hospital


By decision of the Council of Ministers from the formalmeeting on October 4, 2017, "Sveta Marina" hospital inPleven was allowed to become a university hospital.Pursuant to the Law for Medical Institutions, universityhospitals, which are multi-profile or specialized, aftersuccessful accreditation, can carry out clinical educationactivities for students and graduates in medicine, dentalmedicine, pharmacy and health care as well as post-graduate training.

The prospects for the development of the secondUniversity Hospital in Pleven, "Sveta Marina" werepresented to the journalists by its Manager, Prof. Dr. GrigorGorchev, the Director and Deputy Director - Dr. PetarKeremedchiev and Hristo Hristov, as well as the Rector ofMU – Pleven, Prof. Slavcho Tomov.

"The Medical University in Pleven is developingextremely fast and there is a need for new and moderntraining facilities for the students," Prof. Gorchevcommented on the new status of hospital. HeSveta Marinastressed that henceforth the hospital will be looked atdifferently because, apart from the medical activities, thespecialists will also be responsible for the education ofstudents, graduates and postgraduates.

"Sveta Marina" hospital has an extremely avant-gardematerial base and now also a staff of lecturers. Its latestacquisition is the only Northwest Bulgaria PET scanner,informs Professor Gorchev. The device enables precisediagnosis of cancer at the cellular level.

"For modern oncology, it is impossible to work withoutadvanced diagnostics - the PET scanner avoids possiblemisinterpretation of the degree and severity of the disease,which is important for the application of adequatetreatment," Prof. Gorchev explained. Examinations with thenew equipment for patients with health insurance will befully covered by the Health Insurance Fund, and for the rest,

the price will be set at 2 000 BGN.The PET scanner (PET/CT) is a complex imaging

method, combining a nuclear-medical examination(positron-emission tomography) and X-ray scanning (acomputer tomography scanner). Like any nuclear-medicalstudy, the method is related to intravenous injection of smallradioactive material agents - a radiopharmaceutical. As afinal result, three images are visualized - functional (PET),morphological (CT) and software-generated third image,called , combining functional and morphologicalfusionimages. The resulting images are three-dimensional and canbe on individual segments or the whole body. In oncologypatients, whole body images are preferred.

The PET scanner is a high-class device that allows you tomake the most accurate diagnosis, displaying metastasiseven at the cellular level. PET scanning allows for acombined image that shows functionally altered tissues andorgans as well as their relatively accurate localization.Thanks to this imaging methodology, a more precisedetermination of the stage of an oncologic disease is made;the effect of therapy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy orsurgical treatment) is observed while also allowing for earlydetection of recurrent zones, more accurately targeting ofthe radiation therapy to the more active parts of the tumormass; determination of the most suitable biopsy site is anadditional perk as well as the opportunity to search for atumor with unknown localization but prominentmetastases.


Improving upon the initiative, the ObstetricsOpen Daysand Gynecology Clinic at “Sveta Marina” universityhospital is accepting applications for the first "School forParents". It is organized in response to the needs ofexpectant mothers who lack but would like to acquiremore theoretical and practical knowledge and skills inparenting, effectively turning them into confident andexperienced future mothers. The new initiative will beheld during the Open Days with those willing toparticipate in theoretical and practical workshops forfuture parents.

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MEDICAEnlightener Award


The Enlightener of 2017 campaignhas entered its final phase and the juryof the competition has chosen the top10. Of those 10 most distinguishedpeople, the sixth position is held by Dr.A n e l i a H o h v a r t e r , a l e a d i n gophthalmologist who has been living inAustria for the past 26 years. She is oneof the most successful Bulgarian doctorsabroad, with an established name insociety and well-known for herparticipation in humanitarian causes allover the world. She was born in GornaMitropolia, graduated from the MedicalUniversity of Pleven, and latergraduated in General Medicine inVienna, where she specializes in andpractices as general practitioner and

ophthalmologis t .Since 1997, she hasbeen working at theR u d o l p h y s i t t i n gHospital in Vienna,and since 1999 she isa practicing ophthal-mologist at the Oph-thalmology Clinic inthe same hospital.

Dr. Hahvartner isa lecturer at the

University of Vienna's dedicatedMedical Clinic and a researcher at theLudwig Boltzmann Institute ofRetinology and Biomicroscopic LaserSurgery. Her scientific research is inthe field of autoimmune diseases andthe consequent damage to the retina,but above all her work focus is

surgical, related to operative activities.Dr. Anelia Hohvarter is not only an

established ophthalmologist, but also aperson actively engaged in socialprojects. The latest project she isengaged with has to with the Lokomatmachine. She has dedicated allproceeds from her novel, 'Travel' toacquiring the first Lokomat robot inBulgaria. This device is successfullyused in the rehabilitation of peoplewith partially or completely impairedmotor functions - patients withmultiple sclerosis, childhood cerebralpalsy, stroke, brain trauma or traumafrom a car accident, as well asParkinson's patients. The statisticsshow that in Bulgaria there are severaltens of thousands of people in need ofrehabilitation.


"Your Health is in Your Hands" wasan event held in Pleven on 13 and 14September 2017 at the initiative of theMedical University - Pleven, theAssociation of Medical Students -Pleven, "Dr. Georgi Stranski"University Hospital - Pleven and"Medical Engineering Engineering"Ltd. The campaign was aimed at two

groups of people - the medicalspecialists / students in Pleven and thepublic. Interested parties in Sofia,Varna, Ruse and Stara Zagora alsoconducted similar campaigns aimed atprevention of infections associatedwith medical services through steadyquality improvement of hygienic andsurgical disinfection, including handwashing. The idea of the initiative islinked to the World Day of HandHygiene, which takes place every yearon May 5 and is part of the WorldHealth Organization's global strategyto enhance hand hygiene in health carefacilities, medical universities andamong the general public.

The main objective of the event is toincrease the understanding of differentage groups in the society of personalhygiene, washing of hands and the use

of alcohol-containing disinfectants ineveryday life, with the initiators fromMU-Pleven and UMHAT "Dr. GeorgiStranski " -Pleven aiming to reduce thenumber of people suffering fromvarious infections.

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MEDICAStudent Activities


For yet another year, the Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria - Pleven joined the eventsorganized on World Heart Day. On 29.09.2017, the Association jointly - with the Society of Cardiologistsand with the assistance of the Student Council at the Medical University - Pleven, under the patronage ofthe Mayor of Pleven Municipality Georg Spartanski - organized three points for free measurement of theblood pressure of the citizens of the town of Pleven: the entrance of the Kailuka Nature Park (8:00-12:00 am), in front of PlevenMunicipality building (10:00-14:00) and at Central Mall - Pleven (10:00-14:00). The campaign is one of the most popular eventsamong the students, lecturers and employees of the Medical University - Pleven, as well as the most attended one by thecitizens of the town.

Together with the Society of Cardiologists, medical students began an investigation into how the heart is affected byphysical activity, the intake of certain foods and healthy lifestyle, as well as the importance of the various risk factors for thedevelopment of cardiovascular diseases.



Interview with the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the XV International Medical Scientific Conference for

Students and Young Doctors (MDSC) - Aygula Akisheva, Trainee Physician, Medical University – Pleven

Q: How did this year's Conference goand how, if at all, did it differ fromwhat has been done so far?A: The motto of this year's Conferenceis "Science: Uploading ..." And wereally did manage to build and 'upload'a week that was full of many eventswhere there were many innovationsand which, I hope, useful and fun for allthe participants.

Q: This year, you had two guestspeakers from abroad. Will you tell usmore about their lectures?

A: Undoubtedly, the most excitingevent at the conference was theceremony of awarding the honorarytitle Doctor Honoris Causa at MU-Plevento Prof. Dr. Kipros Nikolaidis, aspecialist in fetal medicine at King'sCollege, London, who delivered anextremely inspiring academic lecture.Prof. Dr. Maxim Pogrielov andAssociate Professor Andrey Lobodafrom the State University of Sumi,Ukraine also presented severalinteresting lectures in the field of nano-t e c h n o l o g y i n m e d i c i n e .We were also lucky to have the activeparticipation of Hasumi InternationalResearch Foundation in Bulgaria, andthis year Dr. Kenichiro Hasumi, DoctorHonoris Causa at MU-Pleven and Prof.Dean Man presented the impressiveresults of their latest discoveries in thefield of immunotherapy and the battleagainst oncology diseases.

Q: How many guests and participantsattended this year's Conference?A: The conference is an event thatannually gathers hundreds ofparticipants from different countriesthat have the opportunity tocommunicate with each other, shareexperiences and have fun together.More than 600 participants becamepart of this year's (anniversary)edition. This year, we had participantsfrom from Ukraine, Slovenia, Slovakia,the Czech Republic, even from Iran.Within 10 thematic selections,participants presented 138 scientificworks in various fields of medicine.For the first time there was a separatethematic selection, called "Pharmacy"for the students of the pharmaceuticalfaculties, which was extremelypopular.

Q: How hard is it to organize amedical conference?A: A lot of hard work, dedication,

perseverance, stubbornness, andespecially a lot of drive go into it. It isnecessary to focus on every detail inorder for the participants to besatisfied and to look forward to thenext conference.This year, the Organizing Committeehas a completely new lineup, as thepeople who organized the conferencesso far have already graduated. So we,the few remaining enthusiasts fromthe previous edi t ions of theconference, had the extremely largeand responsible task of training thenew colleagues who joined us. I thinkwe have managed to build a cohesive,well-working team that can organize atruly unforgettable event.Of course, we could not have done itwithout the support we received fromour coordinator - Dr . DianaPendicheva, MD.

Q: What are your plans for next year?A: The preparations for the newconference begin immediately afterthe end of the previous one. This year,even during the event, ideas were bornfor the next year on which we arealready working. What we can releaseas information for the next conferenceare the dates of the event: 8-13 October2018.

Interviewer: Emel Emin, adapted

бр. 5/2017Academia

MEDICAMedical College



After the successful second admission of students in thespecialty "Pharmacy", Medical University - Pleven receivedan additional 15 spots for future MA pharmacists. This wasdone on 15.09.2017 with a decision of the Council ofMinisters approving the number of students admitted fortraining during the academic year 2017/2018.

MU-Pleven announced the accepting of documents forthe new 15 places in the "Pharmacy" specialty under quota - 8girls and 7 boys.

After carefully considering the ranking of the candidates,the enrollment of the new 15 freshman students ended onSeptember 20th. With the newly-enrolled 15, the freshmen inthe Faculty of Pharmacy became a total 44 students.


A rare case encountered specialists from the Eye Clinic at the University Hospital inPleven. A patient sought medical attention after he sensed something was moving underthe eyelid on his right eye. After a few attempts, the professionals at the clinic managed totake out a 10-cm parasite from the patient's eye. The operation was much more difficultthan expected because the parasite was not under the conjunctiva, but under the skin andconstantly moving. It was on the third day that it was finally located near the nose andremoved. Professor Balabanov, Head of the Clinic, commented that there was animmediate danger that the moving parasite would penetrate the orbit of the eye and thenit would be impossible to remove it.


AT MEDICAL COLLEGE - PLEVEN ON 5 AND 6 OCTOBERTraditionally, during the first week of October, a NationalScientific Session for Students and Lecturers is organizedby the Medical College at the Medical University - Pleven.This year the forum took place on 5 and 6 October 2017, andthe official opening was on 05.10.2017 at 13:00 in AmbroisePare Hall of the Telecommunication Endoscopic Center.A total of 80 students and lecturers participated in the

Fifteenth National Scientific Session.In collaboration with students and lecturers, medicalexperts from the Vascular Surgery Clinic at MMA-Sofiaparticipated in the scientific session. During the two daysof the forum, a total of 34 reports were presented, dividedinto three sections: Medical Diagnostic Studies,Pharmaceutical Care and Social Activities.


On September 15, 2017, the first training course on Module 1 "Fundamentals of Imaging, MRI, Radiography andUltrasound" was launched under the project "Creation of a training center for post-doctoral students, post-graduate studentsand young scientists at the Faculty of Medicine, MU-Pleven ". The lecturer was Prof. Nachiko Totsev, Head of the Departmentof Radiology. It is included in Action 2 "Personalized Approach to Preoperative Preparation and Operative Treatment ofPatients by Minimally Invasive Surgery based on Imaging Reconstructions, 3D Visualization and Virtual Simulation", whichwill take place in the form of an interactive and integrated coursewithin a time frame of 6 months. The aim of the training is to helpover 30 young scientists from the surgical specialties acquirepractical skills and motivation for sustainable academicdevelopment by working in a real environment withappropriate scientific equipment. The expected result is PhDstudents, young doctors and graduates to develop analyticalskills for research, as well as to increase their readiness andadaptability for improved professional development.

The total number of activities defined in the Project forSupporting the Development of the target group of 84postgraduates and young scientists is six. The training activitieswill take the form of highly specialized courses, each of whichincludes several modules. The main 6 activities are: Activity 1:"Developing a curriculum and conducting courses on keyknowledge and competence required for a successful scientific

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career"; Activity 2: "Personalized approach to preoperativetraining and surgical treatment of patients throughminimally invasive surgery, based on imagingreconstructions, 3D visualization and virtual simulation";Action 3: "Implementing training for participation andpreparation of research projects, contemporary proposals,technology transfer and intellectual property management";Action 4: "Practical training as part of the ExperimentalScience Program"; Action 5: "Supporting the individualscientific and career development of the participants in thetarget group" and Action 6: "Active promotion ofpostgraduate students and young scientists to potentialemployers and partners in future joint projects".

Within the framework of the first Activity, leading

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scientists and lecturers will propose a program andmethodology for qualification, continuous training andcareer development of the project "Creation of a trainingcenter for post-doctoral students, postgraduate studentsand young scientists at the Faculty of Medicine" at MU-Pleven. The aim is for young people to be motivated andassisted in the development of their academic and scientificcareer by enhancing their qualification. The specificactivities that are set are: providing training for acquiringskills and competences in the sphere of academic writing;methodology of research and biostatistics; ethical aspects ofscientific research; main aspects of project activity; workingwith systematized scientific information - databases,scientific libraries, and more.





Free prophylactic and diagnostic examinations were organizedat the Department for In-hospital Surveillance of Patients withOncologic Diseases. They were held in an oncology clinic by anoncologist at the Clinic of Oncologic Surgery at the UniversityHospital on Mondays to Thursdays based on pre-madeappointments.


On October 6 and 7, the 21st edition of the InternationalContest for Pop Music "Northern Lights 2017" took place inRuse. The competition is part of the program of the AutumnDays of Culture and Arts, organized by Ruse Municipality. Themusic forum is held under the patronage of the mayor of thecity.

Svetlozar Hristov - a student in the specialty "AssistantPharmacist" at the Medical University - Pleven competed inthe age group 18 to 25. The young pop performer won a thirdprize. Currently, he studies at MU-Pleven and, despite himbeing very busy academically, continues to conquer thestages of international competitions.



Pleven, 5800; Bulgaria1 Kliment Ohridski Str.Contract no. 064/884-260

e-mail: [email protected]

Materials received are notto be returned. Authorsare held responsible for

the contents of theirarticles.Editor-in-chief: Prof. Slavcho Tomov, MD, PhD

Editor: Chief Assist. Prof. Magdalena Balashkova, MD

Translation and Proofreading: Tsvetelin Lisaev

Prepress: Engr. Silvia Emileva

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